UK MoD for November 29, 2016 – November 30, 2016
Tuesday 29 November – Tornados struck a tank to the west of Mosul, a Reaper attacked further targets near the city, and Typhoons destroyed a weapons stockpile near Qayyarah…Reaper operations around Mosul continued on Tuesday 29 November. A group of terrorists engaged in a firefight with Iraqi forces were struck with a Hellfire. Again, the Reaper proved a deadly hunter of Daesh mortar teams; a Hellfire destroyed one, and the aircraft’s reconnaissance work allowed two more to be targeted by artillery fire and coalition aircraft. Some ten miles west of Mosul, Tornado GR4s scored a direct hit with a Brimstone missile on one of the few tanks operated by Daesh, while to the south-west, near Qayyarah, Typhoons bombed a weapons stockpile.
Tuesday 29 November – Tornados struck a tank to the west of Mosul, a Reaper attacked further targets near the city, and Typhoons destroyed a weapons stockpile near Qayyarah…Reaper operations around Mosul continued on Tuesday 29 November. A group of terrorists engaged in a firefight with Iraqi forces were struck with a Hellfire. Again, the Reaper proved a deadly hunter of Daesh mortar teams; a Hellfire destroyed one, and the aircraft’s reconnaissance work allowed two more to be targeted by artillery fire and coalition aircraft. Some ten miles west of Mosul, Tornado GR4s scored a direct hit with a Brimstone missile on one of the few tanks operated by Daesh, while to the south-west, near Qayyarah, Typhoons bombed a weapons stockpile.