Military Reports

Military Reports

French MoD for June 16, 2021 – June 22, 2021

Report Date

June 22, 2021



L’opération CHAMMAL, volet français de l’opération INHERENT RESOLVE (OIR), se poursuit et les Armées restent résolument engagées dans leur lutte contre Daech, car l’organisation terroriste est entrée dans un combat en réseau, clandestin en dissimulant ses capacités.


Sorties air hebdomadaires (bilan du 16 au 22 juin inclus)
Les aéronefs français basés au Levant et aux Émirats arabes unis poursuivent leurs actions contre Daech, au sein de la Coalition. Cette semaine, les avions engagés dans l’opération CHAMMAL ont réalisé 14 sorties aériennes.

French MoD for June 9, 2021 – June 15, 2021

Report Date

June 15, 2021



L’opération CHAMMAL, volet français de l’opération INHERENT RESOLVE (OIR) se poursuit, et les Armées restent résolument engagées dans leur lutte contre Daech, car l’organisation terroriste est entrée dans un combat en réseau, clandestin en dissimulant ses capacités.


Sorties air hebdomadaires (bilan du 9 au 15 juin inclus)
Les aéronefs français basés au Levant et aux Émirats arabes unis poursuivent leurs actions contre Daech, au sein de la Coalition. Cette semaine, les avions engagés dans l’opération CHAMMAL ont réalisé 20 sorties aériennes.

Incident date

June 13, 2021

Incident Code



قلعة دزة, Qalaat Diza, Sulaymaniyah, Iraq

At least four people were killed in alleged Turkish airstrikes in the Qalaat Diza region, on the road between the villages of Deka and Kani Lane, on June 13, 2021. While the majority of sources refer to those killed as civilians, Turkish sources allege they five members of the PKK were killed. According to North


First published
June 13, 2021
Last updated
August 23, 2022
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
0 – 4
(0–1 men)
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerent
Turkish Military
Belligerents reported killed
View Incident

French MoD for June 2, 2021 – June 8, 2021

Report Date

June 8, 2021



L’opération CHAMMAL, volet français de l’opération INHERENT RESOLVE (OIR) se poursuit, et les Armées restent résolument engagées dans leur lutte contre Daech, car l’organisation terroriste est entrée dans un combat en réseau, clandestin en dissimulant ses capacités.


Participation d’un E3F AWACS à l’opération CHAMMAL

Du 27 mai au 8 juin, un avion E-3F AWACS a participé à l’opération CHAMMAL depuis la base aérienne d’Al Udeid au Qatar. Durant cet engagement, l’appareil français a mené 2 missions d’envergure au sein de la Coalition internationale rassemblant 80 pays et organisations engagés dans la lutte contre Daech.

L’E-3F AWACS est un système aérien de commandement et de conduite des opérations. Véritable démultiplicateur de forces, il est chargé de recueillir, identifier et analyser tout ce qui vol dans une zone donnée. Grâce à son endurance, l’AWACS est capable de réaliser des missions de 10 heures, dont la durée peut augmenter grâce à sa capacité à être ravitaillé en vol.

Sorties air hebdomadaires (bilan du 2 au 8 juin inclus)
Les aéronefs français basés au Levant et aux Émirats arabes unis poursuivent leurs actions contre Daech, au sein de la Coalition. Cette semaine, les avions engagés dans l’opération CHAMMAL ont réalisé 14 sorties aériennes.

Incident date

June 5, 2021

Incident Code



مخمور, Makhmour Refugee Camp, Erbil, Iraq

At least three people were killed and up to five others were injured in an alleged Turkish drone strike on Makhmour Refugee Camp south of Erbil in Kurdistan, Iraq. The Turkish government and their sources refer to those killed as members of the PKK while local and international sources refer to those killed and wounded


First published
June 5, 2021
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Declared strike
Strike type
Airstrike, Drone Strike
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
0 – 3
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Known belligerent
Turkish Military
Known target
Belligerents reported killed
View Incident


June 2021

Written by

Airwars Staff

The Pentagon’s annual report to Congress on civilian deaths and injuries resulting from US military actions around the world has declared more than 100 recent casualties. Researchers and human rights groups, including Airwars, Amnesty International and UN monitors in Afghanistan, place the actual toll significantly higher.

For 2020 alone, the Department of Defence said that its forces had killed 23 civilians and injured a further 10 in Afghanistan, Somalia and Iraq. An additional 63 historical deaths and 22 injuries were reported for the years 2017-2019, mostly in Syria and Yemen.

By contrast, the minimum public estimate of civilian deaths caused by US forces during 2020 across five conflict nations was 102 fatalities – almost five times higher than DoD admits.

Casualties from US actions in Afghanistan in particular appear to have been officially undercounted. While the Pentagon reports only 20 deaths and 5 injuries from its own actions last year, UNAMA – the respected UN agency in Afghanistan – says that international forces killed at least 89 civilians and injured a further 31. United States personnel made up the great majority of those foreign forces.

For Somalia, DoD declares only one civilian death from US actions last year – while Airwars and others suggest a minimum civilian toll of seven killed.

And for Iraq and Syria, while US forces declare only one death, local reporting indicates at least six civilians killed by US actions.

Only for Yemen is there agreement, with monitoring organisations and the DoD both indicating that there were no likely civilian deaths caused by US actions during the year.

Major decline in US actions

The 21-page Pentagon document, quietly released May 28th and entitled ‘Annual Report on Civilian Casualties In Connection With United States Military Operations in 2020,’ has been a requirement of US law since 2018.

The latest report captures the very significant fall in tempo of US military actions during the latter years of Donald Trump’s presidency. According to Airwars estimates, there were around 1,000 US strikes across four conflict countries during 2020 – down from approximately 3,500 strikes the previous year and a peak of 13,000 such US actions during 2016. Declared civilian deaths fell from 132 to 23 from 2019 to 2020.

The majority of civilian deaths declared by the Pentagon during 2020 were in Afghanistan – despite a major ceasefire between US forces and the Taliban for much of the year. According to the new DoD report, 20 civilians were killed and five injured in seven US actions, primarily airstrikes.

