Military Reports

Military Reports

CENTCOM for November 24, 2014 – November 25, 2014

Report Date

November 25, 2014

November 26th: U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Nov. 24-26 using bomber and fighter aircraft to conduct ten airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted seven airstrikes in Iraq Nov. 24-26 using attack, fighter and remotely-piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

In Syria, ten airstrikes near Kobani struck an ISIL fighting position, a large ISIL unit, two tactical ISIL units, and destroyed four ISIL staging areas and six ISIL fighting positions.

In Iraq, two airstrikes near Mosul destroyed an ISIL bulldozer, two ISIL vehicles, three ISIL-occupied buildings and an ISIL fighting position, and also struck a large ISIL unit.

Near Kirkuk, two airstrikes destroyed an ISIL tank, an ISIL HMMWV and an ISIL vehicle, as well as struck two ISIL units.

North of Sinjar, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL HMMWV and an ISIL vehicle. Northwest of Ramadi, an airstrike damaged an ISIL checkpoint.

Finally, west of Bayji, an airstrike destroyed one ISIL vehicle and damaged another.

Report Date

November 25, 2014

Report Summary

  • 17 total strikes
  • 7 in Iraq (577 – 583)
  • 10 in Syria (457 – 466)

Confirmed Actions


November 26th: U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Nov. 24-26 using bomber and fighter aircraft to conduct ten airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted seven airstrikes in Iraq Nov. 24-26 using attack, fighter and remotely-piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

In Syria, ten airstrikes near Kobani struck an ISIL fighting position, a large ISIL unit, two tactical ISIL units, and destroyed four ISIL staging areas and six ISIL fighting positions.

In Iraq, two airstrikes near Mosul destroyed an ISIL bulldozer, two ISIL vehicles, three ISIL-occupied buildings and an ISIL fighting position, and also struck a large ISIL unit.

Near Kirkuk, two airstrikes destroyed an ISIL tank, an ISIL HMMWV and an ISIL vehicle, as well as struck two ISIL units.

North of Sinjar, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL HMMWV and an ISIL vehicle. Northwest of Ramadi, an airstrike damaged an ISIL checkpoint.

Finally, west of Bayji, an airstrike destroyed one ISIL vehicle and damaged another.

Danish MoD for November 24, 2014 – November 25, 2014

Report Date

November 25, 2014


Reports 13 new missions since November 17th which dropped 18 mbombs, at Fallujah, Tikrit, Bayji, Mosul and Anbar.

26-11-2014 – kl. 18:30: Missionerne, som de danske fly har deltaget i, har været offensive, og der har været en stigning i antal anvendte bomber i forhold til de seneste uger, hvor danskerne ellers i højere grad har bidraget til indhentning af efterretninger og overvågning af væsentlige steder og aktiviteter.

De danske fly har i den forløbne uge deltaget i missioner i områderne omkring Fallujah, Tikrit, Bayji, Mosul samt i Al-Anbar-regionen.

En af de missionstyper, som flyene har gennemført, er Air Interdiction. Her planlægges et specifikt angreb mod et på forhånd defineret mål udførligt og detaljeret hjemmefra, og flyene flyver direkte frem til målet, kaster bomber og flyver retur. Ved denne type missioner har de danske fly primært bombet bygninger.

Derudover har de danske fly i den forgangne periode fortsat gennemført en del Close Air Support-missioner (CAS), hvor flyene er indsat som luftstøtte til styrker på landjorden. Luftstøtten kan bestå af flere forskellige opgaver, afhængig af hvad der er behov for.

CAS-missioner udgør fortsat størstedelen af de 13 gennemførte missioner. Ved CAS-missionerne er der ikke nødvendigvis et på forhånd defineret mål; her bliver flyene indsat til fx at anvende våben, hvis det er nødvendigt.

På nogle af CAS-missionerne har flyene kastet bomber i forbindelse med kamphandlinger på jorden. Her har målene blandt andet været køretøjer og fjendtlige styrker.

På de missioner, hvor flyene ikke har anvendt våben, har de primært bidraget med overvågning og indhentning af efterretninger. På sådanne overvågningsmissioner er flyene dog altid klar til at anvende våben, hvis der er behov for det.

I løbet af de seneste 13 missioner har de danske fly kastet 18 bomber mod fjendtlige styrker, køretøjer og bygninger.

Siden første mission den 16. oktober 2014, har det danske bidrag i alt fløjet 74 missioner og anvendt 60 bomber.

Report Date

November 25, 2014


Reports 13 new missions since November 17th which dropped 18 mbombs, at Fallujah, Tikrit, Bayji, Mosul and Anbar.

26-11-2014 – kl. 18:30: Missionerne, som de danske fly har deltaget i, har været offensive, og der har været en stigning i antal anvendte bomber i forhold til de seneste uger, hvor danskerne ellers i højere grad har bidraget til indhentning af efterretninger og overvågning af væsentlige steder og aktiviteter.

De danske fly har i den forløbne uge deltaget i missioner i områderne omkring Fallujah, Tikrit, Bayji, Mosul samt i Al-Anbar-regionen.

En af de missionstyper, som flyene har gennemført, er Air Interdiction. Her planlægges et specifikt angreb mod et på forhånd defineret mål udførligt og detaljeret hjemmefra, og flyene flyver direkte frem til målet, kaster bomber og flyver retur. Ved denne type missioner har de danske fly primært bombet bygninger.

Derudover har de danske fly i den forgangne periode fortsat gennemført en del Close Air Support-missioner (CAS), hvor flyene er indsat som luftstøtte til styrker på landjorden. Luftstøtten kan bestå af flere forskellige opgaver, afhængig af hvad der er behov for.

CAS-missioner udgør fortsat størstedelen af de 13 gennemførte missioner. Ved CAS-missionerne er der ikke nødvendigvis et på forhånd defineret mål; her bliver flyene indsat til fx at anvende våben, hvis det er nødvendigt.

På nogle af CAS-missionerne har flyene kastet bomber i forbindelse med kamphandlinger på jorden. Her har målene blandt andet været køretøjer og fjendtlige styrker.

På de missioner, hvor flyene ikke har anvendt våben, har de primært bidraget med overvågning og indhentning af efterretninger. På sådanne overvågningsmissioner er flyene dog altid klar til at anvende våben, hvis der er behov for det.

I løbet af de seneste 13 missioner har de danske fly kastet 18 bomber mod fjendtlige styrker, køretøjer og bygninger.

Siden første mission den 16. oktober 2014, har det danske bidrag i alt fløjet 74 missioner og anvendt 60 bomber.

French MoD for November 24, 2014 – November 25, 2014

Report Date

November 25, 2014


Reports that on 21 November 2014, the maritime patrol aircraft Atlantique 2 (ATL2) of the Navy made its first flight SCAR-C (Coordination Strike and Reconnaissance – Coordinator) over Iraq.

Opération Chammal : L’ATL2 étend son champ d’action

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Mise à jour : 26/11/2014 15:52

Le 21 novembre 2014, l’avion de patrouille maritime Atlantique 2 (ATL2) de la Marine nationale a effectué son premier vol de SCAR-C (Strike Coordination and Reconnaissance – Coordinator) au-dessus de l’Irak.

Opération Chammal : L’ATL2 étend son champ d’action

L’ATL2, et son FAC-A (Forward Air Controller Airborne), a ainsi été désigné chef de mission d’un dispositif d’Air Interdiction composé de deux patrouilles de F16 américains et danois. Cette mission, qui a déjà prouvé son efficacité lors des opérations Harmattan et Serval, permet d’optimiser les capacités de l’avion et de son équipage dans la conduite des opérations de Dynamic Targeting contre le groupe terroriste Daech.

Lors de cette première sur le théâtre des opérations en Irak, le FAC(A) a coordonné l’action de l’Atlantique 2, des avions de chasse de la coalition et des JTAC (Joint Terminal Attack Controller) du CAOC (Combined Air and space Operation Center) au Qatar afin de détecter, d’identifier et de frapper d’éventuelles cibles d’opportunités.

En complément des missions d’ISR (Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) réalisées depuis le début de l’opération Chammal, l’ATL2 a obtenu la responsabilité de la mission de SCAR-C et devrait régulièrement se voir confier ce type de mission par le CAOC.

