Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for July 6, 2017 – July 7, 2017

Report Date

July 7, 2017

Thursday 6 July – Tornados and Typhoons struck two terrorist targets in Raqqa, and four in western Mosul…Two Royal Air Force Typhoons, armed with Paveway IV bombs, operated over Raqqa on Thursday 6 July. Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) encountered a large building on the southern edge of the city, close to the bank of the Euphrates, which was heavily defended by Daesh extremists. Two Paveways struck the building and brought an end to the terrorists’ activity. A mixed pair of a Typhoon and a Tornado were also active over Raqqa, and these aircraft bombed a sniper position which had been firing persistently at the SDF. A second mixed Tornado/Typhoon pair provided similar support to the Iraqi forces clearing the Old City in Mosul. Attacks with Brimstone missiles dealt with three Daesh positions, whilst a Paveway IV was used to destroy a medium machine-gun team.

Report Date

July 7, 2017

Thursday 6 July – Tornados and Typhoons struck two terrorist targets in Raqqa, and four in western Mosul…Two Royal Air Force Typhoons, armed with Paveway IV bombs, operated over Raqqa on Thursday 6 July. Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) encountered a large building on the southern edge of the city, close to the bank of the Euphrates, which was heavily defended by Daesh extremists. Two Paveways struck the building and brought an end to the terrorists’ activity. A mixed pair of a Typhoon and a Tornado were also active over Raqqa, and these aircraft bombed a sniper position which had been firing persistently at the SDF. A second mixed Tornado/Typhoon pair provided similar support to the Iraqi forces clearing the Old City in Mosul. Attacks with Brimstone missiles dealt with three Daesh positions, whilst a Paveway IV was used to destroy a medium machine-gun team.