Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for July 8, 2017 – July 9, 2017

Report Date

July 9, 2017

Saturday 8 July – Tornados attacked a position in Raqqa, Typhoons hit four Daesh strongpoints in Mosul…Over the weekend, RAF aircraft provided very close support to Iraqi troops as they fought to clear a cluster of Daesh-held buildings near to the west bank of the Tigris, the last significant pocket of terrorist control in Mosul. On Saturday 8 July, Typhoons conducted attacks with four Paveway IVs, eliminating a light machine-gun position and three other terrorist strongpoints. Tornados meanwhile continued to support the SDF in Raqqa, striking a Daesh position there.

Report Date

July 9, 2017

Saturday 8 July – Tornados attacked a position in Raqqa, Typhoons hit four Daesh strongpoints in Mosul…Over the weekend, RAF aircraft provided very close support to Iraqi troops as they fought to clear a cluster of Daesh-held buildings near to the west bank of the Tigris, the last significant pocket of terrorist control in Mosul. On Saturday 8 July, Typhoons conducted attacks with four Paveway IVs, eliminating a light machine-gun position and three other terrorist strongpoints. Tornados meanwhile continued to support the SDF in Raqqa, striking a Daesh position there.