US-led Coalition in Iraq & Syria

Civilians in the ruins of Mosul city. (Maranie R. Staab)

US-led Coalition
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CJTF–OIR for June 5, 2017 – June 6, 2017

Report Date

June 6, 2017

On June 5, Coalition military forces conducted 40 strikes consisting of 60 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 35 strikes consisting of 45 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed four ISIS front-end loaders, four ISIS excavators, an ISIS crane and an ISIS well head.

*Near Dayr Az Zawr, nine strikes destroyed five ISIS oil trucks, four fuel separator tanks, two ISIS well heads, and an ISIS oil well.

*Near Raqqah, 24 strikes [1 British] engaged 18 ISIS tactical units; destroyed 19 boats, 12 fighting positions, eight vehicles, a house rigged with explosives, and a weapons storage facility; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted five strikes consisting of 15 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Al Huwayjah, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.

*Near Mosul, three strikes [1 British] engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed four fighting positions, a vehicle, a supply cache, a medium machine gun and a UAS.

*Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed a UAS.

Additionally, six strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on June 4 that closed within the last 24 hours.

*Near Raqqah, Syria, five strikes engaged four ISIS tactical units and destroyed 49 boats, five fighting positions, three anti-air artillery systems, two tactical vehicles and two ISIS staging areas.

*Near Kisik, Iraq, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit, destroyed two fighting positions and a weapons cache; damaged 10 ISIS supply routes; and suppressed a mortar team.

Report Date

June 6, 2017

Report Summary

  • 46 total strikes
  • 40 in Syria
  • 6 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 40 total strikes
  • 5 in Iraq (12859 – 12864)
  • 35 in Syria (9191 – 9236)


  • +1* in Iraq
  • +7* +4* in Syria

Confirmed Actions


On June 5, Coalition military forces conducted 40 strikes consisting of 60 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

June 5, 2017
Syria: 40 strikes
Iraq: 6 strikes

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 35 strikes consisting of 45 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed four ISIS front-end loaders, four ISIS excavators, an ISIS crane and an ISIS well head.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, nine strikes destroyed five ISIS oil trucks, four fuel separator tanks, two ISIS well heads, and an ISIS oil well.
Near Raqqah, 24 strikes [1 British] engaged 18 ISIS tactical units; destroyed 19 boats, 12 fighting positions, eight vehicles, a house rigged with explosives, and a weapons storage facility; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted five strikes consisting of 15 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Al Huwayjah, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.
Near Mosul, three strikes [1 British] engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed four fighting positions, a vehicle, a supply cache, a medium machine gun and a UAS.
Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed a UAS.

Additionally, six strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on June 4 that closed within the last 24 hours.

Near Raqqah, Syria, five strikes engaged four ISIS tactical units and destroyed 49 boats, five fighting positions, three anti-air artillery systems, two tactical vehicles and two ISIS staging areas.
Near Kisik, Iraq, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit, destroyed two fighting positions and a weapons cache; damaged 10 ISIS supply routes; and suppressed a mortar team.

UK MoD for June 5, 2017 – June 6, 2017

Report Date

June 6, 2017

Monday 5 June – Typhoons struck a Daesh-held building in eastern Raqqa, whilst Tornados hit two terrorist firing points in a building in Mosul…On Monday 5 June, two Typhoons, supporting Syrian Democratic Forces close to Raqqa, used a Paveway IV to strike a Daesh-held building in the east of the city itself. Tornados meanwhile continued operations over Mosul, and employed a pair of Brimstone missiles to deliver pinpoint attacks on two firing positions located in a large multi-storey building, where the terrorists had stationed a recoilless anti-tank gun and a machine-gun.

Report Date

June 6, 2017

Monday 5 June – Typhoons struck a Daesh-held building in eastern Raqqa, whilst Tornados hit two terrorist firing points in a building in Mosul…On Monday 5 June, two Typhoons, supporting Syrian Democratic Forces close to Raqqa, used a Paveway IV to strike a Daesh-held building in the east of the city itself. Tornados meanwhile continued operations over Mosul, and employed a pair of Brimstone missiles to deliver pinpoint attacks on two firing positions located in a large multi-storey building, where the terrorists had stationed a recoilless anti-tank gun and a machine-gun.

CJTF–OIR for June 5, 2017 – June 6, 2017

Report Date

June 6, 2017

SDF Begins Raqqah Offensive

SOUTHWEST ASIA -The Syrian Democratic Forces and their Syrian Arab Coalition partners launched the offensive to unseat ISIS from its so-called “capital” of Raqqah in northern Syria, June 6. The SAC and SDF began marching on Raqqah in November and have been rapidly tightening the noose around the city since their daring air assault behind enemy lines in Coalition aircraft in March to begin the seizure of Tabqah.

The multi-ethnic SDF is the Coalition’s local ground force partner in the fight against ISIS in northern Syria and they have proven themselves in Manbij, Tabqah and countless other towns and villages across northwest Syria over the past two years.

Lt. Gen. Steve Townsend, Commanding General of CJTF-OIR, said the fight for Raqqah will be long and difficult, but the offensive would deliver a decisive blow to the idea of ISIS as a physical caliphate saying, “It’s hard to convince new recruits that ISIS is a winning cause when they just lost their twin “capitals” in both Iraq and Syria.”

“We all saw the heinous attack in Manchester, England,” said Townsend. “ISIS threatens all of our nations, not just Iraq and Syria, but in our own homelands as well. This cannot stand.”

Coalition forces will continue to support the SAC and SDF during their Raqqah offensive as part of their “advise and assist” mission, providing equipment, training, Intelligence and logistics support, precision fires, and battlefield advice.

The SDF have encouraged civilians to depart Raqqah so that they do not become trapped, used as human shields or become targets for ISIS snipers. Once Raqqah is liberated, the SDF have stated it will be turned over to a representative body of local civilians who will provide security and governance.

In Iraq, the Iraqi Security Forces continue to make steady gains in brutal, close-quarters urban combat against ISIS on the West side of Mosul.

“The International Coalition and our partner forces are steadily dismantling the physical caliphate of ISIS,” said Townsend. “Once ISIS is defeated in both Mosul and Raqqah, there will still be a lot of hard fighting ahead, but this Coalition is strong and committed to the complete annihilation of ISIS in both Iraq and Syria.”

Report Date

June 6, 2017

SDF Begins Raqqah Offensive

SOUTHWEST ASIA -The Syrian Democratic Forces and their Syrian Arab Coalition partners launched the offensive to unseat ISIS from its so-called “capital” of Raqqah in northern Syria, June 6. The SAC and SDF began marching on Raqqah in November and have been rapidly tightening the noose around the city since their daring air assault behind enemy lines in Coalition aircraft in March to begin the seizure of Tabqah.

The multi-ethnic SDF is the Coalition’s local ground force partner in the fight against ISIS in northern Syria and they have proven themselves in Manbij, Tabqah and countless other towns and villages across northwest Syria over the past two years.

Lt. Gen. Steve Townsend, Commanding General of CJTF-OIR, said the fight for Raqqah will be long and difficult, but the offensive would deliver a decisive blow to the idea of ISIS as a physical caliphate saying, “It’s hard to convince new recruits that ISIS is a winning cause when they just lost their twin “capitals” in both Iraq and Syria.”

“We all saw the heinous attack in Manchester, England,” said Townsend. “ISIS threatens all of our nations, not just Iraq and Syria, but in our own homelands as well. This cannot stand.”

Coalition forces will continue to support the SAC and SDF during their Raqqah offensive as part of their “advise and assist” mission, providing equipment, training, Intelligence and logistics support, precision fires, and battlefield advice.

The SDF have encouraged civilians to depart Raqqah so that they do not become trapped, used as human shields or become targets for ISIS snipers. Once Raqqah is liberated, the SDF have stated it will be turned over to a representative body of local civilians who will provide security and governance.

In Iraq, the Iraqi Security Forces continue to make steady gains in brutal, close-quarters urban combat against ISIS on the West side of Mosul.

“The International Coalition and our partner forces are steadily dismantling the physical caliphate of ISIS,” said Townsend. “Once ISIS is defeated in both Mosul and Raqqah, there will still be a lot of hard fighting ahead, but this Coalition is strong and committed to the complete annihilation of ISIS in both Iraq and Syria.”

CJTF–OIR for June 5, 2017 – June 6, 2017

Report Date

June 6, 2017

Coalition statement on actions near At Tanf, Syria

SOUTHWEST ASIA – The Coalition destroyed additional pro-Syrian regime forces that advanced inside the well-established de-confliction zone in southern Syria, June 6.

Despite previous warnings, pro-regime forces entered the agreed-upon de-confliction zone with a tank, artillery, anti-aircraft weapons, armed technical vehicles and more than 60 soldiers posing a threat to Coalition and partner forces based at the At Tanf Garrison.

The Coalition issued several warnings via the de-confliction line prior to destroying two artillery pieces, an anti-aircraft weapon, and damaging a tank.

On May 18, the Coalition conducted a strike against pro-Syrian regime forces that had advanced a significant distance into the de-confliction zone threatening the Coalition forces at At Tanf.

