Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for May 31, 2016 – June 1, 2016

Report Date

June 1, 2016

Tuesday 31 May – Reapers, Typhoons and Tornados all provided close air support to the Fallujah offensive, as well as destroying other Daesh targets in northern and western Iraq…

With Iraqi ground forces continuing operations to liberate Fallujah, Royal Air Force Tornado GR4s, Typhoon FGR4s, and Reapers joined other coalition aircraft in providing intensive close air support.

On Tuesday 31 May, Tornados used Paveway IV guided bombs to destroy two heavy machine-guns that were threatening the advancing Iraqi forces; one, mounted on a truck concealed in a palm grove north of Fallujah, the second in a building on the southern outskirts of the city. In northern Iraq, a Typhoon and a Reaper provided assistance to the Kurdish peshmerga and Iraqi forces. The Typhoons destroyed the headquarters of a local Daesh commander to the south-east of Mosul, using Paveway IVs, while the Reaper assisted a coalition aircraft in targeting an engineering vehicle used for constructing defences near Qayyarah, then used its own Hellfire missiles against two terrorist mortar teams. Both the Typhoons and the Reaper then flew south to add their weight to air operations over Fallujah. The Typhoons successfully attacked a third heavy machine-gun position. The Reaper kept close watch on a group of terrorists test-firing and loading weapons, including a heavy machine gun, onto a supply truck. The reaper then destroyed the truck with a direct hit from a Hellfire missile.

Further west, along the Euphrates, near the recently liberated town of Hit, a second Reaper provided support to Iraqi forces consolidating the security of the surrounding area. The Reaper destroyed both a machine-gun team and a vehicle carrying a recoilless anti-tank gun with its Hellfires.

Report Date

June 1, 2016

Tuesday 31 May – Reapers, Typhoons and Tornados all provided close air support to the Fallujah offensive, as well as destroying other Daesh targets in northern and western Iraq…

With Iraqi ground forces continuing operations to liberate Fallujah, Royal Air Force Tornado GR4s, Typhoon FGR4s, and Reapers joined other coalition aircraft in providing intensive close air support.

On Tuesday 31 May, Tornados used Paveway IV guided bombs to destroy two heavy machine-guns that were threatening the advancing Iraqi forces; one, mounted on a truck concealed in a palm grove north of Fallujah, the second in a building on the southern outskirts of the city. In northern Iraq, a Typhoon and a Reaper provided assistance to the Kurdish peshmerga and Iraqi forces. The Typhoons destroyed the headquarters of a local Daesh commander to the south-east of Mosul, using Paveway IVs, while the Reaper assisted a coalition aircraft in targeting an engineering vehicle used for constructing defences near Qayyarah, then used its own Hellfire missiles against two terrorist mortar teams. Both the Typhoons and the Reaper then flew south to add their weight to air operations over Fallujah. The Typhoons successfully attacked a third heavy machine-gun position. The Reaper kept close watch on a group of terrorists test-firing and loading weapons, including a heavy machine gun, onto a supply truck. The reaper then destroyed the truck with a direct hit from a Hellfire missile.

Further west, along the Euphrates, near the recently liberated town of Hit, a second Reaper provided support to Iraqi forces consolidating the security of the surrounding area. The Reaper destroyed both a machine-gun team and a vehicle carrying a recoilless anti-tank gun with its Hellfires.

Netherlands MoD for May 31, 2016 – June 1, 2016

Report Date

June 1, 2016


Dutch F-16s bombed several targets in Iraq in the fight against ISIS. Dutch F-16s from Air Task Force Middle East (ME ATF) contributed to the offensive to retake Fallujah. They used the weapons several times to support the Iraqi Security Forces. In addition, weapons were deployed in northern Iraq, where the Peshmerga were fighting against ISIS. This week, Dutch efforts destroyed rocket launchers and various firing positions.

Weekoverzicht Defensieoperaties

Nederlandse F-16’s bombardeerden diverse doelen in Irak in de strijd tegen ISIS. De toestellen hielpen onder meer bij het verdrijven van strijders van de terreurorganisatie uit Fallujah. Een overzicht van Defensieoperaties in de week van 23 mei tot 30 mei.

De Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) begonnen afgelopen week met hun offensief om de Iraakse stad Fallujah te heroveren op ISIS. Vliegtuigen van de internationale coalitie ondersteunden de Irakezen hierbij vanuit de lucht. Ook Nederlandse F-16’s van Air Task Force Middle East (ATF ME) leverden hun bijdrage. Ze zetten meermaals hun wapens in om de ISF te ondersteunen in de buurt van Fallujah. Daarnaast was ook veelvuldig wapeninzet nodig in Noord-Irak, waar de Peshmerga strijdt tegen ISIS. Deze week zijn door Nederlandse inzet onder meer raketlanceerinstallaties en verschillende vuurposities vernietigd.

Report Date

June 1, 2016


Dutch F-16s bombed several targets in Iraq in the fight against ISIS. Dutch F-16s from Air Task Force Middle East (ME ATF) contributed to the offensive to retake Fallujah. They used the weapons several times to support the Iraqi Security Forces. In addition, weapons were deployed in northern Iraq, where the Peshmerga were fighting against ISIS. This week, Dutch efforts destroyed rocket launchers and various firing positions.

Weekoverzicht Defensieoperaties

Nieuwsbericht | 31-05-2016 | 16:00

Nederlandse F-16’s bombardeerden diverse doelen in Irak in de strijd tegen ISIS. De toestellen hielpen onder meer bij het verdrijven van strijders van de terreurorganisatie uit Fallujah. Een overzicht van Defensieoperaties in de week van 23 mei tot 30 mei.

De Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) begonnen afgelopen week met hun offensief om de Iraakse stad Fallujah te heroveren op ISIS. Vliegtuigen van de internationale coalitie ondersteunden de Irakezen hierbij vanuit de lucht. Ook Nederlandse F-16’s van Air Task Force Middle East (ATF ME) leverden hun bijdrage. Ze zetten meermaals hun wapens in om de ISF te ondersteunen in de buurt van Fallujah. Daarnaast was ook veelvuldig wapeninzet nodig in Noord-Irak, waar de Peshmerga strijdt tegen ISIS. Deze week zijn door Nederlandse inzet onder meer raketlanceerinstallaties en verschillende vuurposities vernietigd.

French MoD for May 31, 2016 – June 1, 2016

Report Date

June 1, 2016


Reports 27 ground support strikes in Iraq destroying 31 targets. Efforts were centred around Mosul and Falllujah, with particularly intense activity on 28 and 29 May with 14 strikes carried out in less than 48 hours against Daesh fortified positions, command posts and logistics pads.

Chammal : 27 frappes contre Daech en Irak cette semaine, 31 objectifs détruits

Armée française – Opérations militaires·Wednesday, 1 June 2016

État-major des armées | 1er juin 2016

Du 25 au 31 mai 2016, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont poursuivi leurs missions aériennes contre Daech en réalisant 40 sorties dont 36 de bombardement et 3 de recueil de renseignement. Au total 27 frappes ont détruit 31 objectifs de Daech.

Cette semaine la force Chammal a maintenu son effort pour appuyer les opérations terrestres dans les régions de Mossoul et de Falloujah. Cet effort a été particulièrement intense les journées du 28 et du 29 mai, avec 14 frappes réalisées en moins de 48 heures contre des positions fortifiées, des moyens de tir indirect, ainsi que des postes de commandement et des plots logistiques utilisés par les combattants de Daech.

27 frappes d’appui au sol

ont été réalisées en Irak

au cours de la semaine

La force Chammal a réalisé des missions d’appui au sol en soutien des forces de sécurité irakiennes en faisant effort sur les secteurs de Fallujah et Mossoul.

Report Date

June 1, 2016


Reports 27 ground support strikes in Iraq destroying 31 targets. Efforts were centred around Mosul and Falllujah, with particularly intense activity on 28 and 29 May with 14 strikes carried out in less than 48 hours against Daesh fortified positions, command posts and logistics pads.

Chammal : 27 frappes contre Daech en Irak cette semaine, 31 objectifs détruits

Armée française – Opérations militaires·Wednesday, 1 June 2016

État-major des armées | 1er juin 2016

Du 25 au 31 mai 2016, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont poursuivi leurs missions aériennes contre Daech en réalisant 40 sorties dont 36 de bombardement et 3 de recueil de renseignement. Au total 27 frappes ont détruit 31 objectifs de Daech.

Cette semaine la force Chammal a maintenu son effort pour appuyer les opérations terrestres dans les régions de Mossoul et de Falloujah. Cet effort a été particulièrement intense les journées du 28 et du 29 mai, avec 14 frappes réalisées en moins de 48 heures contre des positions fortifiées, des moyens de tir indirect, ainsi que des postes de commandement et des plots logistiques utilisés par les combattants de Daech.

27 frappes d’appui au sol

ont été réalisées en Irak

au cours de la semaine

La force Chammal a réalisé des missions d’appui au sol en soutien des forces de sécurité irakiennes en faisant effort sur les secteurs de Fallujah et Mossoul.

CJTF–OIR for May 31, 2016 – June 1, 2016

Report Date

June 1, 2016

On May 31, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 21 strikes using bomber, attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 13 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using bomber, ground-attack, attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


* Near Ar Raqqah, one strike destroyed two ISIL oil pump jacks.

