Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for August 26, 2017 – August 27, 2017

Report Date

August 27, 2017

Saturday 26 August – Typhoons and Tornados eliminated four sniper teams in Raqqa…The focus for RAF missions remained on Raqqa over the weekend. A mixed flight bombed four sniper teams there on Saturday 26 August, whilst on Sunday, three RAF flights used Paveway IVs to attack a total of ten Daesh positions in the city.

Report Date

August 27, 2017

Saturday 26 August – Typhoons and Tornados eliminated four sniper teams in Raqqa…The focus for RAF missions remained on Raqqa over the weekend. A mixed flight bombed four sniper teams there on Saturday 26 August, whilst on Sunday, three RAF flights used Paveway IVs to attack a total of ten Daesh positions in the city.