The seven civilian casualty events conceded in Afghanistan by the Pentagon for 2020

However the United Nations Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) which has been recording extensive data on civilian harm from all parties to the fighting since 2009, placed the toll far higher. According to its own annual report for 2020 published earlier this year, “UNAMA attributed 120 civilian casualties (89 killed and 31 injured) to international military forces”.

While these casualties represented just one per cent of the overall reported civilian toll in Afghanistan for the year – with most civilians killed by the Taliban and Afghan forces – of concern was DoD’s major undercounting of its own impact on civilians – with UNAMA logging four and a half times more deaths primarily from US actions than those officially conceded by the Pentagon.

Reported civilian casualties from US actions against ISIS in both Iraq and Syria have remained low since the terror group’s defeat as a territorial entity in mid 2019. According to the Pentagon, just one civilian was killed by an action in Iraq, after US forces targeted Iranian linked militias at Karbala airport on March 13th 2020. Twenty three year old security guard Karrar Sabbar was killed in that US attack. However the additional reported deaths of two civilian policemen in the attack are not acknowledged by the US.

In Syria, Airwars estimates three to six likely civilian deaths from US actions during 2020, mainly during counterterrorism raids against ISIS remnants. None of these were conceded either.

In Somalia, between 7 and 13 civilians were likely killed by US actions during the year, according to Airwars monitoring of local communities. The US military itself concedes five injuries and one death, in two events in early 2020 near Jilib.

Only for Yemen did human rights organisations and DoD appear to agree, with both reporting no likely civilian deaths from US actions during the year.

US forces in Somalia killed one civilian and injured five others during 2020, according to official estimates

Public transparency

Despite continuing disparities between public and military estimates of civilian harm, the Pentagon’s annual report to Congress still represents a significant transparency breakthrough. Close ally France, for example, has refused to declare a single civilian fatality from almost seven years of air and artillery strikes in Iraq and Syria – and recently lashed out at the United Nations after a French airstrike struck a wedding party in Mali.

Later this year the Pentagon will also issue a major overhaul of its civilian casualty mitigation policies, which it has been reviewing in consultation with human rights organisations for several years. On May 25th, new Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Dr Colin Kahl confirmed in writing to NGOs that the new policy – known as a Department of Defense Instruction, or DoD-I – would be published by the Biden administration.

“We welcome the Pentagon’s publication to Congress of its latest annual civilian harm report, as well as confirmation that the DOD-I on civilian casualty mitigation will be published by the new administration,” noted Airwars director Chris Woods. “We remain concerned however that DoD estimates of civilian harm once again fall well below credible public estimates, and call on officials to review why such undercounts remain so common. Civilians surely deserve better.”

▲ Aftermath of a deadly US airstrike on Karbala Airport on March 13th, 2020 which the Pentagon admits killed a civilian.

Incident date

June 1, 2021

Incident Code



هرور, Hiror, Duhok, Iraq

A least one civilian, an elderly man, was injured in alleged Turkish strikes on Kani Masi on June 1, 2021. A report from the Christian Peacemaker Teams identified “on June 1, when Turkish forces fired artillery at Ramazan Ali, a 70 year old farmer, injuring him as he was irrigating his fields in Hirure”. The mayor


First published
June 1, 2021
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Turkish Military
Named victims
1 named
View Incident

French MoD for May 26, 2021 – June 1, 2021

Report Date

June 1, 2021



L’opération CHAMMAL se poursuit, et les Armées restent résolument engagées dans leur lutte contre l’organisation terroriste Daech, qui opère une mue. Acculé, l’ennemi se transforme, change ses méthodes, ses moyens d’action. Depuis la chute de Baghouz, dernier bastion de Daech, l’organisation terroriste est entrée dans combat en réseau, clandestin, sans territoire, imprévisible.


Sorties air hebdomadaires (bilan du 26 mai au 1er juin inclus)
Les aéronefs français basés au Levant et aux Émirats arabes unis et ceux du groupe aéronaval poursuivent leurs actions contre Daech, au sein de la Coalition. Cette semaine, les avions engagés dans l’opération CHAMMAL ont réalisé 27 sorties aériennes.

CJTF–OIR for May 1, 2021 – May 31, 2021

Report Date

May 31, 2021

July 9, 2021
Release No. 20210709-01

CJTF-OIR Strike Summary Report, May 2021
SOUTHWEST ASIA – Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its
partners continue to target and pursue the enduring defeat of Daesh. CJTF-OIR and  partner forces have liberated nearly 110,000 square kilometers (42,471 square miles) from Daesh. As a result, 7.7 million people no longer live under Daesh oppression. CJTF-OIR remains committed to the enduring defeat of Daesh to improve conditions for peace and stability in the region and to protect all our homelands from the Daesh terrorist threat.

Strike Summary
Between May 1 and May 31 2021, CJTF-OIR conducted a total of 6 strikes consisting of 18 engagements in Iraq and Syria.

In Iraq, CJTF-OIR conducted 4 strikes against Daesh targets consisting of 9 engagements. This resulted in 3 Enemy Killed in Action, 10 Bed Down Locations destroyed, and 2 Tunnels destroyed.

In Syria, CJTF-OIR conducted 2 strikes against Daesh targets consisting of 9 engagements.

This CJTF-OIR strike release contains all strikes conducted by fighter, attack, bomber, rotarywing, or remotely piloted aircraft, rocket propelled artillery and ground-based tactical artillery. A strike, as defined in the CJTF-OIR release, refers to one or more kinetic engagements that occur in roughly the same geographic location to produce a single, sometimes cumulative effect in that location. For example, a single aircraft delivering a single weapon against a lone Daesh vehicle is one strike, but so is multiple aircraft delivering dozens of weapons against a group of Daesh-held buildings and weapon systems in a compound, having the cumulative effect of making that facility harder or impossible to use. Strike assessments are based on initial reports and may be refined.

CJTF-OIR does not report the number or type of aircraft employed in a strike, the number of munitions dropped in each strike, or the number of individual munition impact points against a target. The information used to compile the daily strike releases is based on ‘Z’ or Greenwich Mean Time.

