US-led Coalition in Iraq & Syria

Civilians in the ruins of Mosul city. (Maranie R. Staab)

US-led Coalition
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CJTF–OIR for August 20, 2017 – August 21, 2017

Report Date

August 21, 2017

On Aug. 20, Coalition military forces conducted 35 strikes consisting of 114 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 26 strikes consisting of 30 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed nine ISIS oil stills and three oil barrels.

*Near Al Shadaddi, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed two command and control nodes and a fighting position.

*Near Dayr Az Zawr, two strikes destroyed eight ISIS well-heads.

*Near Raqqah, 21 strikes engaged 14 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 22 fighting positions, two UAS staging areas, two heavy machine guns, a vehicle and an explosives cache.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 84 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Al Asad, one strike suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

*Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed an ISIS supply cache.

*Near Qayyarah, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS headquarters.

*Near Rawah, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a staging area and an ISIS barge.

*Near Tal Afar, four strikes [2 British, 1-2 Aus] engaged four ISIS tactical units; destroyed five rocket-propelled grenade systems, four tunnel entrances, four fighting positions, four VBIEDs, two tactical vehicles, two weapons caches, two supply caches, a command and control node, a medium machine gun, and an anti-tank weapon; damaged five supply routes; and suppressed 32 mortar systems.

Additionally, 46 strikes consisting of 59 engagements were conducted in Syria and Iraq on Aug. 18-19 that closed within the last 24 hours.

*On Aug. 18, near Raqqah, Syria, four strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed six fighting positions.

*On Aug. 19, near Al Shadaddi, Syria, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a fighting position.

*On Aug. 19, near Raqqah, Syria, 36 strikes engaged 22 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 29 fighting positions and seven command and control nodes.

*On Aug. 19, near Al Huwayjah, one strike destroyed a command and control node.

*On Aug. 19, near Tal Afar, four strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed 14 fighting positions, seven roadblocks, two tunnel entrances, two supply caches, a VBIED facility, an IED facility, a staging area, and an IED.

Report Date

August 21, 2017

Report Summary

  • 46 total strikes
  • 32 in Syria
  • 14 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 35 total strikes
  • 9 in Iraq (13440 – 13454)
  • 26 in Syria (11770 – 11833)


  • +5* +1* in Iraq
  • +37* +1* in Syria

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, Australia

On Aug. 20, Coalition military forces conducted 35 strikes consisting of 114 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

August 20, 2017
Syria: 26 strikes
Iraq: 9 strikes

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 26 strikes consisting of 30 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed nine ISIS oil stills and three oil barrels.
Near Al Shadaddi, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed two command and control nodes and a fighting position.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, two strikes destroyed eight ISIS well-heads.
Near Raqqah, 21 strikes engaged 14 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 22 fighting positions, two UAS staging areas, two heavy machine guns, a vehicle and an explosives cache.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 84 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Al Asad, one strike suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.
Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed an ISIS supply cache.
Near Qayyarah, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS headquarters.
Near Rawah, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a staging area and an ISIS barge.
Near Tal Afar, four strikes [2 British, 1-2 Aus] engaged four ISIS tactical units; destroyed five rocket-propelled grenade systems, four tunnel entrances, four fighting positions, four VBIEDs, two tactical vehicles, two weapons caches, two supply caches, a command and control node, a medium machine gun, and an anti-tank weapon; damaged five supply routes; and suppressed 32 mortar systems.

Additionally, 46 strikes consisting of 59 engagements were conducted in Syria and Iraq on Aug. 18-19 that closed within the last 24 hours.

August 18, 2017
Syria: 4 strikes
On Aug. 18, near Raqqah, Syria, four strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed six fighting positions.
August 19, 2017
Syria: 2 strikes
Iraq: 5 strikes
On Aug. 19, near Al Shadaddi, Syria, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a fighting position.
On Aug. 19, near Raqqah, Syria, 36 strikes engaged 22 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 29 fighting positions and seven command and control nodes.
On Aug. 19, near Al Huwayjah, one strike destroyed a command and control node.
On Aug. 19, near Tal Afar, four strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed 14 fighting positions, seven roadblocks, two tunnel entrances, two supply caches, a VBIED facility, an IED facility, a staging area, and an IED.

Australian MoD for August 20, 2017 – August 21, 2017

Report Date

August 21, 2017

On 20 Aug, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in the vicinity of Tal Afar. The Australian aircraft struck a Daesh weapons cache, a Daesh Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED), a Daesh fighting position, and a Daesh heavy weapons site with guided munitions.

Report Date

August 21, 2017

On 20 Aug, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in the vicinity of Tal Afar. The Australian aircraft struck a Daesh weapons cache, a Daesh Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED), a Daesh fighting position, and a Daesh heavy weapons site with guided munitions.

UK MoD for August 20, 2017 – August 21, 2017

Report Date

August 21, 2017

Sunday 20 August – Tornados and Typhoons hit a target in Raqqa, a group of terrorists and vehicles in eastern Syria, and five Daesh positions around Tal Afar…On Sunday 20 August, Typhoons bombed a further Daesh position in Raqqa. In eastern Syria, Tornados targeted a group of terrorists deployed near the border with Iraq – two Paveways hit their trucks and killed several of the extremists. Meanwhile, two mixed flights of Tornados and Typhoons assisted the Iraqi forces around Tall Afar; Paveway IVs destroyed two mortar and rocket teams, an anti-tank missile team, and a group armed with rocket-propelled grenades, whilst a Brimstone missile accounted for a small group of terrorists caught manoeuvring in the open.

Report Date

August 21, 2017

Sunday 20 August – Tornados and Typhoons hit a target in Raqqa, a group of terrorists and vehicles in eastern Syria, and five Daesh positions around Tal Afar…On Sunday 20 August, Typhoons bombed a further Daesh position in Raqqa. In eastern Syria, Tornados targeted a group of terrorists deployed near the border with Iraq – two Paveways hit their trucks and killed several of the extremists. Meanwhile, two mixed flights of Tornados and Typhoons assisted the Iraqi forces around Tall Afar; Paveway IVs destroyed two mortar and rocket teams, an anti-tank missile team, and a group armed with rocket-propelled grenades, whilst a Brimstone missile accounted for a small group of terrorists caught manoeuvring in the open.

CJTF–OIR for August 19, 2017 – August 20, 2017

Report Date

August 20, 2017

On Aug. 19, Coalition military forces conducted 15 strikes consisting of 24 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of six engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed 10 ISIS oil storage barrels.

*Near Raqqah, five strikes [1 British?] engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed three fighting positions.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 18 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed an ISIS supply cache.

*Near Bayji, one strike [1 British] engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.

*Near Rawah, three strikes destroyed two ISIS headquarters, a weapons cache, and a staging area.

*Near Tal Afar, four strikes [1 Aus] engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed seven rocket systems, two command and control nodes, two mortar systems, a VBIED factory, a supply cache, and a front-end loader.

Additionally, 26 strikes consisting of 38 engagements were conducted in Syria and Iraq on Aug. 17-18 that closed within the last 24 hours.

*On Aug. 17, near Raqqah, Syria, three strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units and destroyed a fighting position.

*On Aug. 18, near Raqqah, Syria, 20 strikes engaged 14 ISIS tactical units, destroyed 14 fighting positions, and damaged a tunnel entrance.

*On Aug. 18, near Tal Afar, Iraq, three strikes destroyed 24 ISIS roadblocks, two VBIED factories, an ISIS headquarters, an ISIS command and control node, and a fighting position, and suppressed three mortar teams.

Report Date

August 20, 2017

Report Summary

  • 41 total strikes
  • 29 in Syria
  • 12 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 15 total strikes
  • 9 in Iraq (13426 – 13439)
  • 6 in Syria (11720 – 11769)


  • +5* in Iraq
  • +36* +7* +1* in Syria

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, Australia

On Aug. 19, Coalition military forces conducted 15 strikes consisting of 24 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

August 19, 2017
Syria: 6 strikes
Iraq: 9 strikes

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of six engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed 10 ISIS oil storage barrels.
Near Raqqah, five strikes [1 British?] engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed three fighting positions.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 18 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed an ISIS supply cache.
Near Bayji, one strike [1 British] engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.
Near Rawah, three strikes destroyed two ISIS headquarters, a weapons cache, and a staging area.
Near Tal Afar, four strikes [1 Aus] engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed seven rocket systems, two command and control nodes, two mortar systems, a VBIED factory, a supply cache, and a front-end loader.
August 17, 2017
Syria: 3 strikes

Additionally, 26 strikes consisting of 38 engagements were conducted in Syria and Iraq on Aug. 17-18 that closed within the last 24 hours.

