Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for February 27, 2017 – February 28, 2017

Report Date

February 28, 2017

Monday 27 February – Tornados struck a mortar team in Mosul and a Daesh tank in Palmyra, Syria, while a Reaper supported coalition air strikes at Al Qaim and destroyed an anti-aircraft gun…Tornados saw further action over western Mosul on Monday 27 February, when they struck another terrorist mortar team with a Paveway IV. The Tornado flight then headed west into Syria, where a main battle tank operated by Daesh had been identified at Tadmur, in the ancient city of Palmyra. A Brimstone missile scored a solid hit on the target. Close to Iraq’s border with Syria, a Reaper meanwhile provided surveillance support to coalition air strikes on two Daesh facilities in Al Qaim, manufacturing truck-bombs and other improvised explosive devices. An anti-aircraft gun was spotted, despite efforts to conceal it under cover, and was destroyed by one of the Reaper’s Hellfires.

Report Date

February 28, 2017

Monday 27 February – Tornados struck a mortar team in Mosul and a Daesh tank in Palmyra, Syria, while a Reaper supported coalition air strikes at Al Qaim and destroyed an anti-aircraft gun…Tornados saw further action over western Mosul on Monday 27 February, when they struck another terrorist mortar team with a Paveway IV. The Tornado flight then headed west into Syria, where a main battle tank operated by Daesh had been identified at Tadmur, in the ancient city of Palmyra. A Brimstone missile scored a solid hit on the target. Close to Iraq’s border with Syria, a Reaper meanwhile provided surveillance support to coalition air strikes on two Daesh facilities in Al Qaim, manufacturing truck-bombs and other improvised explosive devices. An anti-aircraft gun was spotted, despite efforts to conceal it under cover, and was destroyed by one of the Reaper’s Hellfires.