Report Date

May 31, 2021

Report Summary

  • 6 total strikes
  • 4 in Iraq
  • 2 in Syria

July 9, 2021

Release No. 20210709-01


CJTF-OIR Strike Summary Report, May 2021

SOUTHWEST ASIA – Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its

partners continue to target and pursue the enduring defeat of Daesh. CJTF-OIR and partner forces have liberated nearly 110,000 square kilometers (42,471 square miles) from Daesh. As a result, 7.7 million people no longer live under Daesh oppression. CJTF-OIR remains committed to the enduring defeat of Daesh to improve conditions for peace and stability in the region and to protect all our homelands from the Daesh terrorist threat.

Strike Summary

May 31, 2021
Iraq: 4 strikes
Syria: 2 strikes

Between May 1 and May 31 2021, CJTF-OIR conducted a total of 6 strikes consisting of 18 engagements in Iraq and Syria.

In Iraq, CJTF-OIR conducted 4 strikes against Daesh targets consisting of 9 engagements. This resulted in 3 Enemy Killed in Action, 10 Bed Down Locations destroyed, and 2 Tunnels destroyed.
In Syria, CJTF-OIR conducted 2 strikes against Daesh targets consisting of 9 engagements.

This CJTF-OIR strike release contains all strikes conducted by fighter, attack, bomber, rotarywing, or remotely piloted aircraft, rocket propelled artillery and ground-based tactical artillery. A strike, as defined in the CJTF-OIR release, refers to one or more kinetic engagements that occur in roughly the same geographic location to produce a single, sometimes cumulative effect in that location. For example, a single aircraft delivering a single weapon against a lone Daesh vehicle is one strike, but so is multiple aircraft delivering dozens of weapons against a group of Daesh-held buildings and weapon systems in a compound, having the cumulative effect of making that facility harder or impossible to use. Strike assessments are based on initial reports and may be refined.

CJTF-OIR does not report the number or type of aircraft employed in a strike, the number of munitions dropped in each strike, or the number of individual munition impact points against a target. The information used to compile the daily strike releases is based on 'Z' or Greenwich Mean Time.


Incident date

May 26, 2021

Incident Code



بهيري, Behri, Duhok, Iraq

At least two civilians were injured in alleged Turkish air or artillery strikes on the village of Behri in Zakho District at 2:30 am on May 26th 2021, according to local media reports. Kurdistan24 said that two brothers were wounded “as a result of repeated Turkish artillery shelling”. Asharq News also reported that two people


First published
May 26, 2021
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Airstrike and/or Artillery
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Turkish Military
Named victims
2 named
View Incident


May 25, 2021

The research, based on a decade of work by Action on Armed Violence, strengthens calls for restrictions on explosive weapons

Nine out of ten people killed and injured by explosive weapons in cities are civilians, a new report has found, in stark findings likely to increase pressure on governments to curb the use of explosive weapons in urban areas.

In total the Action On Armed Violence (AOAV) report, which surveyed explosive violence across the globe over a ten-year period, found that 91 percent of those killed and injured when explosive weapons were used in cities were civilians. In other, less densely populated areas, the rate fell to 25 percent.

“The evidence is absolutely clear and unequivocal,” Iain Overton, the executive director of AOAV, said. “When explosive weapons are used in towns and cities, civilians will be harmed. (That is) as true as it is today in Gaza as it was a decade ago in Iraq and beyond.”

The report tracked 238,892 civilians killed and injured by explosive weapons over the past decade in 123 countries and territories, using open-source monitoring of English-language media.

It found that improvised explosive devices were responsible for more than half of all civilian casualties, while airstrikes and other aerial assaults were responsible for 23 percent and ground-launched explosive weapons 21 percent.


The most deadly single incident occurred in Somalia in October 2017, when more than 500 people were killed in twin bomb blasts in the capital Mogadishu. The Islamist militant group Al-Shabaab was believed to be behind those explosions.

The most deadly air strike came in 2016 when the Saudi Arabian-led coalition struck a funeral procession in Yemen, killing nearly 140 people and wounding a further 600.

Reducing civilian harm

Overton argued the report would strengthen efforts to restrict the use of explosive weapons in populated areas (EWIPA).

Ireland has spearheaded efforts in recent years for action on EWIPA, releasing a draft document earlier this year. It stresses that even when militaries try to limit the impact of their strikes in urban areas, the closely populated nature of cities makes civilian harm inevitable.

Belgium last month became the first country to adopt a resolution against the use of EWIPA after a vote by the federal parliament’s National Defense Commission.

In October Airwars, together with Dutch organisation PAX, released a joint report examining the dire and long-lasting effects of explosive weapons on civilian populations in urban areas in recent international military campaigns in Mosul, Raqqa and Hawijah. The report was launched in a virtual event by Ambassador Michael Gaffey of Ireland.

Beyond the civilians directly harmed, military campaigns can leave the infrastructure of cities devastated for years.


During the 2016-17 campaign by the US-led coalition to remove the so-called Islamic State from Mosul an estimated 9,000 civilians were killed, while up to 80 percent of buildings in the centre of the city were destroyed.

In June 2019, the UN International Organisation for Migration reported that entire neighbourhoods of Mosul had yet to be rebuilt and that a lack of essential services and poor sanitation were still threatening public health. Additionally, unexploded bombs, missiles, rockets and shells prevented civilians from returning to the city.

“The negotiation of the political declaration (on EWIPA) is an opportunity to set new standards against the use of heavy explosive weapons in towns and cities, to better protect civilians and vital civilian infrastructure located in cities,” said Laura Boillot, Coordinator of the International Network on Explosive Weapons.

The AOAV report also found a decrease in civilian harm in 2020, a trend also noted by Airwars’s recent annual report. Factors that explain this include significant breakthroughs in conflicts in Libya and Syria, as well as the knock-on implications of the COVID-19 pandemic.

▲ Raqqa has been described by the United Nations as the most destroyed city in Syria (Image courtesy of Amnesty International)

Incident date

May 25, 2021

Incident Code



ادني, Edny, Duhok, Iraq

At least one civilian was injured in alleged Turkish shelling on Edny village in Amedi district (Amadiyah) of Dohuk governorate on May 25, 2021. According to Rudaw Media Network, “Turkish shelling today resulted in the injury of a young man from the village of “Dishish” with bleeding, and he was taken to Kani Masi Hospital for


First published
May 25, 2021
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Airstrike and/or Artillery
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Turkish Military
Named victims
1 named
View Incident

French MoD for May 19, 2021 – May 25, 2021

Report Date

May 25, 2021



L’opération CHAMMAL se poursuit, et les Armées restent résolument engagées dans leur lutte contre l’organisation terroriste Daech, qui opère une mue. Acculé, l’ennemi se transforme, change ses méthodes, ses moyens d’action. Depuis la chute de Baghouz, dernier bastion de Daech, l’organisation terroriste est entrée dans combat en réseau, clandestin, sans territoire, imprévisible.