* Near Manbij, 18 strikes struck six separate ISIL tactical units, two ISIL headquarters, two ISIL logistics facilities, an ISIL assembly area, an ISIL weapons cache, and an ISIL training base and destroyed eight ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL headquarters, two ISIL vehicles, two ISIL mortar systems, an ISIL cave entrance, two ISIL communication towers, an ISIL artillery system, an ISIL ammunition storage facility, and six ISIL-used bridges and denied ISIL access to terrain.

* Near Mar’a, two strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL mortar system.


* Near Fallujah, four strikes [2-3 British] struck three separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed seven ISIL fighting positions, three ISIL vehicles, five ISIL heavy machine guns, two ISIL bunkers, three ISIL weapons caches, and an ISIL IED and suppressed an ISIL tactical unit and denied ISIL access to terrain.

* Near Hit, two strikes [1 British] struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed three ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL vehicle, an ISIL recoilless rifle, and two ISIL boats.

* Near Mosul, four strikes [1 British] struck four separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions, 14 ISIL assembly areas, five ISIL vehicles, an ISIL command and control node, an ISIL vehicle borne improvised explosive device (VBIED) facility, an ISIL VBIED, four ISIL weapons caches, four ISIL rocket rails, and an ISIL mortar system and suppressed a separate ISIL mortar position.

* Near Rawah, one strike struck an ISIL VBIED factory.

* Near Sinjar, one strike destroyed an ISIL fighting position and suppressed an ISIL mortar position.

* Near Sultan Abdallah, one strike struck an ISIL refueling station.

Report Date

June 1, 2016

Report Summary

  • 34 total strikes
  • 21 in Syria
  • 13 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 34 total strikes
  • 13 in Iraq (8637 – 8649)
  • 21 in Syria (4002 – 4022)

Confirmed Actions


On May 31, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 21 strikes using bomber, attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 13 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using bomber, ground-attack, attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


May 31, 2016
Syria: 21 strikes
Iraq: 13 strikes
Near Ar Raqqah, one strike destroyed two ISIL oil pump jacks.
Near Manbij, 18 strikes struck six separate ISIL tactical units, two ISIL headquarters, two ISIL logistics facilities, an ISIL assembly area, an ISIL weapons cache, and an ISIL training base and destroyed eight ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL headquarters, two ISIL vehicles, two ISIL mortar systems, an ISIL cave entrance, two ISIL communication towers, an ISIL artillery system, an ISIL ammunition storage facility, and six ISIL-used bridges and denied ISIL access to terrain.
Near Mar’a, two strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL mortar system.


Near Fallujah, four strikes [2-3 British] struck three separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed seven ISIL fighting positions, three ISIL vehicles, five ISIL heavy machine guns, two ISIL bunkers, three ISIL weapons caches, and an ISIL IED and suppressed an ISIL tactical unit and denied ISIL access to terrain.
Near Hit, two strikes [1 British] struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed three ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL vehicle, an ISIL recoilless rifle, and two ISIL boats.
Near Mosul, four strikes [1 British] struck four separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions, 14 ISIL assembly areas, five ISIL vehicles, an ISIL command and control node, an ISIL vehicle borne improvised explosive device (VBIED) facility, an ISIL VBIED, four ISIL weapons caches, four ISIL rocket rails, and an ISIL mortar system and suppressed a separate ISIL mortar position.
Near Rawah, one strike struck an ISIL VBIED factory.
Near Sinjar, one strike destroyed an ISIL fighting position and suppressed an ISIL mortar position.
Near Sultan Abdallah, one strike struck an ISIL refueling station.

CJTF–OIR for May 30, 2016 – May 31, 2016

Report Date

May 31, 2016

On May 30, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 11 strikes using bomber, attack, ground-attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 13 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using rocket artillery and bomber, ground-attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


* Near Ar Raqqah, one strike destroyed an ISIL oil pump jack.

* Near Manbij, nine strikes [1 British] struck two separate ISIL tactical units and an ISIL improvised explosive device (IED) factory and destroyed 26 ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL mortar position, two ISIL vehicles, an ISIL supply cache, and three ISIL tunnels.

* Near Washiyah, one strike struck an ISIL weapons production factory.


* Near Al Baghdadi, one strike struck an ISIL bed down location and an ISIL weapons cache.

* Near Albu Hayat, one strike struck an ISIL weapons cache.

* Near Fallujah, three [1 British?] strikes struck three separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed five ISIL fighting positions, five ISIL vehicles, an ISIL heavy machine gun, three ISIL heavy machine gun positions, two ISIL recoilless rifles, and an ISIL mortar system and denied ISIL access to terrain.

* Near Hit, one strike struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL anti-air artillery piece, an ISIL vehicle, and two ISIL weapons caches and suppressed an ISIL machine gun position.

* Near Mosul, three strikes [2 British] struck three separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions, eight ISIL assembly areas, five ISIL vehicles, an ISIL command and control node, an ISIL vehicle borne improvised device (VBIED) facility, three ISIL VBIEDs, and an ISIL heavy machine gun and suppressed an ISIL mortar position and an ISIL light machine gun position and denied ISIL access to terrain.

* Near Sultan Abdallah, one strike struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle, two ISIL assembly areas, an ISIL mortar system, three ISIL supply caches, and an ISIL IED factory.

* Near Tal Afar, three strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit.

Report Date

May 31, 2016

Report Summary

  • 24 total strikes
  • 11 in Syria
  • 13 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 24 total strikes
  • 13 in Iraq (8624 – 8636)
  • 11 in Syria (3991 – 4001)

Confirmed Actions


On May 30, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 11 strikes using bomber, attack, ground-attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 13 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using rocket artillery and bomber, ground-attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


May 30, 2016
Syria: 11 strikes
Iraq: 13 strikes
Near Ar Raqqah, one strike destroyed an ISIL oil pump jack.
Near Manbij, nine strikes [1 British] struck two separate ISIL tactical units and an ISIL improvised explosive device (IED) factory and destroyed 26 ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL mortar position, two ISIL vehicles, an ISIL supply cache, and three ISIL tunnels.
Near Washiyah, one strike struck an ISIL weapons production factory.


Near Al Baghdadi, one strike struck an ISIL bed down location and an ISIL weapons cache.
Near Albu Hayat, one strike struck an ISIL weapons cache.
Near Fallujah, three [1 British?] strikes struck three separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed five ISIL fighting positions, five ISIL vehicles, an ISIL heavy machine gun, three ISIL heavy machine gun positions, two ISIL recoilless rifles, and an ISIL mortar system and denied ISIL access to terrain.
Near Hit, one strike struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL anti-air artillery piece, an ISIL vehicle, and two ISIL weapons caches and suppressed an ISIL machine gun position.
Near Mosul, three strikes [2 British] struck three separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions, eight ISIL assembly areas, five ISIL vehicles, an ISIL command and control node, an ISIL vehicle borne improvised device (VBIED) facility, three ISIL VBIEDs, and an ISIL heavy machine gun and suppressed an ISIL mortar position and an ISIL light machine gun position and denied ISIL access to terrain.
Near Sultan Abdallah, one strike struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle, two ISIL assembly areas, an ISIL mortar system, three ISIL supply caches, and an ISIL IED factory.
Near Tal Afar, three strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit.

UK MoD for May 30, 2016 – May 31, 2016

Report Date

May 31, 2016

Monday 30 May – Tornados conducted attacks on two improvised explosive device factories in northern Syria, as well as Daesh extremists near Mosul; Typhoons attacked terrorist positions around Mosul and Fallujah…Intelligence work had identified two factory sites in northern Syria, between Al Bab and Manbij, producing improvised explosive devices. A pair of Tornados, armed with 1,000lb Enhanced Paveway II bombs, conducted a deliberate strike on the two sites on Monday 30 May. A Tornado reconnaissance patrol near Mosul used a Paveway to attack a group of terrorists, and a Brimstone to destroy their support vehicle.

Typhoons also destroyed three weapon stockpiles to the east of Mosul. Another Typhoon mission maintained a close air support presence over Fallujah, and, working very closely with a coalition surveillance aircraft, used Paveway IVs to attack an armed truck and a Daesh fighting position.

Report Date

May 31, 2016

Monday 30 May – Tornados conducted attacks on two improvised explosive device factories in northern Syria, as well as Daesh extremists near Mosul; Typhoons attacked terrorist positions around Mosul and Fallujah…Intelligence work had identified two factory sites in northern Syria, between Al Bab and Manbij, producing improvised explosive devices. A pair of Tornados, armed with 1,000lb Enhanced Paveway II bombs, conducted a deliberate strike on the two sites on Monday 30 May. A Tornado reconnaissance patrol near Mosul used a Paveway to attack a group of terrorists, and a Brimstone to destroy their support vehicle.

Typhoons also destroyed three weapon stockpiles to the east of Mosul. Another Typhoon mission maintained a close air support presence over Fallujah, and, working very closely with a coalition surveillance aircraft, used Paveway IVs to attack an armed truck and a Daesh fighting position.

