Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for March 28, 2016 – March 29, 2016

Report Date

March 29, 2016

Monday 28 March – Typhoons struck three terrorist-held buildings in northern Iraq…The Typhoons were again in action south of Sinjar on Monday 28 March, when they bombed two terrorist-held buildings, before flying to the area around Tall Afar where they struck a third Daesh position.

Report Date

March 29, 2016

Monday 28 March – Typhoons struck three terrorist-held buildings in northern Iraq…The Typhoons were again in action south of Sinjar on Monday 28 March, when they bombed two terrorist-held buildings, before flying to the area around Tall Afar where they struck a third Daesh position.’

RAAF Chaplain, Flight Lieutenant Robyn Kidd, on the tarmac at Australia

  • RAAF Chaplain, Flight Lieutenant Robyn Kidd, on the tarmac at Australia's main air operating base in the Middle East region, in front of a RAAF F/A-18A Hornet Fighter aircraft. (Aus MoD)