Military Reports

Military Reports

Pentagon for September 22, 2014 – September 23, 2014

Report Date

September 23, 2014



The Department of Defense released the following statement from Pentagon Press Secretary Rear Adm. John Kirby today:
“I can confirm that U.S. military and partner nation forces are undertaking military action against ISIL terrorists in Syria using a mix of fighter, bomber and Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles.”
“Given that these operations are ongoing, we are not in a position to provide additional details at this time. The decision to conduct theses strikes was made earlier today by the U.S. Central Command commander under authorization granted him by the commander in chief. We will provide more details later as operationally appropriate.”

Report Date

September 23, 2014



September 22nd [Sept 23rd Syrian time]: The Department of Defense released the following statement from Pentagon Press Secretary Rear Adm. John Kirby today:

“I can confirm that U.S. military and partner nation forces are undertaking military action against ISIL terrorists in Syria using a mix of fighter, bomber and Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles.”

“Given that these operations are ongoing, we are not in a position to provide additional details at this time. The decision to conduct theses strikes was made earlier today by the U.S. Central Command commander under authorization granted him by the commander in chief. We will provide more details later as operationally appropriate.”

CENTCOM for September 22, 2014 – September 23, 2014

Report Date

September 23, 2014


Airwars note: In a clarifying email of March 25th 2015, CENTCOM states: “We reviewed how many strikes occurred at each of these locations and they total 13. Here is the breakdown:

Ar Raqqah (3),

Dayr az Zawr (4),

Al Hassakah (2)

and Abu Kamal (4).

The “14 strikes” listed in the release should have been 13 and we addressed that with an editor’s note in the Sept. 24 release.”

September 23rd: U.S. military forces and partner nations, including the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, undertook military action against ISIL terrorists in Syria overnight, using a mix of fighter, bomber, remotely piloted aircraft and Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles to conduct 14 strikes against ISIL targets.

The strikes destroyed or damaged multiple ISIL targets in the vicinity of Ar Raqqah, Dayr az Zawr, Al Hasakah, and Abu Kamal and included ISIL fighters, training compounds, headquarters and command and control facilities, storage facilities, a finance center, supply trucks and armed vehicles.

To conduct these strikes, the United States employed 47 TLAMs launched from USS Arleigh Burke and USS Philippine Sea operating from international waters in the Red Sea and North Arabian Gulf, as well as U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps fighter, remotely piloted and bomber aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations.

In addition, the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates also participated in or supported the airstrikes against ISIL targets. All aircraft safely exited the strike areas.

Separately, the United States has also taken action to disrupt the imminent attack plotting against the United States and Western interests conducted by a network of seasoned al-Qa’ida veterans – sometimes referred to as the Khorasan Group – who have established a safe haven in Syria to develop external attacks, construct and test improvised explosive devices and recruit Westerners to conduct operations.

These strikes were undertaken only by U.S. assets. In total, U.S. Central Command conducted eight strikes against Khorasan Group targets west of Aleppo to include training camps, an explosives and munitions production facility, a communication building and command and control facilities.

Report Date

September 23, 2014


Airwars note: In a clarifying email of March 25th 2015, CENTCOM states: “We reviewed how many strikes occurred at each of these locations and they total 13. Here is the breakdown:

Ar Raqqah (3),

Dayr az Zawr (4),

Al Hassakah (2)

and Abu Kamal (4).

The “14 strikes” listed in the release should have been 13 and we addressed that with an editor’s note in the Sept. 24 release.”

September 23rd: U.S. military forces and partner nations, including the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, undertook military action against ISIL terrorists in Syria overnight, using a mix of fighter, bomber, remotely piloted aircraft and Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles to conduct 14 strikes against ISIL targets.

The strikes destroyed or damaged multiple ISIL targets in the vicinity of Ar Raqqah, Dayr az Zawr, Al Hasakah, and Abu Kamal and included ISIL fighters, training compounds, headquarters and command and control facilities, storage facilities, a finance center, supply trucks and armed vehicles.

To conduct these strikes, the United States employed 47 TLAMs launched from USS Arleigh Burke and USS Philippine Sea operating from international waters in the Red Sea and North Arabian Gulf, as well as U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps fighter, remotely piloted and bomber aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations.

In addition, the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates also participated in or supported the airstrikes against ISIL targets. All aircraft safely exited the strike areas.

Separately, the United States has also taken action to disrupt the imminent attack plotting against the United States and Western interests conducted by a network of seasoned al-Qa’ida veterans – sometimes referred to as the Khorasan Group – who have established a safe haven in Syria to develop external attacks, construct and test improvised explosive devices and recruit Westerners to conduct operations.

These strikes were undertaken only by U.S. assets. In total, U.S. Central Command conducted eight strikes against Khorasan Group targets west of Aleppo to include training camps, an explosives and munitions production facility, a communication building and command and control facilities.

Bahrain MoD for September 22, 2014 – September 23, 2014

Report Date

September 23, 2014


via state news agency

Formations of Royal Bahraini Air Force, in conjunction with sister air forces in the Gulf Cooperation Council for the Arab Gulf States and allied and friendly countries, have carried out strikes in the early hours of Tuesday to destroy a number of sites and objectives linked to terrorist groups and organizations.

Report Date

September 23, 2014


via state news agency

Formations of Royal Bahraini Air Force, in conjunction with sister air forces in the Gulf Cooperation Council for the Arab Gulf States and allied and friendly countries, have carried out strikes in the early hours of Tuesday to destroy a number of sites and objectives linked to terrorist groups and organizations.

CENTCOM for September 22, 2014 – September 23, 2014

Report Date

September 23, 2014

September 23rd – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq and Syria, using a mix of bomber and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct three airstrikes last night and today. Two of the airstrikes were conducted last night as part of the operation over Syria and resulted in one damaged ISIL armed vehicle and one destroyed ISIL armed vehicle southwest of Dayr Az Zawr.

