Civilian Casualties

Civilian Casualties

Incident Code


Incident date

May 17, 2021


اسدود, Ashdod, Southern, Israel


31.782817, 34.644450 Note: The accuracy of this location is to Exact location (via Airwars) level. Continue to map

Airwars assessment

A heavy barrage of rockets launched by Al Qassam towards the city of Ashdod injured at least three civilians, directly hitting and significantly damaging a four story residential building, according to several sources. Al Qassam claimed responsibility for the attack.

Whilst most residents of the building were located in the protected stairwell and were therefore unharmed, according to multiple reports three civilians sustained minor injuries from shattered glass and five civilians were treated for symptoms of stress relating to the attack. One source claimed that two of those treated were children however it was unclear from this report whether they were physically injured. No other sources reported that children were physically injured.

A tweet from @Arabi21News put the number of injuries in Ashdod at 12 while @skynewsarabia reported that eight people were injured. However, it is unclear if the five “stress symptoms” were included in these numbers or if these were physically injuries.

Whilst one source claimed there were suspicions of a civilian trapped under rubble, another source stated that this suspicion was later disproved.

Whilst one source put the time of incident at 1.43pm, another source reported the time of the incident to be 1.31pm which was later confirmed by an Al-Qassam Brigades statement claiming responsibility for the attack.

The incident occured at 13:31:00 local time.

Geolocation notes (4) [ collapse]

Reports of the incident mention a residential building being struck in Ashdod (אשדוד). Analyzing audio-visual material from sources, we have narrowed down the location of the strike to these exact coordinates: 31.782817, 34.644450.

  • Reports of the incident mention a residential building being struck in Ashdod (אשדוד).

    Google Earth

  • Tagged visual evidence from panoramic stitch of source imagery.


  • Distribution of tags in available Google Street View imagery.

    Google Maps

  • Distribution of tags in available Google Street View imagery.

    Google Maps


  • Strike status
    Declared strike
  • Strike type
  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
  • Civilians reported injured
  • Cause of injury / death
    Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
  • Known belligerent
    Palestinian Militants

Sources (30) [ collapse]

from sources (28) [ collapse]

  • Damage to a four story building hit by Palestinian rockets, fired into Ashdod on May 17 2021 (image via @AqsaTVChannel)
  • A Firefighter examines damage to a residential building hit by a Palestinian rocket fired in Ashdod on May 17 2021 (image via @qudsn)
  • A Firefighter examines damage to a residential building hit by a Palestinian rocket fired in Ashdod on May 17 2021 (image via @qudsn)
  • A soldier from Home Front Command looks at the direct internal damage to a building hit by a Palestinian rocket fired into Ashdod on the 17 May 2021 (image via @SyriawatanNews)
  • Damage to a building hit by a Palestinian rocket fired into Ashdod on the 17 May 2021 (image via @SyriawatanNews)
  • A soldier from Home Front Command looks at the damage to a building hit by a Palestinian rocket fired into Ashdod on the 17 May 2021 (image via @SyriawatanNews)
  • A soldier from Home Front Command stands in front of a building hit by a Palestinian rocket fired into Ashdod on the 17 May 2021 (image via @SyriawatanNews)
  • Damage to a building hit by a Palestinian rocket fired into Ashdod on the 17 May 2021 (image via @qudsn)
  • External damage to a building hit by a Palestinian rocket fired into Ashdod on the 17 May 2021 (image via @qudsn)
  • 'Pictures of the effects of the missile strikes from #غزة on the city #أسدود'
  • 'Witness: 8 settlers were injured in a missile attack that targeted a building in the city of #أسدود occupied.'
  • External damage to a building hit by a Palestinian rocket fired into Ashdod on the 17 May 2021 (image via @shehab)
  • A woman carries a laptop outside a building damaged by a Palestinian rocket fired into Ashdod on the 17 May 2021 (image via @shehab)
  • Damage to a building hit by a Palestinian rocket fired into Ashdod on the 17 May 2021 (image via @shehab)
  • A woman walks through a building damaged by a Palestinian rocket fired into Ashdod on the 17 May 2021 (image via @shehab)
  • MDA medics overlook a building hit by a Palestinian rocket fired into Ashdod on 17 May 2021 (image via @mdais)
  • An MDA medic makes a phone call in front of a building hit by a Palestinian rocket fired into Ashdod on 17 May 2021 (image via @mdais)
  • Two men stand in front of the point where a Palestinian rocket hit a building in Ashkelon on May 17 2021 (image via @OrenZiv1985)
  • Internal damage to a building hit by a Palestinian rocket in Ashkelon on May 17 2021 (image via OrenZiv1985)
  • Damage to homes caused by rocket strikes on Ashdod on May 17, 2021. (Image posted by Ashdodnet)
  • Damage to homes caused by rocket strikes on Ashdod on May 17, 2021. (Image posted by Ashdodnet)