On Aug. 17, near Raqqah, Syria, three strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units and destroyed a fighting position.
August 18, 2017
Syria: 20 strikes
Iraq: 3 strikes
On Aug. 18, near Raqqah, Syria, 20 strikes engaged 14 ISIS tactical units, destroyed 14 fighting positions, and damaged a tunnel entrance.
On Aug. 18, near Tal Afar, Iraq, three strikes destroyed 24 ISIS roadblocks, two VBIED factories, an ISIS headquarters, an ISIS command and control node, and a fighting position, and suppressed three mortar teams.

Australian MoD for August 19, 2017 – August 20, 2017

Report Date

August 20, 2017

On 19 Aug, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in the vicinity of Tal Afar. The Australian aircraft struck a Daesh weapons cache with guided munitions.

Report Date

August 20, 2017

On 19 Aug, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in the vicinity of Tal Afar. The Australian aircraft struck a Daesh weapons cache with guided munitions.

UK MoD for August 19, 2017 – August 20, 2017

Report Date

August 20, 2017

Saturday 19 August – Typhoons bombed a truck on the move near Bayji, while Tornados attacked a terrorist position in Raqqa…A Typhoon flight faced a challenging target on Saturday 19 August – a fast-moving truck carrying a group of terrorists across the desert in Iraq, west of Bayji. Despite the vehicle’s speed, a Paveway IV was guided accurately onto the target, destroying it. Tornados continued to provide close air support to the Syrian Democratic Forces in Raqqa, destroying a terrorist strongpoint.

Report Date

August 20, 2017

Saturday 19 August – Typhoons bombed a truck on the move near Bayji, while Tornados attacked a terrorist position in Raqqa...A Typhoon flight faced a challenging target on Saturday 19 August – a fast-moving truck carrying a group of terrorists across the desert in Iraq, west of Bayji. Despite the vehicle’s speed, a Paveway IV was guided accurately onto the target, destroying it. Tornados continued to provide close air support to the Syrian Democratic Forces in Raqqa, destroying a terrorist strongpoint.

CJTF–OIR for August 19, 2017 – August 20, 2017

Report Date

August 20, 2017

ISF begin offensive to liberate Tal Afar

SOUTHWEST ASIA – “The Global Coalition against ISIS welcomes Iraqi Prime Minister Abadi’s statement earlier this morning announcing the launch of the offensive to liberate Tal Afar and the remainder of Ninewah province and northern Iraq from the clutches of Da’esh” said U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Stephen Townsend, the commander of U.S. and Coalition forces in Iraq and Syria.

All branches of the Iraqi Security Forces will take part in the liberation of Tal Afar – the 9th, 15th and 16th Iraqi Army Divisions, the Counter Terrorism Service, the Federal Police and Emergency Response Division, Iraqi Local Police as well as Popular Mobilization Forces under the command of Prime Minister al-Abadi.

Following their historic victory in Mosul, the ISF have proven themselves a capable, formidable, and increasingly professional force, and they are well prepared to deliver another defeat to ISIS in Tal Afar.

The Coalition will continue to help the Government and Security Forces to liberate the Iraqi people and defeat ISIS through five means – by providing equipment, training, intelligence, precision fires and combat advice.

“Mosul was a decisive victory for the Iraqi Security Forces, but it did not mark the end of ISIS in Iraq, or its worldwide threat. The ISF’s operation to liberate Tal Afar is another important fight that must be won to ensure the country and its citizens are finally free of ISIS,” said Townsend. “The Coalition is strong, and fully committed to supporting our Iraqi partners until ISIS is defeated and the Iraqi people are free.”

The Coalition estimates that approximately 10,000-50,000 civilians remain in and around Tal Afar. The Coalition applies rigorous standards to its targeting process and takes extraordinary efforts to protect non-combatants. In accordance with the laws of armed conflict and in support of its partnered forces who are risking their lives every day in the fight against an evil enemy, the

Coalition will continue to strike valid military targets, after considering the principles of military necessity, humanity, proportionality, and distinction.

Report Date

August 20, 2017

ISF begin offensive to liberate Tal Afar

SOUTHWEST ASIA – “The Global Coalition against ISIS welcomes Iraqi Prime Minister Abadi’s statement earlier this morning announcing the launch of the offensive to liberate Tal Afar and the remainder of Ninewah province and northern Iraq from the clutches of Da’esh” said U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Stephen Townsend, the commander of U.S. and Coalition forces in Iraq and Syria.

All branches of the Iraqi Security Forces will take part in the liberation of Tal Afar – the 9th, 15th and 16th Iraqi Army Divisions, the Counter Terrorism Service, the Federal Police and Emergency Response Division, Iraqi Local Police as well as Popular Mobilization Forces under the command of Prime Minister al-Abadi.

Following their historic victory in Mosul, the ISF have proven themselves a capable, formidable, and increasingly professional force, and they are well prepared to deliver another defeat to ISIS in Tal Afar.

The Coalition will continue to help the Government and Security Forces to liberate the Iraqi people and defeat ISIS through five means – by providing equipment, training, intelligence, precision fires and combat advice.

“Mosul was a decisive victory for the Iraqi Security Forces, but it did not mark the end of ISIS in Iraq, or its worldwide threat. The ISF’s operation to liberate Tal Afar is another important fight that must be won to ensure the country and its citizens are finally free of ISIS,” said Townsend. “The Coalition is strong, and fully committed to supporting our Iraqi partners until ISIS is defeated and the Iraqi people are free.”

The Coalition estimates that approximately 10,000-50,000 civilians remain in and around Tal Afar. The Coalition applies rigorous standards to its targeting process and takes extraordinary efforts to protect non-combatants. In accordance with the laws of armed conflict and in support of its partnered forces who are risking their lives every day in the fight against an evil enemy, the

Coalition will continue to strike valid military targets, after considering the principles of military necessity, humanity, proportionality, and distinction.

CJTF–OIR for August 18, 2017 – August 19, 2017

Report Date

August 19, 2017

On Aug. 18, Coalition military forces conducted 29 strikes consisting of 38 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 24 strikes consisting of 27 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Al Shadaddi, one strike destroyed a fighting position and an IED factory.

*Near Dayr Az Zawr, four strikes destroyed seven ISIS oil stills, seven pieces of oil equipment, and five oil barrels, and damaged three bridges.

*Near Raqqah, 19 strikes [1 British?] engaged 17 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 20 fighting positions, an anti-air artillery system, and a command and control node.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted five strikes consisting of 11 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Al Qaim, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a VBIED factory.

*Near Tal Afar, three strikes destroyed 24 vehicles, two tunnels, two weapons caches, two front-end loaders, a command and control node, a staging area, an explosives factory, an explosives cache, and a fighting position, and damaged three bridges and two supply routes.

Additionally, 28 strikes consisting of 34 engagements were conducted in Syria and Iraq on Aug. 16-17 that closed within the last 24 hours.

*On Aug. 16, near Raqqah, Syria, five strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed two command and control nodes and a mortar system.

*On Aug. 17, near Raqqah, Syria, 19 strikes engaged 14 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 13 fighting positions, four command and control nodes, two IEDs, and a heavy machine gun.

*On Aug. 17, near Kisik, Iraq, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit, destroyed a mortar system, damaged 17 supply routes, and suppressed two mortar teams.

*On Aug. 17, near Tal Afar, Iraq, two strikes suppressed an ISIS tactical unit and damaged a tunnel.

