Military Reports

Military Reports

UK MoD for September 27, 2016 – September 28, 2016

Report Date

September 28, 2016

Tuesday 27 September – Typhoons hit one mortar team near Qayyarah, and a second mortar team and an artillery piece to the north of Mosul…Two flights of Paveway IV-armed Typhoons continued operations in northern Iraq on Tuesday 27 September. They conducted successful strikes on a mortar team near Qayyarah, plus a second mortar and an artillery piece to the north of Mosul.

Report Date

September 28, 2016

Tuesday 27 September – Typhoons hit one mortar team near Qayyarah, and a second mortar team and an artillery piece to the north of Mosul…Two flights of Paveway IV-armed Typhoons continued operations in northern Iraq on Tuesday 27 September. They conducted successful strikes on a mortar team near Qayyarah, plus a second mortar and an artillery piece to the north of Mosul.