Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for April 20, 2017 – April 21, 2017

Report Date

April 21, 2017

Thursday 20 April – Typhoons supported Syrian Democratic Forces, striking a Daesh-held building north-west of Raqqa, and a mortar team hiding in a tunnel in the east of the country…

The RAF is continuing to support Iraqi forces in their effort to liberate western Mosul. While the operating environment in the city is very challenging, particularly given the closely-packed buildings, very narrow streets, and the density of the urban population, our aircrew have continued to deliver precision strikes in close support of Iraqi troops on the ground. Daesh’s current tactics, including the illegal use of civilians as human shields, and fighting from sites such as schools, hospitals, religious sites and civilian neighbourhoods, increases the risk to innocent life. While no military operations come without risk, particularly in dense urban environments and against such inhuman Daesh tactics, the RAF continues to take all steps necessary to minimise civilian causalities.

The RAF assisted Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on Thursday 20 April. A pair of Typhoons struck a Daesh-held building to the north-west of Raqqa. The Typhoons then hit a Daesh mortar team hiding in a tunnel in the east of the country.

Report Date

April 21, 2017

Thursday 20 April – Typhoons supported Syrian Democratic Forces, striking a Daesh-held building north-west of Raqqa, and a mortar team hiding in a tunnel in the east of the country…

The RAF is continuing to support Iraqi forces in their effort to liberate western Mosul. While the operating environment in the city is very challenging, particularly given the closely-packed buildings, very narrow streets, and the density of the urban population, our aircrew have continued to deliver precision strikes in close support of Iraqi troops on the ground. Daesh’s current tactics, including the illegal use of civilians as human shields, and fighting from sites such as schools, hospitals, religious sites and civilian neighbourhoods, increases the risk to innocent life. While no military operations come without risk, particularly in dense urban environments and against such inhuman Daesh tactics, the RAF continues to take all steps necessary to minimise civilian causalities.

The RAF assisted Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on Thursday 20 April. A pair of Typhoons struck a Daesh-held building to the north-west of Raqqa. The Typhoons then hit a Daesh mortar team hiding in a tunnel in the east of the country.

Incident date

April 20, 2017

Incident Code



الموصل: غرب/الجانب الأيمن, Mosul, Al-Tanak, Zanjili, Farouk, Rifai, Old City and other neighborhoods, Nineveh, Iraq

Local sources reported that airstrikes of the Coalition and the Iraqi airforce on several neighbourhoods in Old Mosul, as well as artillery shelling, led to the deaths of 18 civilians. It was also reported that more than 41 civilians were injured. Correspondences Team and Al Rafidain reported 17 dead and more than 30 wounded in


First published
April 20, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
17 – 18
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
US-led Coalition, Iraq Government Forces
View Incident

Incident date

April 20, 2017

Incident Code



الثورة, Mosul, Thawra, Nineveh, Iraq

In what appeared to be a separate event to the previous day’s casualties, Amnesty field investigators spoke with survivors of an April 20th strike on Al Thawra which killed two people and injured dozens more. Amnesty’s published report reads as follows: “According to “Mustafa”, a young father displaced to al-Thawra neighbourhood from elsewhere in west


First published
April 20, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

CJTF–OIR for April 19, 2017 – April 20, 2017

Report Date

April 20, 2017

On April 19, Coalition military forces conducted 26 strikes consisting of 66 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 17 strikes consisting of 19 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed a VBIED factory.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, six strikes destroyed six ISIS well heads and two ISIS oil equipment items.

* Near Raqqah, three strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit, destroyed a front-end loader and a fighting position.

* Near Tabqah, seven strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed five ISIS oil tankers, two command and control nodes, two fighting positions, one tunnel, one ISIS-held building, and one VBIED facility; and damaged a fighting position.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 47 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed a heavy machine gun and an ISIS vehicle.

* Near Mosul, seven strikes engaged four ISIS tactical units and destroyed five VBIEDs, five front-end loaders, four mortar systems, a medium machine gun and a VBIED factory.

* Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed an ISIS tactical vehicle.

Report Date

April 20, 2017

Report Summary

  • 26 total strikes
  • 17 in Syria
  • 9 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 26 total strikes
  • 9 in Iraq (11720 – 11728)
  • 17 in Syria (8090 – 8115)


  • + 8* +1** in Syria

Confirmed Actions


On April 19, Coalition military forces conducted 26 strikes consisting of 66 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 17 strikes consisting of 19 engagements against ISIS targets.

