Military Reports

Military Reports

Netherlands MoD for November 2, 2014 – November 3, 2014

Report Date

November 3, 2014


Reports 16 new missions for its F-16 aircraft, during which bombs were dropped and the nose cannon fired.

Nederlandse F-16’s voerden 16 missies uit boven Irak en bombardeerden doelen van terreurorganisatie ISIS. Ook namen de vliegtuigen doelen onder vuur met het boordkanon. Een overzicht van Defensie-operaties in de week van 27 oktober tot en met 2 november.

De jachtvliegtuigen schakelden tijdens deze missies verschillende doelen uit, waaronder materieelcomplexen, voertuigen en strijders van ISIS.

Report Date

November 3, 2014


Reports 16 new missions for its F-16 aircraft, during which bombs were dropped and the nose cannon fired.

Nederlandse F-16’s voerden 16 missies uit boven Irak en bombardeerden doelen van terreurorganisatie ISIS. Ook namen de vliegtuigen doelen onder vuur met het boordkanon. Een overzicht van Defensie-operaties in de week van 27 oktober tot en met 2 november.

De jachtvliegtuigen schakelden tijdens deze missies verschillende doelen uit, waaronder materieelcomplexen, voertuigen en strijders van ISIS.

CENTCOM for November 1, 2014 – November 2, 2014

Report Date

November 2, 2014

U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Saturday and today using attack, fighter and bomber aircraft to conduct seven airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted two airstrikes in Iraq Saturday and today using fighter and remotely-piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.
In Syria, five airstrikes conducted near Kobani struck five small ISIL units and destroyed three ISIL vehicles.
Southeast of Dayr Az Zawr, Syria, two airstrikes destroyed an ISIL tank and two vehicle shelters.
In Iraq, one airstrike near Bayji struck a small ISIL unit.
Southeast of Fallujah, Iraq, coalition aircraft also struck a small ISIL unit.

Report Date

November 2, 2014

Report Summary

  • 9 total strikes
  • 2 in Iraq (427 – 428)
  • 7 in Syria (335 – 341)

Confirmed Actions


November 2nd: U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Saturday and today using attack, fighter and bomber aircraft to conduct seven airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted two airstrikes in Iraq Saturday and today using fighter and remotely-piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

In Syria, five airstrikes conducted near Kobani struck five small ISIL units and destroyed three ISIL vehicles.

Southeast of Dayr Az Zawr, Syria, two airstrikes destroyed an ISIL tank and two vehicle shelters.

In Iraq, one airstrike near Bayji struck a small ISIL unit.

Southeast of Fallujah, Iraq, coalition aircraft also struck a small ISIL unit

  • Canadian CF-18 Hornets break away after refueling with a US tanker Nov 1st 2014 ( USAF/SSgt. Perry Aston)
    Royal Canadian Air Force CF-18 Hornets break away after refueling with a KC-135 Stratotanker assigned to the 340th Expeditionary Air Refueling Squadron, Oct. 30, 2014, over Iraq. This was the first Combat mission in the area of operations, supporting Operation Inherent Resolve.(U.S. Air Force Photo by Staff Sgt. Perry Aston/Released)

Canadian MoD for November 2, 2014 – November 2, 2014

Report Date

November 2, 2014


Canada becomes 8th member of international alliance to carry out airstrikes in Iraq.

The Honourable Rob Nicholson, P.C., Q.C., M.P. for Niagara Falls and Minister of National Defence, issued the following statement: “Today, Canada’s CF-18s conducted their first combat strike since joining the fight against ISIL on October 30. Coordinated with our coalition partners, two CF-18s attacked ISIL targets with GBU12 500 lb laser guided bombs in the vicinity of Fallujah, Iraq.
The approximately four hour mission included air-to-air refueling from Canada’s Polaris aircraft. All aircraft returned safely to their base.”

Report Date

November 2, 2014


Canada becomes 8th member of international alliance to carry out airstrikes in Iraq.

November 2nd 2014: The Honourable Rob Nicholson, P.C., Q.C., M.P. for Niagara Falls and Minister of National Defence, issued the following statement: “Today, Canada’s CF-18s conducted their first combat strike since joining the fight against ISIL on October 30. Coordinated with our coalition partners, two CF-18s attacked ISIL targets with GBU12 500 lb laser guided bombs in the vicinity of Fallujah, Iraq.

The approximately four hour mission included air-to-air refueling from Canada’s Polaris aircraft. All aircraft returned safely to their base.”

CENTCOM for October 31, 2014 – November 1, 2014

Report Date

November 1, 2014

November 1st 2014: U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Friday and today using fighter and bomber aircraft to conduct five airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted five airstrikes in Iraq Friday and today using attack, bomber and fighter aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

In Syria, five airstrikes conducted near Kobani suppressed or destroyed nine ISIL fighting positions and struck one ISIL building.

In Iraq, one airstrike southwest of the Mosul Dam destroyed one ISIL vehicle.

Four airstrikes near Al Qaim, Iraq, [one British] heavily damaged or destroyed four ISIL vehicles and struck four ISIL buildings.

Report Date

November 1, 2014

Report Summary

  • 10 total strikes
  • 5 in Iraq (422 – 426)
  • 5 in Syria (330 – 334)

Confirmed Actions


November 1st 2014: U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Friday and today using fighter and bomber aircraft to conduct five airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted five airstrikes in Iraq Friday and today using attack, bomber and fighter aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

In Syria, five airstrikes conducted near Kobani suppressed or destroyed nine ISIL fighting positions and struck one ISIL building.

In Iraq, one airstrike southwest of the Mosul Dam destroyed one ISIL vehicle.

Four airstrikes near Al Qaim, Iraq, [one British] heavily damaged or destroyed four ISIL vehicles and struck four ISIL buildings.

UK MoD for October 31, 2014 – November 1, 2014

Report Date

November 1, 2014

Over the weekend [November 1st 2014], 2 Royal Air Force Tornado GR4s were tasked to investigate ISIL activity near the scene of an earlier successful coalition air strike at Al Qaim, north-west of Baghdad.

