US-led Coalition in Iraq & Syria

Civilians in the ruins of Mosul city. (Maranie R. Staab)

US-led Coalition
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UK MoD for October 6, 2016 – October 7, 2016

Report Date

October 7, 2016

Thursday 6 October – Typhoons attacked a Daesh command post in eastern Syria, while around Mosul, Tornados and a Reaper attacked three terrorist targets…With Iraqi operations to isolate Mosul continuing, Royal Air Force aircraft continued to provide close air support on Thursday 6 October. To the north and west of the city, a Reaper successfully engaged with Hellfire missiles both a mortar team and a group of terrorists caught in the open. The same day, a Tornado mission used an Enhanced Paveway II guided bomb against the entrance to a Daesh tunnel network. In eastern Syria, Typhoons used a Paveway IV guided bomb in a successful attack on a Daesh command post.

Report Date

October 7, 2016

Thursday 6 October – Typhoons attacked a Daesh command post in eastern Syria, while around Mosul, Tornados and a Reaper attacked three terrorist targets…With Iraqi operations to isolate Mosul continuing, Royal Air Force aircraft continued to provide close air support on Thursday 6 October. To the north and west of the city, a Reaper successfully engaged with Hellfire missiles both a mortar team and a group of terrorists caught in the open. The same day, a Tornado mission used an Enhanced Paveway II guided bomb against the entrance to a Daesh tunnel network. In eastern Syria, Typhoons used a Paveway IV guided bomb in a successful attack on a Daesh command post.

  • A refueling hose is brought onto the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower , Oct 6th (US Navy)

CJTF–OIR for October 5, 2016 – October 6, 2016

Report Date

October 6, 2016

On Oct. 5, coalition military forces conducted 27 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted nine strikes using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 18 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft and rocket artillery against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


* Near Ar Raqqah, three strikes destroyed nine ISIL oil tanker trucks, seven oil truck trailers, four oil pump jacks, an oil storage tank, and a front-end loader.
* Near Ayn Isa, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a front-end loader.
* Near Dayr Az Zawr, two strikes destroyed an ISIL oil well head and damaged two supply routes.
* Near Manbij, two strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units, destroyed three fighting positions and two heavy machine guns, and suppressed a mortar position.
* Near Mar’a, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit.


* Near Al Huwayjah, two strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.
* Near Baghdad, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit.
* Near Haditha, one strike engaged an ISIL staging area.
* Near Hit, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit; destroyed two ISIL-held buildings, a vehicle, and a weapons cache; and damaged a second ISIL-held building.
* Near Mosul, six strikes [1 British] engaged four ISIL tactical units and destroyed three vehicles, a weapons cache, two supply caches, a command and control node, a mortar system, and an anti-air artillery system.
* Near Qayyarah, one strike destroyed an ISIL mortar system and a fighting position.
* Near Ramadi, two strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two vehicles, two bunkers, and a tunnel entrance.
* Near Rawah, one strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle.
* Near Sultan Abdallah, one strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle.
* Near Tal Afar, two strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL-held buildings and a vehicle.

Additionally, due to a delayed strike assessment two strikes near Dayz Ar Zawr conducted on Oct. 4 were not reported on the Oct. 5 strike release. The correct assessment reads:


* Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed three ISIL oil well heads and an oil pump jack and damaged six supply routes

Report Date

October 6, 2016

Report Summary

  • 29 total strikes
  • 11 in Syria
  • 18 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 27 total strikes
  • 18 in Iraq (10062 – 10079)
  • 9 in Syria (5437 – 5445)

Confirmed Actions


On Oct. 5, coalition military forces conducted 27 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted nine strikes using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 18 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft and rocket artillery against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:

October 5, 2016
Syria: 9 strikes
Iraq: 18 strikes


Near Ar Raqqah, three strikes destroyed nine ISIL oil tanker trucks, seven oil truck trailers, four oil pump jacks, an oil storage tank, and a front-end loader.
Near Ayn Isa, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a front-end loader.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, two strikes destroyed an ISIL oil well head and damaged two supply routes.
Near Manbij, two strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units, destroyed three fighting positions and two heavy machine guns, and suppressed a mortar position.
Near Mar’a, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit.


Near Al Huwayjah, two strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.
Near Baghdad, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit.
Near Haditha, one strike engaged an ISIL staging area.
Near Hit, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit; destroyed two ISIL-held buildings, a vehicle, and a weapons cache; and damaged a second ISIL-held building.
Near Mosul, six strikes [1 British] engaged four ISIL tactical units and destroyed three vehicles, a weapons cache, two supply caches, a command and control node, a mortar system, and an anti-air artillery system.
Near Qayyarah, one strike destroyed an ISIL mortar system and a fighting position.
Near Ramadi, two strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two vehicles, two bunkers, and a tunnel entrance.
Near Rawah, one strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle.
Near Sultan Abdallah, one strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle.
Near Tal Afar, two strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL-held buildings and a vehicle.
October 4, 2016
Syria: 2 strikes
Additionally, due to a delayed strike assessment two strikes near Dayz Ar Zawr conducted on Oct. 4 were not reported on the Oct. 5 strike release. The correct assessment reads:


Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed three ISIL oil well heads and an oil pump jack and damaged six supply routes
  • An F/A-18C Hornet prepares to launch off of the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, Oct 5th (US Navy)

Danish MoD for October 5, 2016 – October 6, 2016

Report Date

October 6, 2016


For Sept 28th – Oct 5th, Denmark report flying nine missions over the Iraqi provinces of Irbil, Nineweh, At Ta’mim, Dahuk and Salah Ad Din and the Syrian governorates of Ar Raqqah, Halab, Homs, Al Hasakah and Dayr Az Zawr. They report dropping six precision bombs. Targets destroyed include Daesh warehouse, buildings, personnel and IEDs.

Mission Update nr. 16

Opdatering fra de danske styrker i internationale missioner

06-10-2016 – kl. 12:14

Af Værnsfælles Forsvarskommando

Operation Inherent Resolve


De danske F-16 har i den seneste uge fløjet 9 missioner, hvor der er gennemført

overvågning, efterretningsindhentning og angreb på et lager med morterer,

morterpositioner, bygninger med ISIL personel og ISIL personel som udlagde

improviserede sprængladninger (IED).

Missionerne er foregået over de irakiske provinser Erbil, Ninawa, At Ta’mim, Dahuk og Salah Ad Din samt de syriske provinser Ar Raqqah, Halab, Hims, Al Hasakah og Dayr Az Zawr.

Fra onsdag den 28. september kl. 12.00 til onsdag den 5. oktober kl. 11.00 er

følgende gældende:

– Der er fløjet 9 missioner

– Der er anvendt 6 præcisionsbomber

– Der er dermed totalt fløjet 166 missioner

– Der er totalt anvendt 231 præcisionsbomber


Træningen af 298 politisoldater og officerer fra det irakiske Boarder Guard Police er netop afsluttet. Træningen af andre enheder gennemføres indtil 17. oktober.


Radarbidraget har til stadighed støttet koalitionen i kampen mod ISIL med både

radar- og link billede samt kommando og kontrol af koalitionens fly.

I foregående uge har bidraget i særlig grad været beskæftiget med luftrumskoordinering mellem artilleri samt bemandede og ubemandede fly til støtte for offensive operationer på landjorden, der dog har været udfordret af sandstorme i området. Radaren har været til planlagt eftersyn, der gik uproblematisk og hurtigere end forventet.


Ugens missioner er gennemført som transportmissioner af i alt mere end 65 ton gods og 128 passagerer til Tyrkiet og Irak. I september måned har bidraget transporteret 151 personer og 165 ton gods, hvilket er på linje med de første tre måneder af indsættelsen i operationen.

Standard NATO Monitoring Group 2

Forsvarets fleksible støtteskib, ABSALON, har gennemført patrulje i det vestlige

Middelhav i rammen af NATO’s Operation ACTIVE ENDEAVOUR.

ABSALON har forladt Middelhavet ved månedsskiftet for at sejle mod de britiske øer.

ABSALON skal sammen med den canadiske enhed CHARLOTTETOWN, der ligeledes indgår i Standard NATO Monitoring Group 2, deltage i den store øvelse Joint Warrior. Denne øvelse løber af stabelen to gange hvert år, og i dette efterår er det i perioden 10. – 21. oktober.

Forsvaret deltager ofte med enheder af ABSALON-klassen, IVER HUITFELDT-klassen og THETIS-klassen. Øvelsen indeholder en række scenarier, der omfatter både krise og krig.

I øvelsen deltager der skibe, fly samt tropper i land.

Se evt. mere information her:

Efter afslutning på øvelsen returnerer ABSALON til Middelhavet.

Forventet hjemkomst til Danmark er fortsat primo december.

Andre missioner

Der er intet at bemærke fra de øvrige danske missioner i udlandet.

Report Date

October 6, 2016


For Sept 28th – Oct 5th, Denmark report flying nine missions over the Iraqi provinces of Irbil, Nineweh, At Ta’mim, Dahuk and Salah Ad Din and the Syrian governorates of Ar Raqqah, Halab, Homs, Al Hasakah and Dayr Az Zawr. They report dropping six precision bombs. Targets destroyed include Daesh warehouse, buildings, personnel and IEDs.

Mission Update nr. 16

Opdatering fra de danske styrker i internationale missioner

06-10-2016 – kl. 12:14

Af Værnsfælles Forsvarskommando

Operation Inherent Resolve


De danske F-16 har i den seneste uge fløjet 9 missioner, hvor der er gennemført

overvågning, efterretningsindhentning og angreb på et lager med morterer,

morterpositioner, bygninger med ISIL personel og ISIL personel som udlagde

improviserede sprængladninger (IED).

Missionerne er foregået over de irakiske provinser Erbil, Ninawa, At Ta’mim, Dahuk og Salah Ad Din samt de syriske provinser Ar Raqqah, Halab, Hims, Al Hasakah og Dayr Az Zawr.

Fra onsdag den 28. september kl. 12.00 til onsdag den 5. oktober kl. 11.00 er

følgende gældende:

– Der er fløjet 9 missioner

– Der er anvendt 6 præcisionsbomber

– Der er dermed totalt fløjet 166 missioner

– Der er totalt anvendt 231 præcisionsbomber


Træningen af 298 politisoldater og officerer fra det irakiske Boarder Guard Police er netop afsluttet. Træningen af andre enheder gennemføres indtil 17. oktober.


Radarbidraget har til stadighed støttet koalitionen i kampen mod ISIL med både

radar- og link billede samt kommando og kontrol af koalitionens fly.

I foregående uge har bidraget i særlig grad været beskæftiget med luftrumskoordinering mellem artilleri samt bemandede og ubemandede fly til støtte for offensive operationer på landjorden, der dog har været udfordret af sandstorme i området. Radaren har været til planlagt eftersyn, der gik uproblematisk og hurtigere end forventet.


Ugens missioner er gennemført som transportmissioner af i alt mere end 65 ton gods og 128 passagerer til Tyrkiet og Irak. I september måned har bidraget transporteret 151 personer og 165 ton gods, hvilket er på linje med de første tre måneder af indsættelsen i operationen.

Standard NATO Monitoring Group 2

Forsvarets fleksible støtteskib, ABSALON, har gennemført patrulje i det vestlige

Middelhav i rammen af NATO’s Operation ACTIVE ENDEAVOUR.