Report Date

September 23, 2014

September 23rd – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq and Syria, using a mix of bomber and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct three airstrikes last night and today. Two of the airstrikes were conducted last night as part of the operation over Syria and resulted in one damaged ISIL armed vehicle and one destroyed ISIL armed vehicle southwest of Dayr Az Zawr.

CENTCOM for September 21, 2014 – September 22, 2014

Report Date

September 22, 2014

September 22nd – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, using a mix of attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct four airstrikes today.

In total, the airstrikes destroyed two ISIL vehicles, an ISIL tank, and damaged an ISIL Humvee, all west-southwest of Kirkuk. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

The strikes were conducted as part of the President’s comprehensive strategy to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 190 airstrikes across Iraq.

Report Date

September 22, 2014

Report Summary

  • 4 total strikes
  • 4 in Iraq (187 – 190)

Confirmed Actions


September 22nd – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, using a mix of attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct four airstrikes today.

In total, the airstrikes destroyed two ISIL vehicles, an ISIL tank, and damaged an ISIL Humvee, all west-southwest of Kirkuk. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

The strikes were conducted as part of the President’s comprehensive strategy to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 190 airstrikes across Iraq.

CENTCOM for September 20, 2014 – September 21, 2014

Report Date

September 21, 2014

September 21st [archived] – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, using fighter aircraft to conduct one airstrike on Friday [see above] and two on Sunday.

Friday’s airstrike, which was conducted southwest of Baghdad, struck an ISIL fighting position. This strike is in addition to those previously announced by U.S. Central Command on Sept. 19.

Meanwhile, two airstrikes conducted Sunday destroyed an ISIL mortar position northeast of Sinjar and an ISIL semi-tractor trailer carrying munitions southwest of Sinjar. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

The strikes were conducted as part of the President’s comprehensive strategy to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 186 airstrikes across Iraq.

Report Date

September 21, 2014

Report Summary

  • 2 total strikes
  • 2 in Iraq (185 – 186)

Confirmed Actions


September 21st [archived] – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, using fighter aircraft to conduct one airstrike on Friday [see above] and two on Sunday.

Friday’s airstrike, which was conducted southwest of Baghdad, struck an ISIL fighting position. This strike is in addition to those previously announced by U.S. Central Command on Sept. 19.

Meanwhile, two airstrikes conducted Sunday destroyed an ISIL mortar position northeast of Sinjar and an ISIL semi-tractor trailer carrying munitions southwest of Sinjar. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

The strikes were conducted as part of the President’s comprehensive strategy to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 186 airstrikes across Iraq.

CENTCOM for September 19, 2014 – September 20, 2014

Report Date

September 20, 2014

September 20th [archived] – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, using attack and fighter aircraft to conduct five airstrikes Friday and Saturday. One airstrike southwest of Baghdad destroyed an ISIL boat ferrying supplies across the Euphrates River. The other four airstrikes occurred northwest of Haditha, destroying two ISIL armed vehicles, three ISIL checkpoints, and two ISIL guard outposts. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

The strikes were conducted as part of the President’s comprehensive strategy to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 183 airstrikes across Iraq.

Report Date

September 20, 2014

Report Summary

  • 6 total strikes
  • 6 in Iraq (179 – 184)

Confirmed Actions


September 20th [archived] – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, using attack and fighter aircraft to conduct five airstrikes Friday and Saturday. One airstrike southwest of Baghdad destroyed an ISIL boat ferrying supplies across the Euphrates River. The other four airstrikes occurred northwest of Haditha, destroying two ISIL armed vehicles, three ISIL checkpoints, and two ISIL guard outposts. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

The strikes were conducted as part of the President’s comprehensive strategy to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 183 airstrikes across Iraq.

CENTCOM for September 19, 2014 – September 20, 2014

Report Date

September 20, 2014

U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, using fighter aircraft to conduct one airstrike on Friday and two on Sunday. Friday’s airstrike, which was conducted southwest of Baghdad, struck an ISIL fighting position. This strike is in addition to those previously announced by U.S. Central Command on Sept. 19.

Report Date

September 20, 2014

U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, using fighter aircraft to conduct one airstrike on Friday and two on Sunday. Friday’s airstrike, which was conducted southwest of Baghdad, struck an ISIL fighting position. This strike is in addition to those previously announced by U.S. Central Command on Sept. 19.

CENTCOM for September 18, 2014 – September 19, 2014

Report Date

September 19, 2014

September 19th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, using fighter aircraft to conduct two airstrikes Thursday and Friday.

One airstrike southeast of Baghdad destroyed a boat on the Euphrates River conducting resupply of ISIL forces. The second strike occurred southwest of Baghdad and struck a small ISIL ground unit. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

These strikes were conducted as part of the President’s comprehensive strategy to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 178 airstrikes across Iraq.

Report Date

September 19, 2014

Report Summary

  • 3 total strikes
  • 3 in Iraq (177 – 178)

Confirmed Actions

US, France

September 19th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, using fighter aircraft to conduct two airstrikes Thursday and Friday.

One airstrike southeast of Baghdad destroyed a boat on the Euphrates River conducting resupply of ISIL forces. The second strike occurred southwest of Baghdad and struck a small ISIL ground unit. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

These strikes were conducted as part of the President’s comprehensive strategy to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 178 airstrikes across Iraq.

French MoD for September 18, 2014 – September 19, 2014

Report Date

September 19, 2014


France becomes the first international partner to join US in air war against ISIL, carrying out two air strikes on an ISL logistics depot at Zumar, north east Iraq.

Le dépôt logistique de Daech ciblé par le raid aérien effectué ce matin (vendredi 19 septembre 2014) a été détruit.

Au cours de ce vol d’environ cinq heures, les deux Rafale ont été ravitaillés à trois reprises par l’avion ravitailleur C135-FR.

Les chasseurs français, équipés de pod de désignation Damoclès ont porté leurs frappes entre 09h40 et 09h58 avec quatre bombes guidées laser GBU 12.