April 19, 2017
Syria: 17 strikes
Iraq: 9 strikes
Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed a VBIED factory.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, six strikes destroyed six ISIS well heads and two ISIS oil equipment items.
Near Raqqah, three strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit, destroyed a front-end loader and a fighting position.
Near Tabqah, seven strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed five ISIS oil tankers, two command and control nodes, two fighting positions, one tunnel, one ISIS-held building, and one VBIED facility; and damaged a fighting position.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 47 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed a heavy machine gun and an ISIS vehicle.
Near Mosul, seven strikes engaged four ISIS tactical units and destroyed five VBIEDs, five front-end loaders, four mortar systems, a medium machine gun and a VBIED factory.
Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed an ISIS tactical vehicle.

French MoD for April 19, 2017 – April 20, 2017

Report Date

April 20, 2017


In the past week France reports conducting six strikes in Iraq, all in support of Iraqi units engaged against ISIL fighters in the Mosul and Tall Afar regions as well as near Tikrit. More than 1200 strikes have been conducted by the French since the beginning of Operation Chammal. Task Force Wagram carried out 32 artillery strikes in support of Iraqi units’ progress towards the northwest and south to expand the 9th Division controlled area around Badush.



Point de situation des opération au 20 avril 2017

Au Levant, dans l’ensemble des zones où se tiennent les principaux affrontements contre Daech (région de Mossoul et région de Tabqah en Syrie), les combattants de l’organisation terroriste opposent une vive résistance et cherchent à renforcer leur dispositif défensif, mais ne parviennent pas à contenir la progression des forces soutenues par la coalition.

En Syrie, dans la région de Tabqah, Daech mène une campagne de harcèlement pour tenter de freiner la progression des Forces Démocratiques Syriennes (FDS).

En Irak, Daech a poursuivi ses actions asymétriques en visant les principaux axes routiers dans les régions de Rutbah et de Hawijah, en ayant recours à des poses d’IED et des attaques indirectes.

Dans la ville de Mossoul, après une stagnation relative des lignes de front ces dernières semaines, les actions offensives de l’ICTS et des FEDPOL ont permis de poursuivre la manœuvre d’isolement de la médina en parvenant à établir une tête de pont dans celle-ci. Ces progressions, bien que d’ampleur limitées, marquent l’incapacité de Daech à tenir le terrain en dépit de la résistance féroce de ses combattants. Les cellules dormantes laissées par Daech sur les arrières imposent, en revanche, un effort permanent et méthodique de sécurisation.

Aux abords de la ville la 9e division irakienne a poursuivi l’extension de sa zone de contrôle en direction du Sud et de l’Ouest.

En marge des combats, Daech continue de mener de manière sporadique des tirs de mortiers non discriminés sur Mossoul-Est.


Appui aérien au Levant

Cette semaine, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 35 sorties aériennes dont 28 de reconnaissance armée ou d’appui au sol (CAS), 1 de commandement et de contrôle aérien, 2 de ravitaillement, et 4 de recueil de renseignements.

6 frappes ont été réalisées par les avions français en Irak, toutes en appui d’unités irakiennes engagées contre les combattants de Daech dans les régions de Mossoul et de Tall Afar ainsi que près de Tikrit.

Plus de 1200 frappes ont ainsi été conduites par les moyens français depuis le début de l’opération Chammal.

Appui feu – TF Wagram

La Task Force (TF) Wagram a poursuivi cette semaine ses missions de tir en appui de la 9e division irakienne engagée dans la région de Badush.

Elle a réalisé 32 missions de tir en appui des unités irakiennes, appuyant leur progression en direction du Nord-Ouest et du Sud pour élargir la zone contrôlée par la 9e division autour de Badush.

Relève de la FREMM Provence par la frégate LFY

Le dispositif de la force Chammal a évolué avec la relève le 13 avril de la frégate Provence par la frégate Lafayette. Déployée en Méditerranée orientale, la frégate La Fayette a intégré l’opération Chammal au sein de laquelle ses capacités d’observation permettent de recueillir des informations et de contribuer à l’appréciation nationale de situation sur le théâtre du Levant, en complément des autres moyens français présents sur zone.

Report Date

April 20, 2017


In the past week France reports conducting six strikes in Iraq, all in support of Iraqi units engaged against ISIL fighters in the Mosul and Tall Afar regions as well as near Tikrit. More than 1200 strikes have been conducted by the French since the beginning of Operation Chammal. Task Force Wagram carried out 32 artillery strikes in support of Iraqi units’ progress towards the northwest and south to expand the 9th Division controlled area around Badush.