CJTF–OIR for May 29, 2016 – May 30, 2016

Report Date

May 30, 2016

On May 29, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted five strikes using attack and fighter aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 19 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using rocket artillery and bomber, ground-attack, attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


* Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed six ISIL cranes and two ISIL road graders.

* Near Manbij, four strikes struck three separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed 13 ISIL fighting positions, two ISIL mortar systems, an ISIL vehicle, an ISIL command and control node, and three ISIL boats.


* Near Al Baghdadi, one strike struck a large ISIL tactical unit.

* Near Al Huwayjah, one strike suppressed an ISIL tactical unit.

* Near Bashir, one strike destroyed two ISIL fighting positions.

* Near Fallujah, three strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL vehicle, two ISIL tactical vehicles, an ISIL front end loader, an ISIL improvised explosive device (IED), two ISIL tunnel entrances, three ISIL-used foot bridges, and damaged a separate ISIL fighting position and denied ISIL access to terrain.

* Near Habbaniyah, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position.

* Near Hit, one strike [1 British] struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions, two ISIL heavy machine guns, two ISIL boats, and an ISIL vehicle.

* Near Kisik, one strike suppressed an ISIL mortar position.

* Near Mosul, eight strikes [1 British] struck three separate ISIL tactical units and an ISIL weapons storage center and destroyed three ISIL fighting positions, six ISIL assembly areas, an ISIL tunnel entrance, seven ISIL weapons caches, five ISIL vehicles, five ISIL command and control nodes, 11 ISIL mortar positions, six ISIL artillery pieces, two ISIL rocket rails, seven ISIL vehicle borne IED, and damaged an ISIL anti-air artillery piece and suppressed an ISIL rocket position and an ISIL tactical unit and denied ISIL access to terrain.

* Near Sultan Abdallah, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position, an ISIL vehicle, an ISIL headquarters, and an ISIL mortar position and suppressed an ISIL machine gun position.

Additionally, on May 28, one strike was not reported due to an administrative error:


* Near Hit, one strike struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL heavy machine guns, two ISIL fighting positions, and an ISIL boat.

Report Date

May 30, 2016

Report Summary

  • 25 total strikes
  • 5 in Syria
  • 20 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 24 total strikes
  • 19 in Iraq (8605 – 8623)
  • 5 in Syria (3986 – 3990)

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, France

On May 29, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted five strikes using attack and fighter aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 19 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using rocket artillery and bomber, ground-attack, attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


May 29, 2016
Syria: 5 strikes
Iraq: 20 strikes
Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed six ISIL cranes and two ISIL road graders.
Near Manbij, four strikes struck three separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed 13 ISIL fighting positions, two ISIL mortar systems, an ISIL vehicle, an ISIL command and control node, and three ISIL boats.


Near Al Baghdadi, one strike struck a large ISIL tactical unit.
Near Al Huwayjah, one strike suppressed an ISIL tactical unit.
Near Bashir, one strike destroyed two ISIL fighting positions.
Near Fallujah, three strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions, an ISIL vehicle, two ISIL tactical vehicles, an ISIL front end loader, an ISIL improvised explosive device (IED), two ISIL tunnel entrances, three ISIL-used foot bridges, and damaged a separate ISIL fighting position and denied ISIL access to terrain.
Near Habbaniyah, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position.
Near Hit, one strike [1 British] struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions, two ISIL heavy machine guns, two ISIL boats, and an ISIL vehicle.
Near Kisik, one strike suppressed an ISIL mortar position.
Near Mosul, eight strikes [1 British] struck three separate ISIL tactical units and an ISIL weapons storage center and destroyed three ISIL fighting positions, six ISIL assembly areas, an ISIL tunnel entrance, seven ISIL weapons caches, five ISIL vehicles, five ISIL command and control nodes, 11 ISIL mortar positions, six ISIL artillery pieces, two ISIL rocket rails, seven ISIL vehicle borne IED, and damaged an ISIL anti-air artillery piece and suppressed an ISIL rocket position and an ISIL tactical unit and denied ISIL access to terrain.
Near Sultan Abdallah, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position, an ISIL vehicle, an ISIL headquarters, and an ISIL mortar position and suppressed an ISIL machine gun position.

Additionally, on May 28, one strike was not reported due to an administrative error:


Near Hit, one strike struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL heavy machine guns, two ISIL fighting positions, and an ISIL boat.

UK MoD for May 29, 2016 – May 30, 2016

Report Date

May 30, 2016

Sunday 29 May – Tornados attacked a terrorist vehicle near Hit, Typhoons struck a mortar and truck-bomb near Mosul…There were two further attacks near Mosul on Sunday 29 May, conducted by Typhoons against another mortar position and a large truck-bomb that was being prepared for use. In the south, near Hit, a Tornado patrol destroyed a Daesh vehicle with a Brimstone missile.

Report Date

May 30, 2016

Sunday 29 May – Tornados attacked a terrorist vehicle near Hit, Typhoons struck a mortar and truck-bomb near Mosul…There were two further attacks near Mosul on Sunday 29 May, conducted by Typhoons against another mortar position and a large truck-bomb that was being prepared for use. In the south, near Hit, a Tornado patrol destroyed a Daesh vehicle with a Brimstone missile.

French MoD for May 29, 2016 – May 30, 2016

Report Date

May 30, 2016


Reports particularly intense activity on 28 and 29 May with 14 strikes carried out in less than 48 hours against Daesh fortified positions, command posts and logistics pads.

Du 25 au 31 mai 2016, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont poursuivi leurs missions aériennes contre Daech en réalisant 40 sorties dont 36 de bombardement et 3 de recueil de renseignement. Au total 27 frappes ont détruit 31 objectifs de Daech.

Cette semaine la force Chammal a maintenu son effort pour appuyer les opérations terrestres dans les régions de Mossoul et de Falloujah. Cet effort a été particulièrement intense les journées du 28 et du 29 mai, avec 14 frappes réalisées en moins de 48 heures contre des positions fortifiées, des moyens de tir indirect, ainsi que des postes de commandement et des plots logistiques utilisés par les combattants de Daech.

Report Date

May 30, 2016


Reports particularly intense activity on 28 and 29 May with 14 strikes carried out in less than 48 hours against Daesh fortified positions, command posts and logistics pads.

Du 25 au 31 mai 2016, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont poursuivi leurs missions aériennes contre Daech en réalisant 40 sorties dont 36 de bombardement et 3 de recueil de renseignement. Au total 27 frappes ont détruit 31 objectifs de Daech.

Cette semaine la force Chammal a maintenu son effort pour appuyer les opérations terrestres dans les régions de Mossoul et de Falloujah. Cet effort a été particulièrement intense les journées du 28 et du 29 mai, avec 14 frappes réalisées en moins de 48 heures contre des positions fortifiées, des moyens de tir indirect, ainsi que des postes de commandement et des plots logistiques utilisés par les combattants de Daech.

French MoD for May 29, 2016 – May 30, 2016

Report Date

May 30, 2016


On 29 May 2016, the coalition focused its efforts to support an offensive by the Peshmerga around Mosul as part of operations to allow the resumption of the city, which fell into the hands of Daech for nearly two years. French Rafales have repeatedly operated at night in particularly complex conditions, and their interventions have destroyed several Daesh mortar positions rocket launchers, as well as a command center and logistics depots.

Chammal : Appui air-sol des Rafale au profit des Peshmergas dans la région de Mossoul

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Mise à jour : 06/06/2016 17:00

Le 29 mai 2016, la coalition a concentré ses efforts pour appuyer une offensive des Peshmergas autour de Mossoul dans le cadre des opérations visant à permettre la reprise de la ville, qui est tombée aux mains de Daech depuis bientôt deux ans.

La participation de la composante aérienne de l’opération Chammal a été importante avec l’engagement de plusieurs patrouilles de chasseurs et d’un Atlantique2.

Les Rafale de la base des Emirats arabes unis ont notamment été engagés à plusieurs reprises contre des combattants de Daech qui interdisaient l’avancée des Peshmergas. Réalisées de nuit dans des conditions particulièrement complexes, leurs interventions ont permis la destruction de plusieurs positions de mortiers et de lance-roquettes, ainsi que d’un centre de commandement et des dépôts logistiques.

Lancée depuis le 19 septembre 2014, l’opération Chammal mobilise actuellement 1000 militaires. Elle vise, à la demande du gouvernement irakien et en coordination avec les alliés de la France présents dans la région, à assurer un soutien aérien en Irak et en Syrie dans la lutte contre le groupe terroriste autoproclamé Daech, en frappant l’organisation terroriste avec ses moyens aériens. Le dispositif complet est actuellement structuré autour de quatorze avions de chasse de l’armée de l’Air (six Rafale, huit Mirage2000D) d’un avion de patrouille maritime Atlantique2de la Marine nationale ainsi que de capacités de renseignement, de commandement, de contrôle (C2) et de ravitaillement. Il comprend également une centaine de militaires projetés à Bagdad et Erbil pour la formation et le conseil des états-majors et unités irakiennes.

Report Date

May 30, 2016


On 29 May 2016, the coalition focused its efforts to support an offensive by the Peshmerga around Mosul as part of operations to allow the resumption of the city, which fell into the hands of Daech for nearly two years. French Rafales have repeatedly operated at night in particularly complex conditions, and their interventions have destroyed several Daesh mortar positions rocket launchers, as well as a command center and logistics depots.