L’avion de patrouille maritime Atlantique 2 a effectué une mission d’une dizaine d’heures, coordonnée avec celle des Rafale. Ses capteurs ont permis d’assurer le volet renseignement de la mission et d’effectuer un battle damage assesment (BDA)* transmis immédiatement au centre de planification et de conduite des opérations situé à Paris.

Durant cette mission, le volet personnel recovery, c’est-à-dire la capacité à secourir les pilotes en zone hostile, était assuré par des moyens militaires américains.

Conformément à la volonté du Président de la République, de nouvelles frappes se dérouleront dans les jours à venir pour soutenir les armées irakiennes dans leur lutte contre Daech. Ces frappes seront à nouveau effectuées en coordination étroite avec les autorités irakiennes ainsi qu’avec nos alliés présents sur le théâtre.

Report Date

September 19, 2014


France becomes the first international partner to join US in air war against ISIL, carrying out two air strikes on an ISL logistics depot at Zumar, north east Iraq.

Le dépôt logistique de Daech ciblé par le raid aérien effectué ce matin (vendredi 19 septembre 2014) a été détruit.

Au cours de ce vol d’environ cinq heures, les deux Rafale ont été ravitaillés à trois reprises par l’avion ravitailleur C135-FR.

Les chasseurs français, équipés de pod de désignation Damoclès ont porté leurs frappes entre 09h40 et 09h58 avec quatre bombes guidées laser GBU 12.

L’avion de patrouille maritime Atlantique 2 a effectué une mission d’une dizaine d’heures, coordonnée avec celle des Rafale. Ses capteurs ont permis d’assurer le volet renseignement de la mission et d’effectuer un battle damage assesment (BDA) transmis immédiatement au centre de planification et de conduite des opérations situé à Paris.

Durant cette mission, le volet personnel recovery, c’est-à-dire la capacité à secourir les pilotes en zone hostile, était assuré par des moyens militaires américains.

Conformément à la volonté du Président de la République, de nouvelles frappes se dérouleront dans les jours à venir pour soutenir les armées irakiennes dans leur lutte contre Daech. Ces frappes seront à nouveau effectuées en coordination étroite avec les autorités irakiennes ainsi qu’avec nos alliés présents sur le théâtre.

  • France releases before and after images of its first airstrike in Iraq, September 18th 2014.

CENTCOM for September 17, 2014 – September 18, 2014

Report Date

September 18, 2014

September 18th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, using bomber and fighter aircraft to conduct two airstrikes Wednesday and Thursday.

In total, one airstrike near an ISIL training camp southeast of Mosul destroyed an ISIL armed vehicle, two ISIL-occupied buildings and a large ISIL ground unit. Another airstrike southeast of Baghdad damaged an ISIL ammunition stockpile. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

These strikes were conducted under authority to protect U.S. personnel and facilities, support humanitarian efforts, and assist Iraqi forces in their offensive against ISIL terrorists.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 176 airstrikes across Iraq.

Report Date

September 18, 2014

Report Summary

  • 2 total strikes
  • 2 in Iraq (175 – 176)

Confirmed Actions


September 18th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, using bomber and fighter aircraft to conduct two airstrikes Wednesday and Thursday.

In total, one airstrike near an ISIL training camp southeast of Mosul destroyed an ISIL armed vehicle, two ISIL-occupied buildings and a large ISIL ground unit. Another airstrike southeast of Baghdad damaged an ISIL ammunition stockpile. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

These strikes were conducted under authority to protect U.S. personnel and facilities, support humanitarian efforts, and assist Iraqi forces in their offensive against ISIL terrorists.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 176 airstrikes across Iraq.

French MoD for September 17, 2014 – September 18, 2014

Report Date

September 18, 2014


reports that a maritime patrol aircraft Atlantique 2 today made a reconnaissance of about 10 hours in the Iraqi skies and that two Rafale fighter squadron 3/30 “Lorraine” conducted an SRI flight.

Irak : Participation d’un Atlantique 2 aux missions d’ISR

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Mise à jour : 18/09/2014 15:52

Un avion de patrouille maritime Atlantique 2 a effectué aujourd’hui une mission de reconnaissance d’environ 10 heures dans le ciel irakien. Déployé aux Emirats arabes unis depuis le début du mois, cet avion de la Marine nationale effectuait jusqu’alors des vols de reconnaissance maritime dans le Golfe arabo-persique et le nord de l’océan Indien, au titre des missions de connaissance et d’anticipation. Doté notamment de capacités de prise d’images de jour comme de nuit et de moyens de renseignement, cet aéronef appartient à la flottille 23F basée à Lann-Bihoué (Morbihan). Il opère actuellement depuis la base aérienne 104 d’Al Dhafra où il est détaché.

Irak : Participation d’un Atlantique 2 aux missions d’ISR – Crédit : EMA / Armée de l’Air

Deux Rafale de l’escadron de chasse 3/30 « Lorraine » de l’armée de l’air ont également effectué aujourd’hui un vol ISR dans le ciel irakien. Ils étaient équipés, comme pour les missions précédentes, de pod RECO NG.

Pour cette mission d’ISR réalisée sous le contrôle du contre-amiral Beaussant, amiral commandant la zone océan Indien (ALINDIEN), les Rafale et l’Atlantique 2 agissent en complémentarité dans le recueil de renseignement sur les positions tenues par les combattants de Daesch. Cette mission a été effectuée, en étroite coordination avec tous nos alliés présents dans la région.

Cette action conjuguée des moyens permet à la France de renforcer sa capacité d’appréciation autonome de la situation et confirme, comme l’a énoncé M. Jean-Yves Le Drian, ministre de la Défense lors de son déplacement du 15 septembre dernier sur la base aérienne d’Al Dhafra, la détermination de la France à s’engager avec ses alliés dans la lutte contre le groupe terroriste Daesch en Irak.