Coalition forces have been operating in the At Tanf area for many months, training and advising vetted Syrian partner forces engaged in the fight against ISIS.

The Coalition does not seek to fight Syrian regime or pro-regime forces but remains ready to defend themselves if pro-regime forces refuse to vacate the de-confliction zone. The Coalition calls on all parties in southern Syria to focus their efforts on the defeat of ISIS, which is our common enemy and the greatest threat to regional and worldwide peace and security.

Report Date

June 6, 2017

Coalition statement on actions near At Tanf, Syria

SOUTHWEST ASIA – The Coalition destroyed additional pro-Syrian regime forces that advanced inside the well-established de-confliction zone in southern Syria, June 6.

Despite previous warnings, pro-regime forces entered the agreed-upon de-confliction zone with a tank, artillery, anti-aircraft weapons, armed technical vehicles and more than 60 soldiers posing a threat to Coalition and partner forces based at the At Tanf Garrison.

The Coalition issued several warnings via the de-confliction line prior to destroying two artillery pieces, an anti-aircraft weapon, and damaging a tank.

May 18, 2017

On May 18, the Coalition conducted a strike against pro-Syrian regime forces that had advanced a significant distance into the de-confliction zone threatening the Coalition forces at At Tanf.

Coalition forces have been operating in the At Tanf area for many months, training and advising vetted Syrian partner forces engaged in the fight against ISIS.

The Coalition does not seek to fight Syrian regime or pro-regime forces but remains ready to defend themselves if pro-regime forces refuse to vacate the de-confliction zone. The Coalition calls on all parties in southern Syria to focus their efforts on the defeat of ISIS, which is our common enemy and the greatest threat to regional and worldwide peace and security.

CJTF–OIR for June 4, 2017 – June 5, 2017

Report Date

June 5, 2017

On June 4, Coalition military forces conducted 23 strikes consisting of 70 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 20 strikes consisting of 38 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed an ISIS well head and an ISIS oil manifold.

*Near At Tanf, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed two tactical vehicles and two ISIS vehicles.

*Near Dayr Az Zawr, six strikes destroyed 90 ISIS oil barrels, 10 ISIS oil refinery stills, five vehicles, four ISIS oil separation tanks and three ISIS well heads.

*Near Raqqah, 11 strikes engaged nine ISIS tactical units and destroyed four fighting positions and five vehicles.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of 32 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Mosul, three strikes [1-2 British? 1 Australian] engaged two ISIS tactical units; destroyed 15 fighting positions, two rocket-propelled grenade systems, two medium machine guns, an ISIS tactical vehicle, and an ISIS staging area; damaged six fighting positions and a VBIED; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

Additionally, five strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on June 3 that closed within the last 24 hours.

*Near Raqqah, Syria, three strikes engaged six ISIS tactical units, destroyed 10 fighting positions, and damaged one ISIS-held building.

*Near Mosul, Iraq, two strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units; destroyed 14 fighting positions, one VBIED, one VBIED staging area, and one supply route; and suppressed one fighting position.

Report Date

June 5, 2017

Report Summary

  • 28 total strikes
  • 23 in Syria
  • 5 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 23 total strikes
  • 3 in Iraq (12855 – 12858)
  • 20 in Syria (9166 – 9190)


  • +1* in Iraq
  • +5* in Syria

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, Australia

On June 4, Coalition military forces conducted 23 strikes consisting of 70 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

June 4, 2017
Syria: 23 strikes
Iraq: 5 strikes

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 20 strikes consisting of 38 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed an ISIS well head and an ISIS oil manifold.
Near At Tanf, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed two tactical vehicles and two ISIS vehicles.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, six strikes destroyed 90 ISIS oil barrels, 10 ISIS oil refinery stills, five vehicles, four ISIS oil separation tanks and three ISIS well heads.
Near Raqqah, 11 strikes engaged nine ISIS tactical units and destroyed four fighting positions and five vehicles.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted three strikes consisting of 32 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Mosul, three strikes [1-2 British? 1 Australian] engaged two ISIS tactical units; destroyed 15 fighting positions, two rocket-propelled grenade systems, two medium machine guns, an ISIS tactical vehicle, and an ISIS staging area; damaged six fighting positions and a VBIED; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

Additionally, five strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on June 3 that closed within the last 24 hours.

Near Raqqah, Syria, three strikes engaged six ISIS tactical units, destroyed 10 fighting positions, and damaged one ISIS-held building.
Near Mosul, Iraq, two strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units; destroyed 14 fighting positions, one VBIED, one VBIED staging area, and one supply route; and suppressed one fighting position.

Australian MoD for June 4, 2017 – June 5, 2017

Report Date

June 5, 2017

On 4 Jun, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in Mosul. The Australian aircraft struck six Daesh fighting positions with guided munitions over several hours of support.

Report Date

June 5, 2017

On 4 Jun, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in Mosul. The Australian aircraft struck six Daesh fighting positions with guided munitions over several hours of support.

UK MoD for June 4, 2017 – June 5, 2017

Report Date

June 5, 2017

Sunday 4 June – Tornados and Typhoons engaged three Daesh positions in Mosul…A further mixed pair conducted three further attacks in Mosul on Sunday 4 June, using a Brimstone to deal with a sniper, and two Paveway IVs against a pair of Daesh-held buildings from which fire was being directed at Iraqi troops.

Report Date

June 5, 2017

Sunday 4 June – Tornados and Typhoons engaged three Daesh positions in Mosul…A further mixed pair conducted three further attacks in Mosul on Sunday 4 June, using a Brimstone to deal with a sniper, and two Paveway IVs against a pair of Daesh-held buildings from which fire was being directed at Iraqi troops.

CJTF–OIR for June 3, 2017 – June 4, 2017

Report Date

June 4, 2017

On June 3, Coalition military forces conducted 32 strikes consisting of 65 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 23 strikes consisting of 27 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Abu Kamal, three strikes destroyed two ISIS well heads and an ISIS pump jack.

*Near Dayr Az Zawr, three strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed three ISIS well heads and a vehicle.

*Near Palmyra, one strike destroyed an ISIS pump jack.

*Near Raqqah, 16 strikes engaged seven ISIS tactical units; destroyed 17 fighting positions, three vehicles, and an ISIS excavator; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 38 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Al Qaim, two strikes [2 British] engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle, a heavy machine gun and an ISIS staging area.

*Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS-held building and an ISIS staging area.

*Near Kisik, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a weapons cache.

*Near Mosul, four strikes [2 British, 1 Australian] engaged three ISIS tactical units; destroyed 13 fighting positions, four mortar systems, four medium machine guns, two rocket-propelled grenade systems, two VBIEDs, and a heavy machine gun; damaged six fighting positions; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

*Near Rawah, one strike destroyed an ISIS staging area.

Additionally, six strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on June 2 that closed within the last 24 hours.

*Near Abu Kamal, Syria, one strike destroyed four ISIS oil separation tanks and three oil storage tanks.

*Near Raqqah, Syria, three strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed three fighting positions.

*Near Mosul, Iraq, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and a sniper; destroyed six medium machine guns, four heavy machine guns, a rocket-propelled grenade system, and a UAV; damaged 11 ISIS supply roads; and suppressed a medium machine gun team.

*Near Tal Afar, Iraq, one strike destroyed a VBIED facility.

Report Date

June 4, 2017

Report Summary

  • 38 total strikes
  • 27 in Syria
  • 11 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 32 total strikes
  • 9 in Iraq (12844 – 12854)
  • 23 in Syria (9140 – 9165)


  • +2* in Iraq
  • +3* in Syria

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, Australia

On June 3, Coalition military forces conducted 32 strikes consisting of 65 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

June 3, 2017
Syria: 27 strikes
Iraq: 11 strikes

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 23 strikes consisting of 27 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, three strikes destroyed two ISIS well heads and an ISIS pump jack.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, three strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed three ISIS well heads and a vehicle.
Near Palmyra, one strike destroyed an ISIS pump jack.
Near Raqqah, 16 strikes engaged seven ISIS tactical units; destroyed 17 fighting positions, three vehicles, and an ISIS excavator; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 38 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Al Qaim, two strikes [2 British] engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle, a heavy machine gun and an ISIS staging area.
Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS-held building and an ISIS staging area.
Near Kisik, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a weapons cache.
Near Mosul, four strikes [2 British, 1 Australian] engaged three ISIS tactical units; destroyed 13 fighting positions, four mortar systems, four medium machine guns, two rocket-propelled grenade systems, two VBIEDs, and a heavy machine gun; damaged six fighting positions; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.
Near Rawah, one strike destroyed an ISIS staging area.

Additionally, six strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on June 2 that closed within the last 24 hours.

Near Abu Kamal, Syria, one strike destroyed four ISIS oil separation tanks and three oil storage tanks.
Near Raqqah, Syria, three strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed three fighting positions.
Near Mosul, Iraq, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and a sniper; destroyed six medium machine guns, four heavy machine guns, a rocket-propelled grenade system, and a UAV; damaged 11 ISIS supply roads; and suppressed a medium machine gun team.
Near Tal Afar, Iraq, one strike destroyed a VBIED facility.