Les militaires de la force Chammal poursuivent quotidiennement leurs missions de reconnaissance armée et de renseignement, afin d’appuyer l’action des forces armées irakiennes au sol.

Report Date

November 25, 2014


Reports that on 21 November 2014, the maritime patrol aircraft Atlantique 2 (ATL2) of the Navy made its first flight SCAR-C (Coordination Strike and Reconnaissance – Coordinator) over Iraq.

Opération Chammal : L’ATL2 étend son champ d’action

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Mise à jour : 26/11/2014 15:52

Le 21 novembre 2014, l’avion de patrouille maritime Atlantique 2 (ATL2) de la Marine nationale a effectué son premier vol de SCAR-C (Strike Coordination and Reconnaissance – Coordinator) au-dessus de l’Irak.

Opération Chammal : L’ATL2 étend son champ d’action

L’ATL2, et son FAC-A (Forward Air Controller Airborne), a ainsi été désigné chef de mission d’un dispositif d’Air Interdiction composé de deux patrouilles de F16 américains et danois. Cette mission, qui a déjà prouvé son efficacité lors des opérations Harmattan et Serval, permet d’optimiser les capacités de l’avion et de son équipage dans la conduite des opérations de Dynamic Targeting contre le groupe terroriste Daech.

Lors de cette première sur le théâtre des opérations en Irak, le FAC(A) a coordonné l’action de l’Atlantique 2, des avions de chasse de la coalition et des JTAC (Joint Terminal Attack Controller) du CAOC (Combined Air and space Operation Center) au Qatar afin de détecter, d’identifier et de frapper d’éventuelles cibles d’opportunités.

En complément des missions d’ISR (Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) réalisées depuis le début de l’opération Chammal, l’ATL2 a obtenu la responsabilité de la mission de SCAR-C et devrait régulièrement se voir confier ce type de mission par le CAOC.

Les militaires de la force Chammal poursuivent quotidiennement leurs missions de reconnaissance armée et de renseignement, afin d’appuyer l’action des forces armées irakiennes au sol.

Incident date

November 22, 2014

Incident Code



يت, Hit, hospital and Zohour, Al Anbar, Iraq

Multiple airstrikes reportedly targeted Hit, allegedly leading to significant civilian casualties. News agency Herak reported one eyewitness as saying that five airstrikes had struck the city: “The first targeted outside a hospital building, and the other targeted a house near the mosque. A further air strike targeted a house in the Qadisiyah district, leading to


First published
November 22, 2014
Last updated
December 15, 2024
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
5 – 8
(3 children)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
US-led Coalition, Unknown
View Incident

CENTCOM for November 21, 2014 – November 22, 2014

Report Date

November 22, 2014

November 24th 2014: U.S. and partner nation military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Nov. 21-24 using fighter and bomber aircraft to conduct nine airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted fifteen airstrikes in Iraq Nov. 21-24 using fighter, attack, bomber and remotely-piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

In Syria, seven airstrikes near Kobani destroyed three ISIL fighting positions and two ISIL staging areas, damaged another ISIL staging area and suppressed four ISIL fighting positions.

Near Ar Raqqah, two airstrikes struck an ISIL headquarters building.

In Iraq, five airstrikes near Mosul destroyed an ISIL checkpoint, three ISIL HMMWVs, a large ISIL unit, two tactical ISIL units and a heavy weapon.

Near al-Asad, two airstrikes destroyed a mortar position, a ISIL artillery piece, an ISIL vehicle and a tactical ISIL unit and damaged an ISIL-occupied building and an ISIL vehicle.

Near Baghdad, two airstrikes destroyed an ISIL-occupied building, three ISIL vehicles, an ISIL HMMWV and two tactical ISIL units, one of which was emplacing IEDs.

Near Ramadi, two airstrikes destroyed two ISIL vehicles.

Near Tal Afar, two airstrikes suppressed a mortar position.

Near Fallujah, an airstrike struck an ISIL obstruction near Fallujah Dam.

Near Hit, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

Report Date

November 22, 2014

Report Summary

  • 24 total strikes
  • 15 in Iraq (562 – 576)
  • 9 in Syria (448 – 456)

Confirmed Actions


November 24th 2014: U.S. and partner nation military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Nov. 21-24 using fighter and bomber aircraft to conduct nine airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted fifteen airstrikes in Iraq Nov. 21-24 using fighter, attack, bomber and remotely-piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

In Syria, seven airstrikes near Kobani destroyed three ISIL fighting positions and two ISIL staging areas, damaged another ISIL staging area and suppressed four ISIL fighting positions.

Near Ar Raqqah, two airstrikes struck an ISIL headquarters building.

In Iraq, five airstrikes near Mosul destroyed an ISIL checkpoint, three ISIL HMMWVs, a large ISIL unit, two tactical ISIL units and a heavy weapon.

Near al-Asad, two airstrikes destroyed a mortar position, a ISIL artillery piece, an ISIL vehicle and a tactical ISIL unit and damaged an ISIL-occupied building and an ISIL vehicle.

Near Baghdad, two airstrikes destroyed an ISIL-occupied building, three ISIL vehicles, an ISIL HMMWV and two tactical ISIL units, one of which was emplacing IEDs.

Near Ramadi, two airstrikes destroyed two ISIL vehicles.

Near Tal Afar, two airstrikes suppressed a mortar position.

Near Fallujah, an airstrike struck an ISIL obstruction near Fallujah Dam.

Near Hit, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

Netherlands MoD for November 21, 2014 – November 22, 2014

Report Date

November 22, 2014


During 30 new missions, 20 bombs were dropped in Iraq.

Een overzicht van Defensie-operaties van 17 tot en met 23 november 2014.


Nederlandse F-16’s van de Air Task Force Middle East vlogen meer dan 30 missies boven Irak. Ze gooiden ruim 20 bommen op terreurorganisatie ISIS.

Een KDC-10-transportvliegtuig tankte 2 F-16’s bij op weg naar het Midden-Oosten. Daar losten de jachtvliegtuigen 2 toestellen af die voor onderhoud naar Nederland moesten. De KDC-10 voorzag het terugkerende duo eveneens van brandstof. Nederland levert 6 F16’s voor de internationale strijd tegen ISIS.

Report Date

November 22, 2014


During 30 new missions, 20 bombs were dropped in Iraq.

Een overzicht van Defensie-operaties van 17 tot en met 23 november 2014.


Nederlandse F-16’s van de Air Task Force Middle East vlogen meer dan 30 missies boven Irak. Ze gooiden ruim 20 bommen op terreurorganisatie ISIS.

Een KDC-10-transportvliegtuig tankte 2 F-16’s bij op weg naar het Midden-Oosten. Daar losten de jachtvliegtuigen 2 toestellen af die voor onderhoud naar Nederland moesten. De KDC-10 voorzag het terugkerende duo eveneens van brandstof. Nederland levert 6 F16’s voor de internationale strijd tegen ISIS.

CENTCOM for November 19, 2014 – November 20, 2014

Report Date

November 20, 2014

November 21st 2014: Military airstrikes continue against ISIL in Syria and Iraq. U.S. and partner nation military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Nov. 19-21 using fighter and bomber aircraft to conduct seven airstrikes.

Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted 23 airstrikes in Iraq Nov. 19-21 using fighter, attack, bomber and remotely-piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

In Syria, six airstrikes near Kobani destroyed four ISIL staging areas, two ISIL-occupied buildings, two ISIL tactical units, and suppressed an ISIL fighting position.

Near Ar Raqqah, an airstrike damaged an ISIL barrack.

In Iraq, six airstrikes near Bayji destroyed three ISIL buildings, a bunker, two ISIL transport vehicles, five ISIL tactical units, an ISIL checkpoint and damaged another ISIL building.

Near Sinjar, four airstrikes destroyed two ISIL barracks, an ISIL bunker and storage facility, an ISIL guard post, at least eight ISIL armored vehicles and a truck in a vehicle storage yard, as well as two tactical ISIL units.

West of Kirkuk, three airstrikes destroyed five bunkers, two ISIL vehicles and an ISIL tactical unit.

