Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for October 24, 2018

Report Date

October 24, 2018

Wednesday 24 October – Tornados destroyed an armed truck, and two strong-points which were firing at the Syrian Democratic Forces…On Wednesday 24 October, another Tornado flight provided further close air support to the SDF in the same area [north-east of Abu Kamal]. Our aircraft struck a truck, armed with a pair of anti-aircraft guns, with a Paveway; the attack also accounted for a number of terrorists close to the vehicle. The SDF then encountered two successive Daesh strong-points, both of which engaged the SDF at short range. Despite the proximity of the SDF to the two targets, the Tornados were able to strike both of the terrorist positions with Paveway IVs.

Netherlands MoD for October 24, 2018

Report Date

October 24, 2018


For Oct 17th-24th, Dutch MoD reports that Dutch F-16s supported ground troops during nine missions. Weapons were deployed in six of these missions – against ISIS fighters and vehicles near Abu Kamal, Deir Ezzor.

In de strijd tegen terreurorganisatie ISIS ondersteunden Nederlandse F-16’s grondtroepen tijdens 9 missies. Bij 6 zijn wapens ingezet tegen ISIS-strijders en voertuigen. Dat gebeurde in de provincie Deir al Zour, in de omgeving van Abu Kamal.

UK MoD for October 22, 2018

Report Date

October 22, 2018

Monday 22 October – Tornados bombed a base for a terrorist improvised explosive device team in eastern Syria…Intelligence identified a small building north-east of Abu Kamal as a base for terrorists planting improvised explosive devices. Two Tornados carried out an attack with a Paveway IV on Monday 22 October, which destroyed the target and caused a number of secondary blasts as the explosives inside detonated.

UK MoD for October 21, 2018

Report Date

October 21, 2018

Sunday 21 October – Typhoons struck a Daesh strong-point which was firing at the Syrian Democratic Forces…Typhoon FGR4s provided further support to the SDF on Sunday 21 October. That evening, an SDF advance came under fire from a Daesh strong-point some five miles north-east of Abu Kamal. The Typhoon flight conducted a carefully planned attack with a single Paveway IV, which struck the strong-point and immediately eliminated the threat to the SDF.

CJTF–OIR for October 14, 2018 – October 20, 2018

Report Date

October 20, 2018

Operation Roundup targets ISIS remnants

SOUTHWEST ASIA – Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners continue to pursue the lasting defeat of ISIS in designated parts of Iraq and Syria.

Operation Roundup, which began May 1 for the defeat of ISIS in the Middle Euphrates River Valley and Iraqi- Syrian border region, has continued to gain ground and remove terrorists from the battlefield through offensive operations coupled with precision Coalition strike support.

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partner forces’ operations are exerting pressure on ISIS senior leaders and associates, as well as degrading, disrupting and dismantling ISIS organizational structures throughout Iraq and Syria.

Operation Roundup will continue to target ISIS remnants as the coalition remains committed to the lasting defeat of ISIS to increase peace and stability in the region, and to protect all our homelands from ISIS’s terrorist threat.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between Oct. 14 and Oct. 20, CJTF-OIR coalition military forces conducted 70 strikes consisting of 109 engagements in Iraq and Syria.

On Oct. 20 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes consisting of nine engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Hajin, 10 strikes engaged two tactical units, and destroyed two vehicles one vehicle-borne IED, one observation point, four supply routes and one staging area.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct. 20, 2018.

On Oct. 19 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes consisting of 18 engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Hajin, 10 strikes engaged 11 tactical units, and destroyed one vehicle-borne IED, one armored vehicle, three vehicles and five supply routes.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct.19, 2018.

On Oct. 18 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes consisting of 14 engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Abu Kamal and Hajin, 10 strikes engaged 29 tactical units, and destroyed two command and control centers, one IED facility, one vehicle-borne IED facility, one mortar team headquarters, one building and two staging areas.

On Oct. 18 in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of two engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Tuz Khurmatu, one strikes destroyed three tunnels and one fighting position.

On Oct. 17 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 14 strikes consisting of 29 engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Abu Kamal and Hajin, 14 strikes destroyed six fighting positions, six firing positions, one observation point, one facility, one armored vehicle, two staging areas, one supply route and damaged one fighting position.

On Oct. 17 in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against an ISIS target.

• Near Makmur Mountains, one strike destroyed one tunnel entrance.

On Oct. 16 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of four engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed one fighting position and one staging area.

On Oct. 16 in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of two engagement against an ISIS target.

• Near Diyala desert, one strikes destroyed one tunnel.

On Oct. 15 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 16 engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Abu Kamal and Hajin, nine strikes engaged 11 tactical units, and destroyed two compounds, three fighting positions, four vehicles, two observation points, two warehouses and one supply route.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct. 15, 2018.

On Oct 14, 2018 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 12 military strikes consisting of 14 engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, 12 strikes engaged five tactical units, and destroyed two command and control centers, six weapons caches, one compound, three staging areas and two supply routes.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct. 14, 2018.

Report Date

October 20, 2018

Report Summary

  • 70 total strikes
  • 67 in Syria
  • 3 in Iraq

Confirmed Actions


Operation Roundup targets ISIS remnants

SOUTHWEST ASIA – Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners continue to pursue the lasting defeat of ISIS in designated parts of Iraq and Syria.

Operation Roundup, which began May 1 for the defeat of ISIS in the Middle Euphrates River Valley and Iraqi- Syrian border region, has continued to gain ground and remove terrorists from the battlefield through offensive operations coupled with precision Coalition strike support.

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partner forces’ operations are exerting pressure on ISIS senior leaders and associates, as well as degrading, disrupting and dismantling ISIS organizational structures throughout Iraq and Syria.

Operation Roundup will continue to target ISIS remnants as the coalition remains committed to the lasting defeat of ISIS to increase peace and stability in the region, and to protect all our homelands from ISIS’s terrorist threat.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between Oct. 14 and Oct. 20, CJTF-OIR coalition military forces conducted 70 strikes consisting of 109 engagements in Iraq and Syria.

October 20, 2018
Syria: 10 strikes

On Oct. 20 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes consisting of nine engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Hajin, 10 strikes engaged two tactical units, and destroyed two vehicles one vehicle-borne IED, one observation point, four supply routes and one staging area.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct. 20, 2018.

October 19, 2018
Syria: 10 strikes

On Oct. 19 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes consisting of 18 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Hajin, 10 strikes engaged 11 tactical units, and destroyed one vehicle-borne IED, one armored vehicle, three vehicles and five supply routes.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct.19, 2018.

October 18, 2018
Syria: 10 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On Oct. 18 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes consisting of 14 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal and Hajin, 10 strikes engaged 29 tactical units, and destroyed two command and control centers, one IED facility, one vehicle-borne IED facility, one mortar team headquarters, one building and two staging areas.

On Oct. 18 in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of two engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Tuz Khurmatu, one strikes destroyed three tunnels and one fighting position.
October 17, 2018
Syria: 14 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On Oct. 17 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 14 strikes consisting of 29 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal and Hajin, 14 strikes destroyed six fighting positions, six firing positions, one observation point, one facility, one armored vehicle, two staging areas, one supply route and damaged one fighting position.

On Oct. 17 in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against an ISIS target.

Near Makmur Mountains, one strike destroyed one tunnel entrance.
October 16, 2018
Syria: 2 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On Oct. 16 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of four engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed one fighting position and one staging area.

On Oct. 16 in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of two engagement against an ISIS target.

Near Diyala desert, one strikes destroyed one tunnel.
October 15, 2018
Syria: 9 strikes

On Oct. 15 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 16 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal and Hajin, nine strikes engaged 11 tactical units, and destroyed two compounds, three fighting positions, four vehicles, two observation points, two warehouses and one supply route.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct. 15, 2018.

