US-led Coalition in Iraq & Syria

Civilians in the ruins of Mosul city. (Maranie R. Staab)

US-led Coalition
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CJTF–OIR for April 19, 2018 – April 20, 2018

Report Date

April 20, 2018

Military Strikes Continue Against Daesh Terrorists in Iraq and Syria

SOUTHWEST ASIA – Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners continue to strike Daesh targets in designated parts of Iraq and Syria.

Ongoing operations by Iraqi Security Forces and Syrian Democratic Forces, supported by CJTF-OIR efforts, demonstrate that work remains to defeat Daesh. Coalition strikes continue to target Daesh throughout Iraq under the leadership of Iraqi authorities. “All Coalition air strikes are carried out with the consent of the Iraqi government,” said Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in a press conference April 1, 2018.

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners continue to exert pressure on Daesh senior leaders and associates in order to degrade, disrupt and dismantle Daesh structures and remove terrorists throughout Iraq and Syria. This will prevent the terrorist group’s ability to resurge and resume its intent to threaten and destabilize the international community.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between April 13 and April 19, Coalition military forces conducted 30 strikes consisting of 47 engagements in Syria and Iraq.

On April 19 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed five Daesh-held buildings.

On April 19 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed one Daesh supply route.

On April 18 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted five strikes consisting of five engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, five strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and two fighting positions.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on April 18, 2018.

On April 17 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted five strikes consisting of six engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, five strikes destroyed one Daesh headquarters, one VBIED factory, two fighting positions and one Daesh held-building.

On April 17 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• One strike conducted Near Al Qaim.

On April 16 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of four engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed one Daesh-held building.

• Near Al Shadaddi, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle.

On April 16 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Al Huwayjah, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed three Daesh tunnels and two Daesh-held buildings.

On April 15 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted five strikes consisting of 11 engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, four strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, destroyed four Daesh-held buildings, one fighting position and one command and control center.

• Near Al Shadaddi, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle.

On April 15 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed one Daesh tunnel.

On April 14 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed three Daesh IED’s.

On April 14 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• One strike conducted Near Qayyarah.

On April 13 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of six engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, four strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed a Daesh fighting position, IED factory and two command and control centers.

On April 13 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Al Asad, one strike destroyed a Daesh IED factory

• One strike conducted Near Al Qaim.

Report Date

April 20, 2018

Report Summary

  • 30 total strikes
  • 23 in Syria
  • 7 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 27 total strikes
  • 23 in Syria (15044 – 15066)
  • 4 in Iraq (14209 – 14212)

Confirmed Actions


Military Strikes Continue Against Daesh Terrorists in Iraq and Syria

SOUTHWEST ASIA – Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners continue to strike Daesh targets in designated parts of Iraq and Syria.

April 1, 2018

Ongoing operations by Iraqi Security Forces and Syrian Democratic Forces, supported by CJTF-OIR efforts, demonstrate that work remains to defeat Daesh. Coalition strikes continue to target Daesh throughout Iraq under the leadership of Iraqi authorities. “All Coalition air strikes are carried out with the consent of the Iraqi government,” said Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in a press conference April 1, 2018.

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners continue to exert pressure on Daesh senior leaders and associates in order to degrade, disrupt and dismantle Daesh structures and remove terrorists throughout Iraq and Syria. This will prevent the terrorist group’s ability to resurge and resume its intent to threaten and destabilize the international community.

Weekly Strike Summary

April 13, 2018

Between April 13 and April 19, Coalition military forces conducted 30 strikes consisting of 47 engagements in Syria and Iraq.

April 19, 2018
Syria: 1 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On April 19 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed five Daesh-held buildings.

On April 19 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed one Daesh supply route.
April 18, 2018
Syria: 5 strikes

On April 18 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted five strikes consisting of five engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, five strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and two fighting positions.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on April 18, 2018.

April 17, 2018
Syria: 5 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On April 17 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted five strikes consisting of six engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, five strikes destroyed one Daesh headquarters, one VBIED factory, two fighting positions and one Daesh held-building.

On April 17 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

One strike conducted Near Al Qaim.
April 16, 2018
Syria: 2 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On April 16 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of four engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit, and destroyed one Daesh-held building.
Near Al Shadaddi, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle.

On April 16 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Al Huwayjah, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed three Daesh tunnels and two Daesh-held buildings.
April 15, 2018
Syria: 5 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On April 15 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted five strikes consisting of 11 engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, four strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit, destroyed four Daesh-held buildings, one fighting position and one command and control center.
Near Al Shadaddi, one strike engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed one Daesh vehicle.

On April 15 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed one Daesh tunnel.
April 14, 2018
Syria: 5 strikes
Iraq: 3 strikes

On April 14 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed three Daesh IED’s.

On April 14 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

One strike conducted Near Qayyarah.

On April 13 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of six engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, four strikes engaged one Daesh tactical unit and destroyed a Daesh fighting position, IED factory and two command and control centers.

On April 13 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Al Asad, one strike destroyed a Daesh IED factory
One strike conducted Near Al Qaim.

French MoD for April 19, 2018 – April 20, 2018

Report Date

April 20, 2018


For April 11th – 17th, France reports Task Force Wagram continued its support for security operations carried out by the ISF in the Euphrates Valley. This week, three shooting missions – two of illumination and one prohibition – were carried out. Air activity focused on supporting the SDF in the Euphrates valley: 28 sorties were carried out but there were no strikes.



Sur le théâtre irako-syrien, les opérations se poursuivent. Les objectifs restent inchangés : défaire les dernières poches terroristes en Syrie et renforcer la sécurisation du territoire irakien.

Poursuite des combats en Syrie

En Syrie, sur la rive orientale de l’Euphrate, la Coalition continue d’appuyer les forces démocratiques syriennes luttant contre les dernières poches de Daech.

La situation n’a pas connu d’évolution notable cette semaine.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

En Irak, les forces de sécurité irakiennes maintiennent un maillage territorial important et efficace.

A Bagdad, la sécurisation du pèlerinage d’AL Khadim qui s’est terminé le 13 avril a été un succès indéniable, dans la mesure où aucun incident sécuritaire n’est venu le perturber. Ce succès démontre à la fois le professionnalisme des forces de sécurité irakiennes et l’incapacité de Daech à reprendre l’initiative dans la capitale.

Dans le reste du pays, les forces de sécurité irakiennes ont maintenu un rythme opérationnel soutenu, permettant de continuer à renforcer la sécurisation du territoire.


La Task force Narvik forme les tireurs d’élite irakiens

Depuis le 10 mars, les instructeurs français de la Task Force Narvik conduisent au côté de leurs homologues polonais, une formation de tireur d’élite au profit des soldats irakiens de l’Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service (ICTS).

Au cours de la formation, leur seront transmis les enseignements de base sur l’infiltration, le renseignement et le tir de précision. Pendant cette formation, les stagiaires approfondissent leurs connaissances en camouflage, infiltration, renseignement et tir de précision.

La Task Force Wagram en appui des opérations de sécurisation

La Task Force Wagram poursuit son appui aux opérations de sécurisation menées par les forces de sécurité irakiennes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate. Cette semaine, trois missions de tirs, deux d’éclairement et une d’interdiction, ont été réalisées (bilan du 11 au 17 avril).

Depuis le début de sa mission, la TF Wagram a réalisé 1651 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations

L’activité des forces aériennes françaises engagées dans l’opération Chammal se concentre sur l’appui aux forces démocratiques syriennes engagées dans la vallée de l’Euphrate pour réduire les deux dernières poches de Daech en Syrie.

Dans ce cadre, les aéronefs engagés dans l’opération Chammal ont réalisé cette semaine 28 sorties aériennes en appui des forces locales engagées au sol (bilan du 11 au 17 avril). Aucune frappe n’a été réalisée.

Bilan total depuis le 19/09/14 :

7993 sorties / 1448 frappes / 2238 objectifs neutralisés.

Report Date

April 20, 2018


For April 11th – 17th, France reports Task Force Wagram continued its support for security operations carried out by the ISF in the Euphrates Valley. This week, three shooting missions – two of illumination and one prohibition – were carried out. Air activity focused on supporting the SDF in the Euphrates valley: 28 sorties were carried out but there were no strikes.



Sur le théâtre irako-syrien, les opérations se poursuivent. Les objectifs restent inchangés : défaire les dernières poches terroristes en Syrie et renforcer la sécurisation du territoire irakien.

Poursuite des combats en Syrie

En Syrie, sur la rive orientale de l’Euphrate, la Coalition continue d’appuyer les forces démocratiques syriennes luttant contre les dernières poches de Daech.

La situation n’a pas connu d’évolution notable cette semaine.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

En Irak, les forces de sécurité irakiennes maintiennent un maillage territorial important et efficace.

A Bagdad, la sécurisation du pèlerinage d’AL Khadim qui s’est terminé le 13 avril a été un succès indéniable, dans la mesure où aucun incident sécuritaire n’est venu le perturber. Ce succès démontre à la fois le professionnalisme des forces de sécurité irakiennes et l’incapacité de Daech à reprendre l’initiative dans la capitale.

Dans le reste du pays, les forces de sécurité irakiennes ont maintenu un rythme opérationnel soutenu, permettant de continuer à renforcer la sécurisation du territoire.


La Task force Narvik forme les tireurs d’élite irakiens

Depuis le 10 mars, les instructeurs français de la Task Force Narvik conduisent au côté de leurs homologues polonais, une formation de tireur d’élite au profit des soldats irakiens de l’Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service (ICTS).

Au cours de la formation, leur seront transmis les enseignements de base sur l’infiltration, le renseignement et le tir de précision. Pendant cette formation, les stagiaires approfondissent leurs connaissances en camouflage, infiltration, renseignement et tir de précision.

La Task Force Wagram en appui des opérations de sécurisation

La Task Force Wagram poursuit son appui aux opérations de sécurisation menées par les forces de sécurité irakiennes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate. Cette semaine, trois missions de tirs, deux d’éclairement et une d’interdiction, ont été réalisées (bilan du 11 au 17 avril).

Depuis le début de sa mission, la TF Wagram a réalisé 1651 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations

L’activité des forces aériennes françaises engagées dans l’opération Chammal se concentre sur l’appui aux forces démocratiques syriennes engagées dans la vallée de l’Euphrate pour réduire les deux dernières poches de Daech en Syrie.

Dans ce cadre, les aéronefs engagés dans l’opération Chammal ont réalisé cette semaine 28 sorties aériennes en appui des forces locales engagées au sol (bilan du 11 au 17 avril). Aucune frappe n’a été réalisée.

Bilan total depuis le 19/09/14 :

7993 sorties / 1448 frappes / 2238 objectifs neutralisés.

Netherlands MoD for April 18, 2018 – April 19, 2018

Report Date

April 19, 2018


For April 11th-17th, the Netherlands reported that its F-16s supported ground troops in 9 missions. This happened in the Syrian province Deir Ezzor. No weapons were deployed during these missions.

Weekoverzicht Defensieoperaties

Nederlandse F-16’s ondersteunden grondtroepen tijdens 9 missies. Dat gebeurde in de Syrische provincie Deir Al Zour. Tijdens deze missies zijn geen wapens ingezet. Een overzicht van Defensieoperaties in de week van 11 tot en met 17 april 2018.

Nederlandse instructeurs gaven cursussen aan militairen in Irak. Zij leren onder meer grote gebieden te beveiligen en krijgen bataljonsstaf- en infanterietrainingen. De instructeurs verzorgen de opleidingen met collega’s van partnerlanden.

Van begin oktober tot afgelopen week gaven Nederlandse instructeurs samen met Britse, Sloveense, Duitse en Zweedse instructeurs de advanced instructor course. De Peshmerga hebben nu hun eigen instructeurs die in de komende maanden onder supervisie van de instructeurs van de coalitie de Wide Area Security Course gaan verzorgen. Nu verzorgen coalitielanden deze cursus nog, maar het is de bedoeling dat eind 2018 de Irakese militairen de cursus zelf geven.

Report Date

April 19, 2018


For April 11th-17th, the Netherlands reported that its F-16s supported ground troops in 9 missions. This happened in the Syrian province Deir Ezzor. No weapons were deployed during these missions.

Weekoverzicht Defensieoperaties

Nieuwsbericht | 18-04-2018 | 12:00

Nederlandse F-16’s ondersteunden grondtroepen tijdens 9 missies. Dat gebeurde in de Syrische provincie Deir Al Zour. Tijdens deze missies zijn geen wapens ingezet. Een overzicht van Defensieoperaties in de week van 11 tot en met 17 april 2018.

Nederlandse instructeurs gaven cursussen aan militairen in Irak. Zij leren onder meer grote gebieden te beveiligen en krijgen bataljonsstaf- en infanterietrainingen. De instructeurs verzorgen de opleidingen met collega’s van partnerlanden.

Van begin oktober tot afgelopen week gaven Nederlandse instructeurs samen met Britse, Sloveense, Duitse en Zweedse instructeurs de advanced instructor course. De Peshmerga hebben nu hun eigen instructeurs die in de komende maanden onder supervisie van de instructeurs van de coalitie de Wide Area Security Course gaan verzorgen. Nu verzorgen coalitielanden deze cursus nog, maar het is de bedoeling dat eind 2018 de Irakese militairen de cursus zelf geven.