The aircraft, as part of the international coalition supporting the Iraqi government, identified and destroyed an ISIL armed vehicle using a single Brimstone missile.

Report Date

November 1, 2014

Over the weekend [November 1st 2014], 2 Royal Air Force Tornado GR4s were tasked to investigate ISIL activity near the scene of an earlier successful coalition air strike at Al Qaim, north-west of Baghdad.

The aircraft, as part of the international coalition supporting the Iraqi government, identified and destroyed an ISIL armed vehicle using a single Brimstone missile.

CENTCOM for October 30, 2014 – October 31, 2014

Report Date

October 31, 2014

October 31st: U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Thursday and today using fighter and bomber aircraft to conduct four airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted four airstrikes in Iraq Thursday and today using fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

In Syria, four airstrikes were conducted near Kobani damaging four ISIL fighting positions and one ISIL building.

In Iraq, an airstrike near Fallujah [French] struck a small ISIL unit and an airstrike near Bayji also struck a small ISIL unit.

One airstrike near Al Qaim destroyed one ISIL checkpoint and one ISIL vehicle.

One airstrike north of Tikrit struck a large ISIL unit and destroyed three ISIL-occupied buildings.

Report Date

October 31, 2014

Report Summary

  • 8 total strikes
  • 4 in Iraq (418 – 421)
  • 4 in Syria (326 – 329)

Confirmed Actions

US, France

October 31st: U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Thursday and today using fighter and bomber aircraft to conduct four airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted four airstrikes in Iraq Thursday and today using fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

In Syria, four airstrikes were conducted near Kobani damaging four ISIL fighting positions and one ISIL building.

In Iraq, an airstrike near Fallujah [French] struck a small ISIL unit and an airstrike near Bayji also struck a small ISIL unit.

One airstrike near Al Qaim destroyed one ISIL checkpoint and one ISIL vehicle.

One airstrike north of Tikrit struck a large ISIL unit and destroyed three ISIL-occupied buildings.

French MoD for October 30, 2014 – October 31, 2014

Report Date

October 31, 2014


France describes hitting a target of opportunity in the Fallujah area – “a building turned into a fulcrum by Daech fighters taking in some of the elements of the Iraqi armed forces.“

Le 31 octobre 2014, la force Chammal a poursuivi son appui aux opérations terrestres conduites par l’armée irakienne dans la région de Tikrīt, à 200 kilomètres au nord de Bagdad. Lors d’une mission de reconnaissance armée, le centre opérationnel aérien d’Al Udeid (CAOC) a réorienté une patrouille de Rafale, alors en vol dans la région de Falloujah, sur une cible d’opportunité. L’objectif, identifié et confirmé par un drone de la coalition, était un bâtiment transformé en point d’appui par plusieurs combattants de Daech en train de prendre à partie des éléments des forces armées irakiennes. Vers 7h00 et malgré les mauvaises conditions météo, les Rafale ont neutralisé ces terroristes armés en ouvrant le feu avec deux bombes AASM(1).

Report Date

October 31, 2014


France describes hitting a target of opportunity in the Fallujah area – “a building turned into a fulcrum by Daech fighters taking in some of the elements of the Iraqi armed forces.“

Le 31 octobre 2014, la force Chammal a poursuivi son appui aux opérations terrestres conduites par l’armée irakienne dans la région de Tikrīt, à 200 kilomètres au nord de Bagdad. Lors d’une mission de reconnaissance armée, le centre opérationnel aérien d’Al Udeid (CAOC) a réorienté une patrouille de Rafale, alors en vol dans la région de Falloujah, sur une cible d’opportunité. L’objectif, identifié et confirmé par un drone de la coalition, était un bâtiment transformé en point d’appui par plusieurs combattants de Daech en train de prendre à partie des éléments des forces armées irakiennes. Vers 7h00 et malgré les mauvaises conditions météo, les Rafale ont neutralisé ces terroristes armés en ouvrant le feu avec deux bombes AASM(1).

CENTCOM for October 29, 2014 – October 30, 2014

Report Date

October 30, 2014

October 30th: U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Wednesday and today using fighter and bomber aircraft to conduct twelve airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted two airstrikes in Iraq Wednesday and today using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

In Syria, ten airstrikes near Kobani struck two small ISIL units and destroyed seven ISIL fighting positions and five ISIL-occupied buildings.

Additionally, an ISIL headquarters building was damaged near Dayr Az Zawr and an ISIL security building was damaged near Ar Raqqah.

In Iraq, one airstrike near Bayji struck a small ISIL unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

One airstrike west of Ramadi struck an ISIL checkpoint.

Report Date

October 30, 2014

Report Summary

  • 14 total strikes
  • 2 in Iraq (416 – 417)
  • 12 in Syria (314 – 325)

Confirmed Actions


October 30th: U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Wednesday and today using fighter and bomber aircraft to conduct twelve airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted two airstrikes in Iraq Wednesday and today using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

In Syria, ten airstrikes near Kobani struck two small ISIL units and destroyed seven ISIL fighting positions and five ISIL-occupied buildings.

Additionally, an ISIL headquarters building was damaged near Dayr Az Zawr and an ISIL security building was damaged near Ar Raqqah.

In Iraq, one airstrike near Bayji struck a small ISIL unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

One airstrike west of Ramadi struck an ISIL checkpoint.

  • A Canadian crew arms an aircraft prior to its 2015 Iraq mission (Canadian Armed Forces)

CENTCOM for October 28, 2014 – October 29, 2014

Report Date

October 29, 2014

October 29th: U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Tuesday and today using fighter and bomber aircraft to conduct eight airstrikes. Separately, U.S. forces conducted six airstrikes in Iraq Tuesday and today using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

In Syria, eight airstrikes near Kobani destroyed five ISIL fighting positions, a small ISIL unit, six ISIL vehicles, an ISIL-occupied building and an ISIL command and control node.

In Iraq, three airstrikes in the vicinity of Fallujah destroyed three small ISIL units.