Near al Asad, four airstrikes destroyed four ISIL vehicles, an ISIL building, and struck three ISIL tactical units.

Near Mosul, three airstrikes destroyed an ISIL guard post, an ISIL vehicle and two ISIL tactical units.

Near Ramadi, two airstrikes destroyed an ISIL vehicle and an ISIL tactical unit, while also damaging an ISIL armored vehicle and an ISIL-occupied building.

Finally, in Tal Afar, an airstrike damaged an ISIL-occupied airfield.

Report Date

November 20, 2014

Report Summary

  • 30 total strikes
  • 23 in Iraq (539 – 562)
  • 7 in Syria (441 – 447)

Confirmed Actions


November 21st 2014: Military airstrikes continue against ISIL in Syria and Iraq. U.S. and partner nation military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Nov. 19-21 using fighter and bomber aircraft to conduct seven airstrikes.

Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted 23 airstrikes in Iraq Nov. 19-21 using fighter, attack, bomber and remotely-piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

In Syria, six airstrikes near Kobani destroyed four ISIL staging areas, two ISIL-occupied buildings, two ISIL tactical units, and suppressed an ISIL fighting position.

Near Ar Raqqah, an airstrike damaged an ISIL barrack.

In Iraq, six airstrikes near Bayji destroyed three ISIL buildings, a bunker, two ISIL transport vehicles, five ISIL tactical units, an ISIL checkpoint and damaged another ISIL building.

Near Sinjar, four airstrikes destroyed two ISIL barracks, an ISIL bunker and storage facility, an ISIL guard post, at least eight ISIL armored vehicles and a truck in a vehicle storage yard, as well as two tactical ISIL units.

West of Kirkuk, three airstrikes destroyed five bunkers, two ISIL vehicles and an ISIL tactical unit.

Near al Asad, four airstrikes destroyed four ISIL vehicles, an ISIL building, and struck three ISIL tactical units.

Near Mosul, three airstrikes destroyed an ISIL guard post, an ISIL vehicle and two ISIL tactical units.

Near Ramadi, two airstrikes destroyed an ISIL vehicle and an ISIL tactical unit, while also damaging an ISIL armored vehicle and an ISIL-occupied building.

Finally, in Tal Afar, an airstrike damaged an ISIL-occupied airfield.

UK MoD for November 19, 2014 – November 20, 2014

Report Date

November 20, 2014

November 21st 2014 – Royal Air Force (RAF) aircraft have conducted further operations in support of the Iraqi Government, helping their ground forces counter ISIL activity in the vicinity of the Bayji oil refinery.

The refinery, north of Baghdad, has been a focus of ISIL activity for several months. An Iraqi unit has mounted a continued defence, with air drops by the coalition keeping them supplied. Iraqi ground forces, supported by coalition aircraft, have been steadily clearing the route to the refinery, despite ISIL’s efforts to stop them.

Last night [November 20th], an RAF Tornado GR4 patrol flew in support of the Iraqi forces in the area, and was tasked to engage ISIL terrorists occupying three buildings within a compound. Each of these positions was struck with a Paveway IV precision guided bomb.

RAF Reaper remotely piloted aircraft were also in action over Iraq, carrying out armed reconnaissance missions. Three ISIL vehicles, in different locations, were positively identified by the crews operating the Reapers and were engaged with Hellfire missiles. Initial analysis indicates that these attacks were successful.

Report Date

November 20, 2014

November 21st 2014 – Royal Air Force (RAF) aircraft have conducted further operations in support of the Iraqi Government, helping their ground forces counter ISIL activity in the vicinity of the Bayji oil refinery.

The refinery, north of Baghdad, has been a focus of ISIL activity for several months. An Iraqi unit has mounted a continued defence, with air drops by the coalition keeping them supplied. Iraqi ground forces, supported by coalition aircraft, have been steadily clearing the route to the refinery, despite ISIL’s efforts to stop them.

Last night [November 20th], an RAF Tornado GR4 patrol flew in support of the Iraqi forces in the area, and was tasked to engage ISIL terrorists occupying three buildings within a compound. Each of these positions was struck with a Paveway IV precision guided bomb.

RAF Reaper remotely piloted aircraft were also in action over Iraq, carrying out armed reconnaissance missions. Three ISIL vehicles, in different locations, were positively identified by the crews operating the Reapers and were engaged with Hellfire missiles. Initial analysis indicates that these attacks were successful.

Incident date

November 19, 2014

Incident Code



الموصل‎, Mosul, Nineveh, Iraq

The FBI informed CENTCOM internally on November 21st 2014 that a source had alleged the deaths of “41 Yezidi captive females killed in a strike on a named OBJ IVO [objective in the vicinity of] Mosul.” The closest strike, number 999, was identified by CENTCOM as having taken place some 3.2km from the site of


First published
November 19, 2014
Last updated
December 15, 2024
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(41 women)
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

French MoD for November 17, 2014 – November 18, 2014

Report Date

November 18, 2014


Reports that on 15 Nov an E-3F AWACS Air Force returned to France after three weeks engaged in Iraq.

Chammal : 10 000 mètres au-dessus de l’Irak, à bord de l’E-3F AWACS

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Mise à jour : 18/11/2014 14:31

Alors qu’il est rentré en France le 15 novembre, un E-3F AWACS de l’armée de l’Air a participé durant trois semaines au dispositif aérien de la coalition internationale engagée en Irak. L’équipage intégré à la force Chammal a effectué son premier vol opérationnel le 27 octobre. Au cours de ses missions, d’une durée moyenne de 9 heures au-dessus de l’Irak, l’E-3F AWACS a assuré la fonction C2 (command and control) des aéronefs de la coalition, en collaboration avec ses homologues des pays alliés.

Placé sous le contrôle opérationnel du général américain à la tête d’AFCENT, appuyé par l’amiral commandant la zone de l’océan Indien, l’E-3F français s’est intégré sans difficulté dans le dispositif aérien mis en place pour lutter contre Daech.

La mission principale de l’E-3F AWACS consistait à assurer le commandement et la conduite de l’ensemble des aéronefs de la coalition évoluant sur le théâtre. Parfaitement interopérable, il reliait ainsi les moyens aériens au centre de commandement d’Al Udeid au Qatar, permettant de réagir en quelques minutes en appui des forces armées irakiennes.

L’équipage de l’E-3F AWACS déployé se constituait :

Pour l’exécution de la mission :

1 chef de mission

4 personnels assurant le contrôle des moyens aériens

1 officier responsable des capteurs gérant 3 opérateurs pour l’établissement de la situation aérienne

2 opérateurs de guerre électronique

3 techniciens (radar, radio et calculateur) appuyés par 1 opérateur de communication

Pour la mise en œuvre de l’aéronef :

2 pilotes

1 navigateur

1 mécanicien

Pour la maintenance :

une équipe de plusieurs mécaniciens

L’E-3F AWACS a effectué 9 missions au cours de son détachement sur l’opération Chammal.

Les militaires de la force Chammal poursuivent quotidiennement leurs missions de reconnaissance armée et de renseignement, afin d’appuyer l’action des forces armées irakiennes au sol.

Lancée le 19 septembre 2014, l’opération Chammal vise, à la demande du gouvernement irakien et en coordination avec les alliés de la France présents dans la région, à assurer un soutien aérien aux forces armées irakiennes dans leur lutte contre le groupe terroriste autoproclamé Daech.

Report Date

November 18, 2014


Reports that on 15 Nov an E-3F AWACS Air Force returned to France after three weeks engaged in Iraq.

Chammal : 10 000 mètres au-dessus de l’Irak, à bord de l’E-3F AWACS

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Mise à jour : 18/11/2014 14:31

Alors qu’il est rentré en France le 15 novembre, un E-3F AWACS de l’armée de l’Air a participé durant trois semaines au dispositif aérien de la coalition internationale engagée en Irak. L’équipage intégré à la force Chammal a effectué son premier vol opérationnel le 27 octobre. Au cours de ses missions, d’une durée moyenne de 9 heures au-dessus de l’Irak, l’E-3F AWACS a assuré la fonction C2 (command and control) des aéronefs de la coalition, en collaboration avec ses homologues des pays alliés.