October 14, 2018
Syria: 12 strikes

On Oct 14, 2018 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 12 military strikes consisting of 14 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, 12 strikes engaged five tactical units, and destroyed two command and control centers, six weapons caches, one compound, three staging areas and two supply routes.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct. 14, 2018.

CJTF–OIR for October 20, 2018

Report Date

October 20, 2018

Coalition Strikes Facilities Used by Daesh

SOUTHWEST ASIA – On Oct. 22 a Coalition strike destroyed several buildings used by Daesh to launch attacks against Syrian Democratic Force partners in As Susah, Syria. One of those facilities used by Daesh was a mosque that was being used as a defensive fighting position and command center. The strike killed several Daesh as they were actively firing on coalition partner forces, which eliminated another Daesh capability from the battlefield.

As the second coalition strike on an active Daesh fighting position originating from a mosque in less than a week, Daesh demonstrates desperation and the willingness to misuse protected structures to launch military attacks against SDF and Coalition forces. After monitoring to reduce the risk to civilians, the Coalition precision strike targeted and destroyed the buildings adapted by Daesh terrorists as command centers and fighting positions when only their fighters were present.

Daesh continues to violate the Law of Armed Conflict and misuse religious sites. Coalition strikes will continue to target Daesh in the Middle Euphrates River Valley, as the Coalition and SDF advance to defeat Daesh in their self-proclaimed caliphate.

Report Date

October 20, 2018

Coalition Strikes Facilities Used by Daesh

SOUTHWEST ASIA – On Oct. 22 a Coalition strike destroyed several buildings used by Daesh to launch attacks against Syrian Democratic Force partners in As Susah, Syria. One of those facilities used by Daesh was a mosque that was being used as a defensive fighting position and command center. The strike killed several Daesh as they were actively firing on coalition partner forces, which eliminated another Daesh capability from the battlefield.

As the second coalition strike on an active Daesh fighting position originating from a mosque in less than a week, Daesh demonstrates desperation and the willingness to misuse protected structures to launch military attacks against SDF and Coalition forces. After monitoring to reduce the risk to civilians, the Coalition precision strike targeted and destroyed the buildings adapted by Daesh terrorists as command centers and fighting positions when only their fighters were present.

Daesh continues to violate the Law of Armed Conflict and misuse religious sites. Coalition strikes will continue to target Daesh in the Middle Euphrates River Valley, as the Coalition and SDF advance to defeat Daesh in their self-proclaimed caliphate.

French MoD for October 18, 2018

Report Date

October 18, 2018


For October 10-16th, France report that the three CAESAR guns of Task Force Wagram carried out, from Iraqi territory, 28 firing missions (lighting, smoke, harassment, destruction). Aircraft made 18 sorties and carried out two airstrikes, north of Abu Kamal in Syria. Totals for Iraq and Syria since Sept 19th 2014: 8564 sorties, 1464 strikes, 2256 targets ‘neutralised’.



Offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech en Syrie
L’opération pour reprendre la poche d’Hajine dans la moyenne vallée de l’Euphrate, lancée le 10 septembre, se poursuit. La progression est rendue difficile car Daech, qui a organisé sa défense, notamment grâce à de très nombreux engins explosifs improvisés, profite des conditions météo actuelles. Celles-ci réduisent les capacités de frappe aérienne de la coalition.
Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak
En Irak, les opérations de sécurisation des forces de sécurité irakiennes (FSI) se poursuivent.

Le dispositif français déployé au Levant n’a pas évolué en volume. Les TF Wagram, Monsabert et Narvik ont été relevées.
La Task Force Wagram en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech présentes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate
La Task Force Wagram appuie l’offensive des forces démocratiques syriennes contre Daech dans la région d’Hajine.
Cette semaine, compte tenu des conditions météo, c’est l’appui sol-sol qui a été privilégié. Les trois canons CAESAR de la TF Wagram ont ainsi réalisé, depuis le territoire irakien, 28 missions de tir (éclairement, fumigène, harcèlement, destruction – bilan du 10 au 16 octobre inclus).
Depuis le début de son engagement, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 1975 missions de tirs.
Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations
Au sein de la coalition, les aéronefs français basés en Jordanie et aux Émirats arabes unis poursuivent leurs actions contre Daech.
Cette semaine, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 18 sorties aériennes (bilan du 10 au 16 octobre inclus) et conduit deux frappes en appui des FDS au nord d’Abou Kamal en Syrie.

Bilan total de l’action du pilier appui aérien depuis le 19/09/14 :
8564 sorties / 1464 frappes / 2256 objectifs neutralisés.
Formation des militaires Irakiens : lutte contre les engins explosifs improvisés (IED)
Trois militaires français servent aux côtés de trois Britanniques et d’un Néerlandais au sein d’un laboratoire d’exploitation contre-IED de premier niveau à Besmayah, ville située à une vingtaine de kilomètres à l’est de Bagdad. Leur tâche consiste à analyser les IED découverts par l’armée irakienne. Ils réalisent également des actions de formation au profit des militaires irakiens.
Un lieutenant irakien a ainsi été formé aux techniques permettant, après avoir découvert des engins explosifs improvisés, d’en tirer des informations sur les savoir-faire de l’ennemi. Une sensibilisation a été dispensée au personnel de la police fédérale qui est confrontée, au quotidien, à la découverte d’engins explosifs improvisés.
L’exploitation des IED découverts par les forces de sécurité irakiennes permet d’obtenir des renseignements utiles pour démanteler les réseaux terroristes comme pour adapter la protection des forces partenaires.

UK MoD for October 17, 2018

Report Date

October 17, 2018

Wednesday 17 October – Tornados demolished another terrorist observation post in eastern Syria…A further such observation post was identified to the north-east of Abu Kamal on Wednesday 17 October, and was again dealt with effectively by a Paveway attack delivered by a Tornado flight. As normal, the Tornados were supported by a Voyager air refuelling tanker, based alongside them at RAF Akrotiri.

Netherlands MoD for October 17, 2018

Report Date

October 17, 2018


For the week of 11th – 17th October, Dutch F-16s supported ground troops during nine missions. Weapons were deployed four times, in Deir Ezzor governorate, in the vicinity of Hajin, and Abu Kamal. ISIS weapons were the target.

In de strijd tegen terreurorganisatie ISIS ondersteunden Nederlandse F-16’s grondtroepen tijdens 9 missies. Bij 4 zijn wapens ingezet. Dat gebeurde in de provincie Deir al Zour, in de omgeving van Hajin en Abu Kamal. ISIS-wapenopstellingen waren het doelwit.

French MoD for October 17, 2018

Report Date

October 17, 2018


France report that Sept 25th and 27th, Rafales equipped with GPS-guided precision bombs destroyed an ISIS cache of weapons and a logistical structure in the Abu Kamal region of Syria. In all 8 strikes have been carried out since September 10th with nearly 130 air sorties in support of SDS. Since the beginning of the Chammal operation, the France has conducted 1,464 air strikes and 1,975 artillery fire missions.

CHAMMAL: le pilier « appui » de l’opération

Mise à jour : 17/10/2018
Le 10 septembre 2018, les forces démocratiques syriennes (FDS) soutenues par la coalition ont lancé une offensive terrestre dans la moyenne Vallée de l’Euphrate à la frontière entre l’Irak et la Syrie. Elle vise à neutraliser la dernière emprise territoriale tenue par les terroristes en Syrie.

La coalition participe à cette ultime phase de la lutte contre Daech en appuyant les FDS engagées pour reconquérir la poche d’Hajin, située sur la rive orientale de l’Euphrate. Tous les moyens du pilier « appui » de l’opération Chammal sont engagés.