Three airstrikes near Sinjar destroyed one small ISIL unit and two ISIL vehicles.

Report Date

October 29, 2014

Report Summary

  • 14 total strikes
  • 6 in Iraq (410 – 415)
  • 8 in Syria (306 – 313)

Confirmed Actions


October 29th: U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Tuesday and today using fighter and bomber aircraft to conduct eight airstrikes. Separately, U.S. forces conducted six airstrikes in Iraq Tuesday and today using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

In Syria, eight airstrikes near Kobani destroyed five ISIL fighting positions, a small ISIL unit, six ISIL vehicles, an ISIL-occupied building and an ISIL command and control node.

In Iraq, three airstrikes in the vicinity of Fallujah destroyed three small ISIL units.

Three airstrikes near Sinjar destroyed one small ISIL unit and two ISIL vehicles.

Danish MoD for October 28, 2014 – October 29, 2014

Report Date

October 29, 2014


Reports 16 new missions since October 20th, in which 30 bombs are dropped.

27-10-2014 – kl. 13:00: De danske F-16-fly, der er udsendt som bidrag til Operation Inherent Resolve, har siden seneste opdatering den 20. oktober fløjet 16 missioner. De danske fly har således været påvingerne flere gange dagligt i denne periode, og missionerne er foregået i både det centrale og det nordlige Irak.

Missionerne, som de danske fly har deltaget i, har været offensive, og det drejer sig primært om CAS-missioner (Close Air Support), hvor flyene er indsat som luftstøtte til styrker på landjorden. Disse udgør 14 ud af de 16 gennemførte missioner.

De øvrige missioner har ligeledes været angrebsmissioner, hvor de danske fly har været indsat for at kaste bomber mod på forhånd definerede mål på jorden. De danske fly har på de 16 missioner i alt kastet 30 bomber.

Siden første mission den 16. oktober 2014 har det danske bidrag i alt fløjet 27 missioner og kastet 37 bomber.

Report Date

October 29, 2014


Reports 16 new missions since October 20th, in which 30 bombs are dropped.

27-10-2014 – kl. 13:00: De danske F-16-fly, der er udsendt som bidrag til Operation Inherent Resolve, har siden seneste opdatering den 20. oktober fløjet 16 missioner. De danske fly har således været påvingerne flere gange dagligt i denne periode, og missionerne er foregået i både det centrale og det nordlige Irak.

Missionerne, som de danske fly har deltaget i, har været offensive, og det drejer sig primært om CAS-missioner (Close Air Support), hvor flyene er indsat som luftstøtte til styrker på landjorden. Disse udgør 14 ud af de 16 gennemførte missioner.

De øvrige missioner har ligeledes været angrebsmissioner, hvor de danske fly har været indsat for at kaste bomber mod på forhånd definerede mål på jorden. De danske fly har på de 16 missioner i alt kastet 30 bomber.

Siden første mission den 16. oktober 2014 har det danske bidrag i alt fløjet 27 missioner og kastet 37 bomber.

CENTCOM for October 27, 2014 – October 28, 2014

Report Date

October 28, 2014

October 28th: U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Monday and today using attack and fighter aircraft to conduct four airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted nine airstrikes in Iraq Monday and today using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

In Syria, four airstrikes near Kobani destroyed four ISIL fighting positions and a small ISIL unit.

In Iraq, two airstrikes in the vicinity of Fallujah destroyed a small ISIL unit and an ISIL tank.

Four airstrikes in the vicinity of Mosul Dam destroyed a small ISIL unit, an ISIL fighting position, an ISIL vehicle and an ISIL logistics base.

One airstrike west of Baghdad destroyed an ISIL-occupied building and a small ISIL unit.

One airstrike in the vicinity of Sinjar struck an ISIL fighting emplacement and destroyed six vehicles.

One airstrike northwest of Haditha destroyed an ISIL-occupied building used as a staging area.

Report Date

October 28, 2014

Report Summary

  • 13 total strikes
  • 9 in Iraq (401 – 409)
  • 4 in Syria (302 – 305)

Confirmed Actions


October 28th: U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Monday and today using attack and fighter aircraft to conduct four airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted nine airstrikes in Iraq Monday and today using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists.

In Syria, four airstrikes near Kobani destroyed four ISIL fighting positions and a small ISIL unit.

In Iraq, two airstrikes in the vicinity of Fallujah destroyed a small ISIL unit and an ISIL tank.

Four airstrikes in the vicinity of Mosul Dam destroyed a small ISIL unit, an ISIL fighting position, an ISIL vehicle and an ISIL logistics base.

One airstrike west of Baghdad destroyed an ISIL-occupied building and a small ISIL unit.

One airstrike in the vicinity of Sinjar struck an ISIL fighting emplacement and destroyed six vehicles.

One airstrike northwest of Haditha destroyed an ISIL-occupied building used as a staging area.

CENTCOM for October 26, 2014 – October 27, 2014

Report Date

October 27, 2014

October 27th: U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Sunday and today using fighter and bomber aircraft to conduct four airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted seven airstrikes Sunday and today using fighters, attack and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists in Iraq.

In Syria, four airstrikes near Kobani destroyed five ISIL vehicles and an ISIL occupied building.

In Iraq, three airstrikes west of the Mosul Dam area struck a small ISIL fighting unit.

One airstrike southeast of Fallujah struck a large ISIL unit, destroyed an ISIL building and damaged an ISIL vehicle.

One airstrike south of the Bayji Oil refinery struck ISIL fighters.

One airstrike south of Bayji struck a small ISIL unit and destroyed an improved explosive device.

Finally, an airstrike east of Zumar struck a small ISIL unit and destroyed two ISIL occupied buildings.

Report Date

October 27, 2014

Report Summary

  • 11 total strikes
  • 7 in Iraq (394 – 400)
  • 4 in Syria (298 – 301)

Confirmed Actions


October 27th: U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Sunday and today using fighter and bomber aircraft to conduct four airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted seven airstrikes Sunday and today using fighters, attack and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists in Iraq.