Placé sous le contrôle opérationnel du général américain à la tête d’AFCENT, appuyé par l’amiral commandant la zone de l’océan Indien, l’E-3F français s’est intégré sans difficulté dans le dispositif aérien mis en place pour lutter contre Daech.

La mission principale de l’E-3F AWACS consistait à assurer le commandement et la conduite de l’ensemble des aéronefs de la coalition évoluant sur le théâtre. Parfaitement interopérable, il reliait ainsi les moyens aériens au centre de commandement d’Al Udeid au Qatar, permettant de réagir en quelques minutes en appui des forces armées irakiennes.

L’équipage de l’E-3F AWACS déployé se constituait :

Pour l’exécution de la mission :

1 chef de mission

4 personnels assurant le contrôle des moyens aériens

1 officier responsable des capteurs gérant 3 opérateurs pour l’établissement de la situation aérienne

2 opérateurs de guerre électronique

3 techniciens (radar, radio et calculateur) appuyés par 1 opérateur de communication

Pour la mise en œuvre de l’aéronef :

2 pilotes

1 navigateur

1 mécanicien

Pour la maintenance :

une équipe de plusieurs mécaniciens

L’E-3F AWACS a effectué 9 missions au cours de son détachement sur l’opération Chammal.

Les militaires de la force Chammal poursuivent quotidiennement leurs missions de reconnaissance armée et de renseignement, afin d’appuyer l’action des forces armées irakiennes au sol.

Lancée le 19 septembre 2014, l’opération Chammal vise, à la demande du gouvernement irakien et en coordination avec les alliés de la France présents dans la région, à assurer un soutien aérien aux forces armées irakiennes dans leur lutte contre le groupe terroriste autoproclamé Daech.

UK MoD for November 17, 2014 – November 18, 2014

Report Date

November 18, 2014

19 November 2014 – RAF aircraft contributed to a major coalition air strike on an extensive ISIL complex of bunkers and tunnels. Aircraft from seven coalition nations conducted a comprehensive and closely coordinated attack on [the] complex early on Wednesday. RAF Tornado GR4 aircraft, carrying Paveway IV precision guided bombs, formed the UK element.

Separately, an RAF Reaper remotely piloted air system (RPAS) was tasked to investigate ISIL activity elsewhere in Iraq. The Reaper’s operators were able to locate a bulldozer which coalition forces confirmed was being used to prepare fighting positions to hold up Iraqi advances. A Hellfire missile was used to attack the bulldozer, which initial reports indicate was destroyed.

Report Date

November 18, 2014

19 November 2014 – RAF aircraft contributed to a major coalition air strike on an extensive ISIL complex of bunkers and tunnels. Aircraft from seven coalition nations conducted a comprehensive and closely coordinated attack on [the] complex early on Wednesday. RAF Tornado GR4 aircraft, carrying Paveway IV precision guided bombs, formed the UK element.

Separately, an RAF Reaper remotely piloted air system (RPAS) was tasked to investigate ISIL activity elsewhere in Iraq. The Reaper’s operators were able to locate a bulldozer which coalition forces confirmed was being used to prepare fighting positions to hold up Iraqi advances. A Hellfire missile was used to attack the bulldozer, which initial reports indicate was destroyed.

Canadian MoD for November 17, 2014 – November 18, 2014

Report Date

November 18, 2014

On 17 November 2014, four CF-188 fighter jets, as part of a larger coalition operation, conducted airstrikes against ISIL positions in the vicinity of Mosul in northern Iraq. Our CC-150 Polaris conducted air-to-air refueling and delivered an estimated 28,000 pounds of fuel during this operation. This was Joint Task Force Iraq’s first participation in a deliberate strike. Our fighter aircraft destroyed an ISIL improvised explosive device – commonly referred to as IEDs – factory. The photo behind me shows the factory before it was hit. We know that ISIL is using improvised explosive device to indiscriminately maim or kill civilians and members of the Iraqi security forces. There were approximately 55 IED attacks across Iraq in September and 77 in October.

More recently, on 19 November, a series of coalition missions were conducted to the northwest of Kirkuq where ISIL was known to operate. Two Canadian CF-188 Hornet jets successfully conducted pre-planned strikes against ISIL fighting positions.

Report Date

November 18, 2014

On 17 November 2014, four CF-188 fighter jets, as part of a larger coalition operation, conducted airstrikes against ISIL positions in the vicinity of Mosul in northern Iraq. Our CC-150 Polaris conducted air-to-air refueling and delivered an estimated 28,000 pounds of fuel during this operation. This was Joint Task Force Iraq’s first participation in a deliberate strike. Our fighter aircraft destroyed an ISIL improvised explosive device – commonly referred to as IEDs – factory. The photo behind me shows the factory before it was hit. We know that ISIL is using improvised explosive device to indiscriminately maim or kill civilians and members of the Iraqi security forces. There were approximately 55 IED attacks across Iraq in September and 77 in October.

More recently, on 19 November, a series of coalition missions were conducted to the northwest of Kirkuq where ISIL was known to operate. Two Canadian CF-188 Hornet jets successfully conducted pre-planned strikes against ISIL fighting positions.

Belgian MoD for November 17, 2014 – November 18, 2014

Report Date

November 18, 2014


Significant events 13 – 19 Nov: (1) 15 and 16 Nov: operational exploratory flights without the use of weapon systems. (2) 13, 14, 17 and 19 Nov: operational flights with the use of the weapon systems. (3) 18 Nov: maintenance

Significante gebeurtenissen 13 – 19 Nov:
(1) 15 en 16 Nov: operationele verkenningsvluchten zonder inzet van de wapensystemen.
(2) 13, 14, 17 en 19 Nov: operationele vluchten met inzet van de wapensystemen.
(3) 18 Nov: onderhoud
Significant events 13 – 19 Nov:
(1) 15 and 16 Nov: operational exploratory flights without the use of weapon systems.
(2) 13, 14, 17 and 19 Nov: operational flights with the use of the weapon systems.
(3) 18 Nov: maintenance

Report Date

November 18, 2014


Significant events 13 – 19 Nov: (1) 15 and 16 Nov: operational exploratory flights without the use of weapon systems. (2) 13, 14, 17 and 19 Nov: operational flights with the use of the weapon systems. (3) 18 Nov: maintenance

Significante gebeurtenissen 13 – 19 Nov: (1) 15 en 16 Nov: operationele verkenningsvluchten zonder inzet van de wapensystemen. (2) 13, 14, 17 en 19 Nov: operationele vluchten met inzet van de wapensystemen. (3) 18 Nov: onderhoud

CENTCOM for November 17, 2014 – November 18, 2014

Report Date

November 18, 2014

November 19th 2014: U.S. and partner nation military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Nov. 17-19 using fighter and bomber aircraft to conduct six airstrikes against ISIL and one U.S. airstrike against a network of veteran Al Qaeda operatives, sometimes called the “Khorasan Group.” Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted 24 airstrikes in Iraq Nov. 17-19 using attack, fighter, bomber and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

In Syria, five airstrikes near Kobani destroyed one ISIL fighting position, an ISIL staging area, three ISIL occupied buildings, suppressed two ISIL fighting positions and struck two tactical and one large ISIL unit.

One airstrike southeast of Al-Hasakah damaged a crude oil collection point operated by ISIL.

Finally, in northwest Syria near Haram, a U.S. airstrike struck and destroyed a storage facility associated with a network of veteran Al Qaeda operatives, sometimes called the “Khorasan Group,” whose members are plotting external attacks against the United States and its allies.

In Iraq, thirteen airstrikes near Kirkuk destroyed two ISIL fighting positions [Canada], seven ISIL staging areas, one ISIL mortar position, an ISIL bulldozer and front-loader.

Seven airstrikes near Mosul struck five ISIL tactical units, damaged an IED factory [Canada] and destroyed an ISIL mortar position, three ISIL vehicles, an ISIL occupied building, an ISIL artillery piece and ISIL artillery mover.

Three airstrikes near Bayji struck three ISIL tactical units and destroyed an ISIL occupied building and an ISIL vehicle.

One airstrike near Fallujah struck an ISIL tactical unit.

