Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for July 7, 2018 – July 8, 2018

Report Date

July 8, 2018

Saturday 7 July – Typhoons bombed a Daesh hide in northern Iraq…On Saturday 9 [7th?] July, Typhoon FGR4s flew to northern Iraq, where a terrorist hide had been spotted, concealed in woodland on the bank of the Tigris to the north-west of Mosul. A single Paveway IV destroyed the site.

Report Date

July 8, 2018

Saturday 7 July – Typhoons bombed a Daesh hide in northern Iraq…On Saturday 9 [7th?] July, Typhoon FGR4s flew to northern Iraq, where a terrorist hide had been spotted, concealed in woodland on the bank of the Tigris to the north-west of Mosul. A single Paveway IV destroyed the site.