Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for April 24, 2015 – April 25, 2015

Report Date

April 25, 2015

24/25 April: Tornado GR4s from RAF Akrotiri, supported by a Voyager tanker aircraft, have also continued to fly combat missions. Overnight on Friday and Saturday, a GR4 patrol provided close air support to an Iraqi unit near Ramadi, where government forces have enjoyed a number of recent successes in driving out the terrorists. The Iraqi troops reported coming under fire from snipers located in a building; despite the close proximity of the Iraqi troops, the GR4s were able to mount a precise attack with a Paveway IV guided bomb that destroyed the enemy position without risk to the friendly forces.

Shortly afterwards, more terrorists were identified regrouping in a neighbouring building, and this too was hit by a Paveway bomb.

Report Date

April 25, 2015

24/25 April: Tornado GR4s from RAF Akrotiri, supported by a Voyager tanker aircraft, have also continued to fly combat missions. Overnight on Friday and Saturday, a GR4 patrol provided close air support to an Iraqi unit near Ramadi, where government forces have enjoyed a number of recent successes in driving out the terrorists. The Iraqi troops reported coming under fire from snipers located in a building; despite the close proximity of the Iraqi troops, the GR4s were able to mount a precise attack with a Paveway IV guided bomb that destroyed the enemy position without risk to the friendly forces.

Shortly afterwards, more terrorists were identified regrouping in a neighbouring building, and this too was hit by a Paveway bomb.