Actuellement, le pilier « appui » est structuré autour de dix Rafale de l’armée de l’air, d’un Atlantique 2 de la Marine Nationale et d’un détachement d’artillerie équipé de canons CAESAR.

Ces moyens participent activement au soutien des troupes combattant au sol, en mettant en œuvre leurs capacités de renseignement et de frappes ciblées.

Les 25 et 27 septembre 2018, les Rafales de la base aérienne projetée au Levant ont par exemple réalisé des missions offensives dans la Moyenne Vallée de l’Euphrate. Équipés de bombes de précision à guidage GPS, les pilotes de Rafales ont détruit une cache d’armes ainsi qu’une structure logistique du groupe terroriste dans la région d’Abou Kamal en Syrie. En tout 8 frappes ont été réalisées depuis le 10 septembre au cours de près de 130 sorties aériennes en appui des FDS.

Les artilleurs français de la Task Force Wagram tiennent également un rôle prépondérant dans l’opération. Ils ont effectué près d’une centaine de missions de tirs depuis le début de cette ultime phase de l’opération.

Depuis le début de l’opération Chammal les forces du pilier « appui » ont réalisé 1 464 frappes aériennes et 1 975 missions de tir d’artillerie. Après quatre années d’opérations, le groupe terroriste Daech a perdu la quasi-totalité de son territoire.

Lancée depuis le 19 septembre 2014, l’opération Chammal représente la participation française à l’OIR (opération Inherent Resolve) et mobilise aujourd’hui près de 1 100 militaires. À la demande du gouvernement irakien et en coordination avec les alliés de la France présents dans la région, l’opération Chammal repose sur deux piliers complémentaires : un pilier « formation» au profit d’unités de sécurité nationales irakiennes et un pilier « appui » consistant à soutenir l’action des forces locales engagées au sol contre Daech et à frapper les capacités militaires du groupe terroriste.

UK MoD for October 15, 2018

Report Date

October 15, 2018

Monday 15 October – Tornados destroyed a Daesh observation post in eastern Syria…Royal Air Force aircraft have continued to provide support to the Syrian Democratic Forces’ operations against the last significant pocket of Daesh-held territory in the Euphrates valley of eastern Syria. On Monday 15 October, two Tornado GR4s were tasked with the destruction of a terrorist observation post which had been identified to the south-east of Hajin. A single Paveway IV guided bomb was released and this scored a direct hit on the observation post, destroying it.

UK MoD for October 14, 2018

Report Date

October 14, 2018

Sunday 14 October – Tornados and Typhoons bombed three Daesh command and control locations in eastern Syria…Our aircraft were able to attack successfully three known terrorist command and control locations on Sunday 14 October, all in and around Hajin. Typhoons dealt with two of the targets, including one where a Daesh attack planning team were reported to be present at the time, whilst Tornados destroyed the third.

UK MoD for October 13, 2018

Report Date

October 13, 2018

Saturday 13 October – Typhoons bombed a terrorist strong-point, and Tornados hit a mortar position, a command post and a second strong-point in eastern Syria…On Saturday 13 October, Typhoons bombed a Daesh strong-point north of Hajin, whilst Tornados struck a second such defensive position north-east of Abu Kamal. The Tornados also attacked a mortar position and a Daesh command post in the same area, using Paveway IVs.

CJTF–OIR for October 7, 2018 – October 13, 2018

Report Date

October 13, 2018

Operation Roundup, which began May 1 for the defeat of ISIS in the Middle Euphrates River Valley and Iraqi- Syrian border region, has continued to gain ground and remove terrorists from the battlefield through offensive operations coupled with precision Coalition strike support.

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partner forces’ operations are exerting pressure on ISIS senior leaders and associates, as well as degrading, disrupting and dismantling ISIS organizational structures throughout Iraq and Syria.

Operation Roundup will continue to target ISIS remnants as the coalition remains committed to the lasting defeat of ISIS to increase peace and stability in the region, and to protect all our homelands from ISIS’s terrorist threat.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between Oct. 7 and Oct. 13, CJTF-OIR coalition military forces conducted 137 strikes consisting of 225 engagements in Iraq and Syria.

On Oct. 13 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 23 strikes consisting of 34 engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, 23 strikes engaged 18 tactical units, and destroyed 11 supply routes, 6 mortars, four staging areas, one weapons cache, one piece of heavy equipment, one IED factory, and one fighting position.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct.13, 2018.

On Oct. 12 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 36 strikes consisting of 56 engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, 36 strikes engaged 15 tactical units, and destroyed 20 fighting positions, five mortars, four staging areas, one tunnel, and one assembly area site.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct.12, 2018.

On Oct. 11 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 20 strikes consisting of 45 engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, 20 strikes engaged six tactical units, and destroyed 21 fighting positions, four mortars, three staging areas, and two supply routes.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct. 11, 2018.

On Oct. 10 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 33 strikes consisting of 50 engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, 33 strikes engaged 18 tactical units, and destroyed 15 fighting positions, 11 mortars, two command and control centers, one tech vehicle, and two vehicle-borne IEDs.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct. 10, 2018.

On Oct. 9 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 14 engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, nine strikes engaged two tactical units, and destroyed one fighting position, one observation point, three supply routes and suppressed one mortar.

On Oct. 9 in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against an ISIS target.

• Near Taji, one strike engaged two tactical units.

On Oct. 8 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted five strikes consisting of 10 engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, five strikes engaged seven tactical units, and destroyed one weapons cache, one staging area and one supply route.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct. 8, 2018.

On Oct 7, 2018 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 10 military strikes consisting of 15 engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, 10 strikes [2 British] engaged eight tactical units, and destroyed two command and control centers, one vehicle-borne IED, one mortar, two staging areas and three supply routes.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct. 7, 2018.

Report Date

October 13, 2018

Report Summary

  • 137 total strikes
  • 136 in Syria
  • 1 in Iraq

Confirmed Actions


Operation Roundup, which began May 1 for the defeat of ISIS in the Middle Euphrates River Valley and Iraqi- Syrian border region, has continued to gain ground and remove terrorists from the battlefield through offensive operations coupled with precision Coalition strike support.

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partner forces’ operations are exerting pressure on ISIS senior leaders and associates, as well as degrading, disrupting and dismantling ISIS organizational structures throughout Iraq and Syria.

Operation Roundup will continue to target ISIS remnants as the coalition remains committed to the lasting defeat of ISIS to increase peace and stability in the region, and to protect all our homelands from ISIS’s terrorist threat.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between Oct. 7 and Oct. 13, CJTF-OIR coalition military forces conducted 137 strikes consisting of 225 engagements in Iraq and Syria.

October 13, 2018
Syria: 23 strikes

On Oct. 13 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 23 strikes consisting of 34 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, 23 strikes engaged 18 tactical units, and destroyed 11 supply routes, 6 mortars, four staging areas, one weapons cache, one piece of heavy equipment, one IED factory, and one fighting position.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct.13, 2018.

October 12, 2018
Syria: 36 strikes

On Oct. 12 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 36 strikes consisting of 56 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, 36 strikes engaged 15 tactical units, and destroyed 20 fighting positions, five mortars, four staging areas, one tunnel, and one assembly area site.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct.12, 2018.

October 11, 2018
Syria: 20 strikes

On Oct. 11 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 20 strikes consisting of 45 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, 20 strikes engaged six tactical units, and destroyed 21 fighting positions, four mortars, three staging areas, and two supply routes.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct. 11, 2018.

October 10, 2018
Syria: 33 strikes

On Oct. 10 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 33 strikes consisting of 50 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, 33 strikes engaged 18 tactical units, and destroyed 15 fighting positions, 11 mortars, two command and control centers, one tech vehicle, and two vehicle-borne IEDs.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct. 10, 2018.

