Military Reports

Military Reports

Belgian MoD for July 2, 2015 – July 3, 2015

Report Date

July 3, 2015


Announces official end to its Operation Desert Falcon, as F-16’s return home

Op 2 juli zijn zes Belgische F-16’s veilig en wel op de vliegbasis van Florennes geland. Sinds oktober 2014 voerden zij missies uit tegen de terreurgroep Islamitische Staat (IS) in Irak van op een vliegbasis in Jordanië.Operation Desert Falcon zit er op.
De vlucht naar huis duurde zes uur. “Het voelt goed om weer thuis te zijn”, vertelt één van de piloten, die gezien de omstandigheden liever anoniem wil blijven. “De sfeer zat goed en iedereen is veilig en wel terug.”
Naast verkenningsopdrachten, voerden de F-16’s kinetische operaties uit boven Iraaks grondgebied. Over de opdrachten zelf wordt er met enige voorzichtigheid gesproken. “De dagdagelijkse opdrachten voerden we voornamelijk onder Belgen uit, maar af en toe hadden we ook de gelegenheid om met de andere coalitiepartners te werken”, vertelt de piloot. “De vluchten duurden ongeveer vijf uur en dit zowel overdag als ’s nachts. Die wissel voel je wel, maar er was voldoende rust om de baterijen op te laden.” De piloten werden goed op de hoogte gehouden van alle activiteiten van IS en de grijpende beelden op de sociale media ontbraken er niet aan. “Als je dat ziet dan weet je waarom je daar bent”, benadrukt een andere piloot.
Op 24 september besliste de ministerraad om zes F-16’s en een groep van 120 militairen in steun naar Jordanië te sturen.

Report Date

July 3, 2015


Announces official end to its Operation Desert Falcon, as F-16’s return home

Op 2 juli zijn zes Belgische F-16’s veilig en wel op de vliegbasis van Florennes geland. Sinds oktober 2014 voerden zij missies uit tegen de terreurgroep Islamitische Staat (IS) in Irak van op een vliegbasis in Jordanië.Operation Desert Falcon zit er op.

De vlucht naar huis duurde zes uur. “Het voelt goed om weer thuis te zijn”, vertelt één van de piloten, die gezien de omstandigheden liever anoniem wil blijven. “De sfeer zat goed en iedereen is veilig en wel terug.”

Naast verkenningsopdrachten, voerden de F-16’s kinetische operaties uit boven Iraaks grondgebied. Over de opdrachten zelf wordt er met enige voorzichtigheid gesproken. “De dagdagelijkse opdrachten voerden we voornamelijk onder Belgen uit, maar af en toe hadden we ook de gelegenheid om met de andere coalitiepartners te werken”, vertelt de piloot. “De vluchten duurden ongeveer vijf uur en dit zowel overdag als ’s nachts. Die wissel voel je wel, maar er was voldoende rust om de baterijen op te laden.” De piloten werden goed op de hoogte gehouden van alle activiteiten van IS en de grijpende beelden op de sociale media ontbraken er niet aan. “Als je dat ziet dan weet je waarom je daar bent”, benadrukt een andere piloot.

Op 24 september besliste de ministerraad om zes F-16’s en een groep van 120 militairen in steun naar Jordanië te sturen.’

Belgian F-16s which participated in Operation Desert Falcon, Oct 5 2014 to July 2 2015 (Belgian MoD)

  • Belgian F-16s which participated in Operation Desert Falcon, Oct 5 2014 to July 2 2015 (Belgian MoD)

Incident date

July 1, 2015

Incident Code



الحويجة, Safra, Kirkuk, Iraq

An alleged strike by Coalition aircraft reportedly killed 18 civilians and injured a further 10, according to a single source. Al Gharbiya claimed that a number of villages south west of Hawija were hit. “About 30 civilians were killed and wounded on Wednesday in a bombardment by an international warplane in several areas of the


First published
July 1, 2015
Last updated
December 15, 2024
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
Suspected target
View Incident

Incident date

July 1, 2015

Incident Code



تل الرمان, Mosul, Tel Ruman, Nineveh, Iraq

There were claims that up to 22 civilians were killed and 16 injured in Coalition airstrikes to the west of Mosul. Women and children were reported to be among the casualties. In a January 2016 report, the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq noted: “According to a source, on 1 July, 17 civilians, including four


First published
July 1, 2015
Last updated
December 15, 2024
Strike status
Contested strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
17 – 22
(4 children6 women)
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
US-led Coalition, Unknown
Suspected target
View Incident

CJTF–OIR for June 30, 2015 – July 1, 2015

Report Date

July 1, 2015

July 1st 2015: Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 30. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted five airstrikes using attack, bomber and fighter aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 12 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.
“The coalition continues to use air power responsibly,” said Brig. Gen. Thomas Weidley, CJTF-OIR chief of staff. “Highly precise deliveries, detailed weaponeering, in-depth target development, collateral damage mitigation and maximized effects on Daesh, are characteristics of coalition airstrike operation in Iraq and Syria.”
The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:
• Near Al Hasakah, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL vehicle.
• Near Kobani, three airstrikes struck three ISIL tactical units, destroying an ISIL fighting position.
• Near Tal Abyad, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit.
• Near Baghdadi, one airstrike struck land features denying ISIL a tactical advantage.
• Near Al Huwayjah, one airstrike destroyed seven ISIL vehicles.
• Near Al Qaim, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit.
• Near Habbaniyah, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying two ISIL mortar systems and an ISIL weapons cache.
• Near Kirkuk, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL vehicle.
• Near Mosul, two airstrikes struck an ISIL staging area, an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL building.
• Near Rawah, one airstrike had inconclusive results.
• Near Sinjar three airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL sniper position, destroying an ISIL fighting position, an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL building.
• Near Waleed, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL excavator.