ABSALON har forladt Middelhavet ved månedsskiftet for at sejle mod de britiske øer.

ABSALON skal sammen med den canadiske enhed CHARLOTTETOWN, der ligeledes indgår i Standard NATO Monitoring Group 2, deltage i den store øvelse Joint Warrior. Denne øvelse løber af stabelen to gange hvert år, og i dette efterår er det i perioden 10. – 21. oktober.

Forsvaret deltager ofte med enheder af ABSALON-klassen, IVER HUITFELDT-klassen og THETIS-klassen. Øvelsen indeholder en række scenarier, der omfatter både krise og krig.

I øvelsen deltager der skibe, fly samt tropper i land.

Se evt. mere information her:

Efter afslutning på øvelsen returnerer ABSALON til Middelhavet.

Forventet hjemkomst til Danmark er fortsat primo december.

Andre missioner

Der er intet at bemærke fra de øvrige danske missioner i udlandet.

French MoD for October 5, 2016 – October 6, 2016

Report Date

October 6, 2016


France reports 15 strikes – 13 in Iraq and 2 in Syria – destroying 19 targets in the last week.

Point de situation du 6 octobre 2016

Ajouter aux favoris

Mise à jour : 06/10/2016 20:01



Sur l’ensemble du théâtre du Levant, la pression continue d’augmenter sur les dernières grandes emprises de Daech. Peu à peu affaiblie par les avancées militaires, l’organisation fait face à une augmentation du nombre de défections dans ses rangs et adapte ses modes d’action à la situation : elle multiplie les attentats et les actions de harcèlement, notamment dans l’Anbar et à Bagdad, pour fixer les troupes et gêner la poursuite de la libération progressive du territoire.


Sur l’ensemble du théâtre, la préparation des opérations futures se traduit par une phase de repositionnement ou de consolidation des lignes de défense qui limitent les activités des forces.

Appui : volet aérien

Le groupe aéronaval (GAN) a achevé sa phase de montée en puissance. Il a donc intégré officiellement l’opération Chammal le 30 septembre. Les avions qu’il met en œuvre effectuent, depuis, des missions opérationnelles au sein de la coalition.

Cette semaine, 63 sorties ont été conduites par les avions français de l’opération Chammal au profit de la coalition :

7 vols d’ISR ont été menés par des Rafale ou par l’ATL2 tandis que les avions de commandement et de contrôle de l’espace aérien ont réalisé 6 sorties (E-2C Hawkeye et E-3F Awacs).
50 sorties de reconnaissances armées et de frappes planifiées (CAS/AI) de Rafale ont ainsi permis la réalisation de 15 frappes et la destruction de 19 objectifs.

Appui feu – TF Wagram

La TF Wagram déployée sur la base de Q-West a atteint sa pleine capacité opérationnelle. Elle poursuit ses actions en coordination avec les autres éléments d’artillerie de la coalition et en appui des troupes irakiennes au sol.

Cette semaine, la TF Wagram a concentré son action sur la défense de la base avancée de la coalition et l’appui aux FSI dans la région de Qayyarah :

15 missions visant à entraver la liberté de manœuvre de l’ennemi (ex : séquence de tir pour empêcher la mise en batterie de pièces d’appui de Daech),
6 missions de tirs d’obus éclairants pour favoriser les détections par les FSI et gêner les tentatives d’infiltration,
1 mission de destruction de position ennemie (tir de contre batterie contre un emplacement de mortier de Daech).

Les engagements du GAN et de la TF Wagram au sein de l’opération Chammal correspondent à la volonté politique française d’intensification de l’effort contre Daech.

Ces moyens inscrivent leur action dans celle de la coalition. Ils viennent compléter les moyens de l’armée de l’air (avions de chasse, ravitailleurs, E-3F) et de la marine (Atlantique 2 –ATL2) déployés en permanence depuis 2 ans sur zone. Les vols réalisés par le groupe aérien embarqué comme les appuis que viennent fournir les canons Caesar constituent un renforcement significatif de notre pilier appui au sein de l’opération qui permet potentiellement d’intensifier les frappes.

Le pilier appui de l’opération Chammal constitué autour des moyens aériens et d’artillerie est complété par le pilier formation avec les détachements français présents à Bagdad et à Erbil  au sein des TF Narvik et Montsabert au service des forces armées irakiennes.

Report Date

October 6, 2016


France reports 15 strikes – 13 in Iraq and 2 in Syria – destroying 19 targets in the last week.

Point de situation du 6 octobre 2016

Ajouter aux favoris


Mise à jour : 06/10/2016 20:01



Sur l’ensemble du théâtre du Levant, la pression continue d’augmenter sur les dernières grandes emprises de Daech. Peu à peu affaiblie par les avancées militaires, l’organisation fait face à une augmentation du nombre de défections dans ses rangs et adapte ses modes d’action à la situation : elle multiplie les attentats et les actions de harcèlement, notamment dans l’Anbar et à Bagdad, pour fixer les troupes et gêner la poursuite de la libération progressive du territoire.


Sur l’ensemble du théâtre, la préparation des opérations futures se traduit par une phase de repositionnement ou de consolidation des lignes de défense qui limitent les activités des forces.

Appui : volet aérien

Le groupe aéronaval (GAN) a achevé sa phase de montée en puissance. Il a donc intégré officiellement l’opération Chammal le 30 septembre. Les avions qu’il met en œuvre effectuent, depuis, des missions opérationnelles au sein de la coalition.

Cette semaine, 63 sorties ont été conduites par les avions français de l’opération Chammal au profit de la coalition :

7 vols d’ISR ont été menés par des Rafale ou par l’ATL2 tandis que les avions de commandement et de contrôle de l’espace aérien ont réalisé 6 sorties (E-2C Hawkeye et E-3F Awacs).

50 sorties de reconnaissances armées et de frappes planifiées (CAS/AI) de Rafale ont ainsi permis la réalisation de 15 frappes et la destruction de 19 objectifs.

Appui feu – TF Wagram

La TF Wagram déployée sur la base de Q-West a atteint sa pleine capacité opérationnelle. Elle poursuit ses actions en coordination avec les autres éléments d’artillerie de la coalition et en appui des troupes irakiennes au sol.


Cette semaine, la TF Wagram a concentré son action sur la défense de la base avancée de la coalition et l’appui aux FSI dans la région de Qayyarah :

15 missions visant à entraver la liberté de manœuvre de l’ennemi (ex : séquence de tir pour empêcher la mise en batterie de pièces d’appui de Daech),

6 missions de tirs d’obus éclairants pour favoriser les détections par les FSI et gêner les tentatives d’infiltration,

1 mission de destruction de position ennemie (tir de contre batterie contre un emplacement de mortier de Daech).

Les engagements du GAN et de la TF Wagram au sein de l’opération Chammal correspondent à la volonté politique française d’intensification de l’effort contre Daech.

Ces moyens inscrivent leur action dans celle de la coalition. Ils viennent compléter les moyens de l’armée de l’air (avions de chasse, ravitailleurs, E-3F) et de la marine (Atlantique 2 –ATL2) déployés en permanence depuis 2 ans sur zone. Les vols réalisés par le groupe aérien embarqué comme les appuis que viennent fournir les canons Caesar constituent un renforcement significatif de notre pilier appui au sein de l’opération qui permet potentiellement d’intensifier les frappes.

Le pilier appui de l’opération Chammal constitué autour des moyens aériens et d

UK MoD for October 5, 2016 – October 6, 2016

Report Date

October 6, 2016

Wednesday 5 October – Tornados destroyed an armed truck south-east of Mosul, while Typhoons struck terrorist fighters operating north of Taji…Tornados were again in action south of Mosul on Wednesday 5 October, where they bombed an armed truck. In central Iraq, Typhoons attacked a small group of terrorists who had been spotted north of Taji. Working in close concert with a coalition surveillance aircraft, the Typhoons successfully killed the extremists with two Paveway IV attacks.

Report Date

October 6, 2016

Wednesday 5 October – Tornados destroyed an armed truck south-east of Mosul, while Typhoons struck terrorist fighters operating north of Taji…Tornados were again in action south of Mosul on Wednesday 5 October, where they bombed an armed truck. In central Iraq, Typhoons attacked a small group of terrorists who had been spotted north of Taji. Working in close concert with a coalition surveillance aircraft, the Typhoons successfully killed the extremists with two Paveway IV attacks.

CJTF–OIR for October 4, 2016 – October 5, 2016

Report Date

October 5, 2016

On Oct. 4, coalition military forces conducted 28 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 14 strikes using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 14 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


* Near Abu Kamal, four strikes destroyed three ISIL oil well heads, six supply routes, and an oil pump jack.
* Near Al Shadaddi, two strikes destroyed two ISIL front-end loaders.
* Near Ayn Isa, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.
* Near Dayr Az Zawr, two strikes destroyed four ISIL oil collection pools, three oil well heads, and two vehicles.
* Near Mar’a, five strikes engaged three ISIL tactical units; destroyed three fighting positions and a mortar system; and suppressed a heavy machine gun firing position.


* Near Hit, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit.
* Near Kisik, two strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit; destroyed a vehicle, a tunnel, and a weapons cache; and suppressed a mortar firing position.
* Near Mosul, six strikes [1 British] engaged an ISIL tactical unit; destroyed three fighting positions, an oil tanker truck, an ISIL-held building, an explosives cache, a weapons cache, a command and control node, and a vehicle; and damaged an oil tanker truck.
* Near Qayyarah, two strikes engaged an ISIL tactial unit, destroyed an ISIL-held building, and damaged a repeater tower power generator.
* Near Ramadi, three strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit; destroyed a tractor, a vehicle, a VBIED, a supply cache, a tunnel, and an ISIL-held building; and damaged a second ISIL-held building.

Report Date

October 5, 2016

Report Summary

  • 28 total strikes
  • 14 in Syria
  • 14 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 28 total strikes
  • 14 in Iraq (10048 – 10061)
  • 14 in Syria (5421 – 5436)


  • +2* in Syria

Confirmed Actions


On Oct. 4, coalition military forces conducted 28 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 14 strikes using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 14 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


October 4, 2016
Syria: 14 strikes
Iraq: 14 strikes
Near Abu Kamal, four strikes destroyed three ISIL oil well heads, six supply routes, and an oil pump jack.
Near Al Shadaddi, two strikes destroyed two ISIL front-end loaders.
Near Ayn Isa, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, two strikes destroyed four ISIL oil collection pools, three oil well heads, and two vehicles.
Near Mar’a, five strikes engaged three ISIL tactical units; destroyed three fighting positions and a mortar system; and suppressed a heavy machine gun firing position.


Near Hit, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit.
Near Kisik, two strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit; destroyed a vehicle, a tunnel, and a weapons cache; and suppressed a mortar firing position.
Near Mosul, six strikes [1 British] engaged an ISIL tactical unit; destroyed three fighting positions, an oil tanker truck, an ISIL-held building, an explosives cache, a weapons cache, a command and control node, and a vehicle; and damaged an oil tanker truck.
Near Qayyarah, two strikes engaged an ISIL tactial unit, destroyed an ISIL-held building, and damaged a repeater tower power generator.
Near Ramadi, three strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit; destroyed a tractor, a vehicle, a VBIED, a supply cache, a tunnel, and an ISIL-held building; and damaged a second ISIL-held building.

