Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for June 21, 2018 – June 22, 2018

Report Date

June 22, 2018

Thursday 21 June – Typhoons bombed a hostile position which persisted in firing on coalition forces in southern Syria…On Thursday 21 June, coalition forces operating against Daesh in the south of Syria were fired on by hostile positions, not believed to be held by Daesh. Although the coalition forces decided to withdraw to attempt to de-escalate the situation, one particular position continued to fire on them. As an act of collective self-defence, RAF Typhoons dropped a single Paveway IV on the position, which successfully removed the threat to our coalition partners.

Report Date

June 22, 2018

Thursday 21 June – Typhoons bombed a hostile position which persisted in firing on coalition forces in southern Syria...On Thursday 21 June, coalition forces operating against Daesh in the south of Syria were fired on by hostile positions, not believed to be held by Daesh. Although the coalition forces decided to withdraw to attempt to de-escalate the situation, one particular position continued to fire on them. As an act of collective self-defence, RAF Typhoons dropped a single Paveway IV on the position, which successfully removed the threat to our coalition partners.