UK MoD for March 2, 2017 – March 3, 2017
Thursday 2 March – Typhoons hit a machine-gun position in western Mosul…Typhoons had to deal with heavy cloud over Mosul on Thursday 2 March, with the challenging weather conditions denying them clear sight of the target when an Iraqi unit came under machine-gun fire from a Daesh strong-point at short range. Despite these conditions, very careful coordination with the Iraqi troops allowed the Typhoons to hit the Daesh position accurately with a Paveway IV, without endangering friendly forces. The Iraqi unit reported that the machine-gun had been silenced and the threat to them eliminated.
Thursday 2 March – Typhoons hit a machine-gun position in western Mosul…Typhoons had to deal with heavy cloud over Mosul on Thursday 2 March, with the challenging weather conditions denying them clear sight of the target when an Iraqi unit came under machine-gun fire from a Daesh strong-point at short range. Despite these conditions, very careful coordination with the Iraqi troops allowed the Typhoons to hit the Daesh position accurately with a Paveway IV, without endangering friendly forces. The Iraqi unit reported that the machine-gun had been silenced and the threat to them eliminated.