UK MoD for October 4, 2016 – October 5, 2016

Report Date

October 5, 2016

Tuesday 4 October – A Reaper bombed a vehicle dug-in as part of the terrorist defences north of Mosul…On Tuesday 4 October, a Reaper remotely piloted aircraft conducted armed reconnaissance north of Mosul. The Reaper’s crew located a large fuel tanker dug-in as part of the defensive positions constructed by Daesh near Batnay. The tanker was burning oil to create a smoke screen in order to shield Daesh fighters against attacking ground forces. The Reaper scored a direct hit with a GBU-12 guided bomb. The Reaper then provided surveillance support to a coalition air strike against nearby positions.

Report Date

October 5, 2016

Tuesday 4 October – A Reaper bombed a vehicle dug-in as part of the terrorist defences north of Mosul…On Tuesday 4 October, a Reaper remotely piloted aircraft conducted armed reconnaissance north of Mosul. The Reaper’s crew located a large fuel tanker dug-in as part of the defensive positions constructed by Daesh near Batnay. The tanker was burning oil to create a smoke screen in order to shield Daesh fighters against attacking ground forces. The Reaper scored a direct hit with a GBU-12 guided bomb. The Reaper then provided surveillance support to a coalition air strike against nearby positions.

  • An F/A-18F Super Hornet makes an arrested landing on the flight deck, Oct 4th (US Navy)

French MoD for October 4, 2016 – October 5, 2016

Report Date

October 5, 2016

Report Date

October 5, 2016

Report Summary

  • 29 total strikes
  • 11 in Syria
  • 18 in Iraq

On Oct. 5, coalition military forces conducted 27 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted nine strikes using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 18 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft and rocket artillery against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


October 5, 2016
Syria: 11 strikes
Iraq: 18 strikes
Near Ar Raqqah, three strikes destroyed nine ISIL oil tanker trucks, seven oil truck trailers, four oil pump jacks, an oil storage tank, and a front-end loader.
Near Ayn Isa, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a front-end loader.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, two strikes destroyed an ISIL oil well head and damaged two supply routes.
Near Manbij, two strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units, destroyed three fighting positions and two heavy machine guns, and suppressed a mortar position.
Near Mar’a, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit.


Near Al Huwayjah, two strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.
Near Baghdad, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit.
Near Haditha, one strike engaged an ISIL staging area.
Near Hit, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit; destroyed two ISIL-held buildings, a vehicle, and a weapons cache; and damaged a second ISIL-held building.
Near Mosul, six strikes [1 British] engaged four ISIL tactical units and destroyed three vehicles, a weapons cache, two supply caches, a command and control node, a mortar system, and an anti-air artillery system.
Near Qayyarah, one strike destroyed an ISIL mortar system and a fighting position.
Near Ramadi, two strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two vehicles, two bunkers, and a tunnel entrance.
Near Rawah, one strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle.
Near Sultan Abdallah, one strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle.
Near Tal Afar, two strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units and destroyed two ISIL-held buildings and a vehicle.

Additionally, due to a delayed strike assessment two strikes near Dayz Ar Zawr conducted on Oct. 4 were not reported on the Oct. 5 strike release. The correct assessment reads:


Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed three ISIL oil well heads and an oil pump jack and damaged six supply routes

CJTF–OIR for October 3, 2016 – October 4, 2016

Report Date

October 4, 2016

On Oct. 3, coalition military forces conducted 26 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 16 strikes using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft and rocket artillery against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


* Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed three oil well heads and two oil tanker trucks.

* Near Al Shadaddi, three strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units and destroyed two fighting positions and a vehicle.

* Near Ar Raqqah, two strikes destroyed three ISIL oil well heads, an oil storage tank, and an oil drum cache.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, three strikes destroyed 11 ISIL petroleum, oil and lubricant equipment assets, nine oil tanker trucks, and two oil well heads.

* Near Idlib, one strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.

* Near Manbij, one strike destroyed an ISIL machine gun.

* Near Mar’a, four strikes engaged three ISIL tactical units and destroyed two fighting positions and a command and control node.


* Near Hit, two strikes engaged two ISIL tactical unit and destroyed 11 vehicles, five ISIL-held buildings, four weapons caches, two VBIEDs, and a heavy machine gun.

* Near Mosul, four strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units, two staging areas, a VBIED factory, a weapons factory, and a weapons logistics facility and destroyed four vehicles, two weapons caches, two supply caches, a command and control node, and two ISIL-held buildings.

* Near Qayyarah, one strike destroyed two ISIL vehicles.

* Near Ramadi, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.

* Near Sinjar, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a heavy machine gun.

* Near Sultan Abdallah, one strike destroyed an ISIL repeater tower power supply system.

Report Date

October 4, 2016

Report Summary

  • 26 total strikes
  • 16 in Syria
  • 10 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 26 total strikes
  • 10 in Iraq (10038 – 10047)
  • 16 in Syria (5405 – 5420)

Confirmed Actions


On Oct. 3, coalition military forces conducted 26 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 16 strikes using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft and rocket artillery against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


October 3, 2016
Syria: 16 strikes
Iraq: 10 strikes
Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed three oil well heads and two oil tanker trucks.
Near Al Shadaddi, three strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units and destroyed two fighting positions and a vehicle.
Near Ar Raqqah, two strikes destroyed three ISIL oil well heads, an oil storage tank, and an oil drum cache.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, three strikes destroyed 11 ISIL petroleum, oil and lubricant equipment assets, nine oil tanker trucks, and two oil well heads.
Near Idlib, one strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.
Near Manbij, one strike destroyed an ISIL machine gun.
Near Mar’a, four strikes engaged three ISIL tactical units and destroyed two fighting positions and a command and control node.


Near Hit, two strikes engaged two ISIL tactical unit and destroyed 11 vehicles, five ISIL-held buildings, four weapons caches, two VBIEDs, and a heavy machine gun.
Near Mosul, four strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units, two staging areas, a VBIED factory, a weapons factory, and a weapons logistics facility and destroyed four vehicles, two weapons caches, two supply caches, a command and control node, and two ISIL-held buildings.
Near Qayyarah, one strike destroyed two ISIL vehicles.
Near Ramadi, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.
Near Sinjar, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a heavy machine gun.
Near Sultan Abdallah, one strike destroyed an ISIL repeater tower power supply system.

UK MoD for October 3, 2016 – October 4, 2016

Report Date

October 4, 2016

Monday 3 October – Typhoons attacked a Daesh-held building in eastern Syria, while Tornados hit a terrorist communications installation in northern Iraq…Royal Air Force Typhoons provided close air support to Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), attacking Daesh positions in eastern Syria on Monday 3 October. A group of terrorists were identified holding a building in a rural area. The SDF held back while the Typhoons conducted a successful strike, demolishing the target with Paveway IV guided bombs. Across the border in northern Iraq, Tornados provided support to Iraqi forces clearing Daesh from the Tigris valley south of Mosul. The aircraft used another Paveway IV to destroy a terrorist communications installation north of Al Hawd.

Report Date

October 4, 2016

Monday 3 October – Typhoons attacked a Daesh-held building in eastern Syria, while Tornados hit a terrorist communications installation in northern Iraq…Royal Air Force Typhoons provided close air support to Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), attacking Daesh positions in eastern Syria on Monday 3 October. A group of terrorists were identified holding a building in a rural area. The SDF held back while the Typhoons conducted a successful strike, demolishing the target with Paveway IV guided bombs. Across the border in northern Iraq, Tornados provided support to Iraqi forces clearing Daesh from the Tigris valley south of Mosul. The aircraft used another Paveway IV to destroy a terrorist communications installation north of Al Hawd.

  • The internal tank of an F/A-18E Super Hornet is defueled in the hangar bay of the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, Oct 3rd (US Navy)

UK MoD for October 2, 2016 – October 3, 2016

Report Date

October 3, 2016

Sunday 2 October – A Reaper destroyed an engineering vehicle north of Mosul and Tornados hit a headquarters and a group of terrorists east of that city. Typhoons also bombed six targets in the Qaraqosh, Bayji and Ramadi regions of northern and western Iraq…On Sunday 2 October, a Reaper was again active north of Mosul, near Tall Kayf. A Hellfire destroyed a digger which was being used by the terrorists to construct a defensive position. To the east of Mosul, Tornados used an Enhanced Paveway II bomb and a Paveway IV to attack a headquarters building and a group of Daesh extremists. The same day, to the south-east of Mosul, near Qaraqosh, Typhoons used Paveway IVs in a simultaneous attack on three Daesh-held buildings where a large group of fighters had assembled, including local commanders. A second Typhoon pair meanwhile operated over a large swathe of Iraqi territory. North of Ramadi, they destroyed a mortar team. They then headed north to the Bayji area where further Paveway attacks dealt with a terrorist strongpoint and transport vehicle.

Report Date

October 3, 2016

Sunday 2 October – A Reaper destroyed an engineering vehicle north of Mosul and Tornados hit a headquarters and a group of terrorists east of that city. Typhoons also bombed six targets in the Qaraqosh, Bayji and Ramadi regions of northern and western Iraq…On Sunday 2 October, a Reaper was again active north of Mosul, near Tall Kayf. A Hellfire destroyed a digger which was being used by the terrorists to construct a defensive position. To the east of Mosul, Tornados used an Enhanced Paveway II bomb and a Paveway IV to attack a headquarters building and a group of Daesh extremists. The same day, to the south-east of Mosul, near Qaraqosh, Typhoons used Paveway IVs in a simultaneous attack on three Daesh-held buildings where a large group of fighters had assembled, including local commanders. A second Typhoon pair meanwhile operated over a large swathe of Iraqi territory. North of Ramadi, they destroyed a mortar team. They then headed north to the Bayji area where further Paveway attacks dealt with a terrorist strongpoint and transport vehicle.

CJTF–OIR for October 2, 2016 – October 3, 2016

Report Date

October 3, 2016

On Oct. 2, coalition military forces conducted 34 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 20 strikes using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 14 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft and rocket artillery against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


* Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed seven ISIL oil storage tanks and two oil well heads.

* Near Al Shadaddi, three strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units and destroyed a vehicle.

* Near Ar Raqqah, five strikes destroyed two ISIL oil pump jacks, two oil well heads, a crane, and an oil tanker truck, and damaged four supply routes.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, three strikes destroyed an ISIL oil tanker truck and damaged four supply routes.

* Near Manbij, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a fighting position.

* Near Mar’a, seven strikes engaged five ISIL tactical units and destroyed three fighting positions, two VBIEDs, a heavy machine gun, and a vehicle.


* Near Bayji, one strike [British] destroyed an ISIL weapons cache and damaged a vehicle.

* Near Hit, one strike destroyed an ISIL heavy machine gun.

* Near Kisik, one strike destroyed two tunnel entrances and suppressed a mortar firing position.

* Near Mosul, four strikes [2 British] engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL headquarters buildings and a front-end loader.

* Near Ramadi, two strikes [1 British] engaged an ISIL tactical unit and a staging area and destroyed four vehicles, a fuel truck, three ISIL-held buildings, a weapons cache, a supply cache, and a mortar system.

* Near Rawah, one strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle storage area.

* Near Sultan Abdallah, two strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit; destroyed five ISIL-held buildings, and four repeater tower generators; and suppressed a light machine gun.

* Near Tal Afar, two strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units; destroyed two tunnel entrances, two ISIL-held buildings, and a vehicle; and suppressed a sniper firing position.

