Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for May 19, 2015 – May 20, 2015

Report Date

May 20, 2015

On Tuesday 19 May, a Reaper and two Tornado GR4s patrolled northern Iraq, where the peshmerga were conducting offensive operations against ISIL terrorists. The Reaper identified a series of fortified positions; it successfully attacked one bunker with a Hellfire missile, then helped direct three attacks by the Tornado GR4s, which used Paveway IV precision guided bombs to destroy an artillery position and two other bunkers.

The Tornados then destroyed a heavy machine-gun position in a building which had open fired on the Kurdish troops with a highly accurate Paveway attack.

The Reaper, meanwhile, conducted a further attack of its own, destroying a heavily armed vehicle moving at high speed.

The same day also saw another RAF Reaper operating in Anbar province, where it used a Hellfire to destroy a mortar which was firing on Iraqi troops.

Report Date

May 20, 2015

On Tuesday 19 May, a Reaper and two Tornado GR4s patrolled northern Iraq, where the peshmerga were conducting offensive operations against ISIL terrorists. The Reaper identified a series of fortified positions; it successfully attacked one bunker with a Hellfire missile, then helped direct three attacks by the Tornado GR4s, which used Paveway IV precision guided bombs to destroy an artillery position and two other bunkers.

The Tornados then destroyed a heavy machine-gun position in a building which had open fired on the Kurdish troops with a highly accurate Paveway attack.

The Reaper, meanwhile, conducted a further attack of its own, destroying a heavily armed vehicle moving at high speed.

The same day also saw another RAF Reaper operating in Anbar province, where it used a Hellfire to destroy a mortar which was firing on Iraqi troops.