Report Date

July 1, 2015

Report Summary

  • 17 total strikes
  • 5 in Syria
  • 12 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 17 total strikes
  • 12 in Iraq (3029 – 3040)
  • 5 in Syria (1882 – 1886)

Confirmed Actions


July 1st 2015: Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 30. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted five airstrikes using attack, bomber and fighter aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 12 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

July 1, 2015
Syria: 5 strikes
Iraq: 12 strikes

“The coalition continues to use air power responsibly,” said Brig. Gen. Thomas Weidley, CJTF-OIR chief of staff. “Highly precise deliveries, detailed weaponeering, in-depth target development, collateral damage mitigation and maximized effects on Daesh, are characteristics of coalition airstrike operation in Iraq and Syria.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


Near Al Hasakah, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL vehicle.
Near Kobani, three airstrikes struck three ISIL tactical units, destroying an ISIL fighting position.
Near Tal Abyad, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit.


Near Baghdadi, one airstrike struck land features denying ISIL a tactical advantage.
Near Al Huwayjah, one airstrike destroyed seven ISIL vehicles.
Near Al Qaim, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit.
Near Habbaniyah, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying two ISIL mortar systems and an ISIL weapons cache.
Near Kirkuk, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL vehicle.
Near Mosul, two airstrikes struck an ISIL staging area, an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL building.
Near Rawah, one airstrike had inconclusive results.
Near Sinjar three airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL sniper position, destroying an ISIL fighting position, an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL building.
Near Waleed, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL excavator.
  • French ground troops guard aircraft at a Jordanian base (Ministère de la Défense)

Netherlands MoD for June 29, 2015 – June 30, 2015

Report Date

June 30, 2015


Report “about” 15 missions in Iraq and “multiple targets”

Nederlandse F-16’s vlogen ongeveer 15 missies boven Irak. Hierbij zijn meerdere doelen van de terreurorganisatie ISIS gebombardeerd. Een overzicht van Defensie-operaties van 22 tot 29 juni.

Report Date

June 30, 2015


Report “about” 15 missions in Iraq and “multiple targets”

Nederlandse F-16’s vlogen ongeveer 15 missies boven Irak. Hierbij zijn meerdere doelen van de terreurorganisatie ISIS gebombardeerd. Een overzicht van Defensie-operaties van 22 tot 29 juni.

CJTF–OIR for June 29, 2015 – June 30, 2015

Report Date

June 30, 2015

June 30 2015: Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 29. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted nine airstrikes using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted nine airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

“Anti-Daesh fighters in northern Syria have proven to be a dependable and effective force,” said Col. Wayne Marotto, CJTF-OIR chief of public affairs. “The coalition will continue to support them in a myriad of ways, including airstrikes.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


• Near Al Hasakah, seven airstrikes struck five ISIL tactical units, destroying four ISIL vehicles, an ISIL armored personnel carrier and an ISIL tank.

• Near Ar Raqqah, one airstrike struck an ISIL excavator.

• Near Dayr Az Zawr, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL vehicle.


• Near Baghdadi, three airstrikes struck land features denying ISIL a tactical advantage, destroying two ISIL excavators.

• Near Fallujah, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL tunnel system.

• Near Haditha, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying two ISIL vehicles.

• Near Mosul, two airstrikes struck an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL mortar firing position, destroying an ISIL building.

• Near Waleed, one airstrike destroyed three ISIL armored personnel carriers.

Report Date

June 30, 2015

Report Summary

  • 18 total strikes
  • 9 in Syria
  • 9 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 18 total strikes
  • 9 in Iraq (3020 – 3028)
  • 9 in Syria (1873 – 1881)

Confirmed Actions


June 30 2015: Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 29. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted nine airstrikes using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted nine airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

“Anti-Daesh fighters in northern Syria have proven to be a dependable and effective force,” said Col. Wayne Marotto, CJTF-OIR chief of public affairs. “The coalition will continue to support them in a myriad of ways, including airstrikes.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


June 30, 2015
Syria: 9 strikes
Iraq: 9 strikes
Near Al Hasakah, seven airstrikes struck five ISIL tactical units, destroying four ISIL vehicles, an ISIL armored personnel carrier and an ISIL tank.
Near Ar Raqqah, one airstrike struck an ISIL excavator.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL vehicle.


Near Baghdadi, three airstrikes struck land features denying ISIL a tactical advantage, destroying two ISIL excavators.
Near Fallujah, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL tunnel system.
Near Haditha, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying two ISIL vehicles.
Near Mosul, two airstrikes struck an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL mortar firing position, destroying an ISIL building.
Near Waleed, one airstrike destroyed three ISIL armored personnel carriers.

UK MoD for June 29, 2015 – June 30, 2015

Report Date

June 30, 2015

On Monday [June 29th], a Reaper tracked another engineering vehicle in western Iraq, which was being used to open up a supply route for the terrorists. Although the ISIL operators attempted to hide their vehicle, the Reaper’s crew were able to manoeuvre their aircraft into a good position for an accurate attack which destroyed the bulldozer.

Report Date

June 30, 2015

On Monday [June 29th], a Reaper tracked another engineering vehicle in western Iraq, which was being used to open up a supply route for the terrorists. Although the ISIL operators attempted to hide their vehicle, the Reaper’s crew were able to manoeuvre their aircraft into a good position for an accurate attack which destroyed the bulldozer.

Danish MoD for June 29, 2015 – June 30, 2015

Report Date

June 30, 2015


Reports 10 new missions and 17 bombs dropped in Salah al Din, Nineveh, and Anbar provinces

Mission Update – RDAF F-16 Operation Inherent Resolve

De danske F-16-fly, der er udsendt som bidrag til Operation Inherent Resolve, har siden seneste opdatering 23. juni fløjet 10 missioner og anvendt 17 bomber.

Af Værnsfælles ForsvarskommandoMissionerne, som de danske fly har deltaget i, har været offensive, og de danske fly har i den forløbne periode primært deltaget i missioner i Salah al Din, Ninawa og Al Anbar. Målene for bomberne har været fjendtlige våbenstillinger og materiel.

De danske fly har fløjet Close Air Support-missioner (CAS), hvor flyene er indsat direkte som luftstøtte til styrker på landjorden. Her vil flyene patruljere over et bestemt område, hvorefter de vil kunne blive indsat af koalitionen, når der er behov for støtte. Luftstøtten vil variere afhængig af, hvad der er behov for. Det kan både dreje sig om overvågningsopgaver og bombninger af mål.