October 9, 2018
Syria: 9 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On Oct. 9 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 14 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, nine strikes engaged two tactical units, and destroyed one fighting position, one observation point, three supply routes and suppressed one mortar.

On Oct. 9 in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against an ISIS target.

Near Taji, one strike engaged two tactical units.
October 8, 2018
Syria: 5 strikes

On Oct. 8 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted five strikes consisting of 10 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, five strikes engaged seven tactical units, and destroyed one weapons cache, one staging area and one supply route.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct. 8, 2018.

October 7, 2018
Syria: 10 strikes

On Oct 7, 2018 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 10 military strikes consisting of 15 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, 10 strikes [2 British] engaged eight tactical units, and destroyed two command and control centers, one vehicle-borne IED, one mortar, two staging areas and three supply routes.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct. 7, 2018.

French MoD for October 12, 2018

Report Date

October 12, 2018


For October 3rd-9th, France report that the three CAESAR guns of TF Wagram carried out 18 shooting missions from Iraq. In the same week, aircraft conducted three strikes north of Abu Kamal in Syria.

Offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech en Syrie
L’opération pour reprendre la poche d’Hajine dans la moyenne vallée de l’Euphrate, lancée le 10 septembre, se poursuit. La progression est rendue difficile, Daech ayant notamment recours à une vaste palette d’engins explosifs improvisés. La coalition poursuit son action en appui des forces démocratiques syriennes (FDS).
Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak
En Irak, les forces de sécurité irakiennes (FSI) poursuivent leurs opérations de sécurisation qui ont permis la neutralisation d’abris, de caches et de matériel. Daech maintient sa stratégie d’évitement.
Le dispositif français déployé au Levant n’a pas connu d’évolution notable.
La Task Force Wagram en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech présentes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate
La Task Force Wagram appuie l’offensive des forces démocratiques syriennes contre Daech dans la région d’Hajine.
Cette semaine, les trois canons CAESAR de la TF Wagram ont réalisé, depuis le territoire irakien, 18 missions de tir (éclairement, fumigène, harcèlement – bilan du 03 au 09 octobre inclus).
Depuis le début de son engagement, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 1947 missions de tirs.
Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations
Au sein de la coalition, les aéronefs français basés en Jordanie et aux Émirats arabes unis poursuivent leurs actions contre Daech.
Cette semaine, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 18 sorties aériennes (bilan du 03 au 09 octobre inclus) et conduit trois frappes en appui des FDS au nord d’Abou Kamal en Syrie.
Bilan total de l’action du pilier appui aérien depuis le 19/09/14 :
8546 sorties / 1462 frappes / 2254 objectifs neutralisés.
TF Monsabert et Narvik
La Task Force Monsabert poursuit sa mission d’instruction de la 6ème division irakienne. Elle conseille l’état-major de cette division et, ponctuellement, les brigades qui lui sont subordonnées. Ainsi, aux mois d’août et septembre, Monsabert a réalisé une dizaine de missions en différents lieux de Bagdad, notamment dans un hôpital de la ville ou pour rendre une expertise visant à préparer les travaux de construction d’un mur de protection.
Début octobre, le « partenariat artillerie » a mené un audit du 106ème bataillon d’artillerie, ce qui a permis d’aider les Irakiens à planifier et conduire une campagne de tirs incluant, pour la première fois, des tirs de nuit.

UK MoD for October 12, 2018

Report Date

October 12, 2018

Friday 12 October – Tornados struck a Daesh tunnel and a defended building in eastern Syria, whilst Typhoons destroyed an armed truck…A Daesh armed truck was spotted north-east of Abu Kamal on Friday 12 October, and was destroyed by a direct hit from a Paveway IV dropped by a Typhoon flight. A pair of Tornados conducted one attack through thick cloud, striking a tunnel – again to the north-east of Abu Kamal – then delivered a second successful attack with two Paveways against a Daesh-held building near Hajin.

UK MoD for October 11, 2018

Report Date

October 11, 2018

Thursday 11 October – Tornados and Typhoons conducted five attacks on Daesh positions in eastern Syria…Despite bad weather, our aircraft were able to provide effective close air support to the SDF at both the northern and southern ends of the Hajin pocket on Thursday 11 October. North of Hajin, a flight of Typhoons and a flight of Tornados used Paveway IVs to destroy three Daesh-held buildings which the SDF had encountered. In the south, close to the border with Iraq, a second pair of Tornados bombed two groups of terrorists spotted in in the open; one of the attacks also destroyed the extremists’ vehicle.

Netherlands MoD for October 10, 2018

Report Date

October 10, 2018


For October 3rd-10th, Dutch F-16s supported ground troops in Syria during nine missions. Weapons were deployed during two missions. The weapons deployment took place in the province of Deir Ezzor, in the vicinity of Abu Kamal. ISIS weapons, a logistics warehouse and ISIS fighters targeted.

Weekoverzicht Defensieoperaties
Nieuwsbericht | 10-10-2018 | 12:00

Nederlandse F-16’s ondersteunden tijdens 9 missies grondtroepen in Syrië. Dit gebeurde in het kader van de strijd tegen terreurorganisatie ISIS. Tijdens 2 missies werden wapens ingezet. Een overzicht van Defensieoperaties in de week van 3 tot 10 oktober 2018.

De wapeninzet gebeurde in de provincie Deir al Zour, in de omgeving van Abu Kamal. ISIS-wapenopstellingen, een logistieke opslagplaats en ISIS-strijders waren het doelwit.

Nederlandse militairen geven momenteel de ‘bataljonstraining’ aan Koerdische eenheden in de omgeving van Erbil, Irak. Dat geldt ook voor een instructeursopleiding en een training voor het beveiligen van grote gebieden. Samen met Finse militairen wordt een leiderschapstraining voorbereid, die op korte termijn start.

In de omgeving van Bagdad ondersteunen Nederlandse trainers het Speciale Operaties Trainings Centrum. Defensie levert ook een chirurgisch team voor het Amerikaanse Role 2-hospitaal. Hier werken de Nederlanders nauw samen met Deense en Britse medici.

UK MoD for October 7, 2018

Report Date

October 7, 2018

Sunday 7 October – a Reaper attacked a terrorist position hidden beneath trees, and Typhoons destroyed a command post in eastern Syria…A Reaper’s crew successfully targeted Daesh fighters who had positioned themselves beneath trees in the Hajin area on Sunday 7 October, hitting them with a Hellfire missile. Closer to Abu Kamal, Typhoons meanwhile destroyed a terrorist command post.

Netherlands MoD for October 7, 2018

Report Date

October 7, 2018


For October 31st-November 6th, the Dutch MoD reports that Dutch F-16s supported ground troops during nine missions in the fight against ISIS. Weapons were deployed in four: near Abu Kamal, Deir Ezzor governorate, Syria. Targets were ISIS vehicles, warehouses and fighting positions.

In het weekoverzicht van 31 oktober t/m 6 november laat MinDef weten Nederlandse F-16’s te hebben ingezet tijdens 9 missies, ter ondersteuning van grondtroepen in de strijd tegen terreurorganisatie ISIS. Bij 4 van deze missies werden wapens ingezet boven de Syrische provincie Deir al Zour bij Abu Kamal. Hierbij zijn voertuigen, opslagplaatsen en gevechtsposities van ISIS vernietigd.

CJTF–OIR for October 1, 2018 – October 6, 2018

Report Date

October 6, 2018

Operation Roundup targets ISIS remnants

SOUTHWEST ASIA – Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners continue to pursue the lasting defeat of ISIS in designated parts of Iraq and Syria.

Operation Roundup, which began May 1 for the defeat of ISIS in the Middle Euphrates River Valley and Iraqi- Syrian border region, has continued to gain ground and remove terrorists from the battlefield through offensive operations coupled with precision Coalition strike support.

