UK MoD for May 19, 2019 – May 19, 2019
Sunday 19 May – Typhoons destroyed the entrance to a tunnel being used by Daesh terrorists in northern Iraq…Although the liberation by the Syrian Democratic Forces of Baghuz Fawqani in March 2019 deprived Daesh of the last remaining territory held by them in Syria and Iraq, constant vigilance has been maintained to ensure that the terrorists are unable to regain a foothold. To this end, Royal Air Force and other coalition aircraft have flown daily missions to support partner forces on the ground. On Sunday 19 May, a pair of RAF Typhoon FGR4s, based at RAFAkrotiri, were tasked to assist the Iraqi security forces with the destruction of a tunnel wherein a group of Daesh were reported to have established themselves. Our aircraft carefully checked the area, in the hills to the south-west of Mosul, for any signs of civilian activity that could be placed at risk, before conducting a precision attack with a pair of Paveway IV guided bombs which successfully destroyed the entrance to the tunnel.