Report Date

June 30, 2015


Reports 10 new missions and 17 bombs dropped in Salah al Din, Nineveh, and Anbar provinces

Mission Update – RDAF F-16 Operation Inherent Resolve

De danske F-16-fly, der er udsendt som bidrag til Operation Inherent Resolve, har siden seneste opdatering 23. juni fløjet 10 missioner og anvendt 17 bomber.

Af Værnsfælles ForsvarskommandoMissionerne, som de danske fly har deltaget i, har været offensive, og de danske fly har i den forløbne periode primært deltaget i missioner i Salah al Din, Ninawa og Al Anbar. Målene for bomberne har været fjendtlige våbenstillinger og materiel.

De danske fly har fløjet Close Air Support-missioner (CAS), hvor flyene er indsat direkte som luftstøtte til styrker på landjorden. Her vil flyene patruljere over et bestemt område, hvorefter de vil kunne blive indsat af koalitionen, når der er behov for støtte. Luftstøtten vil variere afhængig af, hvad der er behov for. Det kan både dreje sig om overvågningsopgaver og bombninger af mål.

Incident date

June 29, 2015

Incident Code



حديثة, Haditha, Al Anbar, Iraq

In a previously unknown case, CENTCOM reported on January 15th 2015 that US aircraft injured or possbily killed two or more civilians after an attack on an ISIL tactical unit and vehicles: According to the statement: “On June 29, 2015, near Haditha, Iraq, during strikes against one ISIL tactical unit and two ISIL vehicles, it


First published
June 29, 2015
Last updated
December 15, 2024
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
0 – 2
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
A specific belligerent has accepted responsibility for civilian harm.
Known belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

CJTF–OIR for June 28, 2015 – June 29, 2015

Report Date

June 29, 2015

June 29 2015: Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 28. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted six airstrikes using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 17 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, bomber and fighter aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

“Coalition airstrikes increase Daesh viscosity, as its capabilities are removed and its freedom of movement is impacted,” said Brig. Gen. Thomas Weidley, CJTF-OIR chief of staff.

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


• Near Ar Raqqah, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL crane.

• Near Al Hasakah, one airstrike had inconclusive results.

• Near Kobani, four airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units, destroying eight ISIL boats, three ISIL vehicles, two ISIL bunkers, an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL mortar system.


• Near Bayji, two airstrikes [1 UK] struck an ISIL tactical unit and land features denying ISIL a tactical advantage, destroying an ISIL vehicle.

• Near Habbaniyah, two airstrikes struck an ISIL logistics compound and an ISIL staging area.

• Near Haditha, one airstrike struck an ISIL large tactical unit.

• Near Makhmur, two airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units, destroying an ISIL building and an ISIL heavy machine gun.

• Near Mosul, two airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units, destroying an ISIL building and an ISIL vehicle.

• Near Sinjar, three airstrikes struck three ISIL tactical units and three ISIL heavy machine guns, destroying four ISIL buildings.

• Near Tal Afar, five airstrikes struck four ISIL tactical units, three ISIL bunkers and land features denying ISIL a tactical advantage, destroying two ISIL mortar firing positions, an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL vehicle.

Report Date

June 29, 2015

Report Summary

  • 23 total strikes
  • 6 in Syria
  • 17 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 23 total strikes
  • 17 in Iraq (3003 – 3017)
  • 6 in Syria (1867 – 1872)

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, Canada

June 29 2015: Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 28. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted six airstrikes using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 17 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, bomber and fighter aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

“Coalition airstrikes increase Daesh viscosity, as its capabilities are removed and its freedom of movement is impacted,” said Brig. Gen. Thomas Weidley, CJTF-OIR chief of staff.

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


June 29, 2015
Syria: 6 strikes
Iraq: 17 strikes
Near Ar Raqqah, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL crane.
Near Al Hasakah, one airstrike had inconclusive results.
Near Kobani, four airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units, destroying eight ISIL boats, three ISIL vehicles, two ISIL bunkers, an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL mortar system.


Near Bayji, two airstrikes [1 UK] struck an ISIL tactical unit and land features denying ISIL a tactical advantage, destroying an ISIL vehicle.
Near Habbaniyah, two airstrikes struck an ISIL logistics compound and an ISIL staging area.
Near Haditha, one airstrike struck an ISIL large tactical unit.
Near Makhmur, two airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units, destroying an ISIL building and an ISIL heavy machine gun.
Near Mosul, two airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units, destroying an ISIL building and an ISIL vehicle.
Near Sinjar, three airstrikes struck three ISIL tactical units and three ISIL heavy machine guns, destroying four ISIL buildings.
Near Tal Afar, five airstrikes struck four ISIL tactical units, three ISIL bunkers and land features denying ISIL a tactical advantage, destroying two ISIL mortar firing positions, an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL vehicle.

UK MoD for June 28, 2015 – June 29, 2015

Report Date

June 29, 2015

Iraqi soldiers fighting ISIL in the area of Bayji also received air support from the RAF, and on Sunday 28 June, Tornado GR4s, working closely with another coalition surveillance aircraft, were able to track a group of terrorists in a vehicle, and hit them with a Paveway IV bomb.

Report Date

June 29, 2015

Iraqi soldiers fighting ISIL in the area of Bayji also received air support from the RAF, and on Sunday 28 June, Tornado GR4s, working closely with another coalition surveillance aircraft, were able to track a group of terrorists in a vehicle, and hit them with a Paveway IV bomb.

Canadian MoD for June 28, 2015 – June 29, 2015

Report Date

June 29, 2015

On 28 June 2015, while taking part in coalition operations in support of Iraqi security forces, two CF-18 Hornets successfully struck an ISIS staging area and an ISIS compound west of Fallujah using precision guided munitions.

Report Date

June 29, 2015

On 28 June 2015, while taking part in coalition operations in support of Iraqi security forces, two CF-18 Hornets successfully struck an ISIS staging area and an ISIS compound west of Fallujah using precision guided munitions.

Incident date

June 28, 2015

Incident Code



يت, Hit, al Bakir, Al Anbar, Iraq

A reported coalition airstrike on a Daesh/ ISIL checkpoint also allegedly killed seven non-combatants, according to a single source. According to al Sharqiyah the civilians were caught up in the attack after being held at the checkpoint for an inspection.  


