Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for June 23, 2017 – June 24, 2017

Report Date

June 24, 2017

Friday 23 June – Tornados and Typhoons hit three Daesh sniper teams in Mosul, and a truck-bomb and armoured personnel carrier in Raqqa…The next day [June 23rd], a mixed Tornado and Typhoon pair used two Paveway IVs to target successfully a large group of Daesh fighters operating with a truck-bomb and an armoured personnel carrier in Raqqa, while in Mosul a Tornado flight conducted three precision attacks with Brimstone missiles on sniper positions.

Report Date

June 24, 2017

Friday 23 June – Tornados and Typhoons hit three Daesh sniper teams in Mosul, and a truck-bomb and armoured personnel carrier in Raqqa…The next day [June 23rd], a mixed Tornado and Typhoon pair used two Paveway IVs to target successfully a large group of Daesh fighters operating with a truck-bomb and an armoured personnel carrier in Raqqa, while in Mosul a Tornado flight conducted three precision attacks with Brimstone missiles on sniper positions.