Report Date

September 18, 2014


reports that a maritime patrol aircraft Atlantique 2 today made a reconnaissance of about 10 hours in the Iraqi skies and that two Rafale fighter squadron 3/30 “Lorraine” conducted an SRI flight.

Irak : Participation d’un Atlantique 2 aux missions d’ISR

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Mise à jour : 18/09/2014 15:52

Un avion de patrouille maritime Atlantique 2 a effectué aujourd’hui une mission de reconnaissance d’environ 10 heures dans le ciel irakien. Déployé aux Emirats arabes unis depuis le début du mois, cet avion de la Marine nationale effectuait jusqu’alors des vols de reconnaissance maritime dans le Golfe arabo-persique et le nord de l’océan Indien, au titre des missions de connaissance et d’anticipation. Doté notamment de capacités de prise d’images de jour comme de nuit et de moyens de renseignement, cet aéronef appartient à la flottille 23F basée à Lann-Bihoué (Morbihan). Il opère actuellement depuis la base aérienne 104 d’Al Dhafra où il est détaché.

Irak : Participation d’un Atlantique 2 aux missions d’ISR – Crédit : EMA / Armée de l’Air

Deux Rafale de l’escadron de chasse 3/30 « Lorraine » de l’armée de l’air ont également effectué aujourd’hui un vol ISR dans le ciel irakien. Ils étaient équipés, comme pour les missions précédentes, de pod RECO NG.

Pour cette mission d’ISR réalisée sous le contrôle du contre-amiral Beaussant, amiral commandant la zone océan Indien (ALINDIEN), les Rafale et l’Atlantique 2 agissent en complémentarité dans le recueil de renseignement sur les positions tenues par les combattants de Daesch. Cette mission a été effectuée, en étroite coordination avec tous nos alliés présents dans la région.

Cette action conjuguée des moyens permet à la France de renforcer sa capacité d’appréciation autonome de la situation et confirme, comme l’a énoncé M. Jean-Yves Le Drian, ministre de la Défense lors de son déplacement du 15 septembre dernier sur la base aérienne d’Al Dhafra, la détermination de la France à s’engager avec ses alliés dans la lutte contre le groupe terroriste Daesch en Irak.

CENTCOM for September 16, 2014 – September 17, 2014

Report Date

September 17, 2014

Sept. 17th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq using a mix of fighter, attack and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct seven airstrikes Tuesday and Wednesday.

In total, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL armed vehicle northwest of the Haditha Dam, two airstrikes destroyed two ISIL armed vehicles northwest of Irbil, and four airstrikes southwest of Baghdad destroyed several small ISIL ground units and a small boat on the Euphrates River that was re-supplying ISIL forces in the area. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

These strikes were conducted under authority to protect U.S. personnel and facilities, support humanitarian efforts, and help Iraqi forces on the offensive against ISIL terrorists.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 174 airstrikes across Iraq.

Report Date

September 17, 2014

Report Summary

  • 7 total strikes
  • 7 in Iraq (168 – 174)

Confirmed Actions


Sept. 17th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq using a mix of fighter, attack and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct seven airstrikes Tuesday and Wednesday.

In total, one airstrike destroyed an ISIL armed vehicle northwest of the Haditha Dam, two airstrikes destroyed two ISIL armed vehicles northwest of Irbil, and four airstrikes southwest of Baghdad destroyed several small ISIL ground units and a small boat on the Euphrates River that was re-supplying ISIL forces in the area. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

These strikes were conducted under authority to protect U.S. personnel and facilities, support humanitarian efforts, and help Iraqi forces on the offensive against ISIL terrorists.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 174 airstrikes across Iraq.

French MoD for September 15, 2014 – September 16, 2014

Report Date

September 16, 2014


Reports that a patrol of two Rafale has today made a new flight ISR (Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance) in Iraqi skies. This mission carried out in coordination with the Iraqis, Emiratis and our allies in the region lasted more than five hours.

Irak : Deuxième vol de reconnaissance

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Mise à jour : 16/09/2014 19:04

Une patrouille de deux Rafale a effectué aujourd’hui un nouveau vol d’ISR (Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance) dans le ciel irakien. Cette mission effectuée en coordination avec les Irakiens, les Emiriens et nos alliés dans la région a durée plus de cinq heures. Elle a nécessité plusieurs ravitaillements en vol qui ont été effectués par un avion ravitailleur français C135.


D’autres vols de reconnaissance au départ de la base aérienne française 104 d’Al Dhafra, devraient s’effectuer dans les jours à venir.

Report Date

September 16, 2014


Reports that a patrol of two Rafale has today made a new flight ISR (Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance) in Iraqi skies. This mission carried out in coordination with the Iraqis, Emiratis and our allies in the region lasted more than five hours.

Irak : Deuxième vol de reconnaissance

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Mise à jour : 16/09/2014 19:04

Une patrouille de deux Rafale a effectué aujourd’hui un nouveau vol d’ISR (Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance) dans le ciel irakien. Cette mission effectuée en coordination avec les Irakiens, les Emiriens et nos alliés dans la région a durée plus de cinq heures. Elle a nécessité plusieurs ravitaillements en vol qui ont été effectués par un avion ravitailleur français C135.


D’autres vols de reconnaissance au départ de la base aérienne française 104 d’Al Dhafra, devraient s’effectuer dans les jours à venir.

CENTCOM for September 15, 2014 – September 16, 2014

Report Date

September 16, 2014

Sept. 16th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq using fighter aircraft to conduct five airstrikes Monday and Tuesday southwest of Baghdad and northwest of Irbil.

In total, two airstrikes northwest of Irbil destroyed an ISIL armed truck and an ISIL fighting position, while three airstrikes southwest of Baghdad damaged an ISIL truck and destroyed an ISIL anti-aircraft artillery piece, a small ISIL ground unit and two small boats on the Euphrates River that were re-supplying ISIL forces in the area. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

These strikes were conducted under authority to protect U.S. personnel and facilities, support humanitarian efforts, and help Iraqi forces on the offensive against ISIL terrorists.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 167 airstrikes across Iraq.

