US-led Coalition in Iraq & Syria

Civilians in the ruins of Mosul city. (Maranie R. Staab)

US-led Coalition
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CJTF–OIR for April 11, 2017 – April 12, 2017

Report Date

April 12, 2017

On April 11, Coalition military forces conducted 12 strikes consisting of 58 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of seven engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Tabqah, four strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units; destroyed two fighting positions, two vehicles and a heavy weapons system.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted eight strikes consisting of 51 engagements coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq against ISIS targets.

* Near Kisik, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.

* Near Mosul, five strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units; destroyed four fighting positions, two vehicles, two mortar systems, a heavy machine gun, a sniper position and a VBIED factory; damaged 13 supply routes and two fighting positions; and suppressed six mortar teams.

* Near Tal Afar, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit; and destroyed a supply cache and a fuel storage location.’

* For amended number of Syria strikes see release (below) for April 12th-13th

Two U.S. Air Force F-22 fly in formation behind a U.S. Air Force KC-135 Stratotanker from the 340th Expeditionary Air Refueling Squadron during a Combined Joint Task Force- Operation Inherent Resolve mission over Iraq, April 11 (US Air Force)

Coalition press release (issued April 13th):

“SOUTHWEST ASIA- A Coalition air strike in support of partnered forces fighting ISIS south of Tabqah, Syria, resulted in 18 Syrian Democratic Forces personnel killed April 11.

The strike was requested by the partnered forces, who had identified the target location as an ISIS fighting position. The target location was actually a forward Syrian Democratic Forces fighting position.

The Coalition

Report Date

April 12, 2017

Report Summary

  • 12 total strikes
  • 4 in Syria
  • 8 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 12 total strikes
  • 8 in Iraq (11654 – 11661)
  • 4 in Syria (7980 – 7991)


  • + 8 * in Syria

Confirmed Actions


On April 11, Coalition military forces conducted 12 strikes consisting of 58 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted four strikes consisting of seven engagements against ISIS targets.

April 11, 2017
Syria: 4 strikes
Iraq: 8 strikes
Near Tabqah, four strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units; destroyed two fighting positions, two vehicles and a heavy weapons system.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted eight strikes consisting of 51 engagements coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq against ISIS targets.

Near Kisik, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.
Near Mosul, five strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units; destroyed four fighting positions, two vehicles, two mortar systems, a heavy machine gun, a sniper position and a VBIED factory; damaged 13 supply routes and two fighting positions; and suppressed six mortar teams.
Near Tal Afar, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit; and destroyed a supply cache and a fuel storage location.’

For amended number of Syria strikes see release (below) for April 12th-13th

Two U.S. Air Force F-22 fly in formation behind a U.S. Air Force KC-135 Stratotanker from the 340th Expeditionary Air Refueling Squadron during a Combined Joint Task Force- Operation Inherent Resolve mission over Iraq, April 11 (US Air Force)

Coalition press release (issued April 13th):

“SOUTHWEST ASIA- A Coalition air strike in support of partnered forces fighting ISIS south of Tabqah, Syria, resulted in 18 Syrian Democratic Forces personnel killed April 11.

The strike was requested by the partnered forces, who had identified the target location as an ISIS fighting position. The target location was actually a forward Syrian Democratic Forces fighting position.

The Coalition

  • Two U.S. Air Force F-22 fly in formation behind a U.S. Air Force KC-135 Stratotanker from the 340th Expeditionary Air Refueling Squadron during a Combined Joint Task Force- Operation Inherent Resolve mission over Iraq, April 11 (US Air Force)

French MoD for April 11, 2017 – April 12, 2017

Report Date

April 12, 2017


Following a reconnaissance flight from the Atlantic 2, Rafales from the airforce and navy led a strike on April 2nd against an ISIL factory for the production of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and the assembly of suicide vehicles loaded with explosives in the Al Qaim region of Iraq. Ten SCALP cruise missiles were used supplemented by GPS-guided bomb strikes by coalition aircraft.

Chammal : première mission opérationnelle d’ampleur pour les avions Rafale du « plot mixte »

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Mise à jour : 12/04/2017

Mis en place le 31 mars, les Rafale du « plot mixte » ont conduit, dès le 02 avril 2017, une mission opérationnelle complète et importante. A la suite d’un vol de reconnaissance de l’Atlantique 2, les Rafale « Air » et « Marine », ont mené une frappe et réalisé les observations post-raid contre une unité d’assemblage de Daech de véhicules piégés et d’engins explosifs.

Le 02 avril, le vol de reconnaissance et de renseignement de l’Atlantique 2 confirme, dans un premier temps, l’objectif désigné: une importante usine située dans la région d’Al Qaim destinée à la production d’engins explosifs improvisés (EEI) et à l’assemblage des véhicules suicides chargés d’explosifs. Engins dont Daech fait un usage intensif, permettant de ralentir la progression des forces irakiennes au sol, en piégeant les bâtiments où les routes.

Sur la base des derniers renseignements fournis par l’Atlantique 2, six Rafale de l’armée de l’air (provenant des bases aériennes du théâtre situées en Jordanie et aux Emirats arabes unis) conduisent une frappe coordonnée de 10 missiles de croisière SCALP (« Système de croisière conventionnel autonome à longue portée ») sur l’objectif, complétée par des frappes de bombes à guidage GPS, réalisées par des aéronefs de la coalition.

Une patrouille composée de Rafale « Marine », alors en mission de reconnaissance armée et d’appui au sol, est envoyée sur la zone des frappes afin d’y conduire les observations post-raid.

Une fois analysées par les états-majors, les images prises par les Rafales « Marine » ont permis de confirmer la réussite de cette importante mission opérationnelle de la coalition et qui aura sollicité les moyens français récemment arrivés sur le théâtre.

Lancée depuis le 19 septembre 2014, l’opération Chammal représente la participation française à l’OIR (Operation Inherent Resolve) et mobilise aujourd’hui près de 1 200 militaires. A la demande du gouvernement irakien et en coordination avec les alliés de la France présents dans la région, l’opération Chammal repose sur deux piliers complémentaires : un pilier « formation », au profit d’unités de sécurité nationales irakiennes et un pilier « appui », consistant à soutenir l’action des forces locales engagées au sol contre Daesh au travers de la Task Force Wagram et à frapper les capacités militaires du groupe terroriste à l’aide du système d’armes RAFALE.

Report Date

April 12, 2017


Following a reconnaissance flight from the Atlantic 2, Rafales from the airforce and navy led a strike on April 2nd against an ISIL factory for the production of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and the assembly of suicide vehicles loaded with explosives in the Al Qaim region of Iraq. Ten SCALP cruise missiles were used supplemented by GPS-guided bomb strikes by coalition aircraft.

Chammal : première mission opérationnelle d’ampleur pour les avions Rafale du « plot mixte »

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Mise à jour : 12/04/2017

Mis en place le 31 mars, les Rafale du « plot mixte » ont conduit, dès le 02 avril 2017, une mission opérationnelle complète et importante. A la suite d’un vol de reconnaissance de l’Atlantique 2, les Rafale « Air » et « Marine », ont mené une frappe et réalisé les observations post-raid contre une unité d’assemblage de Daech de véhicules piégés et d’engins explosifs.

Le 02 avril, le vol de reconnaissance et de renseignement de l’Atlantique 2 confirme, dans un premier temps, l’objectif désigné: une importante usine située dans la région d’Al Qaim destinée à la production d’engins explosifs improvisés (EEI) et à l’assemblage des véhicules suicides chargés d’explosifs. Engins dont Daech fait un usage intensif, permettant de ralentir la progression des forces irakiennes au sol, en piégeant les bâtiments où les routes.

Sur la base des derniers renseignements fournis par l’Atlantique 2, six Rafale de l’armée de l’air (provenant des bases aériennes du théâtre situées en Jordanie et aux Emirats arabes unis) conduisent une frappe coordonnée de 10 missiles de croisière SCALP (« Système de croisière conventionnel autonome à longue portée ») sur l’objectif, complétée par des frappes de bombes à guidage GPS, réalisées par des aéronefs de la coalition.

Une patrouille composée de Rafale « Marine », alors en mission de reconnaissance armée et d’appui au sol, est envoyée sur la zone des frappes afin d’y conduire les observations post-raid.

Une fois analysées par les états-majors, les images prises par les Rafales « Marine » ont permis de confirmer la réussite de cette importante mission opérationnelle de la coalition et qui aura sollicité les moyens français récemment arrivés sur le théâtre.

Lancée depuis le 19 septembre 2014, l’opération Chammal représente la participation française à l’OIR (Operation Inherent Resolve) et mobilise aujourd’hui près de 1 200 militaires. A la demande du gouvernement irakien et en coordination avec les alliés de la France présents dans la région, l’opération Chammal repose sur deux piliers complémentaires : un pilier « formation », au profit d’unités de sécurité nationales irakiennes et un pilier « appui », consistant à soutenir l’action des forces locales engagées au sol contre Daesh au travers de la Task Force Wagram et à frapper les capacités militaires du groupe terroriste à l’aide du système d’armes RAFALE.

CJTF–OIR for April 10, 2017 – April 11, 2017

Report Date

April 11, 2017

On April 10, Coalition military forces conducted 31 strikes consisting of 99 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 19 strikes consisting of 26 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Abu Kamal, one strike damaged two ISIS well heads.

* Near Ar Raqqah, three strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, three strikes destroyed an ISIS well head and damaged an ISIS well head.

* Near Tabqah, 12 strikes engaged eight ISIS tactical units; destroyed four vehicles, destroyed three fighting positions, one VBIED and a tactical vehicle.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted 12 strikes consisting of 73 engagements coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq against ISIS targets.

* Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed an ISIS staging area and an ISIS fuel truck; and damaged a vehicle.

* Near Mosul, six strikes engaged five ISIS tactical units; destroyed a fighting position, a supply cache, a rocket-propelled grenade system, an anti-air artillery system, one VBIED; damaged a fighting position; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit and a mortar team.

* Near Qayyarah, three strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units and destroyed two vehicles.

* Near Rawah, one strike destroyed an ISIS tactical vehicle and destroyed an anti-air artillery system.

* Near Tal Afar, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit; and destroyed three bunkers and one vehicle.

Report Date

April 11, 2017

Report Summary

  • 31 total strikes
  • 19 in Syria
  • 12 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 31 total strikes
  • 12 in Iraq (11642 – 11653)
  • 19 in Syria (7961 – 7979)

Confirmed Actions


On April 10, Coalition military forces conducted 31 strikes consisting of 99 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 19 strikes consisting of 26 engagements against ISIS targets.

April 10, 2017
Syria: 19 strikes
Iraq: 12 strikes
Near Abu Kamal, one strike damaged two ISIS well heads.
Near Ar Raqqah, three strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, three strikes destroyed an ISIS well head and damaged an ISIS well head.
Near Tabqah, 12 strikes engaged eight ISIS tactical units; destroyed four vehicles, destroyed three fighting positions, one VBIED and a tactical vehicle.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted 12 strikes consisting of 73 engagements coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq against ISIS targets.

Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed an ISIS staging area and an ISIS fuel truck; and damaged a vehicle.
Near Mosul, six strikes engaged five ISIS tactical units; destroyed a fighting position, a supply cache, a rocket-propelled grenade system, an anti-air artillery system, one VBIED; damaged a fighting position; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit and a mortar team.
Near Qayyarah, three strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units and destroyed two vehicles.
Near Rawah, one strike destroyed an ISIS tactical vehicle and destroyed an anti-air artillery system.
Near Tal Afar, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit; and destroyed three bunkers and one vehicle.
  • A U.S. Air Force KC-10 Extender prepares for flight in support of Combined Joint Task Force- Operation Inherent Resolve at an undisclosed location in Southwest Asia, April 10, 2017 (US Air Force)

CJTF–OIR for April 9, 2017 – April 10, 2017

Report Date

April 10, 2017

On April 9, Coalition military forces conducted 27 strikes consisting of 89 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 18 strikes consisting of 35 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Tabqah, 14 strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed five vehicles, two fighting positions, and a VBIED; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

* Near Abu Kamal, four strikes destroyed two ISIS pump jacks and two well heads.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 54 engagements coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq against ISIS targets.

* Near Taji, one strike engaged an ISIS staging area and destroyed two ISIS-held buildings; and damaged a supply route.

* Near Mosul, five strikes engaged five ISIS tactical units; destroyed five fighting positions, five mortar systems, three medium machine guns, and a vehicle; damaged 22 supply routes; and suppressed four mortar teams.

* Near Al Qaim, three strikes [1 British] destroyed five fuel trucks and three explosives caches.

