CJTF–OIR for January 2, 2016 – January 2, 2016
During the month of November 2016, CJTF-OIR received 16 new reports and assessed seven previously received reports of possible civilian casualties resulting from Coalition strikes in Iraq and Syria in the fight to defeat ISIL. Thirteen of these reports were assessed to be non-credible, five were assessed to be credible, and five reports are still being assessed. Coalition strikes are defined as strikes conducted by ground artillery or air strikes conducted as part of the Coalition Air Tasking Order.
CJTF-OIR takes all reports of civilian casualties seriously and assesses all reports as thoroughly as possible. Although we are unable to investigate all reports of possible civilian casualties using traditional investigative methods, such as by interviewing witnesses and examining the site, the Coalition interviews pilots and other personnel involved in the targeting process, reviews strike and surveillance video if available, and analyzes information provided by government agencies, non-governmental organizations, partner forces and traditional and social media. In addition, the Coalition considers new information when it becomes available in order to promote a thorough and continuous review process.
After a thorough review of the facts and circumstances of each civilian casualty report, CJTF-OIR assessed that the following 13 reports are non-credible. Non-credible means that at this time there is not sufficient information available to assess that, more likely than not, a Coalition strike resulted in civilian casualties.
1. Feb. 2, 2016, Hama Province, Syria: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties.
2. Oct. 5, 2016, near al-Qayyarah, Iraq: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no civilians were harmed in this strike.
3. Oct. 6, 2016, near al Shaddadi, Syria: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no civilians were harmed in this strike.
4. Oct. 22, 2016, near Qaraqosh and Hasana, Iraq: No Coalition strikes were conducted on structures in the geographic area that correspond to the report of civilian casualties.
5. Oct. 23, 2016, near Qaraqosh and Hasana, Iraq: Insufficient information provided or available to assess the credibility of the reported civilian casualties.
6. Nov. 2, 2016, near Mosul, Iraq: No Coalition strikes were conducted on structures in the geographic area that correspond to the report of civilian casualties.
7. Nov. 7, 2016, near Mosul, Iraq: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no civilians were harmed in this strike.
8. Nov. 8, 2016, near Al Heisha or Ayn Issa, Syria: Insufficient information provided or available to assess the credibility of the reported civilian casualties.
9. Nov. 15, 2016, near Mosul, Iraq: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no civilians were harmed in this strike.
10. Nov. 22, 2016, near Tal Afar, Iraq: No Coalition strikes were conducted on structures in the geographic area that correspond to the report of civilian casualties.
11. Nov. 22, 2016, near Mosul, Iraq: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no civilians were harmed in this strike.
12. Nov. 24, 2016, near Mosul, Iraq: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no civilians were harmed in this strike.
13. Nov. 28, 2016, near Mosul, Iraq: No Coalition strikes were conducted on structures in the geographic area that correspond to the report of civilian casualties.
Although the Coalition takes extraordinary efforts to strike military targets in a manner that minimizes the risk of civilian casualties, in some incidents casualties are unavoidable. Five reports were assessed to be credible resulting in the unintended death of 15 civilians.
A credible assessment means that, it is more likely than not, a Coalition strike resulted in a civilian casualty. In each of the incidents below, the investigation assessed that although all feasible precautions were taken and the decision to strike complied with the Law of Armed Conflict, unintended civilian casualties unfortunately occurred.
1. Nov. 6, 2016, near Shahid-Yunis As Sab, Iraq: During a strike on ISIL fighters in a moving vehicle it is assessed that seven civilians were unintentionally killed when the targeted vehicle came into close proximity to two stationary vehicles just prior to the munition’s impact.
2. Nov. 21, 2016, near Al-Salahiyah, Syria: During a strike on ISIL-held buildings it is assessed that two civilians were unintentionally killed.
3. Nov. 26, 2016, near Mosul, Iraq: During a strike on ISIL fighters and a technical vehicle it is assessed that two civilians were unintentionally killed by the munition’s strike blast.
4. Nov. 26, 2016, near Ar Raqqah, Syria: During a strike on ISIL fighters in a moving vehicle it is assessed that one civilian pedestrian was unintentionally killed by the munition’s strike blast.
5. Nov. 29, 2016, near Mosul, Iraq: During a strike on ISIL fighters it is assessed that three civilians were unintentionally killed when they entered the target area just prior to the munition’s impact.
Currently, five reports of civilian casualties received in November are still being assessed:
1. Sept. 20, 2015, near Mosul, Iraq.
2. July 20, 2016, near Manbij, Syria.
3. Nov. 14, 2016, near Tal Afar, Iraq.
4. Nov. 19, 2016, near Ar Raqqah, Syria.
5. Nov. 24, 2016, near Omar Gosp, Syria.
Additionally, the Coalition is investigating the Dec. 29, 2016, strike on a van [in Mosul] carrying ISIL fighters observed firing a SPG9/RPG recoilless rifle. The van was struck in what was later determined to be a hospital compound parking lot resulting in possible civilian casualties.
To date, based on information available, CJTF-OIR has assessed that, it is more likely than not, at least 188 civilians have been unintentionally killed by Coalition strikes since the start of Operation Inherent Resolve. We regret the unintentional loss of civilian lives resulting from Coalition efforts to defeat ISIL in Iraq and Syria and express our deepest sympathies to the families and others affected by these strikes.
Ammunition used to conduct a fire mission on a M109A6 Paladin howitzer at Al Asad Air Base, Iraq, Jan. 2, 2017 (US Army)