First published
June 28, 2015
Last updated
December 15, 2024
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

CJTF–OIR for June 27, 2015 – June 28, 2015

Report Date

June 28, 2015

June 28 2015: Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 27. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 17 airstrikes using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 10 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

“Coalition airstrikes routinely deprive Daesh of key combat capabilities, which creates opportunities for our partners on the ground,” said Col. Wayne Marotto, CJTF-OIR chief of public affairs. “These opportunities allow our partners in Iraq and Syria to be successful against these terrorists.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


• Near Aleppo, five airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units and an ISIL staging area, destroying five ISIL excavators, two ISIL fighting positions, an artillery piece and a mortar system.

• Near Kobani, nine airstrikes struck three large and five small ISIL tactical units, destroying 10 ISIL vehicles, four ISIL fighting positions and an ISIL armored vehicle.

• Near Tal Abyad, three airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying two ISIL tanks and an ISIL fighting position.


• Near Bayji, two airstrikes struck land features denying ISIL a tactical advantage, destroying an ISIL anti-aircraft artillery piece and an ISIL vehicle.

• Near Fallujah, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

• Near Habbaniyah, two airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units, destroying an ISIL mortar system and an ISIL vehicle.

• Near Makhmur, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL building and an ISIL heavy machine gun.

• Near Mosul, one airstrike struck an ISIL fighting position.

• Near Sinjar, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying two ISIL buildings, an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL rocket propelled grenade.

• Near Tal Afar, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL heavy machine gun position, destroying two ISIL buildings, an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL weapons cache.

Report Date

June 28, 2015

Report Summary

  • 27 total strikes
  • 17 in Syria
  • 10 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 27 total strikes
  • 10 in Iraq (2993 – 3002)
  • 17 in Syria (1850 – 1866)

Confirmed Actions


June 28 2015: Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 27. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 17 airstrikes using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 10 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

“Coalition airstrikes routinely deprive Daesh of key combat capabilities, which creates opportunities for our partners on the ground,” said Col. Wayne Marotto, CJTF-OIR chief of public affairs. “These opportunities allow our partners in Iraq and Syria to be successful against these terrorists.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


June 28, 2015
Syria: 17 strikes
Iraq: 10 strikes
Near Aleppo, five airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units and an ISIL staging area, destroying five ISIL excavators, two ISIL fighting positions, an artillery piece and a mortar system.
Near Kobani, nine airstrikes struck three large and five small ISIL tactical units, destroying 10 ISIL vehicles, four ISIL fighting positions and an ISIL armored vehicle.
Near Tal Abyad, three airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying two ISIL tanks and an ISIL fighting position.


Near Bayji, two airstrikes struck land features denying ISIL a tactical advantage, destroying an ISIL anti-aircraft artillery piece and an ISIL vehicle.
Near Fallujah, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL vehicle.
Near Habbaniyah, two airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units, destroying an ISIL mortar system and an ISIL vehicle.
Near Makhmur, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL building and an ISIL heavy machine gun.
Near Mosul, one airstrike struck an ISIL fighting position.
Near Sinjar, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying two ISIL buildings, an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL rocket propelled grenade.
Near Tal Afar, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL heavy machine gun position, destroying two ISIL buildings, an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL weapons cache.

CJTF–OIR for June 26, 2015 – June 27, 2015

Report Date

June 27, 2015

June 27 2015: Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 26. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 14 airstrikes using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted seven airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

“Coalition airstrikes maintain pressure on Daesh across northern Syria, including their stronghold in Ar Raqqah, Syria,” said Brig. Gen. Thomas Weidley, CJTF-OIR chief of staff. “Daesh’s retreat at Tal Abyad, combined with defeats across northern Syria by anti-ISIL forces, provides an assessment about Daesh credibility as an effective conventional fighting force.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


• Near Al Hasakah, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying two ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL tank and an ISIL weapons cache.

• Near Aleppo, one airstrike struck an ISIL assembly area.

• Near Ar Raqqah, five airstrikes struck three ISIL tactical units, destroying five ISIL excavators, an ISIL vehicle and an ISIL remotely piloted aircraft.

• Near Kobani, four airstrikes struck three ISIL tactical units, destroying two ISIL boats, an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL vehicle.

• Near Tal Abyad, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL vehicle.


• Near Baghdadi, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL excavator.

• Near Al Huwayjah, two airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units, destroying two ISIL buildings, an ISIL cache, an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL vehicle.

• Near Bayji, one airstrike struck an ISIL vehicle.

• Near Habbaniyah, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL mortar tube.

• Near Tal Afar, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL heavy machine gun firing position, destroying an ISIL building.

Report Date

June 27, 2015

Report Summary

  • 21 total strikes
  • 14 in Syria
  • 7 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 21 total strikes
  • 7 in Iraq (2986 – 2992)
  • 14 in Syria (1836 – 1849)

Confirmed Actions


June 27 2015: Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 26. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 14 airstrikes using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted seven airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

“Coalition airstrikes maintain pressure on Daesh across northern Syria, including their stronghold in Ar Raqqah, Syria,” said Brig. Gen. Thomas Weidley, CJTF-OIR chief of staff. “Daesh’s retreat at Tal Abyad, combined with defeats across northern Syria by anti-ISIL forces, provides an assessment about Daesh credibility as an effective conventional fighting force.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


June 27, 2015
Syria: 14 strikes
Iraq: 7 strikes
Near Al Hasakah, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying two ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL tank and an ISIL weapons cache.
Near Aleppo, one airstrike struck an ISIL assembly area.
Near Ar Raqqah, five airstrikes struck three ISIL tactical units, destroying five ISIL excavators, an ISIL vehicle and an ISIL remotely piloted aircraft.
Near Kobani, four airstrikes struck three ISIL tactical units, destroying two ISIL boats, an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL vehicle.
Near Tal Abyad, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL vehicle.


Near Baghdadi, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL excavator.
Near Al Huwayjah, two airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units, destroying two ISIL buildings, an ISIL cache, an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL vehicle.
Near Bayji, one airstrike struck an ISIL vehicle.
Near Habbaniyah, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL mortar tube.
Near Tal Afar, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL heavy machine gun firing position, destroying an ISIL building.

