UK MoD for August 28, 2017 – August 29, 2017
Monday 28 August – Typhoons hit three terrorist-held buildings in Raqqa, whilst Tornados and Typhoons struck ten positions north of Tal Afar…Raqqa operations continued on Monday 28 August, when Typhoons hit three more terrorist-held buildings. In Iraq, Iraqi forces engaged Daesh forces positioned several miles north of Tal Afar, and our aircraft provide close air support, conducting attacks on ten buildings occupied by the extremists.
Monday 28 August – Typhoons hit three terrorist-held buildings in Raqqa, whilst Tornados and Typhoons struck ten positions north of Tal Afar…Raqqa operations continued on Monday 28 August, when Typhoons hit three more terrorist-held buildings. In Iraq, Iraqi forces engaged Daesh forces positioned several miles north of Tal Afar, and our aircraft provide close air support, conducting attacks on ten buildings occupied by the extremists.