Report Date

November 18, 2014

Report Summary

  • 31 total strikes
  • 24 in Iraq (515 – 538)
  • 7 in Syria (434 – 440)

Confirmed Actions

US, France, UK, Canada, Belgium

November 19th 2014: U.S. and partner nation military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Nov. 17-19 using fighter and bomber aircraft to conduct six airstrikes against ISIL and one U.S. airstrike against a network of veteran Al Qaeda operatives, sometimes called the “Khorasan Group.” Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted 24 airstrikes in Iraq Nov. 17-19 using attack, fighter, bomber and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

In Syria, five airstrikes near Kobani destroyed one ISIL fighting position, an ISIL staging area, three ISIL occupied buildings, suppressed two ISIL fighting positions and struck two tactical and one large ISIL unit.

One airstrike southeast of Al-Hasakah damaged a crude oil collection point operated by ISIL.

Finally, in northwest Syria near Haram, a U.S. airstrike struck and destroyed a storage facility associated with a network of veteran Al Qaeda operatives, sometimes called the “Khorasan Group,” whose members are plotting external attacks against the United States and its allies.

In Iraq, thirteen airstrikes near Kirkuk destroyed two ISIL fighting positions [Canada], seven ISIL staging areas, one ISIL mortar position, an ISIL bulldozer and front-loader.

Seven airstrikes near Mosul struck five ISIL tactical units, damaged an IED factory [Canada] and destroyed an ISIL mortar position, three ISIL vehicles, an ISIL occupied building, an ISIL artillery piece and ISIL artillery mover.

Three airstrikes near Bayji struck three ISIL tactical units and destroyed an ISIL occupied building and an ISIL vehicle.

One airstrike near Fallujah struck an ISIL tactical unit.

French MoD for November 17, 2014 – November 18, 2014

Report Date

November 18, 2014


France reports a heavy early morning airstrke against ISIL defensive positions near Kirkuk, intended to allow Iraqi forces to advance.

Dans la nuit du 18 au 19 novembre 2014, la force Chammal a contribué à un raid aérien effectué contre des positions de retranchement de l’organisation terroriste Daech, au sud de Mossoul, dans la région de Kirkouk, en Irak.

Le renseignement collecté par la coalition depuis le début de l’opération a permis de planifier une mission de bombardement contre un site défensif de l’organisation terroriste. Aux environs de 4h30 ce matin, heure de Paris, les deux Rafale français, armés chacun de quatre bombes AASM, ont ciblé un ensemble de tranchées utilisées par Daech pour tenir le siège de Kirkouk. Cette action a été complétée par des frappes simultanées de nos alliés, permettant de créer une brèche dans le système défensif des terroristes au niveau de la ligne de front entre les forces irakiennes et les combattants du groupe autoproclamé Daech.

C’est dans cette même zone que les avions français avaient appuyé les troupes irakiennes par des frappes d’opportunité réalisées le 14 novembre.

Les militaires de la force Chammal poursuivent quotidiennement leurs missions de reconnaissance armée et de renseignement, afin d’appuyer l’action des forces armées irakiennes au sol.

Report Date

November 18, 2014


France reports a heavy early morning airstrke against ISIL defensive positions near Kirkuk, intended to allow Iraqi forces to advance.

Dans la nuit du 18 au 19 novembre 2014, la force Chammal a contribué à un raid aérien effectué contre des positions de retranchement de l’organisation terroriste Daech, au sud de Mossoul, dans la région de Kirkouk, en Irak.

Le renseignement collecté par la coalition depuis le début de l’opération a permis de planifier une mission de bombardement contre un site défensif de l’organisation terroriste. Aux environs de 4h30 ce matin, heure de Paris, les deux Rafale français, armés chacun de quatre bombes AASM, ont ciblé un ensemble de tranchées utilisées par Daech pour tenir le siège de Kirkouk. Cette action a été complétée par des frappes simultanées de nos alliés, permettant de créer une brèche dans le système défensif des terroristes au niveau de la ligne de front entre les forces irakiennes et les combattants du groupe autoproclamé Daech.

C’est dans cette même zone que les avions français avaient appuyé les troupes irakiennes par des frappes d’opportunité réalisées le 14 novembre.

Les militaires de la force Chammal poursuivent quotidiennement leurs missions de reconnaissance armée et de renseignement, afin d’appuyer l’action des forces armées irakiennes au sol.

  • French image of the massed bombing raid near Mosul, November 19th 2014 (Ministère de la Défense )

Incident date

November 17, 2014

Incident Code



القيارة, Qayyarah, Nineveh, Iraq

Multiple civilians were reported killed as a result of air raids launched by the coalition south of Mosul. The National Iraqi News Agency cited forensic sources as saying that 16 people, including six women and children, were killed. Other media reported that up to “22 Daesh militants” were also killed in coalition airstrikes in the


First published
November 17, 2014
Last updated
December 15, 2024
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(3 children3 women)
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

CENTCOM for November 14, 2014 – November 15, 2014

Report Date

November 15, 2014

November 17th 2014: US military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Nov. 14-17 using fighter and bomber aircraft to conduct eleven airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted 20 airstrikes in Iraq Nov. 14-17 using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

In Syria, nine airstrikes near Kobani destroyed seven ISIL fighting positions, suppressed another ISIL fighting position, destroyed four ISIL staging areas, and struck one tactical ISIL unit.

Two airstrikes near Dayr Az Zawr struck an ISIL crude oil collection facility and destroyed one ISIL tank.

In Iraq, four airstrikes near Ar Rutbah [including 1 by UK] destroyed nine ISIL trucks, two ISIL excavators and one ISIL front-loader, and damaged one ISIL vehicle.

Three airstrikes near Fallujah destroyed two ISIL vehicles, one ISIL bulldozer and one ISIL front-loader.

One airstrike southwest of Mosul Dam [carried out by UK – see below] destroyed one ISIL bulldozer and struck one tactical ISIL unit.

Two airstrikes west of Mosul struck two ISIL tactical units and destroyed one ISIL vehicle and an ISIL fighting position.

Three airstrikes near Kirkuk struck one tactical ISIL unit, and damaged one ISIL tank and destroyed another.

One airstrike southwest of Al Qaim destroyed one ISIL vehicle.

One airstrike in Tel Afar struck one tactical ISIL unit.

Five airstrikes near Bayji struck two tactical ISIL units and one large ISIL unit and destroyed one ISIL tank, one ISIL vehicle, and four ISIL fighting positions.

Report Date

November 15, 2014

Report Summary

  • 31 total strikes
  • 20 in Iraq (495 – 514)
  • 11 in Syria (423 – 433)

Confirmed Actions


November 17th 2014: US military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Nov. 14-17 using fighter and bomber aircraft to conduct eleven airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted 20 airstrikes in Iraq Nov. 14-17 using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

In Syria, nine airstrikes near Kobani destroyed seven ISIL fighting positions, suppressed another ISIL fighting position, destroyed four ISIL staging areas, and struck one tactical ISIL unit.

Two airstrikes near Dayr Az Zawr struck an ISIL crude oil collection facility and destroyed one ISIL tank.

In Iraq, four airstrikes near Ar Rutbah [including 1 by UK] destroyed nine ISIL trucks, two ISIL excavators and one ISIL front-loader, and damaged one ISIL vehicle.

Three airstrikes near Fallujah destroyed two ISIL vehicles, one ISIL bulldozer and one ISIL front-loader.

One airstrike southwest of Mosul Dam [carried out by UK – see below] destroyed one ISIL bulldozer and struck one tactical ISIL unit.

Two airstrikes west of Mosul struck two ISIL tactical units and destroyed one ISIL vehicle and an ISIL fighting position.

Three airstrikes near Kirkuk struck one tactical ISIL unit, and damaged one ISIL tank and destroyed another.

One airstrike southwest of Al Qaim destroyed one ISIL vehicle.

One airstrike in Tel Afar struck one tactical ISIL unit.

Five airstrikes near Bayji struck two tactical ISIL units and one large ISIL unit and destroyed one ISIL tank, one ISIL vehicle, and four ISIL fighting positions.