Report Date

August 19, 2017

Report Summary

  • 57 total strikes
  • 48 in Syria
  • 9 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 29 total strikes
  • 5 in Iraq (13418 – 13425)
  • 24 in Syria (11671 – 11719)


  • +3* in Iraq
  • +20* +4* +1* in Syria

Confirmed Actions


On Aug. 18, Coalition military forces conducted 29 strikes consisting of 38 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

August 18, 2017
Syria: 24 strikes
Iraq: 5 strikes

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 24 strikes consisting of 27 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Al Shadaddi, one strike destroyed a fighting position and an IED factory.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, four strikes destroyed seven ISIS oil stills, seven pieces of oil equipment, and five oil barrels, and damaged three bridges.
Near Raqqah, 19 strikes [1 British?] engaged 17 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 20 fighting positions, an anti-air artillery system, and a command and control node.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted five strikes consisting of 11 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Al Qaim, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a VBIED factory.
Near Tal Afar, three strikes destroyed 24 vehicles, two tunnels, two weapons caches, two front-end loaders, a command and control node, a staging area, an explosives factory, an explosives cache, and a fighting position, and damaged three bridges and two supply routes.
August 16, 2017
Syria: 5 strikes

Additionally, 28 strikes consisting of 34 engagements were conducted in Syria and Iraq on Aug. 16-17 that closed within the last 24 hours.

On Aug. 16, near Raqqah, Syria, five strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed two command and control nodes and a mortar system.
August 17, 2017
Syria: 19 strikes
Iraq: 4 strikes
On Aug. 17, near Raqqah, Syria, 19 strikes engaged 14 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 13 fighting positions, four command and control nodes, two IEDs, and a heavy machine gun.
On Aug. 17, near Kisik, Iraq, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit, destroyed a mortar system, damaged 17 supply routes, and suppressed two mortar teams.
On Aug. 17, near Tal Afar, Iraq, two strikes suppressed an ISIS tactical unit and damaged a tunnel.

UK MoD for August 18, 2017 – August 19, 2017

Report Date

August 19, 2017

Friday 18 August – Tornados destroyed a booby-trapped building in eastern Syria, Typhoons and Tornados dealt with a sniper team in Raqqa…On Friday 18 August, Tornados were tasked with the destruction of a heavily booby-trapped building discovered in eastern Syria, south of Al Hasakah, which was too dangerous to approach. The building was destroyed with a Paveway which safely detonated the concealed explosives. Over Raqqa, a mixed pair of aircraft silenced a sniper firing on the Syrian Democratic Forces.

Report Date

August 19, 2017

Friday 18 August – Tornados destroyed a booby-trapped building in eastern Syria, Typhoons and Tornados dealt with a sniper team in Raqqa…On Friday 18 August, Tornados were tasked with the destruction of a heavily booby-trapped building discovered in eastern Syria, south of Al Hasakah, which was too dangerous to approach. The building was destroyed with a Paveway which safely detonated the concealed explosives. Over Raqqa, a mixed pair of aircraft silenced a sniper firing on the Syrian Democratic Forces.

French MoD for August 18, 2017 – August 19, 2017

Report Date

August 19, 2017


In the past week, France conducted 27 sorties, including 22 armed reconnaissance and ground support (CAS), 1 refueling outlet and 4 intelligence gathering sorties by Atlantic 2 or Rafale patrols. Two strikes were carried out in the Raqqah region of Syria. They helped support the Syrian democratic forces in their offensive to retake the city.

Task Force (TF) Wagram conducted 13 firing missions in support of the 15th division west of Mosul to Tal Afar. In total, since September 19th 2014, France reports 6946 sorties, 1330 strikes, destroying 2102 targets.



En Syrie,

A Raqqah, la progression des forces démocratiques syriennes se poursuit. Au sud de la ville, la manœuvre de tenaille, amorcée il y a 15 jours, s’est achevée en fin de semaine dernière. Elle a permis de réaliser la jonction des fronts est et ouest. Depuis, les forces démocratiques syriennes ont relancé une offensive vers le centre de la ville mais elles font face à une défense acharnée des combattants de Daech.

En Irak,

Les forces de sécurité irakiennes poursuivent leurs opérations dans l’objectif de libérer, à terme, le nord de l’Irak. Actuellement, elles focalisent leur effort sur l’encerclement de la ville de Tall Afar. Les combattants de l’organisation terroriste réalisent un travail de valorisation de leurs positions défensives pour se préparer aux combats à venir alors que les populations tentent de fuir la ville.


Les soldats de l’opération Chammal poursuive leur mission d’appui au profit des unités irakiennes engagées contre Daech.

Cette semaine, sur le théâtre, les aéronefs ont réalisé 27 sorties aériennes dont 22 de reconnaissance armée et d’appui au sol (CAS), 1 sortie de ravitaillement ainsi que 4 sorties de recueil de renseignement par Atlantique 2 ou patrouille de Rafale. Deux frappes ont été conduites dans la région de Raqqah en Syrie. Elles ont permis d’appuyer les forces démocratiques syriennes dans leur offensive pour reprendre la ville.

La Task Force (TF) Wagram a mené de son côté 13 missions de tir en appui de la 15e division à l’ouest de Mossoul vers Tal Afar. En particulier, les artilleurs ont fourni des feux de harcèlement et d’éclairement pour interdire aux combattants de Daech de mener des actions au sol ou de réaliser des tirs indirects contre les positions irakiennes.

Le bilan global de l’activité aérienne depuis le 19 septembre 2014 s’élève 1330 frappes, 2102 objectifs détruits et 6946 sorties.

Report Date

August 19, 2017


In the past week, France conducted 27 sorties, including 22 armed reconnaissance and ground support (CAS), 1 refueling outlet and 4 intelligence gathering sorties by Atlantic 2 or Rafale patrols. Two strikes were carried out in the Raqqah region of Syria. They helped support the Syrian democratic forces in their offensive to retake the city.

Task Force (TF) Wagram conducted 13 firing missions in support of the 15th division west of Mosul to Tal Afar. In total, since September 19th 2014, France reports 6946 sorties, 1330 strikes, destroying 2102 targets.



En Syrie,

A Raqqah, la progression des forces démocratiques syriennes se poursuit. Au sud de la ville, la manœuvre de tenaille, amorcée il y a 15 jours, s’est achevée en fin de semaine dernière. Elle a permis de réaliser la jonction des fronts est et ouest. Depuis, les forces démocratiques syriennes ont relancé une offensive vers le centre de la ville mais elles font face à une défense acharnée des combattants de Daech.

En Irak,

Les forces de sécurité irakiennes poursuivent leurs opérations dans l’objectif de libérer, à terme, le nord de l’Irak. Actuellement, elles focalisent leur effort sur l’encerclement de la ville de Tall Afar. Les combattants de l’organisation terroriste réalisent un travail de valorisation de leurs positions défensives pour se préparer aux combats à venir alors que les populations tentent de fuir la ville.


Les soldats de l’opération Chammal poursuive leur mission d’appui au profit des unités irakiennes engagées contre Daech.

Cette semaine, sur le théâtre, les aéronefs ont réalisé 27 sorties aériennes dont 22 de reconnaissance armée et d’appui au sol (CAS), 1 sortie de ravitaillement ainsi que 4 sorties de recueil de renseignement par Atlantique 2 ou patrouille de Rafale. Deux frappes ont été conduites dans la région de Raqqah en Syrie. Elles ont permis d’appuyer les forces démocratiques syriennes dans leur offensive pour reprendre la ville.

La Task Force (TF) Wagram a mené de son côté 13 missions de tir en appui de la 15e division à l’ouest de Mossoul vers Tal Afar. En particulier, les artilleurs ont fourni des feux de harcèlement et d’éclairement pour interdire aux combattants de Daech de mener des actions au sol ou de réaliser des tirs indirects contre les positions irakiennes.

Le bilan global de l’activité aérienne depuis le 19 septembre 2014 s’élève 1330 frappes, 2102 objectifs détruits et 6946 sorties.

CJTF–OIR for August 17, 2017 – August 18, 2017

Report Date

August 18, 2017

On Aug. 17, Coalition military forces conducted 27 strikes consisting of 40 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 22 strikes consisting of 24 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Abu Kamal, three strikes destroyed three ISIS oil stills, two pieces of oil equipment and a weapons cache.

*Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed an ISIS headquarters and an ISIS media center.

*Near Raqqah, 18 strikes [1 British] engaged 12 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 29 fighting positions, three ISIS communication lines and two logistics nodes.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted five strikes consisting of 16 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed two vehicles, a supply cache, and a staging area.

*Near Tal Afar, four strikes [1 British] engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed a front-end loader, an ISIS-held building, and a mortar system; and suppressed a mortar team.

Additionally, 33 strikes consisting of 47 engagements were conducted in Syria and Iraq on Aug. 15-16 that closed within the last 24 hours.