Chammal : Appui air-sol des Rafale au profit des Peshmergas dans la région de Mossoul

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Mise à jour : 06/06/2016 17:00

Le 29 mai 2016, la coalition a concentré ses efforts pour appuyer une offensive des Peshmergas autour de Mossoul dans le cadre des opérations visant à permettre la reprise de la ville, qui est tombée aux mains de Daech depuis bientôt deux ans.

La participation de la composante aérienne de l’opération Chammal a été importante avec l’engagement de plusieurs patrouilles de chasseurs et d’un Atlantique2.

Les Rafale de la base des Emirats arabes unis ont notamment été engagés à plusieurs reprises contre des combattants de Daech qui interdisaient l’avancée des Peshmergas. Réalisées de nuit dans des conditions particulièrement complexes, leurs interventions ont permis la destruction de plusieurs positions de mortiers et de lance-roquettes, ainsi que d’un centre de commandement et des dépôts logistiques.

Lancée depuis le 19 septembre 2014, l’opération Chammal mobilise actuellement 1000 militaires. Elle vise, à la demande du gouvernement irakien et en coordination avec les alliés de la France présents dans la région, à assurer un soutien aérien en Irak et en Syrie dans la lutte contre le groupe terroriste autoproclamé Daech, en frappant l’organisation terroriste avec ses moyens aériens. Le dispositif complet est actuellement structuré autour de quatorze avions de chasse de l’armée de l’Air (six Rafale, huit Mirage2000D) d’un avion de patrouille maritime Atlantique2de la Marine nationale ainsi que de capacités de renseignement, de commandement, de contrôle (C2) et de ravitaillement. Il comprend également une centaine de militaires projetés à Bagdad et Erbil pour la formation et le conseil des états-majors et unités irakiennes.

Incident date

May 29, 2016

Incident Code



الموصل‎, Mosul, Northeast, Nineveh, Iraq

In an incident not previously tracked by Airwars, CENTCOM later confirmed the deaths of six civilians in a US attack on Mosul. Their November 2016 civilian casualty report noted: “during a strike against an ISIL weapons system, it is assessed that six civilians were killed” In July 2019, the Coalition provided Airwars with the location


First published
May 29, 2016
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Airwars civilian harm grading
A specific belligerent has accepted responsibility for civilian harm.
Known belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

CJTF–OIR for May 28, 2016 – May 29, 2016

Report Date

May 29, 2016

On May 28, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted nine strikes using bomber, attack, and fighter aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 21 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack and fighter aircraft and against ISIL targets.
The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


* Near Ar Raqqah, two strikes struck an ISIL vehicle borne improvised explosive device (VBIED) factory and an ISIL weapons storage center.
* Near Manbij, four strikes destroyed 11 ISIL fighting positions and an ISIL ammunitions facility and an ISIL heavy machine gun.
* Near Mar’a, three strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL tactical vehicles and an ISIL vehicle.


* Near Al Baghdadi, two strikes destroyed an ISIL VBIED and an ISIL weapons cache.
* Near Fallujah, one strike struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions, two ISIL vehicles, two ISIL mortar systems, an ISIL VBIED, an ISIL weapons cache, an ISIL tunnel entrance, and an ISIL heavy macine gun.
* Near Habbaniyah, two strikes struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position, 12 ISIL rocket rails, and an ISIL bunker.
* Near Hit, one strike struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions, two ISIL heavy machine guns, and an ISIL boat.
* Near Kisik, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL headquarters and destroyed an ISIL fighting position.
* Near Mosul, 12 strikes struck eight separate ISIL tactical units and an ISIL headquarters and destroyed 15 ISIL assembly areas, an ISIL supply cache, five ISIL weapons caches, four ISIL vehicles, two ISIL command and control nodes and damaged an ISIL assembly area and suppressed three ISIL tactical units.
* Near Qayyarah, one strike destroyed five ISIL rocket rails with rockets.

Report Date

May 29, 2016

Report Summary

  • 30 total strikes
  • 9 in Syria
  • 21 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 30 total strikes
  • 21 in Iraq (8583 – 8604)
  • 9 in Syria (3977 – 3985)


  • +1* in Iraq

Confirmed Actions

US, France

On May 28, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted nine strikes using bomber, attack, and fighter aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 21 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack and fighter aircraft and against ISIL targets.

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


May 28, 2016
Syria: 9 strikes
Iraq: 21 strikes
Near Ar Raqqah, two strikes struck an ISIL vehicle borne improvised explosive device (VBIED) factory and an ISIL weapons storage center.
Near Manbij, four strikes destroyed 11 ISIL fighting positions and an ISIL ammunitions facility and an ISIL heavy machine gun.
Near Mar’a, three strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL tactical vehicles and an ISIL vehicle.


Near Al Baghdadi, two strikes destroyed an ISIL VBIED and an ISIL weapons cache.
Near Fallujah, one strike struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions, two ISIL vehicles, two ISIL mortar systems, an ISIL VBIED, an ISIL weapons cache, an ISIL tunnel entrance, and an ISIL heavy macine gun.
Near Habbaniyah, two strikes struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position, 12 ISIL rocket rails, and an ISIL bunker.
Near Hit, one strike struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions, two ISIL heavy machine guns, and an ISIL boat.
Near Kisik, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and an ISIL headquarters and destroyed an ISIL fighting position.
Near Mosul, 12 strikes struck eight separate ISIL tactical units and an ISIL headquarters and destroyed 15 ISIL assembly areas, an ISIL supply cache, five ISIL weapons caches, four ISIL vehicles, two ISIL command and control nodes and damaged an ISIL assembly area and suppressed three ISIL tactical units.
Near Qayyarah, one strike destroyed five ISIL rocket rails with rockets.

French MoD for May 28, 2016 – May 29, 2016

Report Date

May 29, 2016


Reports particularly intense activity on 28 and 29 May with 14 strikes carried out in less than 48 hours against Daesh fortified positions, command posts and logistics pads.

Du 25 au 31 mai 2016, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont poursuivi leurs missions aériennes contre Daech en réalisant 40 sorties dont 36 de bombardement et 3 de recueil de renseignement. Au total 27 frappes ont détruit 31 objectifs de Daech.

Cette semaine la force Chammal a maintenu son effort pour appuyer les opérations terrestres dans les régions de Mossoul et de Falloujah. Cet effort a été particulièrement intense les journées du 28 et du 29 mai, avec 14 frappes réalisées en moins de 48 heures contre des positions fortifiées, des moyens de tir indirect, ainsi que des postes de commandement et des plots logistiques utilisés par les combattants de Daech.

Report Date

May 29, 2016


Reports particularly intense activity on 28 and 29 May with 14 strikes carried out in less than 48 hours against Daesh fortified positions, command posts and logistics pads.

Du 25 au 31 mai 2016, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont poursuivi leurs missions aériennes contre Daech en réalisant 40 sorties dont 36 de bombardement et 3 de recueil de renseignement. Au total 27 frappes ont détruit 31 objectifs de Daech.

Cette semaine la force Chammal a maintenu son effort pour appuyer les opérations terrestres dans les régions de Mossoul et de Falloujah. Cet effort a été particulièrement intense les journées du 28 et du 29 mai, avec 14 frappes réalisées en moins de 48 heures contre des positions fortifiées, des moyens de tir indirect, ainsi que des postes de commandement et des plots logistiques utilisés par les combattants de Daech.

CJTF–OIR for May 27, 2016 – May 28, 2016

Report Date

May 28, 2016

On May 27, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted six strikes using attack and fighter aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 28 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft and against ISIL targets.

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


* Near Ar Raqqah, one strike struck an ISIL vehicle borne improvised explosive device (VBIED) factory.

* Near Ayn Isa, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position.

* Near Manbij, one strike destroyed an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL-used cave.

* Near Mar’a, three strikes struck three separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed seven ISIL fighting positions.


* Near Al Baghdadi, two strikes destroyed an ISIL bunker and an ISIL vehicle.

* Near Bayji, one strike destroyed an ISIL fighting position.

* Near Fallujah, four strikes [1 British] struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed three ISIL vehicles and an ISIL tunnel entrance.

* Near Habbaniyah, one strike [1 British] struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL VBIED.

* Near Hit, one strike [1 British] struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL heavy machine gun.

* Near Kisik, two strikes suppressed two separate ISIL mortar positions.

* Near Mosul, eight strikes struck six separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions, two ISIL assembly areas, six ISIL supply caches, an ISIL command and control node, and an ISIL VBIED and damaged an ISIL staging area and suppressed an ISIL rocket position.

* Near Ramadi, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL bunker.

* Near Sinjar, one strike destroyed an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL heavy machine gun.

* Near Sultan Abdallah, three strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and suppressed an ISIL rocket position and an ISIL mortar position.

* Near Tal Afar, four strikes struck three separate ISIL headquarters and an ISIL weapons storage facility.

Report Date

May 28, 2016

Report Summary

  • 34 total strikes
  • 6 in Syria
  • 28 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 34 total strikes
  • 28 in Iraq (8555 – 8582)
  • 6 in Syria (3971 – 3976)

Confirmed Actions


On May 27, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted six strikes using attack and fighter aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 28 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft and against ISIL targets.

