Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for April 23, 2018 – April 24, 2018

Report Date

April 24, 2018

Monday 23 April – Tornados eliminated a Daesh group on a hillside in north-west Iraq…A further attempt by Daesh to resume operations in Iraq was frustrated by two Tornado GR4s on Monday 23 April. Iraqi security forces had identified a group of terrorists at large in the north-west of the country. The Tornados, conducting an armed reconnaissance patrol over Syria, were duly retasked to deal with them. The terrorists were camped on a ridgeline some ten miles south-east of Tal Afar, and their location was accurately struck by two Paveway IVs. Immediately following the attack, a number of extremists were spotted attempting to disperse over the hillside, but they were successfully eliminated by further attacks with two Brimstone missiles and a third Paveway.

Report Date

April 24, 2018

Monday 23 April – Tornados eliminated a Daesh group on a hillside in north-west Iraq…A further attempt by Daesh to resume operations in Iraq was frustrated by two Tornado GR4s on Monday 23 April. Iraqi security forces had identified a group of terrorists at large in the north-west of the country. The Tornados, conducting an armed reconnaissance patrol over Syria, were duly retasked to deal with them. The terrorists were camped on a ridgeline some ten miles south-east of Tal Afar, and their location was accurately struck by two Paveway IVs. Immediately following the attack, a number of extremists were spotted attempting to disperse over the hillside, but they were successfully eliminated by further attacks with two Brimstone missiles and a third Paveway.