Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for June 2, 2016 – June 3, 2016

Report Date

June 3, 2016

Thursday 2 June – Tornados and Typhoons provided close air support over Fallujah, striking eight targets, whilst other Typhoons patrolled over northern Iraq, hitting Daesh positions near Kisik and Mosul…

The offensive by Iraqi ground forces to liberate Fallujah has continued to be the major focus for the Royal Air Force contribution to the coalition air campaign against Daesh.

Three successive flights of Tornado GR4s and Typhoon FGR4s provided close air support to Iraqi units on the southern outskirts of the city on Thursday 2 June. One Tornado flight conducted four attacks with Paveway IV guided bombs, striking a bunker and three teams of terrorists armed with an anti-tank gun, rocket-propelled grenades and a heavy machine-gun. A second Tornado mission delivered simultaneous attacks on two Daesh-held buildings, then a third bombing attack on a heavy machine-gun position that had opened fire on Iraqi troops. The Typhoon flight dealt with a further artillery piece, using a Paveway IV.

In northern Iraq, another pair of Typhoons struck a group of terrorists spotted advancing towards peshmerga positions near Kisik, then headed to an area south-east of Mosul where they used three Paveways to attack more extremists mustering in and around a large warehouse.

Report Date

June 3, 2016

Thursday 2 June – Tornados and Typhoons provided close air support over Fallujah, striking eight targets, whilst other Typhoons patrolled over northern Iraq, hitting Daesh positions near Kisik and Mosul…

The offensive by Iraqi ground forces to liberate Fallujah has continued to be the major focus for the Royal Air Force contribution to the coalition air campaign against Daesh.

Three successive flights of Tornado GR4s and Typhoon FGR4s provided close air support to Iraqi units on the southern outskirts of the city on Thursday 2 June. One Tornado flight conducted four attacks with Paveway IV guided bombs, striking a bunker and three teams of terrorists armed with an anti-tank gun, rocket-propelled grenades and a heavy machine-gun. A second Tornado mission delivered simultaneous attacks on two Daesh-held buildings, then a third bombing attack on a heavy machine-gun position that had opened fire on Iraqi troops. The Typhoon flight dealt with a further artillery piece, using a Paveway IV.

In northern Iraq, another pair of Typhoons struck a group of terrorists spotted advancing towards peshmerga positions near Kisik, then headed to an area south-east of Mosul where they used three Paveways to attack more extremists mustering in and around a large warehouse.