Report Date

October 3, 2016

Report Summary

  • 34 total strikes
  • 20 in Syria
  • 14 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 34 total strikes
  • 14 in Iraq (10024 – 10037)
  • 20 in Syria (5385 – 5404)

Confirmed Actions


On Oct. 2, coalition military forces conducted 34 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 20 strikes using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 14 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft and rocket artillery against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


October 2, 2016
Syria: 20 strikes
Iraq: 14 strikes
Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed seven ISIL oil storage tanks and two oil well heads.
Near Al Shadaddi, three strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units and destroyed a vehicle.
Near Ar Raqqah, five strikes destroyed two ISIL oil pump jacks, two oil well heads, a crane, and an oil tanker truck, and damaged four supply routes.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, three strikes destroyed an ISIL oil tanker truck and damaged four supply routes.
Near Manbij, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a fighting position.
Near Mar’a, seven strikes engaged five ISIL tactical units and destroyed three fighting positions, two VBIEDs, a heavy machine gun, and a vehicle.


Near Bayji, one strike [British] destroyed an ISIL weapons cache and damaged a vehicle.
Near Hit, one strike destroyed an ISIL heavy machine gun.
Near Kisik, one strike destroyed two tunnel entrances and suppressed a mortar firing position.
Near Mosul, four strikes [2 British] engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two ISIL headquarters buildings and a front-end loader.
Near Ramadi, two strikes [1 British] engaged an ISIL tactical unit and a staging area and destroyed four vehicles, a fuel truck, three ISIL-held buildings, a weapons cache, a supply cache, and a mortar system.
Near Rawah, one strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle storage area.
Near Sultan Abdallah, two strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit; destroyed five ISIL-held buildings, and four repeater tower generators; and suppressed a light machine gun.
Near Tal Afar, two strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units; destroyed two tunnel entrances, two ISIL-held buildings, and a vehicle; and suppressed a sniper firing position.

CJTF–OIR for October 1, 2016 – October 2, 2016

Report Date

October 2, 2016

On Oct. 1, coalition military forces conducted 19 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted nine strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft and rocket artillery against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


* Near Ar Raqqah, two strikes destroyed two oil pump jacks and damaged two supply routes.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed four oil well heads and four oil tanker trucks.

* Near Manbij, five strikes engaged four ISIL tactical units and destroyed three fighting positions and a vehicle.

* Near Mar’a, two strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units and destroyed four fighting positions and a vehicle.


* Near Al Huwayjah, one strike destroyed an ISIL modular oil refinery.

* Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed an ISIL homemade explosives cache.

* Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a mortar system and a supply cache.

* Near Hit, one strike destroyed a mortar system and a weapons cache.

* Near Kisik, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a staging area.

* Near Mosul, two strikes [1 British] destroyed two ISIL tactical units and destroyed six ISIL-held buildings, four tunnel entrances, and a command and control node.

* Near Ramadi, one strike [1 French with others] engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL-held building.

* Near Tal Afar, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit; destroyed a mortar system; and suppressed a mortar firing position.

Report Date

October 2, 2016

Report Summary

  • 19 total strikes
  • 10 in Syria
  • 9 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 19 total strikes
  • 9 in Iraq (10015 – 10023)
  • 10 in Syria (5375 – 5384)

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, France

On Oct. 1, coalition military forces conducted 19 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted nine strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft and rocket artillery against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


October 1, 2016
Syria: 10 strikes
Iraq: 9 strikes
Near Ar Raqqah, two strikes destroyed two oil pump jacks and damaged two supply routes.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed four oil well heads and four oil tanker trucks.
Near Manbij, five strikes engaged four ISIL tactical units and destroyed three fighting positions and a vehicle.
Near Mar’a, two strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units and destroyed four fighting positions and a vehicle.


Near Al Huwayjah, one strike destroyed an ISIL modular oil refinery.
Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed an ISIL homemade explosives cache.
Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a mortar system and a supply cache.
Near Hit, one strike destroyed a mortar system and a weapons cache.
Near Kisik, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a staging area.
Near Mosul, two strikes [1 British] destroyed two ISIL tactical units and destroyed six ISIL-held buildings, four tunnel entrances, and a command and control node.
Near Ramadi, one strike [1 French with others] engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL-held building.
Near Tal Afar, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit; destroyed a mortar system; and suppressed a mortar firing position.

UK MoD for October 1, 2016 – October 2, 2016

Report Date

October 2, 2016

Saturday 1 October – A Reaper struck a terrorist position near Mosul…A Reaper provided surveillance support to a coalition air strike north-west of Mosul on Saturday 1 October. It then used one of its own Hellfires to attack a Daesh position.

Report Date

October 2, 2016

Saturday 1 October – A Reaper struck a terrorist position near Mosul…A Reaper provided surveillance support to a coalition air strike north-west of Mosul on Saturday 1 October. It then used one of its own Hellfires to attack a Daesh position.

French MoD for October 1, 2016 – October 2, 2016

Report Date

October 2, 2016


France reports that from Sept 30th – 1st October, they’ve conducted 18 ground support sorties. On September 30th, they destroyed a Daesh defensive device overlooking the Tigris valley, northeast of Mosul. On the same day, three patrols of two Rafales were successively engaged in support of Iraqi ground troops. Three strikes were carried out and destroyed four Daesh fighting positions about 20km from Mosul. During the day of October 1st, a patrol of two Rafales conducted a strike northwest of Ramadi and destroyed a Daesh battle position. During this time, an E-2C Hawkeye conducted a surveillance operation while three reconnaissance sorties were carried out by a Rafale Marine Patrol and Atlantique 2 in Iraq and Syria.

Chammal : retour sur l’activité aérienne des dernières 48H

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Mise à jour : 02/10/2016 17:26

Les 30 septembre et 1er octobre 2016, les Rafale de l’armée de l’Air et les Rafale Marine du groupe aéronaval (GAN) ont mené 18 sorties d’appui au sol au profit des forces irakiennes. Le nouveau dispositif aérien de l’opération permet d’intensifier la participation de la France à la coalition internationale qui vise à vaincre Daech. Retour sur 48 heures d’activités qui ont vu, entre autres, la réalisation de cinq frappes dans les régions de Ramadi et Mossoul.

Le 30 septembre, les Rafale de l’armée de l’Air ont réalisé quatre sorties aériennes détruisant un dispositif défensif de Daech dans les reliefs qui surplombent la vallée du Tigre au nord-est de Mossoul. Dans la même journée, trois patrouilles composées de deux Rafale Marine ont été successivement engagées en appui des troupes irakiennes au sol. Trois frappes ont été réalisées et ont permis de détruire quatre positions de combat de Daech à une vingtaine de kilomètres de Mossoul. Pendant ce temps, l’E3F (AWACS), aéronef de détection et de contrôle aéroportés qui volait au-dessus du théâtre d’opérations, surveillait l’ensemble de l’activité aérienne.

Dans la journée du 1er octobre, les activités aériennes se sont poursuivies avec la réalisation de 8 sorties aériennes des Rafale (Marine et Air). Une patrouille de deux Rafale Marine a ainsi effectué une frappe au nord-ouest de la ville de Ramadi (centre de l’Irak), et a détruit une position de combat de Daech. Pendant, ce temps, un E2-C Hawkeye menait une opération de surveillance de l’espace aérien alors que trois sorties de reconnaissance étaient menées par une patrouille de Rafale Marine et un Atlantique 2 en Irak et en Syrie.

Ce déploiement du GAN permet d’intensifier le combat contre Daech en Irak et en Syrie marquant la détermination de la France à prendre toute sa part dans la lutte contre Daech. A ce jour, le dispositif complet de l’opération Chammal est structuré autour de trente-six Rafale (douze de l’armée de l’Air et vingt-quatre de la Marine nationale), d’un détachement d’artillerie CAESAR (Camion équipé d’un système d’artillerie), des bâtiments du groupe aéronaval, d’un avion de détection et de contrôle aéroportés E3F, d’un avion de ravitaillement C-135 Fr, de deux avions E-2C Hawkeye et d’un avion de patrouille maritime Atlantique 2. Il comprend également une centaine de militaires projetés à Bagdad et Erbil pour la formation et le conseil des états-majors et unités irakiennes.

Report Date

October 2, 2016


France reports that from Sept 30th – 1st October, they’ve conducted 18 ground support sorties. On September 30th, they destroyed a Daesh defensive device overlooking the Tigris valley, northeast of Mosul. On the same day, three patrols of two Rafales were successively engaged in support of Iraqi ground troops. Three strikes were carried out and destroyed four Daesh fighting positions about 20km from Mosul. During the day of October 1st, a patrol of two Rafales conducted a strike northwest of Ramadi and destroyed a Daesh battle position. During this time, an E-2C Hawkeye conducted a surveillance operation while three reconnaissance sorties were carried out by a Rafale Marine Patrol and Atlantique 2 in Iraq and Syria.

Chammal : retour sur l’activité aérienne des dernières 48H

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Mise à jour : 02/10/2016 17:26

Les 30 septembre et 1er octobre 2016, les Rafale de l’armée de l’Air et les Rafale Marine du groupe aéronaval (GAN) ont mené 18 sorties d’appui au sol au profit des forces irakiennes. Le nouveau dispositif aérien de l’opération permet d’intensifier la participation de la France à la coalition internationale qui vise à vaincre Daech. Retour sur 48 heures d’activités qui ont vu, entre autres, la réalisation de cinq frappes dans les régions de Ramadi et Mossoul.

Le 30 septembre, les Rafale de l’armée de l’Air ont réalisé quatre sorties aériennes détruisant un dispositif défensif de Daech dans les reliefs qui surplombent la vallée du Tigre au nord-est de Mossoul. Dans la même journée, trois patrouilles composées de deux Rafale Marine ont été successivement engagées en appui des troupes irakiennes au sol. Trois frappes ont été réalisées et ont permis de détruire quatre positions de combat de Daech à une vingtaine de kilomètres de Mossoul. Pendant ce temps, l’E3F (AWACS), aéronef de détection et de contrôle aéroportés qui volait au-dessus du théâtre d’opérations, surveillait l’ensemble de l’activité aérienne.

Dans la journée du 1er octobre, les activités aériennes se sont poursuivies avec la réalisation de 8 sorties aériennes des Rafale (Marine et Air). Une patrouille de deux Rafale Marine a ainsi effectué une frappe au nord-ouest de la ville de Ramadi (centre de l’Irak), et a détruit une position de combat de Daech. Pendant, ce temps, un E2-C Hawkeye menait une opération de surveillance de l’espace aérien alors que trois sorties de reconnaissance étaient menées par une patrouille de Rafale Marine et un Atlantique 2 en Irak et en Syrie.

Ce déploiement du GAN permet d’intensifier le combat contre Daech en Irak et en Syrie marquant la détermination de la France à prendre toute sa part dans la lutte contre Daech. A ce jour, le dispositif complet de l’opération Chammal est structuré autour de trente-six Rafale (douze de l’armée de l’Air et vingt-quatre de la Marine nationale), d’un détachement d’artillerie CAESAR (Camion équipé d’un système d’artillerie), des bâtiments du groupe aéronaval, d’un avion de détection et de contrôle aéroportés E3F, d’un avion de ravitaillement C-135 Fr, de deux avions E-2C Hawkeye et d’un avion de patrouille maritime Atlantique 2. Il comprend également une centaine de militaires projetés à Bagdad et Erbil pour la formation et le conseil des états-majors et unités irakiennes.