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partner forces’ operations are exerting pressure on ISIS senior leaders and associates, as well as degrading, disrupting and dismantling ISIS organizational structures throughout Iraq and Syria.

Operation Roundup will continue to target ISIS remnants as the coalition remains committed to the lasting defeat of ISIS to increase peace and stability in the region, and to protect all our homelands from ISIS’s terrorist threat.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between Oct. 1 and Oct. 6, CJTF-OIR coalition military forces conducted 70 strikes consisting of 102 engagements in Iraq and Syria.

On Oct. 6 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 12 strikes consisting of 19 engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, 12 strikes engaged five tactical units, and destroyed one command and control center, one weapons cache, four mortar positions, one recoilless rifle and three supply routes.

On Oct. 6 in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of two engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Makmur mountains, one strike engaged five tactical units.

On Oct. 5 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 14 engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, nine strikes engaged seven tactical units, and destroyed three fighting positions, one command and control center, three mortar positions and one vehicle-borne IED facility.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct. 5, 2018.

On Oct. 4 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes consisting of 12 engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, 10 strikes engaged 15 tactical units, and destroyed one command and control center, one vehicle-borne IED, one piece of heavy equipment, two mortars, one vehicle, two supply routes and suppressed two staging areas.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct. 4, 2018.

On Oct. 3 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 11 strikes consisting of 12 engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, 11 strikes engaged 11 tactical units, and destroyed two fighting positions, two mortars, one compound, four supply routes and suppressed one staging area.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct. 3, 2018.

On Oct. 2 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 20 strikes consisting of 26 engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Abu Kamal and Hajin, 20 strikes engaged 13 tactical units, and destroyed nine fighting positions, two command and control centers, two observation points, one weapons cache, one mortar, one unmanned aerial system, three supply routes and suppressed one mortar.

On Oct. 2 in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of seven engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Wadi Ashai and Jazeerah desert, three strikes destroyed two tanks, seven buildings and one missile.

On Oct. 1 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of 10 engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, four strikes engaged one tactical unit, and destroyed one vehicle, one mortar tube and two supply routes.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct. 1, 2018.

Report Date

October 6, 2018

Report Summary

  • 70 total strikes
  • 66 in Syria
  • 4 in Iraq

Confirmed Actions


Operation Roundup targets ISIS remnants

SOUTHWEST ASIA – Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners continue to pursue the lasting defeat of ISIS in designated parts of Iraq and Syria.

Operation Roundup, which began May 1 for the defeat of ISIS in the Middle Euphrates River Valley and Iraqi- Syrian border region, has continued to gain ground and remove terrorists from the battlefield through offensive operations coupled with precision Coalition strike support.

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partner forces’ operations are exerting pressure on ISIS senior leaders and associates, as well as degrading, disrupting and dismantling ISIS organizational structures throughout Iraq and Syria.

Operation Roundup will continue to target ISIS remnants as the coalition remains committed to the lasting defeat of ISIS to increase peace and stability in the region, and to protect all our homelands from ISIS’s terrorist threat.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between Oct. 1 and Oct. 6, CJTF-OIR coalition military forces conducted 70 strikes consisting of 102 engagements in Iraq and Syria.

October 6, 2018
Syria: 12 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On Oct. 6 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 12 strikes consisting of 19 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, 12 strikes engaged five tactical units, and destroyed one command and control center, one weapons cache, four mortar positions, one recoilless rifle and three supply routes.

On Oct. 6 in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of two engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Makmur mountains, one strike engaged five tactical units.
October 5, 2018
Syria: 9 strikes

On Oct. 5 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 14 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, nine strikes engaged seven tactical units, and destroyed three fighting positions, one command and control center, three mortar positions and one vehicle-borne IED facility.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct. 5, 2018.

October 4, 2018
Syria: 10 strikes

On Oct. 4 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes consisting of 12 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, 10 strikes engaged 15 tactical units, and destroyed one command and control center, one vehicle-borne IED, one piece of heavy equipment, two mortars, one vehicle, two supply routes and suppressed two staging areas.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct. 4, 2018.

October 3, 2018
Syria: 11 strikes

On Oct. 3 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 11 strikes consisting of 12 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, 11 strikes engaged 11 tactical units, and destroyed two fighting positions, two mortars, one compound, four supply routes and suppressed one staging area.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct. 3, 2018.

October 2, 2018
Syria: 20 strikes
Iraq: 3 strikes

On Oct. 2 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 20 strikes consisting of 26 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal and Hajin, 20 strikes engaged 13 tactical units, and destroyed nine fighting positions, two command and control centers, two observation points, one weapons cache, one mortar, one unmanned aerial system, three supply routes and suppressed one mortar.

On Oct. 2 in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of seven engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Wadi Ashai and Jazeerah desert, three strikes destroyed two tanks, seven buildings and one missile.
October 1, 2018
Syria: 4 strikes

On Oct. 1 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of 10 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, four strikes engaged one tactical unit, and destroyed one vehicle, one mortar tube and two supply routes.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Oct. 1, 2018.

UK MoD for October 6, 2018

Report Date

October 6, 2018

Saturday 6 October – a Reaper disrupted Daesh firing on the Syrian Democratic Forces, while Typhoons and Tornados hit four terrorist mortar positions and a weapons stockpile…A Reaper provided further support in the same area on Saturday 6 October, and an attack delivered with a GBU-12 guided bomb successfully disrupted firing by Daesh on the SDF. Typhoons and Tornados were working further north, near Hajin, and used Paveway IVs and a Brimstone missile to deal with four Daesh mortar positions and a weapons stockpile.

UK MoD for October 5, 2018

Report Date

October 5, 2018

Friday 5 October – Typhoons bombed a terrorist command post in eastern Syria, whilst Tornados struck a Daesh compound…On Friday 5 October, Typhoons bombed a Daesh command post north-east of Abu Kamal using two Paveway IVs. Nearby, a flight of Tornados supported the SDF, who had come up against a Daesh-held compound. The SDF were very close to the target, but careful coordination allowed the Tornados to strike the two key buildings within the compound with Paveway IVs.

UK MoD for October 4, 2018

Report Date

October 4, 2018

Thursday 4 October – Tornados supported a Syrian Democratic Forces attack on a Daesh position, destroying a truck-bomb, a strong-point and an improvised explosive device facility…The following day [Oct 4th], an SDF attack on a Daesh position encountered a truck-bomb which was blocking their advance towards a terrorist strong-point in a nearby building. Tornados destroyed the truck-bomb using a Brimstone missile, then demolished the strong-point with a Paveway IV. Another building in the area was then identified as not only Daesh-held, but a probable facility for further improvised truck-bombs. This target was also destroyed with a Paveway IV.

UK MoD for October 3, 2018

Report Date

October 3, 2018

Wednesday 3 October – Tornados, working with a Reaper, destroyed a mortar position in eastern Syria…With the Syrian Democratic Forces continuing their offensive against the last major pocket of Deash-held territory in eastern Syria, centred on Hajin, Royal Air Force aircraft have provided further intensive support. As in the previous month, a particular focus has been on terrorist positions north-east of Abu Kamal. On Wednesday 3 October, an RAF Reaper detected a Daesh mortar which was firing on SDF forces a short distance away. Two RAF Tornado GR4s were also on task in the area, and they struck the mortar position with a single Paveway IV guided bomb.

Netherlands MoD for October 3, 2018

Report Date

October 3, 2018


In de strijd tegen terreurorganisatie ISIS ondersteunden Nederlandse F-16’s grondtroepen tijdens 9 missies boven de Syrische en Irak. Tijdens 4 missies zijn wapens ingezet. Dat gebeurde in de Syrische provincie Deir al Zour, in de omgeving van Abu Kamal. ISIS-wapenopstellingen, een logistieke opslagplaats en ISIS Strijders waren het doelwit.