UK MoD for June 26, 2015 – June 27, 2015

Report Date

June 27, 2015

On Friday 26 June, a Reaper on patrol over western Iraq located an engineering vehicle, used by ISIL to construct defences in the area. Despite the efforts to conceal the vehicle, the Reaper was able to destroy the target with a Hellfire missile.

Report Date

June 27, 2015

On Friday 26 June, a Reaper on patrol over western Iraq located an engineering vehicle, used by ISIL to construct defences in the area. Despite the efforts to conceal the vehicle, the Reaper was able to destroy the target with a Hellfire missile.

CJTF–OIR for June 25, 2015 – June 26, 2015

Report Date

June 26, 2015

June 26 2015: Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 25. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 14 airstrikes using bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 14 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, bomber and fighter aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

“The coalition struck multiple Daesh terrorist targets in northern Syria,” said Col. Wayne Marotto, CJTF-OIR chief of public affairs. “Many of these strikes were in response to Daesh attacks against anti-ISIL forces, who repelled all attempts by the terrorists to take ground.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


• Near Ar Raqqah, one airstrike struck an ISIL excavator.

• Near Dayr Az Zawr, one airstrike destroyed two ISIL fighting positions.

• Near Kobani, 10 airstrikes struck two large and six small ISIL tactical units, destroying six ISIL vehicles, three ISIL fighting positions, two ISIL mortar firing positions and two ISIL staging areas.

• Near Tal Abyad, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying two ISIL fighting positions.


• Near Baghdadi, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and two ISIL vehicles, destroying an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL heavy machine gun.

• Near Al Huwayjah, one airstrike struck an ISIL mortar firing position.

• Near Al Qaim, one airstrike had inconclusive results.

• Near Bayji, one airstrike struck land features denying ISIL a tactical advantage.

• Near Fallujah, one airstrike struck an ISIL large tactical unit, destroying two ISIL heavy machine guns, an ISIL structure, an ISIL staging area and an ISIL vehicle.

• Near Kirkuk, one airstrike destroyed three ISIL fighting positions.

• Near Makhmur, one airstrike struck an ISIL mortar firing position.

• Near Mosul, three airstrikes struck an ISIL checkpoint, an ISIL staging area and an ISIL mortar firing position.

• Near Sinjar, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL mortar firing position.

• Near Tal Afar, two airstrikes struck an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL mortar firing position.

Report Date

June 26, 2015

Report Summary

  • 28 total strikes
  • 14 in Syria
  • 14 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 28 total strikes
  • 14 in Iraq (2972 – 2985)
  • 14 in Syria (1822 – 1835)

Confirmed Actions


June 26 2015: Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 25. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 14 airstrikes using bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 14 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, bomber and fighter aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

“The coalition struck multiple Daesh terrorist targets in northern Syria,” said Col. Wayne Marotto, CJTF-OIR chief of public affairs. “Many of these strikes were in response to Daesh attacks against anti-ISIL forces, who repelled all attempts by the terrorists to take ground.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


June 26, 2015
Syria: 14 strikes
Iraq: 14 strikes
Near Ar Raqqah, one airstrike struck an ISIL excavator.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, one airstrike destroyed two ISIL fighting positions.
Near Kobani, 10 airstrikes struck two large and six small ISIL tactical units, destroying six ISIL vehicles, three ISIL fighting positions, two ISIL mortar firing positions and two ISIL staging areas.
Near Tal Abyad, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying two ISIL fighting positions.


Near Baghdadi, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and two ISIL vehicles, destroying an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL heavy machine gun.
Near Al Huwayjah, one airstrike struck an ISIL mortar firing position.
Near Al Qaim, one airstrike had inconclusive results.
Near Bayji, one airstrike struck land features denying ISIL a tactical advantage.
Near Fallujah, one airstrike struck an ISIL large tactical unit, destroying two ISIL heavy machine guns, an ISIL structure, an ISIL staging area and an ISIL vehicle.
Near Kirkuk, one airstrike destroyed three ISIL fighting positions.
Near Makhmur, one airstrike struck an ISIL mortar firing position.
Near Mosul, three airstrikes struck an ISIL checkpoint, an ISIL staging area and an ISIL mortar firing position.
Near Sinjar, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL mortar firing position.
Near Tal Afar, two airstrikes struck an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL mortar firing position.

French MoD for June 25, 2015 – June 26, 2015

Report Date

June 26, 2015


Reports 38 new sorties and 11 strikes destroying around 30 targets

Au cours de cette période, 38 sorties aériennes ont été menées par les avions de la force. Ces missions ont permis, outre d’alimenter le renseignement de la coalition sur les unités de Daech, la réalisation de 11 frappes et la neutralisation d’une trentaine d’objectifs dont un bâtiment qui servait à l’élaboration de véhicules suicide, dans un centre logistique du groupe terroriste. En parallèle, les formations dispensées sur le sol irakien se poursuivent au profit des forces irakiennes (Peshmergas, ICTS, et 6e division irakienne).

Report Date

June 26, 2015


Reports 38 new sorties and 11 strikes destroying around 30 targets

Au cours de cette période, 38 sorties aériennes ont été menées par les avions de la force. Ces missions ont permis, outre d’alimenter le renseignement de la coalition sur les unités de Daech, la réalisation de 11 frappes et la neutralisation d’une trentaine d’objectifs dont un bâtiment qui servait à l’élaboration de véhicules suicide, dans un centre logistique du groupe terroriste. En parallèle, les formations dispensées sur le sol irakien se poursuivent au profit des forces irakiennes (Peshmergas, ICTS, et 6e division irakienne).