French MoD for April 12, 2018 – April 13, 2018

Report Date

April 13, 2018


For April 4th to 10th, France reports that the Wagram Task Force continued its support for security operations carried out by Iraqi security forces in the Euphrates Valley. This week, five shooting missions – three lighting and two interdiction missions – were carried out. Air activity focussed on supporting the SDF engaged in the Euphrates Valley to reduce the last two pockets of ISIS in Syria. In this context, the aircraft engaged in the Chammal operation made 23 air sorties in support of local forces engaged on the ground. No strikes were carried out.



Sur le théâtre irako-syrien, les opérations se poursuivent. Les objectifs restent inchangés : défaire les dernières poches terroristes en Syrie et renforcer la sécurisation du territoire irakien.

Poursuite des combats en Syrie

En Syrie, sur la rive orientale de l’Euphrate, la Coalition continue d’appuyer les forces démocratiques syriennes luttant contre les dernières poches de Daech.

Cette semaine, ces dernières ont repris à Daech une vingtaine de km2 de champs pétroliers, les privant ainsi de sources de revenus.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

En Irak, les forces de sécurité irakiennes maintiennent un maillage territorial important et efficace.

Elles assurent actuellement la sécurisation du pèlerinage d’Al Khadim, qui se déroule jusqu’au 13 avril et devrait attirer de l’ordre de 8 millions de pèlerins à Bagdad. Jusqu’à aujourd’hui, aucun incident n’est à déplorer, démontrant l’amélioration de la situation sécuritaire en Irak et l’autonomie croissante des forces de sécurité irakiennes.

En parallèle, les opérations de sécurisation menées par les forces de sécurité irakiennes se poursuivent à un rythme élevé. Cette semaine, en Ninive, plus de 600 engins explosifs improvisés et 3000 détonateurs ont été détruits, et plusieurs terroristes arrêtés.


Les Task Force Monsabert et Narvik poursuivent la formation des forces de sécurité irakiennes.

En Irak, le rythme des actions de formation se maintient à un niveau élevé afin d’amener l’armée irakienne vers toujours plus d’autonomie.

Les instructeurs du pilier formation sont actuellement impliqués dans de nombreux stages au profit de près de 300 soldats des forces de sécurité irakiennes.

La formation des forces de sécurité irakiennes : un effort collectif

Les instructeurs des Task Force Monsabert et Narvik travaillent régulièrement aux côtés des détachements d’instructeurs fournis par les autres membres de la coalition.

Ces dernières semaines la TF Narvik s’est ainsi engagée aux côtés de soldats polonais dans l’instruction d’une quarantaine de tireurs d’élite de l’Iraki Counter Terrorism Service (ICTS).

Dans le même temps, la TF Monsabert, accompagnée de spécialistes de la TF Wagram, a renforcé les instructeurs norvégiens chargés de la formation de la 7e division d’infanterie irakienne pour apporter leur expertise à une campagne de tir de canon 155 mm.

La TF Monsabert réalise également de façon régulière des actions de formations conjointes avec les instructeurs espagnols du Mobile Training Team (MTT), dont la mission est de renforcer ponctuellement les autres équipes d’instructeurs chargés de la formation de la 7e division d’infanterie irakienne.

La Task Force Wagram en appui des opérations de sécurisation.

La Task Force Wagram poursuit son appui aux opérations de sécurisation menées par les forces de sécurité irakiennes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate. Cette semaine, cinq missions de tirs, trois d’éclairement et deux d’interdiction, ont été réalisées (bilan du 4 au 10 avril).

Depuis le début de sa mission, la TF Wagram a réalisé 1648 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations.

L’activité des forces aériennes françaises engagées dans l’opération Chammal se concentre sur l’appui aux forces démocratiques syriennes engagées dans la vallée de l’Euphrate pour réduire les deux dernières poches de Daech en Syrie.

Dans ce cadre, les aéronefs engagés dans l’opération Chammal ont réalisé cette semaine 23 sorties aériennes en appui des forces locales engagées au sol (bilan du 4 au 10 avril). Aucune frappe n’a été réalisée.

Bilan total depuis le 19/09/14 :

7965 sorties / 1448 frappes / 2238 objectifs neutralisés.

Report Date

April 13, 2018


For April 4th to 10th, France reports that the Wagram Task Force continued its support for security operations carried out by Iraqi security forces in the Euphrates Valley. This week, five shooting missions – three lighting and two interdiction missions – were carried out. Air activity focussed on supporting the SDF engaged in the Euphrates Valley to reduce the last two pockets of ISIS in Syria. In this context, the aircraft engaged in the Chammal operation made 23 air sorties in support of local forces engaged on the ground. No strikes were carried out.



Sur le théâtre irako-syrien, les opérations se poursuivent. Les objectifs restent inchangés : défaire les dernières poches terroristes en Syrie et renforcer la sécurisation du territoire irakien.

Poursuite des combats en Syrie

En Syrie, sur la rive orientale de l’Euphrate, la Coalition continue d’appuyer les forces démocratiques syriennes luttant contre les dernières poches de Daech.

Cette semaine, ces dernières ont repris à Daech une vingtaine de km2 de champs pétroliers, les privant ainsi de sources de revenus.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

En Irak, les forces de sécurité irakiennes maintiennent un maillage territorial important et efficace.

Elles assurent actuellement la sécurisation du pèlerinage d’Al Khadim, qui se déroule jusqu’au 13 avril et devrait attirer de l’ordre de 8 millions de pèlerins à Bagdad. Jusqu’à aujourd’hui, aucun incident n’est à déplorer, démontrant l’amélioration de la situation sécuritaire en Irak et l’autonomie croissante des forces de sécurité irakiennes.

En parallèle, les opérations de sécurisation menées par les forces de sécurité irakiennes se poursuivent à un rythme élevé. Cette semaine, en Ninive, plus de 600 engins explosifs improvisés et 3000 détonateurs ont été détruits, et plusieurs terroristes arrêtés.


Les Task Force Monsabert et Narvik poursuivent la formation des forces de sécurité irakiennes.

En Irak, le rythme des actions de formation se maintient à un niveau élevé afin d’amener l’armée irakienne vers toujours plus d’autonomie.

Les instructeurs du pilier formation sont actuellement impliqués dans de nombreux stages au profit de près de 300 soldats des forces de sécurité irakiennes.

La formation des forces de sécurité irakiennes : un effort collectif

Les instructeurs des Task Force Monsabert et Narvik travaillent régulièrement aux côtés des détachements d’instructeurs fournis par les autres membres de la coalition.

Ces dernières semaines la TF Narvik s’est ainsi engagée aux côtés de soldats polonais dans l’instruction d’une quarantaine de tireurs d’élite de l’Iraki Counter Terrorism Service (ICTS).

Dans le même temps, la TF Monsabert, accompagnée de spécialistes de la TF Wagram, a renforcé les instructeurs norvégiens chargés de la formation de la 7e division d’infanterie irakienne pour apporter leur expertise à une campagne de tir de canon 155 mm.

La TF Monsabert réalise également de façon régulière des actions de formations conjointes avec les instructeurs espagnols du Mobile Training Team (MTT), dont la mission est de renforcer ponctuellement les autres équipes d’instructeurs chargés de la formation de la 7e division d’infanterie irakienne.

La Task Force Wagram en appui des opérations de sécurisation.

La Task Force Wagram poursuit son appui aux opérations de sécurisation menées par les forces de sécurité irakiennes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate. Cette semaine, cinq missions de tirs, trois d’éclairement et deux d’interdiction, ont été réalisées (bilan du 4 au 10 avril).

Depuis le début de sa mission, la TF Wagram a réalisé 1648 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations.

L’activité des forces aériennes françaises engagées dans l’opération Chammal se concentre sur l’appui aux forces démocratiques syriennes engagées dans la vallée de l’Euphrate pour réduire les deux dernières poches de Daech en Syrie.

Dans ce cadre, les aéronefs engagés dans l’opération Chammal ont réalisé cette semaine 23 sorties aériennes en appui des forces locales engagées au sol (bilan du 4 au 10 avril). Aucune frappe n’a été réalisée.

Bilan total depuis le 19/09/14 :

7965 sorties / 1448 frappes / 2238 objectifs neutralisés.

Netherlands MoD for April 11, 2018 – April 12, 2018

Report Date

April 12, 2018


For April 4th-11th the Netherlands reports that its F-16s flew 6 missions in support of troops on the ground, including in Deir Ezzor in Eastern Syria and the Iraqi province Kirkuk. No weapons were deployed.

Weekoverzicht Defensieoperaties

Nederlandse F-16’s ondersteunden grondtroepen tijdens 6 missies. Dat gebeurde onder meer in de Syrische provincie Deir Al Zour. In Irak vlogen de jachtvliegtuigen missies boven de provincie Kirkuk. Tijdens deze missies zijn geen wapens ingezet. Een overzicht van Defensieoperaties in de week van 4 tot en met 11 april 2018.

Nederlandse instructeurs geven cursussen aan militairen in Irak. Zij leren onder meer grote gebieden te beveiligen en krijgen bataljonsstaf- en infanterietrainingen. De instructeurs verzorgen de opleidingen met collega’s van partnerlanden.

Een Nederlands chirurgisch team opereert in een Amerikaans role 2-hospitaal in westelijk Irak. Het team werkt nauw samen met Britse medici.

Report Date

April 12, 2018


For April 4th-11th the Netherlands reports that its F-16s flew 6 missions in support of troops on the ground, including in Deir Ezzor in Eastern Syria and the Iraqi province Kirkuk. No weapons were deployed.

Weekoverzicht Defensieoperaties

Nieuwsbericht | 11-04-2018 | 12:00

Nederlandse F-16’s ondersteunden grondtroepen tijdens 6 missies. Dat gebeurde onder meer in de Syrische provincie Deir Al Zour. In Irak vlogen de jachtvliegtuigen missies boven de provincie Kirkuk. Tijdens deze missies zijn geen wapens ingezet. Een overzicht van Defensieoperaties in de week van 4 tot en met 11 april 2018.

Nederlandse instructeurs geven cursussen aan militairen in Irak. Zij leren onder meer grote gebieden te beveiligen en krijgen bataljonsstaf- en infanterietrainingen. De instructeurs verzorgen de opleidingen met collega’s van partnerlanden.

Een Nederlands chirurgisch team opereert in een Amerikaans role 2-hospitaal in westelijk Irak. Het team werkt nauw samen met Britse medici.

CJTF–OIR for April 5, 2018 – April 6, 2018

Report Date

April 6, 2018

Military Strikes Continue Against Daesh Terrorists in Syria and Iraq

SOUTHWEST ASIA – Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners continue to strike Daesh targets in designated parts of Syria and Iraq.

Ongoing operations by Iraqi Security Forces and Syrian Democratic Forces, supported by CJTF-OIR efforts, demonstrate that much work remains to defeat Daesh here. Coalition strikes continue to target Daesh in SDF-held areas of Syria, and throughout Iraq under the leadership of Iraqi authorities. “All Coalition air strikes are carried out with the consent of the Iraqi government,” said Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in a press conference April 1, 2018.

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners continue to exert pressure on Daesh senior leaders and associates in order to degrade, disrupt and dismantle Daesh structures and remove terrorists throughout Iraq and Syria. This will prevent the terrorist group’s ability to resurge and resume its capacity to threaten and destabilize the international community.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between March 30 and April 5, Coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 11 engagements in Syria and Iraq.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Syria on April 5, 2018.

On April 5 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed a Daesh supply route.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Syria on April 4, 2018.

On April 4 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Baghdad, one strike destroyed a Daesh cave.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Syria or Iraq on April 3, 2018.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Syria on April 2, 2018.

On April 2 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Bayji, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit.

• One strike was conducted near Qayyarah.

On April 1 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed a Daesh vehicle.

On April 1 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Bayji, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed a Daesh-held building.

On March 31 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit.

On March 31 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Rutbah, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed a Daesh vehicle.

On March 30 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Shadaddi, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed a Daesh vehicle.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on March 30, 2018.

Report Date

April 6, 2018

Report Summary

  • 9 total strikes
  • 6 in Iraq
  • 3 in Syria

Report Summary

  • 8 total strikes
  • 5 in Iraq (14197 – 14201)
  • 3 in Syria (15010 – 15012)

Confirmed Actions


Military Strikes Continue Against Daesh Terrorists in Syria and Iraq

SOUTHWEST ASIA – Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners continue to strike Daesh targets in designated parts of Syria and Iraq.

April 1, 2018

Ongoing operations by Iraqi Security Forces and Syrian Democratic Forces, supported by CJTF-OIR efforts, demonstrate that much work remains to defeat Daesh here. Coalition strikes continue to target Daesh in SDF-held areas of Syria, and throughout Iraq under the leadership of Iraqi authorities. “All Coalition air strikes are carried out with the consent of the Iraqi government,” said Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in a press conference April 1, 2018.

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners continue to exert pressure on Daesh senior leaders and associates in order to degrade, disrupt and dismantle Daesh structures and remove terrorists throughout Iraq and Syria. This will prevent the terrorist group’s ability to resurge and resume its capacity to threaten and destabilize the international community.

Weekly Strike Summary

March 30, 2018

Between March 30 and April 5, Coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 11 engagements in Syria and Iraq.

April 5, 2018
Iraq: 1 strikes

There were no reported strikes conducted in Syria on April 5, 2018.

On April 5 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed a Daesh supply route.
April 4, 2018
Iraq: 1 strikes

There were no reported strikes conducted in Syria on April 4, 2018.

On April 4 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Baghdad, one strike destroyed a Daesh cave.
April 3, 2018

There were no reported strikes conducted in Syria or Iraq on April 3, 2018.