*On Aug. 15, near Raqqah, Syria, four strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units and destroyed four fighting positions and a mortar system.

*On Aug. 16, near Abu Kamal, Syria, one strike destroyed an ISIS media center.

*On Aug. 16, near Al Shadaddi, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a command and control node, a fighting position and an ISIS communication line.

*On Aug. 16, near Raqqah, Syria, 23 strikes engaged 16 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 18 fighting positions, eight command and control nodes, two tunnels, two heavy machine guns, an ISIS UAS, an anti-aircraft artillery system and an ISIS line of communication.

*On Aug. 16, near Tal Afar, Iraq, three strikes destroyed 32 IEDs, 17 ISIS fighting positions, two tunnels, and an artillery system and damaged three bridges.

Report Date

August 18, 2017

Report Summary

  • 60 total strikes
  • 52 in Syria
  • 8 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 27 total strikes
  • 5 in Iraq (13409 – 13417)
  • 22 in Syria (11627 – 11670)


  • +4* in Iraq
  • +19* +3* in Syria

Confirmed Actions


On Aug. 17, Coalition military forces conducted 27 strikes consisting of 40 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

August 17, 2017
Syria: 22 strikes
Iraq: 5 strikes

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 22 strikes consisting of 24 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, three strikes destroyed three ISIS oil stills, two pieces of oil equipment and a weapons cache.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed an ISIS headquarters and an ISIS media center.
Near Raqqah, 18 strikes [1 British] engaged 12 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 29 fighting positions, three ISIS communication lines and two logistics nodes.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted five strikes consisting of 16 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed two vehicles, a supply cache, and a staging area.
Near Tal Afar, four strikes [1 British] engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed a front-end loader, an ISIS-held building, and a mortar system; and suppressed a mortar team.
August 15, 2017
Syria: 4 strikes

Additionally, 33 strikes consisting of 47 engagements were conducted in Syria and Iraq on Aug. 15-16 that closed within the last 24 hours.

On Aug. 15, near Raqqah, Syria, four strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units and destroyed four fighting positions and a mortar system.
August 16, 2017
Syria: 26 strikes
Iraq: 3 strikes
On Aug. 16, near Abu Kamal, Syria, one strike destroyed an ISIS media center.
On Aug. 16, near Al Shadaddi, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a command and control node, a fighting position and an ISIS communication line.
On Aug. 16, near Raqqah, Syria, 23 strikes engaged 16 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 18 fighting positions, eight command and control nodes, two tunnels, two heavy machine guns, an ISIS UAS, an anti-aircraft artillery system and an ISIS line of communication.
On Aug. 16, near Tal Afar, Iraq, three strikes destroyed 32 IEDs, 17 ISIS fighting positions, two tunnels, and an artillery system and damaged three bridges.

UK MoD for August 17, 2017 – August 18, 2017

Report Date

August 18, 2017

Thursday 17 August – Tornados and Typhoons attacked a mortar near Tall Afar, and two machine-gun teams and a sniper in Raqqa…With the Iraqi forces advancing on Tal Afar, a mixed Tornado and Typhoon pair provided close air support on Thursday 17 August. A coalition surveillance aircraft spotted a terrorist mortar, and was able to guide our aircraft into a successful attack with a Paveway IV. A second mixed pair maintained operations over Raqqa, and used Paveways to destroy one sniper and two machine-gun teams.

Report Date

August 18, 2017

Thursday 17 August – Tornados and Typhoons attacked a mortar near Tall Afar, and two machine-gun teams and a sniper in Raqqa...With the Iraqi forces advancing on Tal Afar, a mixed Tornado and Typhoon pair provided close air support on Thursday 17 August. A coalition surveillance aircraft spotted a terrorist mortar, and was able to guide our aircraft into a successful attack with a Paveway IV. A second mixed pair maintained operations over Raqqa, and used Paveways to destroy one sniper and two machine-gun teams.

CJTF–OIR for August 16, 2017 – August 17, 2017

Report Date

August 17, 2017

On Aug. 16, Coalition military forces conducted 29 strikes consisting of 38 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 23 strikes consisting of 23 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed six ISIS oil stills, three pieces of oil equipment and two oil tankers.

*Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed six ISIS oil stills.

*Near Raqqah, 20 strikes engaged 16 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 17 fighting positions, a logistics node, an IED, a command and control node, an ISIS UAS and a vehicle.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of 15 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Kisik, two strikes [1 British] engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed six ISIS-held buildings, three mortar systems and a staging area.

*Near Rawah, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle and a staging area.

*Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed two ISIS headquarters; and damaged a bridge.

*Near Tuz, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.

Additionally, 41 strikes consisting of 63 engagements were conducted in Syria and Iraq on Aug. 15 that closed within the last 24 hours.

*On Aug. 15, near Raqqah, Syria, 37 strikes engaged 27 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 36 fighting positions, four IEDs, three ISIS communication lines, two command and control nodes, an IED factory, a heavy machine gun, and a vehicle.

*On Aug. 15, near Al Qaim, Iraq, two strikes destroyed two ISIS headquarters.

*On Aug. 15, near Tal Afar, Iraq, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit, destroyed an ISIS headquarters, and damaged a bridge.

Report Date

August 17, 2017

Report Summary

  • 70 total strikes
  • 60 in Syria
  • 10 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 29 total strikes
  • 6 in Iraq (13408 – 13500)
  • 23 in Syria (11573 – 11626)


  • +3* in Iraq
  • +26* +5* in Syria

Confirmed Actions


On Aug. 16, Coalition military forces conducted 29 strikes consisting of 38 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

August 16, 2017
Syria: 23 strikes
Iraq: 6 strikes

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 23 strikes consisting of 23 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed six ISIS oil stills, three pieces of oil equipment and two oil tankers.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed six ISIS oil stills.
Near Raqqah, 20 strikes engaged 16 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 17 fighting positions, a logistics node, an IED, a command and control node, an ISIS UAS and a vehicle.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of 15 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Kisik, two strikes [1 British] engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed six ISIS-held buildings, three mortar systems and a staging area.
Near Rawah, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle and a staging area.
Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed two ISIS headquarters; and damaged a bridge.
Near Tuz, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.
August 15, 2017
Syria: 37 strikes
Iraq: 4 strikes

Additionally, 41 strikes consisting of 63 engagements were conducted in Syria and Iraq on Aug. 15 that closed within the last 24 hours.

On Aug. 15, near Raqqah, Syria, 37 strikes engaged 27 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 36 fighting positions, four IEDs, three ISIS communication lines, two command and control nodes, an IED factory, a heavy machine gun, and a vehicle.
On Aug. 15, near Al Qaim, Iraq, two strikes destroyed two ISIS headquarters.
On Aug. 15, near Tal Afar, Iraq, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit, destroyed an ISIS headquarters, and damaged a bridge.

UK MoD for August 16, 2017 – August 17, 2017

Report Date

August 17, 2017

Wednesday 16 August – Typhoons attacked a position in Raqqa, whilst Tornados bombed a mortar near Kisik in northern Iraq…Typhoons bombed another Daesh position in Raqqa on Wednesday 16 August, whilst Tornados struck a mortar near Kisik in northern Iraq.

Report Date

August 17, 2017

Wednesday 16 August – Typhoons attacked a position in Raqqa, whilst Tornados bombed a mortar near Kisik in northern Iraq…Typhoons bombed another Daesh position in Raqqa on Wednesday 16 August, whilst Tornados struck a mortar near Kisik in northern Iraq.’

#Chammal : 2 frappes et 13 missions d

CJTF–OIR for August 15, 2017 – August 16, 2017

Report Date

August 16, 2017

On Aug. 15, Coalition military forces conducted 21 strikes consisting of 41 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 12 strikes consisting of 17 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed an ISIS well-head.

*Near Raqqah, 11 strikes engaged seven ISIS tactical units and destroyed 30 fighting positions, a logistics node and an ISIS UAS.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 24 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Al Qaim, three strikes destroyed two ISIS staging areas and an ISIS-held building.

*Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.

*Near Samarra, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.

*Near Tal Afar, four strikes [1-2 Aus] engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed 13 fighting positions, three ISIS-held buildings, three supply caches, an ISIS training camp, and a mortar system.

