Incident date
January 20, 2018
البيضاء, Al Bayda, YemenA US airstrike targeted AQAP in Bayda governorate on January 20th 2018, a US Central Command spokesperson later told the Long War Journal. A review by our Arabic-language researchers found no other local sources reporting a strike on that day, and there were no known reports of civilian harm.
Incident date
March 2, 2017
ذي كالب, Dhi Kalb, Al Bayda, YemenSome local language sources reported that the area of Dhi Kalb, in the al-Qaifa region of Bayda province, was targeted by multiple US air strikes overnight from March 2nd to March 3rd 2017. here were no reports of civilian harm. Social media sources suggested that US drones and combat aircraft conducted several strikes against “homes”
Incident date
March 30, 2017
الوضيع, Al Wade'a, Abyan, YemenSeveral sources reported that a US drone strike in Al Wade’a district, Abyan governorate, targeted the home of alleged AQAP leader Abu Ubaidah al-Damaji at around dawn on March 31st 2017. There were no known reports of civilian harm. Sources indicated that it was unclear whether al-Damaji or any others died in the strike on
Incident date
November 4, 2017
صرواح, Sirwah, Ma'rib, YemenSome local language sources, including @MasirahTV, suggested that a US drone strike took place in the Sirwah district of Marib governorate on the morning of November 4th. All sources posted on November 4th 2017 itself. There were no known associated reports of civilian or militant harm, and no further information was given. Given that all
Incident date
August 31, 2019
عرقوب, Arqoub, Abyan, YemenA few local language social-media sources suggested that US strikes, reportedly including a naval bombardment and at least one air strike, had targeted “terrorist groups”, possibly AQAP, in Arqoub in Abyan governorate, on August 31st 2019, killing “dozens”. Some suggested that the “terrorists” were amongst or affiliated with pro-government forces. There were no known associated
Incident date
April 8, 2017
الصومعة, Al Suma'a, Al Bayda, YemenOne usually-reliable Twitter source, @demolinari, indicated that a US drone strike had killed two “suspected” AQAP militants in Al-Sawma’ah district, Bayda governorate, on the afternoon of April 8th 2017. There were no known associated reports of civilian harm. Several sources – for example Yemen Live News – reported that two alleged militants were killed around
Incident date
August 4, 2012
عدن, Aden, YemenA single source, Press TV, reported that a US drone killed five “people” traveling in a vehicle in Aden on August 4, 2012. However, the same source referred to the strike as occurring in “eastern Yemen” while Aden is located in western Yemen. Another strike did occur in eastern Yemen on the same date (USYEM116-B),
Incident date
January 30, 2012
الخديرة, Awadh Abd Al Nabi school in the village Al Khadira, Abyan, YemenBetween three and 15 Al Qaeda members were killed and up to 15 others were injured in confirmed US airstrikes conducted by a mix of drones and manned aircrafts under the US Department of Defence’s control on Awadh Abd Al Nabi school in the village Al Khadira on January 31, 2012. There were no known
Incident date
May 16, 2012
جبل يسوف, Jabal (Mount) Yasuf, Abyan, YemenOn the afternoon of May 16th 2012 in Jabal (Mount) Yasuf in the Abyan province, Yemen, 16 militants, allegedly members of Al Qaeda, were killed and between five and 14 others were injured in two airstrikes allegedly orchestrated by the Yemeni air force and carried out by Yemeni fighter jets with possible assistance from the
Incident date
October 28, 2012
وادي آل أبو جبارة, Wadi Al Abu Jabarah, Sa'dah, YemenOn the 28th October 2012 at 10am in the Wadi al Abu Jabara area in Saada Governorate, northern Yemen, a suspected US drone conducted three airstrikes against two houses in the area, injuring two civilians, a woman and her son, and killing between three and four alleged Al Qaeda militants and injuring one, according to
Incident date
December 14, 2017
يكلا, Yakla, Al Bayda, YemenAt least two women, and possibly two children, all from the same family, were reportedly killed by a US drone strike on a house in Yakla, in the Wald Rabi area of Bayda governorate, on the evening of December 15th 2017. Mwatana later named the two women victims as “Hajera Ahmed Saleh Al Taisi, about
Incident date
June 14, 2012
عزان, Azzan, Shabwa, YemenThe Yemen Times reported a US drone strike hit Azzan in Shabwa province, described as AQAP’s “last stronghold” in the province, on June 14, 2012. The reporter Ali Saeed subsequently told the Bureau of Investigative Journalism via email that the strike came on Thursday evening. Casualty figures were unknown he added, because “the army has
Incident date
March 2, 2017
الصعيد, Al Said, Shabwa, YemenMultiple sources alleged that four al-Qaeda militants were killed in a US drone strike in al-Saeed, Shabwa province. Al Arabi for example reported that a car was targeted in Shabwa at dawn on March 2nd 2017, as it was travelling “towards the road linking the towns of Ahur and Shakra”. There were no known reports
Incident date
March 4, 2017
الرحبة, Al Rahba near Moujan village, Abyan, YemenMultiple sources reported that a US drone strike killed two alleged AQAP militants travelling on a motorbike in the outskirts of Ahwar, Abyan governorate, on the evening of March 4th 2017. While there were no known initial reports of civilian harm, the Yemeni human rights group Mwatana later said that two civilian honey traders were
Incident date
April 7, 2017
مديرية الصومعة, Al Sawma'ah District, Al Bayda, YemenA US drone strike reportedly killed two alleged AQAP militants in Al Sawma’ah district, Bayda governorate, on the evening of April 7th 2017. There were no known associated reports of civilian harm. Several sources – for example Yemen Live News – reported that the alleged militants were killed while travelling on a motorbike in the