Incident date

June 25, 2015

Incident Code



‎القيارة, Qayyarah, Nineveh, Iraq

Up to 17 civilians were allegedly killed during a coalition air raid at Qayyarah near Mosul, two sources claimed. NINA reported that six women and four children were among the dead. And German news agency DPA gave identical casualty figures, citing a source as saying that “the bodies of the civilians have now reached the


First published
June 25, 2015
Last updated
December 15, 2024
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(4 children6 women)
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

Incident date

June 25, 2015

Incident Code



Mahmoudiya, Kirkuk, Iraq

Although reporting was confused, there were claims of a fresh coalition airstrike in the vicinity of Hawija which killed a number of civilians. A Facebook page calling itself Hawija Now said that five women and 2 children died in the nearby village of Mahmoudiya. One extremely graphic image appears to show a woman survivor of


First published
June 25, 2015
Last updated
December 15, 2024
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
5 – 7
(2 children5 women)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

CJTF–OIR for June 24, 2015 – June 25, 2015

Report Date

June 25, 2015

June 25th 2015: Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 24. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted three airstrikes using fighter and remotely piloted aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 13 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

“Coalition aircrew legerity underpins the success of the air campaign,” said Brig. Gen. Thomas Weidley, CJTF-OIR chief of staff. “Their contributions each and every day to this fight cannot be overstated.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


• Near Al Hasakah, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL vehicle.

• Near Aleppo, one airstrike struck an ISIL tank.

• Near Tal Abyad, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying two ISIL fighting positions and an ISIL vehicle.


• Near Baghdadi, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL road.

• Near Bayji, two airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units, destroying two ISIL vehicles and an ISIL structure.

• Near Fallujah, one airstrike struck an ISIL bunker.

• Near Mosul, three airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, an ISIL fighting position and land features denying ISIL a tactical advantage, destroying an ISIL vehicle.

• Near Ramadi, three airstrikes struck two ISIL staging areas, destroying two ISIL vehicles.

• Near Tal Afar, three airstrikes struck two ISIL staging areas and an ISIL mortar firing position.

Report Date

June 25, 2015

Report Summary

  • 16 total strikes
  • 3 in Syria
  • 13 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 16 total strikes
  • 13 in Iraq (2959 – 2971)
  • 3 in Syria (1819 – 1821)

Confirmed Actions


June 25th 2015: Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 24. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted three airstrikes using fighter and remotely piloted aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 13 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

“Coalition aircrew legerity underpins the success of the air campaign,” said Brig. Gen. Thomas Weidley, CJTF-OIR chief of staff. “Their contributions each and every day to this fight cannot be overstated.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


June 25, 2015
Syria: 3 strikes
Iraq: 13 strikes
Near Al Hasakah, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL vehicle.
Near Aleppo, one airstrike struck an ISIL tank.
Near Tal Abyad, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying two ISIL fighting positions and an ISIL vehicle.


Near Baghdadi, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL road.
Near Bayji, two airstrikes struck two ISIL tactical units, destroying two ISIL vehicles and an ISIL structure.
Near Fallujah, one airstrike struck an ISIL bunker.
Near Mosul, three airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit, an ISIL fighting position and land features denying ISIL a tactical advantage, destroying an ISIL vehicle.
Near Ramadi, three airstrikes struck two ISIL staging areas, destroying two ISIL vehicles.
Near Tal Afar, three airstrikes struck two ISIL staging areas and an ISIL mortar firing position.

Incident date

June 24, 2015

Incident Code



الموصل‎, Mosul, Rifai and Hermat, Nineveh, Iraq

Iraqi news agency NINA claimed that multiple Coalition airstrikes on the city of Mosul killed 23 people and injured a further 21. Citing an ‘anonymous security source’ the news agency reported that “Around 23 civilians were killed, including ten women and eight children, and 21 injured in the coalition bombing” which included the neighbourhoods of


First published
June 24, 2015
Last updated
December 15, 2024
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(8 children10 women)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

CJTF–OIR for June 23, 2015 – June 24, 2015

Report Date

June 24, 2015

June 24 2015: Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 23. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted one airstrike using bomber aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted eight airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

“The coalition is dedicated to protecting noncombatants while striking Daesh targets,” said Col. Wayne Marotto, CJTF-OIR chief of public affairs. “We strike with precision while always considering the appropriate level of risk and proportionality.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


• Near Tal Abyad, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit.


• Near Bayji, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying three ISIL vehicles and an ISIL staging area.

• Near Haditha, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL vehicle.

• Near Sinjar, four airstrikes [1 Canadian] struck one large and one small ISIL tactical unit and two ISIL staging areas, destroying three ISIL buildings.

• Near Tal Afar, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL mortar firing position, destroying an ISIL building.

Report Date

June 24, 2015

Report Summary

  • 9 total strikes
  • 1 in Syria
  • 8 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 9 total strikes
  • 8 in Iraq (2951 – 2958)
  • 1 in Syria (1818)

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, Canada

June 24 2015: Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 23. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted one airstrike using bomber aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted eight airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

“The coalition is dedicated to protecting noncombatants while striking Daesh targets,” said Col. Wayne Marotto, CJTF-OIR chief of public affairs. “We strike with precision while always considering the appropriate level of risk and proportionality.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


June 24, 2015
Syria: 1 strikes
Iraq: 8 strikes
Near Tal Abyad, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit.


Near Bayji, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying three ISIL vehicles and an ISIL staging area.
Near Haditha, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL vehicle.
Near Sinjar, four airstrikes [1 Canadian] struck one large and one small ISIL tactical unit and two ISIL staging areas, destroying three ISIL buildings.
Near Tal Afar, two airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL mortar firing position, destroying an ISIL building.

UK MoD for June 23, 2015 – June 24, 2015

Report Date

June 24, 2015

Overnight on 23/24 June, Tornado GR4s from RAF Akrotiri, supported by a Voyager tanker aircraft, provided close air support to Kurdish peshmerga fighting the terrorists in northern Iraq.

Near Kisik, a Kurdish unit reported that it was engaged in a firefight with a terrorist group, who were directing machine-gun and mortar fire at them from a fortified building. The RAF GR4s struck the building with a direct hit from a Paveway IV guided bomb, and the peshmerga subsequently reported that the ISIL group had been destroyed.

Report Date

June 24, 2015

Overnight on 23/24 June, Tornado GR4s from RAF Akrotiri, supported by a Voyager tanker aircraft, provided close air support to Kurdish peshmerga fighting the terrorists in northern Iraq.

Near Kisik, a Kurdish unit reported that it was engaged in a firefight with a terrorist group, who were directing machine-gun and mortar fire at them from a fortified building. The RAF GR4s struck the building with a direct hit from a Paveway IV guided bomb, and the peshmerga subsequently reported that the ISIL group had been destroyed.