In Syria, four airstrikes near Kobani destroyed five ISIL vehicles and an ISIL occupied building.

In Iraq, three airstrikes west of the Mosul Dam area struck a small ISIL fighting unit.

One airstrike southeast of Fallujah struck a large ISIL unit, destroyed an ISIL building and damaged an ISIL vehicle.

One airstrike south of the Bayji Oil refinery struck ISIL fighters.

One airstrike south of Bayji struck a small ISIL unit and destroyed an improved explosive device.

Finally, an airstrike east of Zumar struck a small ISIL unit and destroyed two ISIL occupied buildings.

Netherlands MoD for October 26, 2014 – October 27, 2014

Report Date

October 27, 2014

Nederlandse F-16’s gooiden in Irak tientallen bommen op doelen van terreurorganisatie ISIS. Ook gebruikten ze het boordwapen. De toestellen vielen in meer dan 40 vluchten ruim 30 keer succesvol aan. Een overzicht van Defensie-operaties in de week van 20 tot en met 26 oktober.
De doelen bestonden uit opslagplaatsen voor munitie, wapens en bermbommen, hoofdkwartieren en strijders. Een onbekend aantal terroristen kwam om.

Report Date

October 27, 2014

Nederlandse F-16

  • Dutch F-16 heads for Iraq, October 2014 (Dutch MoD)
    Afghanistan, Masar e Sharif, 13 januari 2014 F16's maken zich klaar voor de take-off, hieraan voorafgaand worden de beveiligings pennen van de wapens afgehaald door militairen van wapentechniek.

Incident date

October 26, 2014

Incident Code



عوينات, Uwaynat, Nineveh, Iraq

There were claims that coalition air raids resulted in the deaths of between 10 and 20 civilians in a village 110km northwest of Mosul called Aouinat. Al Rafidain reported: “Press sources in Mosul confirmed that the bombing, which targeted the village of Aouinat killed ten civilians and destroyed at least two houses. The forensic medicine


First published
October 26, 2014
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
10 – 20
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

CENTCOM for October 25, 2014 – October 26, 2014

Report Date

October 26, 2014

October 26th 2014: U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Saturday and today using fighter and bomber aircraft to conduct five airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted twelve airstrikes Saturday and today using fighters, attack and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists in Iraq.

In Syria, five airstrikes near Kobani destroyed seven ISIL vehicles and an ISIL building.

In Iraq, six airstrikes west of the Mosul Dam area struck two small ISIL units, damaged an ISIL building and destroyed four ISIL vehicles and an ISIL artillery piece.

Three airstrikes southwest of the Mosul Dam area struck a large ISIL unit and a small ISIL unit, and destroyed two ISIL vehicles and two ISIL buildings.

Three airstrikes southeast of Fallujah struck two large ISIL units, a small ISIL unit and destroyed one ISIL building.

Report Date

October 26, 2014

Report Summary

  • 17 total strikes
  • 12 in Iraq (382 – 393)
  • 5 in Syria (292 – 297)

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, Belgium

October 26th 2014: U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Saturday and today using fighter and bomber aircraft to conduct five airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted twelve airstrikes Saturday and today using fighters, attack and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists in Iraq.

In Syria, five airstrikes near Kobani destroyed seven ISIL vehicles and an ISIL building.

In Iraq, six airstrikes west of the Mosul Dam area struck two small ISIL units, damaged an ISIL building and destroyed four ISIL vehicles and an ISIL artillery piece.

Three airstrikes southwest of the Mosul Dam area struck a large ISIL unit and a small ISIL unit, and destroyed two ISIL vehicles and two ISIL buildings.

Three airstrikes southeast of Fallujah struck two large ISIL units, a small ISIL unit and destroyed one ISIL building.

Belgian MoD for October 25, 2014 – October 26, 2014

Report Date

October 26, 2014


Significant events 23 – 29 Oct: (1) 24, 25, 27 and 29 Oct: operational exploratory flights without the use of the weapon systems. (2) 23/24 and 26 Oct: operational flights with the use of the weapon systems. (3) 28 Oct: maintenance

Significante gebeurtenissen 23 – 29 Okt:
(1) 24, 25, 27 en 29 Okt: operationele verkenningsvluchten zonder inzet van de
(2) 23/24 en 26 Okt: operationele vluchten met inzet van de wapensystemen.
(3) 28 Okt: onderhoud
Significant events 23 – 29 Oct:
(1) 24, 25, 27 and 29 Oct: operational exploratory flights without the use of the weapon systems.
(2) 23/24 and 26 Oct: operational flights with the use of the weapon systems.
(3) 28 Oct: maintenance

Report Date

October 26, 2014


Significant events 23 – 29 Oct: (1) 24, 25, 27 and 29 Oct: operational exploratory flights without the use of the weapon systems. (2) 23/24 and 26 Oct: operational flights with the use of the weapon systems. (3) 28 Oct: maintenance

Significante gebeurtenissen 23 – 29 Okt: (1) 24, 25, 27 en 29 Okt: operationele verkenningsvluchten zonder inzet van de wapensystemen. (2) 23/24 en 26 Okt: operationele vluchten met inzet van de wapensystemen. (3) 28 Okt: onderhoud

Incident date

October 25, 2014

Incident Code



حاج علي, Hajj Ali, Nineveh, Iraq

Two civilians were reported by medical sources in the city to have been “accidentally killed” in an airstrike on a “Daesh stronghold in Qayyarah, Mosul“. However the Wameedh Sabah blog reported a security source as saying that the casualties were inflicted by an Iraq Army airstrike. Up to 81 alleged militants were also reported killed


First published
October 25, 2014
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
US-led Coalition, Iraq Government Forces
View Incident

CENTCOM for October 24, 2014 – October 25, 2014

Report Date

October 25, 2014

October 25th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Friday and today using bomber aircraft to conduct one airstrike. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted twenty-two airstrikes Friday and today using bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists in Iraq.

In Syria, one airstrike near Kobani destroyed an ISIL artillery piece.

