US-led Coalition air strikes on ISIS in Iraq & Syria, 2014–2018
August 08, 2014
December 16, 2018
US-led Coalition air strikes on ISIS in Iraq & Syria, 2014–2018
Between August 8th 2014 and December 16th 2018, the US-led Coalition declared the dates and nearest large population centres for 30,801 air and artillery strikes in Iraq and Syria against so-called Islamic State.
Airwars has tracked and mapped every known strike. Despite hundreds more later actions, the Coalition stopped publicly reporting where or when it was bombing.
August 08, 2014
Strikes in Syria
Strikes in Iraq
3 in Erbil
Total Strikes Syria
Total Strikes Iraq
US-led Coalition air strikes on ISIS in Iraq & Syria, 2014–2018
Between August 8th 2014 and December 16th 2018, the US-led Coalition declared the dates and nearest large population centres for 30,801 air and artillery strikes in Iraq and Syria against so-called Islamic State.
Airwars has tracked and mapped every known strike. Despite hundreds more later actions, the Coalition stopped publicly reporting where or when it was bombing.