April 2, 2018
Iraq: 3 strikes
Syria: 1 strikes

There were no reported strikes conducted in Syria on April 2, 2018.

On April 2 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Bayji, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit.
One strike was conducted near Qayyarah.

On April 1 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed a Daesh vehicle.

On April 1 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Bayji, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed a Daesh-held building.
March 31, 2018
Syria: 2 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On March 31 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit.

On March 31 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Rutbah, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed a Daesh vehicle.

On March 30 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Shadaddi, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed a Daesh vehicle.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on March 30, 2018.

UK MoD for April 5, 2018 – April 6, 2018

Report Date

April 6, 2018

Thursday 5 April – Typhoons attacked two groups of terrorists and their vehicle in the western deserts of Iraq…On the night of Wednesday 5 April, two Royal Air Force Typhoon FGR4s, based at Akrotiri and supported by a Voyager air refuelling tanker, were dispatched to the western deserts of Iraq, some 40 miles south-east of Ar Rutbah, where a surveillance aircraft was tracking a group of terrorists. An initial strike by the Tornados, armed with Paveway IV guided bombs, saw one aircraft attack several of the extremists, whilst the second aircraft destroyed their truck, parked some distance away. Within the hour, further members of the group had been successfully identified nearby, and were struck by a third Paveway IV.

Report Date

April 6, 2018

Thursday 5 April – Typhoons attacked two groups of terrorists and their vehicle in the western deserts of Iraq…On the night of Wednesday 5 April, two Royal Air Force Typhoon FGR4s, based at Akrotiri and supported by a Voyager air refuelling tanker, were dispatched to the western deserts of Iraq, some 40 miles south-east of Ar Rutbah, where a surveillance aircraft was tracking a group of terrorists. An initial strike by the Tornados, armed with Paveway IV guided bombs, saw one aircraft attack several of the extremists, whilst the second aircraft destroyed their truck, parked some distance away. Within the hour, further members of the group had been successfully identified nearby, and were struck by a third Paveway IV.

French MoD for March 29, 2018 – March 30, 2018

Report Date

March 30, 2018


For March 21st-27th, France reports that the Wagram Task Force continued its support for security operations carried out by Iraqi security forces in the Euphrates Valley. This week, four shooting missions – all lighting missions – were carried out

Since the beginning of its mission, TF Wagram has carried out 1639 firing missions.

The activity of the French Air Forces engaged in Operation Chammal focused on supporting the Syrian democratic forces engaged in the Euphrates Valley to reduce the last two pockets of ISIS in Syria. In this context, the aircraft engaged in Operation Chammal made 23 air sorties in support of local forces engaged on the ground. A strike was made in the Tal Afar region of Iraq.



Sur le théâtre irako-syrien, les opérations se poursuivent. Les objectifs restent inchangés : défaire les dernières poches terroristes en Syrie et renforcer la sécurisation du territoire irakien.

Poursuite des combats en Syrie

En Syrie, dans la vallée de l’Euphrate, la coalition continue d’appuyer les forces démocratiques syriennes luttant contre Daech. Celles-ci s’attachent à réduire les deux dernières poches de Daech présentes sur les rives orientales de l’Euphrate, autour de Dashisha et Al Qaim, objectif qui prend du temps du fait de la complexité de la situation en Syrie. Les mauvaises conditions météorologiques régulières dans la zone limitent également les capacités de l’appui aérien apportées par la coalition, ralentissant de fait la progression des forces locales présentes au sol.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

En Irak, les forces de sécurité irakiennes maintiennent un maillage territorial important et efficace.

Elles conduisent également des opérations de sécurisation ponctuelles d’ampleur variable, opérations auxquelles la coalition apporte son soutien à leur demande. Leur effort se concentre actuellement sur les régions de Mossoul, d’Hawijah et de Ramadi, où elles obtiennent des résultats conséquents avec des découvertes quotidiennes d’engins explosifs improvisés, d’armements et la capture régulière de terroristes.


Les Task Force Monsabert et Narvik poursuivent la formation des forces de sécurité irakiennes

En Irak, le rythme des actions de formation se maintient à un niveau élevé afin d’amener l’armée irakienne vers toujours plus d’autonomie. Les Task Force Monsabert et Narvik y participent activement et directement.

Elles sont actuellement impliquées dans de nombreux stages au profit de près de 300 soldats des forces de sécurité irakiennes. Ces formations couvrent un large spectre de domaines, allant du secourisme au tir, en passant par la lutte contre les engins explosifs improvisés, le déplacement tactique en véhicule et le combat en localité.

La Task Force Wagram en appui des opérations de sécurisation

La Task Force Wagram poursuit son appui aux opérations de sécurisation menées par les forces de sécurité irakiennes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate. Cette semaine, quatre missions de tirs, toutes d’éclairement, ont été réalisées (bilan du 21 au 27 mars).

Depuis le début de sa mission, la TF Wagram a réalisé 1639 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations

L’activité des forces aériennes françaises engagées dans l’opération Chammal se concentre sur l’appui aux forces démocratiques syriennes engagées dans la vallée de l’Euphrate pour réduire les deux dernières poches de Daech en Syrie.

Dans ce cadre, les aéronefs engagés dans l’opération Chammal ont réalisé cette semaine 23 sorties aériennes en appui des forces locales engagées au sol (bilan du 21 au 27 mars). Une frappe a été réalisée dans la région de Tal Afar en Irak.

Bilan total depuis le 19/09/14 :

7919 sorties / 1448 frappes / 2238 objectifs neutralisés.

Report Date

March 30, 2018


For March 21st-27th, France reports that the Wagram Task Force continued its support for security operations carried out by Iraqi security forces in the Euphrates Valley. This week, four shooting missions – all lighting missions – were carried out

Since the beginning of its mission, TF Wagram has carried out 1639 firing missions.

The activity of the French Air Forces engaged in Operation Chammal focused on supporting the Syrian democratic forces engaged in the Euphrates Valley to reduce the last two pockets of ISIS in Syria. In this context, the aircraft engaged in Operation Chammal made 23 air sorties in support of local forces engaged on the ground. A strike was made in the Tal Afar region of Iraq.



Sur le théâtre irako-syrien, les opérations se poursuivent. Les objectifs restent inchangés : défaire les dernières poches terroristes en Syrie et renforcer la sécurisation du territoire irakien.

Poursuite des combats en Syrie

En Syrie, dans la vallée de l’Euphrate, la coalition continue d’appuyer les forces démocratiques syriennes luttant contre Daech. Celles-ci s’attachent à réduire les deux dernières poches de Daech présentes sur les rives orientales de l’Euphrate, autour de Dashisha et Al Qaim, objectif qui prend du temps du fait de la complexité de la situation en Syrie. Les mauvaises conditions météorologiques régulières dans la zone limitent également les capacités de l’appui aérien apportées par la coalition, ralentissant de fait la progression des forces locales présentes au sol.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

En Irak, les forces de sécurité irakiennes maintiennent un maillage territorial important et efficace.

Elles conduisent également des opérations de sécurisation ponctuelles d’ampleur variable, opérations auxquelles la coalition apporte son soutien à leur demande. Leur effort se concentre actuellement sur les régions de Mossoul, d’Hawijah et de Ramadi, où elles obtiennent des résultats conséquents avec des découvertes quotidiennes d’engins explosifs improvisés, d’armements et la capture régulière de terroristes.


Les Task Force Monsabert et Narvik poursuivent la formation des forces de sécurité irakiennes

En Irak, le rythme des actions de formation se maintient à un niveau élevé afin d’amener l’armée irakienne vers toujours plus d’autonomie. Les Task Force Monsabert et Narvik y participent activement et directement.

Elles sont actuellement impliquées dans de nombreux stages au profit de près de 300 soldats des forces de sécurité irakiennes. Ces formations couvrent un large spectre de domaines, allant du secourisme au tir, en passant par la lutte contre les engins explosifs improvisés, le déplacement tactique en véhicule et le combat en localité.

La Task Force Wagram en appui des opérations de sécurisation

La Task Force Wagram poursuit son appui aux opérations de sécurisation menées par les forces de sécurité irakiennes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate. Cette semaine, quatre missions de tirs, toutes d’éclairement, ont été réalisées (bilan du 21 au 27 mars).

Depuis le début de sa mission, la TF Wagram a réalisé 1639 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations

L’activité des forces aériennes françaises engagées dans l’opération Chammal se concentre sur l’appui aux forces démocratiques syriennes engagées dans la vallée de l’Euphrate pour réduire les deux dernières poches de Daech en Syrie.

Dans ce cadre, les aéronefs engagés dans l’opération Chammal ont réalisé cette semaine 23 sorties aériennes en appui des forces locales engagées au sol (bilan du 21 au 27 mars). Une frappe a été réalisée dans la région de Tal Afar en Irak.

Bilan total depuis le 19/09/14 :

7919 sorties / 1448 frappes / 2238 objectifs neutralisés.

Netherlands MoD for March 29, 2018 – March 30, 2018

Report Date

March 30, 2018


For March 28th-April 3rd the Dutch reported that its F16s supported ground troops in 8 missions. This happened, among others, in the Syrian provinces Abu Kamal and Deir Al Zour. In Iraq the jets flew above the provinces of Sala ad-Din and Diyala. No weapons were deployed. On Wednesday, the 9th detachment took over the command from ATFME 8.

Nederlandse F-16’s ondersteunden grondtroepen tijdens 8 missies. Dat gebeurde onder meer in de Syrische provincies Abu Kamal en Deir Al Zour. In Irak vlogen de jachtvliegtuigen missies boven de provincies Sala ad-Din en Diyala. Bij geen van de missies zijn wapens ingezet. Een overzicht van Defensieoperaties in de week van 28 maart tot en met 3 april 2018.

Vorige week is het commando over de Air Task Force overgedragen. Sinds woensdag is het negende detachement actief in de strijd van de internationale coalitie tegen terreurorganisatie ISIS boven Irak en Oost-Syrië . Militairen van de achtste lichting zijn inmiddels teruggekeerd in Nederland en herenigd met hun thuisfront.

Nederlandse instructeurs geven cursussen aan militairen in Irak. Zij leren onder meer grote gebieden te beveiligen en krijgen bataljonsstaf- en infanterietrainingen. De instructeurs verzorgen de opleidingen met collega’s van partnerlanden.

Een Nederlands chirurgisch team opereert in een Amerikaans role 2-hospitaal in westelijk Irak. Het team werkt nauw samen met Britse medici.

Report Date

March 30, 2018


For March 28th-April 3rd the Dutch reported that its F16s supported ground troops in 8 missions. This happened, among others, in the Syrian provinces Abu Kamal and Deir Al Zour. In Iraq the jets flew above the provinces of Sala ad-Din and Diyala. No weapons were deployed. On Wednesday, the 9th detachment took over the command from ATFME 8.

Nederlandse F-16’s ondersteunden grondtroepen tijdens 8 missies. Dat gebeurde onder meer in de Syrische provincies Abu Kamal en Deir Al Zour. In Irak vlogen de jachtvliegtuigen missies boven de provincies Sala ad-Din en Diyala. Bij geen van de missies zijn wapens ingezet. Een overzicht van Defensieoperaties in de week van 28 maart tot en met 3 april 2018.

Vorige week is het commando over de Air Task Force overgedragen. Sinds woensdag is het negende detachement actief in de strijd van de internationale coalitie tegen terreurorganisatie ISIS boven Irak en Oost-Syrië . Militairen van de achtste lichting zijn inmiddels teruggekeerd in Nederland en herenigd met hun thuisfront.

Nederlandse instructeurs geven cursussen aan militairen in Irak. Zij leren onder meer grote gebieden te beveiligen en krijgen bataljonsstaf- en infanterietrainingen. De instructeurs verzorgen de opleidingen met collega’s van partnerlanden.

Een Nederlands chirurgisch team opereert in een Amerikaans role 2-hospitaal in westelijk Irak. Het team werkt nauw samen met Britse medici.

French MoD for March 29, 2018 – March 30, 2018

Report Date

March 30, 2018


For March 28th to April 3rd: The Wagram Task Force continues its support for security operations carried out by Iraqi security forces in the Euphrates Valley. This week, four shooting missions – two illumination and two interdiction – were carried out (balance of March 28 to April 3). Since the beginning of its mission, TF Wagram has carried out 1643 firing missions. The activity of the French Air Forces engaged in Operation Chammal focused on supporting the Syrian Democratic Forces engaged in the Euphrates Valley to reduce the last two pockets of ISIS in Syria. In this context, aircraft carried out 23 air sorties in support of local forces engaged on the ground. No strikes were conducted.



Sur le théâtre irako-syrien, les opérations se poursuivent. Les objectifs restent inchangés : défaire les dernières poches terroristes en Syrie et renforcer la sécurisation du territoire irakien.

Poursuite des combats en Syrie

En Syrie, dans la vallée de l’Euphrate, la coalition continue d’appuyer les forces démocratiques syriennes luttant contre Daech. Celles-ci s’attachent à réduire les deux dernières poches de Daech présentes sur les rives orientales de l’Euphrate, autour de Dashisha et Al Qaim.

La situation à l’est de l’Euphrate est restée globalement stable cette semaine.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

En Irak, les forces de sécurité irakiennes maintiennent un maillage territorial important et efficace.

Conduisant des opérations de sécurisation régulières, elles obtiennent des résultats conséquents saisissant régulièrement des quantités importantes d’armes et de munitions à Daech.