Incident date
June 28, 2018
بئر شودقة, Bi'ir Shoudqa, Ma'rib, YemenA US drone strike targeted alleged AQAP militants in Bi’ir Shoudqa, Wadi Obeida area of Marib governorate, on June 28th 2018, a single source (@huodhoud) claimed. At around the same time, Yemeni sources began reporting that an alleged AQAP jurist, Abu Bihr Mohammed Darama, was killed by a US drone strike. It is unlikely Darama’s
Incident date
January 29, 2020
الحصن المشرف, Al Hosson Al Mashrif, Al Bayda, YemenA US drone strike reportedly killed AQAP leaders Qasim Al-Raymi and Abu Al-Baraa Al-Ibbi as they travelled in a car through Yakla, Bayda governorate, on January 29th 2020. This was one of three alleged January strikes in which Qasim al-Raymi was reportedly killed – with his death in one of those actions later confirmed by
Incident date
March 16, 2021
حي جو النسيم, Jao Al Naseem, Ma'rib, YemenLocal sources in Marib reported casualties among civilians as a result of a reported attack either by a US-drone on a car entering a popular market in Marib – or by a Houthi balluistic missile strike on the market – on March 16th, 2021. While @aalnaasi said the attack happened on Dahbeel station in Al-Naseem,
Incident date
February 29, 2024
محيط المخا, Vicinity of Al Mukha, Taiz, YemenAt least two fishermen, including a 16-year old child, were killed and two others were injured by alleged US airstrikes or Houthi drone strikes off the coast of Al Mukha on February 29, 2024. A tweet from @aalnaasi reported that US aircraft carried out two raids on a Yemeni fishing boat that was sailing near
Incident date
April 11, 2012
العين, Loder village, Al Ain, Lawdar district, Abyan, YemenOn the evening of Wednesday April 11th 2012, an airstrike allegedly by Yemeni forces or US drone strikes which hit a car with suspected Al Qaeda militants killed between two and fourteen militants and injuring between seven and 10 others, near the town of Lawder in the Abyan governorate, an area on a key highway
Incident date
January 21, 2017
مديرية الصومعة, Al Suma'a, Al Bayda, YemenOn January 25th 2017, a US spokesperson stated that a strike in al-Bayda governorate on January 21st had killed three “AQAP operatives”. This confirmed reports that a drone strike had targeted a vehicle in Suma’a district on that evening. There were no known reports of civilian casualties. A number of public sources had earlier reported
Incident date
March 22, 2018
Al Rawda, Ma'rib, YemenAt least five alleged AQAP militants were reportedly killed by a US drone strike that targeted a house in the Rawdah area, south of Marib city, early on March 22nd 2018. There were no known associated reports of civilian harm. Yemeni tribal leaders told Associated Press that seven had been killed in the strike. Several
Incident date
July 6, 2018
بيحان, Baihan, Shabwa, YemenUp to seven alleged AQAP militants were reportedly killed by a US drone strike in the Baihan district of Shabwa governorate, on July 6th 2018. There were no known associated reports of civilian harm. A security official told AFP that a US drone had targeted a car driving along a side road in the area,
Incident date
March 2, 2017
منطقة ال عتيق, Al Ateeq area, Shabwa, YemenSeveral sources reported that US airstrikes targeted AQAP militants in Wadi Yashbum, Shabwa province, at dawn on March 2nd 2017. Some local language Twitter sources reported that three areas of the Yashbum Valley had been targeted by US strikes simultaneously. There were some allegations of civilian harm from the wider US campaign in the area,
Incident date
March 28, 2017
القوز, Al Quoz, Abyan, YemenMultiple sources reported that a US drone strike took place in Al Quoz village, in the Mudiyah district of Abyan governorate, overnight from March 28th to March 29th, killing four alleged AQAP militants in a vehicle. There are no known associated reports of civilian harm. According to Reuters, local residents said that the strike took
Incident date
May 23, 2017
البديع, Al Buday, Al Bayda, YemenUS airstrikes reportedly targeted alleged AQAP militants in the Badi Al Awad district of Bayda governorate at around 3am on May 23rd 2017. There were no known associated reports of civilian harm. Several sources, including Yemeni security officials spoken with by the Associated Press, suggested that actions by US drones and helicopter gunships took place
Incident date
March 26, 2019
البيضاء, Al Bayda, YemenA US airstrike took place in Bayda governorate on March 26th 2019, a US Central Command spokesperson later told New America. In a separate press release, US Central Command stated that all March 2019 strikes targeted AQAP. There were no other known local reports of a strike on that day according to our Arabic-language researchers,
Incident date
July 30, 2017
كوكب, Kawkab, Abyan, YemenA US drone strike reportedly targeted at least one alleged AQAP militant, described as a leadership figure, near Kawkab village, in the Mudiyah district of Abyan governorate, on the evening of July 30th 2017. There were no known associated reports of civilian harm. According to @demolinari, the strike targeted the vehicle of a “local AQAP
Incident date
October 27, 2011
شقرة, Shaqra, Abyan, YemenThree militants, reportedly members of Al Qaeda, were killed and six more wounded in a suspected US airstrike or drone strike on Shaqra, east of Zinjibar, on October 27th, 2011, sources said. There are currently no known reports of civilian harm. The strike reportedly hit alleged militants in Shaqra, east of Zinjibar, the provincial capital
Incident date
April 30, 2012
زنجبار, Zinjibar, Abyan, YemenAn alleged US airstrike struck a vehicle killing at least three supposed Al Qaeda fighters around Zinjibar in Abyan Province on April 30, 2012. At the moment, there are no reports of civilian harm. The Associated Press was informed by a Yemeni military official that the airstrike was one of many that took place that