In Iraq, three airstrikes near Bayji struck a large ISIL unit, a small ISIL unit, destroyed an ISIL building, damaged an ISIL building and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions.

One airstrike southeast of the Mosul Dam struck a large ISIL unit while ten airstrikes west of the Mosul Dam struck four small ISIL units, one large ISIL unit, destroyed an ISIL building, six ISIL fighting positions and four ISIL staging locations.

Four airstrikes near Fallujah struck two small ISIL units, destroyed an ISIL vehicle and destroyed an ISIL fighting position.

Two airstrikes near Qurayat al Hajjaj struck a small ISIL unit and destroyed an ISIL building.

One airstrike east of Hayy Al Arabi destroyed an ISIL building.

Finally, one airstrike near Aynzalah destroyed an ISIL building.

Report Date

October 25, 2014

Report Summary

  • 23 total strikes
  • 22 in Iraq (360 – 381)
  • 1 in Syria (291)

Confirmed Actions

US, France, Belgium

October 25th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Friday and today using bomber aircraft to conduct one airstrike. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted twenty-two airstrikes Friday and today using bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists in Iraq.

In Syria, one airstrike near Kobani destroyed an ISIL artillery piece.

In Iraq, three airstrikes near Bayji struck a large ISIL unit, a small ISIL unit, destroyed an ISIL building, damaged an ISIL building and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions.

One airstrike southeast of the Mosul Dam struck a large ISIL unit while ten airstrikes west of the Mosul Dam struck four small ISIL units, one large ISIL unit, destroyed an ISIL building, six ISIL fighting positions and four ISIL staging locations.

Four airstrikes near Fallujah struck two small ISIL units, destroyed an ISIL vehicle and destroyed an ISIL fighting position.

Two airstrikes near Qurayat al Hajjaj struck a small ISIL unit and destroyed an ISIL building.

One airstrike east of Hayy Al Arabi destroyed an ISIL building.

Finally, one airstrike near Aynzalah destroyed an ISIL building.

French MoD for October 24, 2014 – October 25, 2014

Report Date

October 25, 2014


France participates in another massed raid, this one at Mosul: “Carried out in the suburbs of Mosul, the operation set out to destroy a military camp used by the terrorist organization to toughen its fighters.”

Dans la nuit du 24 octobre 2014, la force Chammal a de nouveau pris part à un raid aérien mené par la coalition dans la région de Mossoul au nord de l’Irak.

Cette nouvelle mission de bombardement a été planifiée grâce au renseignement recueilli par les éléments de la coalition depuis le début des opérations aériennes. Réalisée dans la proche banlieue de Mossoul, l’opération visait à détruire un camp militaire utilisé par l’organisation terroriste pour aguerrir ses combattants.

Les avions de la coalition ont conduit un raid visant à mettre fin à l’action des terroristes dans cette emprise. Vers 21h00 (heure de Paris), deux avions Rafale ont procédé au largage de quatre bombes AASM(1). Ils ont détruit plusieurs bâtiments du camp.

Report Date

October 25, 2014


France participates in another massed raid, this one at Mosul: “Carried out in the suburbs of Mosul, the operation set out to destroy a military camp used by the terrorist organization to toughen its fighters.”

Dans la nuit du 24 octobre 2014, la force Chammal a de nouveau pris part à un raid aérien mené par la coalition dans la région de Mossoul au nord de l’Irak.

Cette nouvelle mission de bombardement a été planifiée grâce au renseignement recueilli par les éléments de la coalition depuis le début des opérations aériennes. Réalisée dans la proche banlieue de Mossoul, l’opération visait à détruire un camp militaire utilisé par l’organisation terroriste pour aguerrir ses combattants.

Les avions de la coalition ont conduit un raid visant à mettre fin à l’action des terroristes dans cette emprise. Vers 21h00 (heure de Paris), deux avions Rafale ont procédé au largage de quatre bombes AASM(1). Ils ont détruit plusieurs bâtiments du camp.

CENTCOM for October 23, 2014 – October 24, 2014

Report Date

October 24, 2014

October 24th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Thursday and today using bomber aircraft to conduct six airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted twelve airstrikes Thursday and today using bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists in Iraq.

In Syria, six airstrikes near Kobani struck three ISIL units and destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

In Iraq, three airstrikes southeast and west of the Mosul Dam destroyed two ISIL vehicles and an ISIL mortar position.

Three airstrikes south of the Bayji Oil Refinery struck two small units and destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

Two strikes near Bayji struck an ISIL training camp.

Three airstrikes near Fallujah struck two small ISIL units and destroyed three ISIL vehicles.

Finally, one airstrike near Zumar destroyed five ISIL buildings.

All aircraft departed the strike areas safely. Airstrike assessments are based on initial reports.

The strikes were conducted as part of Operation Inherent Resolve, the operation to eliminate the terrorist group ISIL and the threat they pose to Iraq, the region and the wider international community. The destruction of ISIL targets in Syria and Iraq further limits the terrorist group’s ability to project power and conduct operations. Among the coalition nations conducting airstrikes in Iraq are the U.S., France, United Kingdom, Australia, Belgium and the Netherlands. Coalition nations conducting airstrikes in Syria include the U.S., Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, and Bahrain.

Report Date

October 24, 2014

Report Summary

  • 18 total strikes
  • 12 in Iraq (348 – 359)
  • 6 in Syria (285 – 290)

Confirmed Actions

US, France, UK, Belgium

October 24th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Thursday and today using bomber aircraft to conduct six airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted twelve airstrikes Thursday and today using bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists in Iraq.

In Syria, six airstrikes near Kobani struck three ISIL units and destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

In Iraq, three airstrikes southeast and west of the Mosul Dam destroyed two ISIL vehicles and an ISIL mortar position.

Three airstrikes south of the Bayji Oil Refinery struck two small units and destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

Two strikes near Bayji struck an ISIL training camp.

Three airstrikes near Fallujah struck two small ISIL units and destroyed three ISIL vehicles.