Point de situation des opération au 20 avril 2017

Au Levant, dans l’ensemble des zones où se tiennent les principaux affrontements contre Daech (région de Mossoul et région de Tabqah en Syrie), les combattants de l’organisation terroriste opposent une vive résistance et cherchent à renforcer leur dispositif défensif, mais ne parviennent pas à contenir la progression des forces soutenues par la coalition.

En Syrie, dans la région de Tabqah, Daech mène une campagne de harcèlement pour tenter de freiner la progression des Forces Démocratiques Syriennes (FDS).

En Irak, Daech a poursuivi ses actions asymétriques en visant les principaux axes routiers dans les régions de Rutbah et de Hawijah, en ayant recours à des poses d’IED et des attaques indirectes.

Dans la ville de Mossoul, après une stagnation relative des lignes de front ces dernières semaines, les actions offensives de l’ICTS et des FEDPOL ont permis de poursuivre la manœuvre d’isolement de la médina en parvenant à établir une tête de pont dans celle-ci. Ces progressions, bien que d’ampleur limitées, marquent l’incapacité de Daech à tenir le terrain en dépit de la résistance féroce de ses combattants. Les cellules dormantes laissées par Daech sur les arrières imposent, en revanche, un effort permanent et méthodique de sécurisation.

Aux abords de la ville la 9e division irakienne a poursuivi l’extension de sa zone de contrôle en direction du Sud et de l’Ouest.

En marge des combats, Daech continue de mener de manière sporadique des tirs de mortiers non discriminés sur Mossoul-Est.


Appui aérien au Levant

Cette semaine, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 35 sorties aériennes dont 28 de reconnaissance armée ou d’appui au sol (CAS), 1 de commandement et de contrôle aérien, 2 de ravitaillement, et 4 de recueil de renseignements.

6 frappes ont été réalisées par les avions français en Irak, toutes en appui d’unités irakiennes engagées contre les combattants de Daech dans les régions de Mossoul et de Tall Afar ainsi que près de Tikrit.

Plus de 1200 frappes ont ainsi été conduites par les moyens français depuis le début de l’opération Chammal.

Appui feu – TF Wagram

La Task Force (TF) Wagram a poursuivi cette semaine ses missions de tir en appui de la 9e division irakienne engagée dans la région de Badush.

Elle a réalisé 32 missions de tir en appui des unités irakiennes, appuyant leur progression en direction du Nord-Ouest et du Sud pour élargir la zone contrôlée par la 9e division autour de Badush.

Relève de la FREMM Provence par la frégate LFY

Le dispositif de la force Chammal a évolué avec la relève le 13 avril de la frégate Provence par la frégate Lafayette. Déployée en Méditerranée orientale, la frégate La Fayette a intégré l’opération Chammal au sein de laquelle ses capacités d’observation permettent de recueillir des informations et de contribuer à l’appréciation nationale de situation sur le théâtre du Levant, en complément des autres moyens français présents sur zone.

Incident date

April 19, 2017

Incident Code



المدينة القديمة, Mosul, Old City, Nineveh, Iraq

Relatives reported that four or more members of the Al-Fakhri family were among those who died after airstrikes hit their house in Old Mosul. Iraqi Spring Media Centre reported: “Eyewitnesses reported that nine civilians from two families were killed in aerial bombardment of coalition forces and artillery. The government forces targeted residential houses in the


First published
April 19, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
4 – 9
(1 woman3 men)
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
Named victims
4 named, 1 familiy identified
View Incident

Incident date

April 19, 2017

Incident Code



الثورة, Mosul: Thawra neighbourhood, Nineveh, Iraq

Multiple sources reported that more than 90 civilians died in a major incident in Al Thawra (Revolution) neighbourhood in Old Mosul. As Reuters noted, “Dozens of civilians were killed on Saturday by air strikes targeting homes in the Thawra district on the western side of Mosul, a neighborhood declared by Iraqi forces restored overnight by


First published
April 19, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Strike status
Declared strike
Strike type
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(1 child3 men)
Cause of injury / death
Heavy weapons and explosive munitions
Airwars civilian harm grading
A specific belligerent has accepted responsibility for civilian harm.
Known belligerent
US-led Coalition
Suspected belligerent
Iraq Government Forces
Known target
Named victims
6 named, 2 families identified
View Incident