French MoD for October 1, 2016 – October 2, 2016

Report Date

October 2, 2016


France reports on TF Wagram – artillery detachment deployed to Iraq – represents a volume of about 150 French soldiers and includes, in addition 4 guns with teams required for their implementation, command elements and support elements to perform maintenance. The protection is divided among the coalition units present at Qayyarah West. This week, 32 sorties were carried out and three destroyed four targets.

Point de situation des opérations au 29 septembre 2016

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Mise à jour : 05/10/2016 16:08

Point de situation des opérations au 29 septembre 2016



Sur le théâtre du Levant, la coalition maintient une pression continue sur Daech qui est globalement en difficulté sur le plan territorial et qui voit les zones qu’elle contrôle s’amoindrir de jour en jour. Daech se tient dans une posture soit de résistance face aux offensives menées, soit de harcèlement pour gêner la progression.

En Irak, la reprise de la ville de Sharqat par les Forces de sécurité irakiennes (FSI) le 22 septembre a refermé la poche de résistance qui existait à proximité de Qayyarah. Ce type d’opération constitue la suite logique des opérations de l’été qui ont vu les FSI réaliser une percée vers le Nord en dépassant des poches de résistance du groupe terroriste qu’il s’agit aujourd’hui de réduire ou de sécuriser.


Le groupe aéronaval poursuit à ce stade sa phase de montée en puissance à proximité du théâtre.

Le détachement d’artillerie déployé en Irak sur la base de Qayyarah ouest est composé de 4 canons Caesar. Il a été baptisé du nom de TF Wagram, en hommage à la bataille éponyme de Napoléon.

Cette TF représente un volume d’environ 150 soldats français et comprend, outre les 4 canons avec les équipes nécessaires à leur mise en œuvre, des éléments de commandement ainsi que des éléments de soutien pour réaliser la maintenance, fournir les moyens de communication ainsi que le soutien santé. La protection est répartie entre les unités de la coalition présentes à Qayyarah ouest.

La TF Wagram, intégrée à l’opération Chammal, fait partie du volet « appui » de la coalition. Elle fournit une capacité à produire des effets tactiques au sein d’une manœuvre de la coalition, en complément des autres unités d’appui déployées.

Une première capacité opérationnelle initiale de la TF Wagram a été prononcée. Depuis le 20 septembre, elle a réalisé 3 séquences de tirs « limités », coordonnés au sein de la coalition, et en appui d’actions des troupes irakiennes au sol.

Cette semaine, 32 sorties aériennes ont été effectuées. 3 frappes ont permis la neutralisation de 4 objectifs.

Report Date

October 2, 2016


France reports on TF Wagram – artillery detachment deployed to Iraq – represents a volume of about 150 French soldiers and includes, in addition 4 guns with teams required for their implementation, command elements and support elements to perform maintenance. The protection is divided among the coalition units present at Qayyarah West. This week, 32 sorties were carried out and three destroyed four targets.

Point de situation des opérations au 29 septembre 2016

Ajouter aux favoris


Mise à jour : 05/10/2016 16:08

Point de situation des opérations au 29 septembre 2016



Sur le théâtre du Levant, la coalition maintient une pression continue sur Daech qui est globalement en difficulté sur le plan territorial et qui voit les zones qu’elle contrôle s’amoindrir de jour en jour. Daech se tient dans une posture soit de résistance face aux offensives menées, soit de harcèlement pour gêner la progression.

En Irak, la reprise de la ville de Sharqat par les Forces de sécurité irakiennes (FSI) le 22 septembre a refermé la poche de résistance qui existait à proximité de Qayyarah. Ce type d’opération constitue la suite logique des opérations de l’été qui ont vu les FSI réaliser une percée vers le Nord en dépassant des poches de résistance du groupe terroriste qu’il s’agit aujourd’hui de réduire ou de sécuriser.


Le groupe aéronaval poursuit à ce stade sa phase de montée en puissance à proximité du théâtre.

Le détachement d’artillerie déployé en Irak sur la base de Qayyarah ouest est composé de 4 canons Caesar. Il a été baptisé du nom de TF Wagram, en hommage à la bataille éponyme de Napoléon.

Cette TF représente un volume d’environ 150 soldats français et comprend, outre les 4 canons avec les équipes nécessaires à leur mise en œuvre, des éléments de commandement ainsi que des éléments de soutien pour réaliser la maintenance, fournir les moyens de communication ainsi que le soutien santé. La protection est répartie entre les unités de la coalition présentes à Qayyarah ouest.

La TF Wagram, intégrée à l’opération Chammal, fait partie du volet « appui » de la coalition. Elle fournit une capacité à produire des effets tactiques au sein d’une manœuvre de la coalition, en complément des autres unités d’appui déployées.

Une première capacité opérationnelle initiale de la TF Wagram a été prononcée. Depuis le 20 septembre, elle a réalisé 3 séquences de tirs « limités », coordonnés au sein de la coalition, et en appui d’actions des troupes irakiennes au sol.

Cette semaine, 32 sorties aériennes ont été effectuées. 3 frappes ont permis la neutralisation de 4 objectifs.

CJTF–OIR for September 30, 2016 – October 1, 2016

Report Date

October 1, 2016

On Sept. 30, coalition military forces conducted 23 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 12 strikes using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 11 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted, and rotary aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


* Near Abu Kamal, three strikes destroyed six oil tanker trucks, two vehicles, and an oil pump jack and damaged a vehicle and another oil tanker truck.

* Near Ar Raqqah, two strikes destroyed three oil tanker trucks, two oil pump jacks, a bulldozer, and an oil well head.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed 24 oil tanker trucks and two oil well heads.

* Near Manbij, three strikes engaged three ISIL tactical units and destroyed two fighting positions, a command and control node, a mortar system, and a vehicle.

* Near Mar’a, two strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units and destroyed a vehicle, a command and control node, a fighting position, and a heavy machine gun.

* Near Washiyah, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two vehicles.


* Near Al Qaim, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.

* Near Hit, one strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

* Near Mosul, six strikes engaged three ISIL tactical units and destroyed four ISIL-held buildings, two vehicles, two front-end loaders, two weapons caches and three tunnels entrances.

* Near Ramadi, two strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL-held building and a weapons cache.

* Near Sultan Abdallah, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed three vehicles.

Report Date

October 1, 2016

Report Summary

  • 23 total strikes
  • 12 in Syria
  • 11 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 23 total strikes
  • 11 in Iraq (10004 – 10014)
  • 12 in Syria (5363 – 5374)

Confirmed Actions

US, UK, France

On Sept. 30, coalition military forces conducted 23 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 12 strikes using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 11 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted, and rotary aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


September 30, 2016
Syria: 12 strikes
Iraq: 11 strikes
Near Abu Kamal, three strikes destroyed six oil tanker trucks, two vehicles, and an oil pump jack and damaged a vehicle and another oil tanker truck.
Near Ar Raqqah, two strikes destroyed three oil tanker trucks, two oil pump jacks, a bulldozer, and an oil well head.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed 24 oil tanker trucks and two oil well heads.
Near Manbij, three strikes engaged three ISIL tactical units and destroyed two fighting positions, a command and control node, a mortar system, and a vehicle.
Near Mar’a, two strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units and destroyed a vehicle, a command and control node, a fighting position, and a heavy machine gun.
Near Washiyah, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two vehicles.


Near Al Qaim, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle.
Near Hit, one strike destroyed an ISIL vehicle.
Near Mosul, six strikes engaged three ISIL tactical units and destroyed four ISIL-held buildings, two vehicles, two front-end loaders, two weapons caches and three tunnels entrances.
Near Ramadi, two strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an ISIL-held building and a weapons cache.
Near Sultan Abdallah, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed three vehicles.

UK MoD for September 30, 2016 – October 1, 2016

Report Date

October 1, 2016

Friday 30 September – Tornados bombed a rocket launcher north of Qayyarah…The next day [Sept 30th], two Tornados employed a Paveway IV to destroy a rocket-launcher north of Qayyarah.

Report Date

October 1, 2016

Friday 30 September – Tornados bombed a rocket launcher north of Qayyarah…The next day [Sept 30th], two Tornados employed a Paveway IV to destroy a rocket-launcher north of Qayyarah.

French MoD for September 30, 2016 – October 1, 2016

Report Date

October 1, 2016


France reports that from Sept 30th – 1st October, they’ve conducted 18 ground support sorties. On September 30th, they destroyed a Daesh defensive device overlooking the Tigris valley, northeast of Mosul. On the same day, three patrols of two Rafales were successively engaged in support of Iraqi ground troops. Three strikes were carried out and destroyed four Daesh fighting positions about 20km from Mosul.

Chammal : retour sur l’activité aérienne des dernières 48H

Ajouter aux favoris


Mise à jour : 02/10/2016 17:26

Les 30 septembre et 1er octobre 2016, les Rafale de l’armée de l’Air et les Rafale Marine du groupe aéronaval (GAN) ont mené 18 sorties d’appui au sol au profit des forces irakiennes. Le nouveau dispositif aérien de l’opération permet d’intensifier la participation de la France à la coalition internationale qui vise à vaincre Daech. Retour sur 48 heures d’activités qui ont vu, entre autres, la réalisation de cinq frappes dans les régions de Ramadi et Mossoul.

Le 30 septembre, les Rafale de l’armée de l’Air ont réalisé quatre sorties aériennes détruisant un dispositif défensif de Daech dans les reliefs qui surplombent la vallée du Tigre au nord-est de Mossoul. Dans la même journée, trois patrouilles composées de deux Rafale Marine ont été successivement engagées en appui des troupes irakiennes au sol. Trois frappes ont été réalisées et ont permis de détruire quatre positions de combat de Daech à une vingtaine de kilomètres de Mossoul. Pendant ce temps, l’E3F (AWACS), aéronef de détection et de contrôle aéroportés qui volait au-dessus du théâtre d’opérations, surveillait l’ensemble de l’activité aérienne.

Dans la journée du 1er octobre, les activités aériennes se sont poursuivies avec la réalisation de 8 sorties aériennes des Rafale (Marine et Air). Une patrouille de deux Rafale Marine a ainsi effectué une frappe au nord-ouest de la ville de Ramadi (centre de l’Irak), et a détruit une position de combat de Daech. Pendant, ce temps, un E2-C Hawkeye menait une opération de surveillance de l’espace aérien alors que trois sorties de reconnaissance étaient menées par une patrouille de Rafale Marine et un Atlantique 2 en Irak et en Syrie.

Ce déploiement du GAN permet d’intensifier le combat contre Daech en Irak et en Syrie marquant la détermination de la France à prendre toute sa part dans la lutte contre Daech. A ce jour, le dispositif complet de l’opération Chammal est structuré autour de trente-six Rafale (douze de l’armée de l’Air et vingt-quatre de la Marine nationale), d’un détachement d’artillerie CAESAR (Camion équipé d’un système d’artillerie), des bâtiments du groupe aéronaval, d’un avion de détection et de contrôle aéroportés E3F, d’un avion de ravitaillement C-135 Fr, de deux avions E-2C Hawkeye et d’un avion de patrouille maritime Atlantique 2. Il comprend également une centaine de militaires projetés à Bagdad et Erbil pour la formation et le conseil des états-majors et unités irakiennes.