Finally, one airstrike near Zumar destroyed five ISIL buildings.

All aircraft departed the strike areas safely. Airstrike assessments are based on initial reports.

The strikes were conducted as part of Operation Inherent Resolve, the operation to eliminate the terrorist group ISIL and the threat they pose to Iraq, the region and the wider international community. The destruction of ISIL targets in Syria and Iraq further limits the terrorist group’s ability to project power and conduct operations. Among the coalition nations conducting airstrikes in Iraq are the U.S., France, United Kingdom, Australia, Belgium and the Netherlands. Coalition nations conducting airstrikes in Syria include the U.S., Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, and Bahrain.

UK MoD for October 23, 2014 – October 24, 2014

Report Date

October 24, 2014

October 24th 2014 – Two Royal Air Force Tornado GR4s participated in a coordinated coalition air strike overnight (Thursday) at Jar Silah, west of Kirkuk.

The aircraft, at the request of the Iraqi Government, used Paveway IV precision guided bombs to successfully attack a former Iraqi military base which ISIL were using as a logistics hub for operations in the area.

Report Date

October 24, 2014

October 24th 2014 – Two Royal Air Force Tornado GR4s participated in a coordinated coalition air strike overnight (Thursday) at Jar Silah, west of Kirkuk.

The aircraft, at the request of the Iraqi Government, used Paveway IV precision guided bombs to successfully attack a former Iraqi military base which ISIL were using as a logistics hub for operations in the area.

French MoD for October 23, 2014 – October 24, 2014

Report Date

October 24, 2014


France reports a strike in the Sinjar area of Iraq durig the late morning of October 23rd against a concealed “Daesh vehicle.”

Le lendemain, [October 23rd 2014] les Rafale français évoluant au-dessus des zones de combat irakiennes dans la région du Mont Sinjar, ont mené un nouveau raid aérien. Aux environs de 11h, ils ont détruit un poste abritant un véhicule de Daech, à l’aide d’une bombe guidée laser (GBU 12).

Report Date

October 24, 2014


France reports a strike in the Sinjar area of Iraq durig the late morning of October 23rd against a concealed “Daesh vehicle.”

Le lendemain, [October 23rd 2014] les Rafale français évoluant au-dessus des zones de combat irakiennes dans la région du Mont Sinjar, ont mené un nouveau raid aérien. Aux environs de 11h, ils ont détruit un poste abritant un véhicule de Daech, à l’aide d’une bombe guidée laser (GBU 12).

French MoD for October 23, 2014 – October 24, 2014

Report Date

October 24, 2014


France also participated in a massed air raid against a “Daesh logistics complex” at 2030 French time, October 23rd.

Dans la soirée du 23 octobre 2014, la force Chammal a participé à un raid aérien mené par la coalition contre un complexe logistique de Daech au sud de Moussoul, dans la région de Kirkouk.

Aux environs de 20h30 (heure de Paris), une patrouille de Rafale, armés chacun de 6 bombes AASM(1) et équipés de pod Damocles, a délivré douze AASM sur l’objectif. Ce raid aérien auquel participaient nos alliés a permis de détruire un complexe de Daech servant à la fois d’usine de fabrication de bombes artisanales et de centre de recrutement, de formation et d’entraînement des terroristes. Cette action a été complétée par des frappes simultanées de nos alliés sur deux autres sites stratégiques de Daech, portant un coup dur à leur logistique.

Report Date

October 24, 2014


France also participated in a massed air raid against a “Daesh logistics complex” at 2030 French time, October 23rd.

Dans la soirée du 23 octobre 2014, la force Chammal a participé à un raid aérien mené par la coalition contre un complexe logistique de Daech au sud de Moussoul, dans la région de Kirkouk.

Aux environs de 20h30 (heure de Paris), une patrouille de Rafale, armés chacun de 6 bombes AASM(1) et équipés de pod Damocles, a délivré douze AASM sur l’objectif. Ce raid aérien auquel participaient nos alliés a permis de détruire un complexe de Daech servant à la fois d’usine de fabrication de bombes artisanales et de centre de recrutement, de formation et d’entraînement des terroristes. Cette action a été complétée par des frappes simultanées de nos alliés sur deux autres sites stratégiques de Daech, portant un coup dur à leur logistique.

CENTCOM for October 22, 2014 – October 23, 2014

Report Date

October 23, 2014

October 23rd 2014 – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Wednesday and today using fighter and bomber aircraft to conduct six airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted nine airstrikes Wednesday and today using fighter, attack and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists in Iraq.

In Syria, four airstrikes near Kobani destroyed ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL vehicle, and an ISIL command and control center.

East of Dawr Az Zawr, two airstrikes destroyed ISIL oil holding tanks.

In Iraq, four airstrikes south of the Mosul Dam struck four small ISIL units and destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

South of Bayji, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL fighting position.

Three airstrikes south of Fallujah destroyed an ISIL building and struck a large ISIL unit [1 strike by France.]

Finally, near Fallujah, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL training facility.

Report Date

October 23, 2014

Report Summary

  • 15 total strikes
  • 9 in Iraq (339 – 347)
  • 6 in Syria (279 – 284)

Confirmed Actions

US, Belgium

October 23rd 2014 – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Wednesday and today using fighter and bomber aircraft to conduct six airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted nine airstrikes Wednesday and today using fighter, attack and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists in Iraq.

In Syria, four airstrikes near Kobani destroyed ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL vehicle, and an ISIL command and control center.

East of Dawr Az Zawr, two airstrikes destroyed ISIL oil holding tanks.

In Iraq, four airstrikes south of the Mosul Dam struck four small ISIL units and destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

South of Bayji, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL fighting position.

Three airstrikes south of Fallujah destroyed an ISIL building and struck a large ISIL unit [1 strike by France.]

Finally, near Fallujah, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL training facility.

French MoD for October 22, 2014 – October 23, 2014

Report Date

October 23, 2014


France reports on airstrike on a target of opportunity near Fallujah on the afternoon of October 22nd.

