Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for July 19, 2017 – July 20, 2017

Report Date

July 20, 2017

Wednesday 19 July – Tornados destroyed an explosives warehouse in northern Iraq, whilst Typhoons and Tornados struck a command post and defensive position in Raqqa…Update: air strikes against Daesh – GOV.UK

In northern Iraq, intelligence had identified a warehouse near Hawijah in which large quantities of homemade explosives were being stored by Daesh. A flight of RAF Tornados attacked the building with two Paveway IV guided bombs, and demolished it on Wednesday 19 July. A mixed pair of one Tornado and one Typhoon meanwhile provided close air support to the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fighting to clear the terrorists from Raqqa. A coalition surveillance aircraft identified a Daesh defensive position, and our aircraft conducted a successful attack with a Brimstone missile. A terrorist command post was also identified within the city, and this was struck with two Paveway IVs.

Report Date

July 20, 2017

Wednesday 19 July – Tornados destroyed an explosives warehouse in northern Iraq, whilst Typhoons and Tornados struck a command post and defensive position in Raqqa…Update: air strikes against Daesh – GOV.UK

In northern Iraq, intelligence had identified a warehouse near Hawijah in which large quantities of homemade explosives were being stored by Daesh. A flight of RAF Tornados attacked the building with two Paveway IV guided bombs, and demolished it on Wednesday 19 July. A mixed pair of one Tornado and one Typhoon meanwhile provided close air support to the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fighting to clear the terrorists from Raqqa. A coalition surveillance aircraft identified a Daesh defensive position, and our aircraft conducted a successful attack with a Brimstone missile. A terrorist command post was also identified within the city, and this was struck with two Paveway IVs.’

#Chammal : 11 frappes et 26 missions d