Additionally, 38 strikes consisting of 44 engagements were conducted in Syria and Iraq on Aug. 9-10 and Aug. 14 that closed within the last 24 hours.

*On Aug. 9, near Dayr Az Zawr, Syria, two strikes destroyed three ISIS oil stills.

*On Aug. 10, near Dayr Az Zawr, Syria, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed three tunnel entrances and two ISIS-held buildings.

*On Aug. 14, near Abu Kamal, Syria, one strike destroyed five ISIS oil equipment items.

*On Aug. 14, near Raqqah, Syria, 32 strikes engaged 20 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 18 fighting positions, three IEDs, three heavy machine guns, three command and control nodes, a logistics node, an anti-aircraft artillery system, and an IED factory.

*On Aug. 14, near Tal Afar, Iraq, one strike suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

*On Aug. 14, near Tuz, Iraq, one strike destroyed two ISIS headquarters, a vehicle storage facility, a vehicle, a staging area, and a weapons cache.

Report Date

August 16, 2017

Report Summary

  • 59 total strikes
  • 48 in Syria
  • 11 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 21 total strikes
  • 9 in Iraq (13387 – 13399)
  • 12 in Syria (11520 – 11572)


  • +4* in Iraq
  • +37* +4* in Syria

Confirmed Actions


On Aug. 15, Coalition military forces conducted 21 strikes consisting of 41 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

August 15, 2017
Syria: 12 strikes
Iraq: 9 strikes

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 12 strikes consisting of 17 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed an ISIS well-head.
Near Raqqah, 11 strikes engaged seven ISIS tactical units and destroyed 30 fighting positions, a logistics node and an ISIS UAS.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 24 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Al Qaim, three strikes destroyed two ISIS staging areas and an ISIS-held building.
Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.
Near Samarra, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.
Near Tal Afar, four strikes [1-2 Aus] engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed 13 fighting positions, three ISIS-held buildings, three supply caches, an ISIS training camp, and a mortar system.
August 9, 2017
Syria: 2 strikes

Additionally, 38 strikes consisting of 44 engagements were conducted in Syria and Iraq on Aug. 9-10 and Aug. 14 that closed within the last 24 hours.

On Aug. 9, near Dayr Az Zawr, Syria, two strikes destroyed three ISIS oil stills.
August 10, 2017
Syria: 1 strikes
On Aug. 10, near Dayr Az Zawr, Syria, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed three tunnel entrances and two ISIS-held buildings.
August 14, 2017
Syria: 33 strikes
Iraq: 2 strikes
On Aug. 14, near Abu Kamal, Syria, one strike destroyed five ISIS oil equipment items.
On Aug. 14, near Raqqah, Syria, 32 strikes engaged 20 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 18 fighting positions, three IEDs, three heavy machine guns, three command and control nodes, a logistics node, an anti-aircraft artillery system, and an IED factory.
On Aug. 14, near Tal Afar, Iraq, one strike suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.
On Aug. 14, near Tuz, Iraq, one strike destroyed two ISIS headquarters, a vehicle storage facility, a vehicle, a staging area, and a weapons cache.

Australian MoD for August 15, 2017 – August 16, 2017

Report Date

August 16, 2017

On 15 Aug, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in the vicinity of Tal Afar. The Australian aircraft struck three Daesh fighting positions with guided munitions.

Report Date

August 16, 2017

On 15 Aug, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in the vicinity of Tal Afar. The Australian aircraft struck three Daesh fighting positions with guided munitions.

Australian MoD for August 15, 2017 – August 16, 2017

Report Date

August 16, 2017

15 Aug 2017 Operation OKRA – ADF Airstrikes for the period 28 Jul – 10 Aug 2017 Over the period 28 Jul – 10 Aug 2017, Air Task Group strike operations focused on supporting Iraqi Security Force operations to clear and secure Al Qa’im, Rawah, and Hawijah from Daesh forces.

On 29 Jul, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in Al Qa’im. The Australian aircraft struck Daesh fighting vehicles with guided munitions and a 20 millimetre cannon over several hours of support.

On 31 Jul, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in Rawah. The Australian aircraft struck a Daesh fighting vehicle with a guided munition.

On 04 Aug, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in Rawah. The Australian aircraft struck a Daesh Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED) with a guided munition.

On 06 Aug, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in Hawijah. The Australian aircraft struck two Daesh logistic/ oil producing facilities with guided munitions.

Report Date

August 16, 2017

15 Aug 2017 Operation OKRA – ADF Airstrikes for the period 28 Jul – 10 Aug 2017 Over the period 28 Jul – 10 Aug 2017, Air Task Group strike operations focused on supporting Iraqi Security Force operations to clear and secure Al Qa’im, Rawah, and Hawijah from Daesh forces.

On 29 Jul, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in Al Qa’im. The Australian aircraft struck Daesh fighting vehicles with guided munitions and a 20 millimetre cannon over several hours of support.

On 31 Jul, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in Rawah. The Australian aircraft struck a Daesh fighting vehicle with a guided munition.

On 04 Aug, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in Rawah. The Australian aircraft struck a Daesh Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED) with a guided munition.

On 06 Aug, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in Hawijah. The Australian aircraft struck two Daesh logistic/ oil producing facilities with guided munitions.

UK MoD for August 14, 2017 – August 15, 2017

Report Date

August 15, 2017

Monday 14 August – Tornados and Typhoons struck five Daesh targets in Raqqa, and a truck-bomb command post in eastern Syria…A flight Typhoons destroyed a Daesh position in Raqqa on Monday 14 August with Paveway IVs. A mixed Tornado and Typhoon pair also patrolled over the city and they conducted Paveway IV attacks, which destroyed a sniper team and two machine-guns. The aircraft moved off towards the east of Syria, where a command post that was controlling truck-bomb attacks had been identified 40 miles south of Al Hasakah. This was destroyed with a further Paveway.

Report Date

August 15, 2017

Monday 14 August – Tornados and Typhoons struck five Daesh targets in Raqqa, and a truck-bomb command post in eastern Syria…A flight Typhoons destroyed a Daesh position in Raqqa on Monday 14 August with Paveway IVs. A mixed Tornado and Typhoon pair also patrolled over the city and they conducted Paveway IV attacks, which destroyed a sniper team and two machine-guns. The aircraft moved off towards the east of Syria, where a command post that was controlling truck-bomb attacks had been identified 40 miles south of Al Hasakah. This was destroyed with a further Paveway.

Australian MoD for August 14, 2017 – August 15, 2017

Report Date

August 15, 2017

On 14 Aug, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in thevicinity of Bayji. The Australian aircraft struck a Daesh fighting position with guided munitions.

Report Date

August 15, 2017

On 14 Aug, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in thevicinity of Bayji. The Australian aircraft struck a Daesh fighting position with guided munitions.

CJTF–OIR for August 14, 2017 – August 15, 2017

Report Date

August 15, 2017

On Aug. 14, Coalition military forces conducted 38 strikes consisting of 57 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 31 strikes consisting of 43 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Al Shadaddi, three strikes [1 British?] engaged three ISIS tactical units; and destroyed five fighting positions and two command and control nodes.

*Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed six ISIS oil stills.

*Near Raqqah, 27 strikes [1 British] engaged 19 ISIS tactical units; and destroyed 59 fighting positions, two heavy machine guns, a mortar system, an IED, and a logistics node.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted seven strikes consisting of 14 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Al Qaim, two strikes destroyed an ISIS training camp and a staging area.

*Near Bayji, two strikes [1 Aus?] engaged two ISIS tactical units; and destroyed a staging area and a weapons cache.

*Near Kisik, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed two IEDs, and suppressed two mortar teams.

*Near Tal Afar, two strikes destroyed nine ISIS roadblocks and two front-end loaders.

Additionally, 33 strikes consisting of 47 engagements were conducted in Syria and Iraq on Aug. 10-13 that closed within the last 24 hours.

*On Aug. 10, near Abu Kamal, Syria, one strike destroyed four ISIS oil storage tanks, three oil stills and a piece of heavy machinery.

*On Aug. 11, near Abu Kamal, Syria, one strike destroyed eight ISIS oil stills.

*On Aug. 11, near Dayr Az Zawr, Syria, two strikes destroyed 11 ISIS oil stills and three oil barrels.

*On Aug. 12, near Abu Kamal, Syria, two strikes destroyed six ISIS oil stills.