Report Date

October 1, 2016


France reports that from Sept 30th – 1st October, they’ve conducted 18 ground support sorties. On September 30th, they destroyed a Daesh defensive device overlooking the Tigris valley, northeast of Mosul. On the same day, three patrols of two Rafales were successively engaged in support of Iraqi ground troops. Three strikes were carried out and destroyed four Daesh fighting positions about 20km from Mosul.

Chammal : retour sur l’activité aérienne des dernières 48H

Ajouter aux favoris


Mise à jour : 02/10/2016 17:26

Les 30 septembre et 1er octobre 2016, les Rafale de l’armée de l’Air et les Rafale Marine du groupe aéronaval (GAN) ont mené 18 sorties d’appui au sol au profit des forces irakiennes. Le nouveau dispositif aérien de l’opération permet d’intensifier la participation de la France à la coalition internationale qui vise à vaincre Daech. Retour sur 48 heures d’activités qui ont vu, entre autres, la réalisation de cinq frappes dans les régions de Ramadi et Mossoul.

Le 30 septembre, les Rafale de l’armée de l’Air ont réalisé quatre sorties aériennes détruisant un dispositif défensif de Daech dans les reliefs qui surplombent la vallée du Tigre au nord-est de Mossoul. Dans la même journée, trois patrouilles composées de deux Rafale Marine ont été successivement engagées en appui des troupes irakiennes au sol. Trois frappes ont été réalisées et ont permis de détruire quatre positions de combat de Daech à une vingtaine de kilomètres de Mossoul. Pendant ce temps, l’E3F (AWACS), aéronef de détection et de contrôle aéroportés qui volait au-dessus du théâtre d’opérations, surveillait l’ensemble de l’activité aérienne.

Dans la journée du 1er octobre, les activités aériennes se sont poursuivies avec la réalisation de 8 sorties aériennes des Rafale (Marine et Air). Une patrouille de deux Rafale Marine a ainsi effectué une frappe au nord-ouest de la ville de Ramadi (centre de l’Irak), et a détruit une position de combat de Daech. Pendant, ce temps, un E2-C Hawkeye menait une opération de surveillance de l’espace aérien alors que trois sorties de reconnaissance étaient menées par une patrouille de Rafale Marine et un Atlantique 2 en Irak et en Syrie.

Ce déploiement du GAN permet d’intensifier le combat contre Daech en Irak et en Syrie marquant la détermination de la France à prendre toute sa part dans la lutte contre Daech. A ce jour, le dispositif complet de l’opération Chammal est structuré autour de trente-six Rafale (douze de l’armée de l’Air et vingt-quatre de la Marine nationale), d’un détachement d’artillerie CAESAR (Camion équipé d’un système d’artillerie), des bâtiments du groupe aéronaval, d’un avion de détection et de contrôle aéroportés E3F, d’un avion de ravitaillement C-135 Fr, de deux avions E-2C Hawkeye et d’un avion de patrouille maritime Atlantique 2. Il comprend également une centaine de militaires projetés à Bagdad et Erbil pour la formation et le conseil des états-majors et unités irakiennes.

CJTF–OIR for September 29, 2016 – September 30, 2016

Report Date

September 30, 2016

On Sept. 29, coalition military forces conducted 24 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 17 strikes using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft and rocket artillery against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted seven strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


* Near Abu Kamal, one strike disabled a bridge along an ISIL supply route.

* Near Ar Raqqah, three strikes destroyed five ISIL oil pump jacks, three oil tanker trucks, and an oil well head.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, four strikes damaged four ISIL supply routes and disabled a bridge along an ISIL supply route.

* Near Manbij, three strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two VBIED facilities, a VBIED, a logistics node, and a fighting position.

* Near Mar’a, five strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed three VBIEDs, three fighting positions, and a weapons cache.

* Near Washiyah, one strike destroyed an ISIL VBIED factory.’


* Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed an ISIL heavy machine gun cache.

* Near Bashir, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and two staging areas and destroyed an excavator.

* Near Mosul, three strikes engaged three ISIL tactical units; destroyed six ISIL-held buildings, two compounds, and a vehicle; damaged a tunnel; and suppressed a mortar system.

* Near Ramadi, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit; destroyed two fighting positions, two buildings, and an artillery system; damaged a trench system; and suppressed a tactical unit.

* Near Tal Afar, one strike [1 British] destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

Report Date

September 30, 2016

Report Summary

  • 24 total strikes
  • 17 in Syria
  • 7 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 24 total strikes
  • 7 in Iraq (9997 – 10003)
  • 17 in Syria (5346 – 5362)

Confirmed Actions


On Sept. 29, coalition military forces conducted 24 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 17 strikes using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft and rocket artillery against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted seven strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, bomber, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


September 29, 2016
Syria: 17 strikes
Iraq: 7 strikes
Near Abu Kamal, one strike disabled a bridge along an ISIL supply route.
Near Ar Raqqah, three strikes destroyed five ISIL oil pump jacks, three oil tanker trucks, and an oil well head.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, four strikes damaged four ISIL supply routes and disabled a bridge along an ISIL supply route.
Near Manbij, three strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two VBIED facilities, a VBIED, a logistics node, and a fighting position.
Near Mar’a, five strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed three VBIEDs, three fighting positions, and a weapons cache.
Near Washiyah, one strike destroyed an ISIL VBIED factory.’


Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed an ISIL heavy machine gun cache.
Near Bashir, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and two staging areas and destroyed an excavator.
Near Mosul, three strikes engaged three ISIL tactical units; destroyed six ISIL-held buildings, two compounds, and a vehicle; damaged a tunnel; and suppressed a mortar system.
Near Ramadi, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit; destroyed two fighting positions, two buildings, and an artillery system; damaged a trench system; and suppressed a tactical unit.
Near Tal Afar, one strike [1 British] destroyed an ISIL vehicle.

UK MoD for September 29, 2016 – September 30, 2016

Report Date

September 30, 2016

Thursday 29 September – A Reaper destroyed an armed vehicle near Tall Afar in north-western Iraq…On Thursday 29 September, a Reaper conducted an armed reconnaissance mission over Tall Afar. It tracked down an armed truck which another coalition aircraft had encountered and although the vehicle was now concealed under trees, the Reaper scored a direct hit with a Hellfire.

Report Date

September 30, 2016

Thursday 29 September – A Reaper destroyed an armed vehicle near Tall Afar in north-western Iraq…On Thursday 29 September, a Reaper conducted an armed reconnaissance mission over Tall Afar. It tracked down an armed truck which another coalition aircraft had encountered and although the vehicle was now concealed under trees, the Reaper scored a direct hit with a Hellfire.’

A Machinist

  • A Machinist's Mate prepares to separate an afterburner for maintenance in the jet shop of the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, Spet 29th (US Navy)

CJTF–OIR for September 28, 2016 – September 29, 2016

Report Date

September 29, 2016

On Sept. 28, coalition military forces conducted 18 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted eight strikes using attack and fighter aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft and rocket artillery against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


* Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed two ISIL oil tanker trucks, an oil well head, and a pump jack and damaged three supply routes.

* Near Ar Raqqah, one strike destroyed two ISIL oil well heads.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed an oil tanker truck.

* Near Manbij, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit.

* Near Mar’a, three strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an IED, a fighting position, and a mortar system.


* Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed an ISIL VBIED facility.

* Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a fighting position.

* Near Haditha, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit.

* Near Kisik, two strikes destroyed an ISIL fighting position and suppressed two ISIL mortar firing positions.

* Near Mosul, four strikes [1 British] engaged two ISIL tactical units and destroyed a front-end loader, a weapons cache, and a vehicle.

* Near Ramadi, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle and two trench systems.

Report Date

September 29, 2016

Report Summary

  • 18 total strikes
  • 8 in Syria
  • 10 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 18 total strikes
  • 10 in Iraq (9987 – 9996)
  • 8 in Syria (5338 – 5345)

Confirmed Actions


On Sept. 28, coalition military forces conducted 18 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted eight strikes using attack and fighter aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft and rocket artillery against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


September 28, 2016
Syria: 8 strikes
Iraq: 10 strikes
Near Abu Kamal, two strikes destroyed two ISIL oil tanker trucks, an oil well head, and a pump jack and damaged three supply routes.
Near Ar Raqqah, one strike destroyed two ISIL oil well heads.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, one strike destroyed an oil tanker truck.
Near Manbij, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit.
Near Mar’a, three strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed an IED, a fighting position, and a mortar system.


Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed an ISIL VBIED facility.
Near Bayji, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a fighting position.
Near Haditha, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit.
Near Kisik, two strikes destroyed an ISIL fighting position and suppressed two ISIL mortar firing positions.
Near Mosul, four strikes [1 British] engaged two ISIL tactical units and destroyed a front-end loader, a weapons cache, and a vehicle.
Near Ramadi, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed a vehicle and two trench systems.

UK MoD for September 28, 2016 – September 29, 2016

Report Date

September 29, 2016

Wednesday 28 September – Typhoons attacked Daesh-held buildings north-east of Mosul, while a Reaper destroyed a vehicle-borne mortar north-east of Qayyarah in northern Iraq…A pair of Royal Air Force Typhoons operated to the north-east of Mosul on Wednesday 28 September, using three Paveway IV guided bombs against a cluster of Daesh-held buildings. To the south of Mosul, in the Tigris valley, a Reaper patrolled the area around Qayyarah, where it used a Hellfire missile to destroy a vehicle-mounted mortar.

Report Date

September 29, 2016

Wednesday 28 September – Typhoons attacked Daesh-held buildings north-east of Mosul, while a Reaper destroyed a vehicle-borne mortar north-east of Qayyarah in northern Iraq…A pair of Royal Air Force Typhoons operated to the north-east of Mosul on Wednesday 28 September, using three Paveway IV guided bombs against a cluster of Daesh-held buildings. To the south of Mosul, in the Tigris valley, a Reaper patrolled the area around Qayyarah, where it used a Hellfire missile to destroy a vehicle-mounted mortar.

Danish MoD for September 28, 2016 – September 29, 2016

Report Date

September 29, 2016


From Sept 21st – 28th, Denmark report flying 14 missions over the Iraqi provinces of Irbil, Nineweh, Salah Ad Din and the Syrian governorates of Ar Raqqah, Halab, Hasakah and Dayr Az Zawr. They have used their bombs 12 times and have attacked Daesh heavy machine gun positions, terrorists, weapons warehouses, vehicle-borne IEDs and rocket positions.

Mission Update nr. 15

Opdatering fra de danske styrker i internationale missioner.

29-09-2016 – kl. 12:55

Af Værnsfælles Forsvarskommando

Operation Inherent Resolve


De danske F-16 har i den seneste uge fløjet 14 missioner. Der er gennemført overvågning, efterretningsindhentning og angreb på en stilling med tungt maskingevær, ISIL personel, våbenlagre, køretøjsbårne IED (Improvised Explosive Device) og raketstillinger.

Missionerne er foregået over de irakiske provinser Erbil, Ninawa, Salah Ad Din og de syriske provinser Ar Raqqah, Halab, Hasakah og Dayr Az Zawr.

Fra onsdag 21. september kl. 12.00 til onsdag den 28. september kl. 12.00 er følgende gældende:

– Der er fløjet 14 missioner

– Der er anvendt 12 præcisionsbomber

– Der er dermed totalt fløjet 157 missioner

– Der er totalt anvendt 225 præcisionsbomber


Træningen af det irakiske Boarder Guard Police fortsætter.


