Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for May 24, 2016 – May 25, 2016

Report Date

May 25, 2016

Tuesday 24 May – Tornados, Typhoons and a Reaper supported Iraqi ground forces around Fallujah, Qayyarah and Bayji, destroying three Daesh positions and three weapon stockpiles…A Royal Air Force Reaper remotely piloted aircraft patrolled near Bayji on Tuesday 24 May, where Daesh terrorists were engaged in combat with Iraqi forces. The Reaper used one Hellfire missile to destroy an artillery gun that was firing on the Iraqi troops, it then used a second Hellfire to break up an attempted Daesh attack along a gully. In northern Iraq, Tornado GR4s attacked a Daesh-held building near Qayyarah with a Paveway IV guided bomb. With the Iraqi offensive to liberate Fallujah well under way, a pair of Paveway-armed Typhoons provided close air support west of the city, where they destroyed three stockpiles of terrorist weapons and ammunition.

Report Date

May 25, 2016

Tuesday 24 May – Tornados, Typhoons and a Reaper supported Iraqi ground forces around Fallujah, Qayyarah and Bayji, destroying three Daesh positions and three weapon stockpiles…A Royal Air Force Reaper remotely piloted aircraft patrolled near Bayji on Tuesday 24 May, where Daesh terrorists were engaged in combat with Iraqi forces. The Reaper used one Hellfire missile to destroy an artillery gun that was firing on the Iraqi troops, it then used a second Hellfire to break up an attempted Daesh attack along a gully. In northern Iraq, Tornado GR4s attacked a Daesh-held building near Qayyarah with a Paveway IV guided bomb. With the Iraqi offensive to liberate Fallujah well under way, a pair of Paveway-armed Typhoons provided close air support west of the city, where they destroyed three stockpiles of terrorist weapons and ammunition.