*On Aug. 12, near Dayr Az Zawr, Syria, one strike destroyed 10 ISIS oil stills.

*On Aug. 12, near Raqqah, Syria, one strike destroyed an ISIS fighting position.

*On Aug. 13, near Abu Kamal, Syria, four strikes destroyed 11 pieces of ISIS oil equipment and three well-heads.

*On Aug. 13, near Al Shadaddi, Syria, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a command and control node, a fighting position, and a vehicle.

*On Aug. 13, near Dayr Az Zawr, Syria, one strike destroyed a piece of ISIS oil equipment.

*On Aug. 13, near Raqqah, Syria, 17 strikes engaged 10 ISIS tactical units; and destroyed 12 fighting positions, four vehicles, two logistics nodes, two ISIS communications lines, two communications infrastructure items, and an IED.

*On Aug. 13, near Kisik, Iraq, one strike destroyed five command and control nodes, a vehicle, and a roadblock.

*On Aug. 13, near Tal Afar, Iraq, one strike damaged a tunnel and suppressed two mortar teams.

Report Date

August 15, 2017

Report Summary

  • 71 total strikes
  • 62 in Syria
  • 9 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 38 total strikes
  • 7 in Iraq (13378 – 13386)
  • 31 in Syria (11456 – 11519)


  • +2* in Iraq
  • + 33* in Syria

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, Australia

On Aug. 14, Coalition military forces conducted 38 strikes consisting of 57 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

August 14, 2017
Syria: 31 strikes
Iraq: 7 strikes

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 31 strikes consisting of 43 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Al Shadaddi, three strikes [1 British?] engaged three ISIS tactical units; and destroyed five fighting positions and two command and control nodes.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed six ISIS oil stills.
Near Raqqah, 27 strikes [1 British] engaged 19 ISIS tactical units; and destroyed 59 fighting positions, two heavy machine guns, a mortar system, an IED, and a logistics node.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted seven strikes consisting of 14 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Al Qaim, two strikes destroyed an ISIS training camp and a staging area.
Near Bayji, two strikes [1 Aus?] engaged two ISIS tactical units; and destroyed a staging area and a weapons cache.
Near Kisik, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed two IEDs, and suppressed two mortar teams.
Near Tal Afar, two strikes destroyed nine ISIS roadblocks and two front-end loaders.
August 10, 2017
Syria: 1 strikes

Additionally, 33 strikes consisting of 47 engagements were conducted in Syria and Iraq on Aug. 10-13 that closed within the last 24 hours.

On Aug. 10, near Abu Kamal, Syria, one strike destroyed four ISIS oil storage tanks, three oil stills and a piece of heavy machinery.
August 11, 2017
Syria: 3 strikes
On Aug. 11, near Abu Kamal, Syria, one strike destroyed eight ISIS oil stills.
On Aug. 11, near Dayr Az Zawr, Syria, two strikes destroyed 11 ISIS oil stills and three oil barrels.
August 12, 2017
Syria: 4 strikes
On Aug. 12, near Abu Kamal, Syria, two strikes destroyed six ISIS oil stills.
On Aug. 12, near Dayr Az Zawr, Syria, one strike destroyed 10 ISIS oil stills.
On Aug. 12, near Raqqah, Syria, one strike destroyed an ISIS fighting position.
August 13, 2017
Syria: 23 strikes
Iraq: 2 strikes
On Aug. 13, near Abu Kamal, Syria, four strikes destroyed 11 pieces of ISIS oil equipment and three well-heads.
On Aug. 13, near Al Shadaddi, Syria, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a command and control node, a fighting position, and a vehicle.
On Aug. 13, near Dayr Az Zawr, Syria, one strike destroyed a piece of ISIS oil equipment.
On Aug. 13, near Raqqah, Syria, 17 strikes engaged 10 ISIS tactical units; and destroyed 12 fighting positions, four vehicles, two logistics nodes, two ISIS communications lines, two communications infrastructure items, and an IED.
On Aug. 13, near Kisik, Iraq, one strike destroyed five command and control nodes, a vehicle, and a roadblock.
On Aug. 13, near Tal Afar, Iraq, one strike damaged a tunnel and suppressed two mortar teams.

CJTF–OIR for August 13, 2017 – August 14, 2017

Report Date

August 14, 2017

On Aug. 13, Coalition military forces conducted 25 strikes consisting of 31 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 17 strikes consisting of 19 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed an ISIS well-head.

*Near Raqqah, 16 strikes [1 or more British] engaged 11 ISIS tactical units and destroyed three fighting positions, an anti-aircraft artillery system, a logistics node, a heavy machine gun, a vehicle and an IED.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted eight strikes consisting of 12 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Al Huwayjah, three strikes destroyed three ISIS oil stills and two weapons caches.

*Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed a VBIED facility, an ISIS headquarters and an ISIS checkpoint.

*Near Bashir, one strike destroyed a vehicle and an IED.

*Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed three staging areas, two storage areas, and a mortar system.

*Near Kisik, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS-held building.

*Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed an ISIS staging area.

Additionally, 26 strikes consisting of 42 engagements were conducted in Syria and Iraq on Aug. 11-12 that closed within the last 24 hours.

*On Aug. 11, near Abu Kamal, Syria, one strike destroyed a weapons cache.

*On Aug. 12, near Raqqah, Syria, 21 strikes engaged 16 ISIS tactical units and destroyed a fighting position, an anti-aircraft artillery system, and a mortar system.

*On Aug. 12, near Kisik, Iraq, one strike suppressed a mortar team.

*On Aug. 12, near Tal Afar, Iraq, three strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed a rocket system, a staging area, a VBIED facility, a VBIED, a storage area, and a supply cache; and suppressed a mortar team.

Report Date

August 14, 2017

Report Summary

  • 51 total strikes
  • 39 in Syria
  • 12 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 25 total strikes
  • 8 in Iraq (13368 – 13377)
  • 17 in Syria (11416 – 11455)


  • +2* in Iraq
  • +23* in Syria

Confirmed Actions


On Aug. 13, Coalition military forces conducted 25 strikes consisting of 31 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

August 13, 2017
Syria: 17 strikes
Iraq: 8 strikes

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 17 strikes consisting of 19 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed an ISIS well-head.
Near Raqqah, 16 strikes [1 or more British] engaged 11 ISIS tactical units and destroyed three fighting positions, an anti-aircraft artillery system, a logistics node, a heavy machine gun, a vehicle and an IED.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted eight strikes consisting of 12 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Al Huwayjah, three strikes destroyed three ISIS oil stills and two weapons caches.
Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed a VBIED facility, an ISIS headquarters and an ISIS checkpoint.
Near Bashir, one strike destroyed a vehicle and an IED.
Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed three staging areas, two storage areas, and a mortar system.
Near Kisik, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS-held building.
Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed an ISIS staging area.
August 11, 2017
Syria: 1 strikes

Additionally, 26 strikes consisting of 42 engagements were conducted in Syria and Iraq on Aug. 11-12 that closed within the last 24 hours.

On Aug. 11, near Abu Kamal, Syria, one strike destroyed a weapons cache.
August 12, 2017
Syria: 21 strikes
Iraq: 4 strikes
On Aug. 12, near Raqqah, Syria, 21 strikes engaged 16 ISIS tactical units and destroyed a fighting position, an anti-aircraft artillery system, and a mortar system.
On Aug. 12, near Kisik, Iraq, one strike suppressed a mortar team.
On Aug. 12, near Tal Afar, Iraq, three strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed a rocket system, a staging area, a VBIED facility, a VBIED, a storage area, and a supply cache; and suppressed a mortar team.

UK MoD for August 13, 2017 – August 14, 2017

Report Date

August 14, 2017

Sunday 13 August – Typhoons eliminated three terrorist positions in Raqqa, including machine-gun and mortar teams…then conducting attacks on Sunday [Aug 13th] which eliminated three more terrorist positions in the city, including a strongpoint adjacent to the now-abandoned Daesh “Immigration Office”, and machine-gun and mortar teams.

Report Date

August 14, 2017

Sunday 13 August – Typhoons eliminated three terrorist positions in Raqqa, including machine-gun and mortar teams…then conducting attacks on Sunday [Aug 13th] which eliminated three more terrorist positions in the city, including a strongpoint adjacent to the now-abandoned Daesh “Immigration Office”, and machine-gun and mortar teams.’

