Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for January 2, 2017 – January 3, 2017

Report Date

January 3, 2017

Monday 2 January – A British soldier was killed in a non-combat incident at a training base in Taji. Over Mosul, a Reaper engaged a terrorist position…

The British military training mission in Iraq sadly suffered a fatality on Monday 2 January, when Lance Corporal Scott Hetherington from the 2nd Battalion The Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment died in a non-combat incident at a training camp in Taji. Further information can be found here.

A Reaper patrol also on 2 January over Mosul provided surveillance support to coalition air strikes on terrorist fighters, including a recoilless anti-tank gun team, and employed a Hellfire to silence a Daesh rooftop position that was firing on Iraqi troops.

Report Date

January 3, 2017

Monday 2 January – A British soldier was killed in a non-combat incident at a training base in Taji. Over Mosul, a Reaper engaged a terrorist position…

The British military training mission in Iraq sadly suffered a fatality on Monday 2 January, when Lance Corporal Scott Hetherington from the 2nd Battalion The Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment died in a non-combat incident at a training camp in Taji. Further information can be found here.

A Reaper patrol also on 2 January over Mosul provided surveillance support to coalition air strikes on terrorist fighters, including a recoilless anti-tank gun team, and employed a Hellfire to silence a Daesh rooftop position that was firing on Iraqi troops.’

#Chammal – Depuis le 19 sept. 2014

5 729 vols en Irak / Syrie

1 061 frappes sur Daech

1 762 objectifs détruits

— État-Major Armées (@EtatMajorFR) January 2, 2017

France reports that since September 19th 2014, they