Les 22 et 23 octobre 2014, la force Chammal a poursuivi l’appui des opérations terrestres conduites par l’armée irakienne dans l’ouest de Bagdad et dans la région du Mont Sinjar au nord de l’Irak.

Le 22 octobre, lors d’une mission de reconnaissance armée, le centre opérationnel aérien d’Al Udeid (CAOC) a orienté une patrouille de Rafale, qui était alors en vol dans la région de Falloujah, sur une cible d’opportunité. L’objectif, identifié et confirmé par les équipages, était des combattants de Daech en train de monter à l’assaut de position des forces armées irakiennes. Vers 14h00, ouvrant le feu au cours d’une passe canon, les Rafale ont neutralisé le volume d’un groupe avec des obus de 30mm.

Report Date

October 23, 2014


France reports on airstrike on a target of opportunity near Fallujah on the afternoon of October 22nd.

Les 22 et 23 octobre 2014, la force Chammal a poursuivi l’appui des opérations terrestres conduites par l’armée irakienne dans l’ouest de Bagdad et dans la région du Mont Sinjar au nord de l’Irak.

Le 22 octobre, lors d’une mission de reconnaissance armée, le centre opérationnel aérien d’Al Udeid (CAOC) a orienté une patrouille de Rafale, qui était alors en vol dans la région de Falloujah, sur une cible d’opportunité. L’objectif, identifié et confirmé par les équipages, était des combattants de Daech en train de monter à l’assaut de position des forces armées irakiennes. Vers 14h00, ouvrant le feu au cours d’une passe canon, les Rafale ont neutralisé le volume d’un groupe avec des obus de 30mm.

French MoD for October 21, 2014 – October 22, 2014

Report Date

October 22, 2014


France destroys an armoured humvee in the vicinity of Mosul

Le 21 octobre 2014, la force Chammal a appuyé une opération terrestre conduite par l’armée irakienne dans la région de Mossoul.

Les avions français, en contact permanent avec le centre opérationnel aérien (CAOC), ont porté durant près de trois heures leur effort sur la région de Mossoul, où l’armée irakienne est engagée contre les terroristes du groupe autoproclamé Daech.

Au cours de ce vol, une cible d’opportunité s’est dévoilée. Après sa prise en compte par les Rafale, elle a été détruite vers 14h (heure de Paris) par un tir de GBU 12. Il s’agissait d’un véhicule 4×4 militaire blindé de type Humvee, utilisé par des terroristes.

Report Date

October 22, 2014


France destroys an armoured humvee in the vicinity of Mosul

Le 21 octobre 2014, la force Chammal a appuyé une opération terrestre conduite par l’armée irakienne dans la région de Mossoul.

Les avions français, en contact permanent avec le centre opérationnel aérien (CAOC), ont porté durant près de trois heures leur effort sur la région de Mossoul, où l’armée irakienne est engagée contre les terroristes du groupe autoproclamé Daech.

Au cours de ce vol, une cible d’opportunité s’est dévoilée. Après sa prise en compte par les Rafale, elle a été détruite vers 14h (heure de Paris) par un tir de GBU 12. Il s’agissait d’un véhicule 4×4 militaire blindé de type Humvee, utilisé par des terroristes.

CENTCOM for October 21, 2014 – October 22, 2014

Report Date

October 22, 2014

October 22nd – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Tuesday and today using fighter and bomber aircraft to conduct six airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted twelve airstrikes Tuesday and today using fighter, bomber, attack and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists in Iraq.

In Syria, six airstrikes near Kobani destroyed ISIL fighting positions, two ISIL vehicles, an ISIL building, and an ISIL logistical center.

In Iraq, twelve airstrikes took place in the vicinity of Mosul Dam destroying a large ISIL unit, an ISIL mortar launching position, three ISIL vehicles, and multiple ISIL fighting positions. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely. Airstrike assessments are based on initial reports.

Report Date

October 22, 2014

Report Summary

  • 18 total strikes
  • 12 in Iraq (328 – 338)
  • 6 in Syria (273 – 278)

Confirmed Actions

US, France

October 22nd – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Tuesday and today using fighter and bomber aircraft to conduct six airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation military forces conducted twelve airstrikes Tuesday and today using fighter, bomber, attack and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists in Iraq.

In Syria, six airstrikes near Kobani destroyed ISIL fighting positions, two ISIL vehicles, an ISIL building, and an ISIL logistical center.

In Iraq, twelve airstrikes took place in the vicinity of Mosul Dam destroying a large ISIL unit, an ISIL mortar launching position, three ISIL vehicles, and multiple ISIL fighting positions. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely. Airstrike assessments are based on initial reports.

CENTCOM for October 20, 2014 – October 21, 2014

Report Date

October 21, 2014


[Airwars note: Centcom ends the practice of identifying partner nations assisting in airstrikes, from now on referring only to ‘partner nations’ and leaving it up to individual states to declare their role.]

October 21st 2014 – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Monday and today using fighter and bomber aircraft to conduct four airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation forces conducted three airstrikes using fighter and attack aircraft against ISIL terrorists in Iraq. All aircraft departed the strike areas safely.

In Syria, four airstrikes near Kobani destroyed ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL building, and a large ISIL unit.

In Iraq, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL fighting position south of the Bayji oil refinery.

Another airstrike southeast of Mosul Dam destroyed one ISIL fighting position and an airstrike north of Fallujah suppressed an ISIL attack.

All aircraft exited the strike areas safely. Airstrike assessments are based on initial reports.

Editor’s Note: Beginning with this news release, out of respect for participating nations, U.S. Central Command will defer to partner nations to publicly comment on their airstrikes against ISIL in Syria and Iraq. To date, nations conducting airstrikes in Iraq have included the U.S., France, United Kingdom, Australia, and the Netherlands. Nations conducting airstrikes in Syria have included the U.S., Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, and Bahrain.

