Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for June 7, 2015 – June 8, 2015

Report Date

June 8, 2015

On Sunday 7 June, another Reaper engaged on surveillance duties tracked an ISIL truck moving at high speed on a road close to the border with Syria; a Hellfire missile scored a direct hit on the vehicle.

That night, an RAF Tornado GR4 patrol provided support to both the Kurdish peshmerga in north of the country, and to the Iraqi army further south. Near Sinjar, peshmerga came into contact with an ISIL team armed with rocket-propelled grenades, who were fortified inside a building. In a carefully planned attack to avoid any risk to the Kurdish forces very close to the target, the Tornados successfully destroyed the building with a single Paveway IV guided bomb.

The two Tornados then flew south to the area around Bayji, where a group of terrorists had been observed gathering in a large building, preparing an attack on an Iraqi army unit. A strike with two Paveways demolished the building.

Report Date

June 8, 2015

On Sunday 7 June, another Reaper engaged on surveillance duties tracked an ISIL truck moving at high speed on a road close to the border with Syria; a Hellfire missile scored a direct hit on the vehicle.

That night, an RAF Tornado GR4 patrol provided support to both the Kurdish peshmerga in north of the country, and to the Iraqi army further south. Near Sinjar, peshmerga came into contact with an ISIL team armed with rocket-propelled grenades, who were fortified inside a building. In a carefully planned attack to avoid any risk to the Kurdish forces very close to the target, the Tornados successfully destroyed the building with a single Paveway IV guided bomb.

The two Tornados then flew south to the area around Bayji, where a group of terrorists had been observed gathering in a large building, preparing an attack on an Iraqi army unit. A strike with two Paveways demolished the building.