I foregående uge har bidraget i særlig grad været beskæftiget med luftrumskoordinering mellem artilleri og bemandede og ubemandede fly til støtte for offensive operationer på landjorden.


Ugens missioner er gennemført som transportmissioner af i alt næsten 60 ton gods og 58 passagerer til Tyrkiet og Irak.

Andre missioner

Der er intet at bemærke fra de øvrige danske missioner i udlandet.

Report Date

September 29, 2016


From Sept 21st – 28th, Denmark report flying 14 missions over the Iraqi provinces of Irbil, Nineweh, Salah Ad Din and the Syrian governorates of Ar Raqqah, Halab, Hasakah and Dayr Az Zawr. They have used their bombs 12 times and have attacked Daesh heavy machine gun positions, terrorists, weapons warehouses, vehicle-borne IEDs and rocket positions.

Mission Update nr. 15

Opdatering fra de danske styrker i internationale missioner.

29-09-2016 – kl. 12:55

Af Værnsfælles Forsvarskommando

Operation Inherent Resolve


De danske F-16 har i den seneste uge fløjet 14 missioner. Der er gennemført overvågning, efterretningsindhentning og angreb på en stilling med tungt maskingevær, ISIL personel, våbenlagre, køretøjsbårne IED (Improvised Explosive Device) og raketstillinger.

Missionerne er foregået over de irakiske provinser Erbil, Ninawa, Salah Ad Din og de syriske provinser Ar Raqqah, Halab, Hasakah og Dayr Az Zawr.

Fra onsdag 21. september kl. 12.00 til onsdag den 28. september kl. 12.00 er følgende gældende:

– Der er fløjet 14 missioner

– Der er anvendt 12 præcisionsbomber

– Der er dermed totalt fløjet 157 missioner

– Der er totalt anvendt 225 præcisionsbomber


Træningen af det irakiske Boarder Guard Police fortsætter.


I foregående uge har bidraget i særlig grad været beskæftiget med luftrumskoordinering mellem artilleri og bemandede og ubemandede fly til støtte for offensive operationer på landjorden.


Ugens missioner er gennemført som transportmissioner af i alt næsten 60 ton gods og 58 passagerer til Tyrkiet og Irak.

Andre missioner

Der er intet at bemærke fra de øvrige danske missioner i udlandet.

French MoD for September 28, 2016 – September 29, 2016

Report Date

September 29, 2016


This week France reports three strike destroying four targets

Point de situation des opérations au 29 septembre 2016

Mise à jour : 29/09/2016 20:02

Point de situation des opérations au 29 septembre 2016



Sur le théâtre du Levant, la coalition maintient une pression continue sur Daech qui est globalement en difficulté sur le plan territorial et qui voit les zones qu’elle contrôle s’amoindrir de jour en jour. Daech se tient dans une posture soit de résistance face aux offensives menées, soit de harcèlement pour gêner la progression.

En Irak, la reprise de la ville de Sharqat par les Forces de sécurité irakiennes (FSI) le 22 septembre a refermé la poche de résistance qui existait à proximité de Qayyarah. Ce type d’opération constitue la suite logique des opérations de l’été qui ont vu les FSI réaliser une percée vers le Nord en dépassant des poches de résistance du groupe terroriste qu’il s’agit aujourd’hui de réduire ou de sécuriser.


Le groupe aéronaval poursuit à ce stade sa phase de montée en puissance à proximité du théâtre.

Le détachement d’artillerie déployé en Irak sur la base de Qayyarah ouest est composé de 4 canons Caesar. Il a été baptisé du nom de TF Wagram, en hommage à la bataille éponyme de Napoléon.

Cette TF représente un volume d’environ 150 soldats français et comprend, outre les 4 canons avec les équipes nécessaires à leur mise en œuvre, des éléments de commandement ainsi que des éléments de soutien pour réaliser la maintenance, fournir les moyens de communication ainsi que le soutien santé. La protection est répartie entre les unités de la coalition présentes à Qayyarah ouest.

La TF Wagram, intégrée à l’opération Chammal, fait partie du volet « appui » de la coalition. Elle fournit une capacité à produire des effets tactiques au sein d’une manœuvre de la coalition, en complément des autres unités d’appui déployées.

Une première capacité opérationnelle initiale de la TF Wagram a été prononcée. Depuis le 20 septembre, elle a réalisé 3 séquences de tirs « limités », coordonnés au sein de la coalition, et en appui d’actions des troupes irakiennes au sol.

Cette semaine, 32 sorties aériennes ont été effectuées. 3 frappes ont permis la neutralisation de 4 objectifs.

Report Date

September 29, 2016


This week France reports three strike destroying four targets

Point de situation des opérations au 29 septembre 2016

Mise à jour : 29/09/2016 20:02

Point de situation des opérations au 29 septembre 2016



Sur le théâtre du Levant, la coalition maintient une pression continue sur Daech qui est globalement en difficulté sur le plan territorial et qui voit les zones qu’elle contrôle s’amoindrir de jour en jour. Daech se tient dans une posture soit de résistance face aux offensives menées, soit de harcèlement pour gêner la progression.

En Irak, la reprise de la ville de Sharqat par les Forces de sécurité irakiennes (FSI) le 22 septembre a refermé la poche de résistance qui existait à proximité de Qayyarah. Ce type d’opération constitue la suite logique des opérations de l’été qui ont vu les FSI réaliser une percée vers le Nord en dépassant des poches de résistance du groupe terroriste qu’il s’agit aujourd’hui de réduire ou de sécuriser.


Le groupe aéronaval poursuit à ce stade sa phase de montée en puissance à proximité du théâtre.

Le détachement d’artillerie déployé en Irak sur la base de Qayyarah ouest est composé de 4 canons Caesar. Il a été baptisé du nom de TF Wagram, en hommage à la bataille éponyme de Napoléon.

Cette TF représente un volume d’environ 150 soldats français et comprend, outre les 4 canons avec les équipes nécessaires à leur mise en œuvre, des éléments de commandement ainsi que des éléments de soutien pour réaliser la maintenance, fournir les moyens de communication ainsi que le soutien santé. La protection est répartie entre les unités de la coalition présentes à Qayyarah ouest.

La TF Wagram, intégrée à l’opération Chammal, fait partie du volet « appui » de la coalition. Elle fournit une capacité à produire des effets tactiques au sein d’une manœuvre de la coalition, en complément des autres unités d’appui déployées.

Une première capacité opérationnelle initiale de la TF Wagram a été prononcée. Depuis le 20 septembre, elle a réalisé 3 séquences de tirs « limités », coordonnés au sein de la coalition, et en appui d’actions des troupes irakiennes au sol.

Cette semaine, 32 sorties aériennes ont été effectuées. 3 frappes ont permis la neutralisation de 4 objectifs.

UK MoD for September 27, 2016 – September 28, 2016

Report Date

September 28, 2016

Tuesday 27 September – Typhoons hit one mortar team near Qayyarah, and a second mortar team and an artillery piece to the north of Mosul…Two flights of Paveway IV-armed Typhoons continued operations in northern Iraq on Tuesday 27 September. They conducted successful strikes on a mortar team near Qayyarah, plus a second mortar and an artillery piece to the north of Mosul.

Report Date

September 28, 2016

Tuesday 27 September – Typhoons hit one mortar team near Qayyarah, and a second mortar team and an artillery piece to the north of Mosul…Two flights of Paveway IV-armed Typhoons continued operations in northern Iraq on Tuesday 27 September. They conducted successful strikes on a mortar team near Qayyarah, plus a second mortar and an artillery piece to the north of Mosul.

Belgian MoD for September 27, 2016 – September 28, 2016

Report Date

September 28, 2016


Belgium publish article on their F-16s in the Middle East, saying there are 99 pilots in total at their base. They talk about inspection of engines, maintenance and “red card holders” : older, highly experienced F-16 pilots

“Tijdens operatie Desert Falcon is niemand overbodig”

Eind juni 2016 vloog Defensie zes van zijn F-16’s over naar het Midden-Oosten voor de strijd tegen DAESH. Elke dag filtert een ervaren F-16-piloot in het hoofdkwartier de ene opdracht na de andere voor de Belgen. De operatie is intens en vraagt veel van mens en machine. “Met 99 zijn we in totaal”, zegt de detachementscommandant. “Maar geen man is hier overbodig.”

Nog voor de zon een nieuwe dag aankondigt, zijn de onderhoudstechnici druk in de weer in en rond een F-16. Ze hebben de zware motor uit het toestel getrokken voor controle. “Om de 200 vlieguren kijken we de motor na op de kleinste mankementen”, vertelt de militair die de laatste inspectie voltooid vooraleer de techniekers de motor weer in het toestel duwen. “Het is een belangrijk werk want het vele stof hier tast de mechaniek aan. Daarom moeten we elke opening hermetisch afsluiten tegen opwaaiend zand maar ook ongedierte.”

Naast de onderhoudstechnici zijn er militairen die de piloot bijstaan met de communicatie, het gevechtsvliegtuig helpen opstarten of de bewapening voorbereiden en monteren. Haast elk gevechtsvliegtuig dat vertrekt heeft twee explosieven onderaan zijn vleugels hangen om indien nodig de grondtroepen te steunen. Ze wegen tot één ton en eens geplaatst moeten de technici er heel omzichtig mee omgaan. Daarom verwijderen ze de veiligheidspinnen slechts enkele minuten voor het vertrek.

Nog een belangrijke pion tijdens de operatie Desert Falcon is de zogenaamde red card holder. Dat is een oudere F-16-piloot met jaren ervaring achter de kiezen. Samen met een juridische raadgever doorspit hij elke opdracht van de Belgen. Komt de missie overeen met het mandaat dat Defensie van de regering kreeg? Respecteert de opdracht de wetten bij gewapende conflicten?

“Het is cruciaal dat elke opdracht zonder onschuldige slachtoffers verloopt”, besluit de detachementscommandant. “Collaterale schade is een term die niet in ons woordenboek staat. We willen te allen prijze vermijden dat er door ons toedoen burgerslachtoffers vallen. Die rode kaart van de ervaren F-16-piloot mag je dus erg letterlijk nemen.”

Report Date

September 28, 2016


Belgium publish article on their F-16s in the Middle East, saying there are 99 pilots in total at their base. They talk about inspection of engines, maintenance and “red card holders” : older, highly experienced F-16 pilots

“Tijdens operatie Desert Falcon is niemand overbodig”

Eind juni 2016 vloog Defensie zes van zijn F-16’s over naar het Midden-Oosten voor de strijd tegen DAESH. Elke dag filtert een ervaren F-16-piloot in het hoofdkwartier de ene opdracht na de andere voor de Belgen. De operatie is intens en vraagt veel van mens en machine. “Met 99 zijn we in totaal”, zegt de detachementscommandant. “Maar geen man is hier overbodig.”

Nog voor de zon een nieuwe dag aankondigt, zijn de onderhoudstechnici druk in de weer in en rond een F-16. Ze hebben de zware motor uit het toestel getrokken voor controle. “Om de 200 vlieguren kijken we de motor na op de kleinste mankementen”, vertelt de militair die de laatste inspectie voltooid vooraleer de techniekers de motor weer in het toestel duwen. “Het is een belangrijk werk want het vele stof hier tast de mechaniek aan. Daarom moeten we elke opening hermetisch afsluiten tegen opwaaiend zand maar ook ongedierte.”