Incident date

April 19, 2017

Incident Code



الموصل: غرب/الجانب الأيمن, Mosul, West Mosul, Nineveh, Iraq

Local sources reported that 51 civilians were killed and 55 injured in airstrikes of the international Coalition and Iraqi government forces on several neighbourhoods in West Mosul. Sunnat Alliraq News spoke of the death and displacement of 106 residents of Mosul and called the government and Coalition raids an “unjust injustice”. Presently no further details


First published
April 19, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
US-led Coalition, Iraq Government Forces
View Incident

CJTF–OIR for April 18, 2017 – April 19, 2017

Report Date

April 19, 2017

On April 18, Coalition military forces conducted 33 strikes consisting of 124 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 21 strikes consisting of 28 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Abu Kamal, five strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed three ISIS oil exploitation equipment sites, an ISIS vehicle and an ISIS well head.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, five strikes destroyed five ISIS barges and five ISIS well heads.

* Near Raqqah, eight strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed three VBIEDs, two fighting positions, two command and control nodes, an ISIS bridge, an anti-air artillery system, a weapons cache; in addition they suppressed a mortar team and an ISIS tactical unit.

* Near Tabqah, three strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed two fighting positions; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted 12 strikes consisting of 96 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Ar Rutbah, one strike destroyed an ISIS bunker.

* Near Al Qaim, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a dump truck.

* Near Mosul, eight strikes [1 Australian] engaged six ISIS tactical units, destroyed 11 fighting positions, six rocket-propelled grenade systems, five anti-air artillery systems, four medium machine guns, four VBIEDs, a weapons cache, a front-end loader, an ISIS vehicle, a command and control node; and suppressed four fighting positions, four ISIS supply routes and four ISIS tactical units.

* Near Rawah, one strike destroyed an anti-air artillery system.

* Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed a weapons cache.

Report Date

April 19, 2017

Report Summary

  • 33 total strikes
  • 21 in Syria
  • 12 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 33 total strikes
  • 12 in Iraq (11708 – 11719)
  • 21 in Syria (8069 – 8089)

Confirmed Actions

US, Australia

On April 18, Coalition military forces conducted 33 strikes consisting of 124 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 21 strikes consisting of 28 engagements against ISIS targets.

April 18, 2017
Syria: 21 strikes
Iraq: 12 strikes
Near Abu Kamal, five strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed three ISIS oil exploitation equipment sites, an ISIS vehicle and an ISIS well head.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, five strikes destroyed five ISIS barges and five ISIS well heads.
Near Raqqah, eight strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed three VBIEDs, two fighting positions, two command and control nodes, an ISIS bridge, an anti-air artillery system, a weapons cache; in addition they suppressed a mortar team and an ISIS tactical unit.
Near Tabqah, three strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed two fighting positions; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted 12 strikes consisting of 96 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Ar Rutbah, one strike destroyed an ISIS bunker.
Near Al Qaim, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a dump truck.
Near Mosul, eight strikes [1 Australian] engaged six ISIS tactical units, destroyed 11 fighting positions, six rocket-propelled grenade systems, five anti-air artillery systems, four medium machine guns, four VBIEDs, a weapons cache, a front-end loader, an ISIS vehicle, a command and control node; and suppressed four fighting positions, four ISIS supply routes and four ISIS tactical units.
Near Rawah, one strike destroyed an anti-air artillery system.
Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed a weapons cache.

Australian MoD for April 18, 2017 – April 19, 2017

Report Date

April 19, 2017

On 18 Apr, Australian F/A-18 Homets supported Iraqi forces in contact with Daesh elements during operations in Mosul. The Australian aircraft struck multiple Daesh fighting positions with precision guided munitions during several hours of support.

Report Date

April 19, 2017

On 18 Apr, Australian F/A-18 Homets supported Iraqi forces in contact with Daesh elements during operations in Mosul. The Australian aircraft struck multiple Daesh fighting positions with precision guided munitions during several hours of support.

Incident date

April 18, 2017

Incident Code



near Mosul, Iraq

In an incident not previously tracked by Airwars, on July 7th 2017 the Coalition said it had concluded an assessment on claims of civilian harm “near Mosul, Iraq” by Human Rights Watch. According to the Coalition report, “83. April 18, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via media report: After a review of available information it was


First published
April 18, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Airwars civilian harm grading
Those killed were combatants, or other parties most likely responsible.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

Incident date

April 18, 2017

Incident Code



المدينة القديمة, Mosul, Old City, Nineveh, Iraq

Local sources reported that heavy airstrikes hit several neighbourhoods in Old Mosul on Tuesday, leading to ‘dozens of civilians killed and injured.’ One report suggested helicopters may have participated, though presently no further details are known. The Coalition later admitted it had killed one civilian in the area that day – see CI649.