L’A330 Phénix participe à CHAMMAL depuis la métropole
La semaine dernière, un avion multi-rôle A330 Phénix de l’armée de l’Air et de l’Espace a conduit à 3 reprises des vols pour l’opération CHAMMAL. Grâce à ses capacités intrinsèques, l’aéronef a été engagé directement depuis la Base aérienne (BA) 125 d’Istres, son lieu de stationnement. Le Phénix a ainsi effectué, mardi 18 mai, mercredi 19 mai et dimanche 23 mai, des missions d’une durée d’environ douze heures pour ravitailler en vol les aéronefs de la Coalition opérant au Levant dans la lutte contre Daech.

Sorties air hebdomadaires (bilan du 19 au 25 mai inclus)
Les aéronefs français basés au Levant et aux Émirats arabes unis et ceux du groupe aéronaval poursuivent leurs actions contre Daech, au sein de la Coalition. Cette semaine, les avions engagés dans l’opération CHAMMAL ont réalisé 42 sorties aériennes et ont conduit une frappe le 20 mai.

French MoD for May 12, 2021 – May 18, 2021

Report Date

May 18, 2021



L’opération CHAMMAL se poursuit, et les Armées restent résolument engagées dans leur lutte contre l’organisation terroriste Daech, qui opère une mue. Acculé, l’ennemi se transforme, change ses méthodes, ses moyens d’action. Depuis la chute de Baghouz, dernier bastion de Daech, l’organisation terroriste est entrée dans combat en réseau, clandestin, sans territoire, imprévisible.


10 000 heures de vol pour les Rafale C de la BAP au Levant

Depuis l’arrivée des Rafale sur la Base aérienne projeté (BAP) au Levant en août 2016, les Rafale C (monoplaces) ont franchi la barre symbolique des 10 000 heures de vol. Intégrés à l’opération INHERENT RESOLVE (OIR), les Rafale contribuent au pilier « appui » de l’opération CHAMMAL en effectuant des missions d’appui-feu et de renseignement. Avec plus de 10 000 heures de vol au compteur, les missions quotidiennes menées par les Rafale C participent pleinement à amoindrir le potentiel militaire de l’organisation terroriste Daech.

GAN : les vols reprennent depuis la Méditerranée orientale
Samedi 8 mai, aussitôt le canal de Suez franchi, les Rafale Marine et E-2C Hawkeye du Groupe aérien embarqué (GAé) ont repris les vols opérationnels au profit de l’opération INHERENT RESOLVE. Le Groupe aéronaval (GAN) entame ainsi une nouvelle séquence de la mission CLEMENCEAU 21 depuis la Méditerranée orientale où il intervient sur le théâtre irako-syrien contribuant à la lutte contre Daech au Levant.

Frappe au profit des Forces irakiennes
Le 20 mai dans la matinée, le porte-avions Charles de Gaulle, alors intégré à l’opération CHAMMAL depuis la Méditerranée orientale, a catapulté une patrouille armée de deux Rafale Marine pour une mission de soutien aux troupes de la Coalition. Arrivés sur le théâtre irakien, les aéronefs français ont été contactés sollicités par les forces irakiennes pour les appuyer dans leur combat contre Daech. Les Rafale Marine ont alors procédé à une frappe.

Sorties air hebdomadaires (bilan du 12 au 18 mai inclus)
Les aéronefs français basés au Levant et aux Émirats arabes unis et ceux du groupe aéronaval poursuivent leurs actions contre Daech, au sein de la Coalition. Cette semaine, les avions engagés dans l’opération CHAMMAL ont réalisé 35 sorties aériennes.

French MoD for May 5, 2021 – May 11, 2021

Report Date

May 11, 2021



L’opération CHAMMAL se poursuit, et les Armées restent résolument engagées dans leur lutte contre l’organisation terroriste Daech, qui opère une mue. Acculé, l’ennemi se transforme, change ses méthodes, ses moyens d’action. Depuis la chute de Baghouz, dernier bastion de Daech, l’organisation terroriste est entrée dans combat en réseau, clandestin, sans territoire, imprévisible.


Mise en œuvre du GAé au profit de CHAMMAL depuis la mer Rouge : une première.

Le jeudi 6 mai 2021, dans le cadre de l’opération INHERENT RESOLVE, deux Rafale Marine et un E2-C Hawkeye du groupe aérien embarqué (GAé) ont été catapultés depuis la mer Rouge pour se rendre sur le théâtre irako-syrien.

Il s’agissait là d’une première pour le GAN, illustrant la liberté d’action du groupe aéronaval et sa capacité à agir depuis toutes les mers du globe.

Sorties air hebdomadaires (bilan du 05 au 11 mai inclus)
Les aéronefs français basés au Levant et aux Émirats arabes unis et ceux du groupe aéronaval poursuivent leurs actions contre Daech, au sein de la Coalition. Cette semaine, les avions engagés dans l’opération CHAMMAL ont réalisé 24 sorties aériennes.

UK MoD for May 11, 2021 – May 11, 2021

Report Date

May 11, 2021

Tuesday 11 May – Typhoons struck Daesh terrorists engaged in a firefight with Iraqi forces in northern Iraq.


On Tuesday 11 May, Iraqi security forces encountered a group of Daesh terrorists in a strong defensive position some twenty five miles south west of Mosul. Coming under heavy small arms fire from the terrorists, the Iraqi troops requested air support from the global coalition, and a pair of Royal Air Force Typhoon FGR4s responded promptly. Liaising closely with the Iraqis, our aircraft attacked the Daesh terrorists with two Paveway IV precision guided bombs. The bombs hit the target and eliminated a number of the Daesh extremists. The Iraqi forces were then able to assault the position successfully and overwhelm the few remaining terrorists.