Report Date

October 21, 2014

Report Summary

  • 7 total strikes
  • 3 in Iraq (324 – 326)
  • 4 in Syria (269 – 272)

Confirmed Actions



[Airwars note: Centcom ends the practice of identifying partner nations assisting in airstrikes, from now on referring only to ‘partner nations’ and leaving it up to individual states to declare their role.]

October 21st 2014 – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Monday and today using fighter and bomber aircraft to conduct four airstrikes. Separately, U.S. and partner nation forces conducted three airstrikes using fighter and attack aircraft against ISIL terrorists in Iraq. All aircraft departed the strike areas safely.

In Syria, four airstrikes near Kobani destroyed ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL building, and a large ISIL unit.

In Iraq, an airstrike destroyed an ISIL fighting position south of the Bayji oil refinery.

Another airstrike southeast of Mosul Dam destroyed one ISIL fighting position and an airstrike north of Fallujah suppressed an ISIL attack.

All aircraft exited the strike areas safely. Airstrike assessments are based on initial reports.

Editor’s Note: Beginning with this news release, out of respect for participating nations, U.S. Central Command will defer to partner nations to publicly comment on their airstrikes against ISIL in Syria and Iraq. To date, nations conducting airstrikes in Iraq have included the U.S., France, United Kingdom, Australia, and the Netherlands. Nations conducting airstrikes in Syria have included the U.S., Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, and Bahrain.

CENTCOM for October 19, 2014 – October 20, 2014

Report Date

October 20, 2014

October 20th 2014 – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Sunday and today using attack, bomber and fighter aircraft to conduct six airstrikes. Separately, in coordination with Iraqi ground forces, U.S. military forces conducted six airstrikes using fighter, bomber and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists in Iraq. All aircraft departed the strike areas safely.

In Syria, six airstrikes near Kobani destroyed ISIL fighting and mortar positions, an ISIL vehicle, and one stray resupply bundle from a U.S. airdrop of Kurdish supplies that occurred earlier today (Syria time), which prevented these supplies from falling into enemy hands. All other resupply bundles were successfully delivered. To conduct these airstrikes, the U.S. employed U.S. attack, bomber and fighter aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

In Iraq, two airstrikes took place southeast of Fallujah and struck a large ISIL unit and destroyed three ISIL vehicles.

Three airstrikes south of Bayji Oil Refinery struck a small ISIL unit, destroyed an ISIL building and three ISIL vehicles, and damaged another ISIL building.

One additional airstrike also south of Bayji destroyed four ISIL boats and damaged at least four more.

To conduct these airstrikes, the U.S. employed U.S. bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, the Republic of France and the United Kingdom participated in these strikes.

Report Date

October 20, 2014

Report Summary

  • 12 total strikes
  • 6 in Iraq (318 – 323)
  • 6 in Syria (263 – 268)

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, France

October 20th 2014 – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria Sunday and today using attack, bomber and fighter aircraft to conduct six airstrikes. Separately, in coordination with Iraqi ground forces, U.S. military forces conducted six airstrikes using fighter, bomber and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL terrorists in Iraq. All aircraft departed the strike areas safely.

In Syria, six airstrikes near Kobani destroyed ISIL fighting and mortar positions, an ISIL vehicle, and one stray resupply bundle from a U.S. airdrop of Kurdish supplies that occurred earlier today (Syria time), which prevented these supplies from falling into enemy hands. All other resupply bundles were successfully delivered. To conduct these airstrikes, the U.S. employed U.S. attack, bomber and fighter aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

In Iraq, two airstrikes took place southeast of Fallujah and struck a large ISIL unit and destroyed three ISIL vehicles.

Three airstrikes south of Bayji Oil Refinery struck a small ISIL unit, destroyed an ISIL building and three ISIL vehicles, and damaged another ISIL building.

One additional airstrike also south of Bayji destroyed four ISIL boats and damaged at least four more.

To conduct these airstrikes, the U.S. employed U.S. bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. In addition, the Republic of France and the United Kingdom participated in these strikes.

French MoD for October 19, 2014 – October 20, 2014

Report Date

October 20, 2014


France carries out an airstrike against two “Daesh pick-up trucks” in the vicinity of Tikrit – a location not recorded by the coalition as targeted that day.

Le 19 octobre, au cours d’une mission d’appui des troupes irakiennes au sol, deux Rafale français ont détruit deux « pick-up » du groupe terroriste Daech.

Au cours d’une mission de reconnaissance armée dans la région de Tikrit, à 200km au Nord de Bagdad, des objectifs mobiles ont été transmis en vol aux équipages.

Après leur identification et la confirmation de leur caractère hostile par les pilotes des Rafale, ils ont été traités par trois bombes guidées laser GBU 12. Les chasseurs français, équipés de pod de désignation Damocles, ont porté leurs frappes entre 12h15 et 13h15 (heure de Paris). Deux « pick-up » terroristes ont été détruits. Cette frappe s’inscrit dans le cadre de l’appui de la coalition à l’offensive des forces armées irakiennes dans la région de Baiji-Tikrit.

Report Date

October 20, 2014


France carries out an airstrike against two “Daesh pick-up trucks” in the vicinity of Tikrit – a location not recorded by the coalition as targeted that day.

Le 19 octobre, au cours d’une mission d’appui des troupes irakiennes au sol, deux Rafale français ont détruit deux « pick-up » du groupe terroriste Daech.

Au cours d’une mission de reconnaissance armée dans la région de Tikrit, à 200km au Nord de Bagdad, des objectifs mobiles ont été transmis en vol aux équipages.

Après leur identification et la confirmation de leur caractère hostile par les pilotes des Rafale, ils ont été traités par trois bombes guidées laser GBU 12. Les chasseurs français, équipés de pod de désignation Damocles, ont porté leurs frappes entre 12h15 et 13h15 (heure de Paris). Deux « pick-up » terroristes ont été détruits. Cette frappe s’inscrit dans le cadre de l’appui de la coalition à l’offensive des forces armées irakiennes dans la région de Baiji-Tikrit.

  • 'Daesh pick-up truck' targeted in French strike near Tikrit, Iraq October 19th 2014 (Ministère de la Défense )