Report Date

September 16, 2014

Report Summary

  • 5 total strikes
  • 5 in Iraq (67 – 163)

Confirmed Actions


Sept. 16th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq using fighter aircraft to conduct five airstrikes Monday and Tuesday southwest of Baghdad and northwest of Irbil.

In total, two airstrikes northwest of Irbil destroyed an ISIL armed truck and an ISIL fighting position, while three airstrikes southwest of Baghdad damaged an ISIL truck and destroyed an ISIL anti-aircraft artillery piece, a small ISIL ground unit and two small boats on the Euphrates River that were re-supplying ISIL forces in the area. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

These strikes were conducted under authority to protect U.S. personnel and facilities, support humanitarian efforts, and help Iraqi forces on the offensive against ISIL terrorists.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 167 airstrikes across Iraq.

French MoD for September 15, 2014 – September 16, 2014

Report Date

September 16, 2014


On 15 September 2014, two Rafale aircraft of the Air Force took off from the French air base 104 Al Dhafra in the United Arab Emirates, to conduct a reconnaissance flight over Iraq.

Irak : premier vol de reconnaissance aérienne (actualisé)

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Mise à jour : 16/09/2014 09:51

Le 15 septembre 2014, deux avions Rafale de l’armée de l’Air ont décollé de la base aérienne française 104 d’Al Dhafra, aux Emirats arabes unis, pour effectuer un vol de reconnaissance au-dessus de l’Irak.

Irak : premier vol de reconnaissance aérienne (actualisé)

Pour cette mission d’ISR (Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance), les Rafales étaient chacun équipés d’un pod RECO NG. Situé sous l’appareil, cet instrument permet le recueil d’images numériques à haute et basse altitudes, la prise de vue à grande vitesse de jour comme de nuit et la surveillance vidéo.

Réalisée sous le contrôle tactique du contre-amiral Beaussant, amiral commandant la zone océan Indien (ALINDIEN), cette mission a été effectuée en étroite coordination avec les autorités irakiennes et nos alliés présents dans la région.

Le 13 septembre, un renfort en capacités de renseignement avait été acheminé aux EAU par avion A400M sur décision du général d’armée Pierre de Villiers, chef d’état-major des armées. Une quarantaine de militaires et du matériel de renseignement ont ainsi été projetés depuis la base aérienne 123 d’Orléans-Bricy. Le lendemain, dimanche 14 septembre, un avion ravitailleur C135 ralliait la base française d’Al Dhafra depuis la base aérienne 125 d’Istres.

En visite aux Emirats arabes unis après son déplacement en Irak aux côtés du Président de la République et du ministre des Affaires étrangères, M. Jean-Yves Le Drian, ministre de la Défense, s’est adressé aux militaires français de la base d’Al Dhafra peu de temps avant le départ des Rafale. Il a rappelé la détermination de la France au moment où s’ouvre à Paris une conférence internationale sur l’Irak.

Le vol d’ISR réalisé aujourd’hui est le premier vol français de ce type effectué au-dessus de l’Irak. Des missions similaires pourraient être effectuées dans les jours à venir. Il s’agit pour les armées françaises d’acquérir du renseignement sur le groupe terroriste Daesh et renforcer notre capacité d’appréciation autonome de la situation.

Les forces françaises aux Emirats arabes unis (FFEAU) participent au dispositif des forces de présence des armées françaises. Elles sont constituées d’un état-major de niveau opératif, de la base navale d’Abu Dhabi, de la base aérienne 104 d’Al Dhafra et de la 13e DBLE. Les FFEAU assurent une présence permanente aux EAU dans le cadre des accords de défense et animent les relations bilatérales de défense de la France avec ses partenaires régionaux. Elles ont également pour mission de soutenir les moyens militaires déployés dans le golfe arabo-persique et le nord de l’océan Indien, et de permettre l’entrainement et l’aguerrissement des forces en milieu urbain et désertique.

Report Date

September 16, 2014


On 15 September 2014, two Rafale aircraft of the Air Force took off from the French air base 104 Al Dhafra in the United Arab Emirates, to conduct a reconnaissance flight over Iraq.

Irak : premier vol de reconnaissance aérienne (actualisé)

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Mise à jour : 16/09/2014 09:51

Le 15 septembre 2014, deux avions Rafale de l’armée de l’Air ont décollé de la base aérienne française 104 d’Al Dhafra, aux Emirats arabes unis, pour effectuer un vol de reconnaissance au-dessus de l’Irak.

Irak : premier vol de reconnaissance aérienne (actualisé)

Pour cette mission d’ISR (Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance), les Rafales étaient chacun équipés d’un pod RECO NG. Situé sous l’appareil, cet instrument permet le recueil d’images numériques à haute et basse altitudes, la prise de vue à grande vitesse de jour comme de nuit et la surveillance vidéo.

Réalisée sous le contrôle tactique du contre-amiral Beaussant, amiral commandant la zone océan Indien (ALINDIEN), cette mission a été effectuée en étroite coordination avec les autorités irakiennes et nos alliés présents dans la région.

Le 13 septembre, un renfort en capacités de renseignement avait été acheminé aux EAU par avion A400M sur décision du général d’armée Pierre de Villiers, chef d’état-major des armées. Une quarantaine de militaires et du matériel de renseignement ont ainsi été projetés depuis la base aérienne 123 d’Orléans-Bricy. Le lendemain, dimanche 14 septembre, un avion ravitailleur C135 ralliait la base française d’Al Dhafra depuis la base aérienne 125 d’Istres.

En visite aux Emirats arabes unis après son déplacement en Irak aux côtés du Président de la République et du ministre des Affaires étrangères, M. Jean-Yves Le Drian, ministre de la Défense, s’est adressé aux militaires français de la base d’Al Dhafra peu de temps avant le départ des Rafale. Il a rappelé la détermination de la France au moment où s’ouvre à Paris une conférence internationale sur l’Irak.

