Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for March 6, 2017 – March 7, 2017

Report Date

March 7, 2017

Monday 6 March – Typhoons demolished a Daesh headquarters in eastern Syria, while Tornados struck terrorist supply routes within Mosul…Careful intelligence analysis allowed the Coalition to pinpoint the location of a Daesh headquarters at a compound in a remote area of eastern Syria. Two Typhoons were dispatched from RAF Akrotiri on Monday 6 March, targeting the two key buildings within the compound. Both were demolished by Paveway IV guided bombs. Tornados meanwhile supported Iraqi ground operations in western Mosul by using Paveway IVs to strike three key routes within the city, helping to prevent Daesh from sending reinforcements or truck-bombs to areas being successfully liberated by the Iraqi troops.

Report Date

March 7, 2017

Monday 6 March – Typhoons demolished a Daesh headquarters in eastern Syria, while Tornados struck terrorist supply routes within Mosul…Careful intelligence analysis allowed the Coalition to pinpoint the location of a Daesh headquarters at a compound in a remote area of eastern Syria. Two Typhoons were dispatched from RAF Akrotiri on Monday 6 March, targeting the two key buildings within the compound. Both were demolished by Paveway IV guided bombs. Tornados meanwhile supported Iraqi ground operations in western Mosul by using Paveway IVs to strike three key routes within the city, helping to prevent Daesh from sending reinforcements or truck-bombs to areas being successfully liberated by the Iraqi troops.