Les Task Force Monsabert et Narvik poursuivent la formation des forces de sécurité irakiennes

En Irak, le rythme des actions de formation se maintient à un niveau élevé afin d’amener l’armée irakienne vers toujours plus d’autonomie. Les Task Force Monsabert et Narvik y participent activement et directement.

Elles sont actuellement impliquées dans de nombreux stages au profit de près de 300 soldats des forces de sécurité irakiennes, notamment dans le domaine de la lutte contre les engins explosifs improvisés.

Les Task Force Wagram et Monsabert appuient la remontée en puissance de l’artillerie irakienne

Cette semaine a été marquée par l’organisation d’une conférence sur l’avenir de l’artillerie irakienne à laquelle ont activement participé des instructeurs issus des Task Force Wagram et Monsabert.

La journée était présidée par le Général Hushem, commandant l’école de l’artillerie irakienne.

Cette rencontre devrait déboucher prochainement, sur une formation « pilote » menée par les deux Task Force françaises. Cette formation inclura une partie théorique ainsi qu’une séquence de tir et de mise en application sur les canons irakiens.

La Task Force Wagram en appui des opérations de sécurisation

La Task Force Wagram poursuit son appui aux opérations de sécurisation menées par les forces de sécurité irakiennes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate. Cette semaine, quatre missions de tirs, deux d’éclairement et deux d’interdiction, ont été réalisées (bilan du 28 mars au 3 avril).

Depuis le début de sa mission, la TF Wagram a réalisé 1643 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations

L’activité des forces aériennes françaises engagées dans l’opération Chammal se concentre sur l’appui aux forces démocratiques syriennes engagées dans la vallée de l’Euphrate pour réduire les deux dernières poches de Daech en Syrie.

Dans ce cadre, les aéronefs engagés dans l’opération Chammal ont réalisé cette semaine 23 sorties aériennes en appui des forces locales engagées au sol, sans qu’aucune frappe n’ait été réalisée (bilan du 28 mars au 3 avril).

Bilan total depuis le 19/09/14 :

7942 sorties / 1448 frappes / 2238 objectifs neutralisés.

Report Date

March 30, 2018


For March 28th to April 3rd: The Wagram Task Force continues its support for security operations carried out by Iraqi security forces in the Euphrates Valley. This week, four shooting missions – two illumination and two interdiction – were carried out (balance of March 28 to April 3). Since the beginning of its mission, TF Wagram has carried out 1643 firing missions. The activity of the French Air Forces engaged in Operation Chammal focused on supporting the Syrian Democratic Forces engaged in the Euphrates Valley to reduce the last two pockets of ISIS in Syria. In this context, aircraft carried out 23 air sorties in support of local forces engaged on the ground. No strikes were conducted.



Sur le théâtre irako-syrien, les opérations se poursuivent. Les objectifs restent inchangés : défaire les dernières poches terroristes en Syrie et renforcer la sécurisation du territoire irakien.

Poursuite des combats en Syrie

En Syrie, dans la vallée de l’Euphrate, la coalition continue d’appuyer les forces démocratiques syriennes luttant contre Daech. Celles-ci s’attachent à réduire les deux dernières poches de Daech présentes sur les rives orientales de l’Euphrate, autour de Dashisha et Al Qaim.

La situation à l’est de l’Euphrate est restée globalement stable cette semaine.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

En Irak, les forces de sécurité irakiennes maintiennent un maillage territorial important et efficace.

Conduisant des opérations de sécurisation régulières, elles obtiennent des résultats conséquents saisissant régulièrement des quantités importantes d’armes et de munitions à Daech.


Les Task Force Monsabert et Narvik poursuivent la formation des forces de sécurité irakiennes

En Irak, le rythme des actions de formation se maintient à un niveau élevé afin d’amener l’armée irakienne vers toujours plus d’autonomie. Les Task Force Monsabert et Narvik y participent activement et directement.

Elles sont actuellement impliquées dans de nombreux stages au profit de près de 300 soldats des forces de sécurité irakiennes, notamment dans le domaine de la lutte contre les engins explosifs improvisés.

Les Task Force Wagram et Monsabert appuient la remontée en puissance de l’artillerie irakienne

Cette semaine a été marquée par l’organisation d’une conférence sur l’avenir de l’artillerie irakienne à laquelle ont activement participé des instructeurs issus des Task Force Wagram et Monsabert.

La journée était présidée par le Général Hushem, commandant l’école de l’artillerie irakienne.

Cette rencontre devrait déboucher prochainement, sur une formation « pilote » menée par les deux Task Force françaises. Cette formation inclura une partie théorique ainsi qu’une séquence de tir et de mise en application sur les canons irakiens.

La Task Force Wagram en appui des opérations de sécurisation

La Task Force Wagram poursuit son appui aux opérations de sécurisation menées par les forces de sécurité irakiennes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate. Cette semaine, quatre missions de tirs, deux d’éclairement et deux d’interdiction, ont été réalisées (bilan du 28 mars au 3 avril).

Depuis le début de sa mission, la TF Wagram a réalisé 1643 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations

L’activité des forces aériennes françaises engagées dans l’opération Chammal se concentre sur l’appui aux forces démocratiques syriennes engagées dans la vallée de l’Euphrate pour réduire les deux dernières poches de Daech en Syrie.

Dans ce cadre, les aéronefs engagés dans l’opération Chammal ont réalisé cette semaine 23 sorties aériennes en appui des forces locales engagées au sol, sans qu’aucune frappe n’ait été réalisée (bilan du 28 mars au 3 avril).

Bilan total depuis le 19/09/14 :

7942 sorties / 1448 frappes / 2238 objectifs neutralisés.

UK MoD for March 26, 2018 – March 27, 2018

Report Date

March 27, 2018

Monday 26 March – a Reaper destroyed a terrorist vehicle in eastern Syria…A Reaper tracked a group of terrorists in a vehicle in the Syrian Euphrates valley on Monday 26 March, and successfully destroyed it and its occupants with a precision Hellfire missile attack. Following an detailed investigation, it is assessed that one civilian was unintentionally killed in the strike. For further information please see the Government’s statement here.

Report Date

March 27, 2018

Monday 26 March – a Reaper destroyed a terrorist vehicle in eastern Syria…A Reaper tracked a group of terrorists in a vehicle in the Syrian Euphrates valley on Monday 26 March, and successfully destroyed it and its occupants with a precision Hellfire missile attack. Following an detailed investigation, it is assessed that one civilian was unintentionally killed in the strike. For further information please see the Government’s statement here.

CJTF–OIR for March 24, 2018 – March 25, 2018

Report Date

March 25, 2018

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners continue to strike Daesh targets in designated parts of Syria and Iraq.

Ongoing operations by Iraqi Security Forces and Syrian Democratic Forces, supported by CJTF-OIR efforts, demonstrate that much work remains to defeat Daesh here. The Coalition and our partners continue to exert pressure on Daesh senior leaders and associates in order to degrade, disrupt and dismantle Daesh structures and remove the terrorists throughout Iraq and Syria. This will prevent the terrorist group’s ability to resurge and resume its capacity to threaten and destabilize the international community.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between March 23 and March 29, Coalition military forces conducted 11 strikes consisting of 12 engagements in Syria and Iraq.

On March 29 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed a Daesh-held building.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on March 29, 2018.

On March 28 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on March 28, 2018.

On March 27 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit.

On March 27 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Ramadi, one strike destroyed a Daesh tunnel system.

On March 26 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit.

On March 26 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Qayyarah, one strike destroyed three Daesh tunnels.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Syria on March 25, 2018.

On March 25 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Qayyarah, one strikes engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed a Daesh watercraft.

On March 24 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on March 24, 2018.

On March 23 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged two Daesh tactical units and destroyed a fighting position.

On March 23 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Rutbah, one strike destroyed a Daesh vehicle.

Report Date

March 25, 2018

Report Summary

  • 11 total strikes
  • 7 in Syria
  • 4 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 11 total strikes
  • 7 in Syria (14996 – 15002)
  • 4 in Iraq (14188 – 14191)

Confirmed Actions


Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners continue to strike Daesh targets in designated parts of Syria and Iraq.

Ongoing operations by Iraqi Security Forces and Syrian Democratic Forces, supported by CJTF-OIR efforts, demonstrate that much work remains to defeat Daesh here. The Coalition and our partners continue to exert pressure on Daesh senior leaders and associates in order to degrade, disrupt and dismantle Daesh structures and remove the terrorists throughout Iraq and Syria. This will prevent the terrorist group’s ability to resurge and resume its capacity to threaten and destabilize the international community.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between March 23 and March 29, Coalition military forces conducted 11 strikes consisting of 12 engagements in Syria and Iraq.

March 29, 2018
Syria: 1 strikes

On March 29 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed a Daesh-held building.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on March 29, 2018.

March 28, 2018
Syria: 1 strikes

On March 28 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on March 28, 2018.

March 27, 2018
Syria: 1 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On March 27 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit.

On March 27 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Ramadi, one strike destroyed a Daesh tunnel system.
March 26, 2018
Syria: 1 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On March 26 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit.

On March 26 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Qayyarah, one strike destroyed three Daesh tunnels.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Syria on March 25, 2018.

March 25, 2018
Iraq: 1 strikes

On March 25 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Qayyarah, one strikes engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed a Daesh watercraft.
March 24, 2018
Syria: 1 strikes

On March 24 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on March 24, 2018.

March 23, 2018
Syria: 2 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On March 23 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged two Daesh tactical units and destroyed a fighting position.

On March 23 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Rutbah, one strike destroyed a Daesh vehicle.

CJTF–OIR for March 22, 2018 – March 23, 2018

Report Date

March 23, 2018

Military Strikes Continue Against Daesh Terrorists in Syria and Iraq

SOUTHWEST ASIA – Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners continue to strike Daesh targets in designated parts of Syria and Iraq.

Ongoing operations by Iraqi Security Forces and Syrian Democratic Forces, supported by CJTF-OIR efforts, demonstrate that much work remains to defeat Daesh here. The Coalition and our partners continue to exert pressure on Daesh senior leaders and associates in order to degrade, disrupt and dismantle Daesh structures and remove the terrorists throughout Iraq and Syria. This will prevent the terrorist group’s ability to resurge and resume its capacity to threaten and destabilize the international community.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between March 16 and March 22, Coalition military forces conducted 14 strikes consisting of 19 engagements in Syria and Iraq.

On March 22 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of six engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged two Daesh tactical units.

• Near Al Shadaddi, one strike destroyed a Daesh-held building.

On March 22 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed a Daesh tunnel.

On March 21 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on March 21, 2018.

On March 20 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed a Daesh staging area and a weapons cache.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on March 20, 2018.

On March 19 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, three strikes engaged two Daesh tactical units and destroyed a VBIED factory.

On March 19 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Hawijah, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed a Daesh cave.

• Near Qayyarah, one strike destroyed a Daesh-held building.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Syria or Iraq on March 18, 2018.

On March 17 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed a Daesh-held building and a weapons cache.

On March 17 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

• Near Hawijah, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed a Daesh facility.

• Near Ramadi, one strike destroyed a Daesh underground storage facility.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Syria or Iraq on March 16, 2018.

Additionally, we received late reporting of two strikes consisting of three engagements conducted in the vicinity of Makhmour, Iraq on March 11, 2018 engaging an ISIS tactical unit and destroying a tunnel network.

Report Date

March 23, 2018

Report Summary

  • 14 total strikes
  • 9 in Syria
  • 5 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 14 total strikes
  • 9 in Syria (14990 – 14998)
  • 5 in Iraq (14187 – 14191)

Confirmed Actions


Military Strikes Continue Against Daesh Terrorists in Syria and Iraq

SOUTHWEST ASIA – Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners continue to strike Daesh targets in designated parts of Syria and Iraq.

Ongoing operations by Iraqi Security Forces and Syrian Democratic Forces, supported by CJTF-OIR efforts, demonstrate that much work remains to defeat Daesh here. The Coalition and our partners continue to exert pressure on Daesh senior leaders and associates in order to degrade, disrupt and dismantle Daesh structures and remove the terrorists throughout Iraq and Syria. This will prevent the terrorist group’s ability to resurge and resume its capacity to threaten and destabilize the international community.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between March 16 and March 22, Coalition military forces conducted 14 strikes consisting of 19 engagements in Syria and Iraq.

March 22, 2018
Syria: 3 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On March 22 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of six engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged two Daesh tactical units.
Near Al Shadaddi, one strike destroyed a Daesh-held building.

On March 22 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed a Daesh tunnel.
March 21, 2018
Syria: 1 strikes

On March 21 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on March 21, 2018.

March 20, 2018
Syria: 1 strikes

On March 20 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed a Daesh staging area and a weapons cache.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on March 20, 2018.

March 19, 2018
Syria: 3 strikes
Iraq: 2 strikes

On March 19 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, three strikes engaged two Daesh tactical units and destroyed a VBIED factory.

On March 19 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Hawijah, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed a Daesh cave.
Near Qayyarah, one strike destroyed a Daesh-held building.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Syria or Iraq on March 18, 2018.

March 17, 2018
Syria: 1 strikes
Iraq: 2 strikes

On March 17 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed a Daesh-held building and a weapons cache.

On March 17 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Hawijah, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed a Daesh facility.
Near Ramadi, one strike destroyed a Daesh underground storage facility.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Syria or Iraq on March 16, 2018.

Additionally, we received late reporting of two strikes consisting of three engagements conducted in the vicinity of Makhmour, Iraq on March 11, 2018 engaging an ISIS tactical unit and destroying a tunnel network.