French MoD for April 28, 2021 – May 4, 2021

Report Date

May 4, 2021



L’opération CHAMMAL se poursuit, et les Armées restent résolument engagées dans leur lutte contre l’organisation terroriste Daech, qui opère une mue. Acculé, l’ennemi se transforme, change ses méthodes, ses moyens d’action. Depuis la chute de Baghouz, dernier bastion de Daech, l’organisation terroriste est entrée dans combat en réseau, clandestin, sans territoire, imprévisible.


Sorties air hebdomadaires (bilan du 28 avril au 04 mai inclus)
Les aéronefs français basés au Levant et aux Émirats arabes unis poursuivent leurs actions contre Daech, au sein de la Coalition. Cette semaine, les avions engagés dans l’opération CHAMMAL ont réalisé 20 sorties aériennes.

CJTF–OIR for April 1, 2021 – April 30, 2021

Report Date

April 30, 2021

July 8, 2021
Release No. 20210708-01

CJTF-OIR Strike Summary Report, April 2021
SOUTHWEST ASIA – Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners continue to target and pursue the enduring defeat of Daesh. CJTF-OIR and partner forces have liberated nearly 110,000 square kilometers (42,471 square miles) from Daesh. As a result, 7.7 million people no longer live under Daesh oppression. CJTF-OIR remains committed to the enduring defeat of Daesh to improve conditions for peace and stability in the region and to protect all our homelands from the Daesh terrorist threat.

Strike Summary
Between April 1 and April 30 2021, CJTF-OIR conducted a total of 5 strikes consisting of 10 engagements in Iraq and Syria.

In Iraq, CJTF-OIR conducted 2 strikes against Daesh targets consisting of 20 engagements. This resulted in 3 Enemy Killed in Action, 2 Bed Down Locations destroyed, and 1 Tunnel destroyed.

In Syria, CJTF-OIR conducted 3 strikes against Daesh targets consisting of 8 engagements.

This CJTF-OIR strike release contains all strikes conducted by fighter, attack, bomber, rotarywing, or remotely piloted aircraft, rocket propelled artillery and ground-based tactical artillery. A strike, as defined in the CJTF-OIR release, refers to one or more kinetic engagements that occur in roughly the same geographic location to produce a single, sometimes cumulative effect in that location. For example, a single aircraft delivering a single weapon against a lone Daesh vehicle is one strike, but so is multiple aircraft delivering dozens of weapons against a group of Daesh-held buildings and weapon systems in a compound, having the cumulative effect of making that facility harder or impossible to use. Strike assessments are based on initial reports and may be refined.

CJTF-OIR does not report the number or type of aircraft employed in a strike, the number of munitions dropped in each strike, or the number of individual munition impact points against a target. The information used to compile the daily strike releases is based on ‘Z’ or Greenwich Mean Time.

Report Date

April 30, 2021

July 8, 2021

Release No. 20210708-01


CJTF-OIR Strike Summary Report, April 2021

SOUTHWEST ASIA – Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its

partners continue to target and pursue the enduring defeat of Daesh. CJTF-OIR and partner forces have liberated nearly 110,000 square kilometers (42,471 square miles) from Daesh. As a result, 7.7 million people no longer live under Daesh oppression. CJTF-OIR remains committed to the enduring defeat of Daesh to improve conditions for peace and stability in the region and to protect all our homelands from the Daesh terrorist threat.

Strike Summary

April 30, 2021

Between April 1 and April 30 2021, CJTF-OIR conducted a total of 5 strikes consisting of 10 engagements in Iraq and Syria.

In Iraq, CJTF-OIR conducted 2 strikes against Daesh targets consisting of 20 engagements. This resulted in 3 Enemy Killed in Action, 2 Bed Down Locations destroyed, and 1 Tunnel destroyed.

In Syria, CJTF-OIR conducted 3 strikes against Daesh targets consisting of 8 engagements.

This CJTF-OIR strike release contains all strikes conducted by fighter, attack, bomber, rotarywing, or remotely piloted aircraft, rocket propelled artillery and ground-based tactical artillery. A strike, as defined in the CJTF-OIR release, refers to one or more kinetic engagements that occur in roughly the same geographic location to produce a single, sometimes cumulative effect in that location. For example, a single aircraft delivering a single weapon against a lone Daesh vehicle is one strike, but so is multiple aircraft delivering dozens of weapons against a group of Daesh-held buildings and weapon systems in a compound, having the cumulative effect of making that facility harder or impossible to use. Strike assessments are based on initial reports and may be refined.

CJTF-OIR does not report the number or type of aircraft employed in a strike, the number of munitions dropped in each strike, or the number of individual munition impact points against a target. The information used to compile the daily strike releases is based on 'Z' or Greenwich Mean Time.


French MoD for April 21, 2021 – April 27, 2021

Report Date

April 27, 2021



L’opération CHAMMAL se poursuit, et les Armées restent résolument engagées dans leur lutte contre l’organisation terroriste Daech, qui opère une mue. Acculé, l’ennemi se transforme, change ses méthodes, ses moyens d’action. Depuis la chute de Baghouz, dernier bastion de Daech, l’organisation terroriste est entrée dans combat en réseau, clandestin, sans territoire, imprévisible.


CLEMENCEAU 21 : Fin de la première contribution du GAN à OIR

Avec le départ du Groupe aéronaval (GAN) vers l’océan Indien, les vols du groupe aérien embarqué au profit de l’opération INHERENT RESOLVE depuis le Golfe ont cessé.

Lors de cette première phase d’intégration à OIR, le GAN a réalisé au total 90 sorties : 66 sorties de Rafale marine pour des missions de reconnaissance et de renseignement ou d’appui aux troupes au sol, et 24 sorties d’E-2C Hawkeye, assurant de leur côté le commandement et le contrôle aéroporté des opérations ou encore des missions de recueil de renseignements. Une prochaine intégration à OIR est programmée lorsque le porte-avions Charles de Gaulle rejoindra la Méditerranée orientale.

Sorties air hebdomadaires (bilan du 21 au 27 avril inclus)
Les aéronefs français basés au Levant et aux Émirats arabes unis poursuivent leurs actions contre Daech, au sein de la Coalition. Cette semaine, les avions engagés dans l’opération CHAMMAL ont réalisé 16 sorties aériennes.