Australian MoD for June 3, 2017 – June 4, 2017

Report Date

June 4, 2017

On 3 Jun, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in Mosul. The Australian aircraft struck three Daesh fighting positions with guided munitions over several hours of support.

Report Date

June 4, 2017

On 3 Jun, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in Mosul. The Australian aircraft struck three Daesh fighting positions with guided munitions over several hours of support.

UK MoD for June 3, 2017 – June 4, 2017

Report Date

June 4, 2017

Saturday 3 June – a Reaper struck a group of terrorists and an armed truck in western Iraq, whilst Tornados and Typhoons bombed a strongpoint west of Kirkuk and five targets in Mosul…A Reaper, operating south of Al Qaim in western Iraq on Saturday 3 June, observed a group of dismounted terrorists, with an armed truck close by. One Hellfire missile killed several of the terrorists, a second destroyed the vehicle with a direct hit. West of Kirkuk, a pair of Tornados used a Paveway IV to destroy a Daesh strongpoint, whilst two mixed pairs of Tornados and Typhoons delivered five attacks in Mosul with four Brimstones and a Paveway against a truck-bomb, three sniper teams and a group with rocket-propelled grenades.

Report Date

June 4, 2017

Saturday 3 June – a Reaper struck a group of terrorists and an armed truck in western Iraq, whilst Tornados and Typhoons bombed a strongpoint west of Kirkuk and five targets in Mosul…A Reaper, operating south of Al Qaim in western Iraq on Saturday 3 June, observed a group of dismounted terrorists, with an armed truck close by. One Hellfire missile killed several of the terrorists, a second destroyed the vehicle with a direct hit. West of Kirkuk, a pair of Tornados used a Paveway IV to destroy a Daesh strongpoint, whilst two mixed pairs of Tornados and Typhoons delivered five attacks in Mosul with four Brimstones and a Paveway against a truck-bomb, three sniper teams and a group with rocket-propelled grenades.

CJTF–OIR for June 2, 2017 – June 3, 2017

Report Date

June 3, 2017

On June 2, Coalition military forces conducted 25 strikes consisting of 71 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 17 strikes consisting of 30 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed nine ISIS oil tanks and seven ISIS oil stills.

*Near Dayr Az Zawr, five strikes destroyed 25 ISIS oil barrels, four ISIS oil stills, four ISIS well heads, and two ISIS oil trucks.

*Near Raqqah, 10 strikes [1 British] engaged seven ISIS tactical units and destroyed 12 vehicles, five fighting positions, four tactical vehicles, two VBIEDs and an ammunition cache.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted eight strikes consisting of 41 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Al Hwayjah, one strike [1 Australian] destroyed a vehicle and a mortar cache.

*Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS-held building and a vehicle.

*Near Kisik, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS checkpoint and a supply cache.

*Near Mosul, five strikes [3 British, 1 Australian] engaged four ISIS tactical units and a sniper; destroyed 21 fighting positions, three medium machine guns, three mortar systems, two rocket-propelled grenade systems, and two VBIEDs; damaged five fighting positions; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit and mortar team.

Additionally, five strikes were conducted in Syria on June 1 that closed within the last 24 hours.

*Near Raqqah, Syria, five strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed 17 fighting positions, an ISIS headquarters, an ISIS-held building, and an IED.

Report Date

June 3, 2017

Report Summary

  • 30 total strikes
  • 22 in Syria
  • 8 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 25 total strikes
  • 8 in Iraq (12834 – 12843)
  • 17 in Syria (9119 – 9139)


  • +2* in Iraq
  • +4* in Syria

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, Australia

On June 2, Coalition military forces conducted 25 strikes consisting of 71 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

June 2, 2017
Syria: 22 strikes
Iraq: 8 strikes

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 17 strikes consisting of 30 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed nine ISIS oil tanks and seven ISIS oil stills.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, five strikes destroyed 25 ISIS oil barrels, four ISIS oil stills, four ISIS well heads, and two ISIS oil trucks.
Near Raqqah, 10 strikes [1 British] engaged seven ISIS tactical units and destroyed 12 vehicles, five fighting positions, four tactical vehicles, two VBIEDs and an ammunition cache.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted eight strikes consisting of 41 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Al Hwayjah, one strike [1 Australian] destroyed a vehicle and a mortar cache.
Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS-held building and a vehicle.
Near Kisik, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS checkpoint and a supply cache.
Near Mosul, five strikes [3 British, 1 Australian] engaged four ISIS tactical units and a sniper; destroyed 21 fighting positions, three medium machine guns, three mortar systems, two rocket-propelled grenade systems, and two VBIEDs; damaged five fighting positions; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit and mortar team.

Additionally, five strikes were conducted in Syria on June 1 that closed within the last 24 hours.

Near Raqqah, Syria, five strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed 17 fighting positions, an ISIS headquarters, an ISIS-held building, and an IED.

Australian MoD for June 2, 2017 – June 3, 2017

Report Date

June 3, 2017

On 2 Jun, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in Mosul and Hawijah. The Australian aircraft struck a Daesh fighting vehicle and a Daesh fighting position with guided munitions over several hours of support

Report Date

June 3, 2017

On 2 Jun, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in Mosul and Hawijah. The Australian aircraft struck a Daesh fighting vehicle and a Daesh fighting position with guided munitions over several hours of support

UK MoD for June 2, 2017 – June 3, 2017

Report Date

June 3, 2017

Friday 2 June – Tornados and Typhoons destroyed an armoured truck near Raqqa, and attacked eight targets in Mosul…A mixed Tornado and Typhoon pair used a Brimstone to destroy an armoured truck moving along a main road on the outskirts of Raqqa on Friday 2 June. Two other flights operated over Mosul, where attacks were delivered in very close support to the Iraqi forces, hitting eight Daesh positions with a mix of Brimstones and Paveway IVs. The targets included three machine-gun teams and three groups of terrorists armed with rocket-propelled grenades. In addition, a truck-bomb, concealed close to one of the positions, was also fortuitously detonated by one of the attacks.

Report Date

June 3, 2017

Friday 2 June – Tornados and Typhoons destroyed an armoured truck near Raqqa, and attacked eight targets in Mosul…A mixed Tornado and Typhoon pair used a Brimstone to destroy an armoured truck moving along a main road on the outskirts of Raqqa on Friday 2 June. Two other flights operated over Mosul, where attacks were delivered in very close support to the Iraqi forces, hitting eight Daesh positions with a mix of Brimstones and Paveway IVs. The targets included three machine-gun teams and three groups of terrorists armed with rocket-propelled grenades. In addition, a truck-bomb, concealed close to one of the positions, was also fortuitously detonated by one of the attacks.

UK MoD for June 1, 2017 – June 2, 2017

Report Date

June 2, 2017

Thursday 1 June – Tornados and Typhoons supported Iraqi troops in Mosul, hitting nine Daesh targets…The following day [June 1st], three flights of Tornados and Typhoons struck a total of nine targets inside west Mosul; Brimstone missiles dealt with a heavy machine-gun and a mortar, whilst Paveway IVs silenced another mortar and hit five machine-gun positions and a sniper team.

Report Date

June 2, 2017

Thursday 1 June – Tornados and Typhoons supported Iraqi troops in Mosul, hitting nine Daesh targets…The following day [June 1st], three flights of Tornados and Typhoons struck a total of nine targets inside west Mosul; Brimstone missiles dealt with a heavy machine-gun and a mortar, whilst Paveway IVs silenced another mortar and hit five machine-gun positions and a sniper team.

CJTF–OIR for June 1, 2017 – June 2, 2017

Report Date

June 2, 2017

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve Monthly Civilian Casualty Report

SOUTHWEST ASIA- In the month of April, CJTF-OIR received 43 new reports of possible civilian casualties resulting from Coalition strikes in support of partnered force operations to defeat ISIS in Iraq and Syria. During this period, the Coalition completed the assessment of 47 reports, of which 31 were assessed to be non-credible and 16 were assessed to be credible resulting in 132 unintentional civilian deaths. To date, based on information available, CJTF-OIR assesses that, it is more likely than not, at least 484 civilians have been unintentionally killed by Coalition strikes since the start of Operation Inherent Resolve. A total of 38 reports were still open and being assessed at the end of the month. Coalition strikes are defined as ground artillery or air strikes conducted as part of the Coalition Air Tasking Order.

CJTF-OIR takes all reports of civilian casualties seriously and assesses all reports as thoroughly as possible. Although we are unable to investigate all reports of possible civilian casualties using traditional investigative methods, such as interviewing witnesses and examining the site, the Coalition interviews pilots and other personnel involved in the targeting process, reviews strike and surveillance video if available, and analyzes information provided by government agencies, non-governmental organizations, partner forces, and traditional and social media. In addition, the Coalition considers new information when it becomes available in order to ensure a thorough and continuous review process.