French MoD for March 22, 2018 – March 23, 2018

Report Date

March 23, 2018


TF Wagram continues its support for security operations carried out by Iraqi security forces in the Euphrates Valley. This week, three shooting missions were carried out (two illuminance missions and interdiction mission – balance sheet from February 14 to March 20) The activity of the French Air Forces engaged in Operation Chammal focused on supporting the SDF engaged in the Euphrates Valley to reduce the last pockets of Daesh in Syria. 26 aerial sorties were made in the past week (March 14th to 20th). A strike was made in the region of Abu Kamal in Syria.



Sur le théâtre irako-syrien, les opérations se poursuivent. Les objectifs demeurent inchangés : défaire les dernières poches terroristes en Syrie et renforcer la sécurisation du territoire irakien.

Poursuite des combats en Syrie

En Syrie, appuyées par la coalition, les forces démocratiques syriennes poursuivent leur effort pour réduire les dernières poches de Daech présentes sur les rives orientales de l’Euphrate.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

En Irak, les opérations de sécurisation se poursuivent. Dans le désert de l’Anbar, l’armée irakienne vient de terminer une opération interarmées d’envergure au cours de laquelle des caches d’armes ont été découvertes et plusieurs terroristes de Daech mis hors de combat.


En Irak, le rythme des actions de formation se maintient à un niveau élevé. Les Task Force Monsabert et Narvik y participent activement et directement afin d’amener l’armée irakienne vers toujours plus d’autonomie.

La TF Monsabert accompagne la 6e division irakienne

La semaine dernière, la TF Monsabert conduit actuellement plusieurs formations au profit des forces de sécurité irakiennes. Ces formations balayent un large spectre de savoir-faire : combat, lutte contre les engins explosifs improvisés, secourisme au combat et topographie.

La TF Narvik engagée dans plusieurs stages au profit de l’Iraki Counter Terrorism Service

Le 21 mars, la TF Narvik a été endeuillée par la mort accidentelle du légionnaire Bogusz Pochylski.

La Task Force est actuellement engagée dans cinq stages distincts au profit d’une quarantaine de stagiaires chacun, soit environ 200 soldats de l’ICTS. Ces stages concernent la lutte contre les IED, le tir de combat, le déplacement tactique en véhicule, le secourisme de combat et le tir de précision.

La Task Force Wagram en appui des opérations de sécurisation

La TF Wagram poursuit son appui aux opérations de sécurisation menées par les forces de sécurité irakiennes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate. Cette semaine, trois missions de tirs ont été réalisées (2 missions d’éclairement et une d’interdiction – bilan du 14 février au 20 mars).

Depuis le début de sa mission, la TF Wagram a réalisé 1635 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations

L’activité des forces aériennes françaises engagées dans l’opération Chammal se concentre sur l’appui aux forces démocratiques syriennes engagées dans la vallée de l’Euphrate pour réduire les dernières poches de Daech en Syrie.

26 sorties aériennes ont été réalisées dans la semaine écoulée (bilan du 14 au 20 mars). Une frappe a été réalisée dans la région d’Abou Kamal en Syrie.

Bilan total depuis le 19/09/14 :

7896 sorties / 1447 frappes / 2237 objectifs neutralisés.

Report Date

March 23, 2018


TF Wagram continues its support for security operations carried out by Iraqi security forces in the Euphrates Valley. This week, three shooting missions were carried out (two illuminance missions and interdiction mission – balance sheet from February 14 to March 20) The activity of the French Air Forces engaged in Operation Chammal focused on supporting the SDF engaged in the Euphrates Valley to reduce the last pockets of Daesh in Syria. 26 aerial sorties were made in the past week (March 14th to 20th). A strike was made in the region of Abu Kamal in Syria.



Sur le théâtre irako-syrien, les opérations se poursuivent. Les objectifs demeurent inchangés : défaire les dernières poches terroristes en Syrie et renforcer la sécurisation du territoire irakien.

Poursuite des combats en Syrie

En Syrie, appuyées par la coalition, les forces démocratiques syriennes poursuivent leur effort pour réduire les dernières poches de Daech présentes sur les rives orientales de l’Euphrate.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

En Irak, les opérations de sécurisation se poursuivent. Dans le désert de l’Anbar, l’armée irakienne vient de terminer une opération interarmées d’envergure au cours de laquelle des caches d’armes ont été découvertes et plusieurs terroristes de Daech mis hors de combat.


En Irak, le rythme des actions de formation se maintient à un niveau élevé. Les Task Force Monsabert et Narvik y participent activement et directement afin d’amener l’armée irakienne vers toujours plus d’autonomie.

La TF Monsabert accompagne la 6e division irakienne

La semaine dernière, la TF Monsabert conduit actuellement plusieurs formations au profit des forces de sécurité irakiennes. Ces formations balayent un large spectre de savoir-faire : combat, lutte contre les engins explosifs improvisés, secourisme au combat et topographie.

La TF Narvik engagée dans plusieurs stages au profit de l’Iraki Counter Terrorism Service

Le 21 mars, la TF Narvik a été endeuillée par la mort accidentelle du légionnaire Bogusz Pochylski.

La Task Force est actuellement engagée dans cinq stages distincts au profit d’une quarantaine de stagiaires chacun, soit environ 200 soldats de l’ICTS. Ces stages concernent la lutte contre les IED, le tir de combat, le déplacement tactique en véhicule, le secourisme de combat et le tir de précision.

La Task Force Wagram en appui des opérations de sécurisation

La TF Wagram poursuit son appui aux opérations de sécurisation menées par les forces de sécurité irakiennes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate. Cette semaine, trois missions de tirs ont été réalisées (2 missions d’éclairement et une d’interdiction – bilan du 14 février au 20 mars).

Depuis le début de sa mission, la TF Wagram a réalisé 1635 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations

L’activité des forces aériennes françaises engagées dans l’opération Chammal se concentre sur l’appui aux forces démocratiques syriennes engagées dans la vallée de l’Euphrate pour réduire les dernières poches de Daech en Syrie.

26 sorties aériennes ont été réalisées dans la semaine écoulée (bilan du 14 au 20 mars). Une frappe a été réalisée dans la région d’Abou Kamal en Syrie.

Bilan total depuis le 19/09/14 :

7896 sorties / 1447 frappes / 2237 objectifs neutralisés.

UK MoD for March 18, 2018 – March 19, 2018

Report Date

March 19, 2018

Sunday 18 March – a Reaper killed two terrorists on a motorcycle in eastern Syria…On Sunday 18 March, a Reaper tracked a pair of terrorists on a motorcycle south-east of As Shadadi in eastern Syria. It became clear that they were operating as a mobile checkpoint in an attempt to exert control over the local area. The Reaper’s crew waited until the motorcycle was in open country, and despite its high speed, achieved a direct hit with a Hellfire which killed both of the Daesh extremists.

Report Date

March 19, 2018

Sunday 18 March – a Reaper killed two terrorists on a motorcycle in eastern Syria…On Sunday 18 March, a Reaper tracked a pair of terrorists on a motorcycle south-east of As Shadadi in eastern Syria. It became clear that they were operating as a mobile checkpoint in an attempt to exert control over the local area. The Reaper’s crew waited until the motorcycle was in open country, and despite its high speed, achieved a direct hit with a Hellfire which killed both of the Daesh extremists.

Netherlands MoD for March 15, 2018 – March 16, 2018

Report Date

March 16, 2018


For March 14th-20th the Dutch reported that its F16s supported ground troops in 10 missions above the Iraqi provinces Nineveh, Al Anbar, Kirkuk, Erbil and Diyala and the Syrian governorate Deir Ezzor. No weapons were deployed.


Nederlandse F-16’s ondersteunden grondtroepen boven de Iraakse provincies Ninawa, Al-Anbar, Kirkuk, Erbil en Diyala en de Syrische provincie Deir Al Zour. Dat gebeurde tijdens 10 missies. Er werden geen wapens ingezet.

Nederland neemt boven Irak en Oost-Syrië in coalitieverband deel aan de strijd tegen terreurorganisatie ISIS.

Nederlandse instructeurs startten in Irak nieuwe cursussen aan militairen in Irak. Ze leerden hen onder meer grote gebieden te beveiligen en kregen bataljonsstaf- en infanterietrainingen. De militairen verzorgden de opleidingen met partnerlanden.

Een Nederlands chirurgisch team opereert in een Amerikaans role 2 hospitaal in westelijk Irak. Het team werkt nauw samen met Britse medici.

Report Date

March 16, 2018


For March 14th-20th the Dutch reported that its F16s supported ground troops in 10 missions above the Iraqi provinces Nineveh, Al Anbar, Kirkuk, Erbil and Diyala and the Syrian governorate Deir Ezzor. No weapons were deployed.


Nederlandse F-16’s ondersteunden grondtroepen boven de Iraakse provincies Ninawa, Al-Anbar, Kirkuk, Erbil en Diyala en de Syrische provincie Deir Al Zour. Dat gebeurde tijdens 10 missies. Er werden geen wapens ingezet.

Nederland neemt boven Irak en Oost-Syrië in coalitieverband deel aan de strijd tegen terreurorganisatie ISIS.

Nederlandse instructeurs startten in Irak nieuwe cursussen aan militairen in Irak. Ze leerden hen onder meer grote gebieden te beveiligen en kregen bataljonsstaf- en infanterietrainingen. De militairen verzorgden de opleidingen met partnerlanden.

Een Nederlands chirurgisch team opereert in een Amerikaans role 2 hospitaal in westelijk Irak. Het team werkt nauw samen met Britse medici.

CJTF–OIR for March 15, 2018 – March 16, 2018

Report Date

March 16, 2018

Military Strikes Continue Against Daesh Terrorists in Syria and Iraq

SOUTHWEST ASIA – Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners continue to strike Daesh targets in designated parts of Syria and Iraq.
Ongoing operations by Iraqi Security Forces and Syrian Democratic Forces, supported by CJTF-OIR efforts, demonstrate that much work remains to defeat Daesh here. The Coalition and our partners continue to exert pressure on Daesh senior leaders and associates and to degrade, disrupt and dismantle Daesh structures and remove the extremist terrorists throughout Iraq and Syria. This will prevent the terrorist group’s ability to regroup and resume its capacity to threaten citizens of all nations.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between Mar. 9 and Mar. 15, Coalition military forces conducted 23 strikes consisting of 37 engagements in Syria and Iraq.

On Mar. 15 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.
• Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed a Daesh observation post.

On Mar. 15 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.
• Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed a Daesh supply route.
• Near Qayyarah, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit.

On Mar. 14 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of four engagements against Daesh targets.
• Near Al Shadaddi, one strike destroyed a Daesh-held building.

On Mar. 14 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of seven engagements against Daesh targets.
• Near Rutbah, two strikes engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed two Daesh-held buildings, two Daesh vehicles and three fighting positions.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Syria on Mar. 13, 2018.

On Mar. 13 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of six engagements against Daesh targets.
• Near Baghdad, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit.
• Near Rutbah, one strike damaged a Daesh tunnel.
• Near Qayyarah, two strikes engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed two Daesh watercrafts and a fighting position.

On Mar. 12 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.
• Near Al Shadaddi, one strike destroyed a Daesh-held building.

On Mar. 12 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.
• Near Rutbah, two strikes engaged two Daesh tactical units and destroyed a Daesh tunnel and a Daesh vehicle.

On Mar. 11 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.
• Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed a Daesh drone.

On Mar. 11 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of four engagements against Daesh targets.
• Near Hawijah, three strikes engaged two Daesh tactical units and destroyed a Daesh camp and a tunnel.

On Mar. 10 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.
• Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed a Daesh-held building.
• Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit.

On Mar. 10 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.
• Near Baghdad, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit.

On Mar. 9 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.
• Near Abu Kamal, three strikes engaged two Daesh tactical units and destroyed a Daesh-held building and a weapons cache.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Mar. 9, 2018.

Additionally, we received late reporting of one strike consisting of three engagements conducted in Iraq against Daesh targets on Mar. 8 near Tal Afar, destroying a Daesh tunnel.

Report Date

March 16, 2018

Report Summary

  • 24 total strikes
  • 9 in Syria
  • 15 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 23 total strikes
  • 9 in Syria (14982 – 14990)
  • 14 in Iraq (14181 – 14194)

Confirmed Actions


Military Strikes Continue Against Daesh Terrorists in Syria and Iraq

SOUTHWEST ASIA – Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners continue to strike Daesh targets in designated parts of Syria and Iraq.

Ongoing operations by Iraqi Security Forces and Syrian Democratic Forces, supported by CJTF-OIR efforts, demonstrate that much work remains to defeat Daesh here. The Coalition and our partners continue to exert pressure on Daesh senior leaders and associates and to degrade, disrupt and dismantle Daesh structures and remove the extremist terrorists throughout Iraq and Syria. This will prevent the terrorist group’s ability to regroup and resume its capacity to threaten citizens of all nations.

Weekly Strike Summary

March 9, 2018

Between Mar. 9 and Mar. 15, Coalition military forces conducted 23 strikes consisting of 37 engagements in Syria and Iraq.

March 15, 2018
Syria: 1 strikes
Iraq: 2 strikes

On Mar. 15 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed a Daesh observation post.

On Mar. 15 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed a Daesh supply route.
Near Qayyarah, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit.
March 14, 2018
Syria: 1 strikes
Iraq: 2 strikes

On Mar. 14 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of four engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Al Shadaddi, one strike destroyed a Daesh-held building.