Le vol d’ISR réalisé aujourd’hui est le premier vol français de ce type effectué au-dessus de l’Irak. Des missions similaires pourraient être effectuées dans les jours à venir. Il s’agit pour les armées françaises d’acquérir du renseignement sur le groupe terroriste Daesh et renforcer notre capacité d’appréciation autonome de la situation.

Les forces françaises aux Emirats arabes unis (FFEAU) participent au dispositif des forces de présence des armées françaises. Elles sont constituées d’un état-major de niveau opératif, de la base navale d’Abu Dhabi, de la base aérienne 104 d’Al Dhafra et de la 13e DBLE. Les FFEAU assurent une présence permanente aux EAU dans le cadre des accords de défense et animent les relations bilatérales de défense de la France avec ses partenaires régionaux. Elles ont également pour mission de soutenir les moyens militaires déployés dans le golfe arabo-persique et le nord de l’océan Indien, et de permettre l’entrainement et l’aguerrissement des forces en milieu urbain et désertique.

CENTCOM for September 14, 2014 – September 15, 2014

Report Date

September 15, 2014

September 15th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, employing attack and fighter aircraft to conduct two airstrikes Sunday and Monday in support of Iraqi Security Forces near Sinjar and southwest of Baghdad.

The airstrike southwest of Baghdad was the first strike taken as part of our expanded efforts beyond protecting our own people and humanitarian missions to hit ISIL targets as Iraqi forces go on offense, as outlined in the President’s speech last Wednesday.

In total, the strikes destroyed six ISIL vehicles near Sinjar and an ISIL fighting position southwest of Baghdad that was firing on ISF personnel. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

These strikes were conducted under authority to protect U.S. personnel and facilities, support humanitarian efforts, and help Iraqi forces on the offensive against ISIL terrorists.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 162 airstrikes across Iraq.

Report Date

September 15, 2014

Report Summary

  • 2 total strikes
  • 2 in Iraq (161 – 162)

Confirmed Actions


September 15th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, employing attack and fighter aircraft to conduct two airstrikes Sunday and Monday in support of Iraqi Security Forces near Sinjar and southwest of Baghdad.

The airstrike southwest of Baghdad was the first strike taken as part of our expanded efforts beyond protecting our own people and humanitarian missions to hit ISIL targets as Iraqi forces go on offense, as outlined in the President’s speech last Wednesday.

In total, the strikes destroyed six ISIL vehicles near Sinjar and an ISIL fighting position southwest of Baghdad that was firing on ISF personnel. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

These strikes were conducted under authority to protect U.S. personnel and facilities, support humanitarian efforts, and help Iraqi forces on the offensive against ISIL terrorists.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 162 airstrikes across Iraq.

Incident date

September 14, 2014

Incident Code



سنجار, Sinjar, Nineveh, Iraq

An internal CENTCOM review identified potential civilian casualties from a Coalition airstrike in “northern Iraq.” The only location for this date which matches is Sinjar. The incident was not previously tracked by Airwars. According to a declassified CENTCOM document, “A review of FMV from a RECOIL feed revealed unknown individuals moving into a target area


First published
September 14, 2014
Last updated
April 11, 2023
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Airwars civilian harm grading
Those killed were combatants, or other parties most likely responsible.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

CENTCOM for September 12, 2014 – September 13, 2014

Report Date

September 13, 2014

September 13th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, employing attack aircraft to conduct two airstrikes Friday in support of Iraqi Security Forces near the Mosul Dam.

In total, the strikes destroyed an ISIL mortar emplacement and an ISIL armed vehicle. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

These strikes were conducted under authority to protect U.S. personnel and facilities, support humanitarian efforts, and support Iraqi forces acting in furtherance of these objectives while defending their country against ISIL terrorists.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 160 airstrikes across Iraq.

Report Date

September 13, 2014

Report Summary

  • 2 total strikes
  • 2 in Iraq (159 – 160)

Confirmed Actions


September 13th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, employing attack aircraft to conduct two airstrikes Friday in support of Iraqi Security Forces near the Mosul Dam.

In total, the strikes destroyed an ISIL mortar emplacement and an ISIL armed vehicle. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

These strikes were conducted under authority to protect U.S. personnel and facilities, support humanitarian efforts, and support Iraqi forces acting in furtherance of these objectives while defending their country against ISIL terrorists.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 160 airstrikes across Iraq.

CENTCOM for September 11, 2014 – September 12, 2014

Report Date

September 12, 2014

Sept. 12th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, using attack aircraft to conduct two airstrikes Thursday and Friday in support of Iraqi Security Forces near the Mosul Dam and defending Irbil. In total, the strikes destroyed two ISIL armed vehicles. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

These strikes were conducted under authority to protect U.S. personnel and facilities, support humanitarian efforts, and support Iraqi forces that are acting in furtherance of these objectives.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 158 airstrikes across Iraq.

Report Date

September 12, 2014

Report Summary

  • 2 total strikes
  • 2 in Iraq (157 – 158)

Confirmed Actions


Sept. 12th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, using attack aircraft to conduct two airstrikes Thursday and Friday in support of Iraqi Security Forces near the Mosul Dam and defending Irbil. In total, the strikes destroyed two ISIL armed vehicles. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

These strikes were conducted under authority to protect U.S. personnel and facilities, support humanitarian efforts, and support Iraqi forces that are acting in furtherance of these objectives.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 158 airstrikes across Iraq.

CENTCOM for September 10, 2014 – September 11, 2014

Report Date

September 11, 2014

September 11th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, using attack aircraft to conduct two airstrikes Wednesday and Thursday near the Mosul Dam in support of Iraqi Security Forces. In total, the strikes destroyed two ISIL machine gun emplacements and an ISIL bunker. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

These strikes were conducted under authority to protect U.S. personnel and facilities, support humanitarian efforts, and support Iraqi forces that are acting in furtherance of these objectives.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 156 airstrikes across Iraq.