To date, based on data between August 2014 and April 2017, the Coalition conducted a total of 21,035 strikes that included 44,330 separate engagements. During this period, the total number of reports of possible civilian casualties was 440. The total number of credible reports of civilian casualties during this time period was 118. The percent of engagements that resulted in a report of possible civilian casualties was .99%. The percent of engagements that resulted in a credible report of civilian casualties was .27%.

After a thorough review of the facts and circumstances of each civilian casualty report, CJTF-OIR assessed that the following 31 reports are non-credible. Non-credible means that at this time there is not sufficient information available to assess that, more likely than not, a Coalition strike resulted in civilian casualties.

1. Sept. 17, 2016, near Al Tabqah, Syria, via self-report: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no civilians were harmed in this strike.

2. Dec. 20, 2016, near Al Tabqah, Syria, via NGO report: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties. The closest strike to the report of possible civilian casualties was approximately a kilometer away.

3. Feb. 14, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via social media report: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no civilians were harmed in this strike.

4. Feb. 16, 2017, near Al Tabqah, Syria, via social media report: After a review of available information it was assessed that no Coalition strikes were conducted in the geographic area that correspond to the report of civilian casualties.

5. Feb. 16, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via social media report: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties. The closest strike to the report of possible civilian casualties was 4 km away.

6. Feb. 17, 2017, near Al Tabqah, Syria, via social media report: After a review of available information it was assessed that no Coalition strikes were conducted in the geographic area that correspond to the report of civilian casualties.

7. Feb. 20, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via media report: After a review of available information it was assessed that no Coalition strikes were conducted in the geographic area that correspond to the report of civilian casualties.

8. Feb. 20, 2017, near Al Bab, Syria, via social media report: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that there is insufficient information available to determine if civilians were present or harmed in this strike.

9. Feb. 20, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via social media report: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no civilians were harmed in this strike.

10. Feb. 21, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report: After a review of available information it was assessed that no Coalition strikes were conducted in this geographic area that correspond to the report of civilian casualties.

11. Feb. 23, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no civilians were harmed in this strike.

12. March 1, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report: After a review of available information it was assessed that no Coalition strikes were conducted in the geographic area that correspond to the report of civilian casualties.

13. March 3, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report: After a review of available information it was assessed that no Coalition strikes were conducted in the geographic area that correspond to the report of civilian casualties.

14. March 14, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties. The closest strike to the report of possible civilian casualties was approximately a kilometer away.

15. March 17, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report: The report contained insufficient information on the time, location and details to assess its credibility.

16. March 19, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report: The report contained insufficient information on the time, location and details to assess its credibility.

17. March 26, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties. The closest strike to the report of possible civilian casualties was 6 km away.

18. March 26, 2017, near Mosul, via self-report: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no civilians were harmed in this strike.

19. March 28, 2017 near Al Tabqah, Syria, via social media: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties. The closest strike to the report of possible civilian casualties was 7 km away.

20. March 28, 2017, near Maskanah, Syria, via social media: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties.

21. March 29, 2017, near Dayr Az Zayr, Syria, via social media: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties. The closest strike to the report of possible civilian casualties was 17 km away.

22. April 3, 2017, near Tal Afar, Iraq, via social media: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties.

23. April 6, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via social media: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties.

24. April 7, 2017, near Hunaydah, Syria, via social media: After a review of available information it was assessed that no Coalition strikes were conducted in the geographic area that correspond to the report of civilian casualties.

25. April 9, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq via social media: After a review of available information it was assessed that no Coalition strikes were conducted in the geographic area that correspond to the report of civilian casualties.

26. April 10, 2017, near Tashrin, Syria, via social media: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties. The closest strike to the report of possible civilian casualties was 2 km away.

27. April 12, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media: After a review of available information it was assessed that no Coalition strikes were conducted in the geographic area that correspond to the report of civilian casualties.

28. April 12, 2017, near Annah, Iraq, via social media: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties.

29. April 12, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media: The report contained insufficient information on the time, location and details to assess its credibility.

30. April 15, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no civilians were harmed in this strike.

31. April 16, 2017, near Annah, Iraq, via social media: The report contained insufficient information on the time, location and details to assess its credibility.

Although the Coalition takes extraordinary efforts to strike military targets in a manner that minimizes the risk of civilian casualties, in some incidents casualties are unavoidable. Sixteen reports were assessed to be credible resulting in the unintentional death of 132 civilians.

A credible assessment means it is more likely than not a Coalition strike resulted in a civilian casualty. In each of the incidents below, the investigation assessed that although all feasible precautions were taken and the decision to strike complied with the Law of Armed Conflict, unintended civilian casualties unfortunately occurred.

1. Jan. 31, 2017, near Dayr Az Zayr, Syria, via self-report: During a strike on ISIS construction equipment, after reviewing the post-strike video, it was assessed that one civilian was unintentionally killed when he entered the target area after the munition was released.

2. Feb. 25, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: During a strike on an ISIS VBIED, it was assessed that five civilians were unintentionally killed.

3. Feb. 25, 2017, near Raqqah Syria, via self-report: During a strike on ISIS oil tanker trucks, after warning shots were fired to dislodge drivers from the vehicles, it was assessed that one civilian was unintentionally killed.

4. Feb. 28, 2017, near Al Qaim, Iraq, via self-report: During a strike on an ISIS dump truck filled with VBIED material, after firing warning shots, it was assessed that one civilian was unintentionally killed and one injured when they entered the target area after the munition was released.

5. March 9, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: During a strike to crater roads used by ISIS VBIEDs against Iraqi Security Forces, it was assessed that one civilian was unintentionally injured when he entered the target area after the munition was released.

6. March 17, 2017, near Mosul Iraq, via media report: During a strike on ISIS snipers firing on partnered forces, 101 civilians were unintentionally killed when the munition struck the building igniting ISIS-planted explosives that destroyed the structure and killed an additional four civilians in an adjacent structure.

7. March 21, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: During a strike on ISIS fighters, it was assessed that one civilian was unintentionally killed and three injured when they entered the target area after the munition was released.

8. March 21, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: During a strike on an ISIS mortar position firing on Iraqi Security Forces, it was assessed that one civilian was unintentionally killed when he entered the target area after the munition was released.

9. March 28, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: During a strike to crater roads used by ISIS VBIEDs against Iraqi Security Forces, it was assessed that one civilian was unintentionally killed when he entered the target area after the munition was released.

10. March 30, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq via self-report: During a strike on an ISIS command and control node and VBIED staging position, it was assessed that two civilians were unintentionally killed when they entered the target area after the munition was released.

11. March 30, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq via self-report: During a strike on an ISIS headquarters, it was assessed that two civilians were unintentionally killed when they entered the target area after the munition was released.

12. April 4, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: During a strike on an ISIS mortar team egressing their firing position, it was assessed that one civilian was unintentionally killed by a secondary explosion caused when the target vehicle was hit.

13. April 4, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: During a strike on ISIS fighters in a moving vehicle, it was assessed that one civilian pedestrian was unintentionally killed when the vehicle was struck.

14. April 5, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: During a strike on an ISIS firing position, it was assessed that one civilian was unintentionally killed when his vehicle entered the target area after the munition was released.

15. April 8, 2017, near Tal Afar, Iraq, via self-report: During a strike on an ISIS VBIED factory, it was assessed that three civilians were unintentionally killed.

16. April 13, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: During a strike on an ISIS VBIED engaging Iraqi Security Forces, it was assessed that six civilians were unintentionally killed when a group of fleeing civilians entered the target area after the munition was released.

Currently, 38 reports of civilian casualties are still being assessed:

1. April 22, 2015, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report, re-opened due to new information being provided.

2. Dec. 29, 2016, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

3. Jan. 16, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via self-report.

4. Jan. 21, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via media report.

5. Jan 26, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report.

6. Feb. 18, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

7. Feb. 18, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

8. Feb. 19, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

9. Feb. 20, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via media report.

10. Feb. 25, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media.

11. Feb. 27, 2017, near Al Qaim, Iraq, via social media report.

12. Feb. 28, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

13. March 1, 2017, near Tabqah, Syria, via social media report.

14. March 8, 2017, near Mat’ab, Syria, via social media report.

15. March 11, 2017, near Kasrat, Syria, via social media report.

16. March 13, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via media report.

17. March 17, 2017, near Al Jeinah, Syria, via social media report.

18. March 19, 2017, near Tabqah, Syria, via social media report.

19. March 20, 2017 near Raqqah, Syria, via social media report

20. March 21, 2017, near Tabqah, Syria, via social media report.

21. March 21, 2017, near Tabqah, Syria, via self-report.

22. March 25, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via self-report.

23. March 29, 2017, near Mansura, Syria, via social media report.

24. March 30, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

25. April 6, 2017 near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report.

26. April 15, 2017 near Abu-Kamal, Syria, via social media report.

27. April 15, 2017 near Mosul, Iraq, via civilian report.

28. April 17, 2017, near Abu Kamal, Syria, via social media report.

29. April 17, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report.

30. April 18, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

31. April 18, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report.

32. April 19, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, social media.

33. April 20, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report.

34. April 21, 2017, near Tabqah, Syria, via social media report.

35. April 22, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

36. April 23, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media.

37. April 23, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report.

38. April 24, 2017, near Tabqah, Syria via social media report.

Report Date

June 2, 2017

Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve Monthly Civilian Casualty Report

SOUTHWEST ASIA- In the month of April, CJTF-OIR received 43 new reports of possible civilian casualties resulting from Coalition strikes in support of partnered force operations to defeat ISIS in Iraq and Syria. During this period, the Coalition completed the assessment of 47 reports, of which 31 were assessed to be non-credible and 16 were assessed to be credible resulting in 132 unintentional civilian deaths. To date, based on information available, CJTF-OIR assesses that, it is more likely than not, at least 484 civilians have been unintentionally killed by Coalition strikes since the start of Operation Inherent Resolve. A total of 38 reports were still open and being assessed at the end of the month. Coalition strikes are defined as ground artillery or air strikes conducted as part of the Coalition Air Tasking Order.

CJTF-OIR takes all reports of civilian casualties seriously and assesses all reports as thoroughly as possible. Although we are unable to investigate all reports of possible civilian casualties using traditional investigative methods, such as interviewing witnesses and examining the site, the Coalition interviews pilots and other personnel involved in the targeting process, reviews strike and surveillance video if available, and analyzes information provided by government agencies, non-governmental organizations, partner forces, and traditional and social media. In addition, the Coalition considers new information when it becomes available in order to ensure a thorough and continuous review process.

To date, based on data between August 2014 and April 2017, the Coalition conducted a total of 21,035 strikes that included 44,330 separate engagements. During this period, the total number of reports of possible civilian casualties was 440. The total number of credible reports of civilian casualties during this time period was 118. The percent of engagements that resulted in a report of possible civilian casualties was .99%. The percent of engagements that resulted in a credible report of civilian casualties was .27%.

After a thorough review of the facts and circumstances of each civilian casualty report, CJTF-OIR assessed that the following 31 reports are non-credible. Non-credible means that at this time there is not sufficient information available to assess that, more likely than not, a Coalition strike resulted in civilian casualties.

1. Sept. 17, 2016, near Al Tabqah, Syria, via self-report: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no civilians were harmed in this strike.

2. Dec. 20, 2016, near Al Tabqah, Syria, via NGO report: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties. The closest strike to the report of possible civilian casualties was approximately a kilometer away.

3. Feb. 14, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via social media report: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no civilians were harmed in this strike.

4. Feb. 16, 2017, near Al Tabqah, Syria, via social media report: After a review of available information it was assessed that no Coalition strikes were conducted in the geographic area that correspond to the report of civilian casualties.

5. Feb. 16, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via social media report: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties. The closest strike to the report of possible civilian casualties was 4 km away.

6. Feb. 17, 2017, near Al Tabqah, Syria, via social media report: After a review of available information it was assessed that no Coalition strikes were conducted in the geographic area that correspond to the report of civilian casualties.

7. Feb. 20, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via media report: After a review of available information it was assessed that no Coalition strikes were conducted in the geographic area that correspond to the report of civilian casualties.

8. Feb. 20, 2017, near Al Bab, Syria, via social media report: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that there is insufficient information available to determine if civilians were present or harmed in this strike.

9. Feb. 20, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via social media report: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no civilians were harmed in this strike.

10. Feb. 21, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report: After a review of available information it was assessed that no Coalition strikes were conducted in this geographic area that correspond to the report of civilian casualties.

11. Feb. 23, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no civilians were harmed in this strike.

12. March 1, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report: After a review of available information it was assessed that no Coalition strikes were conducted in the geographic area that correspond to the report of civilian casualties.

13. March 3, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report: After a review of available information it was assessed that no Coalition strikes were conducted in the geographic area that correspond to the report of civilian casualties.

14. March 14, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties. The closest strike to the report of possible civilian casualties was approximately a kilometer away.

15. March 17, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report: The report contained insufficient information on the time, location and details to assess its credibility.

16. March 19, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report: The report contained insufficient information on the time, location and details to assess its credibility.

17. March 26, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties. The closest strike to the report of possible civilian casualties was 6 km away.

18. March 26, 2017, near Mosul, via self-report: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no civilians were harmed in this strike.

19. March 28, 2017 near Al Tabqah, Syria, via social media: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties. The closest strike to the report of possible civilian casualties was 7 km away.

20. March 28, 2017, near Maskanah, Syria, via social media: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties.

21. March 29, 2017, near Dayr Az Zayr, Syria, via social media: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties. The closest strike to the report of possible civilian casualties was 17 km away.

22. April 3, 2017, near Tal Afar, Iraq, via social media: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties.

23. April 6, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via social media: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties.

24. April 7, 2017, near Hunaydah, Syria, via social media: After a review of available information it was assessed that no Coalition strikes were conducted in the geographic area that correspond to the report of civilian casualties.

25. April 9, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq via social media: After a review of available information it was assessed that no Coalition strikes were conducted in the geographic area that correspond to the report of civilian casualties.

26. April 10, 2017, near Tashrin, Syria, via social media: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties. The closest strike to the report of possible civilian casualties was 2 km away.

27. April 12, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media: After a review of available information it was assessed that no Coalition strikes were conducted in the geographic area that correspond to the report of civilian casualties.

28. April 12, 2017, near Annah, Iraq, via social media: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties.

29. April 12, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media: The report contained insufficient information on the time, location and details to assess its credibility.

30. April 15, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no civilians were harmed in this strike.

31. April 16, 2017, near Annah, Iraq, via social media: The report contained insufficient information on the time, location and details to assess its credibility.

Although the Coalition takes extraordinary efforts to strike military targets in a manner that minimizes the risk of civilian casualties, in some incidents casualties are unavoidable. Sixteen reports were assessed to be credible resulting in the unintentional death of 132 civilians.

A credible assessment means it is more likely than not a Coalition strike resulted in a civilian casualty. In each of the incidents below, the investigation assessed that although all feasible precautions were taken and the decision to strike complied with the Law of Armed Conflict, unintended civilian casualties unfortunately occurred.

1. Jan. 31, 2017, near Dayr Az Zayr, Syria, via self-report: During a strike on ISIS construction equipment, after reviewing the post-strike video, it was assessed that one civilian was unintentionally killed when he entered the target area after the munition was released.

2. Feb. 25, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: During a strike on an ISIS VBIED, it was assessed that five civilians were unintentionally killed.

3. Feb. 25, 2017, near Raqqah Syria, via self-report: During a strike on ISIS oil tanker trucks, after warning shots were fired to dislodge drivers from the vehicles, it was assessed that one civilian was unintentionally killed.

4. Feb. 28, 2017, near Al Qaim, Iraq, via self-report: During a strike on an ISIS dump truck filled with VBIED material, after firing warning shots, it was assessed that one civilian was unintentionally killed and one injured when they entered the target area after the munition was released.

5. March 9, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: During a strike to crater roads used by ISIS VBIEDs against Iraqi Security Forces, it was assessed that one civilian was unintentionally injured when he entered the target area after the munition was released.

6. March 17, 2017, near Mosul Iraq, via media report: During a strike on ISIS snipers firing on partnered forces, 101 civilians were unintentionally killed when the munition struck the building igniting ISIS-planted explosives that destroyed the structure and killed an additional four civilians in an adjacent structure.

7. March 21, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: During a strike on ISIS fighters, it was assessed that one civilian was unintentionally killed and three injured when they entered the target area after the munition was released.

8. March 21, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: During a strike on an ISIS mortar position firing on Iraqi Security Forces, it was assessed that one civilian was unintentionally killed when he entered the target area after the munition was released.

9. March 28, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: During a strike to crater roads used by ISIS VBIEDs against Iraqi Security Forces, it was assessed that one civilian was unintentionally killed when he entered the target area after the munition was released.

10. March 30, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq via self-report: During a strike on an ISIS command and control node and VBIED staging position, it was assessed that two civilians were unintentionally killed when they entered the target area after the munition was released.

11. March 30, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq via self-report: During a strike on an ISIS headquarters, it was assessed that two civilians were unintentionally killed when they entered the target area after the munition was released.

12. April 4, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: During a strike on an ISIS mortar team egressing their firing position, it was assessed that one civilian was unintentionally killed by a secondary explosion caused when the target vehicle was hit.

13. April 4, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: During a strike on ISIS fighters in a moving vehicle, it was assessed that one civilian pedestrian was unintentionally killed when the vehicle was struck.

14. April 5, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: During a strike on an ISIS firing position, it was assessed that one civilian was unintentionally killed when his vehicle entered the target area after the munition was released.

15. April 8, 2017, near Tal Afar, Iraq, via self-report: During a strike on an ISIS VBIED factory, it was assessed that three civilians were unintentionally killed.

16. April 13, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: During a strike on an ISIS VBIED engaging Iraqi Security Forces, it was assessed that six civilians were unintentionally killed when a group of fleeing civilians entered the target area after the munition was released.

Currently, 38 reports of civilian casualties are still being assessed:

1. April 22, 2015, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report, re-opened due to new information being provided.

2. Dec. 29, 2016, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

3. Jan. 16, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via self-report.

4. Jan. 21, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via media report.

5. Jan 26, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report.

6. Feb. 18, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

7. Feb. 18, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

8. Feb. 19, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

9. Feb. 20, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via media report.

10. Feb. 25, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media.

11. Feb. 27, 2017, near Al Qaim, Iraq, via social media report.

12. Feb. 28, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

13. March 1, 2017, near Tabqah, Syria, via social media report.

14. March 8, 2017, near Mat’ab, Syria, via social media report.

15. March 11, 2017, near Kasrat, Syria, via social media report.

16. March 13, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via media report.

17. March 17, 2017, near Al Jeinah, Syria, via social media report.

18. March 19, 2017, near Tabqah, Syria, via social media report.

19. March 20, 2017 near Raqqah, Syria, via social media report

20. March 21, 2017, near Tabqah, Syria, via social media report.

21. March 21, 2017, near Tabqah, Syria, via self-report.

22. March 25, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via self-report.

23. March 29, 2017, near Mansura, Syria, via social media report.

24. March 30, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

25. April 6, 2017 near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report.

26. April 15, 2017 near Abu-Kamal, Syria, via social media report.

27. April 15, 2017 near Mosul, Iraq, via civilian report.

28. April 17, 2017, near Abu Kamal, Syria, via social media report.

29. April 17, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report.

30. April 18, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

31. April 18, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report.

32. April 19, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, social media.

33. April 20, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report.

34. April 21, 2017, near Tabqah, Syria, via social media report.

35. April 22, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

36. April 23, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media.

37. April 23, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report.

38. April 24, 2017, near Tabqah, Syria via social media report.

CJTF–OIR for June 1, 2017 – June 2, 2017

Report Date

June 2, 2017

On June 1, Coalition military forces conducted 32 strikes consisting of 78 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 19 strikes consisting of 23 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Abu Kamal, three strikes destroyed nine ISIS oil stills, three vehicles, an ISIS oil storage tank and an ISIS oil truck.

*Near Dayr Az Zawr, four strikes destroyed six ISIS well heads and five ISIS oil trucks.

*Near Mayadin, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.

*Near Raqqah, 11 strikes engaged nine ISIS tactical units and destroyed five vehicles, three fighting positions, a front end loader and an ISIS crane.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted 13 strikes consisting of 55 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Al Hawayjah, two strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed an ISIS staging area, a vehicle, and a supply cache.

*Near Al Qaim, three strikes destroyed two VBIEDs and an explosives factory.

*Near Bayji, one strike destroyed a mortar system.

*Near Kisik, one strike destroyed two command and control centers.

*Near Mosul, four strikes [3-4 British] engaged four ISIS tactical units and a sniper; destroyed 11 fighting positions, four rocket-propelled grenade systems, three medium machine guns, two mortar systems, a heavy machine gun, and a command and control node; damaged 12 ISIS supply routes, four fighting positions; and suppressed a mortar team and a medium machine gun.

*Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed a VBIED facility.

*Near Tuz, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed seven ISIS-held buildings and two vehicles.

Additionally, three strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on May 31 that closed within the last 24 hours.

*Near Raqqah, Syria, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed 20 vehicles, five dump trucks and an anti-air artillery system.

*Near Mosul, Iraq, two strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units; destroyed three fighting positions, a rocket-propelled grenade system, an ISIS staging area, and a mortar system; and damaged 12 ISIS supply routes.

Report Date

June 2, 2017

Report Summary

  • 35 total strikes
  • 20 in Syria
  • 15 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 32 total strikes
  • 13 in Iraq (12821 – 12833)
  • 19 in Syria (9095 – 9118)


  • +5* in Syria

Confirmed Actions


On June 1, Coalition military forces conducted 32 strikes consisting of 78 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

June 1, 2017
Syria: 20 strikes
Iraq: 15 strikes

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 19 strikes consisting of 23 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, three strikes destroyed nine ISIS oil stills, three vehicles, an ISIS oil storage tank and an ISIS oil truck.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, four strikes destroyed six ISIS well heads and five ISIS oil trucks.
Near Mayadin, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.
Near Raqqah, 11 strikes engaged nine ISIS tactical units and destroyed five vehicles, three fighting positions, a front end loader and an ISIS crane.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted 13 strikes consisting of 55 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Al Hawayjah, two strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed an ISIS staging area, a vehicle, and a supply cache.
Near Al Qaim, three strikes destroyed two VBIEDs and an explosives factory.
Near Bayji, one strike destroyed a mortar system.
Near Kisik, one strike destroyed two command and control centers.
Near Mosul, four strikes [3-4 British] engaged four ISIS tactical units and a sniper; destroyed 11 fighting positions, four rocket-propelled grenade systems, three medium machine guns, two mortar systems, a heavy machine gun, and a command and control node; damaged 12 ISIS supply routes, four fighting positions; and suppressed a mortar team and a medium machine gun.
Near Tal Afar, one strike destroyed a VBIED facility.
Near Tuz, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed seven ISIS-held buildings and two vehicles.

Additionally, three strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on May 31 that closed within the last 24 hours.

Near Raqqah, Syria, a strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed 20 vehicles, five dump trucks and an anti-air artillery system.
Near Mosul, Iraq, two strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units; destroyed three fighting positions, a rocket-propelled grenade system, an ISIS staging area, and a mortar system; and damaged 12 ISIS supply routes.

CJTF–OIR for May 31, 2017 – June 1, 2017

Report Date

June 1, 2017

On May 31, Coalition military forces conducted 30 strikes consisting of 51 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 23 strikes consisting of 36 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS well head and a vehicle.

*Near Dayr Az Zawr, seven strikes destroyed four ISIS well heads, four ISIS oil tanks, an ISIS oil truck, an ISIS oil storage tank and an ISIS oil storage trailer.

*Near Raqqah, 14 strikes engaged nine ISIS tactical units and destroyed eight fighting positions, two vehicles, two anti-air artillery systems, a front-end loader, and a tactical vehicle.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted seven strikes consisting of 15 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Al Hawayjah, one strike destroyed three ISIS-held buildings and an IED factory.

*Near Al Qaim, two strikes destroyed a VBIED factory and a tactical vehicle.

*Near Mosul, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed two fighting positions, a mortar system and a rocket-propelled grenade system.

*Near Rawah, one strike destroyed a VBIED.

*Near Tal Afar, two strikes [1 Australian] engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed a mortar system, a fighting position, an ISIS-held building, and a heavy machine gun; and damaged a tunnel and a fighting position.

Additionally, three strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on May 30 that closed within the last 24 hours.

*Near Raqqah, Syria, a strike destroyed an ISIS command and control node.

*Near Mosul, Iraq, two strikes [1 Australian] engaged two ISIS tactical units; destroyed two fighting positions, a heavy machine gun, a vehicle, and a VBIED; damaged a fighting position; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

Report Date

June 1, 2017

Report Summary

  • 33 total strikes
  • 24 in Syria
  • 9 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 30 total strikes
  • 7 in Iraq (12812 – 12820)
  • 23 in Syria (9071 – 9094)


  • +2* in Iraq
  • +1* in Syria

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, Australia

On May 31, Coalition military forces conducted 30 strikes consisting of 51 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

May 31, 2017
Syria: 24 strikes
Iraq: 9 strikes

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 23 strikes consisting of 36 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS well head and a vehicle.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, seven strikes destroyed four ISIS well heads, four ISIS oil tanks, an ISIS oil truck, an ISIS oil storage tank and an ISIS oil storage trailer.
Near Raqqah, 14 strikes engaged nine ISIS tactical units and destroyed eight fighting positions, two vehicles, two anti-air artillery systems, a front-end loader, and a tactical vehicle.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted seven strikes consisting of 15 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Al Hawayjah, one strike destroyed three ISIS-held buildings and an IED factory.
Near Al Qaim, two strikes destroyed a VBIED factory and a tactical vehicle.
Near Mosul, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed two fighting positions, a mortar system and a rocket-propelled grenade system.
Near Rawah, one strike destroyed a VBIED.
Near Tal Afar, two strikes [1 Australian] engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed a mortar system, a fighting position, an ISIS-held building, and a heavy machine gun; and damaged a tunnel and a fighting position.

Additionally, three strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on May 30 that closed within the last 24 hours.

Near Raqqah, Syria, a strike destroyed an ISIS command and control node.
Near Mosul, Iraq, two strikes [1 Australian] engaged two ISIS tactical units; destroyed two fighting positions, a heavy machine gun, a vehicle, and a VBIED; damaged a fighting position; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

Australian MoD for May 31, 2017 – June 1, 2017

Report Date

June 1, 2017

On 31 May, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in Mosul and Tal Afar. The Australian aircraft struck Daesh heavy weapon sites and Daesh fighting positions with guided munitions over several hours of support.

Report Date

June 1, 2017

On 31 May, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in Mosul and Tal Afar. The Australian aircraft struck Daesh heavy weapon sites and Daesh fighting positions with guided munitions over several hours of support.

UK MoD for May 31, 2017 – June 1, 2017

Report Date

June 1, 2017

Wednesday 31 May – Tornados and Typhoons struck two terrorist targets in western Mosul, and one near Raqqa…

The RAF is continuing to support Iraqi forces in their effort to liberate western Mosul. While the operating environment in the city is very challenging, particularly given the closely-packed buildings, very narrow streets, and the density of the urban population, our aircrew have continued to deliver precision strikes in close support of Iraqi troops on the ground. Daesh’s current tactics, including the illegal use of civilians as human shields, and fighting from sites such as schools, hospitals, religious sites and civilian neighbourhoods, increases the risk to innocent life. While no military operations come without risk, particularly in dense urban environments and against such inhuman Daesh tactics, the RAF continues to take all steps necessary to minimise civilian casualties.

Royal Air Force aircraft have continued to conduct intensive operations against Daesh, particularly in western Mosul and around Raqqa. On Wednesday 31 May, Typhoon FGR4s, armed with Paveway IV guided bombs, demolished a terrorist-held building to the west of Raqqa, whilst mixed formations of Tornado GR4s and Typhoons patrolled over Mosul, where they used two Brimstone missiles to engage Daesh positions which Iraqi security forces had encountered.

Report Date

June 1, 2017

Wednesday 31 May – Tornados and Typhoons struck two terrorist targets in western Mosul, and one near Raqqa…

The RAF is continuing to support Iraqi forces in their effort to liberate western Mosul. While the operating environment in the city is very challenging, particularly given the closely-packed buildings, very narrow streets, and the density of the urban population, our aircrew have continued to deliver precision strikes in close support of Iraqi troops on the ground. Daesh’s current tactics, including the illegal use of civilians as human shields, and fighting from sites such as schools, hospitals, religious sites and civilian neighbourhoods, increases the risk to innocent life. While no military operations come without risk, particularly in dense urban environments and against such inhuman Daesh tactics, the RAF continues to take all steps necessary to minimise civilian casualties.

Royal Air Force aircraft have continued to conduct intensive operations against Daesh, particularly in western Mosul and around Raqqa. On Wednesday 31 May, Typhoon FGR4s, armed with Paveway IV guided bombs, demolished a terrorist-held building to the west of Raqqa, whilst mixed formations of Tornado GR4s and Typhoons patrolled over Mosul, where they used two Brimstone missiles to engage Daesh positions which Iraqi security forces had encountered.

  • A U.S. Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt II departs after receiving fuel from a 908th Expeditionary Air Refueling Squadron KC-10 Extender during a flight in support of Operation Inherent Resolve May 31, 2017 (US Air Force)

CJTF–OIR for May 30, 2017 – May 31, 2017

Report Date

May 31, 2017

On May 30, Coalition military forces conducted 21 strikes consisting of 49 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 13 strikes consisting of 15 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Abu Kamal, five strikes destroyed 12 ISIS oil stills, two ISIS well heads, two ISIS oil separation tanks, and an ISIS oil truck.

*Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed an ISIS well head.

*Near Raqqah, four strikes engaged four ISIS tactical units and destroyed a fighting position and a VBIED.

*Near Tabqah, three strikes engaged four ISIS tactical units and destroyed a vehicle, an ISIS headquarters and a fighting position.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted eight strikes consisting of 34 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Bayji, three strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a tactical vehicle, an ISIS staging area, and a front-end loader.

*Near Mosul, four strikes [1 Australian] engaged four ISIS tactical units; destroyed two mortar systems, two ISIS staging areas, a vehicle, a VBIED, and a fighting position; and damaged nine ISIS supply routes, two fighting positions, and a command and control node.

*Near Tal Afar, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed two ISIS-held buildings and an ISIS staging area.

Additionally, six strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on May 29 that closed within the last 24 hours.

*Near Raqqah, Syria, four strikes destroyed three ISIS-held buildings, two VBIEDs, and a weapons cache.

*Near Bayji, Iraq, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.

*Near Mosul, Iraq, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed four ISIS roadblocks, three VBIEDs, a tactical vehicle, a fighting position, and damaged 26 ISIS supply routes.

Report Date

May 31, 2017

Report Summary

  • 27 total strikes
  • 17 in Syria
  • 10 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 21 total strikes
  • 8 in Iraq (12802 – 12811)
  • 13 in Syria (9057 – 9070)


  • +2* in Iraq
  • +1* in Syria

Confirmed Actions

US, Australia

On May 30, Coalition military forces conducted 21 strikes consisting of 49 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

May 30, 2017
Syria: 17 strikes
Iraq: 10 strikes

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 13 strikes consisting of 15 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, five strikes destroyed 12 ISIS oil stills, two ISIS well heads, two ISIS oil separation tanks, and an ISIS oil truck.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed an ISIS well head.
Near Raqqah, four strikes engaged four ISIS tactical units and destroyed a fighting position and a VBIED.
Near Tabqah, three strikes engaged four ISIS tactical units and destroyed a vehicle, an ISIS headquarters and a fighting position.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted eight strikes consisting of 34 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Bayji, three strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a tactical vehicle, an ISIS staging area, and a front-end loader.
Near Mosul, four strikes [1 Australian] engaged four ISIS tactical units; destroyed two mortar systems, two ISIS staging areas, a vehicle, a VBIED, and a fighting position; and damaged nine ISIS supply routes, two fighting positions, and a command and control node.
Near Tal Afar, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed two ISIS-held buildings and an ISIS staging area.

Additionally, six strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on May 29 that closed within the last 24 hours.

Near Raqqah, Syria, four strikes destroyed three ISIS-held buildings, two VBIEDs, and a weapons cache.
Near Bayji, Iraq, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.
Near Mosul, Iraq, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed four ISIS roadblocks, three VBIEDs, a tactical vehicle, a fighting position, and damaged 26 ISIS supply routes.

Australian MoD for May 30, 2017 – May 31, 2017

Report Date

May 31, 2017

On 30 May, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in Mosul. The Australian aircraft struck a Daesh heavy weapon site with a guided munition over several hours of support.

Report Date

May 31, 2017

On 30 May, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in Mosul. The Australian aircraft struck a Daesh heavy weapon site with a guided munition over several hours of support.

CJTF–OIR for May 29, 2017 – May 30, 2017

Report Date

May 30, 2017

On May 29, Coalition military forces conducted 26 strikes consisting of 66 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 18 strikes consisting of 25 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Dayr Az Zawr, four strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed four ISIS well heads, an ISIS oil storage tank, an ISIS oil tanker truck, and a vehicle.

*Near Raqqah, 11 strikes engaged nine ISIS tactical units and destroyed five vehicles, a tunnel, a mortar system, a weapons cache, a VBIED factory and a fighting position.

*Near Tabqah, three strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed two fighting positions, an ISIS oil separator tank, and an ISIS headquarters.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted eight strikes consisting of 41 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed two vehicles and a VBIED staging area.

*Near Mosul, four strikes [2 British, 1-2 Australian] engaged four ISIS tactical units and destroyed 34 vehicles, seven fighting positions, three VBIEDs, two mortar systems, two heavy machine guns, a medium machine gun, and a supply cache and damaged an ISIS-held building, an ISIS supply route and a fighting position.

*Near Rawah, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS-held building.

*Near Tal Afar, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed two cave entrances and an ISIS staging area.

Additionally, four strikes were conducted in Syria on May 28 that closed within the last 24 hours.

*Near Raqqah, Syria, four strikes destroyed a weapons cache, an ISIS staging area, and three fighting positions.

Report Date

May 30, 2017

Report Summary

  • 30 total strikes
  • 22 in Syria
  • 8 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 26 total strikes
  • 8 in Iraq (12792 – 12801)
  • 18 in Syria (9035 – 9056)


  • +2* in Iraq
  • +4* in Syria

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, Australia

On May 29, Coalition military forces conducted 26 strikes consisting of 66 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

May 29, 2017
Syria: 22 strikes
Iraq: 8 strikes

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 18 strikes consisting of 25 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Dayr Az Zawr, four strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed four ISIS well heads, an ISIS oil storage tank, an ISIS oil tanker truck, and a vehicle.
Near Raqqah, 11 strikes engaged nine ISIS tactical units and destroyed five vehicles, a tunnel, a mortar system, a weapons cache, a VBIED factory and a fighting position.
Near Tabqah, three strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed two fighting positions, an ISIS oil separator tank, and an ISIS headquarters.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted eight strikes consisting of 41 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed two vehicles and a VBIED staging area.
Near Mosul, four strikes [2 British, 1-2 Australian] engaged four ISIS tactical units and destroyed 34 vehicles, seven fighting positions, three VBIEDs, two mortar systems, two heavy machine guns, a medium machine gun, and a supply cache and damaged an ISIS-held building, an ISIS supply route and a fighting position.
Near Rawah, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS-held building.
Near Tal Afar, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed two cave entrances and an ISIS staging area.

Additionally, four strikes were conducted in Syria on May 28 that closed within the last 24 hours.

Near Raqqah, Syria, four strikes destroyed a weapons cache, an ISIS staging area, and three fighting positions.

Australian MoD for May 29, 2017 – May 30, 2017

Report Date

May 30, 2017

On 29 May, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in Mosul. The Australian aircraft struck Daesh fighting positions and a Daesh heavy weapon site with guided munitions over several hours of support.

Report Date

May 30, 2017

On 29 May, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in Mosul. The Australian aircraft struck Daesh fighting positions and a Daesh heavy weapon site with guided munitions over several hours of support.

UK MoD for May 29, 2017 – May 30, 2017

Report Date

May 30, 2017

Monday 29 May – Tornados and Typhoons hit five terrorist positions in Mosul…Mixed pairs of Tornados and Typhoons struck four Daesh positions in Mosul on Monday 29 May, including two defended with heavy machine-guns and rocket-propelled grenades, as well as demolishing a large road block built by the terrorists.

Report Date

May 30, 2017

Monday 29 May – Tornados and Typhoons hit five terrorist positions in Mosul…Mixed pairs of Tornados and Typhoons struck four Daesh positions in Mosul on Monday 29 May, including two defended with heavy machine-guns and rocket-propelled grenades, as well as demolishing a large road block built by the terrorists.

CJTF–OIR for May 28, 2017 – May 29, 2017

Report Date

May 29, 2017

On May 28, Coalition military forces conducted 25 strikes consisting of 79 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 18 strikes consisting of 21 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed three ISIS well heads.

*Near At Tanf, one strike destroyed three ISIS bunkers.

*Near Dawr Az Zawr, seven strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed nine ISIS fuel trucks, five ISIS well heads, an ISIS oil still, a VBIED facility; and damaged an ISIS-held building.

*Near Raqqah, eight strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units; destroyed two fighting positions, two vehicles, two VBIED factories, two VBIED facilities, and an ISIS mechanical facility.

*Near Tabqa, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a fighting position.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted seven strikes consisting of 58 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Al Hawayjah, one strike destroyed two vehicles.

*Near Bayji, on strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed a vehicle, a VBIED facility, and a VBIED.

*Near Mosul, five strikes [1-2 British, 1-2 Australian] engaged five ISIS tactical units; destroyed 49 vehicles, seven ISIS roadblocks, three fighting positions, two mortar systems, an ISIS checkpoint, an ISIS staging area, a carport, a command and control node, a rocket-propelled grenade system, a medium machine gun; damaged 14 ISIS supply routes and a VBIED; and suppressed seven fighting positions and two ISIS tactical units.

Additionally, three strikes were conducted in Syria on May 27 that closed within the last 24 hours.

*Near Raqqah, Syria, three strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed a six fighting positions, an ISIS-held building and a weapons cache.

Report Date

May 29, 2017

Report Summary

  • 28 total strikes
  • 21 in Syria
  • 7 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 25 total strikes
  • 7 in Iraq (12785 – 12791)
  • 18 in Syria (9013 – 9034)


  • +4* in Syria

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, Australia

On May 28, Coalition military forces conducted 25 strikes consisting of 79 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

May 28, 2017
Syria: 18 strikes
Iraq: 7 strikes

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 18 strikes consisting of 21 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed three ISIS well heads.
Near At Tanf, one strike destroyed three ISIS bunkers.
Near Dawr Az Zawr, seven strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed nine ISIS fuel trucks, five ISIS well heads, an ISIS oil still, a VBIED facility; and damaged an ISIS-held building.
Near Raqqah, eight strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units; destroyed two fighting positions, two vehicles, two VBIED factories, two VBIED facilities, and an ISIS mechanical facility.
Near Tabqa, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a fighting position.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted seven strikes consisting of 58 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Al Hawayjah, one strike destroyed two vehicles.
Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed a vehicle, a VBIED facility, and a VBIED.
Near Mosul, five strikes [1-2 British, 1-2 Australian] engaged five ISIS tactical units; destroyed 49 vehicles, seven ISIS roadblocks, three fighting positions, two mortar systems, an ISIS checkpoint, an ISIS staging area, a carport, a command and control node, a rocket-propelled grenade system, a medium machine gun; damaged 14 ISIS supply routes and a VBIED; and suppressed seven fighting positions and two ISIS tactical units.
May 27, 2017
Syria: 3 strikes

Additionally, three strikes were conducted in Syria on May 27 that closed within the last 24 hours.

Near Raqqah, Syria, three strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed a six fighting positions, an ISIS-held building and a weapons cache.

Australian MoD for May 28, 2017 – May 29, 2017

Report Date

May 29, 2017

On 28 May, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in Mosul. The Australian aircraft struck Daesh fighting positions with guided munitions over several hours of support.

Report Date

May 29, 2017

On 28 May, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in Mosul. The Australian aircraft struck Daesh fighting positions with guided munitions over several hours of support.

UK MoD for May 28, 2017 – May 29, 2017

Report Date

May 29, 2017

Sunday 28 May – Tornados and Typhoons attacked four terrorist targets in Mosul… On Sunday 28 May, Brimstone-armed Tornados successfully attacked three terrorist positions in Mosul, whilst a Paveway IV from a Typhoon accounted for a fourth.

Report Date

May 29, 2017

Sunday 28 May – Tornados and Typhoons attacked four terrorist targets in Mosul... On Sunday 28 May, Brimstone-armed Tornados successfully attacked three terrorist positions in Mosul, whilst a Paveway IV from a Typhoon accounted for a fourth.

CJTF–OIR for May 27, 2017 – May 28, 2017

Report Date

May 28, 2017

On May 27, Coalition military forces conducted 25 strikes consisting of 69 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 17 strikes consisting of 23 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Dayr Az Zawr, two strikes destroyed four ISIS well heads.

*Near Raqqah, 15 strikes engaged eight ISIS tactical units; destroyed six fighting positions, three ISIS headquarters, an ISIS staging area and a VBIED.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted eight strikes consisting of 46 engagements against ISIS targets.

*Near Al Qaim, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed vehicle.

*Near Ar Rutbah, one strike destroyed a VBIED.

*Near Mosul, six strikes [1-2 Australian] engaged five ISIS tactical units; destroyed 17 fighting positions, six heavy machine guns, four rocket-propelled grenade systems, three mortar systems, three VBIED, a vehicle, a medium machine gun; damaged an ISIS staging area; suppressed two ISIS tactical units and two mortar teams.

Additionally, two strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on May 26 that closed within the last 24 hours.

*Near Dayr Az Zawr, Syria, one strike destroyed 10 ISIS oil separators and an ISIS well head.

*Near Mosul, Iraq, one strike [1 British] engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed two medium machine guns.

Report Date

May 28, 2017

Report Summary

  • 27 total strikes
  • 18 in Syria
  • 9 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 25 total strikes
  • 8 in Iraq (12777 – 12784)
  • 17 in Syria (8993 – 9012)


  • +3* in Syria

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, Australia

On May 27, Coalition military forces conducted 25 strikes consisting of 69 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

May 27, 2017
Syria: 18 strikes
Iraq: 9 strikes

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 17 strikes consisting of 23 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Dayr Az Zawr, two strikes destroyed four ISIS well heads.
Near Raqqah, 15 strikes engaged eight ISIS tactical units; destroyed six fighting positions, three ISIS headquarters, an ISIS staging area and a VBIED.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted eight strikes consisting of 46 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Al Qaim, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed vehicle.
Near Ar Rutbah, one strike destroyed a VBIED.
Near Mosul, six strikes [1-2 Australian] engaged five ISIS tactical units; destroyed 17 fighting positions, six heavy machine guns, four rocket-propelled grenade systems, three mortar systems, three VBIED, a vehicle, a medium machine gun; damaged an ISIS staging area; suppressed two ISIS tactical units and two mortar teams.

Additionally, two strikes were conducted in Syria and Iraq on May 26 that closed within the last 24 hours.

Near Dayr Az Zawr, Syria, one strike destroyed 10 ISIS oil separators and an ISIS well head.
Near Mosul, Iraq, one strike [1 British] engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed two medium machine guns.

Australian MoD for May 27, 2017 – May 28, 2017

Report Date

May 28, 2017

On 27 May, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in Mosul. The Australian aircraft struck several Daesh fighting positions and a Daesh heavy weapon site with guided munitions over several hours of support.

Report Date

May 28, 2017

On 27 May, Australian F/A-18 Hornets supported Iraqi forces during operations in Mosul. The Australian aircraft struck several Daesh fighting positions and a Daesh heavy weapon site with guided munitions over several hours of support

UK MoD for May 27, 2017 – May 28, 2017

Report Date

May 28, 2017

Saturday 27 May – Tornados and Typhoons struck a machine-gun team and a truck-bomb in western Mosul…Tornados and Typhoons continued operations over Mosul on Saturday 27 May; a Paveway IV eliminated a Daesh light machine-gun team, whilst a truck-bomb was destroyed with a Brimstone missile.

Report Date

May 28, 2017

Saturday 27 May – Tornados and Typhoons struck a machine-gun team and a truck-bomb in western Mosul…Tornados and Typhoons continued operations over Mosul on Saturday 27 May; a Paveway IV eliminated a Daesh light machine-gun team, whilst a truck-bomb was destroyed with a Brimstone missile.