On Mar. 14 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of seven engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Rutbah, two strikes engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed two Daesh-held buildings, two Daesh vehicles and three fighting positions.
March 13, 2018
Iraq: 4 strikes

There were no reported strikes conducted in Syria on Mar. 13, 2018.

On Mar. 13 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of six engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Baghdad, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit.
Near Rutbah, one strike damaged a Daesh tunnel.
Near Qayyarah, two strikes engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed two Daesh watercrafts and a fighting position.
March 12, 2018
Syria: 1 strikes
Iraq: 2 strikes

On Mar. 12 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Al Shadaddi, one strike destroyed a Daesh-held building.

On Mar. 12 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Rutbah, two strikes engaged two Daesh tactical units and destroyed a Daesh tunnel and a Daesh vehicle.
March 11, 2018
Syria: 1 strikes
Iraq: 3 strikes

On Mar. 11 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed a Daesh drone.

On Mar. 11 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of four engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Hawijah, three strikes engaged two Daesh tactical units and destroyed a Daesh camp and a tunnel.
March 10, 2018
Syria: 5 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On Mar. 10 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed a Daesh-held building.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit.

On Mar. 10 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Baghdad, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit.

On Mar. 9 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, three strikes engaged two Daesh tactical units and destroyed a Daesh-held building and a weapons cache.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Mar. 9, 2018.

March 8, 2018
Iraq: 1 strikes
Additionally, we received late reporting of one strike consisting of three engagements conducted in Iraq against Daesh targets on Mar. 8 near Tal Afar, destroying a Daesh tunnel.

Netherlands MoD for March 13, 2018 – March 14, 2018

Report Date

March 14, 2018


For March 7th-14th 2018, the Dutch MoD reports that Dutch F-16s attacked ISIS-fighters in support of ground troops above Deir Al Zour in Eastern Syria. The planes supported ground troops during 10 missions, also above the Iraqi provinces Salah ad Din and Kirkuk. Weapons were deployed during 2 missions.

Nederlandse F-16’s vielen ter ondersteuning van grondtroepen ISIS-strijders aan. Dat gebeurde in de buurt van Abu Kamal in de provincie Deir Al Zour in Oost-Syrië. Een overzicht van Defensieoperaties in de week van 7 tot en met 13 maart 2018.

De jachtvliegtuigen hielpen de grondtroepen tijdens 10 missies, ook boven de Iraakse provincies Salah ad Din en Kirkuk. Bij 2 missies werden wapens ingezet.

Nederland neemt boven Irak en Oost-Syrië in coalitieverband deel aan de strijd tegen terreurorganisatie ISIS.

Nederlandse instructeurs startten in Irak nieuwe cursussen aan militairen in Irak. Ze leerden onder meer grote gebieden te beveiligen en kregen bataljonsstaf- en infanterietrainingen. De militairen verzorgden de opleidingen samen met partnerlanden.

Een Nederlands chirurgisch team opereert in een Amerikaans role 2-hospitaal in westelijk Irak. Het team werkt nauw samen met Britse medici.

Report Date

March 14, 2018

Confirmed Actions



For March 7th-14th 2018, the Dutch MoD reports that Dutch F-16s attacked ISIS-fighters in support of ground troops above Deir Al Zour in Eastern Syria. The planes supported ground troops during 10 missions, also above the Iraqi provinces Salah ad Din and Kirkuk. Weapons were deployed during 2 missions.

Nederlandse F-16’s vielen ter ondersteuning van grondtroepen ISIS-strijders aan. Dat gebeurde in de buurt van Abu Kamal in de provincie Deir Al Zour in Oost-Syrië. Een overzicht van Defensieoperaties in de week van 7 tot en met 13 maart 2018.

De jachtvliegtuigen hielpen de grondtroepen tijdens 10 missies, ook boven de Iraakse provincies Salah ad Din en Kirkuk. Bij 2 missies werden wapens ingezet.

Nederland neemt boven Irak en Oost-Syrië in coalitieverband deel aan de strijd tegen terreurorganisatie ISIS.

Nederlandse instructeurs startten in Irak nieuwe cursussen aan militairen in Irak. Ze leerden onder meer grote gebieden te beveiligen en kregen bataljonsstaf- en infanterietrainingen. De militairen verzorgden de opleidingen samen met partnerlanden.

Een Nederlands chirurgisch team opereert in een Amerikaans role 2-hospitaal in westelijk Irak. Het team werkt nauw samen met Britse medici.

UK MoD for March 11, 2018 – March 12, 2018

Report Date

March 12, 2018

Sunday 11 March – Tornados eliminated a small group of terrorists in northern Iraq…A further attack was conducted in Iraq on Sunday 11 March; coalition surveillance had identified a small group of Daesh extremists in a hilly region some 25 miles south east of Qayyarah and the Iraqi security forces requested assistance in dealing with them. Two Tornado GR4s eliminated the Daesh group with a single Paveway IV, thus preventing any effort to re-establish terrorist activities in the area.

Report Date

March 12, 2018

Sunday 11 March – Tornados eliminated a small group of terrorists in northern Iraq…A further attack was conducted in Iraq on Sunday 11 March; coalition surveillance had identified a small group of Daesh extremists in a hilly region some 25 miles south east of Qayyarah and the Iraqi security forces requested assistance in dealing with them. Two Tornado GR4s eliminated the Daesh group with a single Paveway IV, thus preventing any effort to re-establish terrorist activities in the area.

UK MoD for March 10, 2018 – March 11, 2018

Report Date

March 11, 2018

Saturday 10 March – Typhoons bombed a Daesh drone team in eastern Syria…In similar fashion, a Typhoon flight armed with Paveway IV guided bombs s was able to strike successfully a Daesh team flying a quadcopter drone from a building in the Euphrates valley on Saturday 10 March.

Report Date

March 11, 2018

Saturday 10 March – Typhoons bombed a Daesh drone team in eastern Syria...In similar fashion, a Typhoon flight armed with Paveway IV guided bombs s was able to strike successfully a Daesh team flying a quadcopter drone from a building in the Euphrates valley on Saturday 10 March.

CJTF–OIR for March 8, 2018 – March 9, 2018

Report Date

March 9, 2018

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners continue to strike Daesh targets in designated parts of Syria and Iraq.

Ongoing operations by Iraqi Security Forces and Syrian Democratic Forces, supported by CJTF-OIR efforts, demonstrate that much work remains to defeat Daesh here. The Coalition and our partners continue to exert pressure on Daesh senior leaders and associates across multiple networks in order to degrade, disrupt, and dismantle Daesh structures and remove the extremist terrorists throughout Iraq and Syria. This will prevent the terrorist group’s ability to regroup and resume its capacity to threaten citizens of all nations.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between Mar. 2 and Mar. 8, Coalition military forces conducted 20 strikes consisting of 30 engagements in Syria and Iraq.

On Mar. 8 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets. • Near Abu Kamal, two strikes [1 British?] destroyed a Daesh supply route and a UAV.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Mar. 8, 2018.

On Mar. 7 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets. • Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged two Daesh tactical units and destroyed four Daesh motorcycles.

On Mar. 7 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets. • Near Qayyarah, one strike destroyed a Daesh tunnel.

On Mar. 6 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of six engagements against Daesh targets. • Near Abu Kamal, four strikes engaged two Daesh tactical units and destroyed a Daesh supply route, a front end loader and a staging facility.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Mar. 6, 2018.

On Mar. 5 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets. • Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed a Daesh supply route and a Daesh transportation vehicle.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Mar. 5, 2018.

On Mar. 4 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets. • Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed two Daesh supply routes.

On Mar. 4 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets. • Near Hawijah, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed a Daesh tunnel and a weapons cache.

On Mar. 3 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets. • Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged two Daesh tactical units. • Near Al Shadaddi, one strike destroyed five Daesh-held buildings.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Mar. 3, 2018.

On Mar. 2 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of nine engagements against Daesh targets. • Near Abu Kamal, three strikes engaged two Daesh tactical units and destroyed two Daesh supply routes, three Daesh construction vehicles, a weapons cache and a command and control center.

On Mar. 2 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets. • Near the Atashanah Mountains, one strike destroyed two Daesh supply routes.

Additionally, we received late reporting of one strike consisting of six engagements conducted in Syria against Daesh targets on Mar. 1 near Abu Kamal, engaging a Daesh tactical unit and destroying a weapons cache, 11 VBIEDs and a VBIED storage facility.

These strikes were conducted as part of Operation Inherent Resolve, the operation to destroy Daesh in Iraq and Syria. The destruction of Daesh targets in Iraq and Syria also further limits the group’s ability to project terror and conduct external operations throughout the region and the rest of the world.

This Coalition strike release contains all strikes conducted by fighter, attack, bomber, rotary-wing, or remotely piloted aircraft, rocket propelled artillery and ground-based tactical artillery.

A strike, as defined in the Coalition release, refers to one or more kinetic engagements that occur in roughly the same geographic location to produce a single, sometimes cumulative effect in that location. For example, a single aircraft delivering a single weapon against a lone Daesh vehicle is one strike, but so is multiple aircraft delivering dozens of weapons against a group of Daesh-held buildings and weapon systems in a compound, having the cumulative effect of making that facility harder or impossible to use. Strike assessments are based on initial reports and may be refined.

CJTF-OIR does not report the number or type of aircraft employed in a strike, the number of munitions dropped in each strike, or the number of individual munition impact points against a target. The information used to compile the daily strike releases is based on “Z” or Greenwich Mean Time.

Report Date

March 9, 2018

Report Summary

  • 20 total strikes
  • 17 in Syria
  • 3 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 18 total strikes
  • 15 in Syria (14972 – 14986)
  • 3 in Iraq (14166 – 14168)

Confirmed Actions


Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners continue to strike Daesh targets in designated parts of Syria and Iraq.

Ongoing operations by Iraqi Security Forces and Syrian Democratic Forces, supported by CJTF-OIR efforts, demonstrate that much work remains to defeat Daesh here. The Coalition and our partners continue to exert pressure on Daesh senior leaders and associates across multiple networks in order to degrade, disrupt, and dismantle Daesh structures and remove the extremist terrorists throughout Iraq and Syria. This will prevent the terrorist group’s ability to regroup and resume its capacity to threaten citizens of all nations.

Weekly Strike Summary

March 2, 2018

Between Mar. 2 and Mar. 8, Coalition military forces conducted 20 strikes consisting of 30 engagements in Syria and Iraq.

March 8, 2018
Syria: 2 strikes

On Mar. 8 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, two strikes [1 British?] destroyed a Daesh supply route and a UAV.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Mar. 8, 2018.

March 7, 2018
Syria: 2 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On Mar. 7 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged two Daesh tactical units and destroyed four Daesh motorcycles.

On Mar. 7 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Qayyarah, one strike destroyed a Daesh tunnel.
March 6, 2018
Syria: 4 strikes

On Mar. 6 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of six engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, four strikes engaged two Daesh tactical units and destroyed a Daesh supply route, a front end loader and a staging facility.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Mar. 6, 2018.

March 5, 2018
Syria: 2 strikes

On Mar. 5 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed a Daesh supply route and a Daesh transportation vehicle.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Mar. 5, 2018.

March 4, 2018
Syria: 1 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On Mar. 4 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed two Daesh supply routes.

On Mar. 4 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Hawijah, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed a Daesh tunnel and a weapons cache.
March 3, 2018
Syria: 6 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

On Mar. 3 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged two Daesh tactical units.
Near Al Shadaddi, one strike destroyed five Daesh-held buildings.

There were no reported strikes conducted in Iraq on Mar. 3, 2018.

On Mar. 2 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of nine engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, three strikes engaged two Daesh tactical units and destroyed two Daesh supply routes, three Daesh construction vehicles, a weapons cache and a command and control center.

On Mar. 2 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near the Atashanah Mountains, one strike destroyed two Daesh supply routes.
March 1, 2018
Additionally, we received late reporting of one strike consisting of six engagements conducted in Syria against Daesh targets on Mar. 1 near Abu Kamal, engaging a Daesh tactical unit and destroying a weapons cache, 11 VBIEDs and a VBIED storage facility.

These strikes were conducted as part of Operation Inherent Resolve, the operation to destroy Daesh in Iraq and Syria. The destruction of Daesh targets in Iraq and Syria also further limits the group’s ability to project terror and conduct external operations throughout the region and the rest of the world.

This Coalition strike release contains all strikes conducted by fighter, attack, bomber, rotary-wing, or remotely piloted aircraft, rocket propelled artillery and ground-based tactical artillery.

A strike, as defined in the Coalition release, refers to one or more kinetic engagements that occur in roughly the same geographic location to produce a single, sometimes cumulative effect in that location. For example, a single aircraft delivering a single weapon against a lone Daesh vehicle is one strike, but so is multiple aircraft delivering dozens of weapons against a group of Daesh-held buildings and weapon systems in a compound, having the cumulative effect of making that facility harder or impossible to use. Strike assessments are based on initial reports and may be refined.

CJTF-OIR does not report the number or type of aircraft employed in a strike, the number of munitions dropped in each strike, or the number of individual munition impact points against a target. The information used to compile the daily strike releases is based on “Z” or Greenwich Mean Time.

UK MoD for March 8, 2018 – March 9, 2018

Report Date

March 9, 2018

Thursday 8 March – a Reaper destroyed a terrorist drone in eastern Syria…Royal Air Force aircraft have continued to fly daily armed reconnaissance missions over eastern Syria against Daesh. A terrorist drone was reported north of Abu Kamal in the Euphrates valley of Syria on Thursday 8 March, and an RAF Reaper was tasked with hunting for it. The Reaper’s crew spotted the conventional winged drone on a flat roof where it had landed. Having conducted a careful check for any signs of civilian life in the area, the drone was then destroyed by a direct hit from a Hellfire missile.