French MoD for September 30, 2018 – October 1, 2018

Report Date

October 1, 2018


For Sept 26th – Oct 2nd, France report that Task Force Wagram carried out 14 firing missions from Iraq territory in the Euphrates Valley. Meanwhile, aircraft conduced 22 sorties and carried out a strike north of Abu Kamal. This is the second strike in two weeks by France in the Abu Kamal region.



Offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech en Syrie

L’opération pour reprendre la poche d’Hajine dans la moyenne vallée de l’Euphrate, lancée le 10 septembre, se poursuit méthodiquement. Appuyées par la coalition, les forces démocratiques syriennes (FDS) progressent malgré la menace omniprésente d’engins explosifs improvisés.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

En Irak, les forces de sécurité irakiennes (FSI) poursuivent leurs opérations de sécurisation. Daech est contraint à recourir à une stratégie d’évitement. La pression est maintenue sur les djihadistes, afin que la vie quotidienne de la population reprenne un cours normal.


Le dispositif français déployé au Levant n’a connu qu’une seule évolution, l’Atlantique 2 ayant quitté le théâtre.

La Task Force Wagram en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech présentes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate

La Task Force Wagram appuie l’offensive des forces démocratiques syriennes contre Daech dans la région d’Hajine.

Cette semaine, les trois canons CAESAR de la TF Wagram ont réalisé, depuis le territoire irakien, 14 missions de tir (bilan du 26 septembre au 2 octobre inclus).

Depuis le début de son engagement, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 1929 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations

Au sein de la coalition, les aéronefs français basés en Jordanie et aux Émirats arabes unis poursuivent leurs actions contre Daech.

Cette semaine, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 22 sorties aériennes (bilan du 26 septembre au 2 octobre inclus) et conduit une frappe au nord d’Abou Kamal en Syrie.

Bilan total de l’action du pilier appui aérien depuis le 19/09/14 :

8528 sorties / 1459 frappes / 2251 objectifs neutralisés.

TF Monsabert et Narvik

La Task Force Monsabert poursuit sa mission d’instruction de la 6ème division irakienne. En lien avec le conseiller santé de la division, l’équipe médicale de la TF s’est entretenue avec le personnel du service d’urgences d’un hôpital de Bagdad. Cette discussion a permis de comprendre leur façon de travailler. Cela permettra de mieux conseiller les équipes de la 6ème division en matière de soutien médical au combat.

La Task Force Narvik continue ses actions de formation au profit des membres de l’Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service (ICTS).

Report Date

October 1, 2018


For Sept 26th – Oct 2nd, France report that Task Force Wagram carried out 14 firing missions from Iraq territory in the Euphrates Valley. Meanwhile, aircraft conduced 22 sorties and carried out a strike north of Abu Kamal. This is the second strike in two weeks by France in the Abu Kamal region.



Offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech en Syrie

L’opération pour reprendre la poche d’Hajine dans la moyenne vallée de l’Euphrate, lancée le 10 septembre, se poursuit méthodiquement. Appuyées par la coalition, les forces démocratiques syriennes (FDS) progressent malgré la menace omniprésente d’engins explosifs improvisés.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

En Irak, les forces de sécurité irakiennes (FSI) poursuivent leurs opérations de sécurisation. Daech est contraint à recourir à une stratégie d’évitement. La pression est maintenue sur les djihadistes, afin que la vie quotidienne de la population reprenne un cours normal.


Le dispositif français déployé au Levant n’a connu qu’une seule évolution, l’Atlantique 2 ayant quitté le théâtre.

La Task Force Wagram en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech présentes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate

La Task Force Wagram appuie l’offensive des forces démocratiques syriennes contre Daech dans la région d’Hajine.

Cette semaine, les trois canons CAESAR de la TF Wagram ont réalisé, depuis le territoire irakien, 14 missions de tir (bilan du 26 septembre au 2 octobre inclus).

Depuis le début de son engagement, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 1929 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations

Au sein de la coalition, les aéronefs français basés en Jordanie et aux Émirats arabes unis poursuivent leurs actions contre Daech.

Cette semaine, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 22 sorties aériennes (bilan du 26 septembre au 2 octobre inclus) et conduit une frappe au nord d’Abou Kamal en Syrie.

Bilan total de l’action du pilier appui aérien depuis le 19/09/14 :

8528 sorties / 1459 frappes / 2251 objectifs neutralisés.

TF Monsabert et Narvik

La Task Force Monsabert poursuit sa mission d’instruction de la 6ème division irakienne. En lien avec le conseiller santé de la division, l’équipe médicale de la TF s’est entretenue avec le personnel du service d’urgences d’un hôpital de Bagdad. Cette discussion a permis de comprendre leur façon de travailler. Cela permettra de mieux conseiller les équipes de la 6ème division en matière de soutien médical au combat.

La Task Force Narvik continue ses actions de formation au profit des membres de l’Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service (ICTS).

CJTF–OIR for September 30, 2018 – October 1, 2018

Report Date

October 1, 2018

Operation Roundup, which began May 1 for the defeat of ISIS in the Middle Euphrates River Valley and Iraqi-Syrian border region, has continued to gain ground and remove terrorists from the battlefield through offensive operations coupled with precision Coalition strike support.

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partner forces’ operations are exerting pressure on ISIS senior leaders and associates, as well as degrading, disrupting and dismantling ISIS organizational structures throughout Iraq and Syria.

Operation Roundup will continue to target ISIS remnants as the coalition remains committed to the lasting defeat of ISIS to increase peace and stability in the region, and to protect all our homelands from ISIS’s terrorist threat.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between Sept. 24 and Sept. 30, CJTF-OIR coalition military forces conducted 64 strikes consisting of 105 engagements in Iraq and Syria.

On Sept. 30 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes consisting of 17 engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, 10 strikes engaged 14 tactical units, and destroyed two command and control centers, one truck, one up-armored vehicle, four fighting positions and two supply routes.

• There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Sept. 30, 2018.

On Sept. 29 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes consisting of 17 engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, 10 strikes engaged 18 tactical units, and destroyed two command and control centers, one weapons cache, one fighting position, one ISIS compound, three supply routes and suppressed four staging areas.

On Sept. 29 in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against ISIS targets.

• Near Mosul, one strike destroyed two ISIS tunnels.

On Sept. 28 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of seven engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, six strikes engaged one tactical unit, and destroyed one fighting position, one mortar three supply routes, one river crossing denial and suppressed one staging area.

On Sept. 28 in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of four engagement against ISIS targets.

• Near Anbar Desert and Wadi-Ashai, two strikes engaged three tactical units, and destroyed three weapons caches, one boat and one tunnel.

On Sept. 27 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of six engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, three strikes engaged three tactical units, and destroyed one vehicle, three IED belts and suppressed one river crossing.

On Sept. 27 in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of two engagement against ISIS targets.

• Near Makmur Mountains, one strike destroyed seven bed-down locations.

On Sept. 26 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted seven strikes consisting of nine engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, seven strikes engaged seven tactical units, and destroyed two command and control centers, one fighting position, one vehicle-borne IED, one vehicle, one weapons cache and two supply routes.

On Sept. 26 in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of six engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Makmur, Ninewah desert and Hamrin Mountains, three strikes destroyed five weapons caches, two bed-down locations and one cave.

On Sept. 25 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 13 engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, nine strikes engaged 10 tactical units, and destroyed two weapons caches, one compound, one vehicle-borne IED and suppressed one mortar.