Report Date

September 11, 2014

Report Summary

  • 2 total strikes
  • 2 in Iraq (155 – 156)

Confirmed Actions


September 11th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, using attack aircraft to conduct two airstrikes Wednesday and Thursday near the Mosul Dam in support of Iraqi Security Forces. In total, the strikes destroyed two ISIL machine gun emplacements and an ISIL bunker. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

These strikes were conducted under authority to protect U.S. personnel and facilities, support humanitarian efforts, and support Iraqi forces that are acting in furtherance of these objectives.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 156 airstrikes across Iraq.

CENTCOM for September 9, 2014 – September 10, 2014

Report Date

September 10, 2014

Sept. 10th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, using an attack aircraft to conduct one airstrike Tuesday in support of Iraqi Security Forces’ defense of Irbil operations. The strike destroyed one ISIL armed vehicle in the vicinity of Irbil. The aircraft exited the strike area safely.

The strike was conducted under authority to protect U.S. personnel and facilities, support humanitarian efforts, and support Iraqi forces that are acting in furtherance of these objectives.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 154 airstrikes across Iraq.

Report Date

September 10, 2014

Report Summary

  • 1 total strikes
  • 1 in Iraq (154)

Confirmed Actions


Sept. 10th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, using an attack aircraft to conduct one airstrike Tuesday in support of Iraqi Security Forces’ defense of Irbil operations. The strike destroyed one ISIL armed vehicle in the vicinity of Irbil. The aircraft exited the strike area safely.

The strike was conducted under authority to protect U.S. personnel and facilities, support humanitarian efforts, and support Iraqi forces that are acting in furtherance of these objectives.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 154 airstrikes across Iraq.

CENTCOM for September 8, 2014 – September 9, 2014

Report Date

September 9, 2014

September 9th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq using a mix of attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct five airstrikes Monday and Tuesday in support of Iraqi Security Forces and Sunni tribes protecting the Haditha Dam.

In total, the strikes destroyed or damaged eight ISIL armed vehicles, two of which were transporting anti-aircraft artillery; five ISIL vehicles, and one ISIL transport vehicle. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

The strikes were conducted under authority to protect U.S. personnel and facilities, support humanitarian efforts, and support Iraqi forces that are acting in furtherance of these objectives.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 153 airstrikes across Iraq.

Report Date

September 9, 2014

Report Summary

  • 5 total strikes
  • 5 in Iraq (149 – 153)

Confirmed Actions


September 9th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq using a mix of attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct five airstrikes Monday and Tuesday in support of Iraqi Security Forces and Sunni tribes protecting the Haditha Dam.

In total, the strikes destroyed or damaged eight ISIL armed vehicles, two of which were transporting anti-aircraft artillery; five ISIL vehicles, and one ISIL transport vehicle. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

The strikes were conducted under authority to protect U.S. personnel and facilities, support humanitarian efforts, and support Iraqi forces that are acting in furtherance of these objectives.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 153 airstrikes across Iraq.

CENTCOM for September 7, 2014 – September 8, 2014

Report Date

September 8, 2014

September 8th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, using a mix of attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct five airstrikes Sunday and Monday in support of Iraqi Security Forces and Sunni tribes protecting the Haditha Dam, and in the defense of Irbil.

The strikes destroyed three ISIL armed vehicles, one of which was carrying anti-aircraft artillery, and a large ISIL ground unit near the Haditha Dam. Separately, an airstrike destroyed one ISIL Humvee near Irbil. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

The strikes were conducted under authority to protect U.S. personnel and facilities, support humanitarian efforts, and support Iraqi forces that are acting in furtherance of these objectives.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 148 airstrikes across Iraq.

Report Date

September 8, 2014

Report Summary

  • 5 total strikes
  • 5 in Iraq (144 – 148)

Confirmed Actions


September 8th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, using a mix of attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct five airstrikes Sunday and Monday in support of Iraqi Security Forces and Sunni tribes protecting the Haditha Dam, and in the defense of Irbil.

The strikes destroyed three ISIL armed vehicles, one of which was carrying anti-aircraft artillery, and a large ISIL ground unit near the Haditha Dam. Separately, an airstrike destroyed one ISIL Humvee near Irbil. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

The strikes were conducted under authority to protect U.S. personnel and facilities, support humanitarian efforts, and support Iraqi forces that are acting in furtherance of these objectives.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 148 airstrikes across Iraq.

CENTCOM for September 6, 2014 – September 7, 2014

Report Date

September 7, 2014

Sept 7th – TAMPA, Fla. – At the request of the government of Iraq, U.S. military forces attacked ISIL terrorists near Haditha in Anbar province in support of Iraqi security forces and Sunni tribes protecting the Haditha dam.

A mix of fighter and bomber aircraft conducted four airstrikes Saturday. In total, the strikes destroyed five ISIL Humvees, one ISIL armed vehicle, an ISIL checkpoint and also damaged an ISIL bunker. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

Additionally, an attack aircraft conducted one airstrike against ISIL near Mosul Dam on Saturday in support of Iraqi security forces protecting Mosul Dam. The strike damaged an ISIL Humvee. The aircraft exited the strike area safely.

These strikes were conducted under authority to protect U.S. personnel and facilities, support humanitarian efforts, and support Iraqi forces that are acting in furtherance of these objectives.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 138 airstrikes across Iraq.

Report Date

September 7, 2014

Report Summary

  • 5 total strikes
  • 5 in Iraq (139 – 143)

Confirmed Actions


Sept 7th – TAMPA, Fla. – At the request of the government of Iraq, U.S. military forces attacked ISIL terrorists near Haditha in Anbar province in support of Iraqi security forces and Sunni tribes protecting the Haditha dam.

A mix of fighter and bomber aircraft conducted four airstrikes Saturday. In total, the strikes destroyed five ISIL Humvees, one ISIL armed vehicle, an ISIL checkpoint and also damaged an ISIL bunker. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

Additionally, an attack aircraft conducted one airstrike against ISIL near Mosul Dam on Saturday in support of Iraqi security forces protecting Mosul Dam. The strike damaged an ISIL Humvee. The aircraft exited the strike area safely.