Report Date

March 9, 2018

Thursday 8 March – a Reaper destroyed a terrorist drone in eastern Syria…Royal Air Force aircraft have continued to fly daily armed reconnaissance missions over eastern Syria against Daesh. A terrorist drone was reported north of Abu Kamal in the Euphrates valley of Syria on Thursday 8 March, and an RAF Reaper was tasked with hunting for it. The Reaper’s crew spotted the conventional winged drone on a flat roof where it had landed. Having conducted a careful check for any signs of civilian life in the area, the drone was then destroyed by a direct hit from a Hellfire missile.

French MoD for March 8, 2018 – March 9, 2018

Report Date

March 9, 2018


For March 7th to 13th, France reports 25 aerial sorties were carried out in support of local forces engaged on the ground. This led to 3 strikes: two in Syria in the Abu Kamal region and one in Iraq west of Ramadi. Task Force Wagram carried out three “three lighting firing missions” in support of ISF in Euphrates Valley.



Sur le théâtre irako-syrien, les opérations se poursuivent. Les objectifs demeurent inchangés : défaire les dernières poches terroristes en Syrie et renforcer la sécurisation du territoire irakien.

Poursuite des combats en Syrie

En Syrie, appuyées par la coalition, les forces démocratiques syriennes poursuivent leur effort pour réduire les dernières poches de Daech présentes sur les rives orientales de l’Euphrate en Syrie.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

En Irak, les forces de sécurité irakiennes demeurent impliquées dans de nombreuses opérations pour renforcer la sécurisation du territoire irakien. Elles y obtiennent des résultats probants avec la découverte régulière de tunnels et de caches permettant la saisie et la destruction de quantités importantes d’armes et de matériels terroristes.


Formation des forces de sécurité irakiennes au secourisme de combat

La Task Force Monsabert conduit actuellement des formations au secourisme au combat au profit de soldats des forces de sécurité irakiennes.

Au cours de ces stages, des instructeurs irakiens sont également formés pour leur permettre d’être à leur tour capable de dispenser ce type de formation.

La Task Force Wagram en appui des opérations de sécurisation

La Task Force Wagram poursuit son appui aux opérations de sécurisation menées par les forces de sécurité irakiennes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate. Cette semaine, trois missions de tirs d’éclairement ont été réalisées (bilan du 28 février au 6 mars).

Depuis le début de sa mission, la TF Wagram, a réalisé 1632 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations

L’activité des forces aériennes françaises engagées dans l’opération Chammal se concentre sur l’appui aux forces démocratiques syriennes engagées dans la vallée de l’Euphrate.

Dans ce cadre, 25 sorties aériennes ont été réalisées en appui des forces locales engagées au sol (bilan du 7 au 13 mars). Elles ont conduit à trois frappes, deux en Syrie dans la région d’Abu Kamal et une en Irak à l’ouest de Ramadi.

Bilan total depuis le 19/09/14 :

7870 sorties / 1446 frappes / 2236 objectifs neutralisés.

Report Date

March 9, 2018


For March 7th to 13th, France reports 25 aerial sorties were carried out in support of local forces engaged on the ground. This led to 3 strikes: two in Syria in the Abu Kamal region and one in Iraq west of Ramadi. Task Force Wagram carried out three “three lighting firing missions” in support of ISF in Euphrates Valley.



Sur le théâtre irako-syrien, les opérations se poursuivent. Les objectifs demeurent inchangés : défaire les dernières poches terroristes en Syrie et renforcer la sécurisation du territoire irakien.

Poursuite des combats en Syrie

En Syrie, appuyées par la coalition, les forces démocratiques syriennes poursuivent leur effort pour réduire les dernières poches de Daech présentes sur les rives orientales de l’Euphrate en Syrie.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

En Irak, les forces de sécurité irakiennes demeurent impliquées dans de nombreuses opérations pour renforcer la sécurisation du territoire irakien. Elles y obtiennent des résultats probants avec la découverte régulière de tunnels et de caches permettant la saisie et la destruction de quantités importantes d’armes et de matériels terroristes.


Formation des forces de sécurité irakiennes au secourisme de combat

La Task Force Monsabert conduit actuellement des formations au secourisme au combat au profit de soldats des forces de sécurité irakiennes.

Au cours de ces stages, des instructeurs irakiens sont également formés pour leur permettre d’être à leur tour capable de dispenser ce type de formation.

La Task Force Wagram en appui des opérations de sécurisation

La Task Force Wagram poursuit son appui aux opérations de sécurisation menées par les forces de sécurité irakiennes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate. Cette semaine, trois missions de tirs d’éclairement ont été réalisées (bilan du 28 février au 6 mars).

Depuis le début de sa mission, la TF Wagram, a réalisé 1632 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations

L’activité des forces aériennes françaises engagées dans l’opération Chammal se concentre sur l’appui aux forces démocratiques syriennes engagées dans la vallée de l’Euphrate.

Dans ce cadre, 25 sorties aériennes ont été réalisées en appui des forces locales engagées au sol (bilan du 7 au 13 mars). Elles ont conduit à trois frappes, deux en Syrie dans la région d’Abu Kamal et une en Irak à l’ouest de Ramadi.

Bilan total depuis le 19/09/14 :

7870 sorties / 1446 frappes / 2236 objectifs neutralisés.

UK MoD for March 4, 2018 – March 5, 2018

Report Date

March 5, 2018

Sunday 4 March – Typhoons bombed a tunnel used as a weapons store in northern Iraq…Although Daesh have been defeated within Iraq, RAF and other coalition aircraft have remained available to support the Iraqi security forces as necessary. On Sunday 4 March, a Typhoon flight was tasked with the destruction of a tunnel, used by the terrorists as a weapons storage area, located in a remote area in northern Iraq, more than 15 miles south-east of Hawijah. Our aircraft destroyed the tunnel, and the weapons cache therein, with two Paveway IVs.

Report Date

March 5, 2018

Sunday 4 March – Typhoons bombed a tunnel used as a weapons store in northern Iraq...Although Daesh have been defeated within Iraq, RAF and other coalition aircraft have remained available to support the Iraqi security forces as necessary. On Sunday 4 March, a Typhoon flight was tasked with the destruction of a tunnel, used by the terrorists as a weapons storage area, located in a remote area in northern Iraq, more than 15 miles south-east of Hawijah. Our aircraft destroyed the tunnel, and the weapons cache therein, with two Paveway IVs.

UK MoD for March 3, 2018 – March 4, 2018

Report Date

March 4, 2018

Saturday 3 March – Typhoons destroyed a terrorist base, close to Syria’s border with Iraq…Coalition intelligence analysis identified a group of four buildings in eastern Syria as a terrorist base, situated close to the border with Iraq. Two Typhoons, supported by coalition surveillance aircraft, conducted an attack on Saturday 3 March, and demolished all four buildings with direct hits from Paveway IVs.

Report Date

March 4, 2018

Saturday 3 March – Typhoons destroyed a terrorist base, close to Syria’s border with Iraq…Coalition intelligence analysis identified a group of four buildings in eastern Syria as a terrorist base, situated close to the border with Iraq. Two Typhoons, supported by coalition surveillance aircraft, conducted an attack on Saturday 3 March, and demolished all four buildings with direct hits from Paveway IVs.

CJTF–OIR for March 1, 2018 – March 2, 2018

Report Date

March 2, 2018

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners continue to strike Daesh targets in designated parts of Syria and Iraq.

Ongoing operations by Iraqi Security Forces and Syrian Democratic Forces, supported by CJTF-OIR efforts, demonstrate that much work remains to defeat Daesh here. The Coalition and our partners continue to exert pressure on Daesh senior leaders and associates across multiple networks in order to degrade, disrupt, and dismantle Daesh structures and remove the extremist terrorists throughout Iraq and Syria. This will prevent the terrorist group’s ability to regroup and resume its capacity to threaten citizens of all nations.

Weekly Strike Summary

Between Feb. 23 and March 1, Coalition military forces conducted 23 strikes consisting of 35 engagements against targets in Syria and Iraq.

On March 1 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.
• Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed a Daesh motorcycle and two weapons caches.

There were no reported Coalition strikes conducted in Iraq on March 1, 2018.

On Feb. 28 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of four engagements against Daesh targets.
• Near Abu Kamal, three strikes engaged two Daesh tactical units and destroyed a Daesh supply route and a Daesh-held building.

There were no reported Coalition strikes conducted in Iraq on Feb. 28, 2018.

On Feb. 27 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of five engagements against Daesh targets.
• Near Abu Kamal, four strikes engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed a Daesh vehicle and a supply route and damaged a UAV.

On Feb. 27 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.
• Near Kirkuk, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit.
• Near Qayyarah, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed two Daesh-held buildings.

On Feb. 26 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of seven engagements against Daesh targets.
• Near Abu Kamal, three strikes engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed a Daesh supply route and damaged a mortar.

There were no reported Coalition strikes conducted in Iraq on Feb. 26, 2018.

On Feb. 25 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.
• Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed three fighting positions.

On Feb. 25 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of six engagements against Daesh targets.
• Near Al Asad, one strike destroyed a Daesh cave.
• Near Rutbah, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed two Daesh vehicles and a weapons cache.

On Feb. 24 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.
• Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged two Daesh tactical units and destroyed a heavy machine gun and a fighting position.

On Feb. 24 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.
• Near Hawijah, one strike destroyed a weapons cache.

On Feb. 23 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.
• Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed a fighting position.
• Near Al Shadaddi, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit and an IED facility.

On Feb. 23 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.
• Near Hawijah, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit.

Additionally, we received late reporting of one strike consisting of three engagements conducted in Iraq against Daesh targets on Feb. 22 near Hawijah, engaging a Daesh tactical unit and destroying a Daesh watercraft.

Report Date

March 2, 2018

Report Summary

  • 23 total strikes
  • 17 in Syria
  • 6 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 23 total strikes
  • 17 in Syria (14955 – 14971)
  • 6 in Iraq (14161 – 14166)

Confirmed Actions


Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve and its partners continue to strike Daesh targets in designated parts of Syria and Iraq.

Ongoing operations by Iraqi Security Forces and Syrian Democratic Forces, supported by CJTF-OIR efforts, demonstrate that much work remains to defeat Daesh here. The Coalition and our partners continue to exert pressure on Daesh senior leaders and associates across multiple networks in order to degrade, disrupt, and dismantle Daesh structures and remove the extremist terrorists throughout Iraq and Syria. This will prevent the terrorist group’s ability to regroup and resume its capacity to threaten citizens of all nations.

Weekly Strike Summary

February 23, 2018

Between Feb. 23 and March 1, Coalition military forces conducted 23 strikes consisting of 35 engagements against targets in Syria and Iraq.

March 1, 2018
Syria: 2 strikes

On March 1 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed a Daesh motorcycle and two weapons caches.

There were no reported Coalition strikes conducted in Iraq on March 1, 2018.

February 28, 2018
Syria: 3 strikes

On Feb. 28 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of four engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, three strikes engaged two Daesh tactical units and destroyed a Daesh supply route and a Daesh-held building.

There were no reported Coalition strikes conducted in Iraq on Feb. 28, 2018.

February 27, 2018
Syria: 4 strikes
Iraq: 2 strikes

On Feb. 27 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of five engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, four strikes engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed a Daesh vehicle and a supply route and damaged a UAV.

On Feb. 27 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Kirkuk, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit.
Near Qayyarah, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed two Daesh-held buildings.
February 26, 2018
Syria: 3 strikes

On Feb. 26 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of seven engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, three strikes engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed a Daesh supply route and damaged a mortar.

There were no reported Coalition strikes conducted in Iraq on Feb. 26, 2018.

February 25, 2018
Syria: 1 strikes
Iraq: 2 strikes

On Feb. 25 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed three fighting positions.

On Feb. 25 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of six engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Al Asad, one strike destroyed a Daesh cave.
Near Rutbah, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit and destroyed two Daesh vehicles and a weapons cache.
February 24, 2018
Syria: 4 strikes
Iraq: 2 strikes

On Feb. 24 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of two engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged two Daesh tactical units and destroyed a heavy machine gun and a fighting position.

On Feb. 24 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Hawijah, one strike destroyed a weapons cache.

On Feb. 23 in Syria, Coalition military forces conducted two strikes consisting of three engagements against Daesh targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed a fighting position.
Near Al Shadaddi, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit and an IED facility.

On Feb. 23 in Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted one strike consisting of one engagement against Daesh targets.

Near Hawijah, one strike engaged a Daesh tactical unit.
February 22, 2018
Additionally, we received late reporting of one strike consisting of three engagements conducted in Iraq against Daesh targets on Feb. 22 near Hawijah, engaging a Daesh tactical unit and destroying a Daesh watercraft.

French MoD for March 1, 2018 – March 2, 2018

Report Date

March 2, 2018


For Feb 21st-27th, France reports 25 sorties and four strikes were made in the Abu Kamal area in support of the SDF in the Euphrates Valley. The Wagram Task Force continues its support for security operations in the Euphrates Valley. This week, three “lighting missions” were carried out for the Iraqi security forces.



Sur le théâtre irako-syrien, les opérations se poursuivent. Les objectifs demeurent de :

défaire les poches terroristes résiduelles en Syrie ;

sécuriser les territoires récemment libérés en Irak.

