Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for March 23, 2016 – March 24, 2016

Report Date

March 24, 2016

Wednesday 23 March – Typhoons attacked Daesh positions in northern Iraq, including a tunnel and a mortar team…On Wednesday 23 March, Typhoon FGR4s patrolled over northern Iraq. They used Paveways to destroy a Daesh position south of Sinjar, and a tunnel entrance, two terrorist-held buildings and a mortar team all located near Kisik.

Report Date

March 24, 2016

Wednesday 23 March – Typhoons attacked Daesh positions in northern Iraq, including a tunnel and a mortar team…On Wednesday 23 March, Typhoon FGR4s patrolled over northern Iraq. They used Paveways to destroy a Daesh position south of Sinjar, and a tunnel entrance, two terrorist-held buildings and a mortar team all located near Kisik.