Le plein d

CJTF–OIR for August 12, 2017 – August 13, 2017

Report Date

August 13, 2017

On Aug. 12, Coalition military forces conducted 26 strikes consisting of 32 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 19 strikes consisting of 23 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.

*Near Al Shadaddi, three strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed two vehicles and an ISIS headquarters.

*Near Raqqah, 15 strikes [1 British] engaged 14 ISIS tactical units and destroyed three command and control nodes, two ISIS headquarters, an ISIS UAS launch site and a vehicle.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted seven strikes consisting of nine engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Al Huwayjah, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS headquarters.

*Near Al Qaim, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.

*Near Bashir, one strike destroyed five pieces of ISIS oil equipment.

*Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS staging area.

*Near Kisik, one strike destroyed three ISIS-held buildings and a tunnel.

*Near Tal Afar, one strike suppressed a mortar team.

*Near Tuz, one strike destroyed an ISIS excavator and a supply cache.

Additionally, 12 strikes consisting of 16 engagements were conducted in Syria and Iraq on Aug. 11 that closed within the last 24 hours.

*On Aug. 11, near Raqqah, Syria, 11 strikes engaged nine ISIS tactical units and destroyed seven IEDs, six ISIS communication lines, three fighting positions, a vehicle, and tactical vehicle.

*On Aug. 11, near Tal Afar, Iraq, one strike suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.”

Report Date

August 13, 2017

Report Summary

  • 38 total strikes
  • 30 in Syria
  • 8 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 26 total strikes
  • 7 in Iraq (13357 – 13367)
  • 19 in Syria (11373 – 11415)


  • +4* in Iraq
  • +21* +3* in Syria

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, Australia

On Aug. 12, Coalition military forces conducted 26 strikes consisting of 32 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

August 12, 2017
Syria: 19 strikes
Iraq: 7 strikes

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 19 strikes consisting of 23 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.
Near Al Shadaddi, three strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed two vehicles and an ISIS headquarters.
Near Raqqah, 15 strikes [1 British] engaged 14 ISIS tactical units and destroyed three command and control nodes, two ISIS headquarters, an ISIS UAS launch site and a vehicle.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted seven strikes consisting of nine engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Al Huwayjah, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS headquarters.
Near Al Qaim, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.
Near Bashir, one strike destroyed five pieces of ISIS oil equipment.
Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS staging area.
Near Kisik, one strike destroyed three ISIS-held buildings and a tunnel.
Near Tal Afar, one strike suppressed a mortar team.
Near Tuz, one strike destroyed an ISIS excavator and a supply cache.
August 11, 2017
Syria: 11 strikes
Iraq: 1 strikes

Additionally, 12 strikes consisting of 16 engagements were conducted in Syria and Iraq on Aug. 11 that closed within the last 24 hours.

On Aug. 11, near Raqqah, Syria, 11 strikes engaged nine ISIS tactical units and destroyed seven IEDs, six ISIS communication lines, three fighting positions, a vehicle, and tactical vehicle.
On Aug. 11, near Tal Afar, Iraq, one strike suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.”

UK MoD for August 12, 2017 – August 13, 2017

Report Date

August 13, 2017

Saturday 12 August – Typhoons destroyed a Daesh headquarters in Raqqa… Typhoons maintained a presence over Raqqa over the weekend, destroying a Daesh headquarters building on Saturday 12 August…

Report Date

August 13, 2017

Saturday 12 August – Typhoons destroyed a Daesh headquarters in Raqqa… Typhoons maintained a presence over Raqqa over the weekend, destroying a Daesh headquarters building on Saturday 12 August…

Australian MoD for August 12, 2017 – August 13, 2017

Report Date

August 13, 2017

On 12 Aug, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in the vicinity of Tal Afar. The Australian aircraft struck a Daesh munitions storage facility with guided munitions.

Report Date

August 13, 2017

On 12 Aug, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in the vicinity of Tal Afar. The Australian aircraft struck a Daesh munitions storage facility with guided munitions.

CJTF–OIR for August 11, 2017 – August 12, 2017

Report Date

August 12, 2017

On Aug. 11, Coalition military forces conducted 34 strikes consisting of 42 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 27 strikes consisting of 34 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed an ISIS vehicle.

*Near Raqqah, 26 strikes [1 British] engaged 19 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 35 fighting positions, two vehicles, an ISIS headquarters and an ISIS communication line.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted seven strikes consisting of eight engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Al Huwayjah, three strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed five pieces of oil equipment, two vehicles, an explosives cache, an ISIS-held building, and a VBIED factory.

*Near Kisik, two strikes destroyed three ISIS UAS launch platforms and suppressed a mortar team and an artillery system.

*Near Tal Afar, two strikes destroyed an ISIS weapons cache and a mortar system, and suppressed two mortar teams.

Additionally, 17 strikes consisting of 19 engagements were conducted in Syria and Iraq on Aug. 9-10 that closed within the last 24 hours.

*On Aug. 9, near Raqqah, Syria, two strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed three fighting positions.

*On Aug. 10, near Raqqah, Syria, 11 strikes engaged eight ISIS tactical units and destroyed seven fighting positions, a mortar system, a logistics node, and a command and control node.

*On Aug. 10, near Rawah, Iraq, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.

*On Aug. 10, near Tal Afar, Iraq, three strikes destroyed a VBIED and suppressed two ISIS tactical units.”

Report Date

August 12, 2017

Report Summary

  • 51 total strikes
  • 40 in Syria
  • 11 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 34 total strikes
  • 7 in Iraq (13349 – 13356)
  • 27 in Syria (11331 – 11372)


  • +1* in Iraq
  • +11*+1*+3* in Syria

Confirmed Actions


On Aug. 11, Coalition military forces conducted 34 strikes consisting of 42 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

August 11, 2017
Syria: 27 strikes
Iraq: 7 strikes

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 27 strikes consisting of 34 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed an ISIS vehicle.
Near Raqqah, 26 strikes [1 British] engaged 19 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 35 fighting positions, two vehicles, an ISIS headquarters and an ISIS communication line.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted seven strikes consisting of eight engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Al Huwayjah, three strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed five pieces of oil equipment, two vehicles, an explosives cache, an ISIS-held building, and a VBIED factory.
Near Kisik, two strikes destroyed three ISIS UAS launch platforms and suppressed a mortar team and an artillery system.
Near Tal Afar, two strikes destroyed an ISIS weapons cache and a mortar system, and suppressed two mortar teams.
August 9, 2017
Syria: 2 strikes

Additionally, 17 strikes consisting of 19 engagements were conducted in Syria and Iraq on Aug. 9-10 that closed within the last 24 hours.

On Aug. 9, near Raqqah, Syria, two strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed three fighting positions.
August 10, 2017
Syria: 11 strikes
Iraq: 4 strikes
On Aug. 10, near Raqqah, Syria, 11 strikes engaged eight ISIS tactical units and destroyed seven fighting positions, a mortar system, a logistics node, and a command and control node.
On Aug. 10, near Rawah, Iraq, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.
On Aug. 10, near Tal Afar, Iraq, three strikes destroyed a VBIED and suppressed two ISIS tactical units.”

UK MoD for August 11, 2017 – August 12, 2017

Report Date

August 12, 2017

Friday 11 August – Tornados and Typhoons attacked a position in Raqqa…On Friday, a mixed pair continued to provide support to the SDF and destroyed a further defensive position in Raqqa with a Paveway.

Report Date

August 12, 2017

Friday 11 August – Tornados and Typhoons attacked a position in Raqqa…On Friday, a mixed pair continued to provide support to the SDF and destroyed a further defensive position in Raqqa with a Paveway.

French MoD for August 11, 2017 – August 12, 2017

Report Date

August 12, 2017


France reports that in the past week it carried out 31 sorties, including 24 Army reconnaissance and Ground Support (CAS), as well as 4 intelligence reports by Atlantic 2 or Rafale patrol. Two strikes were carried out in the Hassaka region of Syria and the Al Qaim region of Iraq. They destroyed ISIL storage sites and weapons caches.

The Task Force (TF) Wagram conducted 6 harassment shooting missions in support of the 15th division west of Mosul. Since Sept 19th 2014, France reports a total of 6919 sorties, 1,322 strikes, and the destruction of 2,095 targets.