Canadian MoD for June 23, 2015 – June 24, 2015

Report Date

June 24, 2015

On 23 June 2015, while taking part in coalition operations in support of Iraqi security forces, two CF-18 Hornets successfully struck an ISIS staging area in the vicinity of Sinjar using precision guided munitions.

Report Date

June 24, 2015

On 23 June 2015, while taking part in coalition operations in support of Iraqi security forces, two CF-18 Hornets successfully struck an ISIS staging area in the vicinity of Sinjar using precision guided munitions.

Incident date

June 23, 2015

Incident Code



المسحك, Mishak, Salah Al Din, Iraq

In a report published in January 2016, the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq cited an incident in Bayji which an alleged airstrike killed six civilians including four children. The Coalition has confirmed carrying out an airstrike in the vicinity. According to UNAMI, “On 23 June, a house was allegedly targeted by an airstrike in


First published
June 23, 2015
Last updated
December 15, 2024
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
6 – 8
(4 children)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

Netherlands MoD for June 22, 2015 – June 23, 2015

Report Date

June 23, 2015


Reports “about” 20 missions, the 1000th flight of a Dutch F-16, and confirms the extension of the Netherlands’ involvement in the war for another year

Nederland verlengt zijn deelname aan de strijd tegen ISIS en de VN-missie Minusma in Mali met een jaar. Een overzicht van Defensie-operaties van 15 tot 21 juni.

Nederlandse F-16’s vlogen ongeveer 20 missies boven Irak. Ze ondersteunden Irakese grondtroepen en bombardeerden met succes meerdere doelen van terreurorganisatie ISIS. De Air Task Force Middle-East ging voor de 1.000e keer met een F-16 de lucht in.

Samen met coalitiepartners rondden Nederlandse trainers in Erbil de 4e en 5e infanteriecursus voor Koerdische Pershmerga af. Een nieuwe cursus is inmiddels begonnen. Coalitie-instructeurs beëindigde ook de op 16 mei in Bagdad gestarte scherpschuttersopleiding voor Irakese militairen.

Report Date

June 23, 2015


Reports “about” 20 missions, the 1000th flight of a Dutch F-16, and confirms the extension of the Netherlands’ involvement in the war for another year

Nederland verlengt zijn deelname aan de strijd tegen ISIS en de VN-missie Minusma in Mali met een jaar. Een overzicht van Defensie-operaties van 15 tot 21 juni.

Nederlandse F-16’s vlogen ongeveer 20 missies boven Irak. Ze ondersteunden Irakese grondtroepen en bombardeerden met succes meerdere doelen van terreurorganisatie ISIS. De Air Task Force Middle-East ging voor de 1.000e keer met een F-16 de lucht in.

Samen met coalitiepartners rondden Nederlandse trainers in Erbil de 4e en 5e infanteriecursus voor Koerdische Pershmerga af. Een nieuwe cursus is inmiddels begonnen. Coalitie-instructeurs beëindigde ook de op 16 mei in Bagdad gestarte scherpschuttersopleiding voor Irakese militairen.

  • Netherlands marks 1,000th armed sortie against Islamic State n Iraq (Dutch MoD)

CJTF–OIR for June 22, 2015 – June 23, 2015

Report Date

June 23, 2015

June 23 2015: Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 22. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted three airstrikes using fighter and remotely piloted aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 14 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

“Coalition air power provides a significant advantage for ground forces in hybrid warfare,” said Brig. Gen. Thomas Weidley, CJTF-OIR chief of staff. “We see this materializing daily in support of our enabled partners within the battlespace.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


• Near Tal Abyad, three airstrikes struck three ISIL tactical units, an ISIL fighting position, an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL vehicle.


• Near Habbaniyah, one airstrike destroyed seven ISIL rocket rails.

• Near Hit, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL anti-aircraft weapon.

• Near Kirkuk, one airstrike struck an ISIL fighting position.

• Near Mosul, three airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL staging area, destroying an ISIL building and an ISIL heavy machine gun.

• Near Ramadi, four airstrikes struck multiple ISIL staging areas.

• Near Sinjar, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying two ISIL heavy machine guns and an ISIL bunker.

• Near Tal Afar, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL building and an ISIL mortar firing position.

• Near Waleed, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

Report Date

June 23, 2015

Report Summary

  • 16 total strikes
  • 3 in Syria
  • 13 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 16 total strikes
  • 13 in Iraq (2937 – 2950)
  • 3 in Syria (1815 – 1817)

Confirmed Actions


June 23 2015: Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 22. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted three airstrikes using fighter and remotely piloted aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 14 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

“Coalition air power provides a significant advantage for ground forces in hybrid warfare,” said Brig. Gen. Thomas Weidley, CJTF-OIR chief of staff. “We see this materializing daily in support of our enabled partners within the battlespace.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


June 23, 2015
Syria: 3 strikes
Iraq: 13 strikes
Near Tal Abyad, three airstrikes struck three ISIL tactical units, an ISIL fighting position, an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL vehicle.


Near Habbaniyah, one airstrike destroyed seven ISIL rocket rails.
Near Hit, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL anti-aircraft weapon.
Near Kirkuk, one airstrike struck an ISIL fighting position.
Near Mosul, three airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL staging area, destroying an ISIL building and an ISIL heavy machine gun.
Near Ramadi, four airstrikes struck multiple ISIL staging areas.
Near Sinjar, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying two ISIL heavy machine guns and an ISIL bunker.
Near Tal Afar, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL building and an ISIL mortar firing position.
Near Waleed, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

Danish MoD for June 22, 2015 – June 23, 2015

Report Date

June 23, 2015


Reports 9 missions and 5 bombs dropped, in Salah al Din, Ninawa and Al Anbar

De danske F-16-fly, der er udsendt som bidrag til Operation Inherent Resolve, har siden seneste opdatering 16. juni fløjet 9 missioner og anvendt 5 bomber.

23-06-2015 – kl. 16:30

Af Værnsfælles Forsvarskommando

Missionerne, som de danske fly har deltaget i, har været offensive, og de danske fly har i den forløbne periode primært deltaget i missioner i Salah al Din, Ninawa og Al Anbar. Målene for bomberne har været fjendtlige våbenstillinger og materiel.