French MoD for April 14, 2021 – April 20, 2021

Report Date

April 20, 2021



L’opération CHAMMAL se poursuit, et les Armées restent résolument engagées dans leur lutte contre l’organisation terroriste Daech, qui opère une mue. Acculé, l’ennemi se transforme, change ses méthodes, ses moyens d’action. Depuis la chute de Baghouz, dernier bastion de Daech, l’organisation terroriste est entrée dans combat en réseau, clandestin, sans territoire, imprévisible.


Sorties air hebdomadaires (bilan du 14 au 20 avril inclus)

Les aéronefs français basés au Levant, aux Émirats arabes unis et ceux du Groupe aéronaval (GAN) poursuivent leurs actions contre Daech, au sein de la Coalition. Cette semaine, les avions engagés dans l’opération CHAMMAL ont réalisé 29 sorties aériennes.

French MoD for April 7, 2021 – April 15, 2021

Report Date

April 15, 2021



L’opération CHAMMAL se poursuit, et les Armées restent résolument engagées dans leur lutte contre l’organisation terroriste Daech, qui opère une mue. Acculé, l’ennemi se transforme, change ses méthodes, ses moyens d’action. Depuis la chute de Baghouz, dernier bastion de Daech, l’organisation terroriste est entrée dans combat en réseau, clandestin, sans territoire, imprévisible.


Sorties air hebdomadaires (bilan du 07 au 13 avril inclus)

Les aéronefs français basés au Levant, aux Émirats arabes unis et ceux du Groupe aéronaval (GAN) poursuivent leurs actions contre Daech, au sein de la Coalition. Cette semaine, les avions engagés dans l’opération CHAMMAL ont réalisé 63 sorties aériennes.

Incident date

April 14, 2021

Incident Code



جيدو, Gedo, Nineveh, Iraq

At least one civilian, a child, was injured in addition to a Turkish soldier being killed in alleged Iranian-affiliated militia strikes on the village of Gedo in Kurdistan Iraq on April 14, 2021. According to Rudaw, the Turkish Ministry of Defense announced “a missile attack was carried out on the village of Gedo in Bashiqa,


First published
April 14, 2021
Last updated
June 6, 2023
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Airstrike and/or Artillery
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Named victims
1 named
Belligerents reported killed
View Incident

French MoD for April 2, 2021 – April 8, 2021

Report Date

April 8, 2021



L’opération CHAMMAL se poursuit, et les Armées restent résolument engagées dans leur lutte contre l’organisation terroriste Daech, qui opère une mue. Acculé, l’ennemi se transforme, change ses méthodes, ses moyens d’action. Depuis la chute de Baghouz, dernier bastion de Daech, l’organisation terroriste est entrée dans combat en réseau, clandestin, sans territoire, imprévisible.


Le GAN opère au profit de l’opération CHAMMAL
Depuis le 24 mars, le Groupe aéronaval (GAN), actuellement dans le golfe arabo-persique, est engagé dans l’opération CHAMMAL, volet français de l’opération INHERENT RESOLVE.

Les Rafale Marine et les Hawkeye du Groupe aérien embarqué (GAé) effectuent de nombreuses sorties aériennes au-dessus du théâtre irako-syrien. Ces vols, effectués en complément de ceux réalisés par les Rafale de l’armée de l’Air et de l’Espace déployés sur la Base aérienne projetée (BAP) au Levant et sur la Base aérienne aux Émirats arabes unis effectuent des opérations de renseignement, de reconnaissance et d’appui des troupes au sol.

Sorties air hebdomadaires (bilan du 31 mars au 06 avril inclus)
Les aéronefs français basés au Levant, aux Émirats arabes unis et ceux du groupe aéronaval poursuivent leurs actions contre Daech, au sein de la Coalition. Cette semaine, les avions engagés dans l’opération CHAMMAL ont réalisé 43 sorties aériennes.

UK MoD for March 22, 2021 – April 4, 2021

Report Date

April 4, 2021


Sunday 4 April – a Reaper struck a small group of Daesh terrorists in northern Syria.

On Sunday 4 April, an RAF Reaper, armed with Hellfire missiles, identified a small group of Daesh terrorists in northern Syria, some fifty miles west of Al Hasakah. Having checked that there were no civilians nearby, the Reaper’s crew attacked the terrorists, striking the target successfully.

Previous update

Royal Air Force aircraft have continued to support security operations by the Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service in northern Iraq to eliminate small pockets of Daesh terrorism. Daesh extremists were confirmed to be based in a network of caves in the Makhmur mountains, south-west of Erbil, where the RAF has been actively assisting the Iraqi ground operations since 10 March. Since the caves were assessed to be a particularly challenging target, three Typhoon FGR4s were tasked to conduct an attack using Storm Shadow missiles on Monday 22 March, the remote area having first been checked to ensure that no civilians would be placed at risk. The strike on the Daesh targets there was assessed by subsequent surveillance to have been a success.

Report Date

April 4, 2021

Report Summary

  • 2 total strikes
  • 1 in Iraq
  • 1 in Syria

Confirmed Actions

Royal Air Force aircraft have continued to support security operations by the Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service in northern Iraq to eliminate small pockets of Daesh terrorism. Daesh extremists were confirmed to be based in a network of caves in the Makhmur mountains, south-west of Erbil, where the RAF has been actively assisting the Iraqi ground operations since 10 March. Since the caves were assessed to be a particularly challenging target, three Typhoon FGR4s were tasked to conduct an attack using Storm Shadow missiles on Monday 22 March, the remote area having first been checked to ensure that no civilians would be placed at risk. The strike on the Daesh targets there was assessed by subsequent surveillance to have been a success.
April 4, 2021
Syria: 1 strikes
On Sunday 4 April, an RAF Reaper, armed with Hellfire missiles, identified a small group of Daesh terrorists in northern Syria, some fifty miles west of Al Hasakah. Having checked that there were no civilians nearby, the Reaper’s crew attacked the terrorists, striking the target successfully.