First published
April 18, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
12 – 24
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
US-led Coalition, Iraq Government Forces
View Incident

Incident date

April 18, 2017

Incident Code



المدينة القديمة, Mosul, Old City, Nineveh, Iraq

In an incident not previously tracked by Airwars, the Coalition later confirmed the death of a civilian in a strike in the Old Mosul area. Their July 2017 civilian casualty report noted: “During a strike on an ISIS VBIED, it was assessed that one civilian was unintentionally killed when he entered the target area after


First published
April 18, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Airwars civilian harm grading
A specific belligerent has accepted responsibility for civilian harm.
Known belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

Incident date

April 18, 2017

Incident Code



المستشفى الجمهوري, Mosul, Republican hospital, Nineveh, Iraq

Local sources reported that ‘US airstrikes’ hit the entrance of the emergency department of the Republican Hospital at the Medical Complex of West Mosul killing seven people. Some sources referred to a statement made by the ISIL press agency. No additional details are presently known.


First published
April 18, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Airwars civilian harm grading
Single source claim, though sometimes featuring significant information.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

CJTF–OIR for April 17, 2017 – April 18, 2017

Report Date

April 18, 2017

On April 17, Coalition military forces conducted 23 strikes consisting of 75 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 16 strikes consisting of 19 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed an ISIS staging area.

* Near Al Shadaddi, one strike destroyed an ISIS tank.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, four strikes destroyed four ISIS well heads, a command and control node and an ISIS vehicle.

* Near Palmyra, two strikes destroyed two ISIS tunnels and an ISIS shed.

* Near Raqqah, one strike destroyed a front-end loader.

* Near Tabqah, seven strikes [1 British] engaged five ISIS tactical units, destroyed three fighting positions and damaged six fighting positions.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted seven strikes consisting of 56 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Mosul, six strikes engaged four ISIS tactical units; these destroyed five fighting positions, three VBIEDs, one mortar system, and one front-end loader; damaged three fighting positions and two supply routes; and suppressed one ISIS tactical unit, one mortar team and one artillery system.

* Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed an ISIS staging area.

Report Date

April 18, 2017

Report Summary

  • 23 total strikes
  • 16 in Syria
  • 7 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 23 total strikes
  • 7 in Iraq (11701 – 11707)
  • 16 in Syria (8053 – 8068)

Confirmed Actions


On April 17, Coalition military forces conducted 23 strikes consisting of 75 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 16 strikes consisting of 19 engagements against ISIS targets.

April 17, 2017
Syria: 16 strikes
Iraq: 7 strikes
Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed an ISIS staging area.
Near Al Shadaddi, one strike destroyed an ISIS tank.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, four strikes destroyed four ISIS well heads, a command and control node and an ISIS vehicle.
Near Palmyra, two strikes destroyed two ISIS tunnels and an ISIS shed.
Near Raqqah, one strike destroyed a front-end loader.
Near Tabqah, seven strikes [1 British] engaged five ISIS tactical units, destroyed three fighting positions and damaged six fighting positions.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted seven strikes consisting of 56 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Mosul, six strikes engaged four ISIS tactical units; these destroyed five fighting positions, three VBIEDs, one mortar system, and one front-end loader; damaged three fighting positions and two supply routes; and suppressed one ISIS tactical unit, one mortar team and one artillery system.
Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed an ISIS staging area.
  • A Belgian Air Component F-16 Fighting Falcon approaches a U.S. Air Force KC-135 Stratotanker from the 340th Expeditionary Air Refueling Squadron before aerial refueling during a Combined Joint Task Force- Operation Inherent Resolve mission over Iraq, April 11, 2017 (US Air Force)

UK MoD for April 17, 2017 – April 18, 2017

Report Date

April 18, 2017

Monday 17 April – Typhoons struck a further target in Syria, south of Tabqah, and Tornados destroyed a heavy machine-gun in Rawah, western Iraq…On Monday 17 April, the Tornados operated over western Iraq, where a heavy machine-gun had been spotted, concealed within a grove of trees at Rawah. A single Paveway IV destroyed the weapon. Typhoons continued their support to the SDF west of Raqqah, and conducted a successful Paveway attack on a group of terrorists positioned in a treeline to the south of Tabqah.