Palestinian Militants Assessment:

  • Known belligerent
    Palestinian Militants
  • Palestinian Militants position on incident
    Not yet assessed

Original strike reports

Palestinian Militants

12 Zionists were wounded and a large number of buildings were damaged in the Qassam bombing that targeted Ashdod and Netivot, followed by the firing of rockets at Kiryat Malachi, the wiretapping base 8200 (Urim), Netivot, and the Hatzrim and Tselem military bases.
This afternoon, the battalions targeted a warship off the coast of Gaza with a missile launch, the Hatzrim air base with a missile launch, Kibbutz "Erez" and the "Mars" military site with a number of mortar shells.
In the early hours of Monday, Ashkelon, "Ofkim", occupied Beersheba and Netivot fired rockets in response to the continued aggression against civilians.
In the last hours of Sunday, Al-Qassam bombed the usurped "Netivot" and the occupation army mobilized near "Zikim" and usurped "Kfar Izza", "Nir Oz", the "Karm Abu Salem" site, the "Sofa" and "Nahal Oz" site, with a number of Mortar shells confirmed casualties in the ranks of the enemy, preceded by the bombing of the usurped "Sderot" with a missile launch.
The continuous Qassam bombing resulted in the Zionist entity inflicting heavy human and economic losses, and led to the killing - so far - of 10 Zionists - including a Zionist officer - while more than 650 others were wounded, in addition to the damage of more than 100 buildings, the destruction of dozens of vehicles and the infliction of significant material damage. Ben Gurion International Airport.

The Qassam response continues (the eighth day) of the Battle of Seif al-Quds..

- 22:17 Al-Qassam Brigades bombarded a crowd of enemy forces near "Nir Am" with a missile launch.

- 21:40 Al-Qassam Brigades bombard the usurped "Sderot" with a missile launch.

- 21:11 Al-Qassam Brigades bombed the usurped "Netivot" with a missile launch.

- 20:34 Al-Qassam Brigades bombarded a crowd of enemy soldiers near "Nir Aam" with mortar shells.

- 19:51 Al-Qassam Brigades bombed the usurped "Nahal Oz" with a missile launch.

- 17:52 Al-Qassam Brigades bombarded the "Ra'im" and "Hatzor" bases with rocket barrages.

17:02 Al-Qassam Brigades bombed Tel Nof air base with a missile launch.

- 16:15 Al-Qassam Brigades bombarded "Yiftach" site with heavy-caliber mortar shells.

- 16:10 Al-Qassam Brigades bombard the usurped "Kfar Azza" with mortar shells.

- 15:00 Al - Qassam Brigades bomb "Kiryat Malachi" Touloul missile.

- 14:35 Al-Qassam Brigades bombed the listening base 8200 (Urim), and renewed shelling of "Netivot" with rockets.

- 14:09 Al-Qassam Brigades bombed the "Sofa" support site with mortar shells.

- 14:06 Al-Qassam Brigades bombard "Netivot" and the "Hatzarim" and "Tselem" military bases with rocket salvoes.

- 13:31 Al-Qassam Brigades launched a missile strike with dozens of missiles at Ashdod, Ashkelon and Beersheba in response to the enemy's hollow rebellion against our people in the Gaza Strip.

- 13:18 Al-Qassam Brigades target a Zionist barge in the open sea off the shores of Gaza with a missile launch

- 13:15 Al-Qassam Brigades begins a massive missile response in response to the enemy's hollow orgy against our people in the Gaza Strip last night and the continuous aggression against our people

- 12:52 Al-Qassam Brigades bombarded the "Mars" military site with mortar shells

- 13:05 Qassam Brigades bomb "Ansrim" air base Touloul missile

- 12:46 Al-Qassam Brigades bombard Kibbutz "Erez" with mortar shells

- 11:35 Al-Qassam Brigades bombed the "Kissufim" site with a missile launch and a big fire broke out in the place

- 11:05 Al-Qassam Brigades bombard occupied Ashkelon with a missile launch in response to the continuous aggression against civilians

- 01:15 Al-Qassam Brigades bombard occupied Ashkelon with a missile launch in response to the continuous aggression against civilians.

- 00:45 Al-Qassam Brigades bombard the usurped "Netivot" with a missile launch.

- 00:30 Al-Qassam Brigades bombard the usurper of the Zionist "Ofakim" with a missile launch.

- 00:00 Al-Qassam Brigades bombard occupied Beersheba with a missile launch in response to the continuous aggression against civilians.


  • Strike status
    Declared strike
  • Strike type
  • Civilian harm reported
  • Civilians reported killed
  • Civilians reported injured
  • Cause of injury / death
    Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
  • Airwars civilian harm grading
    Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
  • Known belligerent
    Palestinian Militants

Sources (30) [ collapse]