On Sept. 25 in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of eight engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Rawah, two strikes engaged two tactical units, and destroyed one building and 20 bed-down locations.

On Sept. 24 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 14 engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, nine strikes engaged 19 tactical units, and destroyed one weapons cache, one fighting structure, four fighting positions, two IED belts and destroyed one tunnel.

On Sept. 24 in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against ISIS targets.

• Near Lake Hamrin, one strike engaged five tactical units.

Report Date

October 1, 2018

Report Summary

  • 64 total strikes
  • 54 in Syria
  • 10 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 64 total strikes
  • 54 in Syria (15815 – 15868)
  • 10 in Iraq (14332 – 14341)

Confirmed Actions


Operation Roundup, which began May 1 for the defeat of ISIS in the Middle Euphrates River Valley and Iraqi-Syrian border region, has continued to gain ground and remove terrorists from the battlefield through offensive operations coupled with precision Coalition strike support.

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partner forces’ operations are exerting pressure on ISIS senior leaders and associates, as well as degrading, disrupting and dismantling ISIS organizational structures throughout Iraq and Syria.

Operation Roundup will continue to target ISIS remnants as the coalition remains committed to the lasting defeat of ISIS to increase peace and stability in the region, and to protect all our homelands from ISIS’s terrorist threat.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between Sept. 24 and Sept. 30, CJTF-OIR coalition military forces conducted 64 strikes consisting of 105 engagements in Iraq and Syria.

September 30, 2018
Syria: 10 strikes

On Sept. 30 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes consisting of 17 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, 10 strikes engaged 14 tactical units, and destroyed two command and control centers, one truck, one up-armored vehicle, four fighting positions and two supply routes.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Sept. 30, 2018.

September 29, 2018
Syria: 10 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On Sept. 29 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes consisting of 17 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, 10 strikes engaged 18 tactical units, and destroyed two command and control centers, one weapons cache, one fighting position, one ISIS compound, three supply routes and suppressed four staging areas.

On Sept. 29 in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against ISIS targets.

Near Mosul, one strike destroyed two ISIS tunnels.
September 28, 2018
Syria: 6 strikes
Iraq: 2 strikes

On Sept. 28 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of seven engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, six strikes engaged one tactical unit, and destroyed one fighting position, one mortar three supply routes, one river crossing denial and suppressed one staging area.

On Sept. 28 in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of four engagement against ISIS targets.

Near Anbar Desert and Wadi-Ashai, two strikes engaged three tactical units, and destroyed three weapons caches, one boat and one tunnel.
September 27, 2018
Syria: 3 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On Sept. 27 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of six engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, three strikes engaged three tactical units, and destroyed one vehicle, three IED belts and suppressed one river crossing.

On Sept. 27 in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of two engagement against ISIS targets.

Near Makmur Mountains, one strike destroyed seven bed-down locations.
September 26, 2018
Syria: 7 strikes
Iraq: 3 strikes

On Sept. 26 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted seven strikes consisting of nine engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, seven strikes engaged seven tactical units, and destroyed two command and control centers, one fighting position, one vehicle-borne IED, one vehicle, one weapons cache and two supply routes.

On Sept. 26 in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of six engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Makmur, Ninewah desert and Hamrin Mountains, three strikes destroyed five weapons caches, two bed-down locations and one cave.
September 25, 2018
Syria: 9 strikes
Iraq: 2 strikes

On Sept. 25 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 13 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, nine strikes engaged 10 tactical units, and destroyed two weapons caches, one compound, one vehicle-borne IED and suppressed one mortar.

On Sept. 25 in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of eight engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Rawah, two strikes engaged two tactical units, and destroyed one building and 20 bed-down locations.
September 24, 2018
Syria: 9 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On Sept. 24 in Syria, coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 14 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, nine strikes engaged 19 tactical units, and destroyed one weapons cache, one fighting structure, four fighting positions, two IED belts and destroyed one tunnel.

On Sept. 24 in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against ISIS targets.

Near Lake Hamrin, one strike engaged five tactical units.

French MoD for September 27, 2018 – September 28, 2018

Report Date

September 28, 2018

lighting missions’ in the Euphrates Valley.]



Offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech en Syrie

L’opération pour reprendre la poche d’Hajine dans la moyenne vallée de l’Euphrate, lancée le 10 septembre, progresse face à Daech qui a minutieusement organisé la défense de son dernier bastion territorial. La coalition appuie cette opération par ses capacités de renseignement et des frappes ciblées qui visent à réduire le potentiel militaire des terroristes.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

En Irak, les forces de sécurité irakiennes (FSI) poursuivent leurs opérations de sécurisation. Daech a mené cette semaine quelques attentats ponctuels. La pression est maintenue sur les djihadistes, de façon que la vie quotidienne de la population reprenne un cours normal.


Le dispositif français déployé au Levant n’a pas évolué.

La Task Force Wagram en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech présentes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate

La Task Force Wagram continue d’appuyer l’offensive des forces démocratiques syriennes pour reprendre la poche d’Hajine.

Cette semaine, les trois canons CAESAR de la TF Wagram ont réalisé, depuis le territoire irakien, 4 missions de tirs d’éclairement (bilan du 18 au 25 septembre inclus).

Depuis le début de son engagement, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 1915 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations

Les aéronefs français basés en Jordanie et aux Émirats arabes unis poursuivent leurs actions contre Daech au sein de la coalition.

La semaine dernière, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 29 sorties aériennes (bilan du 18 au 25 septembre inclus) et conduit une frappe qui a permis de détruire une cache d’armes dans la région d’Abou Kamal en Syrie.

Bilan total de l’action du pilier appui aérien depuis le 19/09/14 :

8506 sorties / 1458 frappes / 2250 objectifs neutralisés.

Report Date

September 28, 2018

lighting missions’ in the Euphrates Valley.]



Offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech en Syrie

L’opération pour reprendre la poche d’Hajine dans la moyenne vallée de l’Euphrate, lancée le 10 septembre, progresse face à Daech qui a minutieusement organisé la défense de son dernier bastion territorial. La coalition appuie cette opération par ses capacités de renseignement et des frappes ciblées qui visent à réduire le potentiel militaire des terroristes.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

En Irak, les forces de sécurité irakiennes (FSI) poursuivent leurs opérations de sécurisation. Daech a mené cette semaine quelques attentats ponctuels. La pression est maintenue sur les djihadistes, de façon que la vie quotidienne de la population reprenne un cours normal.


Le dispositif français déployé au Levant n’a pas évolué.

La Task Force Wagram en appui de l’offensive contre les dernières poches de Daech présentes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate

La Task Force Wagram continue d’appuyer l’offensive des forces démocratiques syriennes pour reprendre la poche d’Hajine.

Cette semaine, les trois canons CAESAR de la TF Wagram ont réalisé, depuis le territoire irakien, 4 missions de tirs d’éclairement (bilan du 18 au 25 septembre inclus).

Depuis le début de son engagement, la Task Force Wagram a réalisé 1915 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations

Les aéronefs français basés en Jordanie et aux Émirats arabes unis poursuivent leurs actions contre Daech au sein de la coalition.

La semaine dernière, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 29 sorties aériennes (bilan du 18 au 25 septembre inclus) et conduit une frappe qui a permis de détruire une cache d’armes dans la région d’Abou Kamal en Syrie.

Bilan total de l’action du pilier appui aérien depuis le 19/09/14 :

8506 sorties / 1458 frappes / 2250 objectifs neutralisés.


September 24, 2018

Written by

Oliver Imhof

A major new Airwars report submitted to the British Parliament is challenging UK claims to have harmed no civilians during the battles of Mosul and Raqqa, despite almost 1,000 targets having been struck by the RAF. The UK’s involvement represented one of its biggest military actions since the Korean War in the 1950s.