Additionally, seven strikes were conducted in Syria from April 7-8 that have been closed within the last 24 hours.

On April 7, near At Tanf, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed 10 fighting positions.

On April 7, near Tabqah, six strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit; and suppressed five fighting positions, an ISIS tactical unit, and a sniper team.’

An F/A-18C Hornet attached to the “Ragin

Report Date

April 10, 2017

Report Summary

  • 34 total strikes
  • 25 in Syria
  • 9 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 27 total strikes
  • 9 in Iraq (11633 – 11641)
  • 18 in Syria (7943 – 7960)

Confirmed Actions


On April 9, Coalition military forces conducted 27 strikes consisting of 89 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

April 9, 2017
Syria: 18 strikes
Iraq: 9 strikes

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 18 strikes consisting of 35 engagements against ISIS targets.

Near Tabqah, 14 strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed five vehicles, two fighting positions, and a VBIED; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.
Near Abu Kamal, four strikes destroyed two ISIS pump jacks and two well heads.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 54 engagements coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq against ISIS targets.

Near Taji, one strike engaged an ISIS staging area and destroyed two ISIS-held buildings; and damaged a supply route.
Near Mosul, five strikes engaged five ISIS tactical units; destroyed five fighting positions, five mortar systems, three medium machine guns, and a vehicle; damaged 22 supply routes; and suppressed four mortar teams.
Near Al Qaim, three strikes [1 British] destroyed five fuel trucks and three explosives caches.
April 7, 2017
Syria: 7 strikes

Additionally, seven strikes were conducted in Syria from April 7-8 that have been closed within the last 24 hours.

On April 7, near At Tanf, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed 10 fighting positions.
On April 7, near Tabqah, six strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit; and suppressed five fighting positions, an ISIS tactical unit, and a sniper team.’

An F/A-18C Hornet attached to the “Ragin

  • An F/A-18C Hornet attached to the "Ragin' Bulls" of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 37 prepares to launch from the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (US Navy)

UK MoD for April 9, 2017 – April 10, 2017

Report Date

April 10, 2017

Sunday 9 April – Tornados bombed a stockpile of home-made explosives near Al Qaim in western Iraq…On Sunday 9 April, two Tornados patrolled the Iraqi border with Syria, where they bombed a stockpile of home-made explosives near Al Qaim.

Report Date

April 10, 2017

Sunday 9 April – Tornados bombed a stockpile of home-made explosives near Al Qaim in western Iraq…On Sunday 9 April, two Tornados patrolled the Iraqi border with Syria, where they bombed a stockpile of home-made explosives near Al Qaim.

CJTF–OIR for April 8, 2017 – April 9, 2017

Report Date

April 9, 2017

On April 8, Coalition military forces conducted 26 strikes consisting of 60 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 16 strikes consisting of 22 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed an ISIS well head.

* Near Ar Raqqah, two strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units, and destroyed a fighting position and tactical vehicle.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, three strikes destroyed an ISIS well head and damaged five and five anti-air artillery systems were damaged.

* Near Tabaqah, 10 strikes engaged 10 ISIS tactical units; destroyed two defensive fighting positions; and destroyed four ISIS vehicles.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes consisting of 38 engagements coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq against ISIS targets.

* Near Al Huwajah, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS staging area.

* Near Bayji, one strike destroyed a VBIED

* Near Mosul, six strikes [1 British] engaged five ISIS tactical units; destroyed seven fighting positions, three mortar systems, two caches, a command and control node, a VBIED factory, a VBIED, a rocket-propelled grenade system, an ISIS-held building; damaged seven ISIS supply routes; and suppressed five ISIS mortar teams.

* Near Tal Afar, two strikes destroyed a weapons factory and an improvised explosive device factory.

Report Date

April 9, 2017

Report Summary

  • 26 total strikes
  • 16 in Syria
  • 10 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 26 total strikes
  • 10 in Iraq (11623 – 11632)
  • 16 in Syria (7927 – 7942)

Confirmed Actions


On April 8, Coalition military forces conducted 26 strikes consisting of 60 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 16 strikes consisting of 22 engagements against ISIS targets.

April 8, 2017
Syria: 16 strikes
Iraq: 10 strikes
Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed an ISIS well head.
Near Ar Raqqah, two strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units, and destroyed a fighting position and tactical vehicle.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, three strikes destroyed an ISIS well head and damaged five and five anti-air artillery systems were damaged.
Near Tabaqah, 10 strikes engaged 10 ISIS tactical units; destroyed two defensive fighting positions; and destroyed four ISIS vehicles.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes consisting of 38 engagements coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq against ISIS targets.

Near Al Huwajah, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS staging area.
Near Bayji, one strike destroyed a VBIED
Near Mosul, six strikes [1 British] engaged five ISIS tactical units; destroyed seven fighting positions, three mortar systems, two caches, a command and control node, a VBIED factory, a VBIED, a rocket-propelled grenade system, an ISIS-held building; damaged seven ISIS supply routes; and suppressed five ISIS mortar teams.
Near Tal Afar, two strikes destroyed a weapons factory and an improvised explosive device factory.

UK MoD for April 8, 2017 – April 9, 2017

Report Date

April 9, 2017

Saturday 8 April – A combined Tornado and Typhoon formation struck a truck-bomb factory in Mosul…The following day [April 8th], a Tornado and Typhoon pair used two Paveway IVs to strike a truck-bomb factory in Mosul.

Report Date

April 9, 2017

Saturday 8 April – A combined Tornado and Typhoon formation struck a truck-bomb factory in Mosul…The following day [April 8th], a Tornado and Typhoon pair used two Paveway IVs to strike a truck-bomb factory in Mosul.

CJTF–OIR for April 7, 2017 – April 8, 2017

Report Date

April 8, 2017

On April 7, Coalition military forces conducted 14 strikes consisting of 65 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 7 strikes consisting of 14 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Tabqah, seven strikes engaged five ISIS tactical units; destroyed four vehicles, three fighting positions, and two tactical vehicles; and suppressed nine ISIS tactical units.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted 7 strikes consisting of 51 engagements coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq against ISIS targets.

* Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and damaged a tunnel.

* Near Mosul, six strikes [1 British] engaged four ISIS tactical units; destroyed four mortar systems, two fighting positions, a supply cache, a VBIED factory, an ISIS-held building, and a front-end loader; damaged two supply routes; and suppressed 14 ISIS mortar teams and five ISIS tactical units.

Report Date

April 8, 2017

Report Summary

  • 14 total strikes
  • 7 in Syria
  • 7 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 14 total strikes
  • 7 in Iraq (11616 – 11622)
  • 7 in Syria (7913 – 7926)


  • * +7 in Syria

Confirmed Actions


On April 7, Coalition military forces conducted 14 strikes consisting of 65 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 7 strikes consisting of 14 engagements against ISIS targets.

April 7, 2017
Syria: 7 strikes
Iraq: 7 strikes
Near Tabqah, seven strikes engaged five ISIS tactical units; destroyed four vehicles, three fighting positions, and two tactical vehicles; and suppressed nine ISIS tactical units.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted 7 strikes consisting of 51 engagements coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq against ISIS targets.

Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and damaged a tunnel.
Near Mosul, six strikes [1 British] engaged four ISIS tactical units; destroyed four mortar systems, two fighting positions, a supply cache, a VBIED factory, an ISIS-held building, and a front-end loader; damaged two supply routes; and suppressed 14 ISIS mortar teams and five ISIS tactical units.

Pentagon for April 7, 2017 – April 8, 2017

Report Date

April 8, 2017


Pentagon release on unilateral US strike on Assad forces

At the direction of the president, U.S. forces conducted a cruise missile strike against a Syrian Air Force airfield today at about 8:40 p.m. EDT (4:40 a.m., April 7, in Syria). The strike targeted Shayrat Airfield in Homs governorate, and were in response to the Syrian government’s chemical weapons attack April 4 in Khan Sheikhoun, which killed and injured hundreds of innocent Syrian people, including women and children.

The strike was conducted using Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles (TLAMs) launched from the destroyers USS Porter and USS Ross in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. A total of 59 TLAMs targeted aircraft, hardened aircraft shelters, petroleum and logistical storage, ammunition supply bunkers, air defense systems, and radars. As always, the U.S. took extraordinary measures to avoid civilian casualties and to comply with the Law of Armed Conflict. Every precaution was taken to execute this strike with minimal risk to personnel at the airfield.

The strike was a proportional response to Assad’s heinous act. Shayrat Airfield was used to store chemical weapons and Syrian air forces. The U.S. intelligence community assesses that aircraft from Shayrat conducted the chemical weapons attack on April 4. The strike was intended to deter the regime from using chemical weapons again.

Russian forces were notified in advance of the strike using the established deconfliction line. U.S. military planners took precautions to minimize risk to Russian or Syrian personnel located at the airfield.

We are assessing the results of the strike. Initial indications are that this strike has severely damaged or destroyed Syrian aircraft and support infrastructure and equipment at Shayrat Airfield, reducing the Syrian Government’s ability to deliver chemical weapons. The use of chemical weapons against innocent people will not be tolerated.

  • One of 59 cruise missiles fired by the US (Image: US Navy)
  • Shayrat Airfield in Syria. Imagfe released by Pentagon Statement from Pentagon Spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis on U.S. strike in Syria At the direction of the president, U.S. forces conducted a cruise missile strike against a Syrian Air Force airfield today at about 8:40 p.m. EDT (4:40 a.m., April 7, in Syria). The strike targeted Shayrat Airfield in Homs governorate, and were in response to the Syrian government's chemical weapons attack April 4 in Khan Sheikhoun, which killed and injured hundreds of innocent Syrian people, including women and children. The strike was conducted using Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles (TLAMs) launched from the destroyers USS Porter and USS Ross in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. A total of 59 TLAMs targeted aircraft, hardened aircraft shelters, petroleum and logistical storage, ammunition supply bunkers, air defense systems, and radars. As always, the U.S. took extraordinary measures to avoid civilian casualties and to comply with the Law of Armed Conflict. Every precaution was taken to execute this strike with minimal risk to personnel at the airfield. The strike was a proportional response to Assad's heinous act. Shayrat Airfield was used to store chemical weapons and Syrian air forces. The U.S. intelligence community assesses that aircraft from Shayrat conducted the chemical weapons attack on April 4. The strike was intended to deter the regime from using chemical weapons again. Russian forces were notified in advance of the strike using the established deconfliction line. U.S. military planners took precautions to minimize risk to Russian or Syrian personnel located at the airfield. We are assessing the results of the strike. Initial indications are that this strike has severely damaged or destroyed Syrian aircraft and support infrastructure and equipment at Shayrat Airfield, reducing the Syrian Government's ability to deliver chemical weapons. The use of chemical weapons against innocent people will not be tolerated.

UK MoD for April 7, 2017 – April 7, 2017

Report Date

April 7, 2017

Friday 7 April – A Reaper provided close support over Mosul, destroying two terrorist mortar teams…On Friday 7 April, a Reaper remotely piloted aircraft flew overwatch for Iraqi troops in west Mosul. Coalition surveillance aircraft identified two Daesh mortar teams: one firing from the doorway of a building, the other from a small courtyard. The Reaper’s crew were able to conduct successful attacks with Hellfire missiles which accounted for both teams.

French MoD for April 6, 2017 – April 7, 2017

Report Date

April 7, 2017


In the past week France reports two strikes in Iraq. The first was conducted in the Mosul area in support of Iraqi troops against some ISIL thirty fighters preparing for a counterattack. The second was a planned strike with the engagement of 6 Rafales and an ATL2 from the two air bases to the Levant. The strike was carried out on Sunday [April 2nd] in the Al Qaim area on a VBIED manufacturing site. It took the form of a major Coalition raid, with France deploying 10 SCALP cruise missiles. It adds that four Rafales from the navy have been deployed to the airbase in Jordan. Total number now deployed increased from 12 to 14.


En Syrie, les Forces Démocratiques Syriennes (FDS) poursuivent leurs actions le long de l’Euphrate en direction de Raqqah, depuis l’Est et l’Ouest de la ville, et font face à une très vive opposition.
En Irak, Daech conduit toujours une campagne asymétrique dans les régions de l’Anbar et de Hawijah sous forme d’actions de harcèlement et d’attentats terroristes.
Dans la région de Mossoul la situation a peu évolué cette semaine, les conditions météorologiques défavorables, la résistance opposée par les combattants de Daech et l’utilisation par ces derniers de nombreux civils comme boucliers humains ayant imposé aux Forces de sécurité irakiennes une pause dans leurs actions.
Dans la ville même, l’offensive est bloquée aux portes de la Médina où Daech est solidement retranchée. L’ICTS poursuit ses opérations de contournement de la vieille ville par l’Ouest, le reste des unités irakiennes restant dans une posture défensive, dans le but de contrer tout mouvement offensif des combattants terroristes.

Appui feu – TF Wagram

La Task Force (TF) Wagram a poursuivi cette semaine ses missions de tir. Elle a réalisé 41 missions de tir en appui des unités irakiennes, concentrées sur le Nord-Ouest de Mossoul en appui de la 9e Division.

Appui aérien au Levant

Cette semaine, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 45 sorties aériennes dont 35 de reconnaissance armée ou d’appui au sol, 2 de commandement et de contrôle aérien, et 8 de recueil de renseignements.
2 frappes ont été réalisées par les avions français en Irak.
la première a été conduite dans la zone de Mossoul en appui des troupes irakiennes contre une trentaine de combattants se préparant à une contre-attaque,
la seconde est une frappe planifiée avec l’engagement de 6 Rafale et d’un ATL2 en provenance des deux bases aériennes au Levant, frappe réalisée dimanche dans la zone d’Al Qaim sur un site de fabrication de VBIED. Elle a pris la forme d’un raid majeur, en coalition, avec le tir de 10 missiles de croisière SCALP pour les chasseurs français.
Le bilan des opérations aériennes est de 6285 sorties 1194 frappes réalisées pour détruire 1932 objectifs.


Depuis le 31 mars, 4 Rafale de la marine nationale sont déployés sur la base aérienne projetée en Jordanie aux côtés de quatre Rafale de l’armée de l’air. Deux Rafale Air sont rentrés en métropole depuis.
Huit Rafale au sein du détachement « Chammal XVI » marque la volonté des armées françaises de poursuivre le combat tout en optimisant la gestion des flottes aériennes. Avec les 6 Rafale déployés également sur l’autre base aérienne, un ATL2 est également engagé pour les missions de reconnaissance et ponctuellement de frappes, ainsi qu’un E-3F pour les missions de commandement et de contrôle.
Le nombre de Rafale déployés au Levant a évolué de 12 à 14 Rafale.


Déployée en mission opérationnelle depuis plus de 5 mois et demi, la frégate de défense aérienne « Forbin » achève une mission en Méditerranée orientale, en océan Indien et dans le Golfe Arabo-persique.
Après avoir appareillé de Toulon le 25 octobre 2016, la frégate aura escorté pendant près d’un mois, le groupe aéronaval français articulé autour du porte-avions Charles-de-Gaulle lors de son engagement au large de la Syrie dans le cadre de l’opération Chammal.
Puis, le Forbin aura rejoint en Océan Indien et dans le golfe Arabo-persique.
En intégrant d’abord la Task force 150, laquelle contribue à la sécurité maritime et à la lutte contre le terrorisme dans le nord de l’océan Indien.
Puis la TF50 pour participer, dans le cadre de l’opération Inherent Resolve, à l’escorte du porte- hélicoptères britannique HMS Ocean puis du porte-avions américain USS Bush.
Les responsabilités de commandement de la défense aérienne de ces Task Force et le contrôle des espaces aériens adjacents auront également fait partie des missions sensibles confiées.
Le Forbin, dans ses multiples capacités, aura aussi contribué à consolider l’appréciation de situation de la France dans ces régions sensibles.
Au cours de cette mission le « Forbin » et ses 215 marins auront parcouru 43000 milles marins (2 fois le tour de la terre) et conduit 163 jours d’opération.

Report Date

April 7, 2017


In the past week France reports two strikes in Iraq. The first was conducted in the Mosul area in support of Iraqi troops against some ISIL thirty fighters preparing for a counterattack. The second was a planned strike with the engagement of 6 Rafales and an ATL2 from the two air bases to the Levant. The strike was carried out on Sunday [April 2nd] in the Al Qaim area on a VBIED manufacturing site. It took the form of a major Coalition raid, with France deploying 10 SCALP cruise missiles. It adds that four Rafales from the navy have been deployed to the airbase in Jordan. Total number now deployed increased from 12 to 14.


En Syrie, les Forces Démocratiques Syriennes (FDS) poursuivent leurs actions le long de l’Euphrate en direction de Raqqah, depuis l’Est et l’Ouest de la ville, et font face à une très vive opposition.

En Irak, Daech conduit toujours une campagne asymétrique dans les régions de l’Anbar et de Hawijah sous forme d’actions de harcèlement et d’attentats terroristes.

Dans la région de Mossoul la situation a peu évolué cette semaine, les conditions météorologiques défavorables, la résistance opposée par les combattants de Daech et l’utilisation par ces derniers de nombreux civils comme boucliers humains ayant imposé aux Forces de sécurité irakiennes une pause dans leurs actions.

Dans la ville même, l’offensive est bloquée aux portes de la Médina où Daech est solidement retranchée. L’ICTS poursuit ses opérations de contournement de la vieille ville par l’Ouest, le reste des unités irakiennes restant dans une posture défensive, dans le but de contrer tout mouvement offensif des combattants terroristes.


Appui feu – TF Wagram

La Task Force (TF) Wagram a poursuivi cette semaine ses missions de tir. Elle a réalisé 41 missions de tir en appui des unités irakiennes, concentrées sur le Nord-Ouest de Mossoul en appui de la 9e Division.

Appui aérien au Levant

Cette semaine, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 45 sorties aériennes dont 35 de reconnaissance armée ou d’appui au sol, 2 de commandement et de contrôle aérien, et 8 de recueil de renseignements.

2 frappes ont été réalisées par les avions français en Irak.

la première a été conduite dans la zone de Mossoul en appui des troupes irakiennes contre une trentaine de combattants se préparant à une contre-attaque,

la seconde est une frappe planifiée avec l’engagement de 6 Rafale et d’un ATL2 en provenance des deux bases aériennes au Levant, frappe réalisée dimanche dans la zone d’Al Qaim sur un site de fabrication de VBIED. Elle a pris la forme d’un raid majeur, en coalition, avec le tir de 10 missiles de croisière SCALP pour les chasseurs français.

Le bilan des opérations aériennes est de 6285 sorties 1194 frappes réalisées pour détruire 1932 objectifs.


Depuis le 31 mars, 4 Rafale de la marine nationale sont déployés sur la base aérienne projetée en Jordanie aux côtés de quatre Rafale de l’armée de l’air. Deux Rafale Air sont rentrés en métropole depuis.

Huit Rafale au sein du détachement « Chammal XVI » marque la volonté des armées françaises de poursuivre le combat tout en optimisant la gestion des flottes aériennes. Avec les 6 Rafale déployés également sur l’autre base aérienne, un ATL2 est également engagé pour les missions de reconnaissance et ponctuellement de frappes, ainsi qu’un E-3F pour les missions de commandement et de contrôle.

Le nombre de Rafale déployés au Levant a évolué de 12 à 14 Rafale.


Déployée en mission opérationnelle depuis plus de 5 mois et demi, la frégate de défense aérienne « Forbin » achève une mission en Méditerranée orientale, en océan Indien et dans le Golfe Arabo-persique.

Après avoir appareillé de Toulon le 25 octobre 2016, la frégate aura escorté pendant près d’un mois, le groupe aéronaval français articulé autour du porte-avions Charles-de-Gaulle lors de son engagement au large de la Syrie dans le cadre de l’opération Chammal.

Puis, le Forbin aura rejoint en Océan Indien et dans le golfe Arabo-persique.

En intégrant d’abord la Task force 150, laquelle contribue à la sécurité maritime et à la lutte contre le terrorisme dans le nord de l’océan Indien.

Puis la TF50 pour participer, dans le cadre de l’opération Inherent Resolve, à l’escorte du porte- hélicoptères britannique HMS Ocean puis du porte-avions américain USS Bush.

Les responsabilités de commandement de la défense aérienne de ces Task Force et le contrôle des espaces aériens adjacents auront également fait partie des missions sensibles confiées.

Le Forbin, dans ses multiples capacités, aura aussi contribué à consolider l’appréciation de situation de la France dans ces régions sensibles.

Au cours de cette mission le « Forbin » et ses 215 marins auront parcouru 43000 milles marins (2 fois le tour de la terre) et conduit 163 jours d

CJTF–OIR for April 6, 2017 – April 7, 2017

Report Date

April 7, 2017

On April 6, Coalition military forces conducted 24 strikes consisting of 58 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 14 strikes consisting of 16 engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed an ISIS well head.

• Near Ar Raqqah, four strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units; and destroyed four fighting positions and a tactical vehicle.

• Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed an ISIS well head.

• Near Tabqah, eight strikes engaged six ISIS tactical units; destroyed three fighting positions and a VBIED; and suppressed two ISIS tactical units.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes consisting of 42 engagements coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq against ISIS targets.

• Near Al Huwayjah, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle and a supply cache.

• Near Al Qaim, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit; and destroyed an improvised weapons facility and a vehicle.

• Near Bayji, one strike destroyed a tactical vehicle.

• Near Mosul, six strikes [1 British] engaged four ISIS tactical units; destroyed four mortar systems, three fighting positions, two VBIED factories, two command and control nodes, a rocket system, and a tactical vehicle; and suppressed six mortar teams and two ISIS tactical units.

• Near Qayyarah, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and an ISIS staging area; and destroyed a supply cache and an artillery system.

Report Date

April 7, 2017

Report Summary

  • 24 total strikes
  • 14 in Syria
  • 10 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 24 total strikes
  • 10 in Iraq (11606 – 11615)
  • 14 in Syria (7899 – 7912)

Confirmed Actions


On April 6, Coalition military forces conducted 24 strikes consisting of 58 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 14 strikes consisting of 16 engagements against ISIS targets.

April 6, 2017
Syria: 14 strikes
Iraq: 10 strikes
Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed an ISIS well head.
Near Ar Raqqah, four strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units; and destroyed four fighting positions and a tactical vehicle.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed an ISIS well head.
Near Tabqah, eight strikes engaged six ISIS tactical units; destroyed three fighting positions and a VBIED; and suppressed two ISIS tactical units.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes consisting of 42 engagements coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq against ISIS targets.

Near Al Huwayjah, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle and a supply cache.
Near Al Qaim, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit; and destroyed an improvised weapons facility and a vehicle.
Near Bayji, one strike destroyed a tactical vehicle.
Near Mosul, six strikes [1 British] engaged four ISIS tactical units; destroyed four mortar systems, three fighting positions, two VBIED factories, two command and control nodes, a rocket system, and a tactical vehicle; and suppressed six mortar teams and two ISIS tactical units.
Near Qayyarah, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and an ISIS staging area; and destroyed a supply cache and an artillery system.

UK MoD for April 6, 2017 – April 7, 2017

Report Date

April 7, 2017

Thursday 6 April – A combined Tornado and Typhoon formation destroyed a mortar team on a truck in Mosul and a Daesh team planting improvised explosive devices on the move west of Kirkuk…A Tornado and a Typhoon flew as a pair on Thursday 6 April, armed with a mix of Paveway IVs and Brimstone missiles. Over north-western Mosul, they engaged a Daesh motor team who were moving to a new position on a truck. A number of unidentified individuals were seen on foot nearby, so our aircrew waited patiently until they had moved away from the immediate proximity of the vehicle. A Brimstone missile, which has a smaller warhead than a Paveway, was then used to destroy the target. The RAF flight then patrolled an area some 25 miles west of Kirkuk, where they were able to track a truck carrying a terrorist team who had been planting booby traps, scoring a direct hit on the moving vehicle with another Brimstone missile.

Report Date

April 7, 2017

Thursday 6 April – A combined Tornado and Typhoon formation destroyed a mortar team on a truck in Mosul and a Daesh team planting improvised explosive devices on the move west of Kirkuk…A Tornado and a Typhoon flew as a pair on Thursday 6 April, armed with a mix of Paveway IVs and Brimstone missiles. Over north-western Mosul, they engaged a Daesh motor team who were moving to a new position on a truck. A number of unidentified individuals were seen on foot nearby, so our aircrew waited patiently until they had moved away from the immediate proximity of the vehicle. A Brimstone missile, which has a smaller warhead than a Paveway, was then used to destroy the target. The RAF flight then patrolled an area some 25 miles west of Kirkuk, where they were able to track a truck carrying a terrorist team who had been planting booby traps, scoring a direct hit on the moving vehicle with another Brimstone missile.

CJTF–OIR for April 5, 2017 – April 6, 2017

Report Date

April 6, 2017

On April 5, Coalition military forces conducted 29 strikes consisting of 85 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 20 strikes consisting of 28 engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Al Shadaddi, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a fighting positon.

• Near Ar Raqqah, two strikes destroyed an ISIS vehicle.

• Nera Dayr Az Zawr, four strikes destroyed five ISIS well heads, two pump jacks, an oil storage tank, and an oil equipment piece.

• Near Tabqah, 13 strikes [1 British] engaged nine ISIS tactical units; destroyed two fighting positions, two vehicles, a tactical vehicle, and a tunnel; and damaged two supply routes.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 57 engagements coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq against ISIS targets.

• Near Al Qaim, one strike [1 British?] destroyed two anti-air artillery systems and two ISIS held-buildings.

• Near Haditha, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit; and destroyed a VBIED and a vehicle.

• Near Mosul, six strikes [1 British] engaged four ISIS tactical units; destroyed five mortar systems, three VBIED factories, three ISIS-held buildings, two anti-air artillery systems, two supply caches, a tactical vehicle, a vehicle, and a weapons facility; damaged nine supply routes, and suppressed six ISIS mortar teams.

• Near Tal Afar, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit; and destroyed two ISIS-held buildings and a supply cache.

Report Date

April 6, 2017

Report Summary

  • 25 total strikes
  • 16 in Syria
  • 9 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 29 total strikes
  • 9 in Iraq (11597 – 11605)
  • 20 in Syria (7879 – 7898)

Confirmed Actions


On April 5, Coalition military forces conducted 29 strikes consisting of 85 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 20 strikes consisting of 28 engagements against ISIS targets.

April 5, 2017
Syria: 16 strikes
Iraq: 9 strikes
Near Al Shadaddi, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a fighting positon.
Near Ar Raqqah, two strikes destroyed an ISIS vehicle.

Nera Dayr Az Zawr, four strikes destroyed five ISIS well heads, two pump jacks, an oil storage tank, and an oil equipment piece.

Near Tabqah, 13 strikes [1 British] engaged nine ISIS tactical units; destroyed two fighting positions, two vehicles, a tactical vehicle, and a tunnel; and damaged two supply routes.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 57 engagements coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq against ISIS targets.

Near Al Qaim, one strike [1 British?] destroyed two anti-air artillery systems and two ISIS held-buildings.
Near Haditha, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit; and destroyed a VBIED and a vehicle.
Near Mosul, six strikes [1 British] engaged four ISIS tactical units; destroyed five mortar systems, three VBIED factories, three ISIS-held buildings, two anti-air artillery systems, two supply caches, a tactical vehicle, a vehicle, and a weapons facility; damaged nine supply routes, and suppressed six ISIS mortar teams.
Near Tal Afar, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit; and destroyed two ISIS-held buildings and a supply cache.

UK MoD for April 5, 2017 – April 6, 2017

Report Date

April 6, 2017

Wednesday 5 April – Typhoons supported Syrian Democratic Forces west of Raqqa, while Tornados assisted Iraqi troops both in Mosul and the western deserts of Iraq…

The RAF is continuing to support Iraqi forces in their effort to liberate western Mosul. While the operating environment in the city is very challenging, particularly given the closely-packed buildings, very narrow streets, and the density of the urban population, our aircrew have continued to deliver precision strikes in close support of Iraqi troops on the ground. Daesh’s current tactics, including the illegal use of civilians as human shields, and fighting from sites such as schools, hospitals, religious sites and civilian neighbourhoods, increases the risk to innocent life. While no military operations come without risk, particularly in dense urban environments and against such inhuman Daesh tactics, the RAF continues to take all steps necessary to minimise civilian causalities.

Royal Air Force Typhoons provided close air support to Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on Wednesday 5 April, as they consolidated their hold on the huge Tabqah Dam, recently seized from Daesh’s control, to the west of Raqqa. Daesh had tried, in their desperation, to counter-attack with suicide truck-bombs, so the Typhoons conducted an air strike to cut the approach road to the SDF positions and make any further truck-bomb attacks much more difficult. Given attempts by both Daesh and Russia to claim falsely that Coalition air attacks have been directed at the dam itself, it is important to emphasise that the Typhoons’ target was two miles to the south-east and posed no threat whatsoever to the dam’s structural integrity. A pair of Tornados meanwhile supported the Iraqi forces driving Daesh out of western Mosul, and used a Paveway IV guided bomb to engage a mortar position. The Tornados then flew down to Iraq’s western desert, where other Iraqi troops were operating against Daesh to the south of Al Qaim. A Brimstone missile was used to destroy a motorcycle combination carrying three terrorists at speed over the desert and a second Brimstone eliminated a light machine-gun position.

Report Date

April 6, 2017

Wednesday 5 April – Typhoons supported Syrian Democratic Forces west of Raqqa, while Tornados assisted Iraqi troops both in Mosul and the western deserts of Iraq…

The RAF is continuing to support Iraqi forces in their effort to liberate western Mosul. While the operating environment in the city is very challenging, particularly given the closely-packed buildings, very narrow streets, and the density of the urban population, our aircrew have continued to deliver precision strikes in close support of Iraqi troops on the ground. Daesh’s current tactics, including the illegal use of civilians as human shields, and fighting from sites such as schools, hospitals, religious sites and civilian neighbourhoods, increases the risk to innocent life. While no military operations come without risk, particularly in dense urban environments and against such inhuman Daesh tactics, the RAF continues to take all steps necessary to minimise civilian causalities.

Royal Air Force Typhoons provided close air support to Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on Wednesday 5 April, as they consolidated their hold on the huge Tabqah Dam, recently seized from Daesh’s control, to the west of Raqqa. Daesh had tried, in their desperation, to counter-attack with suicide truck-bombs, so the Typhoons conducted an air strike to cut the approach road to the SDF positions and make any further truck-bomb attacks much more difficult. Given attempts by both Daesh and Russia to claim falsely that Coalition air attacks have been directed at the dam itself, it is important to emphasise that the Typhoons’ target was two miles to the south-east and posed no threat whatsoever to the dam’s structural integrity. A pair of Tornados meanwhile supported the Iraqi forces driving Daesh out of western Mosul, and used a Paveway IV guided bomb to engage a mortar position. The Tornados then flew down to Iraq’s western desert, where other Iraqi troops were operating against Daesh to the south of Al Qaim. A Brimstone missile was used to destroy a motorcycle combination carrying three terrorists at speed over the desert and a second Brimstone eliminated a light machine-gun position.

French MoD for April 5, 2017 – April 6, 2017

Report Date

April 6, 2017


France reports that on March 29th, two Rafales from the navy joined the French airbase projected in Jordan. Two days later, two more joined them bringing to the total number of fighters deployed in Operation Chammal to eight.

Chammal : 200e mission ATL2 et plot mixte Rafale. Chammal, optimisée pour durer

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Mise à jour : 06/04/2017

Le 29 mars 2017, deux Rafale de la marine nationale se posent sur la base aérienne projetée en Jordanie et se rangent aux côtés des Rafale de l’armée de l’air. Deux jours plus tard, deux autres les rejoignent portant à huit, le nombre de chasseurs français disponibles pour l’opération Chammal sur le flanc occidental du théâtre.

Chammal : mise en place du plot mixte

Pour les pilotes de la flottille 12F, ce détachement permet de poursuivre l’effort de guerre contre Daech tout en maintenant leurs compétences opérationnelles. Pour l’armée de l’air, les pilotes de Saint-Dizier et de Mont-de-Marsan poursuivent par rotation un engagement des Rafale Air au Levant désormais permanent.

Comme ce fut le cas en fin d’année 2016 après le retour du GAN, la BAP accueille donc huit Rafale au sein du détachement « Chammal XVI ». Avec ce « plot mixte », la France marque sa volonté de poursuivre le combat contre Daech tout en s’inscrivant dans la durée en optimisant la gestion de ses flottes en métropole afin de pouvoir répondre aux autres sollicitations comme la tenue permanente de la posture de sûreté aérienne et de dissuasion, la formation des jeunes pilotes et le soutien des exportations.

Chammal : mise en place du plot mixte

De son côté, l’Atlantique 2 déployé également sur la BAP poursuivait ses vols de reconnaissance et, ponctuellement, de frappes aériennes. Ainsi, le 25 mars, lors d’une mission de « dynamic targeting » (ciblage dynamique de cibles d’opportunité) en collaboration avec une patrouille de RAFALE de l’armée de l’Air, il franchissait la barre symbolique des 200 sorties au départ de la base aérienne projetée. Déployé au Levant depuis le mois de février 2016, le détachement ATL2 a également dépassé lors de cette même sortie les 1 500 heures de vol effectuées depuis la BAP.

Dans le cadre de frappes planifiées plus importantes, ce dispositif peut également rejoindre en vol les autres moyens aériens français déployés aux Emirats-Arabes-Unis et au Qatar (Rafale et E-3F) comme ce fut le cas lors de la mission du dimanche 02 avril.

Lancée depuis le 19 septembre 2014, l’opération Chammal représente la participation française à l’OIR (Opération Inherent Resolve) et mobilise aujourd’hui près de 1 200 militaires. A la demande du gouvernement irakien et en coordination avec les alliés de la France présents dans la région, l’opération Chammal repose sur deux piliers complémentaires : un pilier « formation », au profit d’unités de sécurité nationales irakiennes et un pilier « appui », consistant à soutenir l’action des forces locales engagées au sol contre Daesh au travers de la Task Force Wagram et à frapper les capacités militaires du groupe terroriste à l’aide du système d’armes RAFALE.

Report Date

April 6, 2017


France reports that on March 29th, two Rafales from the navy joined the French airbase projected in Jordan. Two days later, two more joined them bringing to the total number of fighters deployed in Operation Chammal to eight.

Chammal : 200e mission ATL2 et plot mixte Rafale. Chammal, optimisée pour durer

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Mise à jour : 06/04/2017

Le 29 mars 2017, deux Rafale de la marine nationale se posent sur la base aérienne projetée en Jordanie et se rangent aux côtés des Rafale de l’armée de l’air. Deux jours plus tard, deux autres les rejoignent portant à huit, le nombre de chasseurs français disponibles pour l’opération Chammal sur le flanc occidental du théâtre.

Chammal : mise en place du plot mixte

Pour les pilotes de la flottille 12F, ce détachement permet de poursuivre l’effort de guerre contre Daech tout en maintenant leurs compétences opérationnelles. Pour l’armée de l’air, les pilotes de Saint-Dizier et de Mont-de-Marsan poursuivent par rotation un engagement des Rafale Air au Levant désormais permanent.

Comme ce fut le cas en fin d’année 2016 après le retour du GAN, la BAP accueille donc huit Rafale au sein du détachement « Chammal XVI ». Avec ce « plot mixte », la France marque sa volonté de poursuivre le combat contre Daech tout en s’inscrivant dans la durée en optimisant la gestion de ses flottes en métropole afin de pouvoir répondre aux autres sollicitations comme la tenue permanente de la posture de sûreté aérienne et de dissuasion, la formation des jeunes pilotes et le soutien des exportations.

Chammal : mise en place du plot mixte

De son côté, l’Atlantique 2 déployé également sur la BAP poursuivait ses vols de reconnaissance et, ponctuellement, de frappes aériennes. Ainsi, le 25 mars, lors d’une mission de « dynamic targeting » (ciblage dynamique de cibles d’opportunité) en collaboration avec une patrouille de RAFALE de l’armée de l’Air, il franchissait la barre symbolique des 200 sorties au départ de la base aérienne projetée. Déployé au Levant depuis le mois de février 2016, le détachement ATL2 a également dépassé lors de cette même sortie les 1 500 heures de vol effectuées depuis la BAP.

Dans le cadre de frappes planifiées plus importantes, ce dispositif peut également rejoindre en vol les autres moyens aériens français déployés aux Emirats-Arabes-Unis et au Qatar (Rafale et E-3F) comme ce fut le cas lors de la mission du dimanche 02 avril.

Lancée depuis le 19 septembre 2014, l’opération Chammal représente la participation française à l’OIR (Opération Inherent Resolve) et mobilise aujourd’hui près de 1 200 militaires. A la demande du gouvernement irakien et en coordination avec les alliés de la France présents dans la région, l’opération Chammal repose sur deux piliers complémentaires : un pilier « formation », au profit d’unités de sécurité nationales irakiennes et un pilier « appui », consistant à soutenir l’action des forces locales engagées au sol contre Daesh au travers de la Task Force Wagram et à frapper les capacités militaires du groupe terroriste à l’aide du système d’armes RAFALE.

CJTF–OIR for April 4, 2017 – April 5, 2017

Report Date

April 5, 2017

On April 4, Coalition military forces conducted 26 strikes consisting of 74 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 15 strikes consisting of 22 engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed eight ISIS oil tanker trucks and two well heads.

• Near Ar Raqqah, four strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units; and destroyed three fighting positions, three vehicles, a mortar system, a rocket system, and an excavator.

• Near Dayr Az Zawr, seven strikes destroyed 10 ISIS well heads, an explosives cache, and an oil inlet manifold.

• Near Tabqah, two strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed two fighting positions.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted 11 strikes consisting of 52 engagements coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq against ISIS targets.

• Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed an ISIS media facility.

• Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a watercraft.

• Near Mosul, seven strikes engaged six ISIS tactical units; destroyed two mortar systems, two command and control nodes, a supply cache, and a fighting position; damaged nine supply routes and a bridge; and suppressed 10 ISIS mortar teams and two ISIS tactical units.

• Near Rawah, one strike destroyed 16 rockets, six rocket systems, and a VBIED.

• Near Tal Afar, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS-held building.

Report Date

April 5, 2017

Report Summary

  • 26 total strikes
  • 15 in Syria
  • 11 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 26 total strikes
  • 11 in Iraq (11586 – 11596)
  • 15 in Syria (7864 – 7878)

Confirmed Actions


On April 4, Coalition military forces conducted 26 strikes consisting of 74 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 15 strikes consisting of 22 engagements against ISIS targets.

April 4, 2017
Syria: 15 strikes
Iraq: 11 strikes
Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed eight ISIS oil tanker trucks and two well heads.
Near Ar Raqqah, four strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units; and destroyed three fighting positions, three vehicles, a mortar system, a rocket system, and an excavator.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, seven strikes destroyed 10 ISIS well heads, an explosives cache, and an oil inlet manifold.
Near Tabqah, two strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed two fighting positions.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted 11 strikes consisting of 52 engagements coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq against ISIS targets.

Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed an ISIS media facility.
Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a watercraft.
Near Mosul, seven strikes engaged six ISIS tactical units; destroyed two mortar systems, two command and control nodes, a supply cache, and a fighting position; damaged nine supply routes and a bridge; and suppressed 10 ISIS mortar teams and two ISIS tactical units.
Near Rawah, one strike destroyed 16 rockets, six rocket systems, and a VBIED.
Near Tal Afar, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed an ISIS-held building.
  • A Belgian Air Component F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft refuels from a U.S. Air Force KC-10 Extender over Syria during a sortie in support of Combined Joint Task Force- Operation Inherent Resolve, April 10, 2017 (US Air Force)

CJTF–OIR for April 3, 2017 – April 4, 2017

Report Date

April 4, 2017

On April 3, Coalition military forces conducted 27 strikes consisting of 55 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 14 strikes consisting of 17 engagements against ISIS targets.

• Near Abu Kamal, four strikes destroyed nine ISIS well heads and an oil storage tank.

• Near Ar Raqqah, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.

• Near Dayr Az Zawr, four strikes destroyed five ISIS well head and five barges.

• Near Palmyra, two strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed a heavy machine gun.

• Near Tabqah, three strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units; and destroyed two fighting positions and a tank.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted 13 strikes consisting of 38 engagements coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq against ISIS targets.

• Near Al Qaim, five strikes destroyed two VBIED factories, two weapons storage facilities, and an ISIS-held building.

• Near Mosul, six strikes [2 British] engaged five ISIS tactical units and an ISIS machine gun team; destroyed five fighting positions, two VBIED factories, a weapons facility, and an anti-air artillery system; damaged three supply routes and three fighting positions; and suppressed four ISIS mortar teams, two ISIS tactical units, and an ISIS artillery team.

• Near Rawah, two strikes engaged two ISIS staging areas.

Report Date

April 4, 2017

Report Summary

  • 27 total strikes
  • 14 in Syria
  • 13 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 27 total strikes
  • 13 in Iraq (11573 – 11585)
  • 14 in Syria (7850 – 7863)

Confirmed Actions


On April 3, Coalition military forces conducted 27 strikes consisting of 55 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 14 strikes consisting of 17 engagements against ISIS targets.

April 3, 2017
Syria: 14 strikes
Iraq: 13 strikes
Near Abu Kamal, four strikes destroyed nine ISIS well heads and an oil storage tank.
Near Ar Raqqah, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, four strikes destroyed five ISIS well head and five barges.
Near Palmyra, two strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units and destroyed a heavy machine gun.
Near Tabqah, three strikes engaged two ISIS tactical units; and destroyed two fighting positions and a tank.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted 13 strikes consisting of 38 engagements coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq against ISIS targets.

Near Al Qaim, five strikes destroyed two VBIED factories, two weapons storage facilities, and an ISIS-held building.
Near Mosul, six strikes [2 British] engaged five ISIS tactical units and an ISIS machine gun team; destroyed five fighting positions, two VBIED factories, a weapons facility, and an anti-air artillery system; damaged three supply routes and three fighting positions; and suppressed four ISIS mortar teams, two ISIS tactical units, and an ISIS artillery team.
Near Rawah, two strikes engaged two ISIS staging areas.

UK MoD for April 3, 2017 – April 4, 2017

Report Date

April 4, 2017

Monday 3 April – Tornados and Typhoons engaged Daesh mortar positions in western Mosul…Tornados and Typhoons conducted attacks in western Mosul on Monday 3 April, also against Daesh mortars. The Typhoons had to bomb through cloud, but the Iraqi ground forces, only metres away, reported that the terrorist position had been struck accurately. The Tornados, also hampered by cloud, targeted a mortar that was firing on an Iraqi unit from the top storey of a tall building. A Paveway IV was employed with a carefully selected fuse setting, and it successfully demolished just the uppermost storey, leaving the rest of the building intact.

Report Date

April 4, 2017

Monday 3 April – Tornados and Typhoons engaged Daesh mortar positions in western Mosul…Tornados and Typhoons conducted attacks in western Mosul on Monday 3 April, also against Daesh mortars. The Typhoons had to bomb through cloud, but the Iraqi ground forces, only metres away, reported that the terrorist position had been struck accurately. The Tornados, also hampered by cloud, targeted a mortar that was firing on an Iraqi unit from the top storey of a tall building. A Paveway IV was employed with a carefully selected fuse setting, and it successfully demolished just the uppermost storey, leaving the rest of the building intact.

CJTF–OIR for April 2, 2017 – April 3, 2017

Report Date

April 3, 2017

On Apr. 2, Coalition military forces conducted 20 strikes consisting of 51 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 13 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed two ISIS well heads, two heavy equipment pieces, and two oil storage tanks.

* Near Al Shadaddi, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed three fighting positions.

* Near Ar Raqqah, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a fighting position.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed three ISIS well heads.

* Palmyra, one strike destroyed an ISIS improvised weapons facility and an IED.

* Tabqah, four strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed two tactical vehicles, a fighting position, and a tank; and damaged four supply routes.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted 11 strikes consisting of 38 engagements coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq against ISIS targets.

* Near Al Qaim, six strikes [1 French with others] destroyed two VBIED facilities, a VBIED factory, a VBIED, an explosives cache, and an ISIS finance office.

* Near Mosul, five strikes [1 British] engaged two ISIS tactical units; destroyed a fighting position, a mortar system, and a rocket-propelled grenade system; damaged three fighting positions, two supply routes, and a supply cache; and suppressed eight ISIS mortar teams and four ISIS tactical units.

Report Date

April 3, 2017

Report Summary

  • 15 total strikes
  • 4 in Syria
  • 11 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 20 total strikes
  • 11 in Iraq (11562 – 11572)
  • 9 in Syria (7841 – 7849)

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, France

On Apr. 2, Coalition military forces conducted 20 strikes consisting of 51 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 13 engagements against ISIS targets.

April 2, 2017
Syria: 4 strikes
Iraq: 11 strikes
Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed two ISIS well heads, two heavy equipment pieces, and two oil storage tanks.
Near Al Shadaddi, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed three fighting positions.
Near Ar Raqqah, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a fighting position.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed three ISIS well heads.

Palmyra, one strike destroyed an ISIS improvised weapons facility and an IED.

Tabqah, four strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed two tactical vehicles, a fighting position, and a tank; and damaged four supply routes.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted 11 strikes consisting of 38 engagements coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq against ISIS targets.

Near Al Qaim, six strikes [1 French with others] destroyed two VBIED facilities, a VBIED factory, a VBIED, an explosives cache, and an ISIS finance office.
Near Mosul, five strikes [1 British] engaged two ISIS tactical units; destroyed a fighting position, a mortar system, and a rocket-propelled grenade system; damaged three fighting positions, two supply routes, and a supply cache; and suppressed eight ISIS mortar teams and four ISIS tactical units.

UK MoD for April 2, 2017 – April 3, 2017

Report Date

April 3, 2017

Sunday 2 April – Tornados engaged a mortar team firing from the ground floor of a large building in western Mosul…On Sunday 2 April, Tornados, supported by a Voyager air tanker, patrolled over western Mosul. When Iraqi forces came under Daesh mortar fire, the Tornados’ aircrew were able to identify the mortar team firing their weapon out of the ground floor of a large building. This allowed the Tornados to achieve a clear line of fire for a Brimstone missile, which scored a direct hit on the mortar team while causing minimal damage to the rest of the building.

Report Date

April 3, 2017

Sunday 2 April – Tornados engaged a mortar team firing from the ground floor of a large building in western Mosul…On Sunday 2 April, Tornados, supported by a Voyager air tanker, patrolled over western Mosul. When Iraqi forces came under Daesh mortar fire, the Tornados’ aircrew were able to identify the mortar team firing their weapon out of the ground floor of a large building. This allowed the Tornados to achieve a clear line of fire for a Brimstone missile, which scored a direct hit on the mortar team while causing minimal damage to the rest of the building.

French MoD for April 2, 2017 – April 3, 2017

Report Date

April 3, 2017


France reports a planned strike on Sunday April 2nd in the Al Qaim area on a VBIED manufacturing site, with the engagement of six Rafales and an ATL2 from the two air bases to the Levant. It took the form of a major Coalition raid, with France deploying 10 SCALP cruise missiles.

…2 frappes ont été réalisées par les avions français en Irak.

la première a été conduite dans la zone de Mossoul en appui des troupes irakiennes contre une trentaine de combattants se préparant à une contre-attaque,

la seconde est une frappe planifiée avec l’engagement de 6 Rafale et d’un ATL2 en provenance des deux bases aériennes au Levant, frappe réalisée dimanche dans la zone d’Al Qaim sur un site de fabrication de VBIED. Elle a pris la forme d’un raid majeur, en coalition, avec le tir de 10 missiles de croisière SCALP pour les chasseurs français.

Report Date

April 3, 2017


France reports a planned strike on Sunday April 2nd in the Al Qaim area on a VBIED manufacturing site, with the engagement of six Rafales and an ATL2 from the two air bases to the Levant. It took the form of a major Coalition raid, with France deploying 10 SCALP cruise missiles.

…2 frappes ont été réalisées par les avions français en Irak.

la première a été conduite dans la zone de Mossoul en appui des troupes irakiennes contre une trentaine de combattants se préparant à une contre-attaque,

la seconde est une frappe planifiée avec l’engagement de 6 Rafale et d’un ATL2 en provenance des deux bases aériennes au Levant, frappe réalisée dimanche dans la zone d’Al Qaim sur un site de fabrication de VBIED. Elle a pris la forme d’un raid majeur, en coalition, avec le tir de 10 missiles de croisière SCALP pour les chasseurs français.

French MoD for April 2, 2017 – April 3, 2017

Report Date

April 3, 2017


Following a reconnaissance flight from the Atlantic 2, Rafales from the airforce and navy led a strike on April 2nd against an ISIL factory for the production of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and the assembly of suicide vehicles loaded with explosives in the Al Qaim region of Iraq. Ten SCALP cruise missiles were used supplemented by GPS-guided bomb strikes by coalition aircraft.

Chammal : première mission opérationnelle d’ampleur pour les avions Rafale du « plot mixte »

Ajoutez aux favoris


Mise à jour : 12/04/2017

Mis en place le 31 mars, les Rafale du « plot mixte » ont conduit, dès le 02 avril 2017, une mission opérationnelle complète et importante. A la suite d’un vol de reconnaissance de l’Atlantique 2, les Rafale « Air » et « Marine », ont mené une frappe et réalisé les observations post-raid contre une unité d’assemblage de Daech de véhicules piégés et d’engins explosifs.

Le 02 avril, le vol de reconnaissance et de renseignement de l’Atlantique 2 confirme, dans un premier temps, l’objectif désigné: une importante usine située dans la région d’Al Qaim destinée à la production d’engins explosifs improvisés (EEI) et à l’assemblage des véhicules suicides chargés d’explosifs. Engins dont Daech fait un usage intensif, permettant de ralentir la progression des forces irakiennes au sol, en piégeant les bâtiments où les routes.

Sur la base des derniers renseignements fournis par l’Atlantique 2, six Rafale de l’armée de l’air (provenant des bases aériennes du théâtre situées en Jordanie et aux Emirats arabes unis) conduisent une frappe coordonnée de 10 missiles de croisière SCALP (« Système de croisière conventionnel autonome à longue portée ») sur l’objectif, complétée par des frappes de bombes à guidage GPS, réalisées par des aéronefs de la coalition.

Une patrouille composée de Rafale « Marine », alors en mission de reconnaissance armée et d’appui au sol, est envoyée sur la zone des frappes afin d’y conduire les observations post-raid.

Une fois analysées par les états-majors, les images prises par les Rafales « Marine » ont permis de confirmer la réussite de cette importante mission opérationnelle de la coalition et qui aura sollicité les moyens français récemment arrivés sur le théâtre.

Lancée depuis le 19 septembre 2014, l’opération Chammal représente la participation française à l’OIR (Operation Inherent Resolve) et mobilise aujourd’hui près de 1 200 militaires. A la demande du gouvernement irakien et en coordination avec les alliés de la France présents dans la région, l’opération Chammal repose sur deux piliers complémentaires : un pilier « formation », au profit d’unités de sécurité nationales irakiennes et un pilier « appui », consistant à soutenir l’action des forces locales engagées au sol contre Daesh au travers de la Task Force Wagram et à frapper les capacités militaires du groupe terroriste à l’aide du système d’armes RAFALE.

Report Date

April 3, 2017


Following a reconnaissance flight from the Atlantic 2, Rafales from the airforce and navy led a strike on April 2nd against an ISIL factory for the production of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and the assembly of suicide vehicles loaded with explosives in the Al Qaim region of Iraq. Ten SCALP cruise missiles were used supplemented by GPS-guided bomb strikes by coalition aircraft.

Chammal : première mission opérationnelle d’ampleur pour les avions Rafale du « plot mixte »

Ajoutez aux favoris


Mise à jour : 12/04/2017

Mis en place le 31 mars, les Rafale du « plot mixte » ont conduit, dès le 02 avril 2017, une mission opérationnelle complète et importante. A la suite d’un vol de reconnaissance de l’Atlantique 2, les Rafale « Air » et « Marine », ont mené une frappe et réalisé les observations post-raid contre une unité d’assemblage de Daech de véhicules piégés et d’engins explosifs.

Le 02 avril, le vol de reconnaissance et de renseignement de l’Atlantique 2 confirme, dans un premier temps, l’objectif désigné: une importante usine située dans la région d’Al Qaim destinée à la production d’engins explosifs improvisés (EEI) et à l’assemblage des véhicules suicides chargés d’explosifs. Engins dont Daech fait un usage intensif, permettant de ralentir la progression des forces irakiennes au sol, en piégeant les bâtiments où les routes.

Sur la base des derniers renseignements fournis par l’Atlantique 2, six Rafale de l’armée de l’air (provenant des bases aériennes du théâtre situées en Jordanie et aux Emirats arabes unis) conduisent une frappe coordonnée de 10 missiles de croisière SCALP (« Système de croisière conventionnel autonome à longue portée ») sur l’objectif, complétée par des frappes de bombes à guidage GPS, réalisées par des aéronefs de la coalition.

Une patrouille composée de Rafale « Marine », alors en mission de reconnaissance armée et d’appui au sol, est envoyée sur la zone des frappes afin d’y conduire les observations post-raid.

Une fois analysées par les états-majors, les images prises par les Rafales « Marine » ont permis de confirmer la réussite de cette importante mission opérationnelle de la coalition et qui aura sollicité les moyens français récemment arrivés sur le théâtre.

Lancée depuis le 19 septembre 2014, l’opération Chammal représente la participation française à l’OIR (Operation Inherent Resolve) et mobilise aujourd’hui près de 1 200 militaires. A la demande du gouvernement irakien et en coordination avec les alliés de la France présents dans la région, l’opération Chammal repose sur deux piliers complémentaires : un pilier « formation », au profit d’unités de sécurité nationales irakiennes et un pilier « appui », consistant à soutenir l’action des forces locales engagées au sol contre Daesh au travers de la Task Force Wagram et à frapper les capacités militaires du groupe terroriste à l’aide du système d’armes RAFALE.

CJTF–OIR for April 1, 2017 – April 2, 2017

Report Date

April 2, 2017

On Apr. 1, Coalition military forces conducted 16 strikes consisting of 76 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 31 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Ar Raqqah, five strikes engaged four ISIS tactical units; destroyed eight barges and five fighting positions; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

* Near Palmyra, two strikes destroyed three ISIS command and control nodes, three supply caches, a checkpoint, and a bunker; and damaged three bunkers.

* Near Tabqah, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted seven strikes consisting of 45 engagements coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq against ISIS targets.

* Near Kirkuk, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.

* Near Mosul, six strikes engaged seven ISIS tactical units and an ISIS staging area; destroyed three rocket-propelled grenade systems, three fighting positions, a heavy machine gun, an artillery system, a weapons factory, and a VBIED factory; damaged seven supply routes and five fighting positions; and suppressed 12 ISIS mortar teams, four ISIS tactical units, and an ISIS sniper team.

Report Date

April 2, 2017

Report Summary

  • 16 total strikes
  • 9 in Syria
  • 7 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 16 total strikes
  • 7 in Iraq (11555 – 11561)
  • 9 in Syria (7832 – 7840)

Confirmed Actions


On Apr. 1, Coalition military forces conducted 16 strikes consisting of 76 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted nine strikes consisting of 31 engagements against ISIS targets.

April 1, 2017
Syria: 9 strikes
Iraq: 7 strikes
Near Ar Raqqah, five strikes engaged four ISIS tactical units; destroyed eight barges and five fighting positions; and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.
Near Palmyra, two strikes destroyed three ISIS command and control nodes, three supply caches, a checkpoint, and a bunker; and damaged three bunkers.
Near Tabqah, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit and suppressed an ISIS tactical unit.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted seven strikes consisting of 45 engagements coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq against ISIS targets.

Near Kirkuk, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.
Near Mosul, six strikes engaged seven ISIS tactical units and an ISIS staging area; destroyed three rocket-propelled grenade systems, three fighting positions, a heavy machine gun, an artillery system, a weapons factory, and a VBIED factory; damaged seven supply routes and five fighting positions; and suppressed 12 ISIS mortar teams, four ISIS tactical units, and an ISIS sniper team.

CJTF–OIR for April 1, 2017 – April 2, 2017

Report Date

April 2, 2017

During the month of February 2017, CJTF-OIR carried over 19 open reports of possible civilian casualties from previous months, received 41 new reports, and completed the assessment on 17 reports resulting from Coalition strikes in Iraq and Syria in the fight to defeat ISIS. Twelve of these reports were assessed to be non-credible and five were assessed to be credible. A total of 43 reports are still open and being assessed at the end of the month. Coalition strikes are defined as ground artillery or air strikes conducted as part of the Coalition Air Tasking Order.

CJTF-OIR takes all reports of civilian casualties seriously and assesses all reports as thoroughly as possible. Although we are unable to investigate all reports of possible civilian casualties using traditional investigative methods, such as by interviewing witnesses and examining the site, the Coalition interviews pilots and other personnel involved in the targeting process, reviews strike and surveillance video if available, and analyzes information provided by government agencies, non-governmental organizations, partner forces and traditional and social media. In addition, the Coalition considers new information when it becomes available in order to promote a thorough and continuous review process.

To date, based on data between August 2014 and February 2017, the Coalition conducted a total of 18,645 strikes that included 42,089 separate engagements. During this period, the total number of reports of possible civilian casualties was 396. The total number of credible reports of civilian casualties during this period was 102. The percent of engagements that resulted in a report of possible civilian casualties

was .94%. The percent of engagements that resulted in a credible report of civilian casualties was .24%.

In Mosul, Iraq, since the start of operations to liberate the city on Oct. 17, 2016, to the liberation of the East side of Mosul on Feb. 18, 2017, the total number of reports of possible civilian casualties was 37. The total number of credible reports during this time period was 15. The percent of engagements in Mosul during this time period that resulted in a credible report of credible civilian casualties was .37%.

After a thorough review of the facts and circumstances of each civilian casualty report, CJTF-OIR assessed that the following 12 reports are non-credible. Non-credible means that at this time there is not sufficient information available to assess that, more likely than not, a Coalition strike resulted in civilian casualties.

1. Jan. 2, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties.

2. Jan. 2, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties.

3. Jan. 13, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no Coalition strikes were conducted in this geographic area that correspond to the report of civilian casualties.

4. Jan. 19, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties.

5. Jan. 22, 2017, near Al-Tabqah, Syria, via social media report: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no Coalition strikes were conducted in this geographic area that correspond to the report of civilian casualties.

6. Jan. 25, 2017, near Abu Jadi, Syria, via social media report: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no Coalition strikes were conducted in this geographic area that correspond to the report of civilian casualties.

7. Feb. 1, 2017, near Idlib, Syria, via social media report: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties.

8. Feb. 3, 2017, near Al-Abyad, Iraq, via self-report: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no civilians were harmed in this strike.

9. Feb. 4, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no civilians were harmed in this strike.

10. Feb. 8, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no civilians were harmed in this strike.

11. Feb. 19, 2018, near Manbij, Syria, via NGO report: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties.

12. Feb. 24, 2017, near Al-Qa’im, Iraq, via self-report: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no civilians were harmed in this strike.

Although the Coalition takes extraordinary efforts to strike military targets in a manner that minimizes the risk of civilian casualties, in some incidents casualties are unavoidable. Five reports were assessed to be credible resulting in the unintended death of nine civilians.

A credible assessment means it is more likely than not a Coalition strike resulted in a civilian casualty. In each of the incidents below, the investigation assessed that although all feasible precautions were taken and the decision to strike complied with the Law of Armed Conflict, unintended civilian casualties unfortunately occurred.

1. Sept. 20, 2015, near Mosul, Iraq, via media report: During a Sept. 21 strike on what was evaluated at the time to be an ISIS headquarters building. After receiving additional information, it was assessed that four civilians were unintentionally killed and two civilians were unintentionally injured in the building.

2. Jan. 30, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: During a strike on an ISIS weapons manufacturing facility, it was assessed that one civilian in the building was unintentionally killed.

3. Feb. 6, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: During a strike on ISIS fighters, it was assessed that three civilians were unintentionally injured when they entered the target area after the munition was released.

4. Feb. 12, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: During a strike on an ISIS VBIED facility, it was assessed that two civilians were unintentionally killed when they entered the target area after the munition was released.

5. Feb. 16, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: During a strike on an ISIS VBIED facility, it was assessed that two civilians were unintentionally killed when they entered the target area after the munition was released.

Currently, 43 reports of possible civilian casualties are still being assessed:

1. April 22, 2015, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report, re-opened due to new information being provided.

2. March 23, 2016, near Hajj Ali, Iraq, via NGO report.

3. June 18, 2016, near Manbij, Syria, via NGO report.

4. Sept. 17, 2016, near Al Tabqah, Syria, via self-report.

5. Nov. 17, 2016, near Mosul, Iraq, via NGO report.

6. Dec. 11, 2016, near Mosul, Iraq, via NGO report.

7. Dec. 20, 2016, near Al Tabqah, Syria, via NGO report.

8. Dec. 29, 2016, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

9. Jan. 6, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report.

10. Jan. 15, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via social media report.

11. Jan. 16, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via self-report.

12. Jan. 17, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report.

13. Jan. 22, 2017, near Nayrab, Syria, via social media report.

14. Jan 26, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report.

15. Jan. 31, 2017, near Dayr Az Zayr, Syria, via self-report.

16. Jan. 31, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report.

17. Feb. 3, 2017, near Dayr Az Zayr, Syria, via social media report.

18. Feb. 7, 2017, near Idlib, Syria, via social media report.

19. Feb. 9, 2017, near Al Qaim, Iraq, via self-report.

20. Feb. 14, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via social media report.

21. Feb. 14, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report.

22. Feb. 16, 2017, near Tabqah, Syria, via social media report.

23. Feb. 16, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via social media report.

24. Feb. 17, 2017, near Tabqah, Syria, via social media report.

25. Feb. 18, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

26. Feb. 18, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

27. Feb. 19, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

28. Feb. 19, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

29. Feb. 19, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report.

30. Feb. 19, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report.

31. Feb. 20, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via media report.

32. Feb. 20, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via NGO report.

33. Feb. 20, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via social media report.

34. Feb. 20, 2017, near Dayr Az Zayr, Syria, via social media report.

35. Feb. 20, 2017, near Al Bab, Syria, via social media report.

36. Feb. 21, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via social media report.

37. Feb. 21, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report.

38. Feb. 22, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

39. Feb. 22, 2017, near Tabqah, Syria, via social media report.

40. Feb. 23, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

41. Feb. 25, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

42. Feb. 25, 2017, near Kheurbet el-Baida, Syria, via self-report.

43. Feb. 27, 2017, near Al Qaim, Iraq, via self-report.

Additionally, a 15-6 investigation has been opened in regard to strikes conducted on or about March 17, 2017, in the Al-Jadida neighborhood of Mosul, Iraq.

To date, based on information available, CJTF-OIR assesses that, it is more likely than not, at least 229 civilians have been unintentionally killed by Coalition strikes since the start of Operation Inherent Resolve. We regret the unintentional loss of civilian lives resulting from Coalition efforts to defeat ISIS in Iraq and Syria and express our deepest sympathies to the families and others affected by these strikes.

Report Date

April 2, 2017

During the month of February 2017, CJTF-OIR carried over 19 open reports of possible civilian casualties from previous months, received 41 new reports, and completed the assessment on 17 reports resulting from Coalition strikes in Iraq and Syria in the fight to defeat ISIS. Twelve of these reports were assessed to be non-credible and five were assessed to be credible. A total of 43 reports are still open and being assessed at the end of the month. Coalition strikes are defined as ground artillery or air strikes conducted as part of the Coalition Air Tasking Order.

CJTF-OIR takes all reports of civilian casualties seriously and assesses all reports as thoroughly as possible. Although we are unable to investigate all reports of possible civilian casualties using traditional investigative methods, such as by interviewing witnesses and examining the site, the Coalition interviews pilots and other personnel involved in the targeting process, reviews strike and surveillance video if available, and analyzes information provided by government agencies, non-governmental organizations, partner forces and traditional and social media. In addition, the Coalition considers new information when it becomes available in order to promote a thorough and continuous review process.

To date, based on data between August 2014 and February 2017, the Coalition conducted a total of 18,645 strikes that included 42,089 separate engagements. During this period, the total number of reports of possible civilian casualties was 396. The total number of credible reports of civilian casualties during this period was 102. The percent of engagements that resulted in a report of possible civilian casualties

was .94%. The percent of engagements that resulted in a credible report of civilian casualties was .24%.

In Mosul, Iraq, since the start of operations to liberate the city on Oct. 17, 2016, to the liberation of the East side of Mosul on Feb. 18, 2017, the total number of reports of possible civilian casualties was 37. The total number of credible reports during this time period was 15. The percent of engagements in Mosul during this time period that resulted in a credible report of credible civilian casualties was .37%.

After a thorough review of the facts and circumstances of each civilian casualty report, CJTF-OIR assessed that the following 12 reports are non-credible. Non-credible means that at this time there is not sufficient information available to assess that, more likely than not, a Coalition strike resulted in civilian casualties.

1. Jan. 2, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties.

2. Jan. 2, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties.

3. Jan. 13, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no Coalition strikes were conducted in this geographic area that correspond to the report of civilian casualties.

4. Jan. 19, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties.

5. Jan. 22, 2017, near Al-Tabqah, Syria, via social media report: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no Coalition strikes were conducted in this geographic area that correspond to the report of civilian casualties.

6. Jan. 25, 2017, near Abu Jadi, Syria, via social media report: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no Coalition strikes were conducted in this geographic area that correspond to the report of civilian casualties.

7. Feb. 1, 2017, near Idlib, Syria, via social media report: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties.

8. Feb. 3, 2017, near Al-Abyad, Iraq, via self-report: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no civilians were harmed in this strike.

9. Feb. 4, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no civilians were harmed in this strike.

10. Feb. 8, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no civilians were harmed in this strike.

11. Feb. 19, 2018, near Manbij, Syria, via NGO report: No Coalition strikes were conducted on that day in the geographic area of the reported civilian casualties.

12. Feb. 24, 2017, near Al-Qa’im, Iraq, via self-report: After a review of available information and strike video it was assessed that no civilians were harmed in this strike.

Although the Coalition takes extraordinary efforts to strike military targets in a manner that minimizes the risk of civilian casualties, in some incidents casualties are unavoidable. Five reports were assessed to be credible resulting in the unintended death of nine civilians.

A credible assessment means it is more likely than not a Coalition strike resulted in a civilian casualty. In each of the incidents below, the investigation assessed that although all feasible precautions were taken and the decision to strike complied with the Law of Armed Conflict, unintended civilian casualties unfortunately occurred.

1. Sept. 20, 2015, near Mosul, Iraq, via media report: During a Sept. 21 strike on what was evaluated at the time to be an ISIS headquarters building. After receiving additional information, it was assessed that four civilians were unintentionally killed and two civilians were unintentionally injured in the building.

2. Jan. 30, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: During a strike on an ISIS weapons manufacturing facility, it was assessed that one civilian in the building was unintentionally killed.

3. Feb. 6, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: During a strike on ISIS fighters, it was assessed that three civilians were unintentionally injured when they entered the target area after the munition was released.

4. Feb. 12, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: During a strike on an ISIS VBIED facility, it was assessed that two civilians were unintentionally killed when they entered the target area after the munition was released.

5. Feb. 16, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report: During a strike on an ISIS VBIED facility, it was assessed that two civilians were unintentionally killed when they entered the target area after the munition was released.

Currently, 43 reports of possible civilian casualties are still being assessed:

1. April 22, 2015, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report, re-opened due to new information being provided.

2. March 23, 2016, near Hajj Ali, Iraq, via NGO report.

3. June 18, 2016, near Manbij, Syria, via NGO report.

4. Sept. 17, 2016, near Al Tabqah, Syria, via self-report.

5. Nov. 17, 2016, near Mosul, Iraq, via NGO report.

6. Dec. 11, 2016, near Mosul, Iraq, via NGO report.

7. Dec. 20, 2016, near Al Tabqah, Syria, via NGO report.

8. Dec. 29, 2016, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

9. Jan. 6, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report.

10. Jan. 15, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via social media report.

11. Jan. 16, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via self-report.

12. Jan. 17, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report.

13. Jan. 22, 2017, near Nayrab, Syria, via social media report.

14. Jan 26, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report.

15. Jan. 31, 2017, near Dayr Az Zayr, Syria, via self-report.

16. Jan. 31, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report.

17. Feb. 3, 2017, near Dayr Az Zayr, Syria, via social media report.

18. Feb. 7, 2017, near Idlib, Syria, via social media report.

19. Feb. 9, 2017, near Al Qaim, Iraq, via self-report.

20. Feb. 14, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via social media report.

21. Feb. 14, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report.

22. Feb. 16, 2017, near Tabqah, Syria, via social media report.

23. Feb. 16, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via social media report.

24. Feb. 17, 2017, near Tabqah, Syria, via social media report.

25. Feb. 18, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

26. Feb. 18, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

27. Feb. 19, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

28. Feb. 19, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

29. Feb. 19, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report.

30. Feb. 19, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report.

31. Feb. 20, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via media report.

32. Feb. 20, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via NGO report.

33. Feb. 20, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via social media report.

34. Feb. 20, 2017, near Dayr Az Zayr, Syria, via social media report.

35. Feb. 20, 2017, near Al Bab, Syria, via social media report.

36. Feb. 21, 2017, near Raqqah, Syria, via social media report.

37. Feb. 21, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via social media report.

38. Feb. 22, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

39. Feb. 22, 2017, near Tabqah, Syria, via social media report.

40. Feb. 23, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

41. Feb. 25, 2017, near Mosul, Iraq, via self-report.

42. Feb. 25, 2017, near Kheurbet el-Baida, Syria, via self-report.

43. Feb. 27, 2017, near Al Qaim, Iraq, via self-report.

Additionally, a 15-6 investigation has been opened in regard to strikes conducted on or about March 17, 2017, in the Al-Jadida neighborhood of Mosul, Iraq.

To date, based on information available, CJTF-OIR assesses that, it is more likely than not, at least 229 civilians have been unintentionally killed by Coalition strikes since the start of Operation Inherent Resolve. We regret the unintentional loss of civilian lives resulting from Coalition efforts to defeat ISIS in Iraq and Syria and express our deepest sympathies to the families and others affected by these strikes.

CJTF–OIR for March 31, 2017 – April 1, 2017

Report Date

April 1, 2017

On Mar. 31, Coalition military forces conducted 11 strikes consisting of 54 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of nine engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed three ISIS well heads.

* Near Ar Raqqah, four strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed a weapons storage facility and a VBIED; and damaged a bridge.

* Near Palmyra, one strike destroyed two ISIS-held buildings and a bunker entrance; and damaged two bunker entrances and an ISIS-held building.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted five strikes consisting of 45 engagements coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq against ISIS targets.

* Mosul, five strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units and an ISIS staging area; destroyed two fighting positions, a VBIED, a sniper weapon system, and a rocket-propelled grenade system; damaged three supply routes and a fighting position; and suppressed 12 ISIS mortar teams, four ISIS tactical units, two ISIS heavy machine gun teams, and an ISIS sniper team.

Report Date

April 1, 2017

Report Summary

  • 6 total strikes
  • 6 in Syria

Report Summary

  • 11 total strikes
  • 5 in Iraq (11550 – 11554)
  • 6 in Syria (7826 – 7831)

Confirmed Actions


On Mar. 31, Coalition military forces conducted 11 strikes consisting of 54 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted six strikes consisting of nine engagements against ISIS targets.

March 31, 2017
Syria: 6 strikes
Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed three ISIS well heads.
Near Ar Raqqah, four strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit; destroyed a weapons storage facility and a VBIED; and damaged a bridge.
Near Palmyra, one strike destroyed two ISIS-held buildings and a bunker entrance; and damaged two bunker entrances and an ISIS-held building.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted five strikes consisting of 45 engagements coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq against ISIS targets.

Mosul, five strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units and an ISIS staging area; destroyed two fighting positions, a VBIED, a sniper weapon system, and a rocket-propelled grenade system; damaged three supply routes and a fighting position; and suppressed 12 ISIS mortar teams, four ISIS tactical units, two ISIS heavy machine gun teams, and an ISIS sniper team.

UK MoD for March 30, 2017 – March 31, 2017

Report Date

March 31, 2017

Thursday 30 March – Typhoons attacked three Daesh targets that formed part of a defensive network south-west of Kirkuk…

The RAF has continued to support Iraqi forces in their effort to liberate western Mosul. While the operating environment in the city is very challenging, particularly given the closely-packed buildings, very narrow streets, and the density of the urban population, our aircrew have continued to deliver precision strikes in close support of Iraqi troops on the ground. Daesh’s current tactics, including the illegal use of civilians as human shields, and fighting from sites such as schools, hospitals, religious sites and civilian neighbourhoods, increases the risk to innocent life. While no military operations come without risk, particularly in dense urban environments and against such inhuman Daesh tactics, the RAF continues to take all steps necessary to minimise civilian causalities.

As Daesh continue to be driven out of areas of western Mosul by the Iraqi offensive to liberate the city, operations also continued against other pockets of Daesh occupation. Two Typhoons based at RAF Akrotiri targeted a fortified network of defensive positions, some 17 miles south-west of Kirkuk on Thursday 30 March. Three Paveway IV guided bombs were dropped in a simultaneous attack on two buildings within a Daesh-held compound, and a third building a short distance to the south. All three targets were destroyed.

Report Date

March 31, 2017

Thursday 30 March – Typhoons attacked three Daesh targets that formed part of a defensive network south-west of Kirkuk…

The RAF has continued to support Iraqi forces in their effort to liberate western Mosul. While the operating environment in the city is very challenging, particularly given the closely-packed buildings, very narrow streets, and the density of the urban population, our aircrew have continued to deliver precision strikes in close support of Iraqi troops on the ground. Daesh’s current tactics, including the illegal use of civilians as human shields, and fighting from sites such as schools, hospitals, religious sites and civilian neighbourhoods, increases the risk to innocent life. While no military operations come without risk, particularly in dense urban environments and against such inhuman Daesh tactics, the RAF continues to take all steps necessary to minimise civilian causalities.

As Daesh continue to be driven out of areas of western Mosul by the Iraqi offensive to liberate the city, operations also continued against other pockets of Daesh occupation. Two Typhoons based at RAF Akrotiri targeted a fortified network of defensive positions, some 17 miles south-west of Kirkuk on Thursday 30 March. Three Paveway IV guided bombs were dropped in a simultaneous attack on two buildings within a Daesh-held compound, and a third building a short distance to the south. All three targets were destroyed.

CJTF–OIR for March 30, 2017 – March 31, 2017

Report Date

March 31, 2017

On Mar. 30, Coalition military forces conducted 18 strikes consisting of 66 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes consisting of 10 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Abu Kamal, four strikes destroyed eight ISIS well heads and a pump jack.

* Near Ar Raqqah, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a front-end loader.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, four strikes destroyed nine ISIS well heads.

* Near Tabqah, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit; and destroyed a vehicle and a UAV.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted 8 strikes consisting of 56 engagements coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq against ISIS targets.

* Near Mosul, seven strikes engaged five ISIS tactical units; destroyed 18 vehicles, three VBIED factories, two tunnels, an artillery system, a VBIED, a mortar system, a tactical vehicle, a fighting position, and a front-end loader; damaged 12 supply routes; and suppressed six ISIS mortar teams and an ISIS tactical unit.

* Near Rawah, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit; and destroyed an ISIS-held building and a tactical vehicle.

Report Date

March 31, 2017

Report Summary

  • 18 total strikes
  • 10 in Syria
  • 8 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 18 total strikes
  • 8 in Iraq (11542 – 11549)
  • 10 in Syria (7816 – 7825)

Confirmed Actions


On Mar. 30, Coalition military forces conducted 18 strikes consisting of 66 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes consisting of 10 engagements against ISIS targets.

March 30, 2017
Syria: 10 strikes
Iraq: 8 strikes
Near Abu Kamal, four strikes destroyed eight ISIS well heads and a pump jack.
Near Ar Raqqah, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit and destroyed a front-end loader.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, four strikes destroyed nine ISIS well heads.
Near Tabqah, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit; and destroyed a vehicle and a UAV.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted 8 strikes consisting of 56 engagements coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq against ISIS targets.

Near Mosul, seven strikes engaged five ISIS tactical units; destroyed 18 vehicles, three VBIED factories, two tunnels, an artillery system, a VBIED, a mortar system, a tactical vehicle, a fighting position, and a front-end loader; damaged 12 supply routes; and suppressed six ISIS mortar teams and an ISIS tactical unit.
Near Rawah, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit; and destroyed an ISIS-held building and a tactical vehicle.

CJTF–OIR for March 29, 2017 – March 30, 2017

Report Date

March 30, 2017

On Mar. 29, Coalition military forces conducted 29 strikes consisting of 78 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 18 strikes consisting of 22 engagements against ISIS targets.

* Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed four ISIS well heads.

* Near Ar Raqqah, six strikes engaged four ISIS tactical units; and destroyed five oil tanker trucks, three vehicles, two tractors, an oil trailer, and a tactical vehicle.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, six strikes destroyed six ISIS oil tanker trucks, five well heads, two pump jacks, and an oil inlet manifold.

* Near Tabqah, four strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units; and destroyed two fighting positions, a vehicle, and a tactical vehicle.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted 11 strikes consisting of 56 engagements coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq against ISIS targets.

* Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.

* Near Mosul, seven strikes engaged five ISIS tactical units and an ISIS staging area; destroyed two command and control nodes, two mortar systems, a fighting position, and a UAV facility; damaged 19 supply routes; and suppressed 10 ISIS mortar teams and seven ISIS tactical units.

* Near Rawah, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit; and destroyed a weapons cache and a vehicle.

* Near Tal Afar, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit; and destroyed an ISIS headquarters and a VBIED factory.’

#Chammal : 10 frappes et 27 missions d

Report Date

March 30, 2017

Report Summary

  • 29 total strikes
  • 18 in Syria
  • 11 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 29 total strikes
  • 11 in Iraq (11531 – 11541)
  • 18 in Syria (7798 – 7815)

Confirmed Actions


On Mar. 29, Coalition military forces conducted 29 strikes consisting of 78 engagements against ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

In Syria, Coalition military forces conducted 18 strikes consisting of 22 engagements against ISIS targets.

March 29, 2017
Syria: 18 strikes
Iraq: 11 strikes
Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed four ISIS well heads.
Near Ar Raqqah, six strikes engaged four ISIS tactical units; and destroyed five oil tanker trucks, three vehicles, two tractors, an oil trailer, and a tactical vehicle.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, six strikes destroyed six ISIS oil tanker trucks, five well heads, two pump jacks, and an oil inlet manifold.
Near Tabqah, four strikes engaged three ISIS tactical units; and destroyed two fighting positions, a vehicle, and a tactical vehicle.

In Iraq, Coalition military forces conducted 11 strikes consisting of 56 engagements coordinated with and in support of the government of Iraq against ISIS targets.

Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit.
Near Mosul, seven strikes engaged five ISIS tactical units and an ISIS staging area; destroyed two command and control nodes, two mortar systems, a fighting position, and a UAV facility; damaged 19 supply routes; and suppressed 10 ISIS mortar teams and seven ISIS tactical units.
Near Rawah, one strike engaged an ISIS tactical unit; and destroyed a weapons cache and a vehicle.
Near Tal Afar, two strikes engaged an ISIS tactical unit; and destroyed an ISIS headquarters and a VBIED factory.’

#Chammal : 10 frappes et 27 missions d

French MoD for March 29, 2017 – March 30, 2017

Report Date

March 30, 2017


In the past week, France reports carrying out 10 strikes of which 2 planned. They have destroyed 13 targets. In Iraq, all six strikes were carried out in the Mosul area at the request of Iraqi troops engaged in the ground combat. In Syria, two strikes were carried out in the western region of Raqqa, in support of the offensive near the Tabqah dam. Two other strikes were carried out against planned targets, one of which was led by the Atlantic 2, in order to put the Daesh oil infrastructure out of use. Task force Wagram carried out 27 missions in Mosul.


Appréciation de la situation

Point de situation des opérations au 30 mars 2017

En Syrie, la semaine a été marquée par les opérations menées par les Forces Démocratiques Syriennes (FDS) dans la région de Tabqah. Alors que l’aéroport a été repris, les combats se poursuivent pour reprendre le barrage de Tabqah. Le contrôle de ce verrou revêt un caractère stratégique dans la manœuvre d’isolement progressif des approches de Raqqah destinée à préparer l’offensive visant à reprendre la ville.

Dans le reste du pays, la situation n’a pas connu d’évolution significative en dépit d’affrontements violents, notamment dans les régions de Palmyre et Deir Ez Zor.

En Irak, Daech poursuit sa campagne d’action asymétrique dans les régions de l’Anbar et dans la poche de résistance d’Hawijah sans pour autant avoir conduit d’action d’ampleur cette semaine.

Dans la région de Mossoul, l’isolement de la ville a été consolidé par la 9e division depuis Badush au Nord-Ouest en avançant le long du Tigre en direction de l’Est.

Dans la ville même, l’offensive n’a pas connu d’avancée significative cette semaine. Si Daech ne semble plus disposer de moyens suffisants pour mener des actions offensives coordonnées, les positions des combattants sont durcies et protégées dans le quartier de la vieille ville, et le piégeage du terrain comme l’utilisation de véhicules suicides chargés d’explosif (VBIED-Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devices) ainsi que la présence de population civile rendent difficile les progressions.

Dans ce contexte, les forces de sécurité irakiennes des FEDPOL (police fédérale irakienne) et des ERD (Emergency Response Division – division d’intervention Rapide) ont consolidé et sécurisé leurs positions au sud de la Médina tandis que l’ICTS a amorcé une série d’opérations périphériques qui ont permis de progresser à l’Ouest de la Médina et de consolider l’isolement de ce quartier.

Activité de la force

Appui aérien au Levant

Cette semaine, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 27 sorties aériennes dont 20 de reconnaissance armée ou d’appui au sol (CAS) et 7 de recueil de renseignements. 10 frappes ont été réalisées par les avions français, dont 2 planifiées. Elles ont permis la destruction de 13 objectifs.

En Irak, les 6 frappes réalisées ont toutes été menées dans la zone de Mossoul sur demande des troupes irakiennes engagées dans les combats au sol.

En Syrie deux frappes ont été réalisées dans la région ouest de Raqqah, en appui de l’offensive des FDS à proximité du barrage de Tabqah visant à parfaire l’isolement de la ville. Deux autres frappes ont été réalisées contre des objectifs planifiés, dont une guidée par l’Atlantique 2, afin de mettre hors d’usage des infrastructures pétrolières utilisées par Daech.

Appui feu – TF Wagram

La Task Force (TF) Wagram a poursuivi cette semaine ses missions de tir en appui de la 9e division.

Les 27 missions réalisées l’ont été en appui des combats visant à resserrer l’encerclement autour de la ville de Mossoul, dont 22 missions de neutralisation, et 5 missions d’appui éclairant ou fumigène.

L’effort a été marqué sur les points de franchissement du Tigre et dans les collines surplombant la région de Badush, zone refuge de combattants de Daech, faisant passer aux artilleurs de la TF Wagram le cap symbolique des 600 missions d’artillerie.

Report Date

March 30, 2017


In the past week, France reports carrying out 10 strikes of which 2 planned. They have destroyed 13 targets. In Iraq, all six strikes were carried out in the Mosul area at the request of Iraqi troops engaged in the ground combat. In Syria, two strikes were carried out in the western region of Raqqa, in support of the offensive near the Tabqah dam. Two other strikes were carried out against planned targets, one of which was led by the Atlantic 2, in order to put the Daesh oil infrastructure out of use. Task force Wagram carried out 27 missions in Mosul.


Appréciation de la situation

Point de situation des opérations au 30 mars 2017

En Syrie, la semaine a été marquée par les opérations menées par les Forces Démocratiques Syriennes (FDS) dans la région de Tabqah. Alors que l’aéroport a été repris, les combats se poursuivent pour reprendre le barrage de Tabqah. Le contrôle de ce verrou revêt un caractère stratégique dans la manœuvre d’isolement progressif des approches de Raqqah destinée à préparer l’offensive visant à reprendre la ville.

Dans le reste du pays, la situation n’a pas connu d’évolution significative en dépit d’affrontements violents, notamment dans les régions de Palmyre et Deir Ez Zor.

En Irak, Daech poursuit sa campagne d’action asymétrique dans les régions de l’Anbar et dans la poche de résistance d’Hawijah sans pour autant avoir conduit d’action d’ampleur cette semaine.

Dans la région de Mossoul, l’isolement de la ville a été consolidé par la 9e division depuis Badush au Nord-Ouest en avançant le long du Tigre en direction de l’Est.

Dans la ville même, l’offensive n’a pas connu d’avancée significative cette semaine. Si Daech ne semble plus disposer de moyens suffisants pour mener des actions offensives coordonnées, les positions des combattants sont durcies et protégées dans le quartier de la vieille ville, et le piégeage du terrain comme l’utilisation de véhicules suicides chargés d’explosif (VBIED-Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devices) ainsi que la présence de population civile rendent difficile les progressions.

Dans ce contexte, les forces de sécurité irakiennes des FEDPOL (police fédérale irakienne) et des ERD (Emergency Response Division – division d’intervention Rapide) ont consolidé et sécurisé leurs positions au sud de la Médina tandis que l’ICTS a amorcé une série d’opérations périphériques qui ont permis de progresser à l’Ouest de la Médina et de consolider l’isolement de ce quartier.

Activité de la force

Appui aérien au Levant

Cette semaine, les aéronefs de l’opération Chammal ont réalisé 27 sorties aériennes dont 20 de reconnaissance armée ou d’appui au sol (CAS) et 7 de recueil de renseignements. 10 frappes ont été réalisées par les avions français, dont 2 planifiées. Elles ont permis la destruction de 13 objectifs.

En Irak, les 6 frappes réalisées ont toutes été menées dans la zone de Mossoul sur demande des troupes irakiennes engagées dans les combats au sol.

En Syrie deux frappes ont été réalisées dans la région ouest de Raqqah, en appui de l’offensive des FDS à proximité du barrage de Tabqah visant à parfaire l’isolement de la ville. Deux autres frappes ont été réalisées contre des objectifs planifiés, dont une guidée par l’Atlantique 2, afin de mettre hors d’usage des infrastructures pétrolières utilisées par Daech.

Appui feu – TF Wagram

La Task Force (TF) Wagram a poursuivi cette semaine ses missions de tir en appui de la 9e division.

Les 27 missions réalisées l’ont été en appui des combats visant à resserrer l’encerclement autour de la ville de Mossoul, dont 22 missions de neutralisation, et 5 missions d’appui éclairant ou fumigène.

L’effort a été marqué sur les points de franchissement du Tigre et dans les collines surplombant la région de Badush, zone refuge de combattants de Daech, faisant passer aux artilleurs de la TF Wagram le cap symbolique des 600 missions d’artillerie.