Report Date

April 18, 2017

Monday 17 April – Typhoons struck a further target in Syria, south of Tabqah, and Tornados destroyed a heavy machine-gun in Rawah, western Iraq…On Monday 17 April, the Tornados operated over western Iraq, where a heavy machine-gun had been spotted, concealed within a grove of trees at Rawah. A single Paveway IV destroyed the weapon. Typhoons continued their support to the SDF west of Raqqah, and conducted a successful Paveway attack on a group of terrorists positioned in a treeline to the south of Tabqah.

Incident date

April 17, 2017

Incident Code



near Mosul, Nineveh, Iraq

In an incident not previously tracked by Airwars, on July 7th 2017 the Coalition said it had concluded an assessment on social media claims of civilian harm “near Mosul, Iraq”. According to the Coalition report, “82. April 17, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report: The report contained insufficient information on the time, location


First published
April 17, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Airwars civilian harm grading
Those killed were combatants, or other parties most likely responsible.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

Incident date

April 17, 2017

Incident Code



الموصل: الثورة, Mosul, Al-Thawra (Revolution), Nineveh, Iraq

Local sources reported violent airstrikes on Al-Thawra (Revolution) neighbourhood in the old town area of Mosul city, on Monday 17th of April. Two victims (see photos below) were named as “Engineer Zaid Hisham Daoud, one of the employees of the Ministry of Industry” who died when a missile hit his home, and Mahmoud Mohamed Mashhadani


First published
April 17, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
US-led Coalition, Iraq Government Forces
Named victims
2 named
View Incident

Incident date

April 17, 2017

Incident Code



الموصل: الزنجيلي, Mosul, Al-Zinjili, Nineveh, Iraq

Local sources reported that Coalition and Iraqi government warplanes carried out airstrikes on Zanjili and other neighbourhoods in West Mosul, killing and wounding dozens. Iraqyoon and Yaqein spoke of more than 100 dead and wounded in the various western neighbourhoods of the city. Several other sources reported (possibly based on an ISIL press statement): “55


First published
April 17, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
24 – 55
(1 child)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
US-led Coalition, Iraq Government Forces
View Incident

CJTF–OIR for April 16, 2017 – April 17, 2017

Report Date

April 17, 2017

On April 16, Coalition military forces conducted 33 strikes consisting of 105 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 21 strikes consisting of 15 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS vehicle.

* Near Raqqah, five strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed four fighting positions and a mortar system.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, nine strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units; destroyed nine ISIS oil equipment items, five well heads, and one vehicle; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

* Near Tabqah, five strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and suppressed three ISIS tactical units.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted 12 strikes consisting of 90 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Al Qaim, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS vehicle.

* Near Mosul, eight strikes [2 British] engaged seven ISIS tactical units; destroyed eight fighting positions, three VBIEDs, three mortar systems, two ISIS vehicles, two heavy machine guns, and one front-end loader; damaged 16 ISIS supply routes and four fighting positions; and suppressed 10 mortar teams and an ISIS tactical unit.

* Near Rawah, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed two anti-air artillery systems.

* Near Tal Afar, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.”

Report Date

April 17, 2017

Report Summary

  • 33 total strikes
  • 21 in Syria
  • 12 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 33 total strikes
  • 12 in Iraq (11689 – 11700)
  • 21 in Syria (8032 – 8052)

Confirmed Actions


On April 16, Coalition military forces conducted 33 strikes consisting of 105 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 21 strikes consisting of 15 engagements against ISIS targets.

April 16, 2017
Syria: 21 strikes
Iraq: 12 strikes
Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS vehicle.
Near Raqqah, five strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed four fighting positions and a mortar system.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, nine strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units; destroyed nine ISIS oil equipment items, five well heads, and one vehicle; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.
Near Tabqah, five strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and suppressed three ISIS tactical units.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted 12 strikes consisting of 90 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Al Qaim, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS vehicle.
Near Mosul, eight strikes [2 British] engaged seven ISIS tactical units; destroyed eight fighting positions, three VBIEDs, three mortar systems, two ISIS vehicles, two heavy machine guns, and one front-end loader; damaged 16 ISIS supply routes and four fighting positions; and suppressed 10 mortar teams and an ISIS tactical unit.
Near Rawah, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed two anti-air artillery systems.
Near Tal Afar, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.”

UK MoD for April 16, 2017 – April 17, 2017

Report Date

April 17, 2017

Sunday 16 April – Tornados struck a terrorist position and an engineering vehicle in Mosul…Easter Day saw two flights of Tornados active over Mosul. Each flight conducted a successful attack with a Brimstone missile, accounting for a terrorist position on top of a building and an engineering vehicle used by Daesh to construct defensive positions.

