Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for June 29, 2016 – June 30, 2016

Report Date

June 30, 2016

Wednesday 29 June – Typhoons and two Reapers struck Daesh terrorist retreating from Fallujah, a third Reaper continued operations near Sharqat…Typhoons and Reapers conducted a number of attacks on Wednesday 29 June against Daesh terrorists fleeing in the face of Iraqi operations in Fallujah. A Typhoon struck two vehicles and a large group of extremists with Paveway IV bombs west of Fallujah and two Reapers destroyed a further four vehicles and a group of fighters, using Hellfire missiles and a GBU-12 guided bomb. One Reaper observed the Daesh vehicles refusing to stop and pick up fellow armed extremists trying to escape on foot. Another Reaper was active near Sharqat, where it destroyed two vehicles with Hellfire missiles and attacked a group of terrorists with a GBU-12 bomb.

Report Date

June 30, 2016

Wednesday 29 June – Typhoons and two Reapers struck Daesh terrorist retreating from Fallujah, a third Reaper continued operations near Sharqat…Typhoons and Reapers conducted a number of attacks on Wednesday 29 June against Daesh terrorists fleeing in the face of Iraqi operations in Fallujah. A Typhoon struck two vehicles and a large group of extremists with Paveway IV bombs west of Fallujah and two Reapers destroyed a further four vehicles and a group of fighters, using Hellfire missiles and a GBU-12 guided bomb. One Reaper observed the Daesh vehicles refusing to stop and pick up fellow armed extremists trying to escape on foot. Another Reaper was active near Sharqat, where it destroyed two vehicles with Hellfire missiles and attacked a group of terrorists with a GBU-12 bomb.