Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for April 2, 2017 – April 3, 2017

Report Date

April 3, 2017

Sunday 2 April – Tornados engaged a mortar team firing from the ground floor of a large building in western Mosul…On Sunday 2 April, Tornados, supported by a Voyager air tanker, patrolled over western Mosul. When Iraqi forces came under Daesh mortar fire, the Tornados’ aircrew were able to identify the mortar team firing their weapon out of the ground floor of a large building. This allowed the Tornados to achieve a clear line of fire for a Brimstone missile, which scored a direct hit on the mortar team while causing minimal damage to the rest of the building.

Report Date

April 3, 2017

Sunday 2 April – Tornados engaged a mortar team firing from the ground floor of a large building in western Mosul…On Sunday 2 April, Tornados, supported by a Voyager air tanker, patrolled over western Mosul. When Iraqi forces came under Daesh mortar fire, the Tornados’ aircrew were able to identify the mortar team firing their weapon out of the ground floor of a large building. This allowed the Tornados to achieve a clear line of fire for a Brimstone missile, which scored a direct hit on the mortar team while causing minimal damage to the rest of the building.