The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


May 27, 2016
Syria: 6 strikes
Iraq: 28 strikes
Near Ar Raqqah, one strike struck an ISIL vehicle borne improvised explosive device (VBIED) factory.
Near Ayn Isa, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position.
Near Manbij, one strike destroyed an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL-used cave.
Near Mar’a, three strikes struck three separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed seven ISIL fighting positions.


Near Al Baghdadi, two strikes destroyed an ISIL bunker and an ISIL vehicle.
Near Bayji, one strike destroyed an ISIL fighting position.
Near Fallujah, four strikes [1 British] struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed three ISIL vehicles and an ISIL tunnel entrance.
Near Habbaniyah, one strike [1 British] struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL VBIED.
Near Hit, one strike [1 British] struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL heavy machine gun.
Near Kisik, two strikes suppressed two separate ISIL mortar positions.
Near Mosul, eight strikes struck six separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions, two ISIL assembly areas, six ISIL supply caches, an ISIL command and control node, and an ISIL VBIED and damaged an ISIL staging area and suppressed an ISIL rocket position.
Near Ramadi, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL bunker.
Near Sinjar, one strike destroyed an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL heavy machine gun.
Near Sultan Abdallah, three strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and suppressed an ISIL rocket position and an ISIL mortar position.
Near Tal Afar, four strikes struck three separate ISIL headquarters and an ISIL weapons storage facility.

UK MoD for May 27, 2016 – May 28, 2016

Report Date

May 28, 2016

Friday 27 May – Typhoons and a Reaper provided further intensive support around Fallujah; Tornados also destroyed a truck-bomb near Hit and a mortar team near Mosul…Friday 27 May again saw intensive air operations along the Euphrates valley around Fallujah and the wider area. Typhoons silenced two sniper teams with Paveway strikes, then intervened in a closely fought combat between Iraqi troops and Daesh near Habbaniyah; particular care and precision was needed to avoid causing casualties to the Iraqi forces, but three successful Paveway attacks were accomplished. A second Typhoon flight destroyed a light anti-aircraft gun that was firing on Iraqi personnel near Hit, whilst a pair of Tornados used a Brimstone missile to destroy a truck-bomb in the same area. A Reaper was also active over the Euphrates, using a Hellfire to destroy a vehicle-mounted terrorist team, armed with rocket-propelled grenades, on the outskirts of Fallujah.

Despite these efforts around Fallujah, the Kurdish forces in the north were not neglected: Tornados bombed a mortar position near Mosul.

Report Date

May 28, 2016

Friday 27 May – Typhoons and a Reaper provided further intensive support around Fallujah; Tornados also destroyed a truck-bomb near Hit and a mortar team near Mosul…Friday 27 May again saw intensive air operations along the Euphrates valley around Fallujah and the wider area. Typhoons silenced two sniper teams with Paveway strikes, then intervened in a closely fought combat between Iraqi troops and Daesh near Habbaniyah; particular care and precision was needed to avoid causing casualties to the Iraqi forces, but three successful Paveway attacks were accomplished. A second Typhoon flight destroyed a light anti-aircraft gun that was firing on Iraqi personnel near Hit, whilst a pair of Tornados used a Brimstone missile to destroy a truck-bomb in the same area. A Reaper was also active over the Euphrates, using a Hellfire to destroy a vehicle-mounted terrorist team, armed with rocket-propelled grenades, on the outskirts of Fallujah.

Despite these efforts around Fallujah, the Kurdish forces in the north were not neglected: Tornados bombed a mortar position near Mosul.

CJTF–OIR for May 26, 2016 – May 27, 2016

Report Date

May 27, 2016

On May 26, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted two strikes using attack and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 23 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using bomber, attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft and against ISIL targets.The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


* Near Ar Raqqah, one strike destroyed two ISIL oil-pump jacks.

* Near Ayn Isa, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL vehicles.


* Near Al Baghdadi, one strike destroyed an ISIL artillery piece.

* Near Al Huwayjah, one strike struck an ISIL financial center.

* Near Fallujah, five strikes [1 British] struck three separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions, five ISIL weapons caches, and an ISIL vehicle borne improvised explosive device (VBIED).

* Near Habbaniyah, two strikes [1 British] struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position, an ISIL vehicle, an ISIL weapons cache, an ISIL anti-air artillery piece, and an ISIL recoilless rifle.

* Near Kisik, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL supply cache, an ISIL mortar position, and an ISIL mortar system.

* Near Mosul, eight strikes [1 British?] struck five separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed an ISIL fighting position, four ISIL vehicles, four ISIL assembly areas, and denied ISIL access to terrain.

* Near Qayyarah, one strike struck an ISIL headquarters.

* Near Sinjar, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL assembly area.

* Near Tal Afar, two strikes struck two ISIL-used bridges.

Report Date

May 27, 2016

Report Summary

  • 25 total strikes
  • 2 in Syria
  • 23 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 25 total strikes
  • 23 in Iraq (8532 – 8554)
  • 2 in Syria (3969 – 3970)

Confirmed Actions


On May 26, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted two strikes using attack and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 23 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using bomber, attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft and against ISIL targets.The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


May 26, 2016
Syria: 2 strikes
Iraq: 23 strikes
Near Ar Raqqah, one strike destroyed two ISIL oil-pump jacks.
Near Ayn Isa, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL vehicles.


Near Al Baghdadi, one strike destroyed an ISIL artillery piece.
Near Al Huwayjah, one strike struck an ISIL financial center.
Near Fallujah, five strikes [1 British] struck three separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions, five ISIL weapons caches, and an ISIL vehicle borne improvised explosive device (VBIED).
Near Habbaniyah, two strikes [1 British] struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL fighting position, an ISIL vehicle, an ISIL weapons cache, an ISIL anti-air artillery piece, and an ISIL recoilless rifle.
Near Kisik, two strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL supply cache, an ISIL mortar position, and an ISIL mortar system.
Near Mosul, eight strikes [1 British?] struck five separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed an ISIL fighting position, four ISIL vehicles, four ISIL assembly areas, and denied ISIL access to terrain.
Near Qayyarah, one strike struck an ISIL headquarters.
Near Sinjar, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL assembly area.
Near Tal Afar, two strikes struck two ISIL-used bridges.

UK MoD for May 26, 2016 – May 27, 2016

Report Date

May 27, 2016

Thursday 26 May – Typhoons continued to support operations in the Fallujah area, and eliminated a team of suicide bombers north of Baghdad, while Tornados struck Daesh positions and a tunnel near Mosul…They returned to the same area the following day [Thursday 26 May], hitting an ammunition cache that had been spotted near the destroyed bunker. They then struck a building north-east of Fallujah where a large group of terrorists had been reported massing for a counter-attack. In the north, Tornados bombed two terrorist-held buildings and a tunnel near Mosul. Later in the day, a Typhoon flight was tasked with eliminating a group of suicide bombers who had been spotted north of Baghdad, preparing for an attempted diversionary attack on the security cordon around the city; a Paveway IV demolished the building in which they were hiding.

Report Date

May 27, 2016

Thursday 26 May – Typhoons continued to support operations in the Fallujah area, and eliminated a team of suicide bombers north of Baghdad, while Tornados struck Daesh positions and a tunnel near Mosul…They returned to the same area the following day [Thursday 26 May], hitting an ammunition cache that had been spotted near the destroyed bunker. They then struck a building north-east of Fallujah where a large group of terrorists had been reported massing for a counter-attack. In the north, Tornados bombed two terrorist-held buildings and a tunnel near Mosul. Later in the day, a Typhoon flight was tasked with eliminating a group of suicide bombers who had been spotted north of Baghdad, preparing for an attempted diversionary attack on the security cordon around the city; a Paveway IV demolished the building in which they were hiding.

Incident date

May 26, 2016

Incident Code



الموصل‎, Mosul, East, Nineveh, Iraq

In an incident not previously tracked by Airwars, CENTCOM later confirmed the death of a civilian in an event near Mosul. Their November 2016 civilian casualty report noted: “during a strike against ISIL fighters, it is assessed that one civilian was killed after entering the target area after the aircraft released its weapon.” In July


First published
May 26, 2016
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
Airwars civilian harm grading
A specific belligerent has accepted responsibility for civilian harm.
Known belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

CJTF–OIR for May 25, 2016 – May 26, 2016

Report Date

May 26, 2016

On May 25, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted five strikes using fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 24 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using rocket artillery and bomber, attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft and against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


* Near Al Shaddadi, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit.

* Near Ar Raqqah, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit.

* Near Ayn Isa, two strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions.

* Near Palmyra, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle.


* Near Fallujah, four strikes struck three separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL tunnels, four ISIL vehicles, an ISIL artillery piece, an ISIL weapons cache, and three ISIL fighting positions.

* Near Habbaniyah, one strike [1 British] struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed three ISIL fighting positions, three ISIL bunkers, and an ISIL heavy machine gun.

* Near Haditha, one strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle borne improvised explosive device (VBIED).

* Near Hit, one strike destroyed two ISIL vehicles.