These strikes were conducted under authority to protect U.S. personnel and facilities, support humanitarian efforts, and support Iraqi forces that are acting in furtherance of these objectives.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 138 airstrikes across Iraq.

CENTCOM for September 6, 2014 – September 7, 2014

Report Date

September 7, 2014

Sept 7th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, using a mix of attack, bomber and fighter aircraft to conduct five airstrikes Sunday in support of Iraqi security forces and Sunni tribes protecting the Haditha Dam. The strikes destroyed four ISIL Humvees, four ISIL armed vehicles, two which were carrying antiaircraft artillery; one ISIL fighting position, one ISIL command post, and one ISIL defensive fighting position. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

Report Date

September 7, 2014

Sept 7th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, using a mix of attack, bomber and fighter aircraft to conduct five airstrikes Sunday in support of Iraqi security forces and Sunni tribes protecting the Haditha Dam. The strikes destroyed four ISIL Humvees, four ISIL armed vehicles, two which were carrying antiaircraft artillery; one ISIL fighting position, one ISIL command post, and one ISIL defensive fighting position. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

CENTCOM for September 5, 2014 – September 6, 2014

Report Date

September 6, 2014

Sept 6th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, using a mix of attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct two airstrikes Friday and Saturday in support of Defense of Irbil operations.

The strikes destroyed four ISIL Humvees, one ISIL armored personnel carrier, and two ISIL trucks, one of which carried a mounted machine gun; one ISIL Humvee and one ISIL truck were also damaged in the strikes. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

The strikes were conducted under authority to protect U.S. personnel and facilities, support humanitarian efforts, and support Iraqi forces that are acting in furtherance of these objectives.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 133 airstrikes across Iraq.

Report Date

September 6, 2014

Report Summary

  • 2 total strikes
  • 2 in Iraq (132 – 133)

Confirmed Actions


Sept 6th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, using a mix of attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct two airstrikes Friday and Saturday in support of Defense of Irbil operations.

The strikes destroyed four ISIL Humvees, one ISIL armored personnel carrier, and two ISIL trucks, one of which carried a mounted machine gun; one ISIL Humvee and one ISIL truck were also damaged in the strikes. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

The strikes were conducted under authority to protect U.S. personnel and facilities, support humanitarian efforts, and support Iraqi forces that are acting in furtherance of these objectives.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 133 airstrikes across Iraq.

Incident date

September 5, 2014

Incident Code



الموصل‎, Mosul, Houses neighboring the Turkish Consulate, Nineveh, Iraq

Sources in the city claimed that an airstrike carried out at approximately 10pm in the vicinity of the Turkish consulate in Mosul had killed Ridwan Akram, his wife and their child. According to a commemorative Facebook page, the family had only recently returned after three months in Turkey when they died. While a number of


First published
September 5, 2014
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 child1 man)
Airwars civilian harm grading
Those killed were combatants, or other parties most likely responsible.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
Named victims
1 named
View Incident

CENTCOM for September 4, 2014 – September 5, 2014

Report Date

September 5, 2014

Sept 5th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, using a mix of fighter, attack, bomber and unmanned aircraft to conduct four airstrikes Thursday and Friday in support of Mosul Dam and defense of Irbil operations.

In total, the strikes destroyed an ISIL observation post, one ISIL Humvee, one ISIL armed vehicle, one ISIL truck, and three ISIL mortar positions. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

The strikes were conducted under authority to protect U.S. personnel and facilities, support humanitarian efforts, and support Iraqi forces that are acting in furtherance of these objectives.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 131 airstrikes across Iraq.

Report Date

September 5, 2014

Report Summary

  • 4 total strikes
  • 4 in Iraq (128 – 131)

Confirmed Actions


Sept 5th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, using a mix of fighter, attack, bomber and unmanned aircraft to conduct four airstrikes Thursday and Friday in support of Mosul Dam and defense of Irbil operations.

In total, the strikes destroyed an ISIL observation post, one ISIL Humvee, one ISIL armed vehicle, one ISIL truck, and three ISIL mortar positions. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely.

The strikes were conducted under authority to protect U.S. personnel and facilities, support humanitarian efforts, and support Iraqi forces that are acting in furtherance of these objectives.

U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 131 airstrikes across Iraq.

  • Pentagon Spokesman Rear Adm. John Kirby briefs the media on efforts to defeat ISIL September 2014 (DoD/ Glenn Fawcett)
    Pentagon Press Secretary U.S. Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby briefs members of the media on the effort to defeat the ISIL terrorist network in Iraq and other topics Sept. 12, 2014, at the Pentagon in Arlington, Va. (DoD photo by Glenn Fawcett/Released)

CENTCOM for September 3, 2014 – September 4, 2014

Report Date

September 4, 2014

Sept 4th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, using fighter aircraft to conduct three airstrikes Wednesday and Thursday, in support of Mosul Dam operations. The strikes destroyed two ISIL armed vehicles and an ISIL observation post. All aircraft exited the strike area safely.

The strikes were conducted under authority to protect U.S. personnel and facilities, support humanitarian efforts, and support Iraqi forces that are acting in furtherance of these objectives.U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 127 airstrikes across Iraq.

Report Date

September 4, 2014

Report Summary

  • 3 total strikes
  • 3 in Iraq (125 – 127)

Confirmed Actions


Sept 4th – U.S. military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Iraq, using fighter aircraft to conduct three airstrikes Wednesday and Thursday, in support of Mosul Dam operations. The strikes destroyed two ISIL armed vehicles and an ISIL observation post. All aircraft exited the strike area safely.

The strikes were conducted under authority to protect U.S. personnel and facilities, support humanitarian efforts, and support Iraqi forces that are acting in furtherance of these objectives.U.S. Central Command has conducted a total of 127 airstrikes across Iraq.