UK MoD for June 21, 2017 – June 22, 2017
Wednesday 21 June – Typhoons struck two Daesh-held buildings in Raqqa, while Tornados and Typhoons destroyed a car-bomb, and four terrorist strongpoints in Mosul…On Wednesday 21 June, a pair of Typhoons assisted Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Raqqa. Two buildings held by extremist fighters were hit with Paveway IVs. In Mosul, a Tornado flight used a Brimstone missile to destroy safely a car-bomb spotted by the Iraqi ground forces. The Tornado flight then used a Paveway IV to eliminate a medium machine-gun team. A mixed Tornado and Typhoon pair were also active that day over the city. A Brimstone attack was directed at a mortar position, while Paveways were used against three Daesh strongpoints, including two housing machine-guns.
Wednesday 21 June – Typhoons struck two Daesh-held buildings in Raqqa, while Tornados and Typhoons destroyed a car-bomb, and four terrorist strongpoints in Mosul…On Wednesday 21 June, a pair of Typhoons assisted Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Raqqa. Two buildings held by extremist fighters were hit with Paveway IVs. In Mosul, a Tornado flight used a Brimstone missile to destroy safely a car-bomb spotted by the Iraqi ground forces. The Tornado flight then used a Paveway IV to eliminate a medium machine-gun team. A mixed Tornado and Typhoon pair were also active that day over the city. A Brimstone attack was directed at a mortar position, while Paveways were used against three Daesh strongpoints, including two housing machine-guns.