* Near Mosul, five strikes struck three separate ISIL tactical units, five ISIL headquarters, an ISIL media center, and an ISIL communication headquarters and destroyed two ISIL vehicles, an ISIL weapons cache, and an ISIL supply cache.

* Near Qayyarah, two strikes struck two ISIL rocket production facilities and an ISIL headquarters and destroyed an ISIL rocket position.

* Near Sinjar, one strike suppressed an ISIL mortar position.

* Near Sultan Abdallah, two strikes suppressed two ISIL mortar positions.

* Near Tal Afar, eight strikes struck eight ISIL-used bridges and an ISIL-used culvert and suppressed an ISIL mortar position.

Report Date

May 26, 2016

Report Summary

  • 30 total strikes
  • 5 in Syria
  • 25 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 29 total strikes
  • 24 in Iraq (8508 – 8531)
  • 5 in Syria (3964 – 3968)

Confirmed Actions


On May 25, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted five strikes using fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 24 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using rocket artillery and bomber, attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft and against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


May 25, 2016
Syria: 5 strikes
Iraq: 25 strikes
Near Al Shaddadi, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit.
Near Ar Raqqah, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit.
Near Ayn Isa, two strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL fighting positions.
Near Palmyra, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle.


Near Fallujah, four strikes struck three separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL tunnels, four ISIL vehicles, an ISIL artillery piece, an ISIL weapons cache, and three ISIL fighting positions.
Near Habbaniyah, one strike [1 British] struck a large ISIL tactical unit and destroyed three ISIL fighting positions, three ISIL bunkers, and an ISIL heavy machine gun.
Near Haditha, one strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle borne improvised explosive device (VBIED).
Near Hit, one strike destroyed two ISIL vehicles.
Near Mosul, five strikes struck three separate ISIL tactical units, five ISIL headquarters, an ISIL media center, and an ISIL communication headquarters and destroyed two ISIL vehicles, an ISIL weapons cache, and an ISIL supply cache.
Near Qayyarah, two strikes struck two ISIL rocket production facilities and an ISIL headquarters and destroyed an ISIL rocket position.
Near Sinjar, one strike suppressed an ISIL mortar position.
Near Sultan Abdallah, two strikes suppressed two ISIL mortar positions.
Near Tal Afar, eight strikes struck eight ISIL-used bridges and an ISIL-used culvert and suppressed an ISIL mortar position.

UK MoD for May 25, 2016 – May 26, 2016

Report Date

May 26, 2016

Wednesday 25 May – Typhoons provided close air support to Iraqi troops in the area between Ramadi and Fallujah, hitting a bunker, an artillery piece and two positions including a machine-gun team…Typhoon operations west of Fallujah continued on Wednesday 25 May, when they patrolled the area leading to Habbaniyah and on to the outskirts of Ramadi. They conducted a series of Paveway IV attacks, accounting for two Daesh positions, including a heavy machine-gun team, as well as an artillery piece and a bunker.

Report Date

May 26, 2016

Wednesday 25 May – Typhoons provided close air support to Iraqi troops in the area between Ramadi and Fallujah, hitting a bunker, an artillery piece and two positions including a machine-gun team…Typhoon operations west of Fallujah continued on Wednesday 25 May, when they patrolled the area leading to Habbaniyah and on to the outskirts of Ramadi. They conducted a series of Paveway IV attacks, accounting for two Daesh positions, including a heavy machine-gun team, as well as an artillery piece and a bunker.

French MoD for May 25, 2016 – May 26, 2016

Report Date

May 26, 2016


Reports 19 strikes in Iraq: 17 ground support strikes and 2 planned strikes. On May 21, a patrol of two Mirage 2000D conducted a raid in the area of Sinjar against an armored vehicle manufacturing site loaded with explosives. On May 22, a patrol of four Mirage 2000D struck a weapons and explosives production site in Fallujah. Between 13 and 19 May, French forces participated in the liberation of the city of Rutbah, in the province of Al-Anbar southwest Iraq.

Point de situation des opérations du 26 mai 2016

Mise à jour : 26/05/2016 18:26

Point de situation des opérations du 26 mai 2016

La situation militaire est restée globalement stable au cours de la semaine. Daech défend de façon discontinue les territoires conquis en 2014 pour sanctuariser ses points forts et ses axes logistiques.En Irak, les Forces de sécurité irakiennes (FSI) sont engagées dans près de neuf opérations militaires contre Daech. Elles conservent l’initiative tactique dans l’Anbar en remportant des succès face à Daech. Elles entament également la libération de nouvelles zones, malgré une forte résistance dans la vallée du Tigre.

Dans la vallée de l’Euphrate, la ville de Rutbah a été saisie par les forces irakiennes, dont l’ICTS, le jeudi 19 mai. A proximité des frontières jordanienne et syrienne, cette ville se situe sur un des axes permettant de relier l’Irak à la Jordanie et la Syrie. Elle servait de pôle logistique à Daech, notamment pour la fabrication d’IED. Cette victoire permet aux FSI de reporter leurs efforts sur la libération de la ville de Falloujah. Après avoir concentré leurs efforts sur l’encerclement de la ville, les autorités ont annoncé le lancement des opérations de reprise de la ville, actuellement tenue par le groupe terroriste. Les opérations seront appuyées par les forces aériennes de la coalition. La libération de la ville prendra du temps car Daech a eu le temps de piéger de nombreux ouvrages d’art et de poser des IED pour ralentir la progression des FSI.

Dans la vallée du Tigre, les forces irakiennes font face à un dispositif de défense complexe dans la région de Quayarah. Il s’agit pour Daech d’une zone vitale que l’organisation est prête à défendre fermement. Toute progression est ainsi rendue très lente. Les forces irakiennes privent Daech de toute possibilité de reprise de terrain. Elles mènent des opérations tactiques dans l’objectif d’isoler la ville de Mossoul. Actuellement en phase de montée en puissance, elles devraient entamer prochainement la reprise de ces territoires du Nord.
L’ensemble de ces opérations ne doivent pas masquer les actions menées par Daech. Privé de liberté d’action sur la ligne de front, le groupe terroriste perpétue des attentats dans la capitale irakienne. L’objectif est de terroriser la population et de pousser les autorités gouvernementales à dépourvoir leur ligne de front pour rapatrier des troupes dans la capitale. A ce jour, cette tactique ne produit pas l’effet escompté sur le gouvernement irakien.Globalement, la coalition poursuit son travail de fond qui consiste à frapper pour affaiblir Daech tout en renforçant les partenaires irakiens. Cette stratégie produit des résultats et les opérations dans l’Anbar démontrent que Daech, privé de l’initiative, avec des capacités financières réduites, des installations logistiques et militaires systématiquement détruites, est maintenant à la portée des acteurs locaux.
Activités de la force Chammal

Depuis le 18 mai 2016, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont poursuivi leurs missions aériennes contre Daech, en réalisant 56 sorties dont 46 de bombardement et 9 de recueil de renseignement.

Elles ont permis la réalisation de 19 frappes, aboutissant à la destruction de 27 objectifs de Daech.
Cette semaine, la force Chammal a fait porter son effort sur l’appui des opérations terrestres dans les régions de Mossoul et de Fallujah.

Elle a en parallèle poursuivi son action visant à affaiblir les structures de l’organisation terroriste en conduisant deux frappes planifiées sur des objectifs d’importance.

17 frappes d’appui au sol ont été réalisées en Irak au cours de la semaine :

La force Chammal a réalisé des missions d’appui au sol en soutien des FSI, en portant leurs efforts sur les secteurs de Falloujah et Mossoul.

Les aéronefs français déployés sur la base aérienne projetée en Jordanie ont également participé entre le 13 et 19 mai 2016 à la libération de la ville de Rutbah, située dans la province d’Al-Anbar au sud-ouest de l’Irak.
2 frappes planifiées ont été conduites en Irak :
Le 21 mai, une patrouille de deux Mirage 2000D a réalisé un raid dans la région de Sinjar contre un site de production de véhicules blindés chargés d’explosifs.
Voir la vidéo
Le 22 mai, une patrouille de quatre Mirage 2000D a frappé à Falloujah un site de production d’armement et d’explosif.
Voir la vidéo

Report Date

May 26, 2016


Reports 19 strikes in Iraq: 17 ground support strikes and 2 planned strikes. On May 21, a patrol of two Mirage 2000D conducted a raid in the area of Sinjar against an armored vehicle manufacturing site loaded with explosives. On May 22, a patrol of four Mirage 2000D struck a weapons and explosives production site in Fallujah. Between 13 and 19 May, French forces participated in the liberation of the city of Rutbah, in the province of Al-Anbar southwest Iraq.

Point de situation des opérations du 26 mai 2016

Mise à jour : 26/05/2016 18:26

Point de situation des opérations du 26 mai 2016

La situation militaire est restée globalement stable au cours de la semaine. Daech défend de façon discontinue les territoires conquis en 2014 pour sanctuariser ses points forts et ses axes logistiques.En Irak, les Forces de sécurité irakiennes (FSI) sont engagées dans près de neuf opérations militaires contre Daech. Elles conservent l’initiative tactique dans l’Anbar en remportant des succès face à Daech. Elles entament également la libération de nouvelles zones, malgré une forte résistance dans la vallée du Tigre.

