Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for June 19, 2016 – June 20, 2016

Report Date

June 20, 2016

Sunday 19 June – Typhoons conducted attacks on six Daesh positions in central Fallujah, Tornados and a Reaper struck five more targets in northern Iraq…Typhoons were in action over Fallujah on Sunday 19 June, providing close air support to Iraqi troops who had penetrated to the city centre. Six terrorist strongpoints housing machine-gun, artillery and rocket-propelled grenade teams were struck in a series of precision Paveway attacks. In northern Iraq, a Reaper used a pair of Hellfires to engage two groups of Daesh extremists north of Bayji, while Tornados used a Brimstone missile against a third group in the same area, and a Paveway IV against a rocket-launcher north of Mosul.

Report Date

June 20, 2016

Sunday 19 June – Typhoons conducted attacks on six Daesh positions in central Fallujah, Tornados and a Reaper struck five more targets in northern Iraq…Typhoons were in action over Fallujah on Sunday 19 June, providing close air support to Iraqi troops who had penetrated to the city centre. Six terrorist strongpoints housing machine-gun, artillery and rocket-propelled grenade teams were struck in a series of precision Paveway attacks. In northern Iraq, a Reaper used a pair of Hellfires to engage two groups of Daesh extremists north of Bayji, while Tornados used a Brimstone missile against a third group in the same area, and a Paveway IV against a rocket-launcher north of Mosul.