French MoD for March 26, 2021 – April 1, 2021

Report Date

April 1, 2021



L’opération CHAMMAL se poursuit, et les Armées restent résolument engagées dans leur lutte contre l’organisation terroriste Daech, qui opère une mue. Acculé, l’ennemi se transforme, change ses méthodes, ses moyens d’action. Depuis la chute de Baghouz, dernier bastion de Daech, l’organisation terroriste est entrée dans combat en réseau, clandestin, sans territoire, imprévisible.


Relève des Rafale de la BAP au Levant
Au Levant, 4 Rafale C de la 30e Escadre de chasse, stationnée sur la base aérienne 118 de Mont-de-Marsan ont relevé 4 Rafale B.

En près de six mois au sein de l’opération CHAMMAL, les Rafale B de la 4e Escadre de chasse de la base aérienne 113 de Saint-Dizier ont totalisé plus de 250 sorties représentant 1 200 heures de vol, et procédé à 9 frappes dont les premières frappes opérationnelles au moyen du pod TALIOS (pod de désignation laser de nouvelle génération).

Les Rafale B ont également opéré à plusieurs reprises avec des bâtiments de la Marine nationale en Méditerranée orientale dans le cadre d’exercices conjoints. Les Rafale B se sont enfin illustrés en dépassant la barre des 10 000 heures de vol depuis leur déploiement sur le théâtre en août 2016.

Sorties air hebdomadaires (bilan du 24 au 30 mars inclus)
Les aéronefs français basés au Levant, aux Émirats arabes unis et ceux du groupe aéronaval poursuivent leurs actions contre Daech, au sein de la Coalition. Cette semaine, les avions engagés dans l’opération CHAMMAL ont réalisé 19 sorties aériennes.

CJTF–OIR for March 1, 2021 – March 31, 2021

Report Date

March 31, 2021

July 7, 2021
Release No. 20210707-01
CJTF-OIR Strike Summary Report, March 2021

SOUTHWEST ASIA – Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its
partners continue to target and pursue the enduring defeat of Daesh. CJTF-OIR and partner forces have liberated nearly 110,000 square kilometers (42,471 square
miles) from Daesh. As a result, 7.7 million people no longer live under Daesh oppression. CJTF-OIR remains committed to the enduring defeat of Daesh to improve conditions for peace and stability in the region and to protect all our homelands from the Daesh terrorist threat.

Strike Summary
Between March 1 and March 31 2021, CJTF-OIR conducted a total of 12 strikes consisting of 111 engagements in Iraq and Syria.

In Iraq, CJTF-OIR conducted 9 strikes against Daesh targets consisting of 106 engagements. This resulted in 11 Enemy Killed in Action and 142 Bed Down Locations destroyed.

In Syria, CJTF-OIR conducted 3 strikes against Daesh targets consisting of 5 engagements.

This CJTF-OIR strike release contains all strikes conducted by fighter, attack, bomber, rotarywing, or remotely piloted aircraft, rocket propelled artillery and ground-based tactical artillery. A strike, as defined in the CJTF-OIR release, refers to one or more kinetic engagements that occur in roughly the same geographic location to produce a single, sometimes cumulative effect in that location. For example, a single aircraft delivering a single weapon against a lone Daesh vehicle is one strike, but so is multiple aircraft delivering dozens of weapons against a group of Daesh-held buildings and weapon systems in a compound, having the cumulative effect of making that facility harder or impossible to use. Strike assessments are based on initial reports and may be refined.

CJTF-OIR does not report the number or type of aircraft employed in a strike, the number of munitions dropped in each strike, or the number of individual munition impact points against a target. The information used to compile the daily strike releases is based on ‘Z’ or Greenwich Mean Time.

Report Date

March 31, 2021

July 7, 2021

Release No. 20210707-01


CJTF-OIR Strike Summary Report, March 2021

SOUTHWEST ASIA – Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its

partners continue to target and pursue the enduring defeat of Daesh. CJTF-OIR and partner forces have liberated nearly 110,000 square kilometers (42,471 square

miles) from Daesh. As a result, 7.7 million people no longer live under Daesh oppression. CJTF-OIR remains committed to the enduring defeat of Daesh to improve conditions for peace and stability in the region and to protect all our homelands from the Daesh terrorist threat.

Strike Summary

March 31, 2021

Between March 1 and March 31 2021, CJTF-OIR conducted a total of 12 strikes consisting of 111 engagements in Iraq and Syria.

In Iraq, CJTF-OIR conducted 9 strikes against Daesh targets consisting of 106 engagements. This resulted in 11 Enemy Killed in Action and 142 Bed Down Locations destroyed.

In Syria, CJTF-OIR conducted 3 strikes against Daesh targets consisting of 5 engagements.

This CJTF-OIR strike release contains all strikes conducted by fighter, attack, bomber, rotarywing, or remotely piloted aircraft, rocket propelled artillery and ground-based tactical artillery. A strike, as defined in the CJTF-OIR release, refers to one or more kinetic engagements that occur in roughly the same geographic location to produce a single, sometimes cumulative effect in that location. For example, a single aircraft delivering a single weapon against a lone Daesh vehicle is one strike, but so is multiple aircraft delivering dozens of weapons against a group of Daesh-held buildings and weapon systems in a compound, having the cumulative effect of making that facility harder or impossible to use. Strike assessments are based on initial reports and may be refined.

CJTF-OIR does not report the number or type of aircraft employed in a strike, the number of munitions dropped in each strike, or the number of individual munition impact points against a target. The information used to compile the daily strike releases is based on 'Z' or Greenwich Mean Time.


French MoD for March 17, 2021 – March 23, 2021

Report Date

March 23, 2021




L’opération CHAMMAL se poursuit, et les Armées restent résolument engagées dans leur lutte contre l’organisation terroriste Daech, qui opère une mue. Acculé, l’ennemi se transforme, change ses méthodes, ses moyens d’action. Depuis la chute de Baghouz, dernier bastion de Daech, l’organisation terroriste est entrée dans combat en réseau, clandestin, sans territoire, imprévisible.


Les Rafale de BAP au Levant appui les forces irakiennes en opération contre Daech

Le lundi 22 mars 2021, lors d’une vaste opération irakienne menée dans le nord-est du pays et baptisée READY LION, une patrouille mixte de 4 Rafale B et C de la Base aérienne projetée (BAP) au Levant ont appuyé les militaires des Forces de sécurité irakiennes (FSI).