Dans la vallée de l’Euphrate, la ville de Rutbah a été saisie par les forces irakiennes, dont l’ICTS, le jeudi 19 mai. A proximité des frontières jordanienne et syrienne, cette ville se situe sur un des axes permettant de relier l’Irak à la Jordanie et la Syrie. Elle servait de pôle logistique à Daech, notamment pour la fabrication d’IED. Cette victoire permet aux FSI de reporter leurs efforts sur la libération de la ville de Falloujah. Après avoir concentré leurs efforts sur l’encerclement de la ville, les autorités ont annoncé le lancement des opérations de reprise de la ville, actuellement tenue par le groupe terroriste. Les opérations seront appuyées par les forces aériennes de la coalition. La libération de la ville prendra du temps car Daech a eu le temps de piéger de nombreux ouvrages d’art et de poser des IED pour ralentir la progression des FSI.

Dans la vallée du Tigre, les forces irakiennes font face à un dispositif de défense complexe dans la région de Quayarah. Il s’agit pour Daech d’une zone vitale que l’organisation est prête à défendre fermement. Toute progression est ainsi rendue très lente. Les forces irakiennes privent Daech de toute possibilité de reprise de terrain. Elles mènent des opérations tactiques dans l’objectif d’isoler la ville de Mossoul. Actuellement en phase de montée en puissance, elles devraient entamer prochainement la reprise de ces territoires du Nord.

L’ensemble de ces opérations ne doivent pas masquer les actions menées par Daech. Privé de liberté d’action sur la ligne de front, le groupe terroriste perpétue des attentats dans la capitale irakienne. L’objectif est de terroriser la population et de pousser les autorités gouvernementales à dépourvoir leur ligne de front pour rapatrier des troupes dans la capitale. A ce jour, cette tactique ne produit pas l’effet escompté sur le gouvernement irakien.Globalement, la coalition poursuit son travail de fond qui consiste à frapper pour affaiblir Daech tout en renforçant les partenaires irakiens. Cette stratégie produit des résultats et les opérations dans l’Anbar démontrent que Daech, privé de l’initiative, avec des capacités financières réduites, des installations logistiques et militaires systématiquement détruites, est maintenant à la portée des acteurs locaux.

Activités de la force Chammal

Depuis le 18 mai 2016, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont poursuivi leurs missions aériennes contre Daech, en réalisant 56 sorties dont 46 de bombardement et 9 de recueil de renseignement.

Elles ont permis la réalisation de 19 frappes, aboutissant à la destruction de 27 objectifs de Daech.

Cette semaine, la force Chammal a fait porter son effort sur l’appui des opérations terrestres dans les régions de Mossoul et de Fallujah.

Elle a en parallèle poursuivi son action visant à affaiblir les structures de l’organisation terroriste en conduisant deux frappes planifiées sur des objectifs d’importance.

17 frappes d’appui au sol ont été réalisées en Irak au cours de la semaine :

La force Chammal a réalisé des missions d’appui au sol en soutien des FSI, en portant leurs efforts sur les secteurs de Falloujah et Mossoul.

Les aéronefs français déployés sur la base aérienne projetée en Jordanie ont également participé entre le 13 et 19 mai 2016 à la libération de la ville de Rutbah, située dans la province d’Al-Anbar au sud-ouest de l’Irak.

2 frappes planifiées ont été conduites en Irak :

Le 21 mai, une patrouille de deux Mirage 2000D a réalisé un raid dans la région de Sinjar contre un site de production de véhicules blindés chargés d’explosifs. ➡️Voir la vidéo

Le 22 mai, une patrouille de quatre Mirage 2000D a frappé à Falloujah un site de production d’armement et d’explosif. ➡️Voir la vidéo

Incident date

May 25, 2016

Incident Code



الرشيدية, Mosul, Al-Rashidiyah, Nineveh, Iraq

Several local sources said 6 or more civilians were killed and 13 to 25 wounded, including children and women, after the Coalition struck a shopping mall in the Al Rashidiya region north of Mosul. News of Iraq noted in its report that “Our source in Mosul pointed out that the bombardment was a very strong


First published
May 25, 2016
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
6 – 9
(1 child)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
A specific belligerent has accepted responsibility for civilian harm.
Known belligerent
US-led Coalition
Named victims
1 named
View Incident

CJTF–OIR for May 24, 2016 – May 25, 2016

Report Date

May 25, 2016

On May 24, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted two strikes using ground-attack and attack aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 15 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


* Near Ayn Isa, one strike destroyed an ISIL fighting position.

* Near Mar’a, one strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle and an ISIL mortar system.


* Near Al Baghdadi, one strike destroyed an ISIL mortar position.

* Near Bayji, one strike [1 British] struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL mortar system.

* Near Fallujah, three strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle and an ISIL front end loader.

* Near Habbaniyah, three strikes destroyed an ISIL fighting position, four ISIL weapons caches, and an ISIL tunnel and suppressed an ISIL mortar position.

* Near Kisik, one strike destroyed an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL heavy machine gun.

* Near Mosul, three strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed an ISIL fighting position, an ISIL vehicle, three ISIL assembly areas, three ISIL bed down locations, and an ISIL tunnel and suppressed an ISIL mortar position.

* Near Qayyarah, one strike destroyed two ISIL mortar systems.

* Near Sultan Abdallah, two strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL assembly areas.

Report Date

May 25, 2016

Report Summary

  • 17 total strikes
  • 2 in Syria
  • 15 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 17 total strikes
  • 15 in Iraq (8493 – 8507)
  • 2 in Syria (3962 – 3963)

Confirmed Actions


On May 24, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted two strikes using ground-attack and attack aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 15 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


May 24, 2016
Syria: 2 strikes
Iraq: 15 strikes
Near Ayn Isa, one strike destroyed an ISIL fighting position.
Near Mar’a, one strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle and an ISIL mortar system.


Near Al Baghdadi, one strike destroyed an ISIL mortar position.
Near Bayji, one strike [1 British] struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL mortar system.
Near Fallujah, three strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle and an ISIL front end loader.
Near Habbaniyah, three strikes destroyed an ISIL fighting position, four ISIL weapons caches, and an ISIL tunnel and suppressed an ISIL mortar position.
Near Kisik, one strike destroyed an ISIL fighting position and an ISIL heavy machine gun.
Near Mosul, three strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed an ISIL fighting position, an ISIL vehicle, three ISIL assembly areas, three ISIL bed down locations, and an ISIL tunnel and suppressed an ISIL mortar position.
Near Qayyarah, one strike destroyed two ISIL mortar systems.
Near Sultan Abdallah, two strikes struck two separate ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL assembly areas.

UK MoD for May 24, 2016 – May 25, 2016

Report Date

May 25, 2016

Tuesday 24 May – Tornados, Typhoons and a Reaper supported Iraqi ground forces around Fallujah, Qayyarah and Bayji, destroying three Daesh positions and three weapon stockpiles…A Royal Air Force Reaper remotely piloted aircraft patrolled near Bayji on Tuesday 24 May, where Daesh terrorists were engaged in combat with Iraqi forces. The Reaper used one Hellfire missile to destroy an artillery gun that was firing on the Iraqi troops, it then used a second Hellfire to break up an attempted Daesh attack along a gully. In northern Iraq, Tornado GR4s attacked a Daesh-held building near Qayyarah with a Paveway IV guided bomb. With the Iraqi offensive to liberate Fallujah well under way, a pair of Paveway-armed Typhoons provided close air support west of the city, where they destroyed three stockpiles of terrorist weapons and ammunition.

Report Date

May 25, 2016

Tuesday 24 May – Tornados, Typhoons and a Reaper supported Iraqi ground forces around Fallujah, Qayyarah and Bayji, destroying three Daesh positions and three weapon stockpiles…A Royal Air Force Reaper remotely piloted aircraft patrolled near Bayji on Tuesday 24 May, where Daesh terrorists were engaged in combat with Iraqi forces. The Reaper used one Hellfire missile to destroy an artillery gun that was firing on the Iraqi troops, it then used a second Hellfire to break up an attempted Daesh attack along a gully. In northern Iraq, Tornado GR4s attacked a Daesh-held building near Qayyarah with a Paveway IV guided bomb. With the Iraqi offensive to liberate Fallujah well under way, a pair of Paveway-armed Typhoons provided close air support west of the city, where they destroyed three stockpiles of terrorist weapons and ammunition.

French MoD for May 24, 2016 – May 25, 2016

Report Date

May 25, 2016


Reports 19 strikes in Iraq, destroying 27 targets: 17 ground support strikes – with a focus on supporting ground operations in Mosul and Fallujah – and 2 planned strikes: On May 21, a patrol of two M2000D conducted a raid in the area of Sinjar against an armored vehicle manufacturing site loaded with explosives; on May 22, a patrol of 4 M2000D struck in Fallujah a weapons production site and explosive.

Chammal : 19 frappes contre Daech en Irak cette semaine, 27 objectifs détruits

Armée française – Opérations militaires·Wednesday, 25 May 2016

État-major des armées | 25 mai 2016 Du 18 au 24 mai 2016, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont poursuivi leurs missions aériennes contre Daech en réalisant 56 sorties dont 46 de bombardement et 9 de recueil de renseignement. Au total 19 frappes ont détruit 27 objectifs de Daech. Cette semaine la force Chammal a fait porter son effort sur l’appui des opérations terrestres dans les régions de Mossoul et de Fallujah. Elle a en parallèle poursuivi son action visant à affaiblir les structures de l’organisation terroriste en conduisant deux frappes planifiées sur des objectifs d’importance. 17 frappes d’appui au sol ont été réalisées en Irak au cours de la semaine La force Chammal a réalisé des missions d’appui au sol en soutien des FSI en faisant effort sur les secteurs de Fallujah et Mossoul. 2 frappes planifiées ont été conduites en Irak

  • Le 21 mai une patrouille de 2 M2000D a réalisé un raid dans la région de Sinjar contre un site de production de véhicules blindés chargés d’explosifs.
  • Le 22 mai une patrouille de 4 M2000D a frappé à Fallujah un site de production d’armement et d’explosif.

Report Date

May 25, 2016


Reports 19 strikes in Iraq, destroying 27 targets: 17 ground support strikes – with a focus on supporting ground operations in Mosul and Fallujah – and 2 planned strikes: On May 21, a patrol of two M2000D conducted a raid in the area of Sinjar against an armored vehicle manufacturing site loaded with explosives; on May 22, a patrol of 4 M2000D struck in Fallujah a weapons production site and explosive.

Chammal : 19 frappes contre Daech en Irak cette semaine, 27 objectifs détruits

Armée française – Opérations militaires·Wednesday, 25 May 2016

État-major des armées | 25 mai 2016 Du 18 au 24 mai 2016, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont poursuivi leurs missions aériennes contre Daech en réalisant 56 sorties dont 46 de bombardement et 9 de recueil de renseignement. Au total 19 frappes ont détruit 27 objectifs de Daech. Cette semaine la force Chammal a fait porter son effort sur l’appui des opérations terrestres dans les régions de Mossoul et de Fallujah. Elle a en parallèle poursuivi son action visant à affaiblir les structures de l’organisation terroriste en conduisant deux frappes planifiées sur des objectifs d’importance. 17 frappes d’appui au sol ont été réalisées en Irak au cours de la semaine La force Chammal a réalisé des missions d’appui au sol en soutien des FSI en faisant effort sur les secteurs de Fallujah et Mossoul. 2 frappes planifiées ont été conduites en Irak

Le 21 mai une patrouille de 2 M2000D a réalisé un raid dans la région de Sinjar contre un site de production de véhicules blindés chargés d’explosifs. Le 22 mai une patrouille de 4 M2000D a frappé à Fallujah un site de production d’armement et d’explosif.

Incident date

May 24, 2016

Incident Code



17 تموز, Mosul, Talmuz / July 17th, Nineveh, Iraq

Seven civilians were reported killed and 23 injured in two reported alleged Coalition raids. In the first event Coalition aircraft reportedly struck a Daesh security headquarters in the July 17th neighbourhood of Mosul. Iraqi Revolution – which published an aftermath picture showing a massive plume of smoke (right) – said the area around the Almoghaith


First published
May 24, 2016
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(2 children)
Civilians reported injured
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident

CJTF–OIR for May 23, 2016 – May 24, 2016

Report Date

May 24, 2016

On May 23, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted seven strikes using fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 12 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets.The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


* Near Al Shaddadi, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle and an ISIL fighting position.

* Near Ar Raqqah, four strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL military garrison.

* Near Ayn Isa, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike [1 British] struck an ISIL tactical unit.


* Near Al Baghdadi, one strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle borne improvised explosive device (VBIED).

* Near Fallujah, four strikes [1 British?] struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL light machine gun, an ISIL front end loader, an ISIL mortar system, three ISIL VBIED storage facilities, two ISIL rocket positions, and three ISIL mortar positions.

* Near Kisik, one strike struck an ISIL IED storage facility.

* Near Mosul, four strikes [1 British with others] destroyed two ISIL vehicles, an ISIL VBIED, an ISIL mortar system, and an ISIL fighting position and suppressed an ISIL mortar position.

* Near Qayyarah, one strike struck two ISIL headquarters.

* Near Sinjar, one strike suppressed an ISIL mortar position.

Report Date

May 24, 2016

Report Summary

  • 19 total strikes
  • 7 in Syria
  • 12 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 19 total strikes
  • 12 in Iraq (8481 – 8492)
  • 7 in Syria (3955 – 3961)

Confirmed Actions


On May 23, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted seven strikes using fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 12 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets.The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


May 23, 2016
Syria: 7 strikes
Iraq: 12 strikes
Near Al Shaddadi, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle and an ISIL fighting position.
Near Ar Raqqah, four strikes struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL military garrison.
Near Ayn Isa, one strike struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL vehicle.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike [1 British] struck an ISIL tactical unit.


Near Al Baghdadi, one strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle borne improvised explosive device (VBIED).
Near Fallujah, four strikes [1 British?] struck an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL light machine gun, an ISIL front end loader, an ISIL mortar system, three ISIL VBIED storage facilities, two ISIL rocket positions, and three ISIL mortar positions.
Near Kisik, one strike struck an ISIL IED storage facility.
Near Mosul, four strikes [1 British with others] destroyed two ISIL vehicles, an ISIL VBIED, an ISIL mortar system, and an ISIL fighting position and suppressed an ISIL mortar position.
Near Qayyarah, one strike struck two ISIL headquarters.
Near Sinjar, one strike suppressed an ISIL mortar position.
  • A United States Navy F/A-18F Super Hornet, assigned to VFA-103 'Jolly Rogers', refuels from a Royal Australian Air Force KC-30A Multi Role Tanker Transport in the skies over the Middle East region. (Aus MoD)

UK MoD for May 23, 2016 – May 24, 2016

Report Date

May 24, 2016

Monday 23 May – A Reaper attacked a terrorist checkpoint in Syria, near Dayr az Zawr; Typhoons struck a truck-bomb workshop near Mosul, mortar and rocket teams near Habbaniyah; and Tornados hit a mortar team near Fallujah…On Monday 23 May Tornados used a Brimstone missile against a further mortar team near Fallujah. Not far away, Iraqi ground forces were in close combat north of Habbaniyah assisted by a pair of RAF Typhoons that struck a mortar team and a rocket position with Paveways. In the north of the country two more Typhoons contributed to a coalition strike on Daesh installations west of Mosul, a workshop preparing truck-bombs was assigned as the RAF target and successfully demolished by a Paveway. Across the border, in eastern Syria, an RAF Reaper identified a terrorist checkpoint north-west of Dayr az Zawr and destroyed it with a Hellfire missile.

Report Date

May 24, 2016

Monday 23 May – A Reaper attacked a terrorist checkpoint in Syria, near Dayr az Zawr; Typhoons struck a truck-bomb workshop near Mosul, mortar and rocket teams near Habbaniyah; and Tornados hit a mortar team near Fallujah…On Monday 23 May Tornados used a Brimstone missile against a further mortar team near Fallujah. Not far away, Iraqi ground forces were in close combat north of Habbaniyah assisted by a pair of RAF Typhoons that struck a mortar team and a rocket position with Paveways. In the north of the country two more Typhoons contributed to a coalition strike on Daesh installations west of Mosul, a workshop preparing truck-bombs was assigned as the RAF target and successfully demolished by a Paveway. Across the border, in eastern Syria, an RAF Reaper identified a terrorist checkpoint north-west of Dayr az Zawr and destroyed it with a Hellfire missile.

Netherlands MoD for May 23, 2016 – May 24, 2016

Report Date

May 24, 2016


Reports that “F-16s of the Air Task Force Middle East bombed several targets in Iraq. They gave air support to Iraqi security forces and Peshmerga fighters.”

F-16’s van de Air Task Force Middle East bombardeerden diverse doelen in Irak. Ze gaven luchtsteun aan Iraakse veiligheidstroepen en Peshmerga-strijders. Inmiddels is door hen 45% van het door ISIS bezette gebied bevrijd. De coalitie zorgt zo samen met lokale troepen voor ontwrichting van de terreurorganisatie.

Report Date

May 24, 2016


Reports that “F-16s of the Air Task Force Middle East bombed several targets in Iraq. They gave air support to Iraqi security forces and Peshmerga fighters.”

F-16’s van de Air Task Force Middle East bombardeerden diverse doelen in Irak. Ze gaven luchtsteun aan Iraakse veiligheidstroepen en Peshmerga-strijders. Inmiddels is door hen 45% van het door ISIS bezette gebied bevrijd. De coalitie zorgt zo samen met lokale troepen voor ontwrichting van de terreurorganisatie.

Incident date

May 23, 2016

Incident Code



الموصل‎, Mosul, East, Nineveh, Iraq

A reported Coalition strike on the home of an ISIL fighter in Mosul also allegedly killed his wife and children, according to local reports. NRN News, citing a source in the east of the occupied city, reported: “The Daesh fighter was standing at the door of his home when the first missile struck him and


First published
May 23, 2016
Last updated
January 18, 2022
Civilian harm reported
Civilians reported killed
(2–4 children1 woman)
Airwars civilian harm grading
Reported by two or more credible sources, with likely or confirmed near actions by a belligerent.
Suspected belligerent
US-led Coalition
View Incident