Poursuite des combats en Syrie

En Syrie, les forces démocratiques syriennes poursuivent leurs efforts sur les rives orientales de l’Euphrate afin de réduire les dernières poches de Daech présentes dans la zone. Cette semaine encore, elles ont progressé lentement en raison des mauvaises conditions météorologiques.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

En Irak, les Forces de Sécurité poursuivent leurs opérations de sécurisation sur l’ensemble du pays. Celles-ci se sont concentrées cette semaine sur le plateau d’Hawijah et le Sud de l’Anbar.


La Task Force Wagram en appui des opérations de sécurisation

La Task Force Wagram poursuit son appui aux opérations de sécurisation menées dans la vallée de l’Euphrate. Cette semaine, trois missions de tirs ont été réalisées au profit des forces de sécurité irakiennes (3 missions d’éclairement – bilan du 21 au 27 février).

Depuis le début de sa mission, la TF Wagram a réalisé 1625 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations

Cette semaine, l’activité aérienne a permis d’assurer des missions de renseignement et d’appui au profit des forces de sécurité irakiennes et des forces démocratiques syriennes.

Elle a donné lieu à 25 sorties aériennes (bilan du 21 au 27 février) au cours desquelles quatre frappes ont été réalisées dans le secteur d’Abu Kamal en appui des forces démocratiques syriennes combattant les dernières poches de Daech dans la vallée de l’Euphrate.

Bilan total depuis le 19/09/14 :

7815 sorties / 1443 frappes / 2233 objectifs neutralisés.

Report Date

March 2, 2018


For Feb 21st-27th, France reports 25 sorties and four strikes were made in the Abu Kamal area in support of the SDF in the Euphrates Valley. The Wagram Task Force continues its support for security operations in the Euphrates Valley. This week, three “lighting missions” were carried out for the Iraqi security forces.



Sur le théâtre irako-syrien, les opérations se poursuivent. Les objectifs demeurent de :

défaire les poches terroristes résiduelles en Syrie ;

sécuriser les territoires récemment libérés en Irak.

Poursuite des combats en Syrie

En Syrie, les forces démocratiques syriennes poursuivent leurs efforts sur les rives orientales de l’Euphrate afin de réduire les dernières poches de Daech présentes dans la zone. Cette semaine encore, elles ont progressé lentement en raison des mauvaises conditions météorologiques.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

En Irak, les Forces de Sécurité poursuivent leurs opérations de sécurisation sur l’ensemble du pays. Celles-ci se sont concentrées cette semaine sur le plateau d’Hawijah et le Sud de l’Anbar.


La Task Force Wagram en appui des opérations de sécurisation

La Task Force Wagram poursuit son appui aux opérations de sécurisation menées dans la vallée de l’Euphrate. Cette semaine, trois missions de tirs ont été réalisées au profit des forces de sécurité irakiennes (3 missions d’éclairement – bilan du 21 au 27 février).

Depuis le début de sa mission, la TF Wagram a réalisé 1625 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations

Cette semaine, l’activité aérienne a permis d’assurer des missions de renseignement et d’appui au profit des forces de sécurité irakiennes et des forces démocratiques syriennes.

Elle a donné lieu à 25 sorties aériennes (bilan du 21 au 27 février) au cours desquelles quatre frappes ont été réalisées dans le secteur d’Abu Kamal en appui des forces démocratiques syriennes combattant les dernières poches de Daech dans la vallée de l’Euphrate.

Bilan total depuis le 19/09/14 :

7815 sorties / 1443 frappes / 2233 objectifs neutralisés.

French MoD for March 1, 2018 – March 2, 2018

Report Date

March 2, 2018


For Feb 28th to March 6th, France reports 30 air sorties providing intelligence support to SDF forces engaged on the ground. No strikes were conducted. Task Force Wagram continued its support for security operations carried out by the ISF in the Euphrates Valley. This week, four shooting missions were carried out (2 interdiction missions and 2 illuminance missions.)



Sur le théâtre irako-syrien, les opérations se poursuivent. Les objectifs demeurent de défaire les dernières poches terroristes en Syrie et de sécuriser le territoire irakien.

Poursuite des combats en Syrie

En Syrie, les forces démocratiques syriennes poursuivent leur effort contre les dernières poches de Daech en Syrie présentes sur les rives orientales de l’Euphrate, l’une située autour de Dashisha le long de la frontière avec l’Irak et l’autre dans la vallée de l’Euphrate à proximité d’Abou Kamal, autour de la ville d’Hajin.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

En Irak, conduisant une vingtaine d’opérations par semaine, les forces de sécurité irakiennes poursuivent la sécurisation du territoire.

Ces opérations se concentrent autour des principales agglomérations, mais aussi dans le désert de l’Anbar où de nombreuses caches terroristes ont été récemment décelées et détruites.

Retour progressif des réfugiés en Irak

En Irak, la situation des populations civiles revient progressivement à la normale. Au cours des deux dernières semaines, principalement dans la province de Ninive, environ cent trente mille personnes déplacées ont rejoint leurs localités d’origine.


Formation au profit des forces de sécurité irakiennes

En fin de semaine dernière, la Task Force Narvik a terminé un stage de quatre semaines au profit des forces de sécurité irakiennes.

Ce stage s’est déroulé du 6 février au 1er mars et a permis de former aux techniques d’infiltration une vingtaine de soldats irakiens appartenant à l’Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service (ICTS), unité d’élite des forces de sécurité irakiennes.

Les principaux savoir-faire transmis ont été la lutte contre les IED, le combat en zone urbaine, les techniques d’infiltration et de reconnaissance dans la profondeur et le secourisme au combat.

La Task Force Wagram en appui des opérations de sécurisation

La Task Force Wagram poursuit son appui aux opérations de sécurisation menées par les forces de sécurité irakiennes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate. Cette semaine, quatre missions de tirs ont été réalisées (2 missions d’interdiction et 2 missions d’éclairement – bilan du 28 février au 6 mars).

Depuis le début de sa mission, la TF Wagram, a réalisé 1629 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations

L’activité des forces aériennes françaises engagées dans l’opération Chammal se concentre sur l’appui aux forces démocratiques syriennes combattant dans la vallée de l’Euphrate.

Dans ce cadre, les aéronefs engagés dans l’opération Chammal ont réalisé cette semaine 30 sorties aériennes orientées sur l’appui renseignement aux forces locales engagées au sol (bilan du 28 février au 6 mars). Aucune frappe n’a été réalisée.

Bilan total depuis le 19/09/14 :

7845 sorties / 1443 frappes / 2233 objectifs neutralisés.

Report Date

March 2, 2018


For Feb 28th to March 6th, France reports 30 air sorties providing intelligence support to SDF forces engaged on the ground. No strikes were conducted. Task Force Wagram continued its support for security operations carried out by the ISF in the Euphrates Valley. This week, four shooting missions were carried out (2 interdiction missions and 2 illuminance missions.)



Sur le théâtre irako-syrien, les opérations se poursuivent. Les objectifs demeurent de défaire les dernières poches terroristes en Syrie et de sécuriser le territoire irakien.

Poursuite des combats en Syrie

En Syrie, les forces démocratiques syriennes poursuivent leur effort contre les dernières poches de Daech en Syrie présentes sur les rives orientales de l’Euphrate, l’une située autour de Dashisha le long de la frontière avec l’Irak et l’autre dans la vallée de l’Euphrate à proximité d’Abou Kamal, autour de la ville d’Hajin.

Poursuite des actions de sécurisation en Irak

En Irak, conduisant une vingtaine d’opérations par semaine, les forces de sécurité irakiennes poursuivent la sécurisation du territoire.

Ces opérations se concentrent autour des principales agglomérations, mais aussi dans le désert de l’Anbar où de nombreuses caches terroristes ont été récemment décelées et détruites.

Retour progressif des réfugiés en Irak

En Irak, la situation des populations civiles revient progressivement à la normale. Au cours des deux dernières semaines, principalement dans la province de Ninive, environ cent trente mille personnes déplacées ont rejoint leurs localités d’origine.


Formation au profit des forces de sécurité irakiennes

En fin de semaine dernière, la Task Force Narvik a terminé un stage de quatre semaines au profit des forces de sécurité irakiennes.

Ce stage s’est déroulé du 6 février au 1er mars et a permis de former aux techniques d’infiltration une vingtaine de soldats irakiens appartenant à l’Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service (ICTS), unité d’élite des forces de sécurité irakiennes.

Les principaux savoir-faire transmis ont été la lutte contre les IED, le combat en zone urbaine, les techniques d’infiltration et de reconnaissance dans la profondeur et le secourisme au combat.

La Task Force Wagram en appui des opérations de sécurisation

La Task Force Wagram poursuit son appui aux opérations de sécurisation menées par les forces de sécurité irakiennes dans la vallée de l’Euphrate. Cette semaine, quatre missions de tirs ont été réalisées (2 missions d’interdiction et 2 missions d’éclairement – bilan du 28 février au 6 mars).

Depuis le début de sa mission, la TF Wagram, a réalisé 1629 missions de tirs.

Les bases aériennes en Jordanie et aux EAU en appui des opérations

L’activité des forces aériennes françaises engagées dans l’opération Chammal se concentre sur l’appui aux forces démocratiques syriennes combattant dans la vallée de l’Euphrate.

Dans ce cadre, les aéronefs engagés dans l’opération Chammal ont réalisé cette semaine 30 sorties aériennes orientées sur l’appui renseignement aux forces locales engagées au sol (bilan du 28 février au 6 mars). Aucune frappe n’a été réalisée.

Bilan total depuis le 19/09/14 :

7845 sorties / 1443 frappes / 2233 objectifs neutralisés.

Netherlands MoD for March 1, 2018 – March 2, 2018

Report Date

March 2, 2018


For February 28th-March 5th the Netherlands reported that its F16s flew in ten missions to support ground troops. This took place above Deir Ezzor in Eastern Syria and the Iraqi province of Al Anbar. No weapons were deployed.

Weekoverzicht Defensieoperaties

Nieuwsbericht | 07-03-2018 | 12:00

Irak en Oost-Syrië

In de strijd tegen terreurorganisatie ISIS ondersteunden Nederlandse F-16’s grondtroepen tijdens 10 missies. Dat gebeurde boven de provincie Deir Al Zour in Oost-Syrië en de Iraakse provincie Al Anbar. Er werden geen wapens ingezet.

Nederlandse instructeurs startten in Irak nieuwe cursussen aan Peshmerga, waaronder het beveiligen van grote gebieden en bataljonsstaf- en infanterietrainingen. De militairen verzorgen de opleidingen samen met collega’s van partnerlanden. In het trainingscentrum Menila ontvingen meer dan 50 cursisten een certificaat voor een voltooide cursus.

Een Nederlands chirurgisch team opereert in een Amerikaans role 2 hospitaal in westelijk Irak. Het team werkt nauw samen met Britse medici.

Report Date

March 2, 2018


For February 28th-March 5th the Netherlands reported that its F16s flew in ten missions to support ground troops. This took place above Deir Ezzor in Eastern Syria and the Iraqi province of Al Anbar. No weapons were deployed.

Weekoverzicht Defensieoperaties

Nieuwsbericht | 07-03-2018 | 12:00

Irak en Oost-Syrië

In de strijd tegen terreurorganisatie ISIS ondersteunden Nederlandse F-16’s grondtroepen tijdens 10 missies. Dat gebeurde boven de provincie Deir Al Zour in Oost-Syrië en de Iraakse provincie Al Anbar. Er werden geen wapens ingezet.

Nederlandse instructeurs startten in Irak nieuwe cursussen aan Peshmerga, waaronder het beveiligen van grote gebieden en bataljonsstaf- en infanterietrainingen. De militairen verzorgen de opleidingen samen met collega’s van partnerlanden. In het trainingscentrum Menila ontvingen meer dan 50 cursisten een certificaat voor een voltooide cursus.

Een Nederlands chirurgisch team opereert in een Amerikaans role 2 hospitaal in westelijk Irak. Het team werkt nauw samen met Britse medici.

UK MoD for February 28, 2018 – March 1, 2018

Report Date

March 1, 2018

Wednesday 28 February – Typhoons attacked two Daesh armoured vehicles in eastern Syria, and cratered a road to prevent it being used to move supplies or truck-bombs…Royal Air Force aircraft continued to fly daily armed reconnaissance patrols over eastern Syria, but the next air strikes did not occur until Wednesday 28 February. One flight of Typhoons delivered attacks with Paveway IVs against two Daesh armoured vehicles spotted by the Syrian Democratic Forces to the north-east of Abu Kamal, with one of the weapons being accurately delivered through cloud against a target which the aircrew could not themselves see. A second Typhoon flight conducted Paveway attacks on a key road in the area, cratering it to prevent the terrorists from moving equipment along it, particularly heavy truck-bombs.

Report Date

March 1, 2018

Wednesday 28 February – Typhoons attacked two Daesh armoured vehicles in eastern Syria, and cratered a road to prevent it being used to move supplies or truck-bombs…Royal Air Force aircraft continued to fly daily armed reconnaissance patrols over eastern Syria, but the next air strikes did not occur until Wednesday 28 February. One flight of Typhoons delivered attacks with Paveway IVs against two Daesh armoured vehicles spotted by the Syrian Democratic Forces to the north-east of Abu Kamal, with one of the weapons being accurately delivered through cloud against a target which the aircrew could not themselves see. A second Typhoon flight conducted Paveway attacks on a key road in the area, cratering it to prevent the terrorists from moving equipment along it, particularly heavy truck-bombs.