UK MoD for November 14, 2014 – November 15, 2014

Report Date

November 15, 2014

On Saturday night [November 15th 2014], Tornado GR4s conducted an armed reconnaissance patrol over western and northern Iraq, supported by a Voyager refuelling tanker. In the western desert, they were tasked to strike an ISIL communications vehicle, which coalition forces had previously identified. A single Brimstone missile was used to conduct an attack.

Later in the patrol, the Tornados were called north to the Mosul area to support Kurdish peshmerga who were under fire from ISIL heavy weapons. Paveway precision guided bombs were used to hit a mortar and firing positions, as well as a bulldozer which the terrorists were using to construct defences against the peshmerga’s advance.

Report Date

November 15, 2014

On Saturday night [November 15th 2014], Tornado GR4s conducted an armed reconnaissance patrol over western and northern Iraq, supported by a Voyager refuelling tanker. In the western desert, they were tasked to strike an ISIL communications vehicle, which coalition forces had previously identified. A single Brimstone missile was used to conduct an attack.

Later in the patrol, the Tornados were called north to the Mosul area to support Kurdish peshmerga who were under fire from ISIL heavy weapons. Paveway precision guided bombs were used to hit a mortar and firing positions, as well as a bulldozer which the terrorists were using to construct defences against the peshmerga’s advance.

Danish MoD for November 14, 2014 – November 15, 2014

Report Date

November 15, 2014


November 6th – November 17th summary: Denmark reports 20 new missions, in which 3 additional bombs were dropped. Overall it reports 61 missions which have dropped 42 bombs since October 16th.

Der bliver til stadighed fløjet mange missioner. De danske fly er ofte indsat i overvågningsmissioner, hvor fokus er på indsamling af data – altså billeder taget med det fotoudstyr, som de danske F-16-kampfly har med på missionerne. Det er både flyets måludpegningsudstyr og en særlig “Reccepod”, som bruges. Flyene overvåger blandt andet bygninger, personer eller køretøjer med det formål at bidrage til koalitionens samlede efterretningsbillede. Flyene overvåger også kamphandlinger. Her er flyene samtidig klar til at støtte med bomber, når det er nødvendigt, hvilket også er sket i den forgangne periode.

Missionerne, som de danske fly har deltaget i, er stadig at betragte som offensive. Når der ikke er blevet fløjet overvågningsmissioner, har det været Close Air Support-missioner (CAS), hvor flyene er indsat som luftstøtte til styrker på landjorden. Luftstøtten kan bestå af flere forskellige opgaver, afhængig af hvad der er behov for.

I løbet af de seneste 20 missioner har de danske fly anvendt tre bomber mod fjendtlige styrker og køretøjer.

Fra første mission til den 17. november klokken 8.00 har det danske bidrag i alt fløjet 61 missioner og anvendt 42 bomber.

Report Date

November 15, 2014


November 6th – November 17th summary: Denmark reports 20 new missions, in which 3 additional bombs were dropped. Overall it reports 61 missions which have dropped 42 bombs since October 16th.

Der bliver til stadighed fløjet mange missioner. De danske fly er ofte indsat i overvågningsmissioner, hvor fokus er på indsamling af data – altså billeder taget med det fotoudstyr, som de danske F-16-kampfly har med på missionerne. Det er både flyets måludpegningsudstyr og en særlig “Reccepod”, som bruges. Flyene overvåger blandt andet bygninger, personer eller køretøjer med det formål at bidrage til koalitionens samlede efterretningsbillede. Flyene overvåger også kamphandlinger. Her er flyene samtidig klar til at støtte med bomber, når det er nødvendigt, hvilket også er sket i den forgangne periode.

Missionerne, som de danske fly har deltaget i, er stadig at betragte som offensive. Når der ikke er blevet fløjet overvågningsmissioner, har det været Close Air Support-missioner (CAS), hvor flyene er indsat som luftstøtte til styrker på landjorden. Luftstøtten kan bestå af flere forskellige opgaver, afhængig af hvad der er behov for.

I løbet af de seneste 20 missioner har de danske fly anvendt tre bomber mod fjendtlige styrker og køretøjer.

Fra første mission til den 17. november klokken 8.00 har det danske bidrag i alt fløjet 61 missioner og anvendt 42 bomber.

Netherlands MoD for November 14, 2014 – November 15, 2014

Report Date

November 15, 2014


Reports 10 new missions in Iraq which “destroyed multiple ISIS terror targets.”

Een overzicht van Defensie-operaties van 10 tot en met 16 november.

Nederlandse F-16’s van de Air Task Force Middle East vlogen meer dan 10 missies boven Irak. Ze vernietigden daarbij meerdere doelen van terreurorganisatie ISIS.

Report Date

November 15, 2014


Reports 10 new missions in Iraq which “destroyed multiple ISIS terror targets.”

Een overzicht van Defensie-operaties van 10 tot en met 16 november.

Nederlandse F-16’s van de Air Task Force Middle East vlogen meer dan 10 missies boven Irak. Ze vernietigden daarbij meerdere doelen van terreurorganisatie ISIS.

CENTCOM for November 12, 2014 – November 13, 2014

Report Date

November 13, 2014

November 14th: U.S and partner nation military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Nov. 12-14 using bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct 19 airstrikes against ISIL and one U.S. airstrike against a network of veteran al-Qa’ida operatives, sometimes called the “Khorasan Group.” Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted 16 airstrikes in Iraq Nov. 12-14 using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL


In Syria, 17 airstrikes conducted near Kobani struck 10 ISIL units, destroyed ten fighting positions, an ISIL building, two ISIL vehicles, and an ISIL motorcycle.

An airstrike east of Ar Raqqah destroyed an ISIL training camp.

Another airstrike east of Dayr Az Zawr destroyed an ISIL oil collection point.

Finally, in northwest Syria west of Aleppo, a U.S. airstrike struck terrorists associated with a network of veteran Al Qaeda operatives, sometimes called the “Khorasan Group,” who are plotting external attacks against the United States and our allies.

In Iraq, [6] airstrikes south of Kirkuk struck four small ISIL units and an ISIL vehicle [including 3 by France].

Two airstrikes west of Kirkuk struck two small ISIL units, destroyed an ISIL heavy machine gun, an ISIL weapons bunker, and an ISIL vehicle [UK strikes].

One airstrike west of Taji destroyed three ISIL vehicles.

Two airstrikes near Ar Rutbah destroyed 13 ISIL vehicles and two ISIL excavators.

Three airstrikes near Bayji struck two small ISIL units and destroyed one ISIL vehicle.

An airstrike near Fallujah struck a large ISIL unit.

Finally, one airstrike east of Mosul, Iraq, destroyed one small ISIL unit.

Report Date

November 13, 2014

Report Summary

  • 36 total strikes
  • 16 in Iraq (479 – 494)
  • 20 in Syria (403 – 422)

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, France, Belgium

November 14th: U.S and partner nation military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Nov. 12-14 using bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct 19 airstrikes against ISIL and one U.S. airstrike against a network of veteran al-Qa’ida operatives, sometimes called the “Khorasan Group.” Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted 16 airstrikes in Iraq Nov. 12-14 using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL


In Syria, 17 airstrikes conducted near Kobani struck 10 ISIL units, destroyed ten fighting positions, an ISIL building, two ISIL vehicles, and an ISIL motorcycle.

An airstrike east of Ar Raqqah destroyed an ISIL training camp.

Another airstrike east of Dayr Az Zawr destroyed an ISIL oil collection point.

Finally, in northwest Syria west of Aleppo, a U.S. airstrike struck terrorists associated with a network of veteran Al Qaeda operatives, sometimes called the “Khorasan Group,” who are plotting external attacks against the United States and our allies.

In Iraq, [6] airstrikes south of Kirkuk struck four small ISIL units and an ISIL vehicle [including 3 by France].

Two airstrikes west of Kirkuk struck two small ISIL units, destroyed an ISIL heavy machine gun, an ISIL weapons bunker, and an ISIL vehicle [UK strikes].

One airstrike west of Taji destroyed three ISIL vehicles.

Two airstrikes near Ar Rutbah destroyed 13 ISIL vehicles and two ISIL excavators.

Three airstrikes near Bayji struck two small ISIL units and destroyed one ISIL vehicle.

An airstrike near Fallujah struck a large ISIL unit.

Finally, one airstrike east of Mosul, Iraq, destroyed one small ISIL unit.