Point de situation des opérations




En Syrie,

A Raqqah, la progression des forces démocratiques syriennes se poursuit. Au sud de la ville, la manœuvre de tenaille amorcée, qui permettra de joindre les fronts est et ouest, demeure freinée par la résistance de Daech. Les combattants du groupe terroriste utilisent les réseaux de tunnels et les véhicules suicide chargés d’explosifs pour conduire des actions de harcèlement, et piègent systématiquement le terrain cédé.

En Irak,

Les forces de sécurité irakiennes poursuivent le nettoyage et la dépollution de la ville de Mossoul. Dans le reste du territoire, alors que Daech tente de poursuivre ses actions de harcèlement, les opérations de sécurisation mobilisent largement les forces irakiennes. Dans la vallée de l’Anbar et dans la région d’Hawijah, les opérations ont permis de déceler et de détruire des caches de munitions et de nombreux engins explosifs improvisés.


Le 3 août s’est achevée une séquence de relève des avions de Chammal. Celle-ci a signé la fin du premier déploiement du plot mixte Rafale marine et air. Ce sont désormais 6 avions Rafale de l’armée de l’air qui constituent le volet chasse présent en Jordanie.

Cette semaine, sur le théâtre, les aéronefs ont réalisé 31 sorties aériennes dont 24 de reconnaissance armée et d’appui au sol (CAS), ainsi que 4 sorties de recueil de renseignement par Atlantique 2 ou patrouille de Rafale. Deux frappes ont été conduites dans la région de Hassaka en Syrie et dans la région d’Al Qaim. Elles ont permis de détruire des sites de stockage et des caches d’armes.

La Task Force (TF) Wagram a mené de son côté 6 missions de tir de harcèlement en appui de la 15e division à l’ouest de Mossoul vers Tal Afar, pour prévenir les infiltrations ennemies sur les positions irakiennes.

Le bilan global de l’activité aérienne depuis le 19 septembre 2014 s’élève à 1 322 frappes, 2095 objectifs détruits et 6919 sorties.

Report Date

August 12, 2017


France reports that in the past week it carried out 31 sorties, including 24 Army reconnaissance and Ground Support (CAS), as well as 4 intelligence reports by Atlantic 2 or Rafale patrol. Two strikes were carried out in the Hassaka region of Syria and the Al Qaim region of Iraq. They destroyed ISIL storage sites and weapons caches.

The Task Force (TF) Wagram conducted 6 harassment shooting missions in support of the 15th division west of Mosul. Since Sept 19th 2014, France reports a total of 6919 sorties, 1,322 strikes, and the destruction of 2,095 targets.

Point de situation des opérations




En Syrie,

A Raqqah, la progression des forces démocratiques syriennes se poursuit. Au sud de la ville, la manœuvre de tenaille amorcée, qui permettra de joindre les fronts est et ouest, demeure freinée par la résistance de Daech. Les combattants du groupe terroriste utilisent les réseaux de tunnels et les véhicules suicide chargés d’explosifs pour conduire des actions de harcèlement, et piègent systématiquement le terrain cédé.

En Irak,

Les forces de sécurité irakiennes poursuivent le nettoyage et la dépollution de la ville de Mossoul. Dans le reste du territoire, alors que Daech tente de poursuivre ses actions de harcèlement, les opérations de sécurisation mobilisent largement les forces irakiennes. Dans la vallée de l’Anbar et dans la région d’Hawijah, les opérations ont permis de déceler et de détruire des caches de munitions et de nombreux engins explosifs improvisés.


Le 3 août s’est achevée une séquence de relève des avions de Chammal. Celle-ci a signé la fin du premier déploiement du plot mixte Rafale marine et air. Ce sont désormais 6 avions Rafale de l’armée de l’air qui constituent le volet chasse présent en Jordanie.

Cette semaine, sur le théâtre, les aéronefs ont réalisé 31 sorties aériennes dont 24 de reconnaissance armée et d’appui au sol (CAS), ainsi que 4 sorties de recueil de renseignement par Atlantique 2 ou patrouille de Rafale. Deux frappes ont été conduites dans la région de Hassaka en Syrie et dans la région d’Al Qaim. Elles ont permis de détruire des sites de stockage et des caches d’armes.

La Task Force (TF) Wagram a mené de son côté 6 missions de tir de harcèlement en appui de la 15e division à l’ouest de Mossoul vers Tal Afar, pour prévenir les infiltrations ennemies sur les positions irakiennes.

Le bilan global de l’activité aérienne depuis le 19 septembre 2014 s’élève à 1 322 frappes, 2095 objectifs détruits et 6919 sorties.

CJTF–OIR for August 10, 2017 – August 11, 2017

Report Date

August 11, 2017

On Aug. 10, Coalition military forces conducted 38 strikes consisting of 51 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 34 strikes consisting of 43 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.

*Near Raqqah, 33 strikes [1 British?] engaged 14 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 21 fighting positions, four command and control nodes, three ISIS communication nodes, two IEDs, a logistics node and an ISIS communication facility.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of eight engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Rawah, one strike destroyed a VBIED factory.

*Near Tal Afar, three strikes [1 British?] engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed three ISIS warehouses, two ISIS-held buildings, two tunnel entrances and a command and control node.

Additionally, 18 strikes consisting of 21 engagements were conducted in Syria and Iraq on Aug. 9 that closed within the last 24 hours.

*On Aug. 9, near Raqqah, Syria, 16 strikes engaged six ISIS tactical units; destroyed 13 fighting positions, three command and control nodes, a mortar system, an IED, and a heavy machine gun; and damaged two fighting positions.

*On Aug. 9, near Kisik, Iraq, two strikes destroyed four ISIS headquarters buildings.

Report Date

August 11, 2017

Report Summary

  • 56 total strikes
  • 50 in Syria
  • 6 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 38 total strikes
  • 4 in Iraq (13341 – 13348)
  • 34 in Syria (11284 – 11330)


  • +4* in Iraq
  • + 11* +1* +1* in Syria

Confirmed Actions


On Aug. 10, Coalition military forces conducted 38 strikes consisting of 51 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

August 10, 2017
Syria: 34 strikes
Iraq: 4 strikes

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 34 strikes consisting of 43 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.
Near Raqqah, 33 strikes [1 British?] engaged 14 ISIS tactical units and destroyed 21 fighting positions, four command and control nodes, three ISIS communication nodes, two IEDs, a logistics node and an ISIS communication facility.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of eight engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Rawah, one strike destroyed a VBIED factory.
Near Tal Afar, three strikes [1 British?] engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed three ISIS warehouses, two ISIS-held buildings, two tunnel entrances and a command and control node.
August 9, 2017
Syria: 16 strikes
Iraq: 2 strikes

Additionally, 18 strikes consisting of 21 engagements were conducted in Syria and Iraq on Aug. 9 that closed within the last 24 hours.

On Aug. 9, near Raqqah, Syria, 16 strikes engaged six ISIS tactical units; destroyed 13 fighting positions, three command and control nodes, a mortar system, an IED, and a heavy machine gun; and damaged two fighting positions.
On Aug. 9, near Kisik, Iraq, two strikes destroyed four ISIS headquarters buildings.

UK MoD for August 10, 2017 – August 11, 2017

Report Date

August 11, 2017

Thursday 10 August – Tornados and Typhoons struck a terrorist mortar team in northern Iraq, and a defensive position in Raqqa… The following day [August 10th], a mixed Tornado and Typhoon pair operated over northern Iraq. A terrorist mortar team was identified near Tal Afar, and struck with a Paveway IV. In Raqqa, the Syrian Democratic Forces encountered a Daesh defensive position, but this was dealt with, again using a Paveway IV, by a second mixed Tornado and Typhoon pair.

Report Date

August 11, 2017

Thursday 10 August – Tornados and Typhoons struck a terrorist mortar team in northern Iraq, and a defensive position in Raqqa… The following day [August 10th], a mixed Tornado and Typhoon pair operated over northern Iraq. A terrorist mortar team was identified near Tal Afar, and struck with a Paveway IV. In Raqqa, the Syrian Democratic Forces encountered a Daesh defensive position, but this was dealt with, again using a Paveway IV, by a second mixed Tornado and Typhoon pair.’

#Chammal : 2 frappes et 9 missions d