Lors de cette mission, les Rafale français a procédé à plusieurs frappes. Trois jours auparavant, le vendredi 19 mars, un Rafale avait également frappé un objectif de Daech, lors d’une mission de Close air support (CAS).

Durant près de deux semaines, l’opération READY LION a été menée dans une région montagneuse du nord de l’Irak, en étroite coordination entre les forces irakiennes et celles de la coalition internationale œuvrant au profit de l’opération INHERENT RESOLVE (OIR). Durant plusieurs jours consécutifs, les troupes irakiennes ont bénéficié de l’appui aérien de la Coalition, parvenant à frapper durement Daech, en détruisant notamment des caches et positions détenues par l’organisation terroriste.

Sorties air hebdomadaires (bilan du 17 au 23 mars inclus)
Les aéronefs français basés au Levant et aux Émirats arabes unis poursuivent leurs actions contre Daech, au sein de la Coalition. Cette semaine, les avions engagés dans l’opération CHAMMAL ont réalisé 20 sorties aériennes et 3 frappes.

Report Date

March 23, 2021

Report Summary

  • 3 total strikes
  • 3 in Syria

Confirmed Actions

Weekly air outlets (results from March 17 to 23 included)

French aircraft based in the Levant and the United Arab Emirates are continuing their actions against Daesh, within the Coalition. This week, the planes engaged in Operation CHAMMAL carried out 20 air sorties and 3 strikes.

Incident date

March 19, 2021

Incident Code



سنين , Seneen, Erbil, Iraq

Two civilians were reportedly injured in a Turkish airstrike or helicopter attack on a car, according to local reports. According to Rudaw News, “Turkish warplanes targeted a civilian vehicle in northeastern Erbil province late on Friday, injuring two passengers, a local official and a border guard told Rudaw.  A civilian vehicle carrying four passengers was targeted


First published
March 19, 2021
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Likely strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
Turkish Military
Named victims
2 named
View Incident

UK MoD for March 15, 2021 – March 17, 2021

Report Date

March 17, 2021


Monday 15 March – Typhoons struck three Daesh-held caves in northern Iraq.

Tuesday 16 March – Typhoons hit two Daesh-held caves in northern Iraq.

Wednesday 17 March – Typhoons destroyed two more Daesh-held caves in northern Iraq.


Iraqi security forces, spearheaded by their very capable Counter Terrorism Service, continue to mount operations in northern Iraq to eliminate any groups of Daesh terrorists attempting to regain a foothold in the region. Coalition airpower is supporting these operations, and Royal Air Force aircraft have played a significant role, conducting an intensive series of air strikes on Daesh targets south-west of Erbil since 10 March, where the terrorists have sought to establish bases in the numerous caves of the Makhmur mountains.

On Monday 15 March, two Typhoons successfully attacked a cave used by Daesh with Paveway IV guided bombs, and later that day a second Typhoon flight struck two more Daesh-held caves with Paveways. Two more caves, in which Daesh had established a presence, were hit with Paveway IVs on Tuesday 16 March, and a further two such caves were destroyed in like manner on Wednesday 17 March.

All of the caves were located in a remote, mountainous area, but nevertheless, very careful checks were made before each strike to ensure that there were no signs of civilians who might be placed at risk.

Previous update

The Royal Air Force has continued to conduct strikes, as part of the global coalition’s support for the Iraqi Security Forces, as they conduct operations to prevent the Daesh terrorist group from re-establishing its presence in the country.

The Iraqi forces recently identified a significant number of Daesh fighters using cave complexes south-west of Erbil. The caves identified were assessed to be particularly difficult targets and two RAF Typhoon FGR4s were therefore tasked to conduct strikes in support of ground forces from the highly-capable Iraqi Counter-Terrorism Service.

On Wednesday 10 March they conducted surveillance of the area to confirm that there were no signs of civilians who might be placed at risk, before conducting the first attack using Storm Shadow missiles, which had been selected as the most appropriate weapon for the task. Following the mission, the Typhoon’s weapons were confirmed to have struck their targets precisely.

Further surveillance efforts confirmed two additional locations in the same area were also occupied by Daesh. Two Typhoons conducted precision attacks on the extremists at both locations on Thursday 11 March, using six Paveway IV guided bombs.

RAF aircraft were again in action on Friday 12 March, when they struck another group of caves used by Daesh, with eight Paveway IV bombs; and again on Sunday 14 March, when six Paveway IVs were employed against Daesh-held caves in the same remote, mountainous area.

On each occasion, our aircrew have exercised their utmost care in checking there were no signs of civilians in the area before conducting the strikes and subsequent surveillance to ensure their successful completion.

Report Date

March 17, 2021

Report Summary

  • 7 total strikes
  • 7 in Iraq

Confirmed Actions

On Monday 15 March, two Typhoons successfully attacked a cave used by Daesh with Paveway IV guided bombs, and later that day a second Typhoon flight struck two more Daesh-held caves with Paveways.
March 16, 2021
Iraq: 2 strikes
Two more caves, in which Daesh had established a presence, were hit with Paveway IVs on Tuesday 16 March
March 17, 2021
Iraq: 2 strikes
and a further two such caves were destroyed in like manner on Wednesday 17 March.

All of the caves were located in a remote, mountainous area, but nevertheless, very careful checks were made before each strike to ensure that there were no signs of civilians who might be placed at risk.

French MoD for March 10, 2021 – March 16, 2021

Report Date

March 16, 2021



L’opération CHAMMAL se poursuit, et les Armées restent résolument engagées dans leur lutte contre l’organisation terroriste Daech, qui opère une mue. Acculé, l’ennemi se transforme, change ses méthodes, ses moyens d’action. Depuis la chute de Baghouz, dernier bastion de Daech, l’organisation terroriste est entrée dans combat en réseau, clandestin, sans territoire, imprévisible.


Sorties air hebdomadaires (bilan du 10 au 16 mars inclus)

Les aéronefs français basés au Levant et aux Émirats arabes unis poursuivent leurs actions contre Daech, au sein de la Coalition. Cette semaine, les avions engagés dans l’opération CHAMMAL ont réalisé 16 sorties aériennes.