Report Date

April 17, 2017

Sunday 16 April – Tornados struck a terrorist position and an engineering vehicle in Mosul…Easter Day saw two flights of Tornados active over Mosul. Each flight conducted a successful attack with a Brimstone missile, accounting for a terrorist position on top of a building and an engineering vehicle used by Daesh to construct defensive positions.

Incident date

April 16, 2017

Incident Code



عنه, Anah, Al Anbar, Iraq

In an incident not previously tracked by Airwars, the Coalition later denied a social media claim that it had caused civilian casualties at Anah. According to its June report “April 16, 2017, near Annah, Iraq, via social media: The report contained insufficient information on the time, location and details to assess its credibility.”


First published
April 16, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Airwars civilian harm grading
Those killed were combatants, or other parties most likely responsible.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

CJTF–OIR for April 15, 2017 – April 16, 2017

Report Date

April 16, 2017

On April 15, Coalition military forces conducted 29 strikes consisting of 70 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 20 strikes consisting of 29 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Abu Kamal, three strikes destroyed three ISIS well heads and ISIS engineering equipment.

* Near Raqqah, six strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units, destroyed an ISIS bridge, and damaged an ISIS supply route.

* Near Tabqah, 11 strikes engaged nine ISIS tactical units, destroyed seven fighting positions and an ISIS vehicle.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 41 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed an ISIS oil rig.

* Near Bayji, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed three bunkers, two VBIED bunkers, two vehicle storage areas, a command and control node, and an ISIS staging area.

* Near Mosul, six strikes [1 British] engaged four ISIS tactical units; destroyed five mortar systems, an ISIS storage facility, a fighting position, a command and control node, an ISIS tunnel, a rocket-propelled grenade system; damaged six ISIS supply routes and a fighting position; and suppressed five mortar teams, a fighting position and an ISIS tactical unit.”

Report Date

April 16, 2017

Report Summary

  • 29 total strikes
  • 20 in Syria
  • 9 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 29 total strikes
  • 9 in Iraq (11680 – 11688)
  • 20 in Syria (8012 – 8031)

Confirmed Actions


On April 15, Coalition military forces conducted 29 strikes consisting of 70 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 20 strikes consisting of 29 engagements against ISIS targets.

April 15, 2017
Syria: 20 strikes
Iraq: 9 strikes
Near Abu Kamal, three strikes destroyed three ISIS well heads and ISIS engineering equipment.
Near Raqqah, six strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units, destroyed an ISIS bridge, and damaged an ISIS supply route.
Near Tabqah, 11 strikes engaged nine ISIS tactical units, destroyed seven fighting positions and an ISIS vehicle.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 41 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed an ISIS oil rig.
Near Bayji, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed three bunkers, two VBIED bunkers, two vehicle storage areas, a command and control node, and an ISIS staging area.
Near Mosul, six strikes [1 British] engaged four ISIS tactical units; destroyed five mortar systems, an ISIS storage facility, a fighting position, a command and control node, an ISIS tunnel, a rocket-propelled grenade system; damaged six ISIS supply routes and a fighting position; and suppressed five mortar teams, a fighting position and an ISIS tactical unit.”

UK MoD for April 15, 2017 – April 16, 2017

Report Date

April 16, 2017

Saturday 15 April – Typhoons attacked a Daesh-held building west of Raqqa, while Tornados assisted Iraqi forces inside western Mosul…On Saturday, a further Tornado patrol supported Iraqi forces engaged in a firefight with Daesh positioned in a large building in western Mosul. Two Paveway IVs silenced the terrorist fire. Meanwhile, Typhoons continued their support for the SDF as they pushed east from Tabqah towards Raqqa, bombing a terrorist-held building.

Report Date

April 16, 2017

Saturday 15 April – Typhoons attacked a Daesh-held building west of Raqqa, while Tornados assisted Iraqi forces inside western Mosul…On Saturday, a further Tornado patrol supported Iraqi forces engaged in a firefight with Daesh positioned in a large building in western Mosul. Two Paveway IVs silenced the terrorist fire. Meanwhile, Typhoons continued their support for the SDF as they pushed east from Tabqah towards Raqqa, bombing a terrorist-held building.