UK MoD for November 12, 2014 – November 13, 2014

Report Date

November 13, 2014

Last night [November 13th 2014] a Royal Air Force (RAF) Reaper remotely piloted air system was involved in a coalition air strike in the Kirkuk region. The Reaper had been tasked to conduct reconnaissance in an area where Iraqi forces had encountered ISIL fighters.

The operators were able to use the Reaper’s advanced systems to identify a number of ISIL positions, enabling another Coalition aircraft to attack a command post, bunker, observation post and two armed pick-up trucks. They then identified a further 3 positions, and, having carefully checked the area, conducted attacks using the Reaper’s own Hellfire missiles. Initial analysis indicates that the attacks were successful.

Report Date

November 13, 2014

Last night [November 13th 2014] a Royal Air Force (RAF) Reaper remotely piloted air system was involved in a coalition air strike in the Kirkuk region. The Reaper had been tasked to conduct reconnaissance in an area where Iraqi forces had encountered ISIL fighters.

The operators were able to use the Reaper’s advanced systems to identify a number of ISIL positions, enabling another Coalition aircraft to attack a command post, bunker, observation post and two armed pick-up trucks. They then identified a further 3 positions, and, having carefully checked the area, conducted attacks using the Reaper’s own Hellfire missiles. Initial analysis indicates that the attacks were successful.

UK MoD for November 12, 2014 – November 13, 2014

Report Date

November 13, 2014


The RAF later added two further strikes for the night of November 13th, though this copy is presently deleted.

On Thursday evening, Kurdish peshmerga reported coming under fire from a dug-in machine-gun position. An RAF Reaper remotely piloted air system succeeded in locating the ISIL position, and attacked it with a Hellfire missile. The crew operating the Reaper then identified further ISIL positions, allowing another coalition aircraft to conduct an attack.

Before the end of its patrol, the Reaper crew used another Hellfire to engage an ISIL checkpoint set up to control a road.

Elsewhere in Iraq, another Reaper, investigating reported ISIL activity in response to advancing Iraqi forces, identified terrorists boarding a truck. Despite the vehicle moving off at high speed, the Reaper crew were able to hit it with a Hellfire.

Report Date

November 13, 2014


The RAF later added two further strikes for the night of November 13th, though this copy is presently deleted.

On Thursday evening, Kurdish peshmerga reported coming under fire from a dug-in machine-gun position. An RAF Reaper remotely piloted air system succeeded in locating the ISIL position, and attacked it with a Hellfire missile. The crew operating the Reaper then identified further ISIL positions, allowing another coalition aircraft to conduct an attack.

Before the end of its patrol, the Reaper crew used another Hellfire to engage an ISIL checkpoint set up to control a road.

Elsewhere in Iraq, another Reaper, investigating reported ISIL activity in response to advancing Iraqi forces, identified terrorists boarding a truck. Despite the vehicle moving off at high speed, the Reaper crew were able to hit it with a Hellfire.

French MoD for November 12, 2014 – November 13, 2014

Report Date

November 13, 2014


France reports 3 new airstrikes in the Kirkuk area, using GBU-12 munitions.

Le 14 novembre 2014, la force Chammal a porté trois nouvelles frappes contre des positions de Daech depuis lesquelles ces terroristes menaient des actions offensives contre les forces de sécurité irakiennes dans le nord du pays.

Dans la matinée, alors qu’elle était en mission de reconnaissance armée, une patrouille de deux Rafale a été orientée par le centre opérationnel aérien (CAOC) sur une mission d’opportunité dans la région de Kirkouk, entre Bagdad et Mossoul. Il s’agissait de détruire des positions de combat depuis lesquelles des terroristes du groupe autoproclamé Daech ouvraient le feu sur les forces de sécurité irakiennes.

Au cours de cette mission, la patrouille a délivré plusieurs bombes guidées laser (GBU12) sur des positions de Daech. L’action des avions français a ainsi permis la destruction d’un bunker abritant des combattants terroristes, du matériel servant à la fortification de leur poste, ainsi qu’un second poste de combat.

Report Date

November 13, 2014


France reports 3 new airstrikes in the Kirkuk area, using GBU-12 munitions.

Le 14 novembre 2014, la force Chammal a porté trois nouvelles frappes contre des positions de Daech depuis lesquelles ces terroristes menaient des actions offensives contre les forces de sécurité irakiennes dans le nord du pays.

Dans la matinée, alors qu’elle était en mission de reconnaissance armée, une patrouille de deux Rafale a été orientée par le centre opérationnel aérien (CAOC) sur une mission d’opportunité dans la région de Kirkouk, entre Bagdad et Mossoul. Il s’agissait de détruire des positions de combat depuis lesquelles des terroristes du groupe autoproclamé Daech ouvraient le feu sur les forces de sécurité irakiennes.

Au cours de cette mission, la patrouille a délivré plusieurs bombes guidées laser (GBU12) sur des positions de Daech. L’action des avions français a ainsi permis la destruction d’un bunker abritant des combattants terroristes, du matériel servant à la fortification de leur poste, ainsi qu’un second poste de combat.

Incident date

November 12, 2014

Incident Code



الموصل‎, Mosul, Jawsag, Nineveh, Iraq

Iraqi news agency NINA and others reported that seven civilians – including children – died in “international coalition raids” in the vicinity of both Denden and Jawsaq, south of Mosul city. An additional strike by the Iraq military at nearby Mithaq in eastern Mosul reportedly killed an additional 15 civilians.  


First published
November 12, 2014
Last updated
December 15, 2024
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(2 children)
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

CENTCOM for November 10, 2014 – November 11, 2014

Report Date

November 11, 2014

November 12th 2014: U.S. and partner nation military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Nov. 10-12 using bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct sixteen airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted seven airstrikes in Iraq Nov. 10-12 using attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

In Syria, ten airstrikes conducted near Kobani struck eight small ISIL units, damaged three ISIL fighting positions and destroyed an ISIL logistics facility.

There were two airstrikes south of Al-Haskah damaging a crude oil collection point operated by ISIL.

Three airstrikes northeast of Dayr Az Zawr damaged an ISIL crude oil collection facility.

Near Dayr Az Zawr, one airstrike struck a small ISIL unit and damaged an ISIL vehicle.

In Iraq, two airstrikes near Kirkuk struck a small ISIL unit and a large ISIL unit.

Five airstrikes near Bayji struck three small ISIL units, one large ISIL unit and destroyed two ISIL buildings, an ISIL sniper position, two ISIL vehicles, an ISIL mortar tube and an ISIL artillery piece [1 Canadian].

Report Date

November 11, 2014

Report Summary

  • 23 total strikes
  • 7 in Iraq (472 – 478)
  • 16 in Syria (387 – 402)

Confirmed Actions

US, Canada

November 12th 2014: U.S. and partner nation military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Nov. 10-12 using bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct sixteen airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted seven airstrikes in Iraq Nov. 10-12 using attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

In Syria, ten airstrikes conducted near Kobani struck eight small ISIL units, damaged three ISIL fighting positions and destroyed an ISIL logistics facility.

There were two airstrikes south of Al-Haskah damaging a crude oil collection point operated by ISIL.

Three airstrikes northeast of Dayr Az Zawr damaged an ISIL crude oil collection facility.

Near Dayr Az Zawr, one airstrike struck a small ISIL unit and damaged an ISIL vehicle.

In Iraq, two airstrikes near Kirkuk struck a small ISIL unit and a large ISIL unit.

Five airstrikes near Bayji struck three small ISIL units, one large ISIL unit and destroyed two ISIL buildings, an ISIL sniper position, two ISIL vehicles, an ISIL mortar tube and an ISIL artillery piece [1 Canadian].

Canadian MoD for November 10, 2014 – November 11, 2014

Report Date

November 11, 2014

Briefing from Colonel Daniel Constable, Commander Joint Task Force: “On November 11th, CF-188s engaged ISIL along the northern ISIL supply line that I spoke to earlier, near the town of Baiji, some 200 kilometres northwest of Baghdad. As you can see in the video provided on the Canadian Armed Forces website, an ISIL artillery piece was destroyed using a laser-guided munition. Baiji is an area where the Iraqi security forces are battling ISIL.
This strike was part of a greater coalition effort and in this particular area the strike on the artillery piece was a continuation of other engagements against ISIL. This artillery piece was initially spotted in a tree line from where it had been firing at Iraqi forces.

