Incident date
June 10, 2011
زنجبار , Zinjibar, Abyan, YemenLocal sources reported that “at least one top insurgent was killed in the US military-led strikes by unmanned aircraft”, which began in Zinjibar, on June 10, 2021. There were no reports of civilian harm. While Reuters reported that airstrikes on Zinjibar stemmed from “state forces”, according to the editor of the Yemen Post, a strike
Incident date
April 18, 2012
لودر, Lawdar, Abyan, YemenOne civilian was killed, and two injured, in an alleged US or Yemeni strike on Loder, April 18th, that also purportedly killed six militants, sources said. A tweet from @fhgfdgdd and @BRQNews1 reported that the son of Tariq al-Fadli was among the dead militants, which was also reported by Yafanews. Reuters reported that “Loder residents
Incident date
June 20, 2012
المحفد, Mahfed, Abyan, YemenOn the 20th of June 2012, up to 30 militants were reported killed and six others injured in a series of Yemeni or US-waged airstrikes in Mahfed, Abyan, which was later reported by international and local media. AP reported that Yemeni military officials said that “at least six air raids targeted moving vehicles and Al
Incident date
November 11, 2017
خبران, Khabran, Al Bayda, YemenMultiple sources reported that a US drone strike in Qayfa, in Bayda governorate, killed one civilian and seriously injured another on the morning of November 11th 2017. Some other sources suggested that at least one alleged ISIS militant was killed in the strike. US Central Command later confirmed that a strike took place in Bayda
Incident date
February 12, 2018
البيضاء, Al Bayda, YemenA US strike took place in Bayda governorate against an unspecified target on February 12th 2018, a US Central Command spokesperson later told the Long War Journal. One source at the time of the attack, Yemen Monitor, claimed: “American drones launched more than once raids targeting sites of the Popular Resistance in Al Bayda Governorate,
Incident date
August 4, 2012
عدن, Aden, YemenA single source, Press TV, reported that a US drone killed five “people” traveling in a vehicle in Aden on August 4, 2012. However, the same source referred to the strike as occurring in “eastern Yemen” while Aden is located in western Yemen. Another strike did occur in eastern Yemen on the same date (USYEM116-B),
Incident date
January 21, 2019
جعار, Ja'ar, Al Bayda, YemenOne civilian, named as the elderly man Saleh Ahmed Mohammed al-Qaisi, was killed by a US drone strike in the vicinity of Ja’ar, in the Al Qayseen subdistrict, Sama’a district of Bayda governorate, at 10am on January 21st 2019. In April 2021, CENTCOM confirmed to the Yemen human rights group Mwatana that it had killed
Incident date
January 29, 2017
الغيل, al Ghayil, Yakla, Al Bayda, YemenAt least 15 civilians, including at least 10 children and four women, were reportedly killed in a US Navy special forces operation in al-Ghayil village, Yakla region of Bayda province – though the reported civilian toll varied considerably. The US military has to date conceded 12 deaths. A force of US Navy SEALs engaged in