Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for July 20, 2017 – July 21, 2017

Report Date

July 21, 2017

Thursday 20 July – Typhoons bombed a terrorist position in Raqqa; Tornados and Typhoons attacked terrorists on a Tigris island and destroyed their boat and vehicle transport…Update: air strikes against Daesh – GOV.UK

Operations over Raqqa continued on Thursday 20 July, when a Typhoon mission assisted SDF engaged in combat with a group of extremists firing from a building; this was hit with a single Paveway IV which eliminated the threat to the SDF. In northern Iraq, coalition surveillance aircraft had located a number of terrorists on a wooded island in the Tigris, several miles south of Qayyarah, along with their transport – a boat and two vehicles – on the riverbanks. Two Tornados bombed the terrorists on the island with a pair of Paveway IVs, whilst a mixed Tornado and Typhoon pair destroyed the boat and vehicles with Brimstone missiles.

Report Date

July 21, 2017

Thursday 20 July – Typhoons bombed a terrorist position in Raqqa; Tornados and Typhoons attacked terrorists on a Tigris island and destroyed their boat and vehicle transport…Update: air strikes against Daesh – GOV.UK

Operations over Raqqa continued on Thursday 20 July, when a Typhoon mission assisted SDF engaged in combat with a group of extremists firing from a building; this was hit with a single Paveway IV which eliminated the threat to the SDF. In northern Iraq, coalition surveillance aircraft had located a number of terrorists on a wooded island in the Tigris, several miles south of Qayyarah, along with their transport – a boat and two vehicles – on the riverbanks. Two Tornados bombed the terrorists on the island with a pair of Paveway IVs, whilst a mixed Tornado and Typhoon pair destroyed the boat and vehicles with Brimstone missiles.