Military Reports

Military Reports

Canadian MoD for April 8, 2015 – April 9, 2015

Report Date

April 9, 2015

April 8, 2015 – OTTAWA – Today, Canada’s CF-18 Hornets conducted their first airstrike in Syria since the Government’s decision to extend and expand Operation IMPACT, Canada’s military contribution to the US-led coalition against the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).
Following the planning and coordination process conducted with our coalition partners, two Canadian CF-18s, using precision-guided munitions, were involved in an airstrike against an ISIL garrison near Ar Raqqah, Syria. A total of 10 coalition aircraft, including six aircraft from the US were involved in this airstrike.

Quick Facts

  • Canadian Armed Force aircrew and aircraft have safely returned to base.
  • At the request of the Government of Canada, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) have extended their participation in the international efforts to support the security forces in the Republic of Iraq for a period of up to twelve months until March 30, 2016, and have expanded the conduct of airstrikes against ISIL capabilities to include the territories of Iraq and Syria.
  • Though this was the first airstrike in Syria since the mission expansion, it was not the first air sortie. Three previous sorties have taken place over Syria since the Government expanded the CAF’s participation in the international coalition against ISIL. Air sorties provide valuable opportunities to assess new areas of operation.
  • Within the Joint Task Force-Iraq, the Air Task Force-Iraq operates three types of aircraft. The CC-150T Polaris supports coalition air assets in the region with aerial refueling. The CP-140 Auroras conducts intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions based on identified and pre-determined areas of interest. The CF-18 Hornet conducts strikes missions using precision guided munitions. Strike missions are validated through a rigorous targeting process, are authorized by our own national chain of command, and comply with the Law of Armed Conflict.


“This first airstrike under the expanded mandate demonstrates our Government’s firm resolve to tackle the threat of terrorism against Canada and to promote international security and stability. ISIL is a genocidal terrorist organization and we will deny them safe haven in the region. Canada is playing an important role in degrading ISIL’s capabilities in collaboration with the US-led international coalition.”
– Jason Kenney, Minister of National Defence

“The CAF’s first airstrike against ISIL in Syria has been successfully completed. Canadians can be proud of the work that their Canadian Armed Forces are doing, and the contribution they are making to coalition efforts.”
– General Tom Lawson, Chief of the Defence Staff

Report Date

April 9, 2015

April 8, 2015 – OTTAWA – Today, Canada’s CF-18 Hornets conducted their first airstrike in Syria since the Government’s decision to extend and expand Operation IMPACT, Canada’s military contribution to the US-led coalition against the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

Following the planning and coordination process conducted with our coalition partners, two Canadian CF-18s, using precision-guided munitions, were involved in an airstrike against an ISIL garrison near Ar Raqqah, Syria. A total of 10 coalition aircraft, including six aircraft from the US were involved in this airstrike.

Quick Facts Canadian Armed Force aircrew and aircraft have safely returned to base. At the request of the Government of Canada, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) have extended their participation in the international efforts to support the security forces in the Republic of Iraq for a period of up to twelve months until March 30, 2016, and have expanded the conduct of airstrikes against ISIL capabilities to include the territories of Iraq and Syria. Though this was the first airstrike in Syria since the mission expansion, it was not the first air sortie. Three previous sorties have taken place over Syria since the Government expanded the CAF’s participation in the international coalition against ISIL. Air sorties provide valuable opportunities to assess new areas of operation. Within the Joint Task Force-Iraq, the Air Task Force-Iraq operates three types of aircraft. The CC-150T Polaris supports coalition air assets in the region with aerial refueling. The CP-140 Auroras conducts intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions based on identified and pre-determined areas of interest. The CF-18 Hornet conducts strikes missions using precision guided munitions. Strike missions are validated through a rigorous targeting process, are authorized by our own national chain of command, and comply with the Law of Armed Conflict.


“This first airstrike under the expanded mandate demonstrates our Government’s firm resolve to tackle the threat of terrorism against Canada and to promote international security and stability. ISIL is a genocidal terrorist organization and we will deny them safe haven in the region. Canada is playing an important role in degrading ISIL’s capabilities in collaboration with the US-led international coalition.”

Jason Kenney, Minister of National Defence

“The CAF’s first airstrike against ISIL in Syria has been successfully completed. Canadians can be proud of the work that their Canadian Armed Forces are doing, and the contribution they are making to coalition efforts.”

General Tom Lawson, Chief of the Defence Staff

A CF-188 Hornet after taking part in Canada

  • A CF-188 Hornet after taking part in Canada's first airstrike in Syria, April 8 2015 (Canadian MoD)
    An Air Task Force-Iraq (ATF-I) technician guides the pilot of a CF-188 Hornet fighter jet onto the ramp after the first Canadian airstrike over Syria during Operation IMPACT on April 8, 2015. Photo: Op Impact, DND CX11-2015-0012-009 ~ Un technicien de la Force opérationnelle aérienne en Irak (FOA I) guide le pilote d’un chasseur CF188 Hornet sur l’aire de trafic à la suite de la première frappe aérienne du Canada en Syrie, dans le cadre de l’opération IMPACT, le 8 avril 2015. Photo : Opération Impact, MDN CX11-2015-0012-009