The 43 page report, Credibility Gap – United Kingdom civilian harm assessments for the battles of Mosul and Raqqa, was submitted by Airwars in response to an inquiry by the UK Parliament’s Defence Select Committee – which has also published a shorter version of the report. As well as taking oral evidence from senior British military commanders, the Committee has received written submissions from the Ministry of Defence and NGOs including Amnesty International, Save the Children and Article 36.

Front page of the Airwars report

Airwars is blunt in its own submission. While welcoming overall UK transparency, it challenges the MoD’s narrative of an antiseptic airwar in Iraq in Syria: “It is the view of Airwars that the Ministry of Defence’s claim of zero civilian harm from its actions at Mosul and Raqqa represents a statistical impossibility given the intensity of fighting, the extensive use of explosive weapons, and the significant civilian populations known to have been trapped in both cities,” the report notes.

In both battles Airwars has in total identified 413 alleged civilian harm events where British involvement is in theory possible based on public reporting of strikes: 176 of these were in Raqqa and 237 in Mosul. For the majority of these cases the UK’s position is still unestablished. Some 40 events have however been directly referred to the Ministry of Defence for assessment. In 39 of these cases the MoD rejected any involvement, while one case remains open.

Monthly breakdown of potential UK tagged alleged fatalities in the Battles of Raqqa and Mosul

Looking at the bigger picture, the Coalition has conceded civilian harm in 36 out of the 413 known alleged events for the battles of Mosul and Raqqa. While the US was responsible for around two thirds of Coalition strikes in Mosul, and an estimated 95 per cent of strikes in Raqqa,  as the second most active belligerent, UK involvement in civilian harm events is feasible.

The high number of reported civilian casualties is not the only reason the UK’s claim of zero urban harm is implausible. The battles of Raqqa and Mosul made clear that the benefits of precision weaponry are greatly overstated when it comes to urban warfare. As the report notes: “The greater the intensity of explosive weapons use – predominantly in urban areas – the higher the civilian toll.”

Read our new report, Credibility Gap, in full

During the campaigns, much of the Old City of Mosul and almost 70% of Raqqa’s entirety were destroyed or rendered uninhabitable, according to the United Nations. Much of the damage was caused by Coalition actions with at least 50,000 munitions fired, along with significant destruction that came from ISIS actions and either government forces or proxies. All parties combined reportedly killed at least 9,000 civilians in Mosul and 2,400 or more in Raqqa, according to current best estimates.

For the UK, the 500lb Paveway IV bomb has generally been the weapon of choice, accounting for two out of three weapons released during military operations in Iraq and Syria. The Paveway IV, a wide area effect munition with a large explosion radius, is poorly suited to urban warfare according to Airwars. As the report states, its use “would over the course of hundreds of strikes, have caused potentially significant additional unintended harm to civilians and infrastructure when released on dense urban areas.”

In combination with the intensity of bombardment – the Coalition released an average of 3,200 munitions per month in Mosul between October 2016 and July 2017, for example – there are many other reasons to doubt UK claims that civilians were not harmed by its actions. ISIS deliberately placed civilians in areas where air-dropped munition might harm them. Nonetheless, “a key finding of Airwars is that the Coalition did not significantly modulate its use of explosive weapons once operations focused on Raqqa,” where an average of 4,000 munitions per month was dropped on a much smaller area.

Choropleth of Airwars estimated maximum number of fatalities in Fair and Confirmed graded incidents during the Battle of Mosul (excluding incidents for which coordinates are missing or geo-accuracy is at city- or town-level).

‘A fool’s errand’

British claims to have harmed no civilians during the battles for Mosul and Raqqa stand in direct contrast to the views of the most senior UK commander in the Coalition, who helped devise the strategy to capture both cities from ISIS.

“War is brutal, and if you want to fight in cities, everything is more extreme,” Major General Rupert Jones, who served as deputy commander of the Coalition, told the Defence Select Committee inquiry in May 2018.

“Everything is heightened in a city – the number of troops you need, the amount of munitions you drop, and the amount of suffering… The idea that you can liberate a city like Mosul or Raqqa without – tragically – civilian casualties is a fool’s errand,” concluded Jones.

Despite such statements, and similar ones by other officials, “British defense officials, at least while still serving, have often appeared unable or unwilling to take the logical step of concluding that Britain, as the most active Coalition member after the United States, would have a proportionally significant share of such casualties.” It took the UK 44 months to acknowledge any civilian harm during its mission in Iraq and Syria, raising doubt about its willingness to concede such events.

The Airwars report also puts the process of examining cases and quality of assessment under scrutiny, as the UK mostly relies on the Coalition’s own civilian harm cell. Most commonly, the Coalition relies on what is observable during events, meaning what can be seen from footage taken from above.

This process is problematic, since most civilian harm in urban fighting occurs in unobservable spaces. Families and individuals were killed in significant numbers in both Mosul and Raqqa when buildings collapsed on top of them – an outcome which military surveillance rarely captures. Airwars also found that a significant proportion of UK strikes targeted buildings. According to MoD reports released at the time, during the Battle for Raqqa 63% of UK strikes targeted buildings, while 31% of strikes hit such structures during the Battle for East Mosul.

Map showing how Credible civilian harm incidents in the Battle of Raqqa (for which Airwars has received Military Grid Reference Coordinates to an accuracy of 1 m or 100 m) are located in High Density Urban areas.

Recommendations for improvement

As a result of concerns about the implausibility of UK claims of no civilian harm during the battles of Mosul and Raqqa – and the MoD’s internal review process – Airwars makes several key recommendations to help improve British monitoring and reporting of civilian harm:

    That the Ministry of Defence establishes a dedicated civilian harm assessment cell for future conflicts, to which personnel with key skills are assigned. That the MoD enhances its assessment and investigative capacities in order to properly evaluate allegations of civilian harm. Where possible this should include a proper review of local claims and external field studies; communication with victims and witnesses; and on site investigations. In light of most local, credibly reported civilian harm at Mosul and Raqqa occurring within unobservable spaces, that the MoD reviews whether it is over-reliant upon ISR when determining non combatant harm; and assesses whether the statistical modelling used in its own Collateral Damage Estimates for urban actions might undercount civilian casualties. The extensive use of larger explosive weapons at Mosul and Raqqa contributed to civilian harm, despite advances in precision guidance. Airwars calls on the MoD to review its present munitions suite in relation to urban warfare. That the MoD provides, as a matter of course, compensation or solatia payments for those affected by UK military actions in which civilian harm is conceded. That the MoD provides as much locational detail as possible in its public strike logs. This will assist external agencies in evaluating potential harm from British strikes – while preventing the UK from being unnecessarily implicated in events. Following due consideration of the above concerns, that the MoD undertakes a full and proper assessment of more than 400 civilian harm allegations during the battles of Mosul and Raqqa in which UK forces might have been involved.

As the Airwars report notes, despite significant improvements in overall civilian harm assessment – especially at a Coalition level – there is still much room for improvement by the UK in how it deals with the consequences of its military actions.

As the Airwars report concludes, “for affected local civilians in Iraq and Syria, accountability is the issue.” After many years of war, belligerents taking proper responsibility for their actions could offer some relief for Iraqi and Syrian families. Without such accountability, there is a risk that these communities might once again believe themselves abandoned – and become a future target for extremism.

    The Airwars report was authored by inhouse investigator Samuel Oakford with key assistance from other team members including Eirini Christodoulaki, Sophie Dyer, Salim Habib, Kinda Haddad, Shihab Halep, Alex Hopkins. Koen Kluessien, Santiago Ruiz, Hanna Rullmann, Eeva Sarlin, Abdulwahab Tahhan and Elin Espmark Wibe.
▲ Raqqa during the battle in January 2018 (via Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently)