Military Reports

Military Reports

Australian MoD for October 8, 2014 – October 9, 2014

Report Date

October 9, 2014


Australia became the 6th member ofthe international coalition to bomb in Iraq

October 9th 2014 – Overnight the Australian Air Task Group operating in the Middle East attacked its first target in Iraq.

Two bombs were dropped from an F/A-18F Super Hornet on to an ISIL facility.

All aircraft exited the target area safely and returned to base.

No further details of this mission are available at this time. Further information will be provided when Defence conducts its next Operation OKRA update briefing.

Report Date

October 9, 2014


Australia became the 6th member ofthe international coalition to bomb in Iraq

October 9th 2014 – Overnight the Australian Air Task Group operating in the Middle East attacked its first target in Iraq.

Two bombs were dropped from an F/A-18F Super Hornet on to an ISIL facility.

All aircraft exited the target area safely and returned to base.

No further details of this mission are available at this time. Further information will be provided when Defence conducts its next Operation OKRA update briefing.