Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for November 15, 2016 – November 16, 2016

Report Date

November 16, 2016

Tuesday 15 November – Tornados destroyed a Daesh bunker in western Iraq, Typhoons struck a target west of Kirkuk, and a Reaper hit a mortar in eastern Mosul…A Reaper maintained patrols over Mosul on Tuesday 15 November and a further terrorist mortar team was silenced by a Hellfire missile. Tornados and Typhoons meanwhile maintained pressure on Daesh elsewhere in Iraq. The Tornados used a Paveway IV to bomb a terrorist bunker south of Haditha Lake, while the Typhoons destroyed a Daesh-held building to the west of Kirkuk.

Report Date

November 16, 2016

Tuesday 15 November – Tornados destroyed a Daesh bunker in western Iraq, Typhoons struck a target west of Kirkuk, and a Reaper hit a mortar in eastern Mosul…A Reaper maintained patrols over Mosul on Tuesday 15 November and a further terrorist mortar team was silenced by a Hellfire missile. Tornados and Typhoons meanwhile maintained pressure on Daesh elsewhere in Iraq. The Tornados used a Paveway IV to bomb a terrorist bunker south of Haditha Lake, while the Typhoons destroyed a Daesh-held building to the west of Kirkuk.

  • A U.S. Air Force C-130 approaches to land under blackout conditions at Qayyarah West Airfield, Iraq, Nov 15th (US Air Force)