Naast de onderhoudstechnici zijn er militairen die de piloot bijstaan met de communicatie, het gevechtsvliegtuig helpen opstarten of de bewapening voorbereiden en monteren. Haast elk gevechtsvliegtuig dat vertrekt heeft twee explosieven onderaan zijn vleugels hangen om indien nodig de grondtroepen te steunen. Ze wegen tot één ton en eens geplaatst moeten de technici er heel omzichtig mee omgaan. Daarom verwijderen ze de veiligheidspinnen slechts enkele minuten voor het vertrek.

Nog een belangrijke pion tijdens de operatie Desert Falcon is de zogenaamde red card holder. Dat is een oudere F-16-piloot met jaren ervaring achter de kiezen. Samen met een juridische raadgever doorspit hij elke opdracht van de Belgen. Komt de missie overeen met het mandaat dat Defensie van de regering kreeg? Respecteert de opdracht de wetten bij gewapende conflicten?

“Het is cruciaal dat elke opdracht zonder onschuldige slachtoffers verloopt”, besluit de detachementscommandant. “Collaterale schade is een term die niet in ons woordenboek staat. We willen te allen prijze vermijden dat er door ons toedoen burgerslachtoffers vallen. Die rode kaart van de ervaren F-16-piloot mag je dus erg letterlijk nemen.”

CJTF–OIR for September 27, 2016 – September 28, 2016

Report Date

September 28, 2016

On Sept. 27, coalition military forces conducted 22 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 12 strikes using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


* Near Al Shadaddi, two strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two vehicles.

* Near Ar Raqqah, one strike destroyed an ISIL pump jack.

* Near Dayr Az Zawr, two strikes destroyed 12 oil tanker trucks, two oil well heads, and disabled a bridge along an ISIL supply route.

* Near Manbij, two strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units and destroyed five fighting positions.

* Near Mar’a, five strikes engaged three ISIL tactical units and destroyed five fighting positions and a mortar system.


* Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed an ISIL VBIED facility.

* Near Kisik, one strike produced inconclusive results.

* Near Mosul, four strikes [1 British] engaged an ISIL tactical unit, suppressed a mortar system, and destroyed an anti-air artillery system and a tunnel.

* Near Qayyarah, two strikes [1 British] destroyed two ISIL vehicles and a mortar system.

* Near Ramadi, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit.

* Near Sultan Abdallah, one strike destroyed an ISIL mortar system and damaged an excavator.

Report Date

September 28, 2016

Report Summary

  • 22 total strikes
  • 12 in Syria
  • 10 in Iraq

Report Summary

  • 22 total strikes
  • 10 in Iraq (9977 – 9986)
  • 12 in Syria (5326 – 5337)

Confirmed Actions


On Sept. 27, coalition military forces conducted 22 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted 12 strikes using attack, bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 10 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:


September 27, 2016
Syria: 12 strikes
Iraq: 10 strikes
Near Al Shadaddi, two strikes engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two vehicles.
Near Ar Raqqah, one strike destroyed an ISIL pump jack.
Near Dayr Az Zawr, two strikes destroyed 12 oil tanker trucks, two oil well heads, and disabled a bridge along an ISIL supply route.
Near Manbij, two strikes engaged two ISIL tactical units and destroyed five fighting positions.
Near Mar’a, five strikes engaged three ISIL tactical units and destroyed five fighting positions and a mortar system.


Near Al Qaim, one strike destroyed an ISIL VBIED facility.
Near Kisik, one strike produced inconclusive results.
Near Mosul, four strikes [1 British] engaged an ISIL tactical unit, suppressed a mortar system, and destroyed an anti-air artillery system and a tunnel.
Near Qayyarah, two strikes [1 British] destroyed two ISIL vehicles and a mortar system.
Near Ramadi, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit.
Near Sultan Abdallah, one strike destroyed an ISIL mortar system and damaged an excavator.

CJTF–OIR for September 26, 2016 – September 27, 2016

Report Date

September 27, 2016

On Sept. 26 Coalition military forces conducted 20 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted nine strikes using attack aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 11 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:

Syria * Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed two ISIL oil well heads. * Near Al Shadaddi, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit. * Near Ar Raqqah, one strike destroyed three oil pump jacks. * Near Dayr Az Zawr, two strikes destroyed five oil tan ker trucks, a vehicle, and a front end loader and disabled a bridge along an ISIL supply route * Near Manbij, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two fighting positions. * Near Mar

Report Date

September 27, 2016

Report Summary

  • 1 total strikes
  • 1 in Syria

Report Summary

  • 20 total strikes
  • 11 in Iraq (9966 – 9976)
  • 9 in Syria (5316 – 5325)

Confirmed Actions


On Sept. 26 Coalition military forces conducted 20 strikes against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq. In Syria, coalition military forces conducted nine strikes using attack aircraft against ISIL targets. Additionally in Iraq, coalition military forces conducted 11 strikes coordinated with and in support of the Government of Iraq using attack, fighter, and remotely piloted aircraft against ISIL targets. The following is a summary of the strikes conducted against ISIL since the last press release:

September 26, 2016
Syria: 1 strikes
Syria Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed two ISIL oil well heads. Near Al Shadaddi, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit. Near Ar Raqqah, one strike destroyed three oil pump jacks. Near Dayr Az Zawr, two strikes destroyed five oil tan ker trucks, a vehicle, and a front end loader and disabled a bridge along an ISIL supply route Near Manbij, one strike engaged an ISIL tactical unit and destroyed two fighting positions. Near Mar

UK MoD for September 26, 2016 – September 27, 2016

Report Date

September 27, 2016

Monday 26 September – Tornados destroyed two Daesh vehicles in the Qayyarah region, a Reaper destroyed another vehicle near Sharqat, and Typhoons bombed a terrorist position east of Mosul…The following day [Sept 26th], Tornados used an Enhanced Paveway II guided bomb against a truck-bomb near Qayyarah and a Brimstone missile to destroy a light truck in the same area. Further south in the valley, near Sharqat, a Reaper destroyed another Daesh vehicle and then supported a coalition attack on an additional truck-bomb. Meanwhile, Typhoons operated to the east of Mosul, where a Paveway IV was used against a Daesh-held building. From Belgium MoD on Sept 26th:

[Belgium publish article on their F-16s deployed in the Middle East. They say that there are six Belgium F-16s and “almost everyday there’s one or more in the sky for a reconnaissance flight”. “The Americans perform most commands” adds the detachment commander”.] Vliegwerk in hitte, zand en wind

wee F-16-gevechtsvliegtuigen staan op 22 september met ronkende motoren klaar op het tarmac van een vliegbasis in het Midden-Oosten. De basis bestaat uit niet meer dan enkele landingsstroken en gebouwen in een dor, uitgestrekt woestijnlandschap. Toch is deze desolate plek de thuisbasis van waaruit Defensie deelneemt aan de strijd tegen DAESH onder de naam operatie Desert Falcon.”Welkom in Snow City”, zegt de detachementscommandant terwijl we de Belgische compound binnenrijden. “De naam is slechts figuurlijk, geïnspireerd door de vele witte stenen her en der, want koud is het hier allerminst.” De wind is vandaag feller en venijniger dan anders. Het stof waait aanhoudend op en hier en daar vormt zich een kleine zandhoos. Het kamp van de Belgen is echter goed beschut tegen al die natuurkrachten.In totaal verblijven bijna honderd Belgen in de compound. Ze werken er allemaal in het teken van de missies van de F-16’s en hun piloten. Bijna elke dag gaan er een of meerdere toestellen de lucht in voor een verkenningsvlucht bijvoorbeeld. Naast de Belgen biedt het kamp ook plaats aan een Nederlands detachement. Zij verzorgen onder andere de troepenbescherming aan de poorten van Snow City.Het Belgische detachement steunt de internationale coalitie, die onder Amerikaans bevel valt. De Belgen hebben zes F-16’s laten overvliegen, terwijl de Verenigde Staten kan rekenen op het dubbele aantal. “De Amerikanen voeren de meeste opdrachten uit”, gaat de detachementscommandant verder.Het Belgische detachement wisselde eind augustus zijn voorgangers af. Nog tot de lente van 2017 zullen Belgische F-16’s opdrachten uitvoeren in het Midden-Oosten. Dan doen ze mogelijk opnieuw haasje-over met de Nederlanders en nemen de Belgen weer de rol van troepenbescherming over.

Report Date

September 27, 2016

Monday 26 September – Tornados destroyed two Daesh vehicles in the Qayyarah region, a Reaper destroyed another vehicle near Sharqat, and Typhoons bombed a terrorist position east of Mosul…The following day [Sept 26th], Tornados used an Enhanced Paveway II guided bomb against a truck-bomb near Qayyarah and a Brimstone missile to destroy a light truck in the same area. Further south in the valley, near Sharqat, a Reaper destroyed another Daesh vehicle and then supported a coalition attack on an additional truck-bomb. Meanwhile, Typhoons operated to the east of Mosul, where a Paveway IV was used against a Daesh-held building. From Belgium MoD on Sept 26th:

[Belgium publish article on their F-16s deployed in the Middle East. They say that there are six Belgium F-16s and “almost everyday there’s one or more in the sky for a reconnaissance flight”. “The Americans perform most commands” adds the detachment commander”.] Vliegwerk in hitte, zand en wind

wee F-16-gevechtsvliegtuigen staan op 22 september met ronkende motoren klaar op het tarmac van een vliegbasis in het Midden-Oosten. De basis bestaat uit niet meer dan enkele landingsstroken en gebouwen in een dor, uitgestrekt woestijnlandschap. Toch is deze desolate plek de thuisbasis van waaruit Defensie deelneemt aan de strijd tegen DAESH onder de naam operatie Desert Falcon.”Welkom in Snow City”, zegt de detachementscommandant terwijl we de Belgische compound binnenrijden. “De naam is slechts figuurlijk, geïnspireerd door de vele witte stenen her en der, want koud is het hier allerminst.” De wind is vandaag feller en venijniger dan anders. Het stof waait aanhoudend op en hier en daar vormt zich een kleine zandhoos. Het kamp van de Belgen is echter goed beschut tegen al die natuurkrachten.In totaal verblijven bijna honderd Belgen in de compound. Ze werken er allemaal in het teken van de missies van de F-16’s en hun piloten. Bijna elke dag gaan er een of meerdere toestellen de lucht in voor een verkenningsvlucht bijvoorbeeld. Naast de Belgen biedt het kamp ook plaats aan een Nederlands detachement. Zij verzorgen onder andere de troepenbescherming aan de poorten van Snow City.Het Belgische detachement steunt de internationale coalitie, die onder Amerikaans bevel valt. De Belgen hebben zes F-16’s laten overvliegen, terwijl de Verenigde Staten kan rekenen op het dubbele aantal. “De Amerikanen voeren de meeste opdrachten uit”, gaat de detachementscommandant verder.Het Belgische detachement wisselde eind augustus zijn voorgangers af. Nog tot de lente van 2017 zullen Belgische F-16’s opdrachten uitvoeren in het Midden-Oosten. Dan doen ze mogelijk opnieuw haasje-over met de Nederlanders en nemen de Belgen weer de rol van troepenbescherming over.