Report Date

November 11, 2014

Briefing from Colonel Daniel Constable, Commander Joint Task Force: “On November 11th, CF-188s engaged ISIL along the northern ISIL supply line that I spoke to earlier, near the town of Baiji, some 200 kilometres northwest of Baghdad. As you can see in the video provided on the Canadian Armed Forces website, an ISIL artillery piece was destroyed using a laser-guided munition. Baiji is an area where the Iraqi security forces are battling ISIL.

This strike was part of a greater coalition effort and in this particular area the strike on the artillery piece was a continuation of other engagements against ISIL. This artillery piece was initially spotted in a tree line from where it had been firing at Iraqi forces.”

Danish MoD for November 5, 2014 – November 6, 2014

Report Date

November 6, 2014


Reports 14 new missions since October 27th, resulting in 2 bombs being dropped.

06-11-2014 – kl. 16:00: De danske F-16-fly, der er udsendt som bidrag til Operation Inherent Resolve, har siden seneste opdatering 26. oktober fløjet 14 missioner. Missionerne er foregået i både det centrale og det nordlige Irak.

Missionerne, som de danske fly har deltaget i, har været offensive. Det har i den forgangne periode udelukkende drejet sig om Close Air Support-missioner (CAS), hvor flyene er indsat som luftstøtte til styrker på landjorden. Luftstøtten kan bestå af flere forskellige opgaver, afhængig af hvad der er behov for.

I den seneste periode har de danske fly derfor – som en del af CAS-missionerne – udført en del opgaver inden for det, der kaldes NTISR (Non Traditional Intelligence and Surveillance Reconnaisance). Her overvåger flyene fx bygninger, personer eller køretøjer med det formål at bidrage til koalitionens samlede efterretningsbillede. Ligeledes overvåges også kamphandlinger, hvor flyene så samtidig er klar til at støtte med bomber, hvis det er nødvendigt.

I løbet af de seneste 14 missioner har de danske fly anvendt 2 bomber mod fjendtlige styrker og køretøjer.

Siden første mission den 16. oktober 2014, har det danske bidrag i alt fløjet 41 missioner og anvendt 39 bomber.

Report Date

November 6, 2014


Reports 14 new missions since October 27th, resulting in 2 bombs being dropped.

06-11-2014 – kl. 16:00: De danske F-16-fly, der er udsendt som bidrag til Operation Inherent Resolve, har siden seneste opdatering 26. oktober fløjet 14 missioner. Missionerne er foregået i både det centrale og det nordlige Irak.

Missionerne, som de danske fly har deltaget i, har været offensive. Det har i den forgangne periode udelukkende drejet sig om Close Air Support-missioner (CAS), hvor flyene er indsat som luftstøtte til styrker på landjorden. Luftstøtten kan bestå af flere forskellige opgaver, afhængig af hvad der er behov for.

I den seneste periode har de danske fly derfor – som en del af CAS-missionerne – udført en del opgaver inden for det, der kaldes NTISR (Non Traditional Intelligence and Surveillance Reconnaisance). Her overvåger flyene fx bygninger, personer eller køretøjer med det formål at bidrage til koalitionens samlede efterretningsbillede. Ligeledes overvåges også kamphandlinger, hvor flyene så samtidig er klar til at støtte med bomber, hvis det er nødvendigt.

I løbet af de seneste 14 missioner har de danske fly anvendt 2 bomber mod fjendtlige styrker og køretøjer.

Siden første mission den 16. oktober 2014, har det danske bidrag i alt fløjet 41 missioner og anvendt 39 bomber.

  • Deputy PM Lodewijk Asscher and Defence Minister Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert visit Dutch F-16s in the Middle East Nov 6th 2014 (Dutch MoD)

CENTCOM for November 5, 2014 – November 6, 2014

Report Date

November 6, 2014

November 7th: U.S. and partner nation military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Nov. 5-7 using fighter, bomber and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct eight airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted six airstrikes in Iraq Nov. 5-7 using fighter, bomber and remotely-piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

In Syria, seven airstrikes conducted near Kobani struck three small ISIL units, seven ISIL fighting positions and destroyed an ISIL artillery piece.

One airstrike near Tall Abyad destroyed an ISIL weapons stockpile.

In Iraq, an airstrike near Fallujah destroyed two ISIL bulldozers engaged in constructing obstructions.

One airstrike near Bayji struck a small ISIL unit and damaged an ISIL building.

Two airstrikes near Ramadi destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

One airstrike southeast of Fallujah struck a small ISIL unit and destroyed two ISIL vehicles.

One airstrike northwest of Haditha destroyed four ISIL vehicles.

Report Date

November 6, 2014

Report Summary

  • 19 total strikes
  • 6 in Iraq (448 – 453)
  • 13 in Syria (356 – 368)

Confirmed Actions


November 7th: U.S. and partner nation military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Nov. 5-7 using fighter, bomber and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct eight airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted six airstrikes in Iraq Nov. 5-7 using fighter, bomber and remotely-piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

In Syria, seven airstrikes conducted near Kobani struck three small ISIL units, seven ISIL fighting positions and destroyed an ISIL artillery piece.

One airstrike near Tall Abyad destroyed an ISIL weapons stockpile.

In Iraq, an airstrike near Fallujah destroyed two ISIL bulldozers engaged in constructing obstructions.

One airstrike near Bayji struck a small ISIL unit and damaged an ISIL building.

Two airstrikes near Ramadi destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

One airstrike southeast of Fallujah struck a small ISIL unit and destroyed two ISIL vehicles.

One airstrike northwest of Haditha destroyed four ISIL vehicles.

CENTCOM for November 5, 2014 – November 6, 2014

Report Date

November 6, 2014

November 6th 2014: U.S. military forces conducted airstrikes last night against five Khorasan Group targets in the vicinity of Sarmada, Syria, using bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely. We are still assessing the outcome of the attack, but have initial indications that it resulted in the intended effects by striking terrorists and destroying or severely damaging several Khorasan Group vehicles and buildings assessed to be meeting and staging areas, IED-making facilities and training facilities. These strikes were undertaken only by U.S. assets.

The Khorasan Group is a term used to refer to a network of Nusrah Front and al-Qa’ida core extremists who share a history of training operatives, facilitating fighters and money, and planning attacks against U.S. and Western targets. These strikes were not in response to the Nusrah Front’s clashes with the Syrian moderate opposition, and they did not target the Nusrah Front as a whole. They were directed at the Khorasan Group whose focus is not on overthrowing the Asad regime or helping the Syrian people. These al-Qa’ida operatives are taking advantage of the Syrian conflict to advance attacks against Western interests.

This network was plotting to attack in Europe or the homeland, and we took decisive action to protect our interests and remove their capability to act. We will continue to take any action necessary to disrupt attack plotting against U.S. interests.

Report Date

November 6, 2014

November 6th 2014: U.S. military forces conducted airstrikes last night against five Khorasan Group targets in the vicinity of Sarmada, Syria, using bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely. We are still assessing the outcome of the attack, but have initial indications that it resulted in the intended effects by striking terrorists and destroying or severely damaging several Khorasan Group vehicles and buildings assessed to be meeting and staging areas, IED-making facilities and training facilities. These strikes were undertaken only by U.S. assets.

The Khorasan Group is a term used to refer to a network of Nusrah Front and al-Qa’ida core extremists who share a history of training operatives, facilitating fighters and money, and planning attacks against U.S. and Western targets. These strikes were not in response to the Nusrah Front’s clashes with the Syrian moderate opposition, and they did not target the Nusrah Front as a whole. They were directed at the Khorasan Group whose focus is not on overthrowing the Asad regime or helping the Syrian people. These al-Qa’ida operatives are taking advantage of the Syrian conflict to advance attacks against Western interests.

This network was plotting to attack in Europe or the homeland, and we took decisive action to protect our interests and remove their capability to act. We will continue to take any action necessary to disrupt attack plotting against U.S. interests.