Incident date

April 15, 2017

Incident Code



حي التنك, Mosul, Tanak, Nineveh, Iraq

One civilian was injured following an airstrike that destroyed his family home, according to the eyewitness. Amnesty International shared the following field report with Airwars, citing an eyewitness: “I’m a simple ‘free worker’ from the same area in Hai Tenak. My friends and I make a living buying and selling car parts. I left on


First published
April 15, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
US-led Coalition, Iraq Government Forces
View Incident

Incident date

April 15, 2017

Incident Code



ريحانة, Rayhana, Al Anbar, Iraq

Two local sources reported that nine civilians were killed and others injured after Coalition airstrikes allegedly hit Rayhana village near Anah, in Anbar province. The exact number of wounded was not determined. Yaqein placed the village 210 km west of Ramadi.


First published
April 15, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

Incident date

April 15, 2017

Incident Code



باب سنجار, Mosul, Bab-Sinjar, Nineveh, Iraq

Local residents told the Iraqi Observatory for Human Rights that 42 members of the well-known family of Ghanim Sobhiya died after an airstrike hit their 16-room house in Bab-Sinjar neighbourhood in the old part of Mosul, at dawn on April 15th. Sources reported that the family of Ghanim’s brother had also gathered in the house.


First published
April 15, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(6–11 children5 women2 men)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
US-led Coalition, Iraq Government Forces
Named victims
1 named, 1 familiy identified
View Incident

Incident date

April 15, 2017

Incident Code



الإصلاح الزراعي, Mosul, Isilah Zeraei / Agragarian Reform, Nineveh, Iraq

Local sources reported that at least eight civilians died after two missiles consecutively hit a two-floor house in Isilah Zeraei neighbourhood in West Mosul. Sources reported a similar incident hours earlier in the same neighbourhood, with casualty numbers so far unknown. Alsharqiya news noted that the two missiles were launched after an ISIL combatant sat


First published
April 15, 2017
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
8 – 15
(2 children)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Competing claims of responsibility e.g. multiple belligerents, or casualties also attributed to ground forces.
Suspected belligerents
US-led Coalition, Iraq Government Forces
View Incident

CJTF–OIR for April 14, 2017 – April 15, 2017

Report Date

April 15, 2017

On April 14, Coalition military forces conducted 12 strikes consisting of 55 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted seven strikes consisting of 10 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike damaged an ISIS fuel facility.

* Near Abu Kamal, one strike damaged an ISIS fuel facility.

* Near Al Shadaddi, one strike destroyed an ISIS-held building

* Near Raqqa, three strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed three fighting positions and a weapons cache.

* Near Tabqa, one strike suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted five strikes consisting of 45 engagements coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq against ISIS targets.

* Near Mosul, five strikes [1 British] engaged an ISIS tactical unit, destroyed two rocket-propelled grenade systems, destroyed two fighting positions, damaged four supply routes and a fighting position, and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.”

Report Date

April 15, 2017

Report Summary

  • 12 total strikes
  • 7 in Syria
  • 5 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 12 total strikes
  • 5 in Iraq (11675 – 11679)
  • 7 in Syria (8005 – 8011)

Confirmed Actions


On April 14, Coalition military forces conducted 12 strikes consisting of 55 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted seven strikes consisting of 10 engagements against ISIS targets.

April 14, 2017
Syria: 7 strikes
Iraq: 5 strikes
Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike damaged an ISIS fuel facility.
Near Abu Kamal, one strike damaged an ISIS fuel facility.
Near Al Shadaddi, one strike destroyed an ISIS-held building
Near Raqqa, three strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed three fighting positions and a weapons cache.
Near Tabqa, one strike suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted five strikes consisting of 45 engagements coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq against ISIS targets.

Near Mosul, five strikes [1 British] engaged an ISIS tactical unit, destroyed two rocket-propelled grenade systems, destroyed two fighting positions, damaged four supply routes and a fighting position, and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.”

UK MoD for April 14, 2017 – April 15, 2017

Report Date

April 15, 2017

Friday 14 April – Tornados destroyed a car-bomb in Mosul…Tornados focused their efforts over Mosul, where Iraqi troops identified a car-bomb that had been positioned on a road leading out of the north of the city on Friday 14 April. A Brimstone missile destroyed the booby-trapped vehicle with a direct hit.

Report Date

April 15, 2017

Friday 14 April – Tornados destroyed a car-bomb in Mosul…Tornados focused their efforts over Mosul, where Iraqi troops identified a car-bomb that had been positioned on a road leading out of the north of the city on Friday 14 April. A Brimstone missile destroyed the booby-trapped vehicle with a direct hit.