Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for November 23, 2018 – November 23, 2018

Report Date

November 23, 2018

Friday 23 November – Tornados and Typhoons struck seven Daesh targets near Hajin, including two armed trucks and a heavy machine-gun position…On Friday 23 November, Syrian Democratic Forces attacking Daesh positions to the north and north-east of Hajin came into contact with several groups of terrorists in the open desert. Two Tornado GR4s and two Typhoon FGR4s provided close air support to the SDF; a blanket of cloud covered the area, but close coordination with the SDF and the precision of the Paveway IV bombs allowed our aircraft to conduct strikes through the cloud on seven Daesh targets, all successful, despite the often close proximity of the SDF to the enemy. Two Daesh armed trucks and a heavy machine-gun position were amongst the targets reported by the SDF to have been hit.