De danske fly har fløjet Close Air Support-missioner (CAS), hvor flyene er indsat direkte som luftstøtte til styrker på landjorden. Her vil flyene patruljere over et bestemt område, hvorefter de vil kunne blive indsat af koalitionen, når der er behov for støtte. Luftstøtten vil variere afhængig af, hvad der er behov for. Det kan både dreje sig om overvågningsopgaver og bombninger af mål.

På de missioner, hvor de danske F-16 ikke har anvendt våben, har de bidraget med overvågning og indhentning af efterretninger. På sådanne overvågningsmissioner er flyene dog altid klar til at anvende våben, hvis der er behov for det.

Siden første mission den 16. oktober 2014, har det danske bidrag i alt fløjet 388 missioner og anvendt 334 bomber. Alle de danske bomber er præcisionsstyrede, hvilket vil sige, at de styres mod deres mål ved hjælp af enten laser eller GPS.

Report Date

June 23, 2015


Reports 9 missions and 5 bombs dropped, in Salah al Din, Ninawa and Al Anbar

De danske F-16-fly, der er udsendt som bidrag til Operation Inherent Resolve, har siden seneste opdatering 16. juni fløjet 9 missioner og anvendt 5 bomber.

23-06-2015 – kl. 16:30

Af Værnsfælles Forsvarskommando

Missionerne, som de danske fly har deltaget i, har været offensive, og de danske fly har i den forløbne periode primært deltaget i missioner i Salah al Din, Ninawa og Al Anbar. Målene for bomberne har været fjendtlige våbenstillinger og materiel.

De danske fly har fløjet Close Air Support-missioner (CAS), hvor flyene er indsat direkte som luftstøtte til styrker på landjorden. Her vil flyene patruljere over et bestemt område, hvorefter de vil kunne blive indsat af koalitionen, når der er behov for støtte. Luftstøtten vil variere afhængig af, hvad der er behov for. Det kan både dreje sig om overvågningsopgaver og bombninger af mål.

På de missioner, hvor de danske F-16 ikke har anvendt våben, har de bidraget med overvågning og indhentning af efterretninger. På sådanne overvågningsmissioner er flyene dog altid klar til at anvende våben, hvis der er behov for det.

Siden første mission den 16. oktober 2014, har det danske bidrag i alt fløjet 388 missioner og anvendt 334 bomber. Alle de danske bomber er præcisionsstyrede, hvilket vil sige, at de styres mod deres mål ved hjælp af enten laser eller GPS.

CJTF–OIR for June 21, 2015 – June 22, 2015

Report Date

June 22, 2015

June 22nd 2015: Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 21. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted seven airstrikes using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 22 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

“The coalition struck Daesh in northern Syria,” said Col. Wayne Marotto, CJTF-OIR chief of public affairs. “Anti-ISIL forces in northern Syria have proven to be an effective and dependable force.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


• Near Al Hasakah, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL VBIED.

• Near Aleppo, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL excavator, an ISIL fighting position, an ISIL mortar system and an ISIL vehicle.

• Near Tal Abyad, five airstrikes struck one large and four small ISIL tactical units, destroying three ISIL fighting positions and an ISIL vehicle.


• Near Baghdadi, two airstrikes destroyed an ISIL excavator and an ISIL vehicle.

• Near Habbaniyah, one airstrike struck an ISIL rocket firing position.

• Near Haditha, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying two ISIL vehicles.

• Near Hit, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL structure.

• Near Makhmur, three airstrikes struck an ISIL VBIED factory.

• Near Mosul, five airstrikes [1 UK] struck one large and two small ISIL tactical units, an ISIL rocket firing position and an ISIL mortar firing position, destroying three ISIL heavy machine guns, an ISIL building, an ISIL motorcycle and an ISIL vehicle.

• Near Ramadi, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL vehicle.

• Near Sinjar, five airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and two ISIL staging areas, destroying three ISIL tunnel systems, two ISIL bunkers, an ISIL heavy machine gun, an ISIL cache and an ISIL mortar system.

• Near Tal Afar, three airstrikes [1 UK] struck two ISIL tactical units and an ISIL tunnel system, destroying an ISIL building and an ISIL mortar firing position.

Report Date

June 22, 2015

Report Summary

  • 29 total strikes
  • 7 in Syria
  • 22 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 29 total strikes
  • 22 in Iraq (2915 – 2936)
  • 7 in Syria (1808 – 1814)

Confirmed Actions

US, Canada, UK

June 22nd 2015: Coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq June 21. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted seven airstrikes using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft. Separately in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 22 airstrikes approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

“The coalition struck Daesh in northern Syria,” said Col. Wayne Marotto, CJTF-OIR chief of public affairs. “Anti-ISIL forces in northern Syria have proven to be an effective and dependable force.”

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted since the last press release:


June 22, 2015
Syria: 7 strikes
Iraq: 22 strikes
Near Al Hasakah, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL VBIED.
Near Aleppo, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying an ISIL excavator, an ISIL fighting position, an ISIL mortar system and an ISIL vehicle.
Near Tal Abyad, five airstrikes struck one large and four small ISIL tactical units, destroying three ISIL fighting positions and an ISIL vehicle.


Near Baghdadi, two airstrikes destroyed an ISIL excavator and an ISIL vehicle.
Near Habbaniyah, one airstrike struck an ISIL rocket firing position.
Near Haditha, one airstrike struck an ISIL tactical unit, destroying two ISIL vehicles.
Near Hit, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL structure.
Near Makhmur, three airstrikes struck an ISIL VBIED factory.
Near Mosul, five airstrikes [1 UK] struck one large and two small ISIL tactical units, an ISIL rocket firing position and an ISIL mortar firing position, destroying three ISIL heavy machine guns, an ISIL building, an ISIL motorcycle and an ISIL vehicle.
Near Ramadi, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL heavy machine gun and an ISIL vehicle.
Near Sinjar, five airstrikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and two ISIL staging areas, destroying three ISIL tunnel systems, two ISIL bunkers, an ISIL heavy machine gun, an ISIL cache and an ISIL mortar system.
Near Tal Afar, three airstrikes [1 UK] struck two ISIL tactical units